Barley porridge recipe on water. The benefits and harms of barley porridge. The composition and calorie content of barley groats

The basis of barley porridge is crushed barley grains - a real storehouse of useful elements, carbohydrates and fiber, which our body needs so much. In order for the cereal to retain all the available nutrients, it is important to be able to cook it correctly.

Barley porridge is traditionally served to the table in two forms - boiled in fresh milk or water.

Undoubtedly, with the first method of cooking, the food acquires a richer taste, but the use of plain pure water as a base has its advantages:

  • a cell boiled in water has a calorie content of just over 70 kcal per 100 gram serving, which means it is great for diet food;
  • on water, porridge turns out to be more crumbly, any spices can be added to it and served as a side dish with vegetables or meat products;
  • barley groats on the water is hypoallergenic, it is recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Cooking barley porridge on the water is not at all difficult - you just need to follow some simple rules and then any, even a novice hostess, can handle this process.

Proportions for cooking porridge from barley groats

Depending on your eating habits, you can get three types of dishes from crushed barley, which differ in their consistency:

  1. Loose porridge. For a fluffy, tasty porridge, prepare one serving of dry cereal and two servings of liquid. That is, the proportions will be 1 to 2.
  2. Viscous porridge. If you like a thick and viscous cell, then you need to take four glasses of water (1 to 4) for one glass of cereal.
  3. Semi-viscous porridge. This option is perfect for therapeutic nutrition, for example, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or in the postoperative period to restore the body's strength. In this case, the proportions will be as follows - for one part of the cereal, three glasses of liquid (1 to 3).

Please note: in order to make the barley side dish more tasty, to facilitate the digestion of cereals and increase its nutritional value, it is advisable to fry the egg in a pan or on a baking sheet in the oven before cooking.

How much time to cook?

How much to cook cereals also depends on what kind of dish you want to put on your table:

  • crumbly porridge will be ready in 13 - 15 minutes;
  • for a viscous or semi-viscous state, the cooking time should be at least 25 minutes.

Recipes for cooking barley porridge on the water

Here are some simple recipes to help you prepare a nutritious and satisfying breakfast.

A simple recipe for cooking barley porridge in water

This simple recipe will allow you to get a serving of healthy porridge without spending a lot of time and effort on cooking:

  1. soak the barley for a couple - three hours in cold water;
  2. after a while, drain the liquid, rinse the grains and transfer to a cooking bowl;
  3. fill the prepared cell with hot water, the amount of which depends on what degree of viscosity you want to get in the finished product;
  4. bring to a boil, put out the fire and cook, stirring occasionally;
  5. after the grains become soft and crumbly, and all the liquid boils away, turn off the heat and leave the porridge to reach under the lid for about 15 more minutes;
  6. put butter, salt or sugar to taste in the finished dish.

Advice! For cooking any porridge, including barley, it is better to use dishes with thick walls, this will prevent the cereal from burning and make the food fragrant and without a bitter aftertaste.

Loose porridge on the water

Soft loose barley porridge is a traditional dish of Russian folk cuisine.

Here's how to cook a juicy yachka on the water in the Russian style:

  1. measure out one glass of cereal and pour the barley into a hot frying pan without adding oil;
  2. Stirring constantly, fry the grains to a beautiful golden hue;
  3. Boil two cups of water on another burner. Given that the boiling liquid may have time to evaporate a little, it is better to take 50 - 70 ml more;
  4. gently, in a thin stream, pour the fried cereal into boiling water;
  5. stir immediately, reduce the temperature, close the lid and leave to cook;
  6. in the process, salt and add your favorite spices, or sugar if you are preparing a sweet side dish;
  7. when the barley becomes juicy and soft, Russian porridge is ready;
  8. put the oil, set the dishes aside and let the dish “approach” a little - about 20 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe with meat

This option for breakfast or lunch is best suited for people involved in sports and leading an active lifestyle. Carbohydrates in the form of porridge and protein from meat are a complete food that allows you not to feel hungry for quite a long time.

Especially tasty is barley porridge, which is stewed with young beef:

  1. we know that meat takes longer to cook, so the cooking process must begin with it - fry onion rings in fat, add grated carrots and portioned pieces of meat. Simmer under the lid until cooked;
  2. in the meantime, take care of the cereal - sort it out and rinse it under the tap, until the stream becomes transparent;
  3. transfer the soft meat and roasted vegetables to a cauldron, pour in the prepared cereals and pour water at the rate of 2 to 1;
  4. add 50 - 70 g of butter, a pinch of spices and salt;
  5. simmer under the lid for about half an hour;
  6. remove from heat and wrap so that the products are said to “marry” better.

After 20 minutes, you can call the household - it's time to the table!

Barley porridge on water in a slow cooker

Barley porridge on water in a slow cooker is not boiled, but languishes. Because of this, it turns out to be very tender and soft, which makes it an excellent part of the daily children's menu.

  1. rinse the required portion of the cereal;
  2. place the cell in the multicooker bowl and pour in filtered water at the rate of 2.5 to 1;
  3. depending on the model, set the “Porridge” or “Stew” mode for 50 minutes.

After that, you can safely go about your business - the multicooker will notify you of the readiness of porridge with a pleasant sound signal.

Advice! For a change, ready-made porridge can be poured with milk, berries, fruits, or made as a side dish for boiled meat - in any variation, porridge from barley groats on the water will go well with other products.

With minced meat and mushrooms

Barley porridge with minced meat and mushrooms has such a rich taste and delicious appearance that it is not a shame to put such a dish on the festive table. It is convenient to cook such porridge in the oven, using a ceramic pot or stewpan for this.

  1. We wash the cereal, fill it with water and let it brew;
  2. prepare the rest of the ingredients - wash mushrooms (champignons), clean and cut into plates. For 200 grams of barley, you need to take about 300 grams of fresh mushrooms;
  3. half a kilogram of minced meat (you can take any - chicken or pork - beef) fry together with one chopped onion in a small amount of fat;
  4. salt, add spices. When the meat loses its red color and acquires a grayish tint, we shift it, along with fat and onions, into a baking pot;
  5. there we fall asleep chopped mushrooms and cereals;
  6. gently mix the products, pour boiled water so that the liquid is about two fingers above the level of the porridge;
  7. close the lid and send to the oven with a temperature of 190 degrees for 50 minutes.

Advice! It is important that the liquid is not absorbed prematurely, because in this case the porridge may not be fully cooked and even burn. Monitor the water level and top up if necessary.

Now you know how to properly prepare cereals, how to cook barley porridge in water and diversify dishes from it. We hope that with our help, an appetizing and healthy cell will become one of your favorite dishes on your hospitable table.

Unfortunately, in our time, barley is not as popular as it used to be. And this is not correct. After all, it is barley groats that provide our body with the maximum set of nutrients and vitamins.

What is the value of barley porridge, the recipe, the benefits and harms of it - this is what we will consider with you in this article on our website

What are the benefits of barley porridge?

Barley groats contain valuable proteins, carbohydrates, essential amino acids, including lysine, fiber. Grains contain a large amount of vitamins: A, D, E, PP, the entire vitamin B group, as well as iodine, zinc, calcium, silicon, copper, and iron. Barley porridge contains all the same useful substances necessary for the health of the human body.

With regular use of barley porridge, the intestines are cleansed of perennial accumulations of toxins, toxins, and other harmful substances. This product prevents the penetration of viruses into the blood, lowers blood sugar levels, improves tone, fills the body with energy.

This dish is good for the heart. Lysine, which is part of barley, maintains its health, maintains a sufficient level of energy. Barley porridge is very useful in diseases of the joints, such as arthritis. Due to the content of silicon, porridge helps to strengthen bone tissue, cartilage, which is very important for the development of the child's body, as well as for the health of the elderly.

Due to the content of B vitamins, this product has a beneficial effect on brain activity, so it is useful to include porridge in the diet of schoolchildren and students before passing exams.

The product has a low glycemic index, so it is useful for diabetics. It also has the ability to envelop the walls of the stomach, heals wounds on its walls. Therefore, it is recommended to include in the diet of patients with gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.

It strengthens the memory and nervous system. The choline found in barley regulates the level of insulin in the blood, prevents fatty liver, and improves kidney function.

Barley porridge contains a large amount of natural fiber, especially beta-glucan. This substance fights bad cholesterol, activates the immune system, is the strongest antioxidant, fights premature aging of the body.

What harm can barley porridge do to the human body?

If you do not overeat with it every day, then this product will not cause you any harm. I must say that you do not need to feed barley porridge to babies. The presence of gluten protein in its composition can cause an allergic reaction in a child.

How to cook delicious, healthy barley porridge?

Well, let me give you a recipe by which you can cook delicious barley porridge. To prepare it, prepare - 1 tbsp. cereals, 4 tbsp. water, salt, butter.

How to cook:

Sort the grains of barley, remove dry scales, debris. Now rinse everything well under running water. Put the cereal in an enamel pan, pour 2 cups of water, leave for 4 hours, or better, leave it all night.

In the morning, add the swollen cereal with the remaining water, put on the stove, bring to a boil, immediately reduce the heat, salt to taste. Cook the porridge over low heat until the volume increases up to 3 times. Then remove the pan from the stove, wrap it with a warm cloth, leave for a couple of hours for the porridge to “ripen”. Then put the butter, arrange on plates, serve.

Boiled, stewed meat, poultry can be served with porridge. It is very tasty with cracklings.
Try this recipe: Finely chop unsalted lard, fry in a pan with onions until the greaves are golden brown. Now mix the cracklings with porridge.

It can also be seasoned with fried mushrooms, pieces of fried pork or fish. It will be very tasty.

Cook barley porridge according to these or other recipes. It will not harm you, but will only benefit you. Be healthy!

Porridge made from barley groats is characterized by high calorie content and excellent taste. Unfortunately, today the popularity of this useful product has declined. This is largely due to the fact that representatives of the new generation simply do not know how to cook a nutritious meal. But with regular use, it can improve the functioning of systems, restore the functionality of organs, and increase the level of vitality. There are several options for preparing the product, so everyone can choose something suitable specifically for him.

Composition and nutritional value of barley porridge

The raw material for the production of barley porridge is barley. It is also made from it, but this does not mean that the two types of cereals are identical. Barley during processing is subjected to intensive grinding, due to which a significant part of the fiber is lost. In terms of chemical composition, barley groats are more similar to barley groats, it is only crushed, but not polished.

100 g of barley groats contains about 310 kcal. Grains that undergo minimal processing contain a lot of useful substances:

  • 11% of the product consists of vegetable protein. It is absorbed more completely and faster than its animal counterpart, so such dishes restore strength faster.
  • Barley porridge contains 10% fiber. According to this indicator, even oatmeal is inferior to it. The main function of the ingredient is mechanical cleansing of the intestines. It leads to the restoration of the functionality of the body and the normalization of the digestive process.
  • Up to 66% of the volume of all substances are complex carbohydrates. They are absorbed very slowly, preventing sharp jumps in blood sugar levels. Nutritionists strongly recommend including barley porridge in the diet of people suffering from diabetes and athletes.

  • Lysine. An amino acid that is not synthesized by the human body, but enters it with food. It stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary to maintain the texture and performance of joints, bones, and skin. Doctors also note the active participation of lysine in maintaining immunity.

Tip: To maintain health, it is recommended not only to eat barley porridge, but also to drink decoctions prepared on the basis of crushed cereal. They stimulate the body's natural immunity, act like natural antibiotics. The use of the drink has a positive effect on the condition of problem skin.

  • Minerals. There are a huge number of them in the composition of barley porridge. Of particular note are the reserves of potassium and phosphorus, which are superior to any other food products. There is also a lot of calcium, copper and iron in the cereal, which are necessary to maintain bone strength and maintain the functionality of the heart muscle.

In the process of preparing barley porridge, it is recommended to soak the raw materials in warm water to get rid of all that is superfluous. According to experts, even this liquid can have a positive effect on the body. It can be used as a base for lotions that are suitable for combating pustular diseases on the surface of the skin.

Useful properties of barley porridge

The use of barley porridge has a positive effect on almost all systems of the human body. By using it systematically, in small portions, you can count on the following results:

  • The whole body will be cleansed of toxins, heavy metal salts and other harmful substances. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the digestive organs will be protected from the irritating effects of food, the influence of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

Tip: Finding barley groats for sale is not so easy, it is easier to cook it yourself from whole grains. In extreme cases, you can buy a box or a very dark pearl barley. The rich color of the grains indicates that they have been subjected to minimal grinding.

  • Elevated blood sugar levels will decrease, and the risk of sudden spikes in glucose levels will decrease.
  • The general tone of the body will increase, well-being and mood will improve. An unusual lightness will appear in the body.
  • Joint bags, bones and cartilage will be strengthened. Older people who have included barley porridge in their diet are much less likely to suffer from discomfort in the joints.
  • There are not many vitamins in barley porridge, but they are enough to have a positive effect on the body. In particular, B vitamins stimulate the brain. This has a positive effect on the condition of schoolchildren and people engaged in mental work.
  • The use of porridge leads to the formation of a protective film on the surface of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The walls of organs affected by gastritis, peptic ulcer and other inflammatory processes begin to heal and recover faster.
  • Even in small volumes, barley porridge helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and slows down the aging of the body.

Of course, to obtain the above results, you need to learn how to properly cook barley porridge. However, it is not difficult at all, you just need to take into account certain nuances of the process.

The harm of barley porridge

Ignoring the rules for eating barley porridge can cause significant harm to the body. Here are the points to pay attention to:

  1. The product does not combine with egg whites in any form. This combination creates an excessive burden on the body, which will manifest itself in the form of severe heaviness in the stomach and even severe pain.
  2. In some people, a rare anomaly can be identified in which proteins that are found specifically in barley are not digested. If the use of the product causes discomfort, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.
  3. According to doctors, barley porridge can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth, so it should not be eaten by pregnant women.
  4. An allergy to a product is also a contraindication to its inclusion in the diet, even in minimal quantities.

In all other cases, eating a nutritious dish will only show itself from the best side. Despite its high calorie content, its inclusion in the diet does not threaten to gain excess weight, so you can safely eat the product while maintaining diets.

Basic rules for making barley porridge

Tasty and healthy barley porridge can be prepared in a variety of ways. Regardless of the processing option, the raw materials must be prepared in a special way:

  • We wash the grits in slightly warm water to remove dust and everything unnecessary from it.
  • If time allows, barley mass can be soaked for 12 hours in clean water. Then the elements will boil more evenly and even in the core will not remain dense. Barley groats do not need such processing.
  • When you want to get a crumbly mass, we take 2 times more liquid. For a viscous porridge, liquids will need 4 times more.
  • In cases where the calorie content of the finished product does not play an important role, milk can be used for cooking. Diet food requires cooking only on water.
  • Ancient recipes for making barley porridge implied its long languishing over very low heat or a water bath. It is worth trying this approach at least once in order to feel all the features of the taste of a unique cereal.

A big plus of barley porridge is the fact that even with prolonged processing, raw materials practically do not lose their benefits. Some of the vitamins are destroyed, but all other chemical compounds are preserved almost in full.

Barley porridge on water, milk and in a slow cooker

If you have time and desire, you can make a real delicacy from simple barley groats. To get a tasty and nutritious dish, just use the following recipes:

  • On the water. First, we wash and soak the product, then add a little water to it and put it on fire. After boiling the composition, we reduce the flame and cook the mass under the lid until it has increased in volume. Then we remove the workpiece from the stove, salt, mix, wrap in a blanket and insist until fully cooked.
  • On milk. We throw the washed and soaked cereals into a colander, transfer them to a cooking container. Pour milk in the right proportions and bring to a boil. We reduce the flame and cook, not completely covered with a lid, until the mass thickens. At the very end, add salt or sugar to taste, butter. For a more tender dish, the workpiece can be further infused in the oven.
  • In a multicooker. The easiest way to cook barley porridge. Pour the washed cereal into the bowl of the multicooker, fill it with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Immediately add salt, butter or vegetable oil. We set the "Buckwheat" mode and wait for the signal to notify that the dish is ready.

Porridge made from crushed barley is hearty, tasty and nutritious. It perfectly satisfies hunger in the morning or can act as a side dish in the afternoon. It is allowed to eat even for dinner; in any case, it will not provoke heaviness in the stomach and will quickly be absorbed.

What is barley groats? How to cook it correctly? How to choose a product? What is better to use? Learn about the properties that barley porridge has - the benefits and harms of the product, the subtleties of use in cooking.

  • 1 Groats in modern cooking
  • 2 Benefits and harms
    • 2.1 Calorie content and nutritional value
  • 3 How to cook

Barley groats are called grains of barley, an annual plant with amazing endurance to growing conditions. It is able to grow everywhere: in the cold climate of the northern regions of Russia, in the hot climate in equatorial America. Exceptional resistance to weather conditions made barley the first cereal crop that humans began to use for food.

Mentions of barley porridge can be found in the writings of the ancient Roman historian Pliny the Elder. The culture was cultivated in the fields of Greece, Egypt, in the Roman Empire it was considered the main food of the population. It was barley porridge that Roman gladiators used as a source of quick energy and strength. Even the term "gladiator" or hordearii means "barley men", which indicates the high status of the product in the most ancient culture of mankind.

Groats in modern culinary

In the modern world, the vast fields of barley cultivated everywhere until the 11th century have given way to other cereals. The history of valuable culture is paradoxical. Due to its high resistance to environmental conditions and availability, barley groats were considered a cheap product. It was impossible to raise significant funds from its sale. Because of this, in the Middle Ages, the areas cultivated with barley were subjected to artificial destruction, they were replaced by expensive and more valuable wheat.

Truly tragic was the departure of barley groats from the fields of modern Russia, where barley porridge served as the basis for the table of the Finno-Ugric peoples. After they were forced out by the Slavic population, not only barley fields were cleared out for wheat, but also significant areas of forests. This caused a sharp change in the climate in the region, which moved from temperate to cold, continental.

Barley was preserved in a small amount as a fodder crop, and the most affordable peasant food. Hence the attitude towards him - as to a simple, peasant, army porridge. How many names have been invented for her in budget cooking! And "shot 16", and tarpaulin porridge, and shrapnel. The reason for this is the loss of the culture of its preparation, the loss of understanding of how barley porridge is useful.

The Japanese scientist Yoshihie Hagiwara has been studying this issue for 13 years. He analyzed the properties of 150 cereals and concluded that there is no product more useful than barley, and more valuable for nutrition than porridge from it. The author based his conclusions on the following statements.

  • Barley porridge is a barley product subjected to minimal mechanical processing. It retains the bulk of the fruit shells and the most valuable fiber. By the number of its cereals ahead of oatmeal.
  • Barley and barley porridge are not the same. Although the products are obtained from one cereal, pearl barley is intensively polished. It loses a significant proportion of fiber during production. Barley groats are more similar in composition to barley porridge. The latter is only crushed without grinding.
  • The composition of cereals is balanced. Moreover, a Japanese researcher stated that its nutritional value is the highest among other types of cereals. The reason for this is the maximum proportion of vegetable protein, fiber and trace elements.

Barley groats are not commercially available. You can find only barley and barley. If you plan to buy the most useful product, choose a cell. It is most similar to barley in composition. Or dark pearl barley. Such cores will tell about the minimum grinding of grains during production.

Benefit and harm

How valuable is porridge from barley groats in the diet, the composition of the cereal will tell.

  • Vegetable protein - 11% by weight. It is absorbed more easily than an animal, so the cereal quickly restores strength.
  • Fiber - more than 10%, but this indicator depends on the intensity of the mechanical processing of the nuclei. The less they were polished, the more valuable insoluble fibers that carry out a rough cleansing of the intestines remained in them.
  • Carbohydrates - up to 66%. Long carbohydrates are important for the full saturation of the body and a long-term feeling of satiety. They are absorbed gradually, without causing a sharp release of glucose. This property of the product allows us to recommend it in the medical nutrition of people with diabetes. Barley porridge is indispensable for people engaged in intense physical labor.
  • Lysine. A valuable amino acid that can only be obtained from food. It stimulates the production of collagen - the main building material of the skin, bones and joints. Lysine is involved in the formation of immunity.
  • trace elements. The product contains a huge amount of potassium and phosphorus. The level of the latter reaches 353 mg, which no other food product can offer. Along with calcium, iron, copper and other trace elements, it provides bone strength, participates in the hematopoietic system, and improves the condition of blood vessels.

Not only cereals are useful, but also decoctions of barley grains. When cooking cereals, the substance hordecin is released. It is considered a natural antibiotic that is effective in the treatment of skin diseases.

Groats rich in protein and fiber have no contraindications for consumption. And to get to know her better and appreciate her luxurious taste, it is enough to know the correct recipe for barley porridge.

Calorie content and nutritional value

How to cook

You can cook the product on the stove, in the oven. It is very convenient to cook barley porridge in a slow cooker. It comes to readiness faster than in other ways. But in each case, the cereal needs to be prepared.

  1. Rinse the barley. This will remove dust from the cores.
  2. Soak in cold water. It is necessary to soak the grains for 12 hours. It is ideal to leave a glass of cereal overnight in a liter of cold water. The kernels will swell, but will retain their shape. After such preparation, they will reach faster and will not become hard.
  3. Boil with milk. Barley taste is perfectly complemented by milk and cream. Transfer the cereal to milk and set to languish over low heat. An old recipe suggests languishing it for 6 hours in a water bath. Significantly reduces the cooking time of the multicooker. In it, barley porridge will reach in 40 minutes.
  4. Use the right proportions. Swollen kernels will make a crumbly garnish if you pour them with two glasses of liquid. To get a viscous porridge, use 2 times more milk.
  5. Fill with butter. Barley loves oil, and the more it is, the richer the taste. In dietary nutrition, butter can be replaced with vegetable oil.

We hope you have no questions left on how to cook barley porridge. And this most valuable dish with a luxurious taste will regularly appear on your table.

The benefits and harms of barley porridge, the history of the origin of cereals - everything about and for health on

Kasha is a Russian national dish, very nutritious and high in calories. Even in ancient Russia, our ancestors ate porridge with butter, mainly from whole grains, thanks to this diet, strong and healthy heroes grew up. To date, this dish has become less in demand, but, nevertheless, we still continue to cook buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat and semolina porridge for our children.

But for some reason, barley porridge is not so popular among Russian citizens, it is boiled much less often, and many mistakenly believe that this grain crop is more suitable for poor people. This, of course, is a deep misconception about this cereal, because it is very rich in useful micro and macro elements and a complex of vitamins.

Barley porridge contains a large amount of dietary fiber, protein, starch, complex carbohydrates, natural sugars, and especially a lot of folic acid, vitamins B, E, A, D, PP. In addition, it contains: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, fluorine, manganese, copper, cobalt, chromium, silicon, iron, boron, zinc and many other useful minerals necessary for health.

As you know, for the normal functioning of brain activity, it is necessary to eat foods rich in fluorine, but barley porridge can make up for the deficiency of this vital element. According to scientists, boron, zinc, silicon, chromium and fluorine are biologically significant for our body; they are contained in sufficient volume in this cereal crop.

For good digestion, fiber is required, it is about 6% in barley. It helps to remove decay products, harmful toxins and toxins that pollute the body. All these beneficial properties are found almost unchanged in cereals, so it is often prescribed to diabetics and dieters.

Butter 50 g;

Sugar to taste;

Eggs 3 pcs;

Chopped nuts - 100 gr. (almond and walnut);

Cream 10%.

Gently pour the cereal into boiled milk and cook until thickened (15-20 minutes). Put the butter into the finished porridge and let it cool down a bit. Then add sugar, beaten eggs and nuts - put the mass on a baking sheet sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Sprinkle with sugar on top and anoint with an egg - bake until golden brown (10 minutes at 180C). Serve a treat with whipped cream - a very tasty and nutritious dish!
