Barley porridge crumbly. Barley groats: benefits and harms, how to cook. Viscous milk barley porridge

Barley groats are a valuable food product, known for its taste properties, a complex of vitamins and unique dietary fibers. The benefits and harms of barley porridge are known to every nutritionist. Eggplant food is delicious and moderately high in calories. It has the ability to have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, excretory systems, skin and nails. On the basis of barley, diets are made, medicines and cosmetics are prepared. Regular consumption of barley porridge is useful for athletes, preschool children, losing weight, during the recovery period after operations and serious stress. Barley is affordable and easy to prepare, recommended for inclusion in the weekly diet of children and adults due to its benefits.

What is barley groats made of?

Barley is a useful cereal plant. It has been cultivated by man for 10-11 thousand years. Grains and sprouts are eaten. Barley is used to produce flour, whole grains without an outer shell, and three types of cereals: barley, Dutch and barley.

  • Barley - grain, peeled from the outer shells, unpolished and unpolished.
  • Dutch is also a grain, but polished to the state of a ball.
  • Yachka - carefully cleaned and finely chopped grains. It is divided by numbers from 1 to 3, depending on the shape and size of grain grains.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of barley groats

Barley prodela is rich in proteins, vitamins and microelements, which are of great benefit to the body. It has a high nutritional value and the property of long-term saturation, gives energy to the body for up to 4 hours. Contains a record amount of fiber - 1.4%.

The benefit of barley groats is that, with a high calorie content, it contains a small amount of fat, that is, it consists mainly of proteins and carbohydrates.

The benefits and harms of barley groats are due to its chemical composition.

Nutritional value (comparison with other cereals):

  • proteins - 10.4% (average);
  • fats - 1.3% (little);
  • carbohydrates - 71.7% (average);
  • caloric content - 322 (small);
  • starch - 65.2% (average);
  • sugar - 1.5% (low value).

Vitamins, mg:

  • B1 - 0.27;
  • B2 - 0.08 - the largest number;
  • B6 - 0.54;
  • PP - 2.7 - more only in buckwheat.

Minerals, mg:

  • potassium - 160;
  • calcium - 42;
  • magnesium - 96;
  • phosphorus - 343;
  • iron - 1.81;
  • manganese - 760 mcg;
  • copper - 370 mcg;
  • zinc - 1.09 mcg.

Calorie barley porridge

The energy value of barley groats is 322 kcal. This is quite a bit, but quite enough to provide the body with useful energy for 4 hours.

Brewed on water, the grain loses calories and turns into a healthy diet meal. As butter, milk, cream and other goodies are added to the porridge, the calories return. But the taste and benefits of a dish with milk flavored with butter is worth the energy spent.

For those who count calories, the high energy content of barley porridge can be harmful, not beneficial. To account for calories, there is a table of indicators depending on the method of preparation.

Calorie barley porridge per 100 grams:

  • boiled in water - 76 kcal;
  • on milk of medium fat content - 111 kcal;
  • with milk and 1 teaspoon of sugar per serving - 151 kcal;
  • with milk, sugar and a piece of butter 10 g - 212 kcal.

Depending on how the yachka is prepared, it can turn from a healthy dietary product into a hearty bodybuilder's lunch. In order not to harm the body, the calorie content of additional ingredients in porridge should be taken into account.

What is useful barley porridge

The benefits of barley porridge for the human body are in the optimal combination of components that organically complement each other. It contains special soluble fibers, the unique properties of which are in the formation of immunity and body resistance and are useful during epidemics. Reduce cholesterol levels, preventing heart disease and reducing the harm caused by them. Due to the abundance of fiber, barley porridge has cleansing properties.

For adults

Barley porridge is a powerful energy drink. Gives a boost of energy, indispensable for breakfast. Stimulates brain activity, concentrates attention. A wide range of useful vitamins and microelements prevents beriberi in the winter.

Barley porridge is useful for athletes, as it is a source of easily digestible amino acids. Supports muscle growth, reduces the damage from the destruction of muscle mass during intense training.

Women will appreciate the beneficial properties and ability of barley porridge to accelerate the growth of hair and nails, improve skin condition. Vitamin PP protects the skin from premature aging and environmental damage, maintains moisture and elasticity, prolonging youth.

For the elderly

In old age, barley products are useful due to the beneficial effect on intestinal activity.

Barley porridge

  • improves motor skills;
  • stimulates peristalsis;
  • fights constipation and intestinal disorders;
  • stimulates brain activity, preventing senile dementia.

Regular consumption of the egg supplies the body with B vitamins, which calm the nervous system, normalize sleep, and benefit the aging body.

Important! Milk barley porridge can cause harm due to its ability to cause constipation.

Is it possible to eat barley porridge for pregnant and lactating women

Barley porridge for pregnant women is useful for a large set of vitamins, dietary fiber, as well as a delicate texture.

Barley groats for the body of a woman who is carrying or nursing a child is an undoubted benefit.

  • B vitamins improve mood, have antidepressant properties.
  • Useful dietary fiber improves intestinal motility, normalizes stools.
  • The creamy texture of the food protects the walls of the stomach, gives a feeling of comfort after eating.

But you should not get carried away with healthy porridge either. With a tendency to constipation, barley groats boiled in milk can do more harm than good. For its preparation, it is better to use broth or clean water. Before eating barley products, you should drink a glass of boiled water so as not to harm the digestive system.

Attention! The gelling properties of barley in combination with milk give a binding effect.

The benefits of barley porridge for children

Barley porridge is healthy and nutritious. A large amount of protein will bring maximum benefits to a growing body. Porridge is a source of carbohydrates that have powerful energy and antidepressant properties. It has a texture suitable for a delicate children's stomach, so it does not overload the digestive tract beyond measure. But it is better to postpone the introduction of cells into the diet of a child until 1.5–2 years.

Warning! Barley porridge for children a year is contraindicated.

Reasons why barley porridge should not be given to children under one and a half years old:

  • Barley contains a large amount of gluten. It can be harmful, as it is an allergen and is poorly absorbed by the body until a certain age. Barley porridge in a baby can cause an allergic reaction, bloating, and indigestion.
  • The abundance of fiber only benefits adults. In young children, when eating foods rich in fiber, the stomach hurts due to gas.

When adding barley porridge to a child in the diet, they follow the same rules as when introducing other products:

  • for the first time, a very small portion is enough - 1 teaspoon;
  • at the very beginning, cook not very thick;
  • do not add other ingredients to the porridge until the tolerance test has been passed;
  • closely monitor the child's condition for 24 hours after eating porridge;
  • if traces of allergies appear: redness, itching, upset stools - stop eating barley porridge and consult a doctor.

If there are no symptoms, the child feels good, cheerful and cheerful, then the next day you can give 2 teaspoons of porridge. Every day, add a little bit to the full serving according to age.

But the benefits of barley porridge in milk for a preschool child can hardly be overestimated.

Barley porridge during breastfeeding is also useful and is introduced into the mother’s menu according to the same principle as complementary foods for the baby: gradually, with monitoring the reaction of the baby and taking into account the advice of the pediatrician.

Is barley porridge good for weight loss

Like any cereal, barley is included in the list of products for dietary nutrition.

  • The beneficial properties of barley grain are that, with a high calorie content, it contains a huge amount of fiber. Thanks to this, it accelerates metabolism, cleanses the intestines, improves motility.
  • In addition, barley groats saturate for a long time. Having eaten a plate of healthy cells for breakfast, you can not feel hungry for several hours.

The barley porridge diet is pleasant and healthy. But, in order not to accidentally harm your body, it is still necessary to consult a doctor.

The use of barley groats in folk medicine

Barley has useful therapeutic and preventive properties, is used in folk medicine in many countries.

Used for treatment

  • decoction;
  • water infusion;
  • baths;
  • compresses.

A decoction of barley in consistency resembles jelly. It is used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as an enveloping agent. Protects mucous membranes from irritation. Relieves irritation and inflammation of the stomach and duodenum.

A useful infusion is used orally for diseases of the liver, stomach, urinary tract, as well as cough and lung diseases. It helps relieve inflammation. Has choleretic properties.

Outwardly, skin diseases are treated with lotions and baths with barley infusion. Such procedures are also beneficial for allergies and bites.

decoction recipe

  1. 20-30 grams of barley grain pour 200 ml of cold water.
  2. Infuse for 4 hours, bring to a boil, cool and strain.
  3. Take 2 tablespoons before meals.

The tool is useful for diseases of the biliary tract, beriberi.

Infusion bath

For baths, it is customary to use malt, that is, soaked and germinated barley grains. The amount per bath depends on age:

  • for a child - 0.3 kg;
  • for an adult - 2.3 kg per bath.


  1. Malt is poured with boiling water and infused for 4 hours.
  2. Strain and pour into the bath.
  3. Immerse yourself in water for 15 minutes.

Barley baths soothe inflamed skin, moisturize and nourish with nutrients. Useful for acne, psoriasis. Malt, like barley groats, has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Barley compress

  1. Pour boiling water over barley groats, mix until a thick slurry.
  2. Wrap in gauze, towel or natural cloth.
  3. Apply to a sore spot in a warm or cold form.

A warm compress helps relieve muscle tension and spasms. Cooled to room temperature, draws pus from wounds and soothes irritations, bites, and allergic rashes with mild antihistamine properties. Barley compress is beneficial in the treatment of acne.

Is it possible to barley porridge with diabetes

Barley prodela is rich in useful complex carbohydrates - this is good for a healthy person, as they give a feeling of satiety and a boost of energy for several hours. But a diabetic may experience hyperglycemia due to the high energy properties of barley.

In order for barley porridge to benefit, you need to cook it with a minimum amount of additional ingredients. Preferably just on the water. You can eat porridge every day, but in small portions.

Recipes for barley porridge in milk and water

Healthy cereals, side dishes, main dishes, jelly are prepared from barley, added to soup. In order for the dish to succeed, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the raw product and carefully choose the manufacturer. Only fresh, clean grains will make tasty and healthy food. Delicious kissels are especially successful from barley due to its gelling properties.

Classic barley porridge


  • barley groats - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 10 g;
  • onion - 20 g;
  • carrots - 20 g;
  • salt.


  1. Rinse barley in three waters, pour into boiling water.
  2. Cook until thickened over medium heat.
  3. Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in a pan.
  4. Transfer the porridge to a pot, cover with a lid and put in the oven on low heat for 50 minutes.
  5. Before serving, sprinkle healthy barley porridge with onion and carrot dressing.

Porridge from barley groats on sour cream


  • barley groats - 1 cup;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • 3 eggs;
  • sour cream - 1 cup;
  • salt;
  • sugar.


  1. Rinse the barley in three waters. If the water drains cloudy, then rinse until clear. Throw on a sieve.
  2. Pour into a saucepan, pour milk.
  3. Bring to a boil with constant stirring.
  4. Switch the stove to the minimum mode and cook the porridge until thickened.
  5. Salt, add butter, sour cream and sugar to taste.
  6. Stir and transfer the porridge into ceramic baking dishes or pots.
  7. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees, bake the porridge for 30 minutes.

Barley porridge with pumpkin


  • barley groats - 300 g;
  • pumpkin - 500 g;
  • dried cranberries - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon;
  • cinnamon sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.


  1. Rinse barley groats well, soak in 1 liter of cold water for 7 hours.
  2. Stirring, cook the porridge until tender, without changing the water.
  3. Cut raw pumpkin into small cubes.
  4. Soak cranberries in hot water.
  5. Put the pumpkin in a baking dish, drizzle with oil and bake in a hot oven for 15 minutes. Mix three times.
  6. Add pumpkin, cranberries, salt, sugar, cinnamon to the finished porridge.
  7. Stir and leave the porridge warm for 30 minutes.

The video will tell you how to quickly cook healthy barley porridge with meat:

Cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker

It is easiest to cook barley groats in a slow cooker. In the mode of baking or languishing under vacuum conditions and uniform heating from all sides, the porridge turns out to be soft and delicate in taste, it retains more benefits.

Yachka in a slow cooker on the water


  • barley prodela - 1 cup;
  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • salt;
  • butter.


  1. Rinse barley groats, put on a fine sieve.
  2. Transfer to a slow cooker, add water and salt.
  3. Select the "Group" mode (it is in all multicookers) for 50 minutes.
  4. After the signal, put oil into the porridge, close and leave in the heating mode for 30 minutes.

Milk porridge for children in a slow cooker


  • barley groats - 0.5 cups;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter.


  • Rinse the barley thoroughly 5 or more times.
  • Put barley groats, butter, salt, sugar into a multicooker bowl.
  • Pour in milk and water.
  • Stir and add apples, berries or dried fruits to your child's taste.
  • Set the mode "Milk food" for about 30 minutes (depending on the model, the time may vary).
  • After the signal, open the lid and evaluate the consistency of the porridge.
  • If it seems that the porridge is too liquid, then leave it in the same mode for another 15–20 minutes.
  • It is important to thoroughly wash the barley done, only in this case it will benefit, not harm. The easiest way to do this is in a large saucepan. Pour grain, pour cold water. Rinse with hand or spoon. You can use a whisk or spatula. Drain the water into the sink, substituting a fine sieve, as some of the grains will pour out with the water. Throw the fallen grains back into the pan. Pour water again. Repeat until the flowing water is clear.
  • The proportions for a crumbly dish are 1 cup of grain to 2.5 cups of water. If porridge is prepared with milk, increase the amount of liquid.
  • For cooking in a saucepan, crushed grain is pre-soaked for 3-5 hours, so it will become soft during cooking and retain all its beneficial properties. To cook porridge in a slow cooker, soaking is not required.
  • In order to make the yachka even tastier, it is seasoned not with pure milk, but mixed with cottage cheese.
  • Children's porridge can be whipped with a mixer: kids love everything airy.
  • You need to salt the porridge at the very end of cooking.
  • Yachka can be baked or simmered in pots. Then it will reveal intense flavoring and aromatic properties and bring more benefits to the body.

How and how much to cook barley groats so that it does not burn and retain its beneficial properties, the video will tell:

Harm of barley porridge and contraindications

Without a doubt, barley products are good for everyone. But there are some diseases in which the use of barley dishes will be impossible and will only bring harm. In what cases healthy food can be dangerous:

  • Overuse. The high calorie and nutritional properties of barley groats can lead to excess weight and cause harm to health if consumed in excess.
  • Gluten intolerance. Some people's bodies are unable to digest gluten. In such cases, barley, as well as all cereals, is contraindicated and will only bring harm.
  • Infant age. It is recommended to introduce healthy barley products into complementary foods no earlier than 2 years due to the allergic properties of gluten.
  • Pregnancy is a conditional contraindication, it applies only to barley porridge in milk. Any dairy products contribute to constipation, and this is harmful to the digestive system. Barley cereals on water or broth will only benefit future mothers.

Attention! When eating barley by pregnant women, young children and people with chronic diseases, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

How to choose and store barley groats

Modern supermarkets have a large selection of healthy barley cereals. To make the right choice and not harm the body with a low-quality product, you need to pay attention to several important points.

  • The grains should be approximately the same size and color.
  • Without gray, blue and bright white spots - this is a mold that causes great harm to products and people.
  • They should be easy to pour and be completely dry.
  • The packaging is intact, clean, without traces of damage and stains.
  • Be sure to look at the expiration date and manufacturer's instructions.

Storage rules:

  • Store grain in tightly closed jars or boxes. Storage in canvas bags is allowed.
  • The storage place should be dark, dry, without proximity to fragrant products. Do not store cereals next to spices. Ideally, select a separate cabinet with doors.
  • If the barley was purchased for the future, then it is necessary to conduct an audit once a month.
  • On the bank, indicate the expiration date if the original packaging has not been preserved.


The benefits and harms of barley porridge are a very important issue because of the beneficial properties of barley: the ability to improve digestion, increase immunity and stimulate brain activity. It is no coincidence that porridge made from barley groats is a traditional dish with a long history. This food was prepared by both peasants and emperors. The reason for this success is the unique composition, unsurpassed benefits and availability of barley groats.

Barley porridge can be sweet, spicy or salty, crumbly or viscous, but always healthy. Garnishes, desserts and main courses are prepared from the cell. Even medicines are prepared from barley, as it has the properties of an antidepressant and an immunomodulator.

The basis of barley porridge is crushed barley grains - a real storehouse of useful elements, carbohydrates and fiber, which our body needs so much. In order for the cereal to retain all the available nutrients, it is important to be able to cook it correctly.

Barley porridge is traditionally served to the table in two forms - boiled in fresh milk or water.

Undoubtedly, with the first method of cooking, the food acquires a richer taste, but the use of plain pure water as a base has its advantages:

  • a cell boiled in water has a calorie content of just over 70 kcal per 100 gram serving, which means it is great for diet food;
  • on water, porridge turns out to be more crumbly, any spices can be added to it and served as a side dish with vegetables or meat products;
  • barley groats on the water is hypoallergenic, it is recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Cooking barley porridge on the water is not at all difficult - you just need to follow some simple rules and then any, even a novice hostess, can handle this process.

Proportions for cooking porridge from barley groats

Depending on your eating habits, you can get three types of dishes from crushed barley, which differ in their consistency:

  1. Loose porridge. For a fluffy, delicious porridge, prepare one serving of dry cereal and two servings of liquid. That is, the proportions will be 1 to 2.
  2. Viscous porridge. If you like a thick and viscous cell, then you need to take four glasses of water (1 to 4) for one glass of cereal.
  3. Semi-viscous porridge. This option is perfect for therapeutic nutrition, for example, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or in the postoperative period to restore the body's strength. In this case, the proportions will be as follows - for one part of the cereal, three glasses of liquid (1 to 3).

Please note: in order to make the barley garnish more tasty, facilitate the digestion of cereals and increase its nutritional value, it is advisable to fry the egg in a pan or on a baking sheet in the oven before cooking.

How much time to cook?

How much to cook cereals also depends on what type of dish you want to put on your table:

  • crumbly porridge will be ready in 13 - 15 minutes;
  • for a viscous or semi-viscous state, the cooking time should be at least 25 minutes.

Recipes for cooking barley porridge on the water

Here are some simple recipes to help you prepare a nutritious and satisfying breakfast.

A simple recipe for cooking barley porridge in water

This simple recipe will allow you to get a serving of healthy porridge without spending a lot of time and effort on cooking:

  1. soak the barley for a couple - three hours in cold water;
  2. after a while, drain the liquid, rinse the grains and transfer to a cooking bowl;
  3. fill the prepared cell with hot water, the amount of which depends on what degree of viscosity you want to get in the finished product;
  4. bring to a boil, put out the fire and cook, stirring occasionally;
  5. after the grains become soft and crumbly, and all the liquid boils away, turn off the heat and leave the porridge to reach under the lid for about 15 more minutes;
  6. put butter, salt or sugar to taste in the finished dish.

Advice! For cooking any porridge, including barley, it is better to use dishes with thick walls, this will prevent the cereal from burning and make the food fragrant and without a bitter aftertaste.

Loose porridge on the water

Soft loose barley porridge is a traditional dish of Russian folk cuisine.

Here's how to cook a juicy yachka on the water in the Russian style:

  1. measure out one glass of cereal and pour the barley into a hot frying pan without adding oil;
  2. Stirring constantly, fry the grains to a beautiful golden hue;
  3. Boil two cups of water on another burner. Given that the boiling liquid may have time to evaporate a little, it is better to take 50 - 70 ml more;
  4. gently, in a thin stream, pour the fried cereal into boiling water;
  5. stir immediately, reduce the temperature, close the lid and leave to cook;
  6. in the process, salt and add your favorite spices, or sugar if you are preparing a sweet side dish;
  7. when the barley becomes juicy and soft, Russian porridge is ready;
  8. put the oil, set the dishes aside and let the dish “approach” a little - about 20 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe with meat

This option for breakfast or lunch is best suited for people involved in sports and leading an active lifestyle. Carbohydrates in the form of porridge and protein from meat are a complete food that allows you not to feel hungry for quite a long time.

Especially tasty is barley porridge, which is stewed with young beef:

  1. we know that meat takes longer to cook, so the cooking process must begin with it - fry onion rings in fat, add grated carrots and portioned pieces of meat. Simmer under the lid until cooked;
  2. in the meantime, take care of the cereal - sort it out and rinse it under the tap, until the stream becomes transparent;
  3. transfer the soft meat and roasted vegetables to a cauldron, pour in the prepared cereals and pour water at the rate of 2 to 1;
  4. add 50 - 70 g of butter, a pinch of spices and salt;
  5. simmer under the lid for about half an hour;
  6. remove from heat and wrap so that the products are said to “marry” better.

After 20 minutes, you can call the household - it's time to the table!

Barley porridge on water in a slow cooker

Barley porridge on water in a slow cooker is not boiled, but languishes. Because of this, it turns out to be very tender and soft, which makes it an excellent part of the daily children's menu.

  1. rinse the required portion of the cereal;
  2. place the cell in the multicooker bowl and pour in filtered water at the rate of 2.5 to 1;
  3. depending on the model, set the “Porridge” or “Stew” mode for 50 minutes.

After that, you can safely go about your business - the multicooker will notify you of the readiness of porridge with a pleasant sound signal.

Advice! For a change, ready-made porridge can be poured with milk, berries, fruits, or made as a side dish for boiled meat - in any variation, porridge from barley groats on the water will go well with other products.

With minced meat and mushrooms

Barley porridge with minced meat and mushrooms has such a rich taste and delicious appearance that it is not a shame to put such a dish on the festive table. It is convenient to cook such porridge in the oven, using a ceramic pot or stewpan for this.

  1. We wash the cereal, fill it with water and let it brew;
  2. prepare the rest of the ingredients - wash mushrooms (champignons), clean and cut into plates. For 200 grams of barley, you need to take about 300 grams of fresh mushrooms;
  3. half a kilogram of minced meat (you can take any - chicken or pork - beef) fry together with one chopped onion in a small amount of fat;
  4. salt, add spices. When the meat loses its red color and acquires a grayish tint, we shift it, along with fat and onions, into a baking pot;
  5. there we fall asleep chopped mushrooms and cereals;
  6. gently mix the products, pour boiled water so that the liquid is about two fingers above the level of the porridge;
  7. close the lid and send to the oven with a temperature of 190 degrees for 50 minutes.

Advice! It is important that the liquid is not absorbed prematurely, because in this case the porridge may not be fully cooked and even burn. Monitor the water level and top up if necessary.

Now you know how to properly prepare cereals, how to cook barley porridge in water and diversify dishes from it. We hope that with our help, an appetizing and healthy cell will become one of your favorite dishes on your hospitable table.

Lovers of Russian cuisine, hello. Barley chaff is crushed grains of barley. In the old days, it was popular in Russia, then it was forgotten, but in vain. Recipes from barley groats in front of you.
But, I wrote a few more articles about cereals from other cereals. In one of them -, in the other -. And, of course, I have not forgotten about such popular cereals,. For all cereals, there are approximate norms for the consumption of water and salt per 100 g. cereals. I brought these in an article about the types of cereals. But let's get back to barley groats.

Take note: Cooked barley groats increase in volume compared to dry groats by about 5 times.

Barley porridge on the water

The proportion of water and porridge is 2:1.
We wash the grain.
Fill with water, add salt (¼ tablespoon) and a few drops of sunflower oil, mix.
Cook over medium heat until the water boils away (it takes 40-45 minutes), remove from the stove and cover with a thick thing for 10-15 minutes.

When serving, add butter to bowls.

Barley porridge with milk


I barley groats (chopped) - 1 cup,
I milk - 5 glasses,
i salt - ½ teaspoon,
I oil - 1-2 tbsp. a spoon.


1. Boil the milk, salt it, then add the cereal in a thin stream.

2. Porridge, sometimes mix and cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat until it becomes thick. Then, closing the lid, cook until the milk disappears. Let's try softness. If the cereal is not ready yet, then we remove it, cover it with something thick: the porridge will ripen empty.

3. Before eating, put butter and, if you want, jam or honey.

Barley porridge (slurry)


I barley groats - 2 cups,
i water - 3 l,
i milk - 1 glass,
I cottage cheese - 1.5 cups,
I butter - 2 tbsp. spoons,
I salt - 1 teaspoon.


1. We start cooking in water: salt the water, add the cereal and cook over medium heat, constantly removing the foam.

2. Please note: as soon as you notice that thick white mucus begins to stand out from the cereal, drain the water (about half the volume).

3. Transfer the porridge to another bowl, add milk and continue cooking, not forgetting to stir.

4. When the porridge looks like a thick mess, put the cottage cheese in it, salt, stir and, closing the lid for 5 minutes, then add the butter. It's all.

Barley porridge with pork or lamb fat


h barley groats - 2.5 cups (500 gr.),
h fat (internal) - 100 gr.,
m 1 salt - 1 teaspoon.


1. Cooking porridge as indicated in the recipes above.

2. Finely chop the lard and fry until cracklings.

3. Pour cracklings into porridge, wrap it for 10-20 minutes.

Barley porridge with mushrooms in pots


m barley groats - 180 gr.,
m mushrooms (dried) - 50 gr.,
m water - 500 ml,
m onion - 75 gr.,
m fat - 45 gr.


1. Pour dry mushrooms with water. When they swell, we squeeze them out, and we filter the infusion and temporarily set aside.

2. Wash the mushrooms in new water, chop into pieces, put in a pot.

3. Add the water that was previously set aside.

4. Cut and fry the onion. Let's add it to the pot.

5. We fall asleep cereals, salt it, mix and cook.

Krupenik from barley porridge


m barley groats - 500 gr.,
m water or milk
m curdled milk - 1.2 l,
m sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons.


1. Basis - cooked porridge in water or milk.

2. Put the porridge in a baking dish, mix with curdled milk and sour cream. Put in the oven.

3. Krupenik itself looks like a dense casserole. It is served with cabbage soup or borscht.

Swedish barley porridge (casserole)


and barley groats - 5-6 tbsp. spoons
and milk - 1 l,
and butter - 100 gr.,
and an egg - 3 pcs.,
and granulated sugar - 100 gr.,
and walnuts or almonds-150 gr


1. Boil milk, pour barley grits into it, mix and, after closing the lid, cook until thickened.

2. Remove from the stove, put the butter, mix and set aside to cool.

3. We take eggs, sugar, nuts, mix them and combine with porridge.

4. Lubricate the baking dish with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put in it a mixture of porridge and eggs with nuts.

5. From above, spread everything with an egg and sprinkle with granulated sugar.

6. Then - in the oven and bake until golden brown.

Barley porridge with cottage cheese

and barley groats - 0.5 cups,
and cottage cheese - 2 cups,
and an egg - 3 pcs.,
and sour cream - 1 cup,
and butter - 50 gr.,
and salt to taste.


1. Pour barley groats into the water and cook until half cooked.

2. Put the cottage cheese in the porridge and mix it all up properly.

3. Add eggs, sour cream, salt to the same mass and mix it all again.

4. Prepare a baking dish, grease it with butter, put our porridge in it and put it in the oven for 30-35 minutes.

5. I advise you to serve some sweet sauce with this porridge when serving. But this is an amateur.

Barley patties with cottage cheese

i barley groats - 1 cup,
I cottage cheese - 180 gr.,
i sugar - 1.5 teaspoons,
i egg - 1 pc.,
I ground crackers - 3 tbsp. spoons,
I oil - 3 tbsp. spoons,
i sour cream - ½ cup,
I water - 3.5 cups.


1. Wash barley groats in warm water, drain the water.

2. We take the dishes, pour water into it, salt it, and then pour the cereal into it and put it on the stove to cook.

3. Stir the cereal from time to time and wait for it to thicken. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook it for 30-40 minutes.

4. Wipe the cottage cheese with egg and sugar.

5. Remove the porridge, add cottage cheese with an egg to it and mix.

6. Now we divide this mass into portioned pieces and form meatballs from them. Roll them in breadcrumbs and fry them in oil.

7. You can serve sweet sauce or sour cream to the table for meatballs.

Loaf with mushrooms

f barley groats - 120 gr.,
f water - 330 gr.,
f dry mushrooms - 20 gr.,
f onion - 50 gr. (1 bulb)
f fat - 20 gr.,
f egg - 2 pcs.,
f crackers - 20 gr.,
f sour cream for lubrication - 10 gr and for serving - 100 gr.


1. Cook porridge on water in the same way as the recipe above

2. Separately, fill dry mushrooms with water and wait for them to swell. Then we take them out, cut into pieces and fry with onions.

3. Egg yolks are separated from proteins.

4. Combine porridge, fried mushrooms, yolks and salt. Mix everything thoroughly and put it into the form.

5. Beat the egg whites and add them to the total mass. We bake a loaf.

Loaf is served to the table with sour cream.

Barley porridge with potatoes

barley groats - 150 gr.,
water - 1 l,
potatoes - 500 gr.,
milk - 0.5 liters,
salt - a pinch.


The recipe is simple: pour the cereal into boiling water and cook it over low heat. At the same time, peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces. Almost at the end of cooking cereals, add potatoes and milk. I salt the porridge. Everything. Serve with sour cream sauce.

Porridge "Princely"

rice - 0.5 cups,
buckwheat - 0.5 cups,
barley groats - 0.5 cups,
millet - 0.5 cups,
pumpkin (coarsely grated) - 1 cup,
onion - 2 pcs.,
carrots - 3 pcs.,
cucumber - 1 pc.,
tomatoes - 5 pcs.,
Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs.,
beets - 2 pcs.,
parsley (greens) - 2 tbsp. spoons,
water - 6 glasses,
butter - 50 gr.,
breadcrumbs - 0.5 cups,


1. Rinse all the cereals.

2. Peel and wash onions, carrots and beets.

3. Coarsely grate carrots and beets.

4. Grate the pumpkin along with the peel.

5. Finely chop the onion and cut the vegetables into slices.

6. Prepare a baking pan, grease it with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

7. Now we will lay the products in layers in the following order: a layer of cereals - a layer of vegetables.

8. Prepare hot salted water and carefully pour it along the edge of the mass without stirring it up. We send the pan to the stove, wait until it boils and now we will cook for 15-20 minutes.

9. After removing the pan, cover it with a lid and then put it in a hot oven for 20 minutes.

10. Cool the pan a little, carefully turn it over onto a dish and remove it. If everything is done correctly, you will get a layer cake.

Potato dumplings with barley groats

I potatoes - 12 pcs.,
I barley groats - 1 cup,
I vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons,
I onion - 3 pcs.,
I dill and salt - to taste.


The dish is rather strange - for an amateur.

1. Peel the potatoes, rub and squeeze the juice.

2. Let the starch stand and attach it to the potatoes.

3. We cook porridge from cereals.

4. Separately chop and fry the onion.

5. Combine porridge with potatoes, add salt and mix.

6. From the resulting mass, we will form round dumpling balls and boil them in salt water.

7. Sprinkle dumplings with fried onions and serve hot.

Kostroma barley porridge with peas

I barley groats - 1.5 cups,
i water - 2 l,
I am peas - 0.5 cups,
i onion - 1 pc.,
I thyme or savory - 2 tbsp. a spoon,
I butter or sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons,
I salt - 1 teaspoon.


1. Soak the peas the day before. Cook it until it's cooked.

2. Peel and finely chop the onion.

3. Do not forget to wash the cereal. We pour it into salted water, put it on the fire and, when it boils, cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. We do not move away from the stove: we remove the resulting foam.

4. Water, drain above the level of the cereal. Add peas and onions to the porridge and continue to cook until the cereal is completely softened.

5. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, season the porridge with oil, herbs and after 5 minutes remove from the stove.

Allow me, hostesses, to stop here. Barley porridge is rich in recipes: in past centuries it was very famous. It is we who forget the traditions of our ancestors, but in vain.

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1. Prepare cereal for cooking. Pour one glass into a deep bowl and rinse the crushed grains well with cold water. This can even be done several times if the cereal is very dirty. The ideal solution would be to use a fine sieve.

2. Put a pot of water on the fire (choose a large one, as the cereal swells greatly during cooking), salt it. After the water boils, pour in the previously prepared cereal. Bring to a boil again and reduce heat to low. Boil the porridge for fifteen minutes, not forgetting to stir so that it does not burn.

3. When the water is almost boiled away, add the butter. Stir the porridge and cover it with a lid. Remove from the stove, wrap with a towel, let it stand for about half an hour. Thus, the porridge will steam well and become more crumbly.

4. Tasty and satisfying porridge is ready! Serve it to the table as a side dish for fish (fried, stewed in tomato or baked), meatballs or just any meat. Be sure to add another small piece of butter to each plate just before serving. Enjoy your meal!

Barley porridge, along with buckwheat, is great for stuffing chicken or piglet.

Many years ago, barley porridge adorned the festive tables of nobles and wealthy peasants. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers also had barley porridge for breakfast, and they already understood the benefits of products. Due to the fact that barley groats are produced by crushing without processing, it is incredibly useful for the human body. If you cook barley porridge for breakfast, you will provide yourself and all family members with vigor and energy for the whole day.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

Study the composition and energy value of the product, and you will be convinced that barley porridge will be an ideal dish for those who are trying to lose weight or just follow their figure. Porridge is rich in carbohydrates, which are slowly digested, as well as fiber, proteins, which help cleanse the intestines of toxins, remove toxins and decay products from the body. In addition, the chemical composition of cereals does not allow the body to accumulate fats and prevents them from being deposited on the walls of blood vessels. The porridge contains minerals: magnesium, cobalt, phosphorus, iron, calcium, fluorine, potassium and others. The cell replenishes the body with vitamins: B1, B9, E, PP, D. The total calorie content of the product is 330 kcal per 100 g of finished porridge.

Useful properties of porridge

In addition to the fact that porridge is rich in useful vitamins and microelements, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, digestion, and heart function. Barley product strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on vision. Porridge will not be superfluous at all in the diet of people who suffer from dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid diseases, anemia or obesity.

Due to its composition, barley porridge is able to maintain the beauty and youth of the female body, strengthens the nail plate, and makes the hair silky and thick. Porridge has the "magic" properties of a natural antibiotic. Its grains can be an excellent prophylactic against diabetes, they help in the treatment of ailments of the liver, kidneys, arthritis, and bladder. The use of porridge helps to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, gives energy, working capacity and normalizes mood for the whole day.

Recipe 1

Of all its counterparts, barley porridge is the most useful product. Due to the availability and cheapness, it can be cooked at least every day. If you just came from work and don’t want to go to the store anymore, we will tell you how to cook barley porridge in water. If you are going to cook dinner for two, prepare in advance:


  • butter - 30 g;
  • barley groats - 150 g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Be sure to sort out the grits from debris, rinse in a sieve.
  2. Pour grain into cold water. Porridge will turn out delicious if the proportions are observed. To get a crumbly side dish, pour 2.5 water per glass of cereal. If you want a viscous porridge, then pour in in a ratio of 1: 4.
  3. Simmer over low heat for at least 20 minutes or until all liquid has evaporated.
  4. Add salt to your own taste.
  5. Immediately after turning off the heat, add the oil. You can't feel sorry for him.
  6. Remove from the stove and wrap the dishes with porridge. Let her steam up.

Eat with pleasure!

Barley porridge on the water

If you want to get dietary porridge, then cook it in water. We offer you another recipe. For it you will need the same components.


  • butter;
  • water;
  • barley groats;
  • salt.


  1. A glass of sorted cereals simmer for 5 minutes in a pan, while stirring with a spoon.
  2. Bring water to a boil, salt to taste.
  3. Pour cereal into boiling water.
  4. Bring back to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  5. Put out the fire, season the porridge with butter and cover with a towel. Let it brew.

Barley porridge with milk

You already know how to cook barley porridge in water - now we will tell you how to cook a nutritious breakfast with milk.


  • butter - 30 g;
  • barley groats - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 2 tbsp.


  1. Clean the grits of debris and rinse well. It is best to use a sieve for this.
  2. Pour in 2 cups of water and boil. After the cereal has absorbed all the water, pour in the milk and cook for half an hour over low heat.
  3. Almost at the very end of cooking, add salt and granulated sugar.
  4. Turn off the stove, and allow the porridge to evaporate.

That's all, barley porridge in milk is ready!

Barley porridge in a slow cooker

Another quick recipe for a delicious side dish is barley porridge in a slow cooker. To make porridge dietary, use water. For a richer taste, add milk. We will give an example of cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker on water.


  • cereals - 1 measured tbsp.;
  • water - 2 measuring glasses;
  • salt - ½ tsp


  1. Wash the cereal in a separate bowl or with a sieve.
  2. Put a clean cell in the slow cooker, pour water, add salt.
  3. Turn on the "Milk porridge" mode. The total cooking time should not exceed 35 minutes.
  4. Let the porridge brew.

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  • high cooking speed- cereals boil faster;
  • grain benefits are maximized- it is the cell, and not barley, that retains all the beneficial properties of barley, the first cereal cultivated by man in prehistoric times. Fruit shells are not removed during production, due to which the maximum share of valuable fiber remains in the kernels.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Groats should be sorted out. During production, it contains cake, pebbles, which can be packed in packages.
  • It is convenient to wash the cell in a sieve. So you quickly wash off the dust and do not pour fine grains into the sink. The sieve allows better control of the liquid volume. The consistency of the porridge depends on it.
  • Put grain in cold water. Boil, and then reduce the heat and simmer under the lid for 20 minutes.
  • Control proportions. They are important in the question of how to cook barley porridge deliciously. For a crumbly side dish, the ratio of cereals to water is 1: 2.5. For a viscous porridge preferred for children's diet, use more liquids, up to 4 cups.
  • Let the masses take over. This is the most important nuance of the cereal preparation technology. She should rebuke under steam, the same time that she boiled on the stove. Wrap her in a blanket and leave her covered. After 20 minutes, the porridge can be served. It tastes even better when it's in the oven. In this case, the pan should be removed from the heat and put in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • Spare no oil. In Russia, cereals were served exclusively with butter, occasionally with meat, onion frying. There should be a lot of oil, it is added before serving, in plates. In dietary nutrition, vegetable oil will replace butter. On one plate it will require a tablespoon.

Classic recipe

You will need:

  • barley groats - 1 cup;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt.


Cooking barley porridge in milk for a baby requires pre-soaking. Pour the cereal with water overnight, and in the morning set to boil. It will reach much faster, it will become perfectly soft, tender.

original dishes

Crumbly garnish

You will need:

  • barley groats - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - 30 g.


  1. Put in the oven.

With such a side dish, any meat dishes are good, it will delight you with a rich taste both on its own and with fragrant gravy. A universal recipe for fried egg porridge is suitable for nutrition without restrictions. If we are talking about a diet, cereals should simply be boiled.

With meat

A simple recipe with which you will get a hearty meal for dinner. There are no frills in it, and if you need it, just supply it with spices. Nutmeg goes well with the creamy taste of the yachka, oregano, rosemary, and thyme will support the meaty note. Marjoram and turmeric complement the combined dishes in an original way.

You will need:

  • barley groats - 1 cup;
  • meat pulp - 400 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt.


  1. Put in the oven.
  • one glass of barley groats;
  • two and a half glasses of water;
  • one tablespoon of butter;
  • salt to your taste.
  • Cooking process:

    1. Prepare cereals for cooking. Pour one glass into a deep bowl and rinse the crushed grains well with cold water. This can even be done several times if the cereal is very dirty. The ideal solution would be to use a fine sieve.

    2. Put a pot of water on the fire (choose a large one, as the cereal swells greatly during cooking), salt it. After the water boils, pour in the previously prepared cereal. Bring to a boil again and reduce heat to low. Boil the porridge for fifteen minutes, not forgetting to stir so that it does not burn.

    3. When the water is almost boiled away, add the butter. Stir the porridge and cover it with a lid. Remove from the stove, wrap with a towel, let it stand for about half an hour. Thus, the porridge will steam well and become more crumbly.

    4. Tasty and satisfying porridge is ready! Serve it to the table as a side dish for fish (fried, stewed in tomato or baked), meatballs or just any meat. Be sure to add another small piece of butter to each plate just before serving. Enjoy your meal!

    Barley porridge, along with buckwheat, is great for stuffing chicken or piglet.

    The attitude to this cereal in Russian culinary has developed slightly dismissive. A cell is almost barley, only small. What's the use of it? At the same time, the product is characterized by a much greater nutritional value than pearl barley, with which it is often compared.

    Barley groats are made from barley. Unlike pearl barley, which is whole barley grains, it is crushed, resulting in small grains. This structure has several advantages:

    • the speed of cooking is high - cereals boil faster;
    • the benefits of grain are maximum - it is the cell, and not barley, that retains all the beneficial properties of barley, the first cereal cultivated by man in prehistoric times. Fruit shells are not removed during production, due to which the maximum share of valuable fiber remains in the kernels.

    Subtleties of cooking

    These features provide an easy way to prepare barley porridge. It does not need to be soaked for a long time, like barley. It does not need to simmer for a long time until soft. It is simple and unpretentious, it turns out perfect in a saucepan, a pot in the oven and in a slow cooker. Here are the main features of the preparation of the product.

    • Groats should be sorted out. During production, it contains cake, pebbles, which can be packed in packages.
    • It is convenient to wash the cell in a sieve. So you quickly wash off the dust and do not pour fine grains into the sink. The sieve allows better control of the liquid volume. The consistency of the porridge depends on it.
    • Place grain in cold water. Boil, and then reduce the heat and simmer under the lid for 20 minutes.
    • Control proportions. They are important in the question of how to cook barley porridge deliciously. For a crumbly side dish, the ratio of cereals to water is 1: 2.5. For a viscous porridge preferred for children's diet, use more liquids, up to 4 cups.
    • Let the masses take over. This is the most important nuance of the cereal preparation technology. She should rebuke under steam, the same time that she boiled on the stove. Wrap her in a blanket and leave her covered. After 20 minutes, the porridge can be served. It tastes even better when it's in the oven. In this case, the pan should be removed from the heat and put in the oven for 15 minutes.
    • Spare no oil. In Russia, cereals were served exclusively with butter, occasionally with meat, onion frying. There should be a lot of oil, it is added before serving, in plates. In dietary nutrition, vegetable oil will replace butter. On one plate it will require a tablespoon.

    Barley porridge is high in calories, like most cereals. However, it contains the correct, long carbohydrates. They are absorbed by the body for a long time, maintaining a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Therefore, the cell is recommended in dietary nutrition and is included in the list of preferred cereals for a diet on cereals.

    Classic recipe

    Barley porridge is nutritious and satisfying. In Russia, they were used as food for the simple, working population. Therefore, they were cooked in milk to increase the nutritional value. We offer you a recipe for barley porridge with milk, which is perfect for a hearty breakfast.

    • barley groats - 1 cup;
    • butter - 30 g;
    • milk - 2 glasses;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • water - 2 glasses;
    • salt.
    1. Pour the prepared cereal into the water, put on fire.
    2. Boil until the liquid boils over low heat.
    3. Pour in warmed milk, add salt, sugar.
    4. Stir, reduce the heat as much as possible and simmer the cereal for 15 minutes.
    5. Remove from heat, leave to rest in a blanket or oven.

    Kernels of cereals in such a dish will crunch. It is attractive for adult nutrition. Their structure is such that it will provide high-quality bowel cleansing. Such porridge is not suitable for a child's diet.

    Cooking barley porridge in milk for a baby requires pre-soaking. Pour the cereal with water overnight, and in the morning set to boil. It will reach much faster, it will become perfectly soft, tender.

    original dishes

    It is convenient to cook healthy cereals as a side dish for meat, fish dishes, serve with vegetables. And you can cook a full meal with it for dinner. The cooking technique shapes the consistency of the product. If you need moderately viscous, just boil the cell in water. If crumbly is required, pre-fry the grits.

    Crumbly garnish

    In this recipe, we use the technique of frying the grits to get the most crumbly consistency. Its advantage is the rich color of the dish, a pronounced aroma and a wonderful creamy taste.

    • barley groats - 1 cup;
    • water - 2 glasses;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • butter - 30 g.
    1. Fry the prepared cereal in a pan. She should blush.
    2. Transfer it to boiling water, immediately add salt.
    3. Simmer on a slow flame until the water boils away.
    4. Lay the pieces of butter on top, cover the lid.
    5. Put in the oven.

    With such a side dish, any meat dishes are good; it will delight you with a rich taste both on its own and with fragrant gravy. A universal recipe for fried egg porridge is suitable for nutrition without restrictions. If we are talking about a diet, cereals should simply be boiled.

    With meat

    A simple recipe with which you will get a hearty meal for dinner. There are no frills in it, and if you need it, just supply it with spices. Nutmeg goes well with the creamy taste of the yachka, oregano, rosemary, and thyme will support the meaty note. Marjoram and turmeric complement the combined dishes in an original way.

    • barley groats - 1 cup;
    • meat pulp - 400 g;
    • water - 400 ml;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • salt.
    1. Boil the meat until tender, disassemble into fibers, save the broth.
    2. Pour the prepared cereal with broth, boil over low heat for 20 minutes.
    3. Put the meat to the grits when the amount of broth decreases.
    4. Spread the butter on the surface, cover with a lid.
    5. Put in the oven.

    Thanks to the use of broth in the recipe, the taste of cereals is more persistent, exclusively meaty. The crumbly texture is good for serving with dinner.

    As you can see, there are no difficulties in the question of how to cook barley porridge. Try cooking it with milk, crumbly in water, or richly meaty in broth!

    Barley porridge how to cook step by step video recipe

    We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

    See also our magazine.

    Many people, having heard about barley porridge, immediately recall the school mess on the plate. However, after reading this article, you can cook a delicious barley groats dish. You will be able to surprise the most spoiled gourmets of your family.

    How many minutes do you need to cook?

    Barley porridge is considered a fast food dish. In order to cook this cereal, you will need about 15-20 minutes. It all depends on your culinary skills.

    How to cook barley porridge


    • Water 2 cups
    • Barley groats 1 cup
    • Milk 1 glass
    • Salt to taste
    • Sugar to taste
    • Butter to taste


    • Many chefs claim that delicious barley porridge needs to be boiled for quite a long time - about 30 minutes. Total cooking time is over 40 minutes. With the help of new technologies, namely multicookers and microwave ovens, this time can be significantly reduced by several times.
    • Barley porridge can be both crumbly and viscous - it all depends on what liquid your dish is cooked on. If porridge is boiled in milk, then the cereal will be viscous, and if barley porridge is boiled in water, then your dishes will be crumbly.
    • In order for the porridge to have a more pleasant aroma and taste, about 10 minutes after it boils, you need to add a few pieces of butter to it. This will make it not only tasty, but also more crumbly on the plate.
    • In order for the cereal to increase slightly in size, it can be left for a while under a closed lid after removing it from the stove. Porridge will absorb the remaining water, become larger and more satisfying.
    • The most delicious barley porridge is obtained by cooking in a cast-iron cauldron.

    Recipe for barley porridge with mushrooms

    Many people cook barley porridge and serve it in one dish with fried mushrooms. However, you can cook a more refined dish - barley porridge with mushroom broth. For this you will need the following ingredients:

    • Barley groats 2 cups
    • Mushroom broth 1 liter
    • Mushrooms 400 g
    • Onion 4 heads
    • Greens for frying
    • Vegetable oil
    • Butter 80 g


    1. Boil the mushrooms, pour the broth into a saucepan. Mushrooms cut into small pieces.
    2. Put butter in a frying pan, melt. Add vegetable oil. Cut the onion into small slices. Fry all this on a quiet fire.
    3. Take a glass of mushroom broth, pour frying into it. Bring the mixture to a boil.
    4. Pour barley groats into mushroom broth, add melted butter and salt. All this put on a light fire. After waiting until the porridge thickens, pour chopped mushrooms and onion-butter sauce into it.
    5. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and sent to a preheated oven for 30-45 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
    6. After the specified time has elapsed, barley porridge will be covered with a thin crust. Remove from oven and sprinkle with herbs.
    7. Season the finished dish with melted butter. Mushroom barley porridge is ready to eat.

    There are many recipes for making barley porridge. Many people cook it with different types of meat, fish, potatoes. Do not be afraid to experiment and add variety to the cooking process, and then you will get the most delicious barley porridge.

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