Apricot jam - a delicious winter treat

During the season of ripening golden fruits on apricot trees, I suggest preparing more delicious jam and apricots for the winter, a simple recipe for which you can see on the website. This home preparation It is attractive because its preparation does not require sorting and carefully selecting only the most beautiful fruits; broken apricots are also suitable, except, of course, rotten fruits. Thick apricot jam Great for a variety of baked goods as a filling; it does not spread and does not change its wonderful taste after additional heat exposure. Sweet fragrant jam homemade, from apricots grown in own garden, much tastier and healthier than store-bought treats.

To prepare apricot jam for the winter you will need:

- apricots – 1 kg;
- sugar – 2 kg.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Cooking method:

1. To prepare jam for the winter, we take only very ripe apricots; unripe fruits will spoil the taste finished product. Fruits must be washed thoroughly, pits and spoiled areas removed.
2. Pass the prepared apricots through a meat grinder. Add sugar and pour in a glass of boiled cold water.
3. It is better to cook jam in a wide stainless steel bowl. Bring the apricot mixture to a boil over low heat so that it does not burn. And stir the jam all the time with a wooden spoon.
4. Thus, cook the jam for low heat, with constant stirring, for an hour. Then turn off the heat and take the bowl to a cool place.
5. The next day, put the boiled apricot pulp back on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for another hour, the mass should change its color: from bright yellow to amber. Then we take the bowl to a cool place.

6. On the third day, try the jam, if you find it sweet enough, then cook your jam until tender. If the fruit was initially sour, you may need to add more granulated sugar. Cook the jam until it thickens and darkens. It should be poured hot into clean, dry, oven-sterilized glass jars. Cover with dry, sterile lids and place in a cool room for long-term storage to treat your family and friends with pies and donuts with apricot jam in winter.

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Apricot jam for the winter, a recipe with a photo of a simple preparation, an excellent filling for pies and pies. Thick apricot jam is prepared in-house simple recipe– it does not need to be passed through a meat grinder or blender, there is no need to further thicken it with pectin or gelatin. The composition of the workpiece is minimal: lemon juice, sugar, apricots - and jam for the winter, amber and ready.

The recipe for jam, including apricot jam, involves various ways preparation - with gelatin, pectin, peeled pit kernels - we will prepare basic apricot jam. The seedless recipe, in addition to apricots and sugar, includes only lemon juice, since apricot puree itself has a slight acidity.

How long to cook apricot jam depends on the ripeness of the fruit itself. If the apricots are very juicy and ripe, it may take more time until most of the juice is reduced and the jam reaches the correct thickness.

Advice from the Wonder Chef. If the apricots are ripe, but not too overripe and not very juicy, before sprinkling them with sugar, the fruit can be pierced in several places with a fork. This method promotes greater release of apricot juice.

Define exact time A test with a cold plate will help with cooking - read the recipe for how to do it. In addition, do not forget - even if the jam turns out to be slightly runny, as it cools it will thicken further.

From the specified amount of ingredients you get 9 half-liter jars of ready-made apricot jam, thick and tasty.

Preparation – 3 hours

Preparation – 45 minutes

Calorie content – 240 kcal per 100 grams

Ingredients for making pitted apricot jam

  • fresh apricots – 4 kg;
  • sugar – 2.5 kg;
  • freshly squeezed juice of two lemons.

How to make apricot jam at home

  1. We thoroughly wash the apricots and cut them into halves. Remove the seeds and cut into quarters. Place in a large saucepan and sprinkle the apricots with sugar. Cover and leave the ingredients for several hours at room temperature or put it in the refrigerator, covered, overnight. During this time, the fruit will release juice and the sugar will partially dissolve.
  2. After two to three hours or the next day, squeeze the juice of two lemons. Pour lemon juice into the pan with apricots and bring to a boil. Stir occasionally and remove foam if necessary. To prevent the mass from escaping, do not fill the pan more than two-thirds full.


  3. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook, stirring occasionally, for about half an hour. From time to time we check the jam for thickness using a chilled plate, as we did when we cooked it. To do this, put the plate in the freezer, when it cools down, put a little jam on it and put it back in freezer for a few minutes. We take it out and check: if the jam wrinkles when touched with a finger, it means it is ready. If not, continue cooking.
  4. While the jam is cooking, prepare the jars and lids. We wash them with soapy water, rinse thoroughly and leave to dry for 15-20 minutes. Place dry jars with lids on a baking sheet or directly on the rack of an oven preheated to 100°C for sterilization. Leave in the oven until we are ready to pour the jam into jars.
  5. After the jam has thickened sufficiently, and if there are still uncooked apricot pieces, puree it using a masher or immersion blender. Bring to a boil again. Carefully remove the jars from the oven. Spilling ready-made jam hot. It is best to first fill all the jars only halfway to give the glass time to heat up to the same temperature as the jam.
  6. Then add the mixture to each jar, not reaching 1-1.5 cm from the neck. It is very important not to fill the jars all the way to the top, otherwise they will not seal tightly. Wipe the tops of the jars with a dry, clean paper towel to remove any condensation that may form. Cover the jars with lids, but do not screw them on.
  7. We sterilize jars with blanks, as we sterilized. To do this, place a sterilization rack in a large, voluminous pan or put a towel on the bottom (the layer should be 2-3 cm thick) so that the jars do not come into direct contact with the bottom of the pan. Place the jars on a wire rack or towel and pour hot water to the “hangers”, bring to a boil over low heat and sterilize for 15-20 minutes. We take out the jars and immediately screw them in. Cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool.

In winter, spread thick apricot jam onto buns and cookies, serve, and use as a filling for pies.

Agree, each of us is pleasantly cold winter evening sit in a warm kitchen or by the stove and open a jar aromatic dessert for tea. You can spread it on a fresh bun, flavored with a piece of butter, or you can simply scoop it with a spoon and wash it down with a freshly brewed drink. Apricot jam can also be considered one of these pleasant winter delicacies. It has an unsurpassed, exquisite, truly summer scent and relish, for which it is rightfully appreciated both in the Russian outback and in large cities, wherever there is an opportunity to buy or pick apricots. Let's try to cook too?

Apricot jam

The cooking process itself is quite long and labor-intensive. But those housewives who are accustomed to preparing jam from fruits and berries for the winter will certainly not feel much difference, although there are still differences in the methods of preparation. Apricot jam is not jam, it is more homogeneous, thick and jelly-like. Many people make jam from these fruits by removing the pits from apricots and dividing them into two. equal halves(for which they take not quite ripened fruits). To prepare apricot jam, on the contrary, you can take completely overripe apricots (but not rotten ones), kneading them into a kind of pulp. Here we are no longer talking about the integrity and beauty of the fruit.

Step-by-step instruction


Next, to prepare apricot jam for the winter, you need to sterilize glass jars and lids according to the standard procedure. Pour the hot jam into containers and roll with a machine. Place the inverted jars in a dark and dry place, wrapping them with a blanket on top. Leave for three days to infuse. After this you can eat it.

Multicooker option

Apricot is prepared according to the same rules as on the stove. At least all the ingredients remain the same. This is rather an option, so to speak, for the lazy.

  1. Preliminary preparation of fruits is carried out as in the first option (see point 1).
  2. Place the prepared apricots in a blender and grind into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Place it in the multicooker bowl and add the measured amount of sugar (remember: 400-500 grams per 1 kg of apricots).
  4. Turn on the “Jam” mode and cook, stirring, until the device turns off.
  5. Place the finished jam into sterilized jars. Let's roll up. We put them upside down in a dark place, wrapping them tightly. In a couple of days delicious jam you can eat.

Option in a bread machine

How to cook apricot jam (jam) in a bread machine? Any housewife who has this magical device at her disposal can, in addition to the usual breads and pastries, also make jam there. For these purposes, we prepare the fruits and measure required quantity Sahara. Grind pitted apricots until smooth in a blender. Place the mixture in a baking bucket and mix with sugar. Let it sit for about an hour. We put the bucket in the kitchen device and turn on the “Jam” mode. After the signal about readiness, we preserve according to the standard scheme.

  • If you cook jam or jam in a slow cooker or bread maker, then you need to take into account the volume of the device’s bowl and fill it only 3/4.
  • 10-15 minutes before the end, add the juice of half a lemon for each kilogram of the main product.
  • Some housewives, to make the jam even thicker, add pectin or gelatin (10 g per 1 kg of apricots) to the mass (10 minutes before the end of cooking).
  • Readiness can be determined by placing a spoonful of jam on a clean plate. If it does not spread and retains its shape, then it’s ready!
  • The calorie content of jam (for people watching their weight and figure) is 240-250 kcal/100 grams. It is considered quite useful: although there are practically no vitamins left after cooking, there are pectins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the body.

People who love the taste of apricot will find it difficult to find fresh ones in winter. bright taste fruits on store shelves. To preserve sweet memories of summer, you need to stock up on winter preparations that you prepare yourself. Find out how to make jam that will preserve vitamins and nutrients as much as possible.

How to make ground apricot jam

A delicious dessert is perfectly complemented by confiture with a taste of summer. Golden and aromatic apricot jam for the winter is easy to prepare even for a person who has just begun to study culinary arts. To prepare delicious and thick stock need to prepare:

  • apricots – 1.5 kg;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet;
  • sugar – 400-500 g;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

How to cook correctly:

  1. You need to choose ripe apricots without greenish backs. Rinse the fruit under running cold water.
  2. Remove the seeds from the fruit; it is convenient to use a sharp knife for this. Also clean them from damaged areas, be sure to throw away rotten ones.
  3. Place apricots in an iron container, add sugar, vanillin, citric acid and place on low heat. Simmer until they release their juices and soften. Keep an eye on the mixture, stir, and to prevent it from burning, add half a cup of water.
  4. When the jam is finished cooking, set it aside until it cools.
  5. After complete cooling, separate the fruit peel from the finished confiture and grind the puree through a fine sieve. Quickly bring the mixture to a boil, after which it is ready to be rolled into jars.

How to cook apricot jam in a slow cooker

The benefits of homemade fruit sweets are much greater than store-bought ones. Therefore, it is worth learning more than one recipe delicious fillings home production. A multicooker is a universal thing; it is also suitable for cooking delicious, flavored jam. To create apricot jam for the winter you need:

  • apricots – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • water – 2 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - from 1 pc.;
  • gelatin – 1 pack.

Apricot jelly jam prepares like this:

  1. The preparation of the future filling for many desserts is carried out in 2 stages. The main condition is to choose very ripe fruits, but also without rotten areas. Immediately peel the apricots and place them in a multicooker bowl. Fill with 2 glasses of water.
  2. Set the “Extinguishing” mode for 45 minutes, close the lid of the device. After the set period has expired (visible on the display), grind the resulting mixture through a sieve. The preparation for the future jam is ready.
  3. Rinse the multicooker bowl and add fruit puree, sugar, lemon juice. Set to “Stew”, but for half an hour, and stir constantly so that the composition does not burn on the bottom.
  4. Add gelatin, stir. Apricot jam for the winter is ready to be sealed in a sterilized container. This dessert is more similar to jelly, but also very tasty and retains all the most valuable vitamins from the fruit.

How to make jam using a meat grinder

You will definitely succeed in this kind of conservation and you will be able to please your loved ones. Brew several batches at once, because your guests and family will definitely appreciate the delicacy. This sweetness needs to be prepared in 2 stages, and the fruit is chopped before cooking. Bright jam from ripe apricots for the winter is prepared in this way easily, but not quickly. You will need a non-stick frying pan and a meat grinder from your inventory (for processing fruit). Prepare:

  • apricots – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • citric acid – 1 pinch.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an amazing jam:

  1. Grind the washed fruits through a meat grinder, then place in a clean, dry frying pan.
  2. Add sugar, stir. Place on low heat and cook for about 3.5 - 4 hours until desired thickness. Check readiness by dropping a few drops of the mixture onto a plate with a spoon: if it does not spread, then everything is ready.
  3. Roll the resulting mass into jars (sterilization is required first).

Video: apricot jam for the winter

One of the best ways preserving fruits for the winter - apricot jam. If it is not digested, then in winter we will receive a complex of vitamins (A, K, C, group B) and microelements (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and others). This is why it is important to prepare apricot jam correctly.

Classic jam


  • apricots – 5 kg;
  • domestically produced white sugar – 2.5 kg;
  • water – 1 l.


To begin with, we choose the right apricots for jam - these should be well-ripened fruits, fairly soft, but not bruised, without damage to the skin, and not wormy. Wash the selected apricots and divide them into halves, removing the pits. Next, we cut the fruits quite finely - you can slice them, you can cube them and place them in a container for making jam. This could be a large basin or cauldron, or a stewpan. We cook syrup from water and sugar, let it simmer for about a minute and a half, then pour it over the apricots and leave until cool. After this, you can start cooking the jam: as soon as the contents of the container boil, turn the heat to minimum and, stirring, cook for about 20-30 minutes. Next, carefully rub the apricots through a sieve or colander. We get delicious apricot jam, which can be sealed for the winter, or can be used immediately, for example, as a filling for bagels for tea. To roll the jam, simply move it after rubbing back into the container and boil for another 5-6 minutes after boiling, after which we put it in jars sterilized with hot steam and close with lids sterilized in boiling water.

Another cooking option

If you do not add water, you will get a thicker apricot jam than in the first option. True, in this case you will need to keep a closer eye on him.


  • ripe apricots – 3 kg;
  • sugar produced in the CIS countries - 4.5-5 glasses;
  • – 12 years


We prepare the apricots: wash them, let them drain, remove the seeds and pass the fruit halves through a meat grinder or puree them using a blender or food processor. Add sugar and citric acid to the puree, mix and let stand for about an hour so that the sugar dissolves. Not everyone knows how to cook apricot jam in order to preserve maximum vitamins. Meanwhile, everything is simple. Cook the jam in an enamel bowl, stirring constantly, as the mass turns out to be very thick and can burn. Cooking time – 5 minutes. After this, let the jam cool completely and repeat the process, again stirring continuously. After this, you can rub the mass through a sieve, or you can roll it up like this. Distribute the boiling jam and immediately roll it up.

We cook apple-apricot jam in the same way, but it is not particularly important to keep the proportions: they can be 1:1, the taste of the jam can be enhanced in one direction or the other by adding more apples or apricots. A prerequisite is that the apples must be peeled and the seeds removed. Otherwise, the technology is the same: grind the fruit into puree, add sugar and citric acid, cook and roll.

Apricot jam in a slow cooker



Wash the apricots, divide them into halves and remove the pits. Place the halves in the working bowl of our multicooker and pour in water. In the “baking” mode, we leave our apricots to cook for 20 minutes, after which we transfer them to a sieve and wipe them, if we want to remove the skin, if we leave it, just mash the apricots into a puree. Add sugar and cinnamon and cook the jam in the same mode for about 40 minutes. After this, the finished apricot jam can be closed for the winter, or served with tea.
