Nectarine jam. Making peach jam for the winter: four ways to make delicious peach jam at home

You can make it out of peaches different blanks- you can simply preserve them in small quantity syrup for making sweet fillings and decorations, you can make compote, or you can make jam or jam. As for the last two options, the jam will cook faster, but it is good to serve it in a vase as sweet additive for tea and with this the “culinary horizons” of jam are limited. Jam can be used for sweet sandwiches, as a ready-made layer for a cake, as a sweet sauce for pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, etc. To prepare peach jam, it will take more cooking time, because you need to bring the mass to a thick state, but the result is worth the time.


  • peaches – 1 kg
  • sugar – 1 kg


1. We carefully select peaches: we need the most ripe, soft and beautiful ones. If you notice a slight dent, it’s okay, it won’t be felt at all in the finished jam, but on the contrary, it will give it a gelling and viscous quality. Remove the rough skin from the peaches. This can be done with a knife, peeler or blanching. If you choose the latter, you need to place the peaches in boiling water for 30 seconds, and then immediately put them in ice water - then the skin will be peeled very quickly and easily.

2. Do not cut peaches big pieces, approximately 1 cm in size and set aside. It is not necessary to cut everything into perfect squares; most likely the fruit will soften and lose its shape, but it will be very good for jam.

3. Heat 1 glass of water in a saucepan and add sugar there. Bring to a boil until the sugar dissolves completely to form a syrup. Then slowly add the peach pieces. The amount of sugar at this stage can be adjusted depending on your taste and how much sweet jam you want to receive.

A nectarine is very similar to a peach, but is not one. This is a variety of peach that has a characteristic smooth skin. The word itself English language known since the 17th century. But nectarines became popular only at the end of the 20th century, when a variety of large fruits with yellow flesh appeared.

Nectarines – excellent seasonal fruit, which is affordable. Therefore, many housewives will think about how to prepare some nectarines for the winter. Preparations from nectarines for the winter for the most part are compotes, preserves and jam.

Nectarine recipes for the winter

It is much easier to make jam from nectarines than from peaches. Because peaches are hairy and require removal of the skin. Nectarines do not have this wealth, therefore, to make jam there is no need to remove the skin. To prepare, take a kilogram of fruit, two and a half glasses of sugar and a pinch of vanilla.

It is important! You cannot use overripe fruits for jam, because it will turn out homogeneous. But unripe nectarines only affect appearance preparations, but not to her taste.

Cut the fruit into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and refrigerate for three days. During these days, the sugar should turn into syrup, and the pieces of fruit will become transparent. Cook the jam for only twenty minutes from the moment it boils. Pour the jam into prepared jars and roll up. The preparation will turn out delicious and such a pleasant-looking jam will delight you with a summer aroma on a winter day.

Another simple way to prepare nectarines for the winter. On liter jar You only need half a kilogram of nectarines. The fruits should be elastic and small in size (so that it is convenient to remove from the jar in winter). Wash the fruits and put them in a jar, pour boiling water over them. Drain the water into the pan after 15 minutes. Add sugar (300 grams per liter of water) to the pan containing the water and bring to a boil, then simmer for five minutes with the lid closed. Pour the finished syrup into a jar, roll it up and place the jars upside down. Compote prepared according to this recipe can be stored for a year in a cool, dark place.
It is important! If you plan to store the compote for longer than a year, you must remove the seeds from the nectarines before canning.

Since these fruits are close to each other, you can try combining their flavors in one roll. You need to take half a kilogram of small fruits. Peel the peaches. To do this, pour boiling water over the peaches and put them in cold water. Place the nectarines and peaches in a jar, add two liters of water and leave for 15 minutes. Pour water into a saucepan, add 600 grams of sugar and cook until boiling. Then cover with a lid and cook for literally another five minutes. The result is a syrup that needs to be poured over the fruit. Roll up the cans.

Another interesting option nectarine preparations for the winter in combination with another fruit. To prepare, you need to take 500 grams of seedless nectarines and 500 grams of pitted plums, the juice of two lemons, and a kilogram of sugar. Wash and cut the fruits into cubes, sprinkle with sugar and leave for several hours. Add lemon juice, put on heat and bring to a boil. It is necessary to constantly stir the jam. Once boiling, cook over high heat for another four minutes. Ready jam send to prepared jars and roll up.

The amazing taste of the fruit will be preserved if you prepare it for the winter in the form of jam. You can simply eat jam, or you can add it to pies. Requires 600 grams of nectarines, 300 grams of sugar, a vanilla pod and five grams of gelatin. Wash the nectarines, remove the seeds and cut into slices. Combine sugar, nectarines and vanilla. Place in a cool place for three hours. Then put the nectarines on the fire and cook over low heat until the jam becomes thick, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and place in prepared jars and seal.

Perhaps preparations from nectarines for the winter are not as varied as those made from apples or cherries that are familiar to us. But canning this fruit is a way to surprise family and guests in winter with something exquisite and unique. Try it and you will definitely succeed!

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Posted by: mayusik89
Date of: 19.02.2014 / 18:07

How to save summer? Let's make peach jam. After all, in winter it’s so nice to drink tea and remember the garden, the aroma of peaches and summer evenings. This simple jam recipe does not require long cooking of the jam, which means you will retain the maximum amount of vitamins.

Tasty, juicy and sticky - this is exactly how everyone imagines peach jam! It is incredibly aromatic and sweet and has absorbed all the summer charm. This jam can be used in various baked goods, make delicious milkshakes out of it, spread it on sandwiches and just eat it with a spoon! Thanks to quick processing, the peach in the jam does not lose its useful properties, therefore it perfectly fills the body necessary vitamins and minerals in winter, when you decide to open a jar of jam for breakfast or lunch. Peach jam is so easy to make that you only need three ingredients for the recipe.


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 500 grams;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.


Juicy and soft peaches, not fleshy and with a bright skin, are perfect for jam. First, thoroughly rinse the peaches in water to remove any roughness on the skin. You definitely need to wash it all out, otherwise it will spoil the whole taste of the jam.

After washing the peaches, cut them into small slices to suit your taste. You can cut it into large pieces, but then you will have to cook the jam a little longer. For those who like peaches without peel, you can cut it and make jam without it.

We put the cauldron on the fire and put the chopped pieces of peaches in it. Let's all fall asleep granulated sugar and mix carefully so as not to damage the peaches. The jam will take approximately 20-25 minutes to cook. First you need to wait for it to boil, and then boil for 15 minutes. You should not add water unless you have a fleshy variety of peaches. During the stewing process, the fruits themselves will release juice, which, when mixed with sugar, will be filled with a delicious aroma.

After boiling the jam right time- pay attention to the peach slices themselves. If they have become soft and filled with juice, then you can safely turn off the cauldron and pour the jam into the prepared sterilized jars. Close the jars with sterile lids and roll up. Turn the jar upside down after capping to hear whether it allows air to pass through or not. Cover the inverted jars and let cool. You don’t have to roll up the peach jam for the winter, but leave it in the refrigerator in a sealed container. Enjoy your winter tea party!

And there is also a recipe

While the season of ripe, juicy peaches is not yet over, let's take some time and prepare some delicious peach jam. In winter, you will repeatedly praise yourself for your hard work; peach jam will find the widest application, as in homemade baking, and in quality flavorful addition with crispy toast or sandwiches with butter and cheese.

During cooking, peaches give a lot of juice, and in order not to overcook the jam, it is better to collect the juice and use it as a soak for biscuits or sterilize it and roll it into jars. in winter delicious juice peaches will also come in handy!

Ingredients To make peach jam:

  • peaches – 2 kg
  • sugar – 500 g
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.

Recipe peach jam:

Immerse the peaches briefly in cold water and remove any dirt. Boil water, pour boiling water over clean peaches. After a few minutes, the skin on the peaches will crack and soften. hot water drain and cool the fruit under running cold water.

Peel the peaches. In some places, the skin may adhere tightly to the pulp and be difficult to come off. Then you need to use a knife and cut off these areas in a thin layer.

Break the peeled fruits into pieces, cut peaches with dense pulp into slices.

Squeeze the juice of half a small lemon and pour over the peach pulp. Mix fruit with juice. Lemon juice will give the finished jam a piquant sourness and prevent the peaches from darkening while the jam is cooking.

Place the pan with peaches over low heat. Cook the jam without adding water, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. After 20-30 minutes the fruit will soften.

Collect or pour peach juice into a saucepan. Using a blender, puree the peaches (or rub through a colander with small holes). Return to the pan and add all the sugar in one go.

Stir the sugar with a wooden spatula. Place the jam on the stove and adjust the heat so that the jam simmers very quietly. It is advisable to cover the pan with a lid to prevent droplets of boiling jam from getting on your hands. From time to time, remove the lid and stir the jam. After 15 minutes from the moment of boiling, the peach jam will acquire a thick consistency and beautiful colour mature amber.

Calcine the jars in advance in a slightly open oven or sterilize over steam, soak the lids in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. To package jam, it is better to use jars no larger than 0.5 liters with screw caps. You need to fill the jars not just with hot jam, it should be boiling. Immediately screw on the lids and wrap them in a warm blanket.

After a day, store the jam in the pantry or in a cool basement.

Peach jam is ready!

Bon appetit!

Peach jam for the winter is an excellent preparation that will delight you in the cold autumn and winter evenings. Cooking tender flavored jam does not require selected fruits; you can also take crushed peaches. This is one of the significant advantages. After all, we know that keeping these fruits intact is quite problematic.

You can make jam from peach slices, or you can grind the fruit pulp in a blender, obtaining a delicate, homogeneous consistency. The process of making jam is incredibly simple.

If desired, you can add herbs and spices to it, such as rosemary, thyme, cinnamon, cloves or star anise. The presented recipe assumes pure taste and the aroma of peaches without any additives.

Peach jam for the winter ingredients

  • peaches - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 400 grams;
  • juice of one lemon.

This amount of ingredients is designed to prepare 800-900 milliliters of jam.

Preparation of peach jam for the winter

To prepare peach jam for the winter you will need to spend about one hour. On initial stage Peaches must be washed well in running water. Then we cut the peel crosswise and lower the fruits into boiling water for one minute. Then remove the peaches from the pan with hot water and put them in cold water to ensure quick separation of the skin. Next, coarsely chop the fruits and place them in a blender bowl, where we thoroughly mix them with sugar and lemon juice.
