Homemade cake with buttercream. Biscuit cake with buttercream and berries. Ingredients for buttercream sponge cake

The easiest biscuit cake with the simplest buttercream.

This is the basic recipe. Add nuts, poppy seeds, dried fruits, cocoa to the biscuit. Can be soaked in syrup, alcohol, etc.

Cream is also basic: whipped butter and condensed milk. So - turn on your imagination - and go!

4 eggs
120g sugar
120g flour
200g butter
380g condensed milk (1 jar)
100g peanuts (not salted)

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Heat the oven up to 180C.

Prepare a baking dish in advance: grease the bottom and sides well with butter and sprinkle with flour. Just twist the form, as if "rolling" the flour on the sides and bottom.

Set aside - let him wait for his "hour" :)

First, let's make a biscuit. Separate the whites from the yolks.

Pour half the sugar into the yolks (60g = 3 tablespoons) and beat until a strong white foam is formed (the yolks will “turn white” from the fact that the sugar dissolves).

Now whip egg whites into foam.

Rules: To make whipping easier, the proteins must be chilled. That is, they were separated from the yolks and put in the refrigerator. The utensils for whipping should be clean, as well as the whisk (mixer). Also: take a bigger bowl so that there is “space” for whipping, and so that the whole kitchen does not get dirty.

First, beat only the whites until airy foam forms.

Gradually, the protein foam will begin to thicken and increase in volume.

At this point, add the remaining sugar (60g=3 tbsp) and continue beating.

The protein will become thick, glossy and very dense. This is what we need.

Gently fold the yolks into the whites with a spatula or wooden spoon. It is impossible to mix intensively - the protein will “fall off”, no airiness will work.

Now add flour here. It is advisable, again - for greater airiness of the biscuit - to sift it.

Gently mix (with a spatula or mixer - on the lowest speed).

Pour into prepared pan and place in preheated oven.

We will bake for 25-30 minutes.

Biscuit dough is a delicate thing, so you need to handle it appropriately. Carefully place the mold in the oven, try not to shake. Gently close the oven lid - no popping! And, even more so, do not open the door for the first 20 minutes - the biscuit will fall off.

We check for readiness with a match or a toothpick. Push it into the center of the baked sponge cake and remove immediately. If the match is dry, the biscuit is ready. Wet - send a little more in the oven.

It is worth cooling the biscuit in 2 stages - 15 minutes after baking - in the switched off oven, and then, removing it from the mold - on the wire rack.

It is best to cut the biscuit into cakes with a special string. I don’t have a string, I cut with a thin sharp knife. This time I cut it into 3 cakes (I repeat - we cut only the already cooled biscuit!)

While the cake is cooling, prepare the cream.

Butter should be soft, so keep it at room temperature.

Beat it with a mixer at medium speed for about 5 minutes, and then gradually pour in the condensed milk, continuing to beat.

It is likely that at first the cream will exfoliate - like this:

Don't be scared, just keep whisking - you'll be rewarded with a fluffy cream!

We collect the cake (do not be surprised at my “plate” - this is a “camping” form for the cake - I, as usual, then took him to visit :)).

Place one cake on a plate, grease with cream.

The second cake is greased with cream.

The third cake - all the remaining cream on it. Don't forget the sides of the cake.

Now peanuts. This combination for me is something very familiar from childhood, very homely and cozy. You can sprinkle the cake with any other nuts, you can decorate with confectionery sprinkles, as I did.

For this cake, grind the peanuts into small crumbs (in a blender) and sprinkle on top and sides.

Now let the cake stand for at least an hour (not in the refrigerator!), Soak a little.

Step 1: Knead the biscuit dough.

Before starting the dough, use an egg separator to carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Put the whites in the refrigerator, and pour half the sugar into the yolks and beat them with a mixer until white foam. Now take the whites and beat them in the same way in the foam. The dishes for this process should be clean and dry, without fat, and there should not be the slightest drop of yolk. When the whites are whipped into foam, add the remaining half of the sugar to them and continue to mix. It is necessary to work with a mixer until the egg whites with sugar form a dense foam that will stick with peaks. At the end, carefully mix the whites and yolks whipped with sugar, but not using a mixer, but making careful movements from top to bottom and from the center to the edges with a spatula.
Sift the flour through a sieve and add to the eggs. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is formed. It is best to do this with a spatula, but especially impatient ones can use a mixer by selecting the minimum speed.

Step 2: bake biscuit cakes.

You need to put biscuit cakes to bake only in preheated until 180 degrees oven, so immediately set it to reach the desired temperature. In the meantime, prepare the form by greasing it with butter or crushing it with wheat flour. Pour the mass for biscuit cakes into the dishes prepared for baking and send to the oven for 25-30 minutes.
After the required time has passed, gently, not abruptly, open the oven and check the readiness of the biscuit with a toothpick, simply sticking it into the center, if it is wet at the exit, then you need to continue cooking, if it is dry, then carefully close the oven and turn it off. In the switched off oven, the biscuit must be allowed to stand for another 15 minutes then take out and cool at room temperature.

Step 3: prepare buttercream.

Shortly before you start making the buttercream, take the butter out of the fridge and let it sit at room temperature. It should become soft. Once this happens, place it in the mixer bowl and beat on medium speed for approx. 5-7 minutes. Then begin to gradually pour in the condensed milk in a thin stream, without stopping whisking. You need to stir the cream for a long time and, most likely, at first it will begin to exfoliate. Just be patient and keep mixing with the mixer until your cream is smooth and fluffy.

Step 4: form the cake.

Cut the cooled biscuit cake into several parts using a special thin knife. Cover the prepared flat dish with parchment paper so as not to stain it in the process of forming and decorating the cake. Lay the first cake on it and brush it on top with butter cream, then place the second cake on top and press lightly.

Continue stacking and brushing the cakes until you have none left. Lubricate the biscuit cake constructed in this way with butter cream on top and sides.

That's all, your dessert is ready, but, you see, it lacks something? And now you have a huge number of options for decorating it. You can sprinkle coke shavings or crumbs left over from cutting the cakes on top of the finished cake. But I suggest filling the pastry sleeve with oil cream and decorating the product with various patterns. Whatever you choose, after you're done, send the biscuit cake to cool on 2 hours, and then you can start serving it on the table.

Step 5: serve sponge cake with buttercream.

Serve the Buttercream Sponge Cake slightly chilled. Remove parchment paper from under it and place it in the middle of the table so that everyone can appreciate the appearance of the dessert you have prepared. But do not admire it for a long time, rather cut the cake into portioned pieces, arrange on saucers and serve with unsweetened tea.
Enjoy your meal!

To give your cake a more appetizing look, as well as diversify the flavor palette, sprinkle it on the sides and top with ground nuts, such as unsalted peanuts or almonds.

And in order to make your cake colorful, just add food coloring to the cream. You can make not only a one-color cake, but also a rainbow one!

Chocolate goes very well with this cake. You can simply lay out a few tiles on top for decoration or grind it on a grater, turning it into shavings and sprinkle the finished cake with it.

In our family, biscuit cake with butter cream and bananas is a frequent guest. We prepare it on holidays, and also often make it an attachment to a gift for birthdays of friends and relatives. Everyone who has ever tasted this sweet miracle loves it. By the same principle, you can cook a biscuit cake, which does not need to be poured with syrup and smeared with cream.

I also once made a sponge cake with custard. Also delicious, but buttercream is better. So I recommend cooking this insanely delicious cake with bananas. Decorating the cake in my case is quite simple - grated chocolate. Even when I cook cakes to order, I don’t know how to decorate them especially beautifully.

Biscuit ingredients for one cake (3 cakes are needed for the cake)

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 incomplete glass of sugar
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour

Butter Cream Ingredients

  • 1.5 packs of butter
  • 1.5 cans of condensed milk
  • 2-3 large bananas

Ingredients for syrup and decoration

  • 1 st. Sahara
  • 1 st. water
  • 100 grams of chocolate

How to make buttercream cake

Beat the eggs with a mixer until smooth. Add sugar and continue beating. We do this until the mass becomes more voluminous and whiter. Beat 10 min.

Here is such a beautiful lush mass turned out. Future biscuit dough.

Now add flour. Be sure to sift through a sieve and gently mix not with a mixer, but with a whisk.

We spread the finished biscuit dough in a form with parchment. We put in the oven with a temperature of 180 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes. Sometimes less, sometimes a little longer.

Let's prepare the syrup. To do this, dissolve sugar in water 1: 1 and bring to a boil. When the syrup has cooled, add rum essence if desired.

How to make buttercream

Biscuit cake is in perfect harmony with buttercream. You can, of course, make a cake with sour cream, which is a little lighter in fat content and calorie content.

So, beat the softened butter with a mixer. Then add condensed milk. Beat until smooth. Here is our butter cream for sponge cake and ready. Fast and easy!

We impregnate and smear the biscuit cake with butter cream

Let's bake three cakes. Let's cool down. Now we put the first cake on the dish and begin to soak it with syrup. I want the biscuit cake to be soaked, but not too wet. Then we smear the cake with buttercream. Lay sliced ​​bananas on top.

  • real condensed milk - 1 can;
  • butter - 200g;
  • fresh lemon / lime - 1 pc. (large);
  • vanillin - liquid - 1 tsp = 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • berries (red currant, blueberry) - to decorate the cake.

How to make Buttercream Biscuit Cake

Biscuit baking

  1. Break the eggs into the mixing bowl, together the whites and yolks. Important: the bowl or other utensils for beating chicken eggs must be clean and dry, without a drop of fat.
  2. Beat the eggs at the highest speed for about 5-7 minutes. As an assistant, I used a 500W mixer. The result is a fluffy mass of creamy color.
  3. Without stopping the mixer, add powdered sugar or granulated sugar to the bowl in portions. Beat at the highest speed for another 5-7 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. In the process of beating, the mixture of eggs and sugar will increase by 2-3 times.
  5. Turn off the mixer, remove the bowl from the device and continue to work manually. Separately, sift two or three times baking flour of the highest grade. When sifting, the flour will be saturated with oxygen and in the future the biscuit will acquire additional splendor. Pour the flour into the mixture of eggs and powdered sugar in small portions. Extremely carefully and gently mix it with a spatula with movements from the walls to the center and from the bottom up.
  6. At this stage of the preparation of the biscuit, it is important not to lose the volume of the previously whipped components. After mixing all the flour, the dough looks like thick sour cream.
  7. Line a springform pan with parchment/baking paper. Pour the biscuit dough from the bowl into the mold immediately after cooking - this is a very important point. We distribute the dough evenly in the form, slightly tilting in different directions.
  8. We bake a biscuit in an oven heated to 170-180 ° C for 35-50 minutes. After 20 minutes, increase the temperature to 200-210°C. The baking time depends on the characteristics of the oven.
  9. Important: do not open the door, we observe the baking only through the glass of the oven. First, the biscuit will rise, and then acquire a golden color. The finished biscuit slightly moves away from the walls of the mold.
  10. After baking, do not rush to take out the mold, just open the oven for 10-15 minutes. Carefully take out the form with a biscuit, cool at room temperature. The ideal option is to cut into cakes and complete the formation of the cake in 10-12 hours. But you can also half an hour after baking.
  11. We open the locks of the form, take out the biscuit and release it from the paper. As a rule, the finished biscuit has a height of 5 to 8 cm. You can also see a slightly different biscuit cooking option.
  12. We cut the biscuit blank into cakes, if desired, cut the crispy edges in a circle. It is desirable to cut with a sharp wide knife or separate the biscuit into cakes with a confectionery thread. I cut the biscuit immediately after baking, so my cakes are slightly damp and the cut edge is not too even.

Cooking Buttercream Cake

Cake assembly

Enjoy your meal!

Beat the eggs at high speed with a mixer, gradually add the sugar. Beat for 5-10 minutes until the mass turns white and thickens. Sift flour with baking powder into the egg-sugar mixture in portions and mix with a spatula from the bottom up until a homogeneous consistency. Cover the baking dish with baking paper, grease the bottom with vegetable oil, do not grease the sides with oil and bake the biscuit for 25-30 minutes, turn off the oven and leave for another 20-25 minutes.

Remove the finished biscuit from the oven and leave to ripen for 6-8 hours. After this time, he completely sank under his own weight (ripened) and is suitable for making cakes.
Cut the biscuit cake into 2 parts and coat each with strawberry jam. Set aside for a while and make a cream. Mix butter and condensed milk with a mixer until smooth. Grease the cake layers and sides of the cake with buttercream.
Peel the kiwi, cut in half and cut into half rings. Decorate the top of the cake with fruit. Leave to soak for 2 hours.

Biscuit cake with butter cream and fruits is ready! Step by step video recipe.
