Blackcurrant liqueur with leaves. Homemade blackcurrant liqueur recipe. Homemade blackcurrant liqueur with cognac

Blackcurrant liqueur will appeal to connoisseurs of elite alcohol and lovers of sweet spirits. Attractive garnet red with wonderful purple tints inspires and creates a charming romantic atmosphere.

Its deep, clean aroma is dominated by notes of juicy and ripe currant berries, and intense, perfectly balanced berry tones with pleasant astringency are easily recognized in the taste. Moreover, the drink is amazing with a long-playing, delicate, not cloyingly sweet aftertaste, filled with hints of natural currant.

For those wishing to enjoy such an excellent alcoholic drink, I offer several fun, simple blackcurrant liqueur recipes that can be quickly implemented at home.

Did you know? With moderate use, currant liquor, in addition to a pleasant pastime, enriches the consumer's body with useful substances that can increase immunity and help cope with a cold at the initial stage of its development.

Blackcurrant liqueur, prepared according to this recipe, has an incredibly rich aroma characteristic of this berry and a slightly tart, but very mild taste.

The drink is wonderful in its pure, undiluted form, it also goes well with desserts and will be an appropriate participant in a romantic dinner.

The degree of strength of this alcohol ranges from 15 to 18 revolutions, and the shelf life when stored in a cold place can reach three years.

List of components

Cooking process

Recipe for blackcurrant liqueur on alcohol

Spirits made according to this recipe have a rich ruby ​​color, and the aromatic bouquet is replete with amazing shades of juicy berries, which are in perfect harmony with the nuances of alcohol.

The royal taste of this alcoholic drink is amazing with excellent balance and depth with pronounced notes of appetizing ripe blackcurrant fruits.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. My berries, we sort and separate them from the ridges, choosing only juicy and ripe fruits.
  2. We put the selected fruits in a glass jar, pour granulated sugar there.
  3. Shake the ingredients well so that the sweet component is distributed over all the berries.
  4. We place the container in a cellar or any other cold room for at least three days.
  5. As soon as the berries start up the juice, fill them with alcohol and hermetically cork the jar with a tight lid.
  6. We return the container to the cellar and infuse the product for approximately two months. Do not forget to periodically shake the contents of the jar in order to speed up the dissolution of sugar and the cooking time.
  7. We filter the alcohol through a gauze filter, squeezing the juice from the berries as much as possible.
  8. Pour alcohol into glass bottles and let the drink ripen for another five days.

Recipe for blackcurrant liqueur on cognac

The presented technology for making a noble drink is designed for impatient winemakers who want to enjoy alcohol in a week. The taste of this alcoholic drink is slightly less intense than that of liqueurs in previous recipes, although it is not inferior to many purchased alcoholic products.

Such a drink impresses with an unusual combination of black berry and almond aromas, as well as a beautiful pomegranate color. Dried or frozen blackcurrant berries can be used to make this alcohol.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. We wash and sort fresh berries, after which we separate them from the ridges and put them in a deep container.
  2. Thoroughly crush the fruits until a homogeneous porridge-like consistency is obtained.
  3. The resulting mixture is transferred to a glass vessel and filled with high-quality cognac.
  4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and seal the jar tightly.
  5. We insist the product for one week in a cool place, while periodically stirring the infusion.
  6. We filter the finished alcohol through a gauze filter and mix it with sugar syrup.
  7. We let the alcohol stand for a couple of hours in the refrigerator and you can start tasting. For a softer and more refined taste, I advise you to keep the product for another couple of weeks.

Blackcurrant liqueur cocktail recipes

Blackcurrant liqueur makes unusually beautiful and tasty cocktails that will be a worthy decoration of any family celebration. I bring to your attention only the most original and best of those that I have tried.

Shot Pavlova

The presented mix is ​​very easy to prepare and pleasantly pleases with the absence of complex, expensive components.

The cocktail wins the hearts of lovers of interesting flavors and delights with its uncomplicated appearance. This shot is drunk in one gulp, after which it is eaten with a slice of lemon.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. We put all liquid components and a glass for a drink in the freezer for 12-15 minutes.
  2. First, fill the glass with liquor.
  3. On top of it, carefully spread a layer of vodka using a cocktail spoon or a wide blade of a knife.
  4. As a decoration, we use a slice of citrus, sprinkling it with a pinch of sugar.

Red sin

A refreshing cocktail with a tempting name will undoubtedly appeal to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. It has a curious taste and deep aroma.

The cocktail is very easy to drink, since the degree of fortress is almost not felt, which creates a deceptive impression that you are not getting drunk.

List of components

Cooking process

  1. In a shaker, mix liqueur, juice and ice cubes.
  2. Shake the ingredients well and pour the mixture into a chilled glass.
  3. We fill the free space with champagne.
  4. As a decoration, you can place a brush with currant berries or a circle of fresh orange on the edge of the glass.

Blackcurrant liqueur recipe video

For a more detailed study of the technology of making blackcurrant liqueur, I advise you to pay attention to the original recipes from experienced winemakers.

  • Video #1.

After watching this video, you will get acquainted with a simple, but slightly different recipe for a blackcurrant alcoholic drink.

The master will thoroughly explain the whole process, and then he will taste the alcohol prepared by himself and express his opinion on its taste.

  • Video #2.

In this video, an experienced winemaker will present a branded recipe for a divine drink for gourmets and connoisseurs of quality alcoholic products.

Initially, the specialist does not insist on the fruits, but cooks compote from them and only after that prepares the liquor.

Useful information

  • I highly recommend a simple method of making - chokeberry liqueur -. The taste of this alcohol is special, rather unusual, which will delight even those who do not like sweet shades in alcoholic beverages.
  • For those who want to cook something non-standard with their own hands, I advise you to start studying a simple recipe - -.
  • “Egg liqueur” also belongs to the category of original alcoholic drinks that amaze guests and delight the hostess.
  • For an appetizer, I propose a method of preparing everyone’s favorite and revered “chocolate liqueur”, which will become an excellent dessert or a divine basis for chic cocktails.

Now you know where to use the excess blackcurrant after harvesting a bountiful harvest. Enjoy the preparation and further tasting of blackcurrant liqueur and share your impressions in the comments. Thank you for your attention and good luck in your new endeavors!

Berries for liqueurs should be large, ripe and, of course, free from rotten and spoiled specimens, as well as combs, cuttings and other plant debris.

Before laying in a jar, currants should be mashed with a wooden spoon or crush. This must be done in such a way that each berry releases juice, but at the same time, the bones are not crushed.

Base blackcurrant liqueur


    Black currant - 1 kg

    60-degree water-alcohol solution - 1 l ()

    Drinking non-carbonated water - 750 ml

    Sugar - 1 kg

    Currant leaves (optional) - 5-6 pcs.

Cooking Method

    If desired, to give the future drink a spicy sourness, you can add pure chopped currant leaves.

    Close the container with a tight lid and hide for one and a half to two months in a warm, dark room.

    After this period, drain the liquid, squeeze the berries into it, then filter and set aside for the preparation of the syrup (berry cake can be thrown away, although some alcohol makers use it to flavor grain and sugar distillates).

Redcurrant liqueur

Red currant varieties, in comparison with their black counterparts, are more acidic and less saturated. Hence, slightly different proportions and the absence of leaves in the recipe.


    Red currant - 1 kg

    70-degree water-alcohol solution - 500 ml ()

    Water - 500 ml

    Sugar - 800 g

Cooking Method

Currant mix liqueur

The preparation of this drink, unlike the others, involves the use of a mixture of black and red currant berries.


    Black currant - 500 g

    Red currant - 250 g

    80-degree water-alcohol solution - 750 ml ()

    Water - 250 ml

    Brown sugar - 500 g

Cooking Method

    Mash the washed berries in a bowl, transfer to a jar and pour alcohol over.

    Close the jar of infusion with plastic wrap and keep it in this form for about a day at room temperature.

    Then, mix the contents thoroughly, close the container with a new film and put it in the refrigerator for 10 days.

    After this period, drain the liquid, squeeze the berries into it, then filter and set aside for the preparation of the syrup.

    Cool the syrup to room temperature and mix thoroughly with the alcohol base.

    Bottle the finished drink, leave it for a week to ripen in a cool dark place, and then use it for your pleasure.

    Attention! Liquor prepared in this way is stored exclusively in the refrigerator; and no more than three months.

Liquor a la creme de cassis

This Burgundy blackcurrant nectar is most often used in cocktails such as: "Kir" or "Kir Royale"; but even in its pure form, it will delight lovers of especially sweet drinks.


    Black currant - 1.5 kg

    Ordinary cognac brandy (ideally, young 50-degree grape distillate) - 1.5 l ()

    Water - 500 ml

    Sugar - 1 kg

Cooking Method

    Mash the washed berries in a bowl, transfer to a jar and pour alcohol over.

    Infuse brandy for 2 months under a tight lid in a dark, cool place.

    After this period, drain the liquid, squeeze the berries into it, then filter and set aside for the preparation of the syrup.

    Cool the syrup to room temperature and mix thoroughly with the alcohol base.

    Pour the finished drink into bottles, seal tightly and keep for a week in a cool dark place.

Store liquor in the refrigerator. Use immediately after uncorking (in this regard, it is better to pour it into small bottles).

Blackcurrant Spotykach

Taking into account the brewing factor and the western roots of the drink, I decided to attribute it not to liqueurs, but to liquors.


    Black currant - 1 kg

    Vodka - 750 ml

    Water - 700 ml

    Sugar - 1 kg

Cooking Method

    Mash the washed currant and carefully squeeze the juice out of it through gauze.

    Add currant juice to the syrup and bring to a boil again.

    Turn off the heat, let the mixture cool slightly and pour vodka into it.

    Boil the substance over low heat for 10-15 minutes, this time without bringing it to a boil.

    Cool the drink to room temperature, strain it and bottle it (the question of the thoroughness of the filtration is up to you; I personally prefer the stoky with pulp).

    Place corked bottles in a cool, dry place. You can treat yourself in 2-3 days.

Redcurrant liqueur with cherry and raspberry leaves


    Water - 1 l

    Vodka or alcohol - 500 ml

    Red currant berries - 500 g

    Sugar - 500 g

    Cherry leaves - 100 pcs.

    Raspberry leaves - 20 pcs.

    Citric acid - 1 tsp.

Cooking Method

    Rinse the leaves, let the water drain. Boil water, lay out the leaves, bring to a boil and cook under a lid over low heat for 20 minutes.

    Remove from heat, cool and strain.

    Pour clean, dry berries with sugar, mash, pour vodka or alcohol and add citric acid.

    Pour a decoction of the leaves, leave for 30 days to infuse.

    Filter thoroughly and bottle for storage.

Blackcurrant liqueur with clove seeds


    Black currant - 1 kg

    clove seeds - 2-4 pcs.

    Vodka - 1 l

    Sugar - 375 g

Cooking Method

    Rinse the berries of good quality, let the water drain, remove the berries from the branches and put in a large bowl.

    Thoroughly knead, mix with vodka and add cloves.

    Transfer the mass to a jar, cover with gauze, keep in the sun for 45 days.

    Drain the tincture, squeeze the berries slightly, add the drained juice to the tincture. Pour the tincture back into a jar or bottle, cover with sugar and cork. Shake several times, leave in a dark, warm place until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Shake the bottle occasionally. Ready liquor can be filtered 1-2 more times.

Liqueur "Black Johanna"


    Black currant - 1 kg

    Sugar - 400 g

    Carnation - 5-6 buds

    Vodka - 1 l

Cooking Method

    Pass currants through a meat grinder, place in a bottle, add cloves and pour vodka.

    Close the bottle, put it in the sun and keep for about 6 weeks.

    Then strain the contents of the bottle and squeeze through cheesecloth in 4-5 layers.

    Add sugar to the resulting liquid and bottle.

    Shake bottles from time to time. When the sugar "melts", the liqueur is ready to drink.

In the recipe, along with berries, blackcurrant leaves are used. This will give the drink not only a characteristic taste, but also a bright aroma. We will need:

  • blackcurrant berries - 2 kg;
  • leaves from a blackcurrant bush - 20 pieces;
  • vodka, alcohol or purified moonshine - 2 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 1.5 liters.

The leaves must be carefully examined and made sure that there are no diseases. Berries must be carefully crushed, mixed with leaves and poured with alcohol. We insist for 1-1.5 months in a dark room. After the infusion, we filter and cook sugar syrup. To do this, mix water with sugar, stir until it dissolves and boil for at least 10 minutes. We remove the white foam that appears in the process. The cooled syrup is gradually introduced into the filtered tincture. Stir as often as you like and bottle. It will be possible to use in 5-7 days.

Currant liqueur "half-breed"

In this version of the liqueur, two types of currants are used: one part of red currant is added to two parts of a black berry. This combination gives a slightly softer taste and ruby ​​​​color. For cooking we need:

  • blackcurrant berries - 500 grams;
  • red currant berries - 250 grams;
  • vodka, alcohol or purified moonshine - 750 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 500 grams;
  • water - 250 ml.

Berries mix and crush together. We shift the crushed berries along with the juice into a bottle and fill it with an alcohol base. A day later, you need to crush the berries again right inside the infusion, then put them in a dark, cool place for 1-2 weeks. The further process does not differ at all from the previous recipe: insist, filter, mix with sugar syrup and consume after a few days. Despite the very slight differences in composition and technology, the taste and appearance are strikingly different.

Classic Creme de Cassis

The main difference between Creme de Cassis and blackcurrant liqueur is the higher sugar content, 45% versus the standard 20%. Accordingly, this gives a denser and heavier structure. For 2 liters of finished liquor, we need:

  • blackcurrant berries - 1.5 kg;
  • brandy or moonshine with a strength of 50 ° - 1.5 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 0.9 kg.

The presence of brandy requires original technology. After all, the French began to produce liquor, and for them brandy is quite an everyday and affordable drink. In Russian realities, good double-distilled home-brew can serve as an alternative.

The peeled berry must be thoroughly mashed. Purpose: to achieve the release of juice and keep the bones intact. Pour the crushed berries together with the juice and pulp with an alcohol base and keep in a dark, cool place for about a month. The duration of infusion (maceration) can be determined independently. The result should be a tincture of a dark, saturated, completely opaque color.

The tincture must be carefully drained from the sediment and filtered through a cotton pad. You can repeat several times to completely get rid of suspensions.

Now add sugar. Sugar in this recipe is taken at the rate of 450 grams per liter of the future liquor, that is, the liquid filtered after infusion. It is better to introduce sugar gradually, stirring constantly until completely dissolved. You can mix by hand or with a blender at low speeds.

The finished drink can be bottled and tightly corked. Be sure to store in a dark place: the liqueur is easily oxidized under the influence of sunlight or when exposed to air. The recommended storage period is from one month to six months.

Regular readers probably already know that I dream of having my own wine cellar. And this is not because I love alcohol, but simply because I love guests. And especially impress them with your delicious drinks. Of course, my experience is small, only about 20 years, this is not all the time when I was interested and did, namely working experience.

In my practice, there is the production of both low-alcohol drinks and moonshine, but most of all I like to make exclusive drinks in the form of liqueurs, tinctures, or just cognacs.

Not all recipes are on the blog, but there is an idea, more recipes to post, both for myself and for you. Moreover, I have not tried all the recipes from my notebook. Yes, and with fantasy, too, everything is fine with me, I can combine and come up with my own.

I didn’t see this recipe anywhere, but I came up with it myself. And I did it several times to adjust the ingredients to my taste. And this is not a figment of the imagination, but a recipe modified and corrected by practical preparation. And my taste is already trusted not only in our family, but also by friends and acquaintances who have tried our drinks.

Homemade blackcurrant liqueur

What I like about this recipe is that you can cook it not only in the berry season, but also in winter, from frozen currants.

  • 0.7 liter jar of currants
  • 0.7 liter jar of sugar
  • 0.8 liter jar of water
  • 1 liter of vodka

Liquor recipe

1. First of all, you need to prepare the berries. Wash and sort them from the stalks and debris.

2. Fill the berries with water and send to the fire.

3. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.

4. Strain through a colander lined with gauze in 2 layers. We just strain it without rubbing. We squeeze.

5. We put the filtered broth on fire.

7. Bring to a boil and, if desired, remove the foam. I personally take it off, although we still defend the liquor later. Then turn off the fire and leave to cool.

8. When the syrup has cooled down a bit, I pour it into a jar in which the liquor will be infused.

9. I pour out vodka. Instead of vodka, you can use moonshine or alcohol. For example, I use alcohol diluted to 40%. I specially bought 10 liters of alcohol before the harvesting season. I have already prepared strawberry, strawberry, blueberry liquor. There are also plans for raspberry and cherry.

10. We insist at least two or three weeks so that vodka makes friends with syrup. After this time, the smell of alcohol will go away, and there will be only the aroma of currants. Ideally, let it brew for a few months.

My favorites were cherry and blackcurrant liqueur. But this year we have significantly expanded the range, and now it is difficult to say. Subscribe to our channel, and closer to winter I will conduct a tasting of already infused liqueurs, and I will definitely give my assessment.

Recipe for a low-alcohol drink with blackcurrant

And now the recipe for a low-alcohol drink, very tasty and without any chemicals. We take it, pour it into a glass for 2/3 blackcurrant compote, add liquor, and insert a straw. It turns out very tasty and divine, very fragrant low-alcohol drink.

And in conclusion, I will give you some recipes for liqueurs, starting from this one, only in video format.

How to make strawberry tincture with vodka

Blueberry liqueur at home
