Material shape of the nozzle directly. The most necessary tools for working with cream

By using pastry syringe Even a not very skilled pastry chef will be able to steal a cake, pastries, pies or candies. Buy a syringe with several types of attachments; this accessory has a lot of possibilities.

The thinnest nozzle with a straight cut will allow you to write with cream, sugar mastic or chocolate. You can use it to draw a variety of patterns reminiscent of lace, flower stems, and also create chocolate monograms.

To decorate the edge of the cake, a nozzle with an oblique cut is indispensable. You can use it to make cream borders. The wedge-shaped nozzle makes it easy to draw leaves and flower petals. Star-shaped nozzles are also very popular. With a small nozzle you can make cream stars, borders and curly dots. The large one is useful for pipetting cookies, such as meringue.

Preparing cream for the cake

To make your decorations beautiful, make the cream correctly. You can use custard or protein version and also well whipped heavy cream. However, the most popular remains thick butter cream, with its help you can create designs of any complexity - from a modest border to real cream flower beds.

You will need: - 100 g sweet butter; - 4 tablespoons of condensed milk; - a few drops vanilla extract; - food colorings.

Mash the butter and beat with a mixer along with vanilla essence and condensed milk. You should get a lush one homogeneous mass, holds its shape well.

Divide the cream into portions and add a little to each food coloring. Whisk the mixture thoroughly until the color is uniform.

Select the desired nozzle and place it on the pastry syringe. Using a spoon, fill the reservoir with cream. Place it tightly: if there are voids inside the syringe, you can ruin the jewelry.

Ceremonial view: decorating the birthday cake

Try decorating traditionally round cake. Cover its surface with fondant or chocolate icing, against such a background cream decorations look especially impressive.

Before you start creating decorations, sketch out a sketch on paper and then carefully draw lines on the surface of the cake; this is convenient to do with a toothpick or needle

Start with the centerpiece. Try making a bouquet of daisies; you can draw them using a bias cutter. Fill the syringe pink cream and bring it to the surface. Holding the syringe at a slight angle, squeeze out the cream so that it falls in steep waves, reminiscent of petals. Moving your hand in waves, move the syringe in a circle, drawing a flower. Draw three large daisies and a couple of buds.

Fill the syringe green cream and use a thin straight tip to draw the stems of the flowers. Change the nozzle to a wedge-shaped one and draw leaves. Lastly, decorate the edges of the cake. Use white cream to plant stars to form a beautiful border. Draw them using a star tip.

How often have you stopped in front of a pastry shop window and admired a cake of unearthly beauty, skillfully decorated with fabulous flowers, rosettes, patterns and curls? Now you too can create such a masterpiece, with your own hands, own kitchen, with the help of various confectionery attachments which you will find in this section of our online store.

Types and features of application

Attachments for pastry bag can be used for a variety of purposes - for decorating cakes and pastries, for depositing shaped cookies or filling delicious filling eclairs and donuts.

Tube attachments of different diameters are classic attachments, such as a star or a flower. With their help, you can plant cookies, eclairs, profiteroles, and make meringues for a cake in the form of garlands of flowers, stars, and roses. If you want to make something more original and interesting decor, then we recommend using the following types: “ oriental rose", "closed star", "grass", "tulip", "fantasy" star or ribbon. We recommend purchasing pastry bags immediately and checking out other interesting products in our catalog.

Our offers

Why is it worth buying pastry cream attachments from us? After all, such goods are now available in almost every household goods store. There are several compelling arguments for this.

  1. We have a very wide range of different attachments, from classic to modern, unusual and creative.
  2. Our prices are pleasant and affordable. You can immediately purchase a whole set of pastry tips for decorating cakes and receive a favorable discount in the form of bonuses for your next order (you need to register for this).
  3. We will be happy to advise you on the purpose of using this or that tool, and will help you make right choice and we will recommend suitable products from other categories.

We have a delivery service - if you don’t have time to pick up your purchases, we will deliver them to your home, to the nearest pick-up point or parcel locker. Everything you need for a beautiful and delicious baked goods, decorated like in a real confectionery shop, is now available in a few clicks, without stress, wasting time and money.

How to use a piping bag (or bag)? First, insert the nozzle into the bag, and then cut off its tip. To prevent the filling from “escaping” while filling the bag, push it into the opening of the nozzle. To properly fill a bag, place the bag over your hand to prevent the outside edges from getting dirty. Hold it firmly in your hand and fill the bag using a scraper or spatula. It will be enough if the package is filled to a third or half. Next, push the filling closer to the nozzle.

How to hold a pastry bag correctly, how to use it confidently? You need to take the package in your hand, feeling it with your palm and fingers. Secure the loose end around your thumb, push the filling through the attachment and scrape it against the edge of the bowl. This way you will release excess air from the bag and it will be ready for use.

Pastry bag nozzles: use, types

Next, we’ll look at how to use a pastry bag with nozzles and make beautiful jewelry on the cake. When the bag is ready for use, press on it only with the hand in which you are holding it, and with your free hand you can hold and guide the nozzle. To make a decoration with a beautiful ponytail, you need to press on the bag, and then stop and lay the ponytail on its side. If you need to plant a product in the form of a shell, for example, when preparing marshmallows, you need to press strictly in the center, then stop and, making a semicircle, lay the tail on its side.

Nozzles for a pastry bag: how to use, types of nozzles. Eat a large number of special nozzles for pastry bags. They are used depending on the type of decoration. For example, you can use a smooth round tube or a small pencil to pipe cookies, apply an ornament, or write inscriptions on a cake. Use a medium pencil to pipe meringues, mushroom stems, cookies and make ornaments from cream. With a large pencil you can make custard buns, profiteroles, eclairs and meringues.

How to use a pastry bag: video

Also, there are special attachments for a pastry bag, how to use them, see video instructions below. They allow you to make decorations in the form of flowers. There are nozzles: “chrysanthemum”, “buds”, “rose”, “magnolia”, etc. We hope you have learned how to use nozzles for a pastry bag correctly and will be able to cook not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Working with cream is a mandatory part of every pastry chef’s workday, because cream is included in most desserts. High-quality tools for working with cream ensure perfect application of the cream and largely determine appearance final sweet products.

What tools are included in the minimum set of any pastry chef, and what functions are assigned to them, you will learn from this article.

Pastry bags for cream

In any delicacy, not only taste is important, but also appearance. That is why confectioners and cooking enthusiasts try to decorate their products, give them original form. To create beautiful and unusual culinary masterpieces a pastry bag is used. It is used not only by professionals, but also by housewives, since decorating cakes with a pastry bag allows you to easily create unusual patterns and voluminous molds that impress everyone, and not only those with a sweet tooth.

A quality bag is the choice of professionals

A professional piping bag is much more functional than homemade ones and provides impressive results. A cream bag with attachments provides the most possibilities, but there are also simpler devices. For example, the cheapest are disposable pastry bags, which come in different sizes.

The main advantage of a disposable bag is that it does not need to be washed. But the reusable one can be used for a long time. The most common type is a silicone piping bag, which is easy to clean and can be trimmed to reduce size if necessary. There are also fabric bags impregnated with a special composition. They are also available in a wide range and their properties differ little from silicone ones. Different cream attachments are suitable for both types of products.

Pastry bag attachments allow you to create beautiful products from:

  • dough (for example, for macarons);
  • cream;
  • cream;
  • glaze.

There is also a perforated cooking bag for the cream. This is a disposable product with perforations, thanks to which it does not tear when adding not too thick dough or cream. They are sold with a sealed tip, which is subsequently trimmed to fit the nozzle.

Each of these bags has its own advantages, which is why there is such a range. All of them are designed to work with materials that are not too thick, unlike syringes, but the size of the patterns and shape mainly depends on the specific bag and nozzle. All you need to do is try different devices and choose the one with which you are most comfortable.

Pastry spatulas - apply and smooth

Metal blades

A spatula for cream allows you to evenly distribute creamy mass, icing on the surface of the cake. Spatulas of different shapes, handle angles and sizes are suitable for processing the top and sides of baked goods.

Using a metal spatula, you can create a smooth surface on the confectionery product for subsequent application of mastic and creamy decor.

The tool is indispensable for lubrication finished baked goods whipped cream, jam, chocolate glaze. The working part of some paddle models is equipped with holes that allow excess cream to leak out.

Silicone spatulas

For the manufacture of such tools, heat-resistant food grade silicone is used, making the pastry paddle suitable for use in high and low temperature conditions.

The material does not absorb food aromas, the edges of the device will not damage the surface of dishes that are sensitive to mechanical influences and will not stick to it, do not become confused or delaminate over time.

The accessory will allow you to evenly apply and distribute cream, glaze, jelly, cut the casserole and soft pie. Thanks to its slight flexibility, this spatula can easily scoop up the last drop of product from any dishware.

Spatulas in the form of palette knives

A confectionery palette knife, which looks like a construction trowel, is presented in various forms, sizes and suitable for working with chocolate, mastic, marzipan.

Using a tool with beveled edges, you can lift large pieces of pastry shapes. A palette knife allows you to mix cream ingredients and give them the desired relief on the surface of any baked goods.

When applying cream or glaze to a cake, palette knife spatulas with a wavy, serrated working side allow you to achieve a certain effect.

Pastry scrapers

With the help of scrapers of trapezoidal, oval, and jagged shapes, they give a finished look to various confectionery products, decorating the top or side surface smeared with cream.

Pastry scrapers are made of plastic or metal. Metal is considered to be a more valuable material due to its durability; its use allows you to achieve a smoother and more even effect when decorating, but such a tool is more expensive. Plastic scrapers are more affordable.

There are also stacked scrapers; the resulting relief is determined by the order in which the individual elements are installed.

Cream injector

A pastry syringe, a press gun, carnations for creating cream flowers - these tools for decorating cakes with cream still remain the basis of the confectionery industry.

A pastry syringe with attachments is indispensable when you need to decorate products with flowers, borders, lace, patterns and inscriptions. Using the same tool, you can place cookies on a baking sheet (for example, in the form of roses), fill eclairs with cream, and serve mashed potatoes beautifully. A variety of attachments makes it possible to create the most realistic decor - with petals, leaves, weaving, stars and more. It is necessary to distinguish between a syringe for cream and a syringe for dough, the latter is often larger, with a larger hole diameter. A syringe is considered more practical than a pastry bag; the cream flows out of it evenly, so creating patterns and flowers using a syringe is much easier.

Syringes today are made from metal and silicone, each of these materials has its own pros and cons. Metal tools are more reliable and last longer, but it is extremely important that the metal is of high quality and safe for health, and does not oxidize. A silicone syringe is lighter in weight, safer, but has a shorter service life.

Press gun

A pastry press gun works like a syringe, but is much more efficient. In fact, this is a powerful syringe dispenser and at the same time a mold (for cookies, decor), and is also sold with attachments. The press gun has an ergonomic handle, thanks to which the mass is squeezed out of it quickly and easily, saving the confectioner’s time and effort. This tool is usually made of steel or durable aluminum, thanks to this it is reliable, you can even work with tight dough or any dense mass.

Carnations for creating flowers from cream

Tools for cream can be very unusual. These include carnations for creating cream flowers; they are sold complete with a tool for removing flowers from carnations (a cutter or special scissors). Carnations vary in head diameter and shape; heads can be flat, concave inward, or in the form of a hemisphere. This variety allows you to get flowers different shapes and size.

It is very convenient to use carnations in your work, because they can be rotated, creating several layers of flower petals, neat and very beautiful, realistic. You can plant the decor from the cream using a syringe or a pastry bag with a nozzle; remove the finished flowers using a cutter.

You can learn how to make flowers from cream in this way from the following video:

For decorating baked goods and sweet products professional chefs use pastry bags. Hobbyists, like confectioners, can buy the device in a store or make it themselves at home. A product created without any special financial costs from improvised materials will help the housewife decorate her work culinary arts.

What is a piping bag

A narrow cone-shaped bag into which attachments for decorating cakes, pastries, eclairs, etc. confectionery, that’s what it’s called – a pastry (culinary) bag. With its help you can draw patterns, flowers, simple drawings, inscriptions. A device for decorating baked goods and confectionery products can be purchased in a store or made independently from paper, thick fabric, or a plastic bag.


You can use pastry syringes or bags to decorate baked goods. The latter has a certain number of advantages:

  • large volume allows you to hold a lot of cream, cream;
  • durability: can be used more than once;
  • a variety of attachments that are selected according to the wishes of the cook: stars, flowers, regular lines;
  • convenience: it can be held in one hand;
  • you don’t need to put a lot of effort into squeezing out the cream;
  • easy to wash.

Types of pastry bags

There are three types of cooking bags. Disposable materials are made from food-grade polyethylene and paper and are intended for one-time use. For the production of reusable fabric materials, vinyl and cotton fabric, rubberized on the inside, are used. Nozzles included. The third type is reusable silicone, manufactured similarly to fabric ones, but having an advantage in operation.


After one use, disposable bags become deformed and become unsuitable for use. This happens due to the material from which they are made: polyethylene, paper with special impregnation. The bags come complete with or without durable stainless steel attachments (the cream passes through the cut). A disposable option can be made independently at home.

The advantage of disposable materials is their low cost (a set of one hundred bags costs 100-200 rubles), ease of use (does not require washing and drying). The disadvantages include narrow functionality. If the pastry chef does not have the skills, he can only make simple drawings. To use a disposable bag, you need to cut off the tip so that the nozzle is 2/3 inside, and the rest looks out. If the hole is made larger, the nozzle may fly out when pressed.


Fabric and silicone reusable bags are washed and dried thoroughly after use. In addition to durability, the advantages of these types include convenience (they can be trimmed based on the volume of dough) and the included shaped nozzles, varied in patterns, thickness and consistency. The disadvantage of the fabric material is that it is relatively inconvenient to use: it must be dried thoroughly, otherwise the seams holding the instrument together will come apart. The reusable silicone piping bag dries faster and has no diverging seams.

How to replace a pastry bag at home

A device for decorating baked goods can be purchased at the store or replaced at home. The material for making is varied, depending on what is available at home. You can replace purchased material with polyethylene, paper (confectionery parchment), plastic bottle, fabric (thick white teak, which is less prone to shedding), mayonnaise bag, stationery file, oilcloth. You can cut a pattern on the caps of plastic bottles, then you will get a culinary bag with attachments.

DIY piping bag

Any material from which a cooking bag is made must first be shaped into a cone. If it is fabric, then initially cut out a triangle, connect the 2 sides and sew. The next step depends on the material: first you need to cut off the tip, insert (sew in) a nozzle or fill the cone with cream, and only then cut off the corner. This is the basic algorithm for creating a baking bag with your own hands.

From a plastic bottle and a cellophane bag

To make the device yourself you will need: a plastic bottle, a small plastic bag, scissors, a stationery knife, a marker. Next you need to use these materials step by step:

  • Cut the neck of the bottle at a distance of 4-5 cm from the cap, from which you need to remove the silicone layer, make a hole with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 mm.
  • On the silicone part of the lid, draw the desired pattern (star, circle, flower), cut out a curly icon with a stationery knife. These are DIY piping bag tips. Insert the resulting figure back into the lid, thoroughly wash everything from shavings and dust.
  • Take the bag, cut off one corner by 2 cm. Insert it into the thread, screw on the lid. The bag must be securely attached between the cap and the neck of the bottle.

From paper

To make a culinary device from paper (its other name is a cornet), you will need: a sheet of waterproof paper or baking parchment, scissors. It will not be difficult to make the material:

  • Make a cone out of paper. To do this, make a square out of paper, bend it in half into a triangle shape, and turn it up at a right angle. Fold and round the corners of the resulting figure until you get a cone. Choose the size of the cone based on your own preferences: the smaller the final product, the smaller the pattern will be.
  • Cut off the upper edges of the resulting cone and bend them so that they do not interfere with the work process.
  • Fill the paper with cream, cut off the tip of the cone.
  • Start decorating your baked goods with beautiful patterns.

From a plastic bag

To make a cellophane bag you will need: a thick durable bag, a file or material from which the baking sleeve is made, scissors. If you decide to make a device from a plastic bag, it won't take much of your time. You don’t even need to turn the bag inside out - just find the sharp corner of the bag, pour the cream into it and carefully cut off the tip with scissors. The corner can be cut completely or not completely, which gives a different effect to the pattern.
