What does beer do to a man's body. Weight gain and deterioration in appearance. Beer and pancreas

When discussing the benefits and harms of drinking beer, it is important to note that it is not the absolute harmfulness of its components that is being discussed. Certainly it has a lot healthy ingredients that have a positive effect on the human body. But the benefits of them are negligible compared to the negative effects of the whole list. harmful substances, present in abundance in industrial beer. Manufacturers are silent about this, proving that beer is healthy and suitable for daily use. Arguments about the dangers of beer.

Mechanism of influence: harm

Beer is a low-alcohol drink obtained by fermentation and fermentation from malt, yeast, hops and water. IN this case we are talking about a natural living product obtained by vintage technology cooking. In reality, modern beer is far from natural drink, happens to be not very low alcohol (9-20% alcohol) and harmless. Contains great amount synthetic additives added to improve taste, color, speed up the brewing process and increase shelf life

Such beer is harmful to drink even in not large quantities. It's easy to guess imaginary benefit beer is REALLY FAVORABLE FOR SOMEONE. The harm of beer causes its harmful composition:

  • Carbon dioxide - increases acidity, adversely affects digestion.
  • Polyphenols are carcinogenic substances that provoke the growth of cancerous tumors in the body.
  • Phytoestrogens - cause hormonal imbalance in men, women and adolescents.
  • Ethyl alcohol, fusel oils - destroy liver and nerve cells.
  • Unfermented extract - contains toxic monoamines, fast carbohydrates and proteins, leads to obesity, damage to the kidneys and brain cells.

  • Diacetyl - "normal" by-product fermentation, banned in the US and recognized as harmful in Europe. Negatively affects the respiratory system.
  • Preservatives, stabilizers, dyes - irritate the stomach, cause allergic reactions.
  • Artificial sweeteners - disrupt the metabolism of glucose in the body, affect digestion.
  • Foaming agents (cobalt salts) - cause irreversible changes in the myocardium: "cobalt heart".

According to researchers, the systematic use of even low alcohol beer. The danger lies not so much in the strength of the drink as in the presence flavor additives. It has been experimentally proven that moderate doses of beer lead to the release of the hormone of pleasure - dopamine, which contributes to the formation of dependence.

7% of beer is considered strong, brewers also make a drink with a strength of 15-20% and one that can knock you off your feet after a few sips (67.5% Scottish beer "Snake Venom"). From the use of such beer can only be harmful.

For men

Beer negatively affects the body of a man - libido and potency decrease. Muscle mass decreases, vision deteriorates, the heart, kidneys and liver wear out. Regular use alcohol shakes the psyche, under a constant "degree" a man becomes aggressive and unbalanced. A person who systematically drinks beer is the same alcoholic, with the difference that a beer drinker.

For women

Beer phytoestrogens are also harmful for female body because they cause hormonal imbalance. Excess estrogen leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms or diseases of the reproductive system, appear:

  • Tension of the mammary glands.
  • Puffiness and extra pounds.
  • Depression, bad mood.
  • Migraine attacks, hypertension.
  • Acne, oily skin.

For teenagers

In adolescence, there is a rapid hormonal restructuring, which is characterized by increased emotionality and impulsiveness of actions. It is at this age that children are most susceptible to the suggestion of advertising and begin to drink beer, imitating adults. In girls in the puberty period, the synthesis of female sex hormones increases, in boys - male ones. The intake of phytoestrogens in the body of a teenager accelerates puberty, which is harmful and dangerous by the appearance of a number of problems in the reproductive system.

The second danger - beer alcoholism in adolescence occurs FOUR times faster and has a more complex course. With systematic use, a teenager can become an alcoholic in one year. Teenagers and children are strictly forbidden to drink beer.

Which organs are affected the most

The benefits of beer for the body are in doubt, but the harm to important organs has been well studied. A complex of harmful components present in this alcoholic beverage has a negative effect on the body.

Brain and nervous system

Beer contains alcohol, often in large quantities. Even low-alcohol brands, when consumed in abundance, can saturate the blood with a decent amount ethyl alcohol. Acting with the bloodstream to the brain, ethanol begins its destructive effect, since it has a pronounced organotropism - in brain cells, its concentration exceeds the content in the blood.

The modest doses of alcohol present in beer can trigger the activity of the inhibitory systems of the brain. Arise. sedation, muscle relaxation and euphoria (intoxication). In the body under the influence of alcohol occur:

  • bonding of erythrocytes.
  • Formation of microclots.
  • Blockage of the lumen of blood vessels.
  • Oxygen starvation of the brain.
  • Death of brain cells.

Each episode of beer intoxication is accompanied by:

  • Damage to the nerve cells of the back of the brain, responsible for the coordination of movements.
  • "Turning off" the center of "morality" - it is more difficult for a drunk person to control his behavior.
  • The death of cells involved in the process of memorization - memory is disturbed, amnesia occurs.
  • Decrease in cognitive abilities - behavior is simplified, logical thinking is lost.

Drinking beer by a pregnant woman at times increases the risk of having a sick child. The use of beer by a nursing mother can provoke epileptic convulsions in a child.

Heart and blood vessels

Arguing about the dangers of beer, it is important to mention beer foam. Few people know that the concentration of cobalt in it is 10 times higher than the permissible one. The systematic use of a foamy drink leads to acute or chronic alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Doctors often call pathology "nylon stocking syndrome", "bull's heart".

Beer causes an increase in the heart muscle, expansion of the chambers, thickening of their walls. These changes lead to an increase in the size of the heart. A large "beer heart" becomes flabby, begins to sag under its own weight. It forms foci of necrosis, increases the risk of a heart attack.

Liver and kidneys

Each glass is a blow to the liver, the main "filter" human body. She is forced around the clock to neutralize ethyl metabolites - very toxic compounds - and break down chemical additives. The organ is overloaded, its functional characteristics worsen over time. The destruction of hepatocytes leads to fatty degeneration of the liver, hepatitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis, and cancer.

Beer has some diuretic effect, but this does not mean that it flushes and heals the kidneys. On the contrary, displacement acid-base balance forces the body to work in emergency mode to remove excess fluid. Considering the fact that some beer fans often drink more than 6 liters in a short period of time, it is easy to imagine how hard it is for the kidneys to plow. With abundant urination, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium and a host of other useful elements are excreted from the body.

With beer alcoholism for the kidneys, the chances of "surviving" are significantly reduced. The affected kidney cells are reborn into connective tissue, the vessels are sclerosed, the size of the organ is reduced (shrunken kidney).


Beer contains vegetable estrogens - this fact must be taken into account. In its production, hop cones are used, from which the substance xanthohumol, a prenylflavonoid, a strong phytoestrogen, is released during the cooking process. Regular consumption of beer in excessive amounts leads to a sharp decrease in the concentration of testosterone. Consequences of hormonal disorders in men:

  • Formation of a female figure.
  • Obesity, the appearance of a "beer belly".
  • Decreased libido, problems with potency.
  • Decreased fertility, complete infertility.

Against the background of testosterone deficiency, female signs begin to predominate: the amount of hair on the body decreases, the mammary glands increase, the voice changes. TO outward signs feminization, mental changes are added - a man becomes capricious, scandalous and whiny.

In women, beer phytoestrogens cause the exact opposite effect, since they cause suppression of the production of their own sex hormones. An excess of androgens leads to masculinization - the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics. Outwardly, it will manifest itself with a “beer mustache”, a coarsening of the voice, a change in character and the loss of femininity. As a bonus, beer fans will receive:

  • Increased libido, violation of the cycle.
  • Polycystic ovaries, endometriosis.
  • The appearance of neoplasms, including malignant ones.

Men, take note: Belgian scientists offer a standardized hop cone extract for menopausal relief.

Digestive system

The stomach receives the first blow from beer, the mucous membranes of which begin to suffer after the first sip. Blame carbon dioxide, ethyl alcohol and fermentation products that cause an increase in acidity. As a result, the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed, causing catarrhal gastritis. With an unfavorable course (poor nutrition, constant alcohol consumption, smoking, stress), superficial inflammation transforms into a deeper one. A stomach ulcer occurs, which in alcohol lovers is almost always accompanied by pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

Features of different types and doses

The range of beers is impressive. It differs in color, taste, strength, cooking technology and happens:

  • Light - yellow (4-5%), made from unroasted malt.
  • Dark - dark brown color (4.5%), from caramelized malt.
  • Filtered (4-5%) - light transparent, "dead" beer, practically without useful substances.
  • Unfiltered (4-8%) - denser, with sediment, preserved only in the presence of preservatives.
  • Live - without preservatives, with a limited shelf life (7-10 days), usually cask (draught).
  • Bottled - pasteurized long-term storage, replete with preservatives and additives.
  • Non-alcoholic (0.2-1%) - still with alcohol, it is impossible to completely filter it in beer.
  • Some unscrupulous producers deceive the consumer by adding preservatives to draft beer to extend the shelf life.

Unfortunately, in our country, the abuse of beer is not considered drunkenness, but is interpreted somewhat differently. All the same beer lobby worked hard on this. There are parties of beer drinkers, beer clubs where alcoholics practice self-deception. Believing that beer can be drunk like water to quench your thirst or like tea to keep up the conversation, beer lovers very quickly get on a narrow path that leads only in one direction - to alcoholism.

To the question of how much beer can be drunk without harm to health, there are no unambiguous answers. According to WHO recommendations, daily requirement for healthy men, there should be no more than 30 ml of pure ethanol, which corresponds to the use of 250 ml of beer (5% vol.). Therefore, a can of beer a day is a lot and harmful, it is relatively safe to consume once a week.

beer alcoholism

The systematic use of low-alcohol drinks in excessive volumes leads to the emergence of tolerance to alcohol. The body requires large amounts of alcohol, the volumes consumed are growing, and with them - attachment, turning over time into pathological dependence. The form of intoxication is changing - beer gaiety is transformed into aggressiveness. The fact that beer has become the meaning of life can be guessed by the signs:

  • Daily use more than one litre.
  • Irritability and anger in his absence.
  • The desire to drink under any pretext.

It is enough to consume a bottle of beer every day to become a beer alcoholic and ruin your body and yourself as a person. Addiction to beer is, unfortunately, not a myth, but a harsh reality. Beer alcoholism is characterized by an absolute lack of desire to refuse to drink a foamy drink, even with the understanding that it is harmful to your health.

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The common opinion among men about the safety of beer and even its benefits is unfounded. The harm of beer on the body of a man manifests itself in many ways. The specific features of the drink, the composition of beer make it much more dangerous than strong alcoholic beverages. Often beer is drunk as a thirst quencher, without regard for the composition and presence of alcohol. Its effect on the body is less noticeable compared to vodka or cognac, but in the end, irreparable damage can be caused to men's health. Like any alcohol, beer has a devastating effect on internal organs - the liver, kidneys, heart, digestive tract. It can affect the male potency and even cause hormonal changes. How does beer affect the body, and why is beer harmful for a man?

Beer and health

Beer is a traditional male drink. What is the effect of beer on male body, the benefits and harms of a foamy drink are frequent topics of male conversation over a mug of a foamy drink. Fans refer to the fact that in the composition of beer only natural products- hops and malt. The drink also contains potassium, useful for hypertensive patients, silicon, which strengthens bones, B vitamins, and some minerals. Beer has good diuretic properties due to the presence of salts citric acid. Sometimes you can hear advice to drink beer when urolithiasis for cleansing the kidneys and urinary tract from stones and sand. What are the benefits and harms of a drink loved by many?

Really, useful elements beer contains, but their content is negligible. To get the necessary daily allowance vitamin B, you need to drink a huge amount of the drink every day, which will result in intoxication and, in a short time, beer alcoholism. Drinking beer as a diuretic will harm the kidneys more harm than good. There is no need to talk about any positive effect that beer has on men. Like the regular use of any other alcoholic beverage, drinking beer is dangerous and can only cause harmful consequences.

The most significant beer harms the following areas of the body:

Various dyes, flavors, preservatives are added to the composition of beer, which contribute to the harmful effects of harmful substances contained in beer.

Effect on the kidneys

Urination due to exposure beer drink is not natural. Along the way, vitamins and microelements necessary for normal functioning, fats, and proteins are excreted from the body. There is a violation of the acid-base balance. The kidneys work at a high intensity. Harmful consequence increased loads is a modification of the walls of blood vessels, which can lead to disturbances in their normal activity. Regular use leads to the fact that the body does not have enough vitamins and minerals, which will result in fatigue, insomnia, mood swings. The kidneys are the organ on which the first blow is applied.

Impact on the heart

Any alcoholic beverages negatively affect the activity of the heart. A feature of beer is its ability to be quickly absorbed by the body.

The drink contains carbon dioxide, which allows it to quickly penetrate into the internal organs. For foam stability, cobalt is added to the beer. The consequence of exposure to these substances is varicose veins, enlargement of the left ventricle and enlargement of the entire heart. At frequent use pressure rises, a so-called syndrome occurs beer heart. The organ becomes flabby, blood is pumped worse, the myocardium loses healthy properties muscles. The heart literally sags and is not able to fully function. Under such conditions, ischemic disease, angina pectoris, arrhythmia develop, and heart attacks are possible. The effect of a foamy drink on the heart contains the answer to the question of whether it is harmful to drink beer every day.

Influence on the gastrointestinal tract

The characteristic bitter taste of beer is due to the presence of resins in its composition: common, soft and hard. Resins are natural carcinogens. Just as tobacco tar affects the lungs of a smoker, causing oncological diseases, beer resins affect the intestines, provoking the development of cancer. Drinking beer increases the risk of developing colon cancer. This is the conclusion reached by WHO experts.

The foamy drink has another specific effect on the intestines, which is less pronounced with the use of other alcoholic beverages. Ethyl alcohol contained in beer activates the intestines. The presence of gas speeds up the process. The drink is consumed in large quantities. Given the diuretic properties, beer provokes a constant withdrawal of fluid from the body. Useful bacteria from the stomach are "washed out", the internal microflora is disturbed. A foamy drink is the result of fermentation, the same process continues in the human stomach. The acetaldehyde formed as a result of the metabolism of ethinol has a general toxic effect. The consequence of these processes is diarrhea, often observed in those who like to relax over a mug.

Exposure to carbon dioxide and fermentation products is the cause harmful effects on the gastric mucosa. As a defensive reaction, the stomach begins to produce large amounts of hydrochloric acid, which destroys internal tissues. A person who often drinks this alcoholic drink often suffers from gastritis, a peptic ulcer. Oncological diseases can be a consequence of constant consumption of beer.

Effect on the liver

The liver is exposed to the harmful effects of the substances contained in the foamy drink to no lesser extent than other organs. In addition to cobalt, artificial chemical additives, other harmful substances among the components of the drink are phytoestrogens - plant hormonal substances. This "bouquet" of elements passes through the liver, destroying and damaging its cells. With systematic use, the content of toxins becomes critical, as a result of which the liver is no longer able to recover on its own. Alcoholic hepatitis, liver failure, cirrhosis of the liver - all this can go to a man who does not think about the dangers of what he regularly introduces into his body.

Reproductive functions and hormonal levels

The constant use of a foamy drink negatively affects the internal organs of any person, regardless of gender. In addition to the general destructive effect, beer has a specific effect purely on man's health.

Phytoestrogen is an analogue of the female sex hormone. By regularly drinking a foamy drink, a man purposefully introduces into himself a substance alien to his body, as a result of which hormonal balance. Beer and potency are incompatible concepts. Phytoestrogen inhibits the production of the male hormone testosterone, resulting in a kind of replacement of male hormones by female ones.

A man will not turn into a woman if he regularly consumes a foamy drink, but as a result of the systematic introduction of female hormones, external changes will inevitably occur. A beer belly will decorate the male figure (a consequence of muscle weakness), the hips will round out, the pelvis will expand, the mammary glands will increase, and excess fat will appear. In some cases, it is possible to change the voice - it will become more feminine, acquire a high timbre. According to officially unconfirmed data, there were cases of colostrum discharge from the mammary glands. Realizing what effect the substances contained in the drink have on the body, hardly anyone will wonder what is the use of beer for a man.

Testosterone contributes to the development of masculine qualities - will, determination, desire for leadership, activity. Everything that makes a man a man. The suppression of the male hormone and its replacement with phytoestrogen leads to the development of feminine principles, the replacement of individual qualities occurs, and properties and character traits that are not typical for men develop. As a result, a man becomes apathetic, lazy, loses interest in an active life. The systematic use of beer can develop in a man such characteristics as bitchiness, hysteria, capriciousness, which are more characteristic of women.

Against the background of such changes, there is no question whether beer affects potency. An excess of female hormones in a woman leads to increased sexual activity, so beer can have an exciting effect on a woman. A man, having received a dose of female hormones, loses interest in the opposite sex. Hormonal imbalance leads to a decrease in sexual desire, potency in men decreases or disappears. In addition to the drop in potency, the composition of sperm and its properties change. Its viscosity increases, which makes the sperm inactive and reduces the likelihood of fertilization. Regular consumption of the drink can be a cause of male infertility.

beer alcoholism

Despite the seeming harmlessness of a foamy drink, beer turns a person into an alcoholic 4 times faster than vodka or wine. There is no official diagnosis of "beer alcoholism", but the peculiarity and peculiarity of addiction allow us to speak of a specific type of disease. Addiction to drink develops primarily in men, women drink beer to a lesser extent, preferring other drinks.

The development of beer alcoholism is facilitated by the tolerance of public opinion, the prevalence of delusions about the relative harmlessness and even usefulness of the drink. Taste qualities, the ability to quench thirst well, and a relaxing effect make this drink popular among young people. Nevertheless, beer alcoholism is the most intractable. A person does not notice how he gets into addiction, and does not realize the presence of addiction. Daily use in small quantities regarded as natural. The increase in dose occurs gradually and imperceptibly. Hormonal changes lead to the fact that a man ceases to need active communication, replacing it with his favorite drink. Other interests become secondary.

A small amount of alcohol allows you to drink a large amount of the drink while remaining relatively sober, but over time, the doses will invariably increase. Ultimately, up to 10-15 liters can be drunk per day, which, in terms of pure alcohol corresponds to 0.5-0.7 liters of vodka. At this stage, we can say that a person has become an alcoholic in need of help. The benefits of beer for men are ephemeral. Regular use invariably leads to destruction of internal organs, hormonal changes and alcoholism.

Narcologists talk about the dangers of beer on the body of a man, but the popularity of the drink does not fall from this. The stronger sex uses beer "for football", after work or just when gathering with friends. The fact that the drink is dangerous, changes the hormonal background, negatively affects the liver, heart, stomach, kidneys, intestines, no one thinks.

What does it consist of

The technology for making real beer has long since sunk into oblivion. Previously, the basis of the drink was hops, an annual dioecious plant of the cannabis family. Nowadays, surrogates are often used, chemical substitutes unknown origin. This is especially true of beer, “made on the knee”, illegally.

Soft, fluffy buds, which are unfertilized female flowers, are prized in brewing. It is in them that there are all the substances necessary for beer. Abroad, they use granulated hops pressed from different varieties plants.

Hops - beer stabilizer, clarifier, has a calming effect on the body. Gives the drink a fresh aroma.

Ways to hop beer:

  • First.

When brewing with natural malt, hop cones are added at the beginning of the process. Forms bitterness in the drink.

  • Second.

The introduction of cones occurs 20-30 minutes before the end technological process must preparation. The result: an exquisite hop flavor.

  • Third.

Female inflorescences are added to the main composition 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Thus, a specific unique aroma is formed.

Classical brewing uses all three methods. The exception is exclusive beers or a homemade drink.

Natural "live" beer is useful. But consumption of it every day in large quantities is undesirable.

Beer contains: ethyl alcohol, yeast, water. It is cooked on the basis of cereals - barley, wheat, corn, rice. exotic varieties contain milk, bananas, fruits, vegetables or herbs. Fermentation occurs at low (4–9 C) or high (15–25 C) temperatures. By color it happens: red, dark, light, mixed.

The average strength of beer is 3-6% alcohol. There are fortified options - up to 14%, light - 1-2% and non-alcoholic.

How does beer affect the male body

The danger is feminization, the development of a male body according to the female type under the influence of phytoestrogens (8-PN), plant analogues of female sex hormones. 1 liter of beer contains 30–36 mg of phytoestrogens, their effect on the male body is akin to the intake of “pure” hormones. The use of beer hops is fraught with the appearance of a rounded abdomen, loose hips, expansion of the pelvis, and enlargement of the mammary glands. Changing the figure in men is one of the obvious shortcomings that cause the harm of beer.

Potency and reproductive functions

Phytoestrogens lower testosterone levels, a man becomes apathetic, phlegmatic. There is no longer any talk of a macho in bed, the very fact of sexual activity is called into question only when looking at the swollen, loose, fleshy figure of a potential “conqueror”.

Plant hormones with constant intake change the hormonal background of a man. The following changes come from beer:

  • a decrease in testosterone production provokes a decrease in the amount of sperm;
  • 8-PN (prenilnaringenin) negatively affects potency, erectile dysfunction develops;
  • for men, daily libations are dangerous due to the risk of developing obesity;
  • the intake of phytoestrogens is harmful, an imbalance is observed at the level of genes, tearfulness, softness appear, the psyche changes.

Even the most exclusive composition of elite beer, when taken daily, is fraught for a man with sexual dysfunction, prostatitis, and rapid ejaculation. With feminization come disruption hormonal background, infertility and impotence. According to statistics, the absence of children in marriage through the fault of a man is 50% of all cases of infertility. Much of this is due to beer alcoholism.

Other organs and systems

Dangerous properties of additives:

  1. The unfermented extract contains simple carbohydrates that cause obesity. It also contains amides, ammonia compounds, which are toxic substances.
  2. C4H6CO2 is a substance banned in the United States. Diacetyl in Europe is considered the most harmful component.
  3. Phytoestrogens (8-PN) cause the development of the male body according to the female type. Obesity, “beer belly” appear, libido decreases.
  4. CO2 (carbon dioxide) negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Violates digestion, provokes bloating in the intestines and stomach.
  5. Higher alcohols dehydrate to form alkene carbons. These are carcinogens that gradually poison the body, provoking the development of malignant tumors.

With prolonged exposure to ethyl alcohol, addiction occurs. A daily bottle of beer for a man is the first step to beer alcoholism. As a result of the splitting of C2H5OH, acetic acetaldehyde is formed, it is he who is responsible for the hangover. Fusel oils destroy the liver, kidneys, negatively affect the work of the heart, destroy brain cells and lead to encephalopathy.

Development of beer alcoholism

Gambrinism or addiction to beer at the level of psychophysical dependence - there is no such concept in the ICD, however, beer alcoholism is very well known to both narcologists and family members of a beer alcoholic. The term is not used as a diagnosis, beer abuse is considered as alcohol consumption, but in a form different from strong drinks. For those who every day drink a dose that is many times higher than the norm, the same methods of treatment and prevention are applied.

Danger of beer alcoholism:

  • rapid formation of mental dependence (4 times relative to fortified drinks);
  • harder to cure due to the fact that men do not perceive beer as alcohol;
  • more destructive effect on the body, unlike wine, vodka.

Beer alcoholism develops quickly and imperceptibly. It can be suspected by signs:

  1. A man drinks more than a liter of beer a day.
  2. Anger, irritation in the absence of drinking.
  3. Insomnia, daytime sleepiness.
  4. Problems with potency, headaches, "beer belly".

An alcoholic, hooked on a foamy drink, reaches for a bottle in the morning. If she is not within walking distance, he becomes irritable, looks for reasons to run to a bar or store. In the last stages of beer alcoholism, strong alcohol is mixed with beer.

When binges pathology is considered as chronic alcoholism, compulsory treatment is required. Dependence is fraught with the destruction of internal organs, leads to fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies (beer heart syndrome), hepatitis and oncopathologies.

How to use without harm

Norms of beer intake per day is a conditional concept, it is about 1 g pure alcohol per 1 kg of weight per week. However safe use is based on old recipes brewing beer, corresponding quality. A real drink contains up to 90% water, proteins, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, nitrogenous compounds, organic acids, etc. We are not talking about chemically created beer containing preservatives, dyes, acidity regulators, stabilizers and others like them. And, of course, one cannot talk about the dangers and benefits of using a liquid created in garages by an artisanal method and unknown manufacturers.

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Beer brewed from high-quality raw materials according to all the rules differs not only pleasant taste, but also some useful properties. It is saturated with vitamins B and PP, which help improve metabolism in the body. The drink is filled with iron, magnesium and potassium, which have positive influence on the body, activating the processes of respiration in cells, increasing potency, improving blood supply to the heart muscle, etc.

Beer is considered to be the most useful, since it is not subjected to heating, due to which a large amount of useful substances is stored in it. This version of beer improves hair growth, improves skin elasticity and prevents acne.

Beer contains antioxidants that help fight diseases such as tuberculosis and atherosclerosis. Bath with the use of beer vapor heals various diseases respiratory tract. Warm beer with honey is an excellent cure for digestive problems.

The negative impact of beer on the male body

Despite the presence useful properties at this drink, yet beer contains alcohol, so there is a fairly large bad influence on the body.

When beer is consumed constantly and in large quantities, the production of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system, stops in men. Over time, this can lead to problems with potency.

Beer contributes to the development of fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs. Since there is alcohol in beer, this is a strong load on the internal organs. The liver may not be able to handle large amounts of this drink, which can lead to cirrhosis. The kidneys are also affected. Frequent drinking of beer can cause chronic disease of these important internal organs.

Experts note that in men who abuse beer, the heart constantly works in a rapid mode, which leads to thinning of the wall and the formation of a layer of fat around the heart.

The quality of the product is not always traceable. Some manufacturers add substances to the composition that contribute to addiction to beer, which can later lead to alcoholism.

The amount of beer that does not harm the body of men

Doctors around the world have conducted a series of studies that were aimed at identifying allowable dose beer for the body. The alcohol content should be no more than 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight. Therefore, for a man weighing 80 kg, it is allowed to drink 2 liters of beer in a short period of time. At the same time, consumption should not be daily, and the body of a man should be relatively healthy.

Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink. It evokes special sympathy among men, being both a festive drink, when any celebration or gatherings with friends cannot do without it, and a drink of an ordinary day, when you can come home from work, relax in front of the TV with a bottle of this drink.

However, few people think about the consequences of drinking beer. Being low alcohol drink, beer has an impact on the entire body of a man.

Its mild effect, unlike strong drinks, is a trap, and a person who often uses this alcoholic drink doesn't think he has a problem.

To avoid sad consequences, it is important to understand how beer affects the body of a man and what consequences arise when drinking this drink.

The effect of the drink on the heart

Most often, men suffer from heart problems. Men do not have such hormonal protection as women, and the fast pace of life and frequent stress have negative impact both for general health and for the heart. Drinking beer makes things worse.

Unlike spirits, beer consumption is measured not in glasses, but in liters. That is, such drinks are drunk in large quantities, which is already a burden on the organs, including the heart. A large number of the fluid consumed causes the heart to increase pressure, since in a short time at normal pressure the body will not overtake the incoming fluid.

by the most negative consequence drinking this drink is the so-called bull's heart. Such a heart is characterized by an expansion of the organ cavity, thickening of the walls, a decrease in mitochondria and necrosis occurring in the heart muscle. This follows from the previous example, since beer contains carbon dioxide, which accelerates the absorption of alcohol into the blood, and a frequent increase in pressure leads to an increase in the heart in volume and a hypertrophied left ventricle. Such an organ loses its strength, the myocardium becomes flabby, and a man who drinks beer increases the risk of getting diseases such as ischemia or angina pectoris, which ultimately turns into a heart attack.

To the advent bull's heart gives one element that is part of the drink. We are talking about cobalt, its content in beer exceeds allowable rate ten times. If it enters the heart along with beer, then this leads to the previously described result. In addition, cobalt negatively affects the liver and stomach.

What does the liver and stomach experience?

The next organ that, along with the heart, suffers from beer is the liver. With frequent use of this drink develops the so-called fatty liver, that is, fatty degeneration of the organ. Like the heart, the liver increases in size, and the risk of contracting hepatitis increases several times. The occurrence of chronic hepatitis leads to the death of body cells. In the future, this can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. IN Lately an increasing number of young people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach. These diseases are literally getting younger. But what does it have to do with it? And the problem lies in the very beer that is very popular among young guys, because the effect of beer on the body is very great.

The main factor that has a negative effect on the stomach is the content of the previously mentioned cobalt and carbon dioxide in beer. In addition, beer contains fermentation products, all this explosive mixture irritates the walls of the organ, which causes the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid. This leads to an increase in acidity, then to gastritis and ulcers, and the end result is stomach cancer.

Initially, the male develops the hypertrophic form, which is characterized by a thickened wall and increased levels of acidity. After some time, the wall becomes thinner, the level of acidity decreases. All this happens against the background of the depletion of the protection of the stomach, so the hypertrophic form of gastritis ceases to the atrophic stage, and this is a harbinger of cancer. Takovo pernicious influence beer on the human body.

Endocrine system and hormones

The composition of beer includes toxic substances, including salts of heavy metals. They lead to undesirable changes in endocrine system. Especially great harm beer on the body of a man is observed with constant use. The fact is that beer, especially unfiltered, contains phytoestrogens, which are some kind of female sex hormones. As a result, the production of the male sex hormone, testosterone, is suppressed, from which female signs begin to appear in men: breasts enlarge, fat is deposited like in women, that is, on the hips and sides, the pelvis expands.

In addition to all of the above, in men, the shoulders are rounded, the so-called beer belly appears. In addition, the hairline on the face and body is reduced, which clearly indicates the impact of beer on men and changes in the body. As a result, the man acquires feminine traits.

As a result of phytoestrogens entering the male body, changes occur in gene level and the body itself begins to produce such hormones. Testosterone is inhibited by estrogen, which causes a decrease in sexual desire. This shows the effect of beer on the male body.

Thus, the impact of beer on the male body is great, and in most cases - detrimental. In addition, the drink is so firmly integrated into a person’s ordinary life that the latter, without noticing it, becomes dependent on it, that is, we are talking about the development of beer alcoholism. Beer alcoholism is a prerequisite for the formation of dependence on alcohol in general.
