Good sunny morning quotes. Good morning wishes: pictures, poems, beautiful phrases

And the morning, by definition, should be good! This is the beginning of the day and the beginning of a small life that will last only a few hours and turn into the past in the evening. Pleasant or sad, but already the past. That is why the morning should be good and the day should be good. Have a good mood for the whole day!


Every morning is a chance to start life from scratch

Start every morning with victory! Over your laziness, over your fears! A wonderful life ahead!

I know that morning, afternoon or evening will come, and I will hug you.... I’ll inhale your scent and whisper on my lips: “... we are together... now we are together...”

A smile is your lifeline! WITH Good morning! =) Life is wonderful!

What there was no one to say" Good morning”, meant only one thing: that you wouldn’t have to start the day with hypocrisy.

Good morning statuses for the morning: In the morning my stomach is so flat that it’s a pity to even have breakfast.

The morning started out badly - the sun was shining in one eye, and in the other... It felt like a spear had been stuck into it. The spear trembled slightly.

I wish everyone a good morning! And have a nice day! Let everything be fine and everything you have planned for today will definitely come true!!!

It is incorrect to say: “The woman had a bad morning”... It is more correct: “The whole family had a bad morning!”

There is no trace of morning, the light is not on, there is one dawn for two... You can’t understand and you can’t forget, it’s impossible not to love...

Let it be better to be embarrassed in the morning than bored in the evening!

Before you write “Good morning”, think... is it good?

One morning, in a cold house, you suddenly wake up and, barely breathing, you realize with sadness that along with the pain, your soul has gone forever...

Every morning I dream of staying under the covers.

I need to call psychics too, let them look for my socks every morning.

Do not believe those who say that there is no such thing as a good morning! Good morning everyone!))

Every morning I say to myself: “Get up, beauty, great things await us!”, but an inner voice whispers that if they wait, then they love, and if they love, then they will wait, at least another half an hour.

Good morning statuses for the morning: Good morning comes at lunchtime.

I don’t snore at night... I growl so that they are afraid to wake me up.

To avoid choosing which foot to get up in the morning, just fall out of bed.

The day was not going well in the morning: the alarm clock rang.

We would love the morning more if it started later...

In the morning, she nervously smokes a cigarette and drinks a cup with a trembling hand. strong coffee and continues to live with crazy thoughts... further.

If you wake up every morning with the thought that something good will happen today, so it will be.

Before you say to someone: Good morning! - wash yourself with the morning coolness, let it become good for you, let its kindness and freshness into yourself, then the greeting will be sincere.

Don't trust dreams - there will always be morning as long as you're alive.

I’ll tell you everything about you... even Windows will stop welcoming you!

This morning I told my grandmother that I was going to the sea... and she told me...: “If you drown yourself, don’t go home..!!!”

Good morning everyone, have a good day, positive mood and sincere smiles!

And for me, morning is a state of mind, not a time of day.

Love is when I buy you a teddy bear for your birthday and hand it to you early in the morning. And before that, at night, I go to bed with it so carefully so as not to wrinkle the label, and in the morning I wake up in exactly the same position

Every morning I go through five stages of awakening: denial, anger, bargaining, resignation, coffee.

How I want to go back in time in the morning and say to myself: “Go to bed, bitch!”...

Good morning to this world, the sun, summer and work)) Work is the only thing that makes me look good in the morning - this is its obvious plus =)

I woke up early in the morning and thought: I’ll get up, I’ll move mountains... I turned on the other side - why invade nature, let them stand!

The morning is wiser than the evening... because in the morning you only begin to remember everything

In the morning I wake up only to see you in the evening!!!

Quality alcoholic drink determined in the morning...

Coffee, it’s magical, it makes thoughts, words and people easier.

If a woman looks rumpled in the morning, it means she was ironed all night...

How are men and cats similar? -For both of them, getting drunk in the morning is a common thing

I found myself a boyfriend. Smart, kind, faithful and beautiful... and she was happy!.. Until the smart one found out about the kind one, and the faithful one - about the handsome one...

This is how you love a person for a year or two... and in the morning you wake up and realize that you are indifferent to him...

I don’t even understand why I have to get up so early! Only the penis and the sun should get up in the morning!

Only for you!: *the one who loves is the one who is jealous! The one who is silent when we meet loves, but not the one who kisses and always talks about love!

one morning you will understand that you cannot live without me!!! and at that hour I will already wake up with someone who immediately understood this!!!

I was ready to give everything to wake up with you every morning. And one single moment next to you gave me strength.

This collection contains aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings about the morning. Morning is the beginning of every day and how we start it is how the day will pass.

A huge number of people simply hate the morning from Monday to Friday. And a completely different attitude towards Saturday morning. A dream shattered by an alarm clock is a difficult test for the psyche. And such torture continues for many days and years in a row. People simply get used to the fact that a weekday morning cannot be good, or rather, it can be later, after they manage to wake up.

And the morning, by definition, should be good! This is the beginning of the day and the beginning of a small life that will last only a few hours and turn into the past in the evening. Pleasant or sad, but already the past. That is why the morning should be good and the day should be good.
Have a good mood for the whole day!

About morning: aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings

My alarm clock is my wife who steps on the scale screaming every morning.

So I got up, but didn’t wake up.

In the evening you go to bed one person and wake up another person.

The morning is already so fucked up that it still allows itself to be cold.

You woke up with a desire to work, then you should get some more sleep.

Today I got up on the wrong foot and it got stuck between the wall and the bed!

From the experience of life, it is known that those who wake up at dawn of their own free will or, out of necessity, have to get up early in the morning, do not tolerate it well if others in his presence continue, as they say, to sleep without their hind legs.

I woke up early in the morning and thought: I’ll get up, I’ll move mountains... I turned on the other side - why invade nature, let them stand!

I wake up and think what I will do today.

Who is Sleep? And why do I always want it in the morning?

Every morning, after a party, you have to make a difficult choice - what to wear: unwashed or unironed?

Last night he thought that he still had a chance. Last night anything was possible. The trouble with “yesterday evening” is that it is always followed by “this morning.”

We would love the morning more if it started later...

Every morning I go through five stages of awakening: denial, anger, bargaining, resignation, coffee.

Morning is that part of the day when you envy the unemployed.

Don't trust dreams - there will always be morning as long as you're alive.

When will the time finally come when I start waking up in the morning, and not resurrecting?

I had a favorite song, and then I set it on my alarm clock. There are no more favorite songs!!!

I don’t snore at night... I growl so that they are afraid to wake me up.

I’m going to work one morning, I walk calmly, I’m not late. And then I understand that there is a blanket, a pillow and I’m in bed... I understand: it was a prophetic dream - to a showdown.

N an incredible evening, a crazy night - anyone can do it.
And try to make an unforgettable morning...

Even I don't look like Cindy Crawford in the morning

I slept with this thought - and in the morning I decided to sleep with him.

Do you know what irritates you most in the morning at work? These are latecomers. And not because you may be a fan of punctuality, but because this creature slept more than you!

Every morning when the alarm clock rings, the first thing that wakes up is the desire to kill, and then me.

On the morning after a stormy graduation, it seemed to graduate Sidorov that the girl with the bell had moved from his shoulder to his head.

- Why did you send me on the phone yesterday morning? I wanted to wish you good morning...
— Firstly, it was 7 in the morning. Secondly, I didn’t send, but politely asked what you needed at such an early hour. And thirdly, the word “goat” came out completely by accident.

Often looking in the morning at the woman who ended up in your bed, you realize with horror that the fact that you seduced her yesterday was not your fault, but hers.

I need to call psychics too, let them look for my socks every morning.

When will the morning start with exercise and jogging, and not with mineral water and an aspirin tablet?

Dialogue in my head this morning:
- Wake up.
- No.
- Get up!
- No.
- You'll sleep like this for the rest of your life!
- Awesome!

Getting old is when, the morning after drinking, you find unused beer in the refrigerator!

In our house, the most religious item is the bathroom scale. Every morning the wife stands on them and loudly shouts “Oh, God!”

I understood why people in the army wake up at six in the morning: because the only thing you want to do at 6 in the morning is kill people.

You can't just get up early in the morning.
This is always a complex philosophical process.

In the army, the company commander liked to say in the morning: “He who gets up early, God gives him.”
I always had a question: “What does God give?”
Now I know that for those who get up early, God gives a drill and a desire to chisel walls.

What a blessing it is when you wake up at 3 a.m. and are glad that it’s not morning yet. Happiness! And go back to sleep!

A good half of citizens on Monday morning look generally unkind.

I'm not a masochist, but I always take a cold shower in the morning. This is a great start to the day, because then nothing will happen worse.

The fact that there was no one to say “good morning” meant only one thing: that I would not have to start the day with hypocrisy.

Monday... morning... Club of green and easy-going…

The morning greets us with brine!

Let it be better to be embarrassed in the morning than bored in the evening!

A collection of quotes, aphorisms, sayings and statuses about morning

I want to make coffee for two every morning.

And sometimes you wake up and everything is perfect.

In the morning, it is sometimes very difficult to understand: did you just not get enough sleep or do you really hate everyone?

Every woman has the right to wake up in the morning shamelessly happy and leave the house brazenly beautiful!

You can’t get enough of life in the evening, but in the morning you don’t want to live!

What doesn’t come to mind when you’re awake, when early in the morning you’re pulled out of bed by the doorbell and a hoarse voice: “We’ve come to check your hard-on”...

Good morning, but I'm not!

I don’t trust those who are drawn to philosophizing at such an early hour. It's like drinking with breakfast, the beginning stages of insanity. In the morning you need to sleep, swim and not think about anything.

The day was not going well in the morning: the alarm clock rang.

Saturday morning was beautiful. But then my memory began to return...

When any external push gives rise to internal repulsion, a person has to look for reasons that will allow him to get out of bed in the morning - reasons, in any case, more solid than the fear of getting bedsores.

The most beautiful morning is today, when you don’t need breakfast in bed, but when it’s just warm on the side.

Judging by this morning, last night was a mistake.

It was a nasty morning. Gray, thoroughly dank, like the slippery cap of some mushroom. On such days, door handles seem too hard, any food scratches the palate, larks are outrageously active and do not allow you to relax peacefully in bed, and owls are unhappy with everything and snap at every word.

Every morning. For the first half hour, the body ignores the brain, the brain ignores the body. until you crash into a door frame or step on some prickly shit.

Every morning I dream of staying under the covers.

- Vasya, will you wake me up at seven in the morning?
- But only once!

If you wake up in the morning and find a beautiful girl next to you, it means you didn’t drink that much yesterday...

And then I will kiss you on the cheek 365 times a year and say “good morning.”

I wake up. I remember... There is silence all around. Quietly, quietly. It was probably just as quiet after St. Bartholomew’s Night.

In the morning my stomach is so flat that it’s a pity to even have breakfast.

With a sinking heart, he reads poetry in the evenings so that he can wake up in tears in the morning. Be late. And running out of the house, you forget your good mood somewhere under your pillow.

It is incorrect to say: “The woman had a bad morning”... It is more correct: “The whole family had a bad morning!”

I don’t have breakfast in the morning because I think about you! I don’t have lunch during the day, I think about you. I don’t have dinner in the evening - I think about you! I can’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT!

Friday. Night club. Talk. One man says to another:
- But not everyone can understand the joys of tonight. The woman doesn’t give it to some, while others can’t drink. Poor fellows, what are they doing today?
“I don’t know what they’re doing tonight, but tomorrow morning they’ll be drilling!”

The morning is getting closer and closer... Deathly silence, not a sound! I can see the alarm clock’s face... It’s about to ring, bitch!

- Whaaaaat????
- RA - god of the sun, DU - good morning, that is, “Good morning, Sun”!
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

“A little light” is too early for my beauty, which needs to sleep.

Every morning is a chance to start life from scratch

Mornings are that part of the day when many naively envy the unemployed.

What do you know about desires, exploits and passions? Every morning I come out from under the blanket to Calvary...

Even if you can’t get up early in the morning, but you like this time, be sure to read quotes about morning! As they say, how many people have so many opinions, and this applies to such a wonderful time as morning, quotes about which are collected on this page.

In the morning people are completely different. They are lonelier in the morning. In this cold and damp air. In the evening, people get together, drink cognac, play chess, listen to music and say that it is wonderful. At night they make love or sleep. But in the morning... Before breakfast... You are completely alone.
Erlend Lu. In the power of women

What we love most is getting up for the sun in the sky, a morning run or an early call from a loved one or best friend.
TV series “Gossip Girl”

I’m standing, hiding my eyes in a cup of morning coffee, afraid to look out the window into a sad face.
Martha Ketro. Breathe! And! Not! yes! go!

There's nothing better than a clear, sunny spring morning in old Echo... and nothing worse than a clear, sunny morning at any time of the year and anywhere in the universe - in the event that you were not allowed to get enough sleep.
Max Fry. White stones of Harumba

Have the sayings about morning been read out yet? Read about.

Every morning I bring myself into the world...
Frederick Beigbeder. 99 francs

Morning will come anyway - even if you forget to set the alarm.
Ursula Le Guin

The morning is wiser than the evening. It sounds stupid and hackneyed, but it's true.
Erich Maria Remarque. Triumphal Arch

Even I don't look like Cindy Crawford in the morning.
Cindy Crawford

For someone who loves solitude, an early morning walk is the same as a night walk, with the only difference that in the morning there is more joy in nature.
Victor Hugo. Les Miserables

It's good when it's morning at nine.
No, at ten it’s even more beautiful, but at eleven it’s already debauchery.
To debauchery, coffee should be served in bed, on such a wooden tray, and that the coffee pot and creamer are silver, and the cup is transparent porcelain, and in the sugar bowl under the napkin there is something fragrant, crunchy and fluffy, sprinkled with cinnamon and vanilla sugar.
Max Fry. Coffee book

Good morning brings good afternoon.
Jewish proverbs and sayings five in the morning any “later” is the same as “never”...
Max Fry. Big cart

Each of us will have a morning that we will not see.
Chuck Norris

A sunny morning is a time of quiet joy.<...>This watch is not for haste, not for fuss. Morning is a time of leisurely, deep, golden thoughts.
John Steinbeck. Tortilla Flat

There are days when in the morning you break through to the surface, as if through a ton of mud. Six out of seven days are like this. On the seventh morning I wake up with a feeling of crystal clarity, as if I have something to get up for.
Peter Hoeg. Smilla and her sense of snow

The morning is wiser than the evening. That’s why I don’t really want to get up for work in the morning.
Guy Julius Orlovsky. Richard Long Arms

Aphorisms about morning were collected on this page.

Good morning, my joy and tenderness! Have a good day, I kiss you many many times..

You came into my life as summer comes - suddenly, without warning, as the glare of sunlight penetrates the room in the morning.

I breathe you, feeling every morning how you sprinkle, bathing in the aroma of your love, surrounding me with the caress of your hands... I breathe you!

Love was like a flight, like a star that fell... Just for a moment, the sky suddenly flashed, morning came, but love was gone..

Ever since you started waking me up, I fell in love with the morning.

Love is not sleepless nights, but a quiet, happy morning when you remember the dream where you dreamed about him.

I thank fate for that first meeting, and I am grateful to you for this morning and that evening.

I hope I can be your good morning...

Someone loves coffee, tea, rain, a smile, sleepless nights on the Internet, morning sunrise and evening sunset. Everyone dreams differently, but our love connects our dreams.

True love: when you wake up in the morning with your loved one, all sleepy, unwashed, unmade-up, disheveled, and he still calls you my beauty)

I really dream of conveying to you My love and inner peace With a gust of wind, with drops of rain With the rays of the sun, with morning dew!

Good morning, beloved Chamomile, greetings to you...!!!

It’s so lousy when no one writes “Good morning, sunshine” as usual, when no one whispers how much they love you...

You are my beloved! Good morning, Dear! how cool it is to see you again today!! I will give you love and tell you again how dear you are in my life!!

Dreams are needed in order to be at least a little with someone who is not nearby.

Last night I dreamed about you... thank you for taking the time.

The sun is shining, I feel good, you are next to me, my heart is beating, you are for me like a ray in the night, giving energy to our love.

When you have a dream, you can dream until the morning. And now get up and turn your dream into reality. Good morning!

Good morning bunny, I'm already up, although not all the way yet!))

Good morning, people! Good morning, country! May we all be lucky in everything today!

Good morning sun!!! Have a nice mood and good mood for the whole day!!!

Start your new day with a smile.!!!

Someday in the morning, even if not now... he will open his eyes and understand how much he needs me, and at that time I will wake up with someone who has already understood this.

In the morning his call came. He was crying. There were declarations of love.. I was silent.. I was silent and remembered.. where did I get so drunk yesterday.. and who is he anyway :)

My sweet little bunny! good morning! how nice it is to live in the world, and to realize that another day will not be in vain..

Good morning, hello baby! I’m waiting and hope that you call me as soon as possible!

Have a wonderful day and new discoveries! - Good morning))

I'm tired of hugging my pillow, I want to wake you up from your kisses!)

You know, it makes you so happy and gives you confidence in the future, this is what I will send you a message and wish good morning and I will receive a message from you!! Good morning my friend! thank you for having me!

My early message means not only good morning, but also that you are my first thought in the morning..Good morning!!

You should never think about the past... it only brings tears... and if you think about the future, it brings fear... so let's live in the present.. Good morning!!!

Maybe you won’t answer me this morning, and maybe I’ll be a little upset, but my love will break through thousands of kilometers of electronic wires and say that I love you.

The wind quietly flies by, wishes you a good morning! A new day is knocking on the window, and you sleep so sweetly! Good morning, honey!

Good morning, as usual. I'm looking forward to the evening. I’m somehow not used to it without you, there’s absolutely nothing to do.

Every morning, when I open my eyes, I think about you, my little girl. Get up, my little one, open your sleepy eyes.

The sun rose from behind a cloud, extended its arms to you, hugged you, kissed you and wished you good luck! Good morning!

Let this morning be the best, let the sun shine from behind the clouds! I want you to know better than anyone in the world, but it’s hard for my heart to breathe without you!

My sun!!! you are everything to me: light, air, water!!!, I love you!!! Good morning!

A ray of light, a ray of sunshine, I want to ask again if he forgot to kiss you at dawn.

Good morning my sweetie! Look at the sun and smile at him, and you will feel the most tender, most affectionate and warming kiss from me!

Good morning flower! My prayer sounds like a beautiful note for you! The Lord protects you, He is near! I know that you are in the hands of the heavenly Gardener, He will water you with living water and that’s why I am calm! Peace be with you, sunshine:)

Let the sun in your window remind you of me. And he will say: “Darling, stop sleeping. It’s morning outside, we have to get up!”

I just really loved waking up in the morning in a soft bed, warm, sunny, filled with something touching and light... incredibly happy... I would just really like to see you on the pillow next to me and kiss you tightly...

A ray of sunshine on the glass, a titmouse’s shadow on the wall, you will now open your eyes and realize that life is beautiful! Good morning, baby!

When you wake up at dawn, you will see a ray on the wall. Promise. that you will smile and just remember me.

Everything without you is hateful: the moon and stars, midnight and dawn. And even the sun shines sadly on me when you are not with me! So wake up soon, I'm waiting for you, my bright light!

I wish you good morning again, it’s so difficult to wake up and you want to sleep. I’m here to study and you’re not with me, but know, my beloved, I’m with you in soul!

Have you ordered a pleasant awakening? Sign for receipt. Delivery service.

Hello, hello my sunbeam, you sparkled in my window like a ping pong ball, you flew onto my balcony... every day you are brighter and bigger and the window is not enough for you, I give you a bigger room, I give you my heart ..

Good morning, Sunshine! Today<имя>, and as always you are beautiful. I admire you and your divine beauty. Kissing you tenderly.

Waking up in the morning Opening my eyes For the umpteenth time I understand I can’t live without you You’re like a dear little angel My very own, so wonderful So tender and beloved The closest and dearest!

Good morning, gentle kitten. you know, today the sun carelessly interrupted my dream, where I was madly in love! The girl (name) and you know, she is in love with me with mutual feelings, waking up from the light, I was upset, because he reminded me of the mysteries of reality... but the sun, having risen, promised to set and bring the delights of sleep with it.

Good morning, my beloved, extraordinary, magnificent, model-beautiful, brilliant, sexy, unforgettable...! It's time to open your charming eyes and make the world more beautiful...I miss you like hell and I LOVE YOU!

Good morning, Kisulya! Have a nice day, honey, may it be sunny and bright like you! I love you, kiss you, I miss you very much!

We stretch, try to quietly open one eye, and now the other. Amazing! Good morning! Have a nice day...

If there is no sun in the morning, then you are above the clouds. If the morning is sunny, it means you came down to please me. Thank you! Good morning!

The sun didn't start the morning! You outshone him! Getting up in the morning, opening your eyes, you set the whole world on fire! The smile set the mood! Look out the window, the whole world is yours here! I thank you for life, I want to say - I love you!!

I love you. Thank you for being with me, for your affection, thank you for your “love” in my ear every morning, thank you for existing!

I do not know how to say. It's hard for me to find words. I wish you a good morning and I still miss you!

A ray of sunshine will touch the bed. The sound of an SMS will disturb the peace. So suddenly the dream will end. Good morning, you are my angel!!!

How good it is to know that you exist. It doesn’t matter how long ago or for how long, it’s so good to just open your eyes and know that you exist!!!

I want to wake up early in the morning and see how you sleep! Wake up with a gentle kiss and say: “Hello Baby!”

Good morning, Sunshine. I wish you a good mood, delicious breakfast and excellent studies.

You also sleep and dream. And I sneak like a thief. I put flowers at your head. I sit on the edge of the crib. The sun is knocking on the window. The moment of awakening will be sweet. Love is like sweet wine. One of many mysteries. The eyelids of your eyes are closed. I caress you with a tender gaze. You and I have one soul.

The sun is rising and a new day is about to be born. And a cheerful light flows across the earth. He is in a hurry to come to you, for your smile, because it is priceless in this uncertain world. There is no reason for sadness, and there is no reason for sadness either. You have friends, and the sun, and the moon, and the reflection in a puddle... And if you are sad then and they are sad. They want to warm themselves in the rays of your endless smile.

Let the sun in your window remind you of me. And he will say: “Darling, stop sleeping. It’s morning outside, we have to get up!”

If there is no sun in the morning, then you are above the clouds. If the morning is sunny, it means you came down to please me. Thank you! Good morning!

The collection includes phrases and quotes about the morning:

  • I understood why people in the army wake up at six in the morning: because the only thing you want to do at 6 in the morning is kill people.
  • I'm not a masochist, but I always take a cold shower in the morning. This is a great start to the day, because then nothing will happen worse. Roman Polanski
  • God sows new words in our hearts every morning John Milton
  • This is always a complex philosophical process. Sergey Yasinsky
  • In the army, the company commander liked to say in the morning: “He who gets up early, God gives him.” I always had a question: “What does God give?”
  • What you don't do in the morning, you can't make up for in the evening. Proverb
  • You can’t get enough of life in the evening, but in the morning you don’t want to live!
  • What do you know about desires, exploits and passions? Every morning I come out from under the blanket to Calvary...
  • It's morning. Became richer for a day of your life. Sherboto Tokombaev
  • The closer to morning, the more interesting the dreams. Neyah
  • Still, rising with the sun is a rare pleasure, and if this happens, it is difficult to exchange it for anything. Haruki Murakami, "Wonderland without Brakes and the End of the World"
  • I want to make coffee for two every morning.

  • The day was not going well in the morning: the alarm clock rang.
  • The morning is already so awesome that it still allows itself to be cold.
  • For someone who loves solitude, an early morning walk is the same as a night walk, with the only difference that in the morning there is more joy in nature. Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
  • The morning remains good as long as it is given a chance. Sabir Omurov
  • Good morning brings good afternoon. Proverb
  • The morning is worse than the evening if the evening is a success. Anna Veter
  • If in weekdays The alarm clock is a tormentor, but on Sunday it is a joker. Vadim Sinyavsky
  • Morning is that part of the day when you envy the unemployed.
  • If you wake up in the morning and find a beautiful girl next to you, it means you didn’t drink that much yesterday...
  • The most religious item in our house is the bathroom scale. Every morning the wife stands on them and loudly shouts “Oh, God!”
  • I’m going to work one morning, I walk calmly, I’m not late. And then I understand that there is a blanket, a pillow around and I’m in bed... I understand: it was a prophetic dream - to a showdown.
  • You woke up with a desire to work, then you should get some more sleep.
  • Every woman has the right to wake up in the morning shamelessly happy and leave the house brazenly beautiful!
  • Now I know that for those who get up early, God gives a drill and a desire to chisel walls. Sergey Yasinsky
  • Every morning is a chance to start life from scratch
  • Judging by this morning, last night was a mistake.
  • Every morning I dream of staying under the covers. Sergey Yasinsky
  • You just have to get up, lean out the window, and you will immediately understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer. Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine
  • Every morning when the alarm clock rings, the first thing that wakes up is the desire to kill, and then me.
  • Getting old is when, the morning after drinking, you find unused beer in the refrigerator!
  • Every morning. For the first half hour, the body ignores the brain, the brain ignores the body. until you crash into a door frame or step on some prickly shit.
  • The most beautiful morning is today, when you don’t need breakfast in bed, but when it’s just warm on the side.
  • What a blessing it is when you wake up at 3 a.m. and are glad that it’s not morning yet. Happiness! and you can continue to sleep!
  • In the morning, it is sometimes very difficult to understand: did you just not get enough sleep or do you really hate everyone?
  • When any external push gives rise to internal repulsion, a person has to look for reasons that will allow him to get out of bed in the morning - reasons, in any case, more solid than the fear of getting bedsores. Stephen Fry
  • Let it be better to be embarrassed in the morning than bored in the evening!
  • The number of sexy girls on the streets directly depends on the morning testosterone level. Sherboto Tokombaev
  • I wake up. I remember... There is silence all around. Quietly, quietly. It was probably just as quiet after St. Bartholomew’s Night. Sergey Yasinsky
  • I went to bed at 8:00 pm and woke up at 8:00 am. I slept for 12 hours and didn't get much sleep. Here’s the truth of life - I’m completely insatiable in bed. Sergey Yasinsky
  • I woke up early in the morning and thought: I’ll get up, I’ll move mountains... I turned on the other side - why invade nature, let them stand!
  • My alarm clock is my wife who steps on the scale screaming every morning.
  • Monday... morning... Club of green and easy-going…

  • On the morning after a stormy graduation, it seemed to graduate Sidorov that the girl with the bell had moved from his shoulder to his head.
  • Nothing extra. Early to bed and early to rise is what makes a person healthy, rich and smart. Benjamin Franklin
  • The morning greets us with brine!
  • You can't just get up early in the morning.
  • Coffee, morning, quotes from your favorite poet = good mood...
  • Don't trust dreams - there will always be morning as long as you're alive. (Quotes about morning)
  • It is incorrect to say: “The woman had a bad morning”... It is more correct: “The whole family had a bad morning!”
  • I don’t trust those who are drawn to philosophizing at such an early hour. It's like drinking with breakfast, the beginning stages of insanity. In the morning you need to sleep, swim and not think about anything. Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
  • An incredible evening, a crazy night - anyone can do it. And try to make an unforgettable morning... Sergey Yasinsky
  • Not everything that begins is new. But every morning shines with freshness. Ernst Bloch
  • You can't just get up early in the morning. This is always a complex philosophical process.
  • I need to call psychics too, let them look for my socks every morning.
  • I slept with this thought - and in the morning I decided to sleep with him.
  • We would love the morning more if it started later...
  • I looked at myself in the mirror this morning and realized: Yeti is not a myth... Oleg Kaipov
  • It’s not enough to get up early in the morning, you also have to stop sleeping. Yanina Ipohorskaya
  • I wake up and think what I will do today.
  • Who is Sleep? And why do I always want it in the morning?
  • When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening, before falling asleep: “What have I done?” Pythagoras
  • When will the morning start with exercise and jogging, and not with mineral water and an aspirin tablet?
  • With a sinking heart, he reads poetry in the evenings so that he can wake up in tears in the morning. Be late. And running out of the house, you forget your good mood somewhere under your pillow.

  • When will the time finally come when I start waking up in the morning, and not resurrecting?
  • In the morning my stomach is so flat that it’s a pity to even have breakfast.
  • How unbearably difficult it is early in the morning to look for a thread from a tea bag in a mug, especially if you made yourself coffee...
  • Today I got up on the wrong foot and it got stuck between the wall and the bed!
  • Every morning, after a party, you have to make a difficult choice - what to wear: unwashed or unironed?
  • Old age comes suddenly, like snow. In the morning you get up and see that everything is white. Jules Renard
  • Every morning I go through five stages of awakening: denial, anger, bargaining, resignation, coffee.
  • Saturday morning was beautiful. But then my memory began to return...
  • Every morning I say to myself: “Get up, beauty, great things await us!”, but an inner voice whispers that if they wait, then they love, and if they love, then they will wait, at least another half an hour.
  • They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who stand up good mood. Ashar Marcel
  • Every morning is a time to start life again. Paulo Coelho
  • The fact that there was no one to say “good morning” meant only one thing: that I would not have to start the day with hypocrisy.
  • From the experience of life, it is known that those who wake up at dawn of their own free will or, out of necessity, have to get up early in the morning, do not tolerate it well if others in his presence continue, as they say, to sleep without their hind legs. Jose Saramago
  • I had a favorite song, and then I set it on my alarm clock. There are no more favorite songs!
  • Do you know what irritates you most in the morning at work? These are latecomers. And not because you may be a fan of punctuality, but because this creature slept more than you!
  • Mornings are that part of the day when many naively envy the unemployed.
  • If you wake up every morning with the thought that something good will happen today, so it will! Nina Dobrev
  • It was a nasty morning. Gray, thoroughly dank, like the slippery cap of some mushroom. On such days, door handles seem too hard, any food scratches the palate, larks are outrageously active and do not allow you to relax peacefully in bed, and owls are unhappy with everything and snap at every word. Mariam Petrosyan
  • It is enough to arrive at five in the morning in an unfamiliar city. This is all. Max Fry, "The Big Cart"
  • The morning is getting closer and closer... Deathly silence, not a sound! I can see by the face of the alarm clock... it’s about to ring...!
  • A good half of citizens on Monday morning look generally unkind.
  • The morning started badly - the sun was shining in one eye, and in the other... It felt like a spear had been stuck into it. The spear trembled slightly. Sergey Yasinsky
  • To develop character, it is necessary to make a heroic effort at least twice a day. This is exactly what I do: I get up every morning and go to bed every night. William Somerset Maugham
  • I don’t have breakfast in the morning because I think about you! I don’t have lunch during the day, I think about you. I don’t have dinner in the evening - I think about you! I can’t sleep at night - I want to eat!

  • Even I don't look like Cindy Crawford Crawford Cindy in the morning
  • Often looking in the morning at the woman who ended up in your bed, you realize with horror that the fact that you seduced her yesterday was not your fault, but hers.
  • So I got up, but didn’t wake up.
  • The farther from Monday, the better the morning.
  • In the evening you go to bed one person and wake up another person.
  • What doesn’t come to mind when you’re awake, when early in the morning you’re pulled out of bed by the doorbell and a hoarse voice: “We’ve come to check your hard-on”...
  • Evening is time to think, morning is time to gather thoughts... Victor Chernov
  • To avoid choosing which foot to get up in the morning, just fall out of bed.
  • What we love most is getting up for the sun in the sky, a morning run, or an early call from our loved one or best friend. "Gossip"
  • I haven't gotten up at six in the morning... ever. "Always say yes"
  • And sometimes you wake up and everything is perfect. David Nichols
  • I don’t snore at night... I growl so that they are afraid to wake me up.
  • - Stop sleeping! - Saying “wake up” is positive, and “stop sleeping” is negative. Wall Street: “Money Never Sleeps”

Topic: sayings, sayings, aphorisms, statuses, jokes, phrases and quotes about the morning...
