E 133 additive what harm. Blue brilliant. Food additive E133. Purpose and scope

General characteristics and receipt

E133 is a food coloring of chemical origin in the form of a powder or granules, the distinguishing feature of which is a blue color with a reddish tint. The additive is poorly soluble in water, it is difficult to be absorbed by the human body and almost all of it is excreted along with undigested food.

Produced by organic synthesis. The raw material for the dye is coal tar. The level of harm to health is medium.


Brilliant blue FCF is used in various industries for the purpose of painting in the desired color. Often it is mixed with other dyes to get a wider range of shades. It is used in the manufacture of food, cosmetics and textiles.

Benefit and harm

Currently, research on the E133 supplement is ongoing, but there is no scientific evidence of its toxic or carcinogenic effects yet. In many countries, the substance is used without prohibitions. But to say that the dye is completely safe is impossible.

It is harmful to people suffering from asthma and aspirin intolerance. It can provoke an attack of suffocation, acute allergic symptoms up to anaphylactic shock. The substance may adversely affect the behavior of children, causing headaches, increased activity levels, tearfulness, apathy.

When using candies and hard candies colored with E133, there is a risk of the substance entering the bloodstream. This can harm cells and their ability to produce energy from incoming food.

If we talk about the benefits of the substance, then E133 has shown the ability to help treat spinal cord injuries in rats. But research has not yet been carried out further due to the fact that the substance does not attract investors due to its low cost.

Usage and application

The food industry is not complete without the use of brilliant blue FCF. When mixed with other dyes, the substance gives different shades. A green color is obtained by combining E133 with E102, in combination with red and orange additives, black and brown come out, with the addition of red dye - purple.

Most often, with the help of E133, the following food products are stained:

  • ice cream;
  • sweets and desserts;
  • canned fruits and vegetables;
  • jellies and jams;
  • dairy;
  • alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • The substance helps to color cosmetic products. It can be found in creams, hair dyes, deodorants, shampoos, soaps, mouth rinses, etc. The textile industry uses E133 for dyeing wool and silk.

Table. The content of food additive E133 in products according to SanPiN dated 05/26/2008

food products

The maximum level of content of E 133 in products

Ice cream and popsicles

Desserts, dairy products

canned mashed peas

Flour confectionery, rich bakery products, pasta

Decorative coatings

Minced fish surimi and salmon-like fish

Sausages, sausages, pork sausage with pepper

Fruit processing products (jams, jellies, marmalades and others, including low-calorie

Fruits and vegetables canned and glazed

Soft drinks


Processed cheeses

Fish or shellfish paste

Smoked fish

Fish caviar

Fresh fish

Dry and pasty sauces and condiments

Solid dietary supplements

Liquid Dietary Supplements

Analogues of meat and fish based on vegetable proteins

Ready-made snacks based on cereals, potatoes, flour, starch

Processed nuts, mixed nuts and unshelled nuts

Cheese coating

fruit baking filling

Chewing gum

Cider, spirits, fruit and flavored wines

Dietary formulas

Legislative regulation

Additive E133 can be used as a dye in Russia, USA, Australia, New Zealand and many European countries. The dye is also not banned in Ukraine and Belarus. The decision to use the substance in the Russian Federation was made in December 2005.

Countries such as Norway, France, Denmark, Belgium and Germany have abandoned the use of E133 food coloring and put it on the banned list due to potential health hazards.

Not everyone knows that canned peas or crispy pickled cucumbers owe their bright green color to the synthetic dye Blue Brilliant FCF. E133 has no analogues in the natural environment.

Russian and world experts do not object to its use in food, although laboratory studies of the substance have not yet been completed.

Official designations and names in Russia according to GOST 32745-2014:

  • Blue brilliant FCF (Brilliant Blue FCF);
  • E 133 (European code);
  • 133 (INS number - international numbering system for food additives);
  • E-133 (designation of the additive in the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the Russian Federation);
  • 42090 (number in ColorIndex, international catalog of dyes);
  • Brilliant blue FCF (synonym);
  • Food blue 2 (synonym);
  • Food Blue2 (European dye designation);
  • FD&C Blue No. 1 (USA).

In unofficial documents, on the packaging of various products, you can find other names for the food additive E 133:

  • Blue #1;
  • Aniline blue;
  • Patentblau AE; Amidoblau AE (German designation);
  • Bleu brilliant FCF (French product name).

Substance type

Additive E 133 belongs to the group of triarylmethane dyes.

Get E133 from coal tar.

A complex chemical process of organic synthesis results in a blue-red sodium salt. Potassium, calcium salt and aluminum varnish are also allowed.

During digestion, the blue, shiny FCF is absorbed into the body in small amounts. More than 95% of the substance comes out naturally.

Can stain waste products green. You should not be afraid. This is just the property of the E 133 additive to change color when in contact with an acidic environment (for example, with bile).



The packaging of food coloring must meet the standards of the countries in which the product is produced.

In Russia, as packaging for the additive E 133, they use:

  • woven bags that meet GOST 30090;
  • paper bags for food products;
  • corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13511.

Inside any container, 0.08 mm thick food-grade polyethylene bags are inserted without fail.

Manufacturers determine the type and size of packaging on their own.

The use of other containers (for example, polyethylene drums) is not prohibited if it is non-toxic and meets the rules for the safe storage of the product.


Industrial Blue Brilliant FCF rarely used alone. By adding various Group E chemicals, manufacturers are able to color products in numerous shades of purple. This property plus low cost makes E 133 a popular additive in various industries.

The food industry uses dye to restore lost color or to make food look attractive.

You can find the E 133 additive in many products:

  • ice cream, fruit ice;
  • fruit and vegetable preserves;
  • dry breakfasts (potato and cereals);
  • gelatin;
  • confectionery;
  • juices, carbonated drinks;
  • flavored dairy and sour-milk products;
  • wine drinks;
  • minced fish, .

A complete list of products in which blue shiny FCF can be found would take several pages.

Add food coloring E 133 to the composition of cosmetic products, household chemicals:

  • shampoos, soaps, bath gels;
  • Hair Dye;
  • deodorants;
  • bath cleaners.

Pharmacological enterprises use the additive E 133 only for coloring the shells of drugs, tablets.

It is forbidden to introduce blue shiny FCF into the composition of medicines.

The good resistance to light made it possible to use the food additive E 133 for dyeing woolen and silk fabrics.

The food coloring is approved for retail trade under the name "Brilliant Blue FCF (E 133)".

Brilliant blue FCF is allowed in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, some EU countries, Australia, New Zealand, USA.

Banned in Norway, Belgium, Germany, France, Denmark.

Benefit and harm

According to some reports, the substance triarylmethane helps to restore the function of the spinal cord after an injury.

Research on the effects of E 133 supplements on human health continues to this day.

According to the degree of negative impact on human health, food additive E 133 belongs to class 3 (moderately hazardous substance). When using such dyes, it is forbidden to exceed the established doses.

The allowable daily intake of food additive E 133 has been revised several times in the course of numerous scientific studies. Now a person with an average weight of 60 kg is allowed to use up to 12.5 mg supplement per kilogram of weight. Based on the latest research, Russian and foreign regulatory committees determine the safe dose per 1 kg (or 1 liter) of the finished product:

  • 100 mg for canned sugar and brain-grade green peas, flavored processed cheeses, soft drinks;
  • 150 mg for ice cream, desserts;
  • 200 mg for jams, fruit and vegetable preserves, bakery and pasta, alcoholic beverages (including sparkling wines);
  • 300 mg for canned cucumbers;
  • 500 mg for sauces, seasonings.

Additive E 133 is considered an allergen. With caution, products containing blue dye should be used by people with bronchial asthma and sensitivity to aspirin.

There are no precise data on toxicity.

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Main manufacturers

When purchasing food coloring, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Reliable, proven over the years companies provide a guarantee of quality.

There are three of them in Russia: Moscow company Teresa-Inter, GIORD and Eco Resource companies (both St. Petersburg).

Of the foreign enterprises, the Indian Vidhi Dyestuffs Mfg and ROHA, the American holding Sensient Technologies Corporation have positively proven themselves.

Any synthetic food coloring is not completely harmless. The permitted additive E133 is no exception. While in-depth research continues, the consumer should take care of their own health.

Brilliant Blue FCF (Brilliant Blue FCF, FD&C Blue No.1, D&C Blue No.4, Acid Blue 9, Alzen Food Blue No.1, Atracid Blue FG, Erioglaucine, Eriosky blue, Patent Blue AR, Xylene Blue VSG, brilliant blue FCF, Brilliant Blue, E133) is a blue synthetic dye. Can be mixed with tartrazine (E102) for various shades of green. Chemical formula C37H34N2Na2O9S3.

As a dye, it is often used in ice cream, sweets and drinks. Also included in creams, shampoos and other cosmetic products.

Previously banned in the EU, the US and several other countries. The ban has now been lifted.

Brilliant blue FCF (food additive E133) is a triarylmethane dye obtained from coal tar by organic synthesis. The molecular formula of the dye E133: C 37 H 34 N 2 Na 2 O 9 S 3. In appearance, the additive E133 is a red-blue powder, hardly soluble in water.

In the human body, the E133 dye is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and 95% of the absorbed dye leaves the body along with food debris. In addition, by reacting with certain bile pigments, the food additive E133 can give a green color to human remains.

Additive E133 can cause choking attacks in asthmatics and allergic reactions, especially in people sensitive to aspirin. E133 dye is currently being actively researched for other side effects. At the same time, one study in laboratory rats showed that Blue Brilliant FCF could help treat spinal cord injuries.

In the food industry, E133 dye is often used in combination with tartrazine ( food additive) to obtain various shades of green. 'Blue Brilliant FCF' is used as a coloring agent in the food industry for the production of ice cream, gelatin, desserts, some sweets, soft drinks. Less commonly, E133 is found in dairy products and breakfast cereals.

The Blue Brilliant FCF dye (additive E133) is approved for use in the production of food products on the territory of the Russian Federation by order of Rosgostekhregulirovanie dated December 29, 2005. Although in countries such as Belgium, France, Denmark, Norway, Germany and some others, there is a ban on the use of the E133 dye due to the possible negative impact on the health of a certain part of the people.

In addition to the food industry, Blue Brilliant FCF is used in cosmetic products (included in creams, shampoos, deodorants, hair dyes, etc.)

Additive E133 is also allowed for use in the food industry and in Ukraine.

Characterized by some properties that are not particularly favorable for human health, the E133 Blue Brilliant FCF dye is still included in the list of food additives that are not prohibited for use in food production. That is why today this substance is often used in Russia, Ukraine and in many EU countries.

Moreover, there is even a daily intake of the dye E133 Brilliant Blue FCF - about 12 and a half mg / kg of body weight. In the food industry, this artificial color is most often used in the production of canned fruits and vegetables. So, for example, for canned green peas, the amount of Blue Brilliant FCF cannot exceed 100 mg/kg, and in applesauce, the content of this substance should not exceed 200 mg/kg. In the manufacture of jellies and jams, an indicator below 200 mg / kg is considered the norm, and in pickled cucumbers E133 is present in an amount of 300 mg / kg, but not more.

On the territory of our country, the coloring properties of E133 Blue Brilliant FCF are widely used for coloring popsicles, ice cream and numerous desserts. In the production of alcoholic beverages, sparkling and fruit wines, as well as pasta and bakery products, the amount of this substance should not exceed the established norm of 200 mg / kg. By the way, the composition of the E133 Blue Brilliant FCF dye has much in common with the substances contained in the E132 dye, so their properties are almost identical.

In addition to the food industry, the use of E133 is also quite common in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. Quite often, some medicines are stained with it, and they are also used in the production of decorative cosmetics. In addition, the dye E133 Brilliant Blue FCF is used in Russia for dyeing silk and wool, as well as many cleaning products.

Composition of dye E133 Brilliant blue FCF

The composition of the dye E133 Blue brilliant FCF directly depends on the method of its production, due to which this substance belongs to food dyes of synthetic origin. Powder or granulate of purple or red-blue color is obtained from coal tar by organic synthesis.

In water, this dye dissolves with difficulty, forming a blue solution as a result. And when mixed with other dyes, completely different shades can be obtained. So, for example, when mixed with yellow dye, Brilliant Blue gives a green tint, with red - purple, and with orange and red - black and brown.

Dye damage E133 Brilliant blue FCF

A person is aware of the possible harm of the E133 Blue Brilliant FCF dye for the body, therefore this additive is classified as a medium hazardous substance. It has been proven that it negatively affects human health, provoking the occurrence of asthma attacks and allergic reactions. Eating products with E133 is prohibited for people allergic to aspirin.

In addition, according to some data, the harm of the dye E133 Blue Brilliant FCF lies in the fact that it is called a carcinogen, but, fortunately, after numerous studies, this statement was not confirmed.

Brilliant blue FCF (food additive E133) is a triarylmethane dye obtained from coal tar by organic synthesis.

The molecular formula of the dye E133: C 37 H 34 N 2 Na 2 O 9 S 3.

In appearance, the additive E133 is a red-blue powder, hardly soluble in water.

Effect on the body


In the human body, the E133 dye is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and 95% of the absorbed dye leaves the body along with food debris. In addition, by reacting with certain bile pigments, the food additive E133 can give a green color to human remains.

Additive E133 can cause choking attacks in asthmatics and allergic reactions, especially in people sensitive to aspirin. E133 dye is currently being actively researched for other side effects.


At the same time, one study in laboratory rats showed that Blue Brilliant FCF could help treat spinal cord injuries.


In the food industry, the dye E133 is often used in combination with tartrazine (food additive E102) to obtain various shades of green. 'Blue Brilliant FCF' is used as a coloring agent in the food industry for the production of ice cream, gelatin, desserts, some sweets, soft drinks. Less commonly, E133 is found in dairy products and breakfast cereals.

In addition to the food industry, Blue Brilliant FCF is used in cosmetic products (included in creams, shampoos, deodorants, hair dyes, etc.)


The Blue Brilliant FCF dye (additive E133) is approved for use in the production of food products on the territory of the Russian Federation by order of Rosgostekhregulirovanie dated December 29, 2005. Although in countries such as Belgium, France, Denmark, Norway, Germany and some others, there is a ban on the use of the E133 dye due to the possible negative impact on the health of a certain part of the people.

Additive E133 is also allowed for use in the food industry and in Ukraine.

The modern chemical industry and its rapid evolution over the past 20-30 years have brought the production of confectionery products to a new level. There was a wide variety of tastes and types of confectionery. However, it should be understood that all this is not without a trace for the health of the consumer. You have to pay for the taste, smell and color. And pay with your own health. The merging of the chemical and confectionery industries has led to the fact that seemingly harmless sweets, cakes and cookies have become real chemical weapons aimed at the health of the consumer. The main tool in hooking the consumer on confectionery, of course, remains refined sugar - the strongest drug that is addictive and, according to official scientific studies, acts on the brain in the same way as cocaine. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Confectionery products are richly flavored with various food additives, most of which are hazardous to health. One of these additives, actively used in the production of confectionery pesticides, is E133 "Brilliant Blue FCF".

Food additive E133

Already one name - "shiny blue FCF" - is reminiscent of the name of some kind of chemical weapon. And in fact it is. "Blue Brilliant FCF" is a triarylmethane dye that is fully synthetic. E133 is obtained by organic synthesis from - think about it! - coal tar. And now the product of this action is added to food. "Blue Brilliant FCF" is widely used in the production of confectionery: ice cream, jelly, sweets, marshmallows, desserts. Also, E133 is widely used in various products containing milk and in the production of instant breakfasts. Such products are generally a separate issue: the amount of chemical poisons there simply rolls over, because if buckwheat boils for a few seconds, certain chemical manipulations were carried out with it. And “blue shiny FCF” is one of the components of such quick breakfasts. Food additive E133 acts as a dye and is found mainly in products that are blue, and in combination with another food poison - additive E102 - gives a green color. These two colors, as well as their shades and combinations, may be a sign that the product contains the food additive E133, and it is better to refrain from such a purchase.

In addition to the products of the confectionery industry, the food additive E133 is actively used in cosmetics: it is added to soap, shampoo, deodorants, hair dyes.

The effect on the body of the supplement E133

Food additive E133 has an extremely negative effect on the human body. Being a synthetic dye, it has a destructive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and on the body as a whole. Fortunately, due to its characteristics, “blue shiny FCF” is poorly absorbed in the digestive tract and most of it leaves the body unchanged. But even that small part that is absorbed in the intestines causes some harm to the body. Nature did not intend for a person to eat the product of organic synthesis of coal tar. And our bodies are clearly not designed for its processing. The food additive E133 has a particularly negative impact on people prone to allergies, and these today are at least 50% of the population. In them, "blue shiny FCF" can cause asthma attacks and various skin reactions.

Despite the fact that the food additive E133 has not yet been fully investigated and the study of its effects on the body is not even at the final stage, it is allowed in most countries of the world. But in a number of countries where the health of the population is still more important than the profits of food corporations, this food supplement is prohibited. "Blue Brilliant FCF" is banned in France, Denmark, Belgium, Norway and some other European countries.

Wanting to attract attention with a beautiful and bright coloring of a confectionery product, the manufacturer does not really think about the consequences for the health of the consumer. The most important thing is to make a profit. This is marketing. It's just business. The addition of food additive E133 to food products is not necessary for production, storage and transportation. Food colorings are basically added for only one purpose - to increase the attractiveness of the product. And this is the cynicism of the modern food industry: for the sake of increasing demand for the product, manufacturers are ready for anything.

It is important to understand that any unnatural color of the product is a sign of the presence of chemical poisons in it. "Brilliant Blue FCF" gives the product a blue-green color, which is rarely found in nature, and this already speaks of the harmfulness and unnaturalness of confectionery products made using it.
