How to prepare delicious and tender rich yeast dough for soft buns. Sweet yeast dough

In the arsenal of every person who cooks more or less regularly, there are always basic recipes - simple, win-win and reliable. This recipe for rich yeast dough is just that: it can be used to make countless variations of buns, large pies, small pies, cookies and sweet breads, but the basis of all these delicacies will still be the same universal butter dough.

Like any yeast dough, you can make the dough with yeast or with sourdough, so I included instructions for making both options in the recipe. This dough is sweet, but not too sweet, so it can also be used in savory pies, and bake buns or pies with berries or fruit filling. Or, for example, .

Basic recipe for rich yeast dough for buns and pies


10 minutes + 1 hour


12-14 buns or 2-4 pies

260 g wheat flour

85 g milk

'75 butter

1 chicken egg

1.5 tbsp. Sahara

1 tsp salt

For butter dough by leaps and bounds:

another 25 g of wheat flour

another 25 g milk

3 years instant yeast

for sourdough dough:

Basic recipe rich yeast dough for making countless variations of buns, large pies, small pies, cookies and sweet breads.
Alexey Onegin

If you are preparing butter dough with yeast, pour 3 g of instant yeast into 110 g of milk at a temperature of 38-40 degrees. Leave for 10-15 minutes until the yeast starts to bubble, indicating its awakening. Instead of instant yeast, you can use any other yeast - in this case you need to take 30% of the amount calculated for 1 kg. flour.

To make rich sourdough, use an active starter, or if you store the starter in the refrigerator, start feeding the starter 24 hours before making the dough.

Sift the flour into a mixer bowl or onto the table, making a “well” in the mound of flour into which we will add the rest of the ingredients. Add milk, beaten egg, cream room temperature, sugar, and sourdough (if using). Knead the dough, kneading, stretching and folding it until it becomes elastic and no longer sticks to your hands. If necessary, you can add a little more flour, but remember: the less stiff the dough is, the more tender your baked goods will be.

Roll the dough into a tight ball, place in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 40-60 minutes, or until the dough ball has doubled in size (note that sourdough takes longer to rise). Punch down the dough, divide into pieces if necessary and use immediately for baking according to the recipe or freeze for long-term storage.

First, let's take care of the dough. To do this, heat 50 grams of milk (so that it becomes slightly warm) and mix it with yeast and 1/2 tablespoon of sugar.

Add 100 grams of flour. Mix everything well until the lumps disappear and put it in a secluded place for about an hour.

You will see the dough begin to rise.

In a separate bowl, heat the remaining milk - (not to a boil), the main thing is to reach the temperature at which it will melt butter, also add a little salt.

Then carefully mix with the risen dough.

Now you need to separate the yolks and whites. Mix the yolks separately with sugar, and beat the whites until foamy. Combine all the ingredients, gradually introducing the remaining flour into the dough.

The dough is considered “right” if its volume has approximately doubled.

Put the dough in film or a simple bag and leave it for a couple of hours in a warm, dry place.

After cutting, rich yeast dough becomes denser, so the formed products on a baking sheet must be kept in a warm place before baking - for 10-20 minutes, covered with a napkin so that the surface does not dry out.

The time required for proofing depends directly on the size of the product; for small buns 15-20 minutes will be enough, big pies And large workpiece On average, the distance required is 30-40 minutes.

The rich yeast dough is ready!

Let's take it out of the bag and knead it well again, now you can start baking.


  • wheat flour (only premium) - 1 kg.
  • eggs – 2 pieces
  • salt – 1 teaspoon
  • fat sour cream and sugar - 1 tablespoon each
  • pasteurized milk – 500 ml.
  • dry yeast – 10 grams
  • vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons.


Heat the pasteurized milk in a saucepan to 40 degrees. Add yeast to the milk to dissolve it. After 10 minutes, add salt to the milk and stir. Now pour it into milk granulated sugar, mix everything very thoroughly so that the dry ingredients are completely dissolved.

The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps. Sift the flour through a sieve and pour into a deep, wide container. Pour the liquid mixture into the flour. Knead elastic dough. You can sprinkle the dough with a little flour as needed.

The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to “clog” the dough. Cover the prepared dough with a cloth and transfer to a warm place. In about 1-1.5 hours it will be ready. Knead the dough again with your hands and let it rise a second time for an hour.

Now you can cut it into pieces and form it into pies or other flour products.

1. The dough should not rest (in total it can rise for no more than 4 hours).

2. The proportions and quantities of ingredients must be strictly observed.

3. The dough for fermentation should be placed in a warm, dry place.

4. The flour must be sifted before kneading.

5. Yeast should be diluted in warm milk.

6. Before baking, the formed flour products should “rest” a little more for about 10 minutes - during this time the dough will rise further and the baked goods will become fluffier.

7. Small products (buns, pies) must be placed in a hot oven, large ones - in an oven heated to medium temperature.

Bon appetit!

Divide the finished dough into two parts, roll into a ball, cover cling film and let rest for 10 minutes.

At this time, prepare the filling. Peel the ginger. Wash the lemon, cut into segments, remove seeds if there are any. Grind the lemon and ginger into a puree in a blender. Add sugar and stir.
Roll out the dough into two layers. One to lubricate lemon filling. Sprinkle the second one with cinnamon and brown sugar.

Grease an oblong muffin tin vegetable oil. Cut the dough into squares of a suitable size (according to the size of the mold). Place the pieces of dough in a horizontal stack, alternating pieces with with different fillings. “Rumble” the tops of the dough pieces a little.

Cover the dough with cling film and let rise for 1 hour. 20 minutes before the end of time, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Before baking, brush the bun with the yolk of one egg and sprinkle with sugar.

Bake the bun for about 40 minutes on a medium level at 200 degrees. Check for redness. Remove the finished bun and cool for about 10 minutes. Remove from pan and cool on a wire rack.

Nowadays you can buy everything or almost everything in stores, but despite the abundance, no purchased bun or kalach can even come close to the taste homemade baked goods. And what’s most offensive is that those recipes that our grandmothers and our mothers used to cook are gradually being replaced by simpler and faster ones that are not as tasty. Therefore, for true lovers of baking, I decided to tell you how to make real butter dough.


(2-3 butter pie)

  • 3.5 cups flour (500g)
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 eggs or 5 pcs. egg yolks
  • 45-50 gr. fresh pressed yeast
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 100 gr. butter
  • 15 gr. vanilla (optional)
  • 3 tbsp. sunflower oil
  • 1 yolk for coloring the pastry
  • 100 gr. raisins, nuts or dark chocolate
  • First of all, let's prepare the dough. Perhaps this is the most crucial moment, since the airiness of the dough depends on how well the dough fits. So, dissolve the yeast in warm milk at about 37-38°C. Fresh yeast knead well and quickly dissolve in milk.
  • Add a spoonful of sugar and a well-heaped spoonful of flour. Stir, cover with a clean napkin and place in a warm place for 30-45 minutes. If the kitchen is cool, you should turn on the oven or place the vessel with the dough in warm water.
  • In a warm environment, yeast begins to grow intensively, as a result the dough becomes covered with numerous bubbles and begins to increase in volume. If the yeast was fresh and was kept temperature regime, then the dough rises several times.
  • The dough could have been made a little differently, as for example in the Easter dough, but I like this method better. Maybe a little longer, but more reliable)))
  • Add sifted flour, salt, sugar, vanilla, vegetable oil, and heated butter. Mix everything thoroughly and then add beaten eggs or yolks.
  • Mix. If desired, you can add raisins or nuts. It is important not to overdo it with additives, otherwise they can “sag” the dough.
  • Place the dough on a floured table.
  • Knead the dough thoroughly for at least 20 minutes. In this case, your hands must be moistened several times sunflower oil. Well-kneaded butter dough is easily separated from hands and utensils.
  • But the process of preparing yeast dough does not end there. Place the butter dough in a saucepan or deep bowl. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place again for a couple of hours. In the warmth, the yeast fermentation process continues, and the dough rises again, increasing in volume.
  • During these two hours, the dough should be kneaded a couple of times to release the accumulated carbon dioxide. The fact is that when a lot of carbon dioxide accumulates in the dough, it inhibits the growth of yeast. And when we knead the dough, the yeast again begins to divide intensively.
  • If the yeast dough rises quickly and rises again quickly after kneading, then two hours in a warm place is enough. If the yeast was not very good, it will take more time.
  • Knead the finished dough thoroughly again. By the way, they knead the dough thoroughly not so that all the ingredients are well mixed, but so that the yeast dough is filled with air. And the more air it “takes”, the more airy the baking becomes. You usually don’t need to add flour, but you can grease your hands and table with vegetable oil to make it easier to work with.
  • Divide the rich yeast dough into several parts depending on what you plan to bake: Easter bread, buns or rolls with poppy seeds. From this proportion I get 2 large rolls or 3 butter braids.
  • For the braid, we divide each part into three more equal pieces, from which we form long strands. We braid the strands into a loose braid. To prevent the butter dough braid from unraveling, lightly press down the beginning and end of the braid.
  • It is convenient to form a braid either immediately on a greased baking sheet, or first braid the braid on the table, and then transfer it to a special paper form for baking.
  • Place the baking tray in a warm place for half an hour. The dough should rise at least twice in size.
  • Place the well-suited baked goods in a preheated oven. Bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200-220°C. About 15 minutes after the start of baking, brush the pastry with whipped yolk, and then put it in the oven again.
  • Remove the finished rosy braids and rolls from the oven and leave to cool.
  • To keep pastries made from butter dough soft, cover them with a cloth. Some of the baked goods can be packaged in food-grade plastic (to prevent other odors from penetrating) and frozen. Then, if necessary, remove, defrost and treat yourself to homemade buns. I also recommend trying