Recipe: Ravenous Nun Cupcake. Cupcake "Insatiable nun" in a slow cooker Cake insatiable nun

Delicious soaked fluffy cupcake Hungry Nun with chocolate syrup, baked in the oven or slow cooker, the recipe for this biscuit cake is very simple and affordable. My step by step photo recipe will help you.

To be honest, I don’t know where this delicious cupcake got such a name from. There is a lot of controversy around him, some consider this name offensive. Everyone has associations with the name, probably to the extent of the depravity of his thoughts. I understand the name "Thirsty or insatiable" as experiencing and quenching thirst, because this cake absorbs two glasses of impregnation very well. That's all, most likely the author of the recipe had the same thing in mind. I just made this tender cupcake and share it with you, so I don’t change its name. As they say, for what I bought, for that I sell and no insults to anyone 😉

The insatiable nun in cookbooks can be found under the name Thirsty nun, but no matter what it is called, it turns out to be tall, equally tasty and tender, a great dessert for a cup of tea or coffee.

For the Insatiable Nun cupcake recipe, you will need:

  • Egg - 6 pieces,
  • Sugar sand - 1 cup,
  • Odorless vegetable oil (refined) - 6 tablespoons,
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups,
  • Baking powder for dough - 10 g,
  • Vanillin - a pinch (can be replaced with cinnamon if desired).

For the recipe for chocolate syrup - impregnation:

  • Sugar - 1 glass,
  • Water - 1 glass,
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons
  • Butter 110 g,
  • Optionally, you can add 3 tablespoons of liquor, cognac or rum

How to make a cupcake insatiable nun

Sift flour and mix with baking powder.

Beat the eggs and sugar in a deep bowl with a mixer, a little less than you usually beat for a biscuit, but until the sugar is completely dissolved, something like this:

Continuing to beat, add vegetable oil and vanilla. Then turn off the mixer and slowly, using a spatula, stirring from top to bottom, add flour with baking powder in small portions. Knead the biscuit dough for the cake until smooth.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Lubricate the form with butter or margarine (it is more convenient, of course, to use a detachable one) and put the dough into it. Bake the Insatiable Nun cake in a preheated oven until golden brown, baking time will be 35-40 minutes, check the readiness of the cake with a wooden toothpick (it should be dry).

How to bake a cupcake Insatiable nun in a slow cooker

Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with oil, put the dough for the cake into it. Bake our cake in the “Baking” mode (for the Panasonic 18 multicooker) for 65 minutes,

after the signal, let the cake stand for 10 minutes with the lid closed. Then take it out of the bowl using a steam tray and transfer it to a wooden surface (so the hot cake will fog less).

Let's do it while the cake is cooling. preparation of chocolate syrup - impregnation for the Insatiable Nun.

To do this, in a saucepan, mix water, sugar and heat them for about 5 minutes until the sugar dissolves. Next, add cocoa powder to the sugar syrup and mix them well with a whisk until smooth. Add pieces of butter, when it melts, remove our chocolate impregnation from heat. At this point, you can add liquor if you like.

The most interesting stage of making the Insatiable Nun cupcake has arrived. We take a long thin stick, a knitting needle or a pencil (I use a wooden skewers) and pierce the cake from top to bottom as deep as possible. The more holes you make, the better it will soak. Whoever wants, you can play around, soak the cake from an ordinary medical syringe, maybe even faster.

Impregnation on the cake is poured twice, after the first time we let it completely absorb and soak the biscuit with chocolate syrup again. The cupcake readily absorbs all the impregnation, which is why it is called insatiable. Transfer the neatly soaked cake to a clean platter.

To make this cake more wet, chocolate impregnation is brewed from:

  • 2 glasses of water and
  • 1.5 cups sugar

I poured hot syrup over my cake, I think when it cools down, it can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or chocolate chips. Well, if you decorate with cream on top, you get a magnificent cake from the cupcake Insatiable nun, try it, here is your piece:

Chocolate cake without flour

very similar in texture to a brownie

Why do we love cupcakes? For ease of preparation and wonderful taste. And here is another masterpiece. This cake with an interesting name came to us from Bulgarian cuisine. It is called an “insatiable” nun, because it absorbs a lot of impregnation, and it’s not enough for her)). Even those who do not like chocolate pastries like this unusual cupcake with chocolate soak. The cake is fluffy, tall, very tender and fragrant. Chocolate impregnation gives it an amazing taste, a beautiful look, the cupcake just melts in your mouth. Make holes bigger and deeper so that the cupcake is soaked to the very bottom. I'm sure this one will become one of your favorites.


  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 tbsp baking powder (10 g)
  • 5 st. l. vegetable oil (odorless)
  • 1.5 cups flour

for the syrup:

  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa
  • 100 g butter

Cupcake "Insatiable nun" in a slow cooker:

Beat eggs with a glass of sugar (beat with a mixer for 7-10 minutes), add vegetable oil, baking powder, gradually add flour, mix the dough with a spoon (!) And pour into a greased bowl.

Set the "baking" mode for 65 minutes. While the cake is baking, prepare the syrup.

For syrup, mix sugar with water and bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and boil it for about 5 minutes. Then add cocoa, stir well with a whisk so that there are no lumps. Then add butter, stir and remove from heat.

Prick the cooled cake with a stick (or pencil) and pour over the syrup.

A difficult cake recipe Insatiable nun of Bulgarian cuisine step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home for 42. Contains only 161 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 42
  • Amount of calories: 161 kilocalories
  • Servings: 5 servings
  • Complexity: Difficult recipe
  • National cuisine: Bulgarian cuisine
  • Dish type: Dough products

Ingredients for five servings

  • ~Dough~
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 st. Sahara,
  • 6 art. l. grows. refiner oils,
  • 1.5 st. flour (sifted)
  • 2 tsp baking powder (without a slide),
  • vanillin
  • ~Impregnation~
  • 1 st. Sahara,
  • 1 st. water,
  • 120 gr. drain. oils,
  • 3 art. l. cocoa powder,
  • 3-4 st. l. chocolate liqueur (you can use 2-3 tablespoons of rum or cognac),
  • vanillin

Step by step cooking

  1. Turn on the oven to warm up to t 180 C (the dough is done quickly, it will just heat up).
  2. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy and until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add rast. butter, beat lightly. Add flour with vanilla and baking powder - beat.
  3. Pour the dough into a mold 26-28 cm in diameter (I baked 24 cm, it rose a lot (2 times) to the brim, so I think it's better to bake in a larger mold). Bake for 40-50 minutes.
  4. While the cake is in the oven, let's do the impregnation. Mix all the ingredients, except for the liqueur, in a saucepan, stirring, bring to a boil over the fire, turn off, and add the liquor. Leave to cool.
  5. After 40-50 minutes, determine the readiness of the cake with a toothpick - if it is dry, then it is ready.
  6. Make as many holes as possible in the cooled cupcake (I made it with a sushi stick). And pour the cupcake in two passes with chocolate impregnation (pour half of the mixture, wait a bit until it is absorbed, and pour the rest of the mixture).
  7. Cupcake can be covered with chocolate icing, or sprinkled with powdered sugar (I did not cover anything).
  8. Enjoy your meal!

I rummaged through a bunch of cupcake recipes, it seems there is no such recipe ... The cupcake has an interesting name, the recipe itself is Bulgarian (the name of the cupcake can most likely be explained like this: “nun” is the cupcake itself, in fact, without anything, without any additives, but “ insatiable "she is because the cake absorbs a lot of impregnation). I don’t really like chocolate pastries, but I really liked the cupcake with chocolate soaking! The cake turned out tender, fluffy, very tasty! Next time I will make the holes more diligently (more holes themselves), because the cupcake was soaked to half (not to the very bottom).

Here recently I saw a recipe, all on the same site:
I liked the name, then I read the recipe and realized that I didn’t need to buy anything and just wanted to cook something delicious.
I've already cooked twice. The recipe will be under the cut, with photos. The cake turns out AWESOME! I haven't cooked or eaten this yet... Delicious!!! the first one was eaten in a day :) and then, because they went to work :))) and so - in a couple of hours they would probably have been hummed :))) He is so insane ... Melts in your mouth ... mmm ...

Nothing fancy, but amazingly delicious!

What you need:
For the test
1) 5 eggs
2) half a glass of sugar (I took 100 grams)
3) 5 tablespoons refined vegetable oil
4) 1.5 cups of flour (checked for consistency :))
5) baking powder (10 grams)

For syrup:
1) 1 glass of water (or more - depending on the rise of the cake :))
2) half a glass of sugar (I took 100 grams)
3) 2 tablespoons of cocoa (I took 3-4, it tastes better :))
4) 100 grams of butter

How to cook:
1) Beat the eggs with the mixer prepared for the dough (I beat at high speed for 3-4 minutes) until the resulting mixture turns white and becomes lush

Eggs in a bowl :)

Sugar - in the dough I used half the amount poured into a measuring cup

Beat with a mixer - I get such a lush whipped mass

2) Put the mixer aside - we won't need it anymore!
3) Add vegetable oil to the dough and mix (I didn’t take a picture of the oil pouring process, but I think you can figure it out :) I just poured oil into a spoon and poured it into the dough :))
4) Add the baking powder with flour to the dough little by little, sifting to make it more fluffy and tender, stirring the dough with a spoon! Gently, not like a mixer at high speed :) If the flour is sifted, it does not form lumps even when mixed with a spoon, which makes me very happy!

That's how much flour I took (but then I added a little more, because it turned out thin)

This is what the dough looks like with flour mixed in gently

5) Pour the batter into an oiled multicooker bowl. I spread it with a spoon from a multicooker - so, it seems to me, the dough “settles” less and rises better during baking, but even if you pour it out, everything will be fine.

Laid out dough

6) Put on the "baking" mode for 65 minutes.

:) I set it for 80 minutes (I just didn’t take a picture right away), but I realized when I was cooking for the second time that 65 was just right. Why, see below :)

7) After 65 minutes, turn off the multicooker, hold for 5 minutes with the lid closed and then pull it out using the steaming bowl.

This is what the first cake looked like

But on a plate (the edge crunches, apparently due to vegetable oil, such an effect)

8) While our cake is cooling, prepare the syrup: pour a glass of water into a saucepan, put on the stove, add sugar and stir. Leave to boil for 5 minutes.
9) It will be completely liquid, but it's not scary. Add cocoa, stir until lumps disappear
10) Add butter, stir until melted - otherwise it burns ... (I didn’t burn, but I guess ...)
11) After the butter has melted, leave the syrup to cool for 10-15 minutes.

Ready syrup - 3 tablespoons of cocoa

12) After 15 minutes, when the syrup has cooled down a little, pour the cake with this syrup. My cake turns out to be very porous, so I don’t even pierce it with anything. If you suddenly turned out to be dense, then poke holes in the cupcake and pour syrup over it. (But if it turns out dense, then something is wrong ... Because both times I had very porous and insanely tender!)

Topped with syrup first :)

Here is a cutaway

again he and again in the context (when they ate, it dripped directly ... But awesomely tasty! And not oversweetened)

And this is the second - the same ingredients, but the cooking time is 65 minutes! I was stunned when I opened...

And once again - I was just well, Pts surprised :)

Size compared to sugar bowl :)

There were 4 tablespoons of cocoa in this syrup and it turned out thick, it didn’t pour well ... We need more water, as it turned out)

Soaked in syrup

Once again flooded :) Closer! True, I didn’t take a picture in the context, but because the syrup was thick and there was not much of it, it turned out to be half-filled ... But it's still fucking delicious!

13) Leave it to soak for at least 10 minutes (or better for an hour) - and enjoy your meal!

It turns out awesome stuff!
Tip: Make the drizzle syrup after the cake has been pulled out so you know how much syrup to use.
Another tip: I also watered the second one with cognac (right on top, but it’s better to add it to the syrup) - it turns out very, very tasty too! Because alcohol is not felt, and a pleasant shade of cognac - mmm ....

To everyone who is salivating after the pictures of my cupcake, I advise you to try making a cupcake! I'm sure you'll fall in love with him as much as I do!

Bon Appetit everyone!

P.S. If you have questions - ask.
