Asian fast food as a fashion trend. What Asian fast food can you eat

You can eat any Asian fast food. Another conversation is that some types of this fast food may turn out to be personally unpleasant and unacceptable for you, but people eat this too - fried cockroaches and mangrove worms, dried scorpions and tarantulas, poisonous puffer fish ...

However, among Asian fast food there is a lot of such that we have long been accustomed to and no longer think about where its homeland is. Such types of fast food that are familiar to us include various shish kebabs and kebabs, Chinese noodles (you know, so tasty, they are sold in boxes), and, of course, shawarma (in some places they call it shawarma). In fact, many types of sushi and rolls can be attributed to fast food...

All of the listed types of fast food are of Asian origin, but at the same time they consist of products familiar to us, therefore they can serve as food for us. They can be eaten without any health risk...

Asian fast food.

Asia is a loose concept. Yes, I am from these places. If we talk about Central Asia, then in the previous answer they forgot to mention several products:

1) Somsa (sometimes Samsa). Sometimes I loved to buy hot, puff samsa closer to dinner and crunch it at the bus stop. In shape, it is different triangular, round, rectangular. It is especially tasty from the tandoor with smoke (the oven is such a clay). It is safer to take with potatoes, cheese or chicken. It is dangerous to take with beef in unfamiliar places. But there is one point for those who do not eat lamb. Sometimes mutton fat fat tail is added.

2) Gumma. This is generally very amateurish. It looks like samsa, but with liver filling. Cost less. Well, I don't want any more.

3) Kurt. Okay, it's not fast food. But when hungry, you can eat 5 pieces. Dry salted cheese in the form of balls.

Now about fast food from Thailand.
Once we were walking around Pattaya. Saw something for the local fry. Come and have a look. Fried insects. No thanks, not for our stomach.
But closer to the hotel, there were motorcycles with fried pork ribs. Quite edible, if religion allows.

You can eat something that is not meat and thermally processed.

Like everything, for the time being, exotic, Asian food is an amateur thing.

Their sweets are usually very sweet, vegetables and meat can be very spicy and spicy. Therefore, when choosing an Asian restaurant, you need to be approximately prepared for what you will have to taste.

When we traveled around Uzbekistan, I went hungry because you won’t last very long on lean food, and all meat was served there with so many onions, moreover, not fried, but as if boiled in oil, that I couldn’t eat it. Even though I love meat!

From Asian fast food, shawarma, belyashi, pasties, tandoor cakes, pita bread, shish kebabs, etc. are most popular with us. All this is familiar, has already taken root and is perfectly eaten on the go.

You just need to know the places. Asia is hot countries. There is not enough water, washing your hands once again is a problem. Many fast food workers, out of habit, do not wash them. Because, often and nowhere. Therefore, bypass temporary tents, trailers, and other points that are not equipped with a bathroom. Stick to those points that work at stores, are stationary, sell takeaway food and serve it to tables. Look at the chef-seller himself: how he works, whether he puts on gloves when he cooks, whether he takes them off when he takes money, etc.

In our time, it is more relevant to be puzzled by hygiene issues, to avoid food poisoning. And what is tasty, and what is not tasty, everyone decides for himself, reaching certain conclusions with practice.

Eat for health, not ... Well, you understand!

The street food of many Asian cities, such as Bangkok, Hanoi, Singapore, Penang and others, ranks high in the ranking of the most delicious street food. On the island of Penang in Malaysia, they even arrange culinary excursions, and the best gastronomic places are marked in guidebooks.

Street food in Asia. [email protected]

But do we know everything about the popular street food in Asia? Let's try to figure it out.

Going on a trip to any Asian country, we usually already have an approximate list of local dishes that we are definitely going to try.

Most often, this list is filled with names familiar to us and, as a result, is limited by our knowledge of Asian cuisine. And, meanwhile, it is very rich and diverse, and, of course, is of great interest to gastrotourists.

Usually such a list is compiled based on the advice of acquaintances and friends who have been there, information from Internet pages or the menu of an Asian restaurant in your hometown where you often eat.

Rolls with cucumber and tomato. Photo:

But among the numerous dishes of Asian street food, some culinary delights remain unnoticed by tourists, although they are very popular with local residents.

Every morning, most Penang Islanders enjoy a dish called Koay teow th'ng - flat rice noodles in a duck, pork or chicken broth, with the addition of fish balls and pieces of meat.

Koay teow th'ng. Photo: [email protected]

All this is topped with crispy fried garlic. Thought to be the equivalent of the noodle soup brought to the island by immigrants from Chaozhou, this dish may well be Penang's most popular dish.

However, tourists are rarely seen among the crowds of eaters. Most visitors to Penang Island seem to be unaware that such a dish exists, and even those who are well versed in the local street food.

This is not the only Asian fast food popular among locals but overlooked by visitors.

For example, in Bangkok, tourists are literally knocked down in search of the perfect Pad thai (Pad Thai) - rice noodles with meat, chicken or shrimp seasoned with sweet and sour sauce, but refrain from equally, if not more delicious food, like Koay teow lad naa - rice flour noodles fried in oil with black soy and generously seasoned with tender gravy.

pad thai. Photo: [email protected]

And travelers to Hanoi are looking for the delicious Pho (Pho) - soup with rice noodles and slices of beef, but skip such a dish as "bun ca" - fish noodle soup, tomatoes, seasoned with fragrant dill.

Fish noodle soup - bun ca. Photo:

Perhaps the best example of an underrated Asian street food is Chinese rice porridge soup (Congee), Hong Kong's most popular dish among the locals, but largely ignored by visiting foreigners.

By the way, Congee can be an ordinary empty rice porridge, and combined with fish, meat, chicken, mushrooms, soy sauce or shrimp.

I wonder why tourists literally sing of some local specialties, while others, no less tasty, simply do not notice or ignore?

Congee Rice Soup. Photo:

Perhaps the reason is the monochromaticity of the dish and its deceptively simple preparation. Because of what it looks not so aesthetically pleasing and appetizing.

Although, most likely the main reason is that some street foods, no matter how popular they are in their native land, will never achieve worldwide fame, which is based on the incomprehensible magic of spreading any dish outside of their native country.

Vietnamese dish Pho. Photo:

For example, food Pho (Pho) with a deceptively simple combination of ingredients:

  • bouillon;
  • rice noodles;
  • meat and bean sprouts.

By all laws, this dish should not have become popular with visiting foreigners.

However, it is one of the top ten dishes that you should definitely try while traveling in Vietnam.

All this thanks to a large number of stalls with this fast food, opened by overseas Vietnamese immigrants. Now you rarely meet a tourist in Vietnam who does not know the Pho dish and who has not tried it once somewhere.

Popular Pho bo. Photo:

It remains only to add that when going on a gastronomic tour to Asian countries, it is desirable:

  • firstly, forget everything you know about local cuisine from restaurants at home;
  • Secondly not be afraid to try completely unfamiliar dishes;
  • and thirdly, do not choose local delights only for aesthetic reasons, because an appetizing appearance is not yet an indicator of excellent taste.

Joly Woo serves sustainable Vietnamese food. Vegetables and herbs combined with meat and seafood, spices and sauces - the food here is not only amazingly tasty, but also healthy. And from drinks we advise you to choose natural juice without dyes and preservatives.

st. Vosstaniya, 12

st. Sadovaya, 42

Zagorodny Ave., 9

Shopping center "Mega Parnas", 117 km of the Ring Road

The Pan-Asian cafe offers its visitors to try Chinese dim sum, Thai soup, salad with chukka and tofu, a dozen varieties of tea and other equally delicious things. And the recently opened bar on Lomonosov Street serves bao burgers, tom yum soups and tempura. In institutions, you can celebrate birthdays and other events. And if you don’t feel like leaving the house at all, Umao will come to visit, taking your chosen delicacies with you.

Konnogvardeisky Boulevard, 11

st. Lomonosov, 26

Ramen is such an Asian soup, the main component of which is wheat noodles. Mashita masters this dish by adding meat, vegetables, chicken, fish and special secret ingredients. The broth is rich and very nutritious. And for a snack, you can take a Korean pyangse pie or Japanese gyoze dumplings.

Nevsky prospect, 60

Zagorodny Ave., 15

Kamennoostrovsky prospect, 38/96

The owners of Wong Kar Wine appreciate good wine and adore Pan-Asian cuisine. The idea to combine these two passions was embodied in the creation of a restaurant on the embankment of the Fontanka River. A rich wine list, a variety of dishes on the menu, and as a bonus - a beautiful view from the window of the Mikhailovsky Castle.

emb. Fontanka River, 14

Vietnam and Thailand, India and China, Singapore and other Asian countries peacefully coexist with each other in the St. Petersburg cafe "King Pong". Almost all dishes here are cooked in a deep round frying pan - a wok - which heats up so much that the food in it is fried instantly, and the beneficial properties of the products are preserved.

st. Savushkina, 119

st. Bolshaya Morskaya, 16

In the very center of St. Petersburg there is a small piece of Japan - "Yarumen". This restaurant was opened by the owner of a chain of ramen chains from the distant city of Sendai, and Japanese chefs work here, who prepare treats according to traditional recipes of their country. The place, no doubt, can become a favorite for those who are fond of the culture and language of the Land of the Rising Sun.

st. Malaya Morskaya, 9

Zagorodny Ave., 25

st. Zhukovsky, 11

Jack & Chan Restaurant 0+
Jack with Chan

America and Asia are two worlds that are absolutely different from each other. Jack & Chan tried to satisfy the tastes of gourmets who prefer the cuisine of different parts of the world, and therefore here you can eat both burgers and Singaporean noodles.

st. Engineering, d. 7

To start the day with a cup of real Vietnamese coffee, check out the Pan-Asian street food cafe in Flour Lane. Then come back here and dine on pumpkin soup or fresh tofu and mango roll, try Asian lemonade and Vietnamese rolls. And after that it will be possible to have dinner - for example, rice noodles and a delicious dessert. By the way, all food is cooked here in the open kitchen.

Muchnoy lane, 7

In Koreana light, even burgers are made healthy: after all, buns for them are cooked in the traditional Korean way - steamed. In addition, the menu includes rolls, which, as it turns out, are not only in Japanese cuisine, noodles with additives, delicious desserts and drinks.

Nevsky prospect, 95

Ligovsky prospekt, 87, lit. BUT

Fast food outlets McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Burger King, KFC and many others have opened restaurants around the world. People come to them to have a bite to eat at lunchtime, to pass the time before a session at the cinema, to relax after shopping, in a word, to quickly satisfy their hunger and continue to do their own thing. Regardless of the place of residence, religion and nationality, the goals of visiting fast foods are the same for people, but the food they order is different even if it is a classic hamburger. There are original versions of this gastronomic hit, and not only it.

In the Philippines, the local McDonald's serves an interesting dish - Spaghetti with sweet tomato sauce, grated cheese and miniature rice flour buns fried in boiling oil. McSpaghetti is positioned as a real Italian delicacy. Visitors are very pleased with the pseudo-European dish.

Bubur Ayam
The Malay McDonald's menu features the Bubur Ayam dish - an alternative to the wings and breaded legs familiar to us. In a small plastic container, chicken strips are served in porridge, seasoned with green onions, ginger and hot peppers.

McFlurry of Durian
If you have never sniffed durian, you will not understand the strangeness of this dessert. The fruit has such a sickening smell that it is forbidden to bring it into a hotel, plane, public transport - into any enclosed space. Despite the specific aroma, in Asia, durian is held in high esteem, miraculous remedies are attributed to it.

Mizza (rice pizza)

The thick puffed rice base is generously sprinkled with chunks of pineapple, pork, chicken, ham and hot peppers. The picture is crowned with grated cheese. This piece of gastronomic art is sold at Pizza Hut in Taiwan and South Korea.

pickled eggs
Along with the usual baskets of chicken wings or legs, KFC visitors in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong can order the same basket with pickled sweet eggs, which are considered a gourmet delicacy in the Asian region. They come in three types: regular, caramel and chocolate.

Pizza pie
The Japanese are known to be workaholics, they don't even have time to have a proper breakfast. Therefore, a pizza pie appeared on the McDonald's breakfast menu. Everything that could become ingredients for a national Italian dish became the filling of a Japanese pie fried in vegetable oil.

Makalu Tikki
India is the birthplace of vegetarianism, the religion of the locals does not encourage eating meat, and if we take into account the fact that the cow is also a sacred animal, then a beef burger has no right to exist in this densely populated country. To satisfy the gastronomic needs of all those who have decided to give up animal food and not offend the feelings of believers, Indian McDonald's serve burgers with sweet potatoes and vegetables instead of a meat patty.

Whopper with Mala sauce
In Chinese cuisine, sauces play a leading role, so even Burger King was forced to give up and change the classic whopper recipe: mayonnaise replaced Mala sauce. It consists of hot Sichuan pepper, local herbs and an oil base. Mala sauce is so spicy that in addition to redness of the skin and tears, the eater's tongue also goes numb, so going to the Chinese Burger King is akin to an extreme adventure.

McRice Burger
Rice grows in Asia, not wheat. This is due to climatic features, so there is nothing strange in the fact that the local McDonald's replaced the wheat sesame bun, praised in advertising in all languages, with rice. So cheaper and more familiar in this region. The rest is unchanged - chicken or beef cutlet, vegetables and mayonnaise.

French fries with seaweed
Why ketchup, if there is dried seaweed - this is how visitors to the South Korean McDonald's argue. A bag of dried seaweed is attached to a ruddy potato cut into strips, and there are several types of this spice, depending on mood and culinary preferences.

About the NSC Olympiysky zone in a series of materials about the haunts of Kyiv street food. There are really many ways to eat on the go. For those who have a little more time, the first establishment of the future chain opened a month ago - a place with a convenient designer of your dish, an open kitchen and a summer terrace. Considering the new Wokkery.

The total seating of the Wokkery inside and outside is just over 100 seats. In the laconic interior of the hall - wood, metal and floor-to-ceiling windows, furniture from Ukrainian manufacturers from eco-materials. They promise that you won't have to wait more than 3-5 minutes for the order. At this time, you can watch the work of the walker-men: most of the dishes are cooked on the open fire of the open kitchen. If you are seated in the hall, you will be invited to pick up the order by name, and if your table is on the terrace, the waiter takes out the dish.

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Assembling the dish consists of three steps: choosing the base, additives and sauce. Any base costs 49 UAH, supplements - until the end of August with a 50% discount, that is, from 5 to 16 UAH, several very different Asian sauces - as a compliment, free of charge.

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Noodles and co.

The institution is actively positioned as a mono: no sushi, only 4 types of noodles, two types of rice with additives and sauces to choose from, and a vegetable mix for vegans. You can choose from four types of noodles - egg, wheat, rice and udon.

Udon noodles, the thickest and softest of all Japanese noodles, are made with white flour and come in many regional varieties. Udon from Nagoya, for example, is not voluminous, but flat and thin.

Rice can be chosen from white or jasmine. The third version of the base is a cooked vegetable mix of soy sprouts, carrots, celery root, cabbage and the ingredient of the month. In August it is a seasonal vegetable marrow. All vegetables, along with the egg, are also included in any base base with noodles or rice.

From the additives to choose from - meat, vegetable ingredients and seafood. Now there are only 13 of them, but this list will expand in early autumn.

You can fill the dish with one or more of 6 sauces. Everyone is different, but everything is about Asia: sweet and sour Hong Kong, spicy Asian, sweet Tokyo teriyaki, soy-plum Seoul, Beijing miso and a new hit - oyster sauce.

Any dish with soy sauce seems richer and more satisfying.

“Cherry on the cake” for the idealist will be peanuts, coriander, sesame seeds or onion fries, which can be used to spice up the resulting dish.

In the seemingly simple Wokkery menu, you can get lost when choosing from a variety of combinations. The way out is several combo options: the most harmonious combinations of ingredients plus cherry or orange lemonade - at an attractive fixed price - from 55 to 75 UAH.

Not noodles.

The menu includes soups and two types of salads, with which you can also combine all existing additions. The difference is that vegetables in salads are fresh. Soup - miso to choose from - with chicken or Tofu cheese, without which it would be impossible to imagine the Asian Express.

What else.

  • Salt is not used at all in wok dishes - traditionally it is replaced by sauces. If you still need it, Wokkery recommends replacing it with soy sauce, which is free on all tables.
  • Vegans and vegetarians are admirers of Asian cuisine, and here they are treated in a special way. When ordering, you can simply indicate this fact, and the wockers will prepare the right dish.
  • All dishes are served in cardboard wok boxes that you can take with you. There is free delivery within a radius of 1.3 km.
  • The average check for a dish and a drink is from 80 to 100 UAH

Editor's Choice

Shanxi salad: champignons fried in a wok, asparagus beans, bell peppers, sesame seeds, branded dressing and red pepper sauce – 32 UAH

Rice noodles with shrimp, squid, bell pepper, asparagus beans, with spicy sauce

“Hebei” salad - chicken marinated and fried in a wok, Teriyaki sauce, broccoli, carrots, soy sprouts, celery root, sesame seeds – 32 UAH

Krasnoarmeyskaya, 57/3
