Classification of soups. General characteristics and range of clear, milky, cold soups and puree soups. Quality requirements, release rules. Storage and implementation modes

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Introduction. Industry characteristics Catering, development prospects

1. Product characteristics of the main types of raw materials and sanitary and hygienic requirements for their storage

2. Technology for preparing milk soups

3. Characteristics of equipment, inventory, utensils. Operating rules and safety precautions. Occupational Safety and Health

List of used literature


The most important task of public catering at the present stage is the introduction of new production technologies.

Currently, public catering enterprises are switching to a comprehensive supply of semi-finished products industrial production. This is necessary to increase labor productivity and improve the quality of products.

Production culinary products in catering establishments is a complex technological process, consisting of a number of operations for processing products for preparing dishes and culinary products.

Depending on the organization of the technological process, public catering enterprises are divided into two types: raw materials, working on raw materials, and pre-production, working on semi-finished products.

Cooking is the art of preparing a variety of foods from raw plant and animal products.

Cooking is closely related to disciplines such as merchandising food products, fundamentals of nutritional physiology, hygiene and sanitation, organization of production, technological equipment of public catering establishments.

The technological process is a series of scientifically based, consistent methods of mechanical and thermal processing of raw materials.

Raw materials are food products intended for the preparation of culinary products.

Semi-finished products are products that have undergone partial cooking, but not yet cooked and unfit for consumption.

Important documents for catering chefs are industry standards, technological conditions and instructions.


Milk is a product of normal secretion of the mammary gland of animals. It contains more than 200 different easily digestible substances necessary for human life, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. All components of milk are well balanced, making them easily and completely absorbed by the human body. Milk contains (in%): water - 85 - 89, proteins - 2.8 - 4, fat - 2.9 - 6, milk sugar -- 4-- 4,7, minerals -- 0,7 -- 1, vitamins A , D, E, C, RR, groups B. Energy value 100 g of milk with a fat content of 3.2% - 58 kcal, or 243 kJ.

Taste and smell are pure, without extraneous substances, not peculiar to fresh milk tastes and smells. The color should be white with a slightly yellowish tint;

The temperature of pasteurized milk should not be higher than 8 °C, sterilized milk should not be higher than 20 0 C.

Rice groats

By processing method rice cereal It can be ground, polished and crushed polished.

Polished rice is grains of hulled rice from which the flower membranes, fruit and seed coats, most of the aleurone layer, and the germ have been completely removed. The surface is rough.

Polished rice is polished rice grains of glassy varieties processed on polishing machines. The surface is smooth and shiny.

Based on quality, milled and polished rice is divided into premium, 1st and 2nd grades. Content of benign core (in%, not less): in premium-- 99.7, in the 1st -- 99.4, in the 2nd -- 99.1.

Milled crushed rice is crushed rice kernels formed during the production of milled, polished rice and additionally processed on grinding machines. They are not divided into varieties. The content of a benign core is not less than 98.2%.

Rice cereals have good digestibility and are distinguished by high culinary properties, used in children's and dietary nutrition. Cooking time for cereal is 45-50 minutes, increase in volume is 6-7 times.

Millet, polished

Polished millet is obtained from millet by freeing it from flower films, partly from fruit and seed coats and the embryo. Millet proteins are poor essential amino acids. Cereals contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, with long-term storage fat goes rancid. Millet that is bright yellow, large, and glassy is prized.

Depending on the quality, millet is divided into premium, 1st and 2nd grades. The color of the cereal is yellow in different shades. Content of benign kernel (%, no less): in the highest grade - 99.2, in the 1st grade - 98.7, in the 2nd grade - 98.


Produced from steamed or unsteamed buckwheat grain by separating the fruit shells. According to the method of processing, a distinction is made between kernels and quick-cooking kernels, prodel and fast-cooking kernels.

The kernel is a buckwheat kernel, freed from the fruit membranes, uncracked. Color with a yellowish or greenish tint.

The fast-cooking kernel is produced after steaming the grain. Color - brown in different shades.

Made - buckwheat kernels split into pieces. The product is not divided into varieties.


Oats are used to produce steamed uncrushed oatmeal, rolled oatmeal, Hercules and petal flakes, and oatmeal. They are not divided into varieties.

In cooking oatmeal used for cooking viscous porridge, meatballs, milk soups, casseroles.

Barley groats.

Pearl barley and pearl barley are produced from cereal barley. barley groats.

Pearl barley- these are whole or crushed barley kernels, freed from flower films, well ground and polished. According to the size of the grains, there are five numbers: grains No. 1 and 2 have an elongated core shape with rounded ends, grains No. 3 - 5 are spherical in shape. The content of a benign core is not less than 99.6%. Cooking time -- 60--90 min.

Used for cooking porridges - large ones, soups - small ones.

Wheat cereal.

Semolina, Poltavskaya and Artek cereals are produced from wheat grain.

Semolina is obtained by grinding varietal grains into flour. Depending on the type of wheat, semolina is grade M - opaque floury semolina of smooth white, selected during varietal grinding of soft wheat. Ash content - no more than 0.6%. T-grade grains are translucent mealy grains of cream or yellowish color, selected during grinding durum wheat. The ash content of the cereal is no more than 0.7%. MT brand cereals are dominated by opaque mealy white grains with the presence of translucent ribbed cream-colored grains.


Pasta products are made from wheat flour. They have high nutritional value, good digestibility, boil quickly, are well transported and stored.

Pasta products are divided into types: tubular, thread-shaped (vermicelli), ribbon-shaped (noodles) and curly.

Tubular products.

Depending on their shape and length, they are divided into subtypes: pasta, horns, feathers.

Pasta-- tubes with a straight cut. The length of short pasta is from 15 to 30 cm, long pasta is at least 30 cm. Depending on the cross-sectional size, pasta is; straw (diameter up to 4.0 mm), special (from 4.1 to 5.5 mm), ordinary (from 5.6 to 7.0 mm) and amateur (more than 7.0 mm).

Horns-- curved or straight tubes with a straight cut. The length of the horns along the outer curve is from 1.5 to 4.0 cm, amateur ones - from 3.0 to 10. Depending on the outer diameter, the horns are: straw, special, ordinary and amateur.

Feathers- tubes with an oblique cut. The length from an acute angle to an obtuse angle is from 3.0 to 10.0 cm. Depending on the outer diameter, the feathers are the same as pasta, except for the straws.

The cross-sectional shape of tubular products can be round, square, corrugated, etc.

Thread-like products .

These include vermicelli.

Vermicelli It has various shapes sections: square, round, ellipsoidal, etc. Depending on the size of the section, they are distinguished (in mm, no more): gossamer - 0.8, thin - 1.2, ordinary - 1.5, amateur - 3, 0. In terms of length, vermicelli can be: long - at least 20 cm long and short - at least 2 cm.

Ribbon-shaped products.

These include noodles.

Noodles It can be smooth or grooved, the edges can be straight, wavy, sawtooth. Noodles are classified according to their length: long - no less than 20 cm long and short - no less than 2 cm. Any width of noodles is allowed, but not less than 3 mm, thickness should not be more than 2 mm.

Vermicelli, noodles, pasta (straws) can be produced in the form of skeins, nests, their sizes are not limited.

Figured products.

They are produced in any shape and size, and shaped items are stamped in the form of the alphabet, stars, shells, etc.

Quality and storage requirements

The color of pasta should be uniform with a cream or yellowish tint, corresponding to the type of flour, without traces of unkneading. When adding additives, the color should change according to the additives. The surface of the products must be smooth, minor roughness is allowed, the fracture must be glassy. The form is correct, corresponding to the name of the products. The taste and smell should be characteristic, without bitterness, mustiness, or the smell of mold. When cooked until cooked, the products should not lose their shape, stick together, form lumps, or fall apart at the seams. Product humidity is no more than 13%, acidity is no more than 4, with added tomato products no more than 10. Depending on the type of packaging and type of pasta, the amount of scrap, crumbs and deformed products in them is standardized. The presence of barn pests is not allowed.

Store pasta in clean, dry, well-ventilated rooms, not infested with barn pests, at a temperature of no more than 30 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 70%.


Milk soups are prepared on whole milk, with the addition of water, as well as from condensed and powdered milk. These soups are prepared with cereals, pasta and vegetables. Pasta, whole grain cereals and vegetables do not cook well in milk, so they are first boiled until half cooked in water, and then in milk. Finely crushed cereals and semolina are immediately poured into boiling milk.

Milk soups are cooked in small portions, as long-term storage deteriorates the color, smell and taste of the soup. Butter is placed in a cauldron or plate immediately before release.

Milk soup with cereals.

The sorted and washed cereals (rice or millet) are poured into boiling water, boiled for 5-7 minutes, hot milk is poured in and cooked until tender. At the end of cooking add sugar. If you cook soup with whole milk, then pre-boil the cereal in water for 5-7 minutes. , place on a sieve and allow the water to drain. The prepared cereal is placed in boiling milk and cooked until tender.

When preparing soup with barley or semolina, pour the sifted cereal into boiling milk or milk with water in a stream while stirring and cook for 15-20 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add salt and sugar. When leaving, pour the soup into a plate and add a piece of butter.

Milk soup with pasta.

The prepared pasta is poured into boiling salted water, cooked until half cooked, hot milk is poured in and brought to readiness, and sugar is added at the end of cooking. If the soup is prepared with whole milk, then the pasta is poured into boiling water, the pasta is cooked for 7-10 minutes, the noodles for 5-7 minutes, the vermicelli for 3-5 minutes and placed on a sieve. Prepared pasta is placed in boiling milk, salt and sugar are added and cooked until cooked. The soup filling (“stars”, “alphabet”, “ears”) is immediately poured into boiling milk or milk with added water, add salt and sugar and cook until tender. When leaving, pour the soup into a plate and add a piece of butter.

Lapshevik milk

Prepare homemade noodles, sift the flour and pour it into boiling water for 1-2 minutes, place it on a sieve and let the water drain. After this, put it in boiling milk or milk diluted with water and cook for 12-15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt and sugar. When leaving, add a piece of butter to the bowl of soup.

Milk soup with vegetables.

Carrots are cut into slices, cubes or cubes and lightly sautéed in butter, White cabbage cut into checkers, and the colored one is divided into small balls, the potatoes are cut into cubes or slices, the bean pods are in the form of squares or diamonds and boiled separately. Place sauteed carrots in boiling salted water, bring to a boil, add potatoes, cauliflower or white cabbage and cook until half cooked. Then add hot milk and cook until done. At the end of cooking, add boiled green beans and salt.

Milk soups can be prepared with a different set of vegetables; green peas, turnips, pumpkin, spinach leaves, lettuce and other vegetables. Soups are sometimes seasoned with flour sauté diluted with milk or water. When leaving, the soup is poured into a plate and placed butter.

Semolina milk soup

Semolina is poured into boiling milk diluted with water, boiled for 10 minutes, sugar and salt are added. When serving, add butter.

Semolina milk soup with raisins

Add sifted milk to boiling milk diluted with water, stirring continuously. semolina, add salt, sugar, raisins and cook at low boil for 15-20 minutes. When serving, add butter.

Milk rice soup

Sort the rice and rinse well, boil for 3-5 minutes. Place in boiling water and drain in a colander. When the water has drained, put the rice in boiling milk and cook for 30 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, and before serving add butter.



The use of technical equipment reduces labor intensity primary processing raw materials, reduces the percentage of waste, etc.

The introduction of mechanized food picking and dispensing lines makes it possible to improve and at the same time reduce the time it takes to serve consumers.

Electric stoves PE-0.17, PE-0.51, PE-0.51Sh

The slabs are designed to perform technological processes heat treatment of semi-finished products (cooking, poaching, sautéing, stewing, frying) in functional containers.

Electric sectional modulated digester boiler KPESM-60M

Cooking kettles are designed for cooking broths, first, second, third courses and sauces. Installed in a hot shop. Consists of a cooking vessel, a steam jacket, a body, a lid, a tap, and a control panel.

Stovetop boilers with a capacity of 20, 30, 40 and 50 l

Boilers are designed for cooking food. The boiler body has cylindrical shape, on the sides there are two handles. Boilers are made of stainless steel and aluminum. They are supplied with lids. The bottom of the boiler is solidly stamped from stainless steel with a thickness of 2.0 mm. Products are completely polished

The main requirement for boilers is that the bottom is strictly horizontal.


POP uses a variety of utensils, which are classified according to the following criteria: the material from which it is made, production method, functional purpose, complexity of decoration, etc.

Depending on the material used, the dishes are made: glass, ceramic (pottery, majolica, porcelain-faience), metal (usually aluminum, stainless steel), plastic, wood.

According to the production method, there are: blown, cast, pressed, stamped, turned, hollowed-wood.

By functional purpose for storing food, for cooking (stovetop), for serving food (tabletop), for eating and drinking, auxiliary or other (rinses, ashtrays, night vases


Metal cutlery includes: knives, spoons, forks and others.

General operating rules and safety precautions when working on mechanical equipment

Before starting work, the cook must bring his workplace in order, check the safety of operation:

check the idle speed of the equipment,

check the presence and direction of barriers,

presence and serviceability of electrical wiring and grounding,

the presence of an independent starting device - a switch, a packet switch, a magnetic starter,

check the serviceability of other equipment,

check idle operation.

While working, the cook must:

The machine should only be loaded after it has been started,

fill the working surface of the electric stove with dishes as much as possible,

turn off the electric grill of the stoves in a timely manner or switch them to a lower power,

do not allow burners to be turned on at maximum and medium power without loading,

do not use cauldrons, pans with deformed bottoms and edges, handles that are not securely fastened or without them,

control the pressure and temperature in the devices within the limits specified in the operating instructions,

monitor the presence of draft in the combustion chamber of gas equipment and the pressure gauge readings when operating equipment operating under pressure.

After finishing work:

The car is turned off

Partially disassemble it and clean it of product residues,

Then rinse thoroughly until all product residues are completely removed.

The outer surfaces of the machine are wiped first with a damp and then with a dry cloth,

The washed parts of the machine are dried, after which all rusting parts and surfaces in contact with food are lubricated with food-grade unsalted fat.

Once a week, wipe with a dry cloth or flannel until the shine is restored,

The machine should be regularly disassembled and inspected to replace worn parts,

During non-working hours, the machine must be disconnected from the power supply.


1. Anfimova N.A., Tatarskaya L.L., Zakharova T.I. Cooking: Textbook for professional and technical students. schools - M.: Economics, 1978. - 295 p.

2. Goncharova V.N., Goloshchapova E.Ya. Commodity management of food products: a textbook for technical sciences. departments of technical schools. - M.: Economics, 1985. - 256 p.

3. Kovalev N.I., Salnikova L.K. Cooking technology: Textbook for students, educational. according to special "Technology of Societies. nutrition" - 3rd ed., revised. - M.: Economics, 1988. - 303 p.

4. Sopina L.N., Khozyaeva S.G. A guide for the cook: textbook. manual for training skilled workers in co-op. prof.-techn. schools and directly in production. - M.: Economics, 1985. - 240 p.

5. Novozhenov Yu.M. Culinary characteristics of dishes. - M.: Higher School, 1987. - 256 p.

6. Timofeev V.M., Voronin V.V. Directory: Trade equipment and utensils. - M.: Economics, 1988. - 127 p.

7. Uspenskaya N.R. A practical guide for the cook. Textbook Manual for professional-technical schools - M.: Economics, 1982. - 176 p.

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They are prepared with whole milk or a mixture of milk and water, with dry or condensed sterilized milk without sugar (the replacement rate for 1 liter of milk is 0.46 liters). To obtain 1 liter of reconstituted milk (depending on the type), take 110-130 g of sifted milk powder and 900 ml boiled water(t=60-70°C). At temperatures above 70°C, milk powder proteins coagulate and dissolve poorly. The sifted milk powder powder is first stirred in small quantity water until homogeneous mass, then add the rest of the water and leave for 30-40 minutes for the milk proteins to swell. Then, stirring, bring to a boil. It is not recommended to boil milk for a long time: it reduces biological value, taste deteriorates. This also applies to cooking milk soups.

Cereals (rice, millet, semolina, pearl barley, barley. Hercules) serve as side dishes for soups; industrially produced pasta or flour products prepared at catering establishments (homemade noodles, dumplings, profiteroles); vegetables (pumpkin, turnips, zucchini, leeks, carrots, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Savoy cabbage, green peas, green beans).

The technology for the production of soups with whole milk boils down to the following: subjected milk is added to milk brought to a boil. machining products and cook them until cooked, adding salt and sugar before finishing cooking. Before serving, soups are seasoned with butter.

Milk soups with pasta thicken quickly when stored, so they are prepared in small batches. Their implementation period is no more than 30-40 minutes.

Milk soup with pasta. Pasta is boiled in water until half cooked (pasta - 15-20 minutes, noodles - 10-12 minutes, vermicelli - 5-7 minutes), the water is drained, and the pasta is placed in a boiling mixture of milk and water and, stirring occasionally, cooked until When ready, add salt and sugar. When vacationing, fill with oil.

Milk soup with cereals. Rice, corn, barley, pearl barley, buckwheat, millet, oat flakes “Hercules” are boiled in salted water until half cooked for 10-15 minutes. Then add hot milk, add salt and sugar and cook until tender.

Corn and pearl barley can be boiled in water until tender (the ratio of water to cereal is 6:1), then discarded and added to a mixture of milk and water, brought to a boil, add salt and sugar. When vacationing, fill with oil.

Semolina is first sifted, poured in a thin stream into a boiling mixture of milk and water, brought to a boil, add salt and sugar and cook for 5-7 minutes until tender. When vacationing, fill with oil.

You can serve the soup separately with wheat or cornflakes 25 g per serving.

Milk soup with pumpkin and cereals. Pumpkin, cut into cubes, is placed in boiling milk or a mixture of milk and water and boiled until half-cooked, then add semolina or millet cooked separately until half-cooked, add salt, sugar and cook until tender. When vacationing, fill with oil.

Milk soup with vegetables. Carrots and turnips are cut into slices or slices, potatoes into cubes or slices, white cabbage into checkers, cauliflower disassemble into small inflorescences, cut the bean pods into 2-3 parts. Turnips, some varieties of cabbage and cauliflower are pre-blanched to remove bitterness.

Place sautéed carrots and turnips, potatoes, then cabbage into a boiling pot and cook at low boil until tender.

5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add green peas or previously boiled beans, pour in hot milk, add salt and bring to a boil. When vacationing, fill with oil.

Milk soup with dumplings. When leaving, ready-made dumplings are placed in portioned dishes and poured hot boiled milk or a mixture of milk and water, add salt, sugar, and oil.

Milk soup with potato dumplings. The potatoes are peeled, wiped, squeezed, mashed potatoes, previously boiled in their skins, and salt are added. The resulting mass is mixed well. Round dumplings (2 cm in diameter) are made from the mass and boiled in water intended for soup. Then add milk, bring to a boil, add salt. When vacationing, fill with oil.

Milk soup with peas and pearl barley. Pre-prepared peas and pearl barley are cooked until tender, a mixture of milk and water is added, brought to a boil, and salt is added. When vacationing, fill with oil.

Introduction. Characteristics of the public catering industry, development prospects

1. Product characteristics of the main types of raw materials and sanitary and hygienic requirements for their storage

2. Technology for preparing milk soups

3. Characteristics of equipment, inventory, utensils. Operating rules and safety precautions. Occupational Safety and Health

List of used literature


The most important task of public catering at the present stage is the introduction of new production technologies.

Currently, public catering enterprises are switching to a comprehensive supply of industrially produced semi-finished products. This is necessary to increase labor productivity and improve the quality of products.

The production of culinary products in public catering establishments is a complex technological process, consisting of a number of operations for processing products for preparing dishes and culinary products.

Depending on the organization of the technological process, public catering enterprises are divided into two types: raw materials, working on raw materials, and pre-production, working on semi-finished products.

Cooking is the art of preparing a variety of foods from raw plant and animal products.

Cooking is closely related to such disciplines as food marketing, the basics of nutritional physiology, hygiene and sanitation, production organization, and technological equipment for public catering establishments.

The technological process is a series of scientifically based, consistent methods of mechanical and thermal processing of raw materials.

Raw materials are food products intended for the preparation of culinary products.

Semi-finished products are products that have undergone partial culinary processing, but have not yet been brought to culinary readiness and are unsuitable for consumption.

Important documents for catering chefs are industry standards, technological conditions and instructions.


Milk is a product of normal secretion of the mammary gland of animals. It contains more than 200 different easily digestible substances necessary for human life, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. All components of milk are well balanced, making them easily and completely absorbed by the human body. Milk contains (in%): water - 85 - 89, proteins - 2.8 - 4, fat - 2.9 - 6, milk sugar - 4 - 4.7, minerals - 0.7 - 1, vitamins A , D, E, C, RR, group B. The energy value of 100 g of milk with a fat content of 3.2% is 58 kcal, or 243 kJ.

The taste and smell are pure, without extraneous tastes and odors that are not characteristic of fresh milk. The color should be white with a slightly yellowish tint;

The temperature of pasteurized milk should be no higher than 8 °C, sterilized milk - no higher than 20 0 C.

Rice groats

According to the processing method, rice groats can be ground, polished and crushed polished.

Polished rice is grains of hulled rice from which the flower membranes, fruit and seed coats, most of the aleurone layer, and the germ have been completely removed. The surface is rough.

Polished rice is polished rice grains of glassy varieties processed on polishing machines. The surface is smooth and shiny.

Based on quality, milled and polished rice is divided into premium, 1st and 2nd grades. Content of benign kernel (in%, no less): in the highest grade - 99.7, in the 1st grade - 99.4, in the 2nd grade - 99.1.

Milled crushed rice is crushed rice kernels formed during the production of milled, polished rice and additionally processed on grinding machines. They are not divided into varieties. The content of a benign core is at least 98.2%.

Rice cereals have good digestibility, are distinguished by high culinary properties, and are used in baby and dietary nutrition. The cooking time for the cereal is 45 - 50 minutes, the increase in volume is 6 - 7 times.

Millet, polished

Polished millet is obtained from millet by freeing it from flower films, partly from fruit and seed coats and the embryo. Millet proteins are poor in essential amino acids. Cereals contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids; during long-term storage, the fat goes rancid. Millet that is bright yellow, large, and glassy is prized.

Depending on the quality, millet is divided into premium, 1st and 2nd grades. The color of the cereal is yellow in different shades. Content of benign kernel (%, no less): in the highest grade - 99.2, in the 1st - 98.7, in the 2nd - 98.


Produced from steamed or unsteamed buckwheat grain by separating the fruit shells. According to the method of processing, a distinction is made between kernels and quick-cooking kernels, prodel and fast-cooking kernels.

The kernel is a buckwheat kernel, freed from the fruit membranes, uncracked. Color with a yellowish or greenish tint.

The fast-cooking kernel is produced after steaming the grain. Color - brown in different shades.

Prodel - buckwheat kernels split into pieces. The product is not divided into varieties.


Oats are used to produce steamed uncrushed oatmeal, rolled oatmeal, Hercules and petal flakes, and oatmeal. They are not divided into varieties.

In cooking, oatmeal is used to prepare viscous porridges, meatballs, milk soups, and casseroles.

Barley groats.

Pearl barley and barley are produced from cereal barley.

Pearl barley is whole or crushed barley kernels, freed from flower films, well ground and polished. According to the size of the grains, there are five numbers: grains No. 1 and 2 have an elongated core shape with rounded ends, grains No. 3 -5 are spherical in shape. The content of the benign core is at least 99.6%. Cooking time - 60-90 minutes.

Used for cooking porridges - large ones, soups - small ones.

Wheat cereal.

Semolina, Poltavskaya and Artek cereals are produced from wheat grain.

Semolina is obtained by grinding varietal grains into flour. Depending on the type of wheat, semolina is grade M - opaque mealy semolina of an even white color, selected during varietal grinding of soft wheat. Ash content - no more than 0.6%. T-grade grains are translucent mealy grains of cream or yellowish color, selected from the grinding of durum wheat. The ash content of the cereal is no more than 0.7%. MT brand cereals - predominantly opaque mealy white grits with the presence of translucent ribbed cream-colored grits.


Pasta products are made from wheat flour. They have high nutritional value, good digestibility, boil quickly, are easily transported and stored.

Pasta products are divided into types: tubular, thread-shaped (vermicelli), ribbon-shaped (noodles) and curly.

Tubular products.

Depending on their shape and length, they are divided into subtypes: pasta, horns, feathers.

Pasta - tubes with a straight cut. The length of short pasta is from 15 to 30 cm, long - at least 30 cm. Depending on the size of the cross section, pasta is; straw (diameter up to 4.0 mm), special (from 4.1 to 5.5 mm), ordinary (from 5.6 to 7.0 mm) and amateur (more than 7.0 mm).

Horns are curved or straight tubes with a straight cut. The length of the horns along the outer curve is from 1.5 to 4.0 cm, amateur ones - from 3.0 to 10. Depending on the outer diameter, the horns are: straw, special, ordinary and amateur.

Feathers are tubes with an oblique cut. The length from an acute angle to an obtuse angle is from 3.0 to 10.0 cm. Depending on the outer diameter, the feathers are the same as pasta, except for the straws.

The cross-sectional shape of tubular products can be round, square, corrugated, etc.

Thread-like products.

These include vermicelli.

Vermicelli has a varied cross-sectional shape: square, round, ellipsoidal, etc. Depending on the size of the cross-section, they are distinguished (in mm, no more): gossamer - 0.8, thin - 1.2, ordinary - 1.5, amateur - 3, 0. In terms of length, vermicelli can be: long - at least 20 cm long and short - at least 2 cm.

Ribbon-shaped products.

These include noodles.

Noodles can be smooth or grooved, the edges can be straight, wavy, or sawtooth. The length of the noodles is distinguished: long - no less than 20 cm long and short - no less than 2 cm. Any width of the noodles is allowed, but not less than 3 mm, thickness should not be more than 2 mm.

Vermicelli, noodles, pasta (straws) can be produced in the form of skeins, nests, their sizes are not limited.

Figured products.

They are produced in any shape and size, and shaped items are stamped in the form of the alphabet, stars, shells, etc.

Quality and storage requirements

The color of pasta should be uniform with a cream or yellowish tint, corresponding to the type of flour, without traces of unkneading. When adding additives, the color should change according to the additives. The surface of the products must be smooth, minor roughness is allowed, the fracture must be glassy. The form is correct, corresponding to the name of the products. The taste and smell should be characteristic, without bitterness, mustiness, or the smell of mold. When cooked until cooked, the products should not lose their shape, stick together, form lumps, or fall apart at the seams. Humidity of products - no more than 13%, acidity - no more than 4, with additives of tomato products - no more than 10. Depending on the type of packaging and type of pasta, the amount of scrap, crumbs and deformed products in them is standardized. The presence of barn pests is not allowed.

And without thickeners. Flour and starch are used as thickeners. Based on consistency, sauces are divided into liquid (for stewing and serving with dishes), medium thickness (for baking), and thick (for stuffing). The colors are red and white. Based on the preparation technology, sauces are divided into basic and derivative ones. White broth- prepared from meat and chicken bones. Brown broth- preparing for...

Depending on the cooking time. Vitamin B2 is more resistant to heat treatment than vitamin B1, but is also quickly destroyed. Chapter II. Cooking technology According to the collection of recipes (“86 g) – for preparing 1 kg fluffy rice: -) rice grains - 357 g -) water - 0.75 l Rice cooked for sushi should be a little tougher than for other dishes - the so-called “al’dente” degree. ...

Technology for preparing milk soups


Milk soups are prepared with whole milk, with the addition of water, as well as with condensed and powdered milk. These soups are prepared with cereals, pasta and vegetables. Pasta, whole grain cereals and vegetables do not cook well in milk, so they are first boiled until half cooked in water, and then in milk. Finely crushed cereals and semolina are immediately poured into boiling milk.

Milk soups are cooked in small portions, as long-term storage deteriorates the color, smell and taste of the soup. Butter is placed in a cauldron or plate immediately before release.

Milk soup with cereals.

The sorted and washed cereals (rice or millet) are poured into boiling water, boiled for 5-7 minutes, hot milk is poured in and cooked until tender. At the end of cooking add sugar. If you cook soup with whole milk, then pre-cook the cereal in water for 5-7 minutes, place it on a sieve and let the water drain. The prepared cereal is placed in boiling milk and cooked until tender.

When preparing soup with barley or semolina, pour the sifted cereal into boiling milk or milk with water in a stream while stirring and cook for 15-20 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add salt and sugar. When leaving, pour the soup into a plate and add a piece of butter.

Milk soup with pasta.

The prepared pasta is poured into boiling salted water, cooked until half cooked, hot milk is poured in and brought to readiness, and sugar is added at the end of cooking. If the soup is prepared with whole milk, then the pasta is poured into boiling water, the pasta is cooked for 7-10 minutes, the noodles for 5-7 minutes, the vermicelli for 3-5 minutes and placed on a sieve. Prepared pasta is placed in boiling milk, salt and sugar are added and cooked until cooked. The soup filling (“stars”, “alphabet”, “ears”) is immediately poured into boiling milk or milk with added water, add salt and sugar and cook until tender. When leaving, pour the soup into a plate and add a piece of butter.

Lapshevik milk

Prepare homemade noodles, sift the flour and pour into boiling water for 1-2 minutes, place on a sieve and let the water drain. After this, put it in boiling milk or milk diluted with water and cook for 12-15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt and sugar. When leaving, add a piece of butter to the bowl of soup.

Milk soup with vegetables.

Carrots are cut into slices, cubes or cubes and lightly sautéed in butter, white cabbage is cut into checkers, and cauliflower is divided into small balls, potatoes are cut into cubes or slices, bean pods are in the form of squares or diamonds and boiled separately. Place sauteed carrots in boiling salted water, bring to a boil, add potatoes, cauliflower or white cabbage and cook until half cooked. Then add hot milk and cook until done. At the end of cooking, add boiled green beans and salt.

Milk soups can be prepared with a different set of vegetables; green peas, turnips, pumpkin, spinach leaves, lettuce and other vegetables. Soups are sometimes seasoned with flour sauté diluted with milk or water. When leaving, pour the soup into a plate and add butter.

Semolina milk soup

Semolina is poured into boiling milk diluted with water, boiled for 10 minutes, sugar and salt are added. When serving, add butter.

Semolina milk soup with raisins

Add sifted semolina to boiling milk diluted with water, stirring continuously, add salt, sugar, raisins and cook at low boil for 15-20 minutes. When serving, add butter.

Milk rice soup

Sort the rice and rinse well, boil for 3-5 minutes. Place in boiling water and drain in a colander. When the water has drained, put the rice in boiling milk and cook for 30 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, and before serving add butter.

Vegetarian table

§ Mushroom soup. Pre-sort the dried mushrooms, rinse and soak for 2 - 3 hours, then rinse them again and cut into strips (leave the broth left over from the mushrooms to dilute the flour). Cut the peeled potatoes into strips...

Kyiv borscht with mushrooms. Beetroot - 113/90, fresh white cabbage - 125/100, potatoes - 133/100, fresh dried mushrooms - 8. Mass of boiled mushrooms - 16, beans - 40.4/40, carrots - 50/40, parsley (root) - 20/15, onions - 48/40, oil - 25, tomato puree - 50...

Seasoning soups. The use of finishing semi-finished products, minced meats and fillings in confectionery production

Process diagram No. 1 Potato soup with pearl barley Process diagram No. 2 Kapustnyak Technological map No. 3 Home-style rassolnik (with beans) Menu-requirement for obtaining products for the preparation of project culinary products...

Ukrainian borscht. Place meat in boiling bone broth, cook until tender, remove and cut into portions. The beets are cut into strips, salted, sprinkled with vinegar, add fat from meat broth, sugar, tomato puree and simmer until half cooked...

Organization of the cooking process and preparation of national soups

Pre-production workshops include hot and cold shops of public catering establishments. In the hot shop, hot first courses, second courses, side dishes, sauces are prepared...

Organization of the cooking process and preparation of national soups

The procedure for developing branded and new products includes the following stages: - development of a draft recipe; - development of recipes and production technology; - design of recipes and production technology; - definition...

Organization of the technological process for preparing hot puree soups

The quality of food largely depends on the quality of the raw materials used for preparation, as well as the technology of preparation, conditions of sale and storage. In accordance with GOST R 50647-94 "Public catering...

Preparation and distribution of culinary products

Table 11. Analysis of food quality indicators...

Technology development fermented milk drink for preventive nutrition with filler

At the first stage of the search experiment, the components of the future product were selected and justified...

Technologies for public catering and meat products

Puree soups are distinguished by the fact that to prepare them, the products are pureed after heat treatment, so they have a uniform and delicate consistency. These soups are widely used in baby and medical nutrition...

Technology of milk and dairy products

Technology of production of public catering products

TO dressing soups borscht, cabbage soup, pickles, solyanka, soups with fresh vegetables, cereals, legumes, flour products and potatoes, stew. Each of these groups has its own cooking characteristics, differs in recipe, form of cutting vegetables...


Introduction. Characteristics of the public catering industry, development prospects

1. Product characteristics of the main types of raw materials and sanitary and hygienic requirements for their storage

2. Technology for preparing milk soups

3. Characteristics of equipment, inventory, utensils. Operating rules and safety precautions. Occupational Safety and Health

List of used literature


The most important task of public catering at the present stage is the introduction of new production technologies.

Currently, public catering enterprises are switching to a comprehensive supply of industrially produced semi-finished products. This is necessary to increase labor productivity and improve the quality of products.

The production of culinary products in public catering establishments is a complex technological process, consisting of a number of operations for processing products for preparing dishes and culinary products.

Depending on the organization of the technological process, public catering enterprises are divided into two types: raw materials, working on raw materials, and pre-production, working on semi-finished products.

Cooking is the art of preparing a variety of foods from raw plant and animal products.

Cooking is closely related to such disciplines as food marketing, the basics of nutritional physiology, hygiene and sanitation, production organization, and technological equipment for public catering establishments.

The technological process is a series of scientifically based, consistent methods of mechanical and thermal processing of raw materials.

Raw materials are food products intended for the preparation of culinary products.

Semi-finished products are products that have undergone partial culinary processing, but have not yet been brought to culinary readiness and are unsuitable for consumption.

Important documents for catering chefs are industry standards, technological conditions and instructions.


Milk is a product of normal secretion of the mammary gland of animals. It contains more than 200 different easily digestible substances necessary for human life, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. All components of milk are well balanced, making them easily and completely absorbed by the human body. Milk contains (in%): water - 85 - 89, proteins - 2.8 - 4, fat - 2.9 - 6, milk sugar - 4 - 4.7, minerals - 0.7 -1, vitamins A , D, E, C, PP, group B. The energy value of 100 g of milk with a fat content of 3.2% is 58 kcal, or 243 kJ.

The taste and smell are pure, without extraneous tastes and odors that are not characteristic of fresh milk. The color should be white with a slightly yellowish tint;

The temperature of pasteurized milk should not be higher than 8°C, sterilized milk should not be higher than 20°C.

Rice groats

According to the processing method, rice groats can be ground, polished and crushed polished.

Polished rice is grains of hulled rice from which the flower membranes, fruit and seed coats, most of the aleurone layer, and the germ have been completely removed. The surface is rough.

Polished rice is polished rice grains of glassy varieties processed on polishing machines. The surface is smooth and shiny.

Based on quality, milled and polished rice is divided into premium, 1st and 2nd grades. Content of benign kernel (in%, no less): in the highest grade - 99.7, in the 1st grade - 99.4, in the 2nd grade - 99.1.

Milled crushed rice is crushed rice kernels formed during the production of milled, polished rice and additionally processed on grinding machines. They are not divided into varieties. The content of a benign core is at least 98.2%.

Rice cereals have good digestibility, are distinguished by high culinary properties, and are used in baby and dietary nutrition. The cooking time for the cereal is 45 - 50 minutes, the increase in volume is 6 - 7 times.

Millet, polished

Polished millet is obtained from millet by freeing it from flower films, partly from fruit and seed coats and the embryo. Millet proteins are poor in essential amino acids. Cereals contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids; during long-term storage, the fat goes rancid. Millet that is bright yellow, large, and glassy is prized.

Depending on the quality, millet is divided into premium, 1st and 2nd grades. The color of the cereal is yellow in different shades. Content of benign kernel (%, no less): in the highest grade - 99.2, in the 1st - 98.7, in the 2nd - 98.


Produced from steamed or unsteamed buckwheat grain by separating the fruit shells. According to the method of processing, a distinction is made between kernels and quick-cooking kernels, prodel and fast-cooking kernels.

The kernel is a buckwheat kernel, freed from the fruit membranes, uncracked. Color with a yellowish or greenish tint.

The fast-cooking kernel is produced after steaming the grain. Color - brown in different shades.

Prodel - buckwheat kernels split into pieces. The product is not divided into varieties.


Oats are used to produce steamed uncrushed oatmeal, rolled oatmeal, Hercules and petal flakes, and oatmeal. They are not divided into varieties.

In cooking, oatmeal is used to prepare viscous porridges, meatballs, milk soups, and casseroles.

Barley groats.

Pearl barley and barley are produced from cereal barley.

Pearl barley is whole or crushed barley kernels, freed from flower films, well ground and polished. According to the size of the grains, there are five numbers: grains No. 1 and 2 have an elongated core shape with rounded ends, grains No. 3 -5 are spherical in shape. The content of the benign core is at least 99.6%. Cooking time - 60-90 minutes.

Used for cooking porridges - large ones, soups - small ones.

Wheat cereal.

Semolina, Poltavskaya and Artek cereals are produced from wheat grain.

Semolina is obtained by grinding varietal grains into flour. Depending on the type of wheat, semolina is grade M - opaque mealy semolina of an even white color, selected during varietal grinding of soft wheat. Ash content - no more than 0.6%. T-grade grains are translucent mealy grains of cream or yellowish color, selected from the grinding of durum wheat. The ash content of the cereal is no more than 0.7%. MT brand cereals - predominantly opaque mealy white grits with the presence of translucent ribbed cream-colored grits.


Pasta products are made from wheat flour. They have high nutritional value, good digestibility, boil quickly, are easily transported and stored.

Pasta products are divided into types: tubular, thread-shaped (vermicelli), ribbon-shaped (noodles) and curly.

Tubular products.

Depending on their shape and length, they are divided into subtypes: pasta, horns, feathers.

Pasta- straight cut tubes. The length of short pasta is from 15 to 30 cm, long - at least 30 cm. Depending on the size of the cross section, pasta is; straw (diameter up to 4.0 mm), special (from 4.1 to 5.5 mm), ordinary (from 5.6 to 7.0 mm) and amateur (more than 7.0 mm).

Horns- curved or straight tubes with a straight cut. The length of the horns along the outer curve is from 1.5 to 4.0 cm, amateur ones - from 3.0 to 10. Depending on the outer diameter, the horns are: straw, special, ordinary and amateur.

Feathers- tubes with an oblique cut. The length from an acute angle to an obtuse angle is from 3.0 to 10.0 cm. Depending on the outer diameter, the feathers are the same as pasta, except for the straws.

The cross-sectional shape of tubular products can be round, square, corrugated, etc.

Thread-like products .

These include vermicelli.

Vermicelli has a varied cross-sectional shape: square, round, ellipsoidal, etc. Depending on the size of the cross-section, they are distinguished (in mm, no more): cobweb - 0.8, thin - 1.2, ordinary - 1.5, amateur - 3.0. In terms of length, vermicelli can be: long - at least 20 cm long and short - at least 2 cm.

Ribbon-shaped products.

These include noodles.

Noodles It can be smooth or grooved, the edges can be straight, wavy, sawtooth. The length of the noodles is distinguished: long - no less than 20 cm long and short - no less than 2 cm. Any width of the noodles is allowed, but not less than 3 mm, thickness should not be more than 2 mm.

Vermicelli, noodles, pasta (straws) can be produced in the form of skeins, nests, their sizes are not limited.

Figured products.

They are produced in any shape and size, and shaped items are stamped in the form of the alphabet, stars, shells, etc.

Quality and storage requirements

The color of pasta should be uniform with a cream or yellowish tint, corresponding to the type of flour, without traces of unkneading. When adding additives, the color should change according to the additives. The surface of the products must be smooth, minor roughness is allowed, the fracture must be glassy. The form is correct, corresponding to the name of the products. The taste and smell should be characteristic, without bitterness, mustiness, or the smell of mold. When cooked until cooked, the products should not lose their shape, stick together, form lumps, or fall apart at the seams. Humidity of products - no more than 13%, acidity - no more than 4, with additives of tomato products - no more than 10. Depending on the type of packaging and type of pasta, the amount of scrap, crumbs and deformed products in them is standardized. The presence of barn pests is not allowed.

Store pasta in clean, dry, well-ventilated rooms, not infested with granary pests, at a temperature of no more than 30 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 70%.


Milk soups are prepared with whole milk, with the addition of water, as well as with condensed and powdered milk. These soups are prepared with cereals, pasta and vegetables. Pasta, whole grain cereals and vegetables do not cook well in milk, so they are first boiled until half cooked in water, and then in milk. Finely crushed cereals and semolina are immediately poured into boiling milk.

Milk soups are cooked in small portions, as long-term storage deteriorates the color, smell and taste of the soup. Butter is placed in a cauldron or plate immediately before release.

Milk soup with cereals.

The sorted and washed cereals (rice or millet) are poured into boiling water, boiled for 5-7 minutes, hot milk is poured in and cooked until tender. At the end of cooking add sugar. If you cook soup with whole milk, then pre-boil the cereal in water for 5-7 minutes. , place on a sieve and allow the water to drain. The prepared cereal is placed in boiling milk and cooked until tender.

When preparing soup with barley or semolina, pour the sifted cereal into boiling milk or milk with water in a stream while stirring and cook for 15-20 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add salt and sugar. When leaving, pour the soup into a plate and add a piece of butter.

Milk soup with pasta.

The prepared pasta is poured into boiling salted water, cooked until half cooked, hot milk is poured in and brought to readiness, and sugar is added at the end of cooking. If the soup is prepared with whole milk, then the pasta is poured into boiling water, the pasta is cooked for 7-10 minutes, the noodles for 5-7 minutes, the vermicelli for 3-5 minutes and placed on a sieve. Prepared pasta is placed in boiling milk, salt and sugar are added and cooked until cooked. The soup filling (“stars”, “alphabet”, “ears”) is immediately poured into boiling milk or milk with added water, add salt and sugar and cook until tender. When leaving, pour the soup into a plate and add a piece of butter.

Lapshevik milk

Prepare homemade noodles, sift the flour and pour into boiling water for 1-2 minutes, place on a sieve and allow the water to drain. After this, put it in boiling milk or milk diluted with water and cook for 12-15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt and sugar. When leaving, add a piece of butter to the bowl of soup.

Milk soup with vegetables.

Carrots are cut into slices, cubes or cubes and lightly sautéed in butter, white cabbage is cut into checkers, and cauliflower is divided into small balls, potatoes are cut into cubes or slices, bean pods are in the form of squares or diamonds and boiled separately. Place sauteed carrots in boiling salted water, bring to a boil, add potatoes, cauliflower or white cabbage and cook until half cooked. Then add hot milk and cook until done. At the end of cooking, add boiled green beans and salt.

Milk soups can be prepared with a different set of vegetables; green peas, turnips, pumpkin, spinach leaves, lettuce and other vegetables. Soups are sometimes seasoned with flour sauté diluted with milk or water. When leaving, pour the soup into a plate and add butter.

Semolina milk soup

Semolina is poured into boiling milk diluted with water, boiled for 10 minutes, sugar and salt are added. When serving, add butter.

Semolina milk soup with raisins

Add sifted semolina to boiling milk diluted with water, stirring continuously, add salt, sugar, raisins and cook at low boil for 15-20 minutes. When serving, add butter.

Milk rice soup

Sort the rice and rinse well, boil for 3-5 minutes. Place in boiling water and drain in a colander. When the water has drained, put the rice in boiling milk and cook for 30 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, and before serving add butter.



The use of technical equipment reduces the labor intensity of primary processing of raw materials, reduces the percentage of waste, etc.

The introduction of mechanized food picking and dispensing lines makes it possible to improve and at the same time reduce the time it takes to serve consumers.

Electric stoves PE-0.17, PE-0.51, PE-0.51Sh

The plates are designed for performing technological processes of heat treatment of semi-finished products (cooking, poaching, browning, stewing, frying) in functional containers.

Electric sectional modulated digester boiler KPESM-60M

Cooking kettles are designed for cooking broths, first, second, third courses and sauces. Installed in a hot shop. Consists of a cooking vessel, a steam jacket, a body, a lid, a tap, and a control panel.

Stovetop boilers with a capacity of 20, 30, 40 and 50 l

Boilers are designed for cooking food. The boiler body has a cylindrical shape, with two handles on the sides. Boilers are made of stainless steel and aluminum. They are supplied with lids. The bottom of the boiler is solidly stamped from stainless steel with a thickness of 2.0 mm. Products are completely polished

The main requirement for boilers is that the bottom is strictly horizontal.


POP uses a variety of utensils, which are classified according to the following criteria: the material from which it is made, production method, functional purpose, complexity of decoration, etc.

Depending on the material used, the dishes are made: glass, ceramic (pottery, majolica, porcelain-faience), metal (usually aluminum, stainless steel), plastic, wood.

According to the production method, there are: blown, cast, pressed, stamped, turned, hollowed-wood.

By functional purpose for storing food, for cooking (stovetop), for serving food (tabletop), for eating and drinking, auxiliary or other (rinses, ashtrays, night vases


Metal cutlery includes: knives, spoons, forks and others.

General operating rules and safety precautions when working on mechanical equipment

Before starting work, the cook must put his workplace in order and check the safety of work:

Check the idle speed of the equipment,

Check the presence and direction of barriers,

Availability and serviceability of electrical wiring and grounding,

The presence of an independent starting device - a switch, a batch switch, a magnetic starter,

Check the serviceability of other equipment,

Check idle speed.

While working, the cook must:

The machine should only be loaded after it has been started,

Fill the work surface of the electric stove with dishes as much as possible,

Turn off the electric grill of the stoves in a timely manner or switch them to a lower power,

Do not allow the burners to turn on at maximum and medium power without loading,

Do not use cauldrons, pans with deformed bottoms and edges, handles that are not securely fastened or without them,

Monitor the pressure and temperature in the devices within the limits specified in the operating instructions,

Monitor the presence of draft in the combustion chamber of gas equipment and the pressure gauge readings when operating equipment operating under pressure.

After finishing work:

The car is turned off

Partially disassemble it and clean it of product residues,

Then rinse thoroughly until all product residues are completely removed.

The outer surfaces of the machine are wiped first with a damp and then with a dry cloth,

The washed parts of the machine are dried, after which all rusting parts and surfaces in contact with food are lubricated with food-grade unsalted fat.

Once a week, wipe with a dry cloth or flannel until the shine is restored,

The machine should be regularly disassembled and inspected to replace worn parts,

During non-working hours, the machine must be disconnected from the power supply.


1. Anfimova N.A., Tatarskaya L.L., Zakharova T.I. Cooking: Textbook for professional and technical students. schools – M.: Economics, 1978. – 295 p.

2. Goncharova V.N., Goloshchapova E.Ya. Commodity management of food products: a textbook for technical sciences. departments of technical schools. – M.: Economics, 1985. – 256 p.

3. Kovalev N.I., Salnikova L.K. Cooking technology: Textbook for students, educational. according to special "Technology of Societies. nutrition" - 3rd ed., revised. – M.: Economics, 1988. – 303 p.

4. Sopina L.N., Khozyaeva S.G. A guide for the cook: textbook. manual for training skilled workers in co-op. prof.-techn. schools and directly in production. – M.: Economics, 1985. – 240 p.

5. Novozhenov Yu.M. Culinary characteristics of dishes. – M.: Higher School, 1987. – 256 p.

6. Timofeev V.M., Voronin V.V. Directory: Trade equipment and utensils. – M.: Economics, 1988. – 127 p.

7. Uspenskaya N.R. A practical guide for the cook. Textbook Manual for professional-technical schools – M.: Economics, 1982. – 176 p.
