A simple recipe for baking carp in the oven. Ways to cook mirror carp in the oven

There are a lot of options for cooking carp in the oven in foil.

Fish can be baked with a whole carcass, stuffed with oranges or stuffed with beans.

Divide into fillets and form rolls from it.

Minced fish cutlets will appeal to children if you show a little imagination when serving.

Dishes baked in the oven in foil cook in their own juices and are much juicier and softer than those cooked in a pan.

Carp in the oven in foil - the basic principles of cooking

It is better to take carp not frozen, but fresh. Fresh carp always have dense, elastic meat. Gills are bright red and bulging transparent eyes.

When choosing a fish, pay attention to the width of the back just behind the gill covers, the larger it is, the fatter the fish is usually.

Many try to choose a mirror carp, in fact, the taste of the fish is no different, if the price is noticeably higher, you should not overpay.

Scales are removed from the selected fish, it is very convenient to use a tablespoon for this, passing it over the fish, with the convex side up. The removed scales will not scatter around. The gills are removed from the head, washed thoroughly under running water, while removing the remnants of the films, and then they proceed according to the described recipe: they divide the fish into fillets, cut into pieces or twist through a meat grinder.

It is best to take thick foil to avoid accidental damage. The broken integrity of the foil package can lead to the leakage of juice, as a result of which the taste of the dish, its required consistency will change, and the carp itself will turn out to be hard and dry.

If you can't find thick foil, double pack.

It is best to lay the foil on the form with the shiny side up, since the matte side attracts heat, while the shiny side retains it.

Seasonings that blend perfectly with fish dishes will give a special aroma and taste to carp in the oven in foil: basil, cloves, tarragon, rosemary, savory, saffron.

Oven baked carp in foil with oranges


Carcass of a large carp;

Nine tablespoons of honey without a slide;

Large bulb;

Ground coriander - 1 tsp;

50 grams of butter;

Two medium oranges.

Cooking method:

1. On the outer surface of the gutted, cleaned and washed under water carp carcass, make cross-shaped cuts with a knife at a distance of at least three centimeters from each other. Rub the fish well on all sides with spices and salt.

2. Fry the chopped onion in a pan in butter until golden brown. Add honey, sunflower oil and, stirring thoroughly, continue to simmer for another four minutes.

3. Place the browned onion in a separate clean bowl and cool.

4. Cut the washed oranges into thin rings and put them in the belly of the gutted carp. Don't forget to set aside a few orange rings ahead of time for garnish.

5. Put the fish carcass stuffed with oranges into a form lined with food foil, coat on all sides with the onion mixture and, covering with foil on top, bake for half an hour in the oven with an air temperature of 180 degrees.

6. Open the top layer of foil and leave in the oven to bake under the grill for another five minutes.

7. Garnish the cooled baked fish with orange rings and serve.

Carp in the oven in foil baked with beans


400 grams of red beans;

Four medium-sized carps;

Three small bulbs;

250 grams of "Russian", or similar hard cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the beans overnight in cold water.

2. Put the soaked beans in a saucepan and cook until tender.

3. Peel the onion from the husk, cut into small pieces, mix with the cooled boiled beans and stuff the fish carcasses, prepared in advance with coarse salt, with the mixture.

4. Put the carps stuffed with beans on the foil, lubricating it with sunflower oil in advance, sprinkle with coarsely grated cheese and bake for half an hour in the oven with the bottom and top heated from 160 to 180 degrees.

5. Then open the foil and continue to cook on the bottom heat only for twenty minutes.

Carp roll in the oven in foil


Two carps, weighing less than a kilogram each;

One chicken raw egg;

160 grams of wheat flour;

A mixture of salt and ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully divide the cleaned and gutted fish into fillets, lightly beat off, rub with a mixture of seasonings and leave to soak for twenty minutes.

2. In a separate container, beat the egg with black pepper and salt.

3. Dip the fish fillet in the egg, roll in the sifted flour, roll up and wrap tightly with food foil.

4. Put the foil-wrapped fish rolls in a mold or on a baking sheet and place in the oven with an air temperature of 200 degrees for forty minutes.

Carp in the oven in foil on a vegetable pillow


Carp carp weighing at least one kilogram;

Two bell peppers of different colors;

Three heads of lettuce;

600 grams of fresh champignons, can be frozen;

Two small carrots;

Small lemon;

A bunch of young, fresh dill.

Cooking method:

1. Take a whole, cleaned and gutted fish, rub inside and out with spices, selected to taste, and salt. On the one hand, make several transverse cuts on the surface. When making cuts, do not hold the knife perpendicularly, but at an angle of about 45 degrees.

2. Pour boiling water over the lemon, cut it across into two parts and cut one of them thinly into half rings. Then insert half-rings of lemon into the cuts on the fish, and put a couple of sprigs of dill in its abdomen.

3. Pour water into a small saucepan, add the rest of the lemon cut into small pieces and boil. Put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms into hot water, bring to a boil and boil over medium heat for five minutes. Drain the water and drain the cooked mushrooms in a colander.

4. Prepare the vegetables: cut the carrot into thin slices, chop the bell pepper into medium-sized strips, and cut the onion into rings.

5. In a heavy-bottomed pan, heat the ghee well, put the onion and fry until transparent, add the carrots and continue frying for another five minutes, add the chopped peppers, mushrooms and fry until the vegetables are ready, about seven minutes.

6. Spread foil on the bottom of the baking dish, grease it with oil, and put the remaining dill in the middle. On both sides, lay out the mushrooms fried with vegetables, and put the fish on top of the dill, stuffed with lemon.

7. Lubricate the top of the fish with sour cream or vegetable or olive oil, wrap the foil, pinching the edges well, and put the fish in the oven, heated to 180 degrees.

8. When twenty minutes have passed, increase the temperature in the oven to 200 degrees and bring the fish to readiness, baking for another fifteen minutes.

Children's cutlets from carp in the oven in foil - "Chupa-Chups"


Carp carp weighing 1,800 kg;

One large carrot;

Two large heads of white onions;

Two chicken eggs;

Two small pieces of stale loaf;

Cooking method:

1. Put the bread in a bowl, pour milk over it and leave for ten minutes.

2. Remove the skin from the gutted, peeled carp, remove the head, separate the fillet from the bones and grind together with the loaf soaked in milk in a meat grinder. Before crushing the bread, wring it out well with your hands.

3. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, put the onion chopped with a knife into small pieces, grated carrots and sauté over medium heat until cooked.

4. Put the cooled browned root vegetables to the minced meat, add salt, loose eggs and knead the minced meat, beating it on a cutting board. Since the cutlets are for children, you do not need to add spices.

5. Using a spoon, moistened with water, form small round cutlets and stick a wooden toothpick or a broken skewer in half into each cutlet.

6. Cut the foil into squares, sixteen centimeters in size, brush with oil and wrap the cutlets with it, wrapping the edges of the foil around the toothpick.

7. In a dry frying pan, put the foil-wrapped balls up with toothpicks and fry over high heat for one minute.

8. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put a pan with fish cakes in it and bake for half an hour.

Carp in the oven in foil in Arabic


One and a half kilograms of carp;

Seven cherry tomatoes;

One hundred grams of raisins;

A quarter cup of dried apricots;

100 grams of pitted prunes;

Half a glass of walnut kernels;

Half a glass of almonds, peeled;

2 tbsp. l. olive oil;

One and a half tablespoons of refined sunflower oil;

Half a lemon;

A mixture made from white and black ground peppers, curry powder, paprika and salt.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the head from the carp peeled from the scales and, without cutting the abdomen, gut the carcass. Rinse under running water, removing the remaining films and trimming the fins.

2. Cut the carp into small portions, sprinkled with freshly squeezed lemon juice and rolled in a spicy mixture, fry the fish in a pan with hot vegetable oil over high heat until half cooked.

3. In a clean pan in olive oil, fry the chopped walnut kernels and finely chopped dried fruits with a knife.

4. Stuff the fish pieces with the cooled fruit mixture and place them on a baking sheet lined with foil. Before spreading the stuffed carp, grease the foil with vegetable or olive oil.

5. Cover the fish with foil, wrapping its edges well at the junctions.

6. Bake in the oven at 220 degrees for twenty minutes.

7. Pierce the tomatoes in several places and fry them in a frying pan in hot oil.

8. Open the oven, partially unfold the foil and, putting the fried tomatoes to the fish, put the baking sheet back. Bring the carp in the oven in foil until cooked.

Carp in the oven in foil - tricks and tips

It will be much easier to remove the scales from the carp if you rub it well with salt before cleaning.

When baking, the fish will not curl if a few small cuts are made on its skin.

Sauteed onions will add a special flavor to cutlets made from minced fish.

If you add boiled chilled fish to fish cakes baked in the oven, the cutlets will turn out to be more magnificent. You can also add a little bacon, butter or margarine to the minced meat.

In order not to damage the foil, when carving the fish, you should remove all the fins.

If there is no thick foil, you can wrap the carp in several layers of thin foil, but you should adhere to the following rule: do not lay sheets one on top of the other, wrap them one by one.

If during cleaning and gutting the fish the gallbladder was accidentally crushed and the bile spilled, the fish should be thoroughly washed under the tap, and the damaged areas should be sprinkled with salt, let the fish stand for fifteen minutes and rinse again.

There should be at least one fish dish on the festive table. Carp baked in the oven is beautiful, fast and divinely delicious. Lemon slices placed in cuts will remind guests of the majestic mountain ranges of the Caucasus. Crispy crust with tender and juicy fillets will be the peak of gourmet bliss, but the bones will bring them back to reality. After such a meal, everyone will be satisfied. As a result, many admit that there is no dish tastier than oven-baked carp. To get such a full house, you should make a lot of effort. First, you should decide which side dish and sauce / marinade will be appropriate, and only then proceed with the task. So, the hostess will need to spend one and a half to two hours of time preparing it.

Fins, gills and eyes must be carefully removed. If you hold the fish in boiling water for 30 seconds, and then rinse it under running water, then the scales can be easily removed with a spoon or knife.

antique sculpture

The larger the dish, the more presentable it looks on the table. It is served on long oval plates, garnished with parsley sprigs, tomatoes or carrots. The technology of how to bake whole carp in the oven should be known to every woman. Men love fishing to the point of madness, but even more they love wives who know how to properly cook their prey. You can't do without step-by-step instructions in this matter.
The wife needs:

Before the presentation, remove the bay leaf, as well as pieces of garlic. When cooked, they are tasteless, because they gave all their juices to other products. The smell of mud is removed with greens, which are stuffed with the abdomen. White ground pepper in combination with such products gives the treat a unique taste and aroma.

Such royal dishes should be served with boiled vegetables, as well as slices of white, but not black bread. It has a pronounced aftertaste, so it will dominate the "king" of dinner. Fluffy rice cooked with grated carrots has always been considered an amazing side dish. Such a relief "pillow" of cereals will be an amazing backdrop for the dish.

In another recipe for carp baked in the oven, the hostess is offered to put lemon slices into the cuts. In an acidic environment, any meat becomes softer and juicier. Other cooks like to use the sleeve instead of the foil. To form a golden crust, it must be torn 20 minutes before readiness.

Gas ovens have a different design, so food often burns. If you put a bowl of water under the baking sheet, then this can be avoided.

Sour cream blanket

Dairy products are used as a marinade in order to create a pleasant flavor background. Although the main task is to dress the dish with a delicate sauce, many people pay special attention to stuffing carp baked in sour cream. Fresh will complement this composition of flavors in an original way, and hard melted cheese will not leave indifferent even picky gourmets. Some pre-fry the carcass to form a golden crust. And during this time, the hostess must have time:

Spices give off flavor when rubbed a little with your hands. Bay leaves are simply broken into small pieces.

The optimum temperature for such fish is from 190 to 200 ° C. The sequence of technological processes of preparation is not an iron rule. Therefore, some cooks first stuff the fish, and then I grease it, others do it in the reverse order.
The result will be the same. Carp baked in the oven and in foil will make a lasting impression on guests. At the same time, red wine or cognac is delightfully drunk with such a treat.

Antoshka, prepare a spoon for dinner

The ruddy and golden-haired boy did not want to help choose potatoes. But now it's time for dinner. In a split second, he pulled out his large spoon from his pocket. Such a reaction should be expected from guests when they see a golden carp baked in the oven with potatoes. Whole root vegetables can be used for cooking. Some like to cut them into slices or slices (rustic). And the process itself includes simple steps:

Each recipe for baked carp in the oven comes with a photo. It depicts a fish with a golden crust. To achieve this result allows a special sauce, which must be lubricated on the surface of all products. In one case, sour cream with a high percentage of fat is used, and in the other, mayonnaise. Vegetables are recommended to be watered with vegetable oil mixed with basil.
When serving, it is important to serve cream sauce with them. The mass is mixed with onion and dill feathers. With such a paste, the taste of potatoes becomes more pronounced.

An alternative to onions is lemon, which is used as a filling. Garnish is best varied with tomatoes, bell peppers and eggplant.

sweet stuffing

The combination of two different flavors always leads to a positive result. It will seem strange to many if you cook carp baked and stuffed with apples in the oven. Unexpected turn of events? Having taken the first test, the surprise will become even greater. Juicy, soft and with a delicate aftertaste of sweetness on the lips, such a fillet falls in love at first sight. You can expect such a result only if:

Apples are better to choose with sourness. This recipe uses the Antonovka variety, the rest prefer Highlander.

The dish is decorated with greenery. Around the fish, dill and parsley alternately decompose. Around the perimeter, the plate is decorated with dogwood fruits. Now the contrast is maintained not only in taste, but also in the color palette. Onion feathers and hot pepper diversify this unusual presentation. Many are discouraged by the unsightly appearance of empty eye sockets. You can put lingonberries or cranberries in these holes.

After such recipes, every mother will want to please her loved ones with carp baked in the oven. A simple and quick cooking process will appeal to many housewives, and the taste of all family members.

Sichuan carp video recipe

We offer you an option for a non-banal and quick-to-prepare light dinner or snack, if used cold. Carp baked in foil is a very tasty dish that does not require complex ingredients; the tender meat of this fish is quite nutritious and, at the same time, dietary. In a series of festive feasts, this indisputable advantage should not be overlooked, and besides, you don’t have to stand at the stove either!

Do not be afraid of river fish, famous for their bonyness, carp is a pleasant exception! As a rule, his bones are large and it is not difficult even for children to choose them. But remember that the size of the bones directly depends on the size of the fish, so we choose a larger carcass.

The indisputable advantages of carp also include the ease with which it is cleaned. Large scales will not litter the kitchen and will not make you sweat over each fish for half an hour. If necessary, it is generally cleaned by hand. But its meat, and even cooked by baking, is particularly tender. No extra fat from the pan, only your own juice, and even a serving of vegetables.

There are many recipes for cooking carp in foil. We have selected several recipes: from the very simple to the most interesting, so that you can then experiment on your own and select the ingredients as you wish.

Carp in foil classic


  • Large carp - 1 pc. + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - pinch + -
  • - at the tip of a knife + -
  • - 1 tsp + -


  1. We choose a larger fish so that it turns out to be more juicy and fragrant. But we also increase the cooking time, respectively, so that it is properly baked.
  2. We clean it, remove the tail and fins. The head can be left, as it will give extra juiciness, but the eyes will need to be removed.
  3. We clean the insides of the fish carefully so as not to accidentally break the gallbladder. If this happens, the fish will have to be washed for a very long time from bitterness.
  4. Now that we have a finished carcass in front of us, we make several vertical cuts on the outside on both sides, about 3-4 pieces. They are needed for a good salting of meat inside. Otherwise, it will feel bland.
  5. Rub the inside and outside of the fish with a mixture of coarse salt and pepper. You can mix them in a separate cup, or you can pour the right amount directly into the palm of your hand. We try to get the mixture into the cuts as well.
  6. Cut off the top of the lemon and sprinkle the juice on the outside of the fish. We wrap it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. It should be saturated with juice and salted. You can keep it there longer.
  7. Now, let's deal with onions, lemons and turn on the stove. We will bake carp at 200 °, so it should be hot. We clean the bulbs, cut them into half rings, cut off circles 5 mm thick from the lemon according to the number of cuts on one side of the fish.
  8. After the lapse of time, we take out the carp, spread the foil and put half of the chopped onion on the foil. On top of it, fish, put lemon rings into the cuts, report the rest of the onion, sprinkle with vegetable oil and wrap.

Important! We make sure that there is enough foil so that the juice does not flow out.


  • If the carcass weighs a kilogram, plus or minus 200 g, keep it in the oven for 40 - 50 minutes.
  • If you like a golden crust, unfold the foil half an hour after the start of cooking - the open heat will allow our fish to brown. If desired, you can move the bow to the side.
  • If you need to keep the carp completely soft and tender, leave it wrapped.

After the lapse of time, we take out the fish, cut it and lay it out directly in the foil. Not only carp meat, but also onions turned out very tasty!

If desired, add fresh herbs to the same recipe - dill, parsley and cilantro. It will take about ½ bunch. Greens can not even be cut, just lay between the onion pillow and the fish. It will not only add flavor, but also noticeably add juiciness, and since our carp was not coated with anything other than salt and pepper, excess moisture will not hurt!

Carp with sauce

For those who like to achieve juiciness not only with a bunch of greens, we have prepared another recipe for carp baked in foil.

We will cook in almost the same way as the previous version, only we will introduce a new element: sauce.

sauce preparation

  • Mix 2 tbsp each of mayonnaise and sour cream and add 2 tsp of mustard to them.
  • If desired, fatty components can be easily replaced with natural yogurt without additives, matsoni or curdled milk. They are not as acidic as kefir, but not as fatty as mayonnaise, this will make the dish truly dietary.

As a seasoning, in addition to pepper, in this case, it will be good to grate the fish with thyme. But we do not overdo it with spices, since carp meat is very tender and you can easily interrupt its taste with them.

We also let the carp marinate in sour cream sauce for about half an hour. Then we do everything as usual.

Creative from chefs

  • If you don’t like lemon in fish - the zest is bitter or don’t like excessive sourness, just don’t use it! The taste will not be affected by this.
  • You can also experiment endlessly with the vegetable component. For example, celery root, cut into rings, will give an unusual flavor. For a carp carp weighing 1 - 1.5 kg, you will need a very small bar with a diameter of 2 cm and a length of 1.5 cm or ½ tsp of dry seasoning.
  • In addition to onions, you can cut medium carrots into rings and spread them evenly around the carp. Carrots add sweetness and soften the taste of lemon or celery.
  • In addition, carp can be baked not only “empty”, but also stuffed! Inside we lay any filling of your choice from onions with fresh chopped herbs, to cherry tomatoes and olives. Yes, yes, you can cook even such an exotic!
  • Medium carp - 1 pc.
  • Small onion - 5 pcs.
  • Medium carrot - 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 8 pieces;
  • Olives - 1 can
  • Lemon juice - ½ tsp
  • Fresh parsley - ½ bunch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil.


  1. We clean the fish, as usual, the head can be left or removed. We cut off the fins, gutted, washed.
  2. Since our carp will not be marinated, it must be dried properly. We do it with paper towels.
  3. We cut the carcass vertically in several places, rub it with salt, inside and out, and pepper. Lastly, drizzle with lemon juice.
  4. If we have small onions, we cut them into quarters or even halves, if the onion is large, we cut it into half rings.
  5. We clean the carrots and cut into round slices 3-4 mm thick.
  6. We open the jar of olives and, draining the liquid, let them dry.
  7. Cut the tomatoes into halves.
  8. We spread foil on a baking sheet and grease with vegetable oil.
  9. We put the finished carp on it, prop the abdomen with toothpicks and put olives, carrots, onions and a couple of parsley sprigs into it - we don’t choose a certain amount, we make the fillings as much as it fits. The rest is laid out around, wrapped in foil and put in the oven.
  10. Bake at 200° without turning for 45 minutes.
  11. If you need a golden crust, after this time we unfold the carp, grease it with sour cream or sprinkle with vegetable oil and set it to brown for another 10 minutes.

Serve cut into portions directly in foil.

So, as you can see, such a simple recipe as carp baked in foil can be prepared in an interesting, unusual and very tasty way! Try it and share your impressions in the comments, friends!

Let's start with the simplest - the size and weight of the carcass. For baking carp, weighing 1 kilogram, it will take no more than 40 minutes at normal temperature. If you are worried that the fish will burn or dry out, then keep the product at an average temperature for 50-60 minutes.

It is also important to take into account the thickness (density) of the fish when determining the optimal baking time. Large carp will require more time - at least 80-90 minutes.

If you cook only the fish itself and are not quite sure about your oven, you can sniff around after 40-50 minutes, look under the foil, try with a fork, that is, determine the degree of cooking “by eye”. It's better to overcook fish than undercook it, it's safer for your stomach.

How much to bake carp in the oven: fish with a side dish

Fish with a side dish - stuffed or on a vegetable pillow - is baked in the oven for at least 1 hour and 20 minutes. Before placing the product, it is recommended to heat the oven to 200-220 degrees. When the fish is cooked, the temperature should be gradually reduced to 180, and in some cases even 160 degrees (carp is baked in dough at 160 degrees).

Stuffed carp will take different times to bake, it all depends on the stuffing technology.

If you are stuffing fish, the ingredients of which have already been partially heat-treated, then it will take an hour to twenty hours to bake at an average temperature.

An uncut carcass stuffed with vegetables or buckwheat will be baked for at least 80 minutes at 200 degrees, and if the carp is plump, then 90-100 minutes.

You will not come to a common denominator on how much to bake carp in the oven until you try it for the first time. Note that many housewives say that they spend different times baking for the same dish according to the cooking technology.

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Carp baked in the oven is a great dish for a family dinner or for any celebration. The best recipe options for how to bake carp in the oven will be described in the article.

Every good housewife should know how to bake carp in the oven. The recipe for baking is usually chosen depending on the celebration for which the carp is prepared. There are a lot of cooking options, the hostess can only choose.

First, how to bake carp in the oven in sour cream sauce. For this recipe, it is better to buy live fish. The peeled carps sold are usually grown artificially, and such fish are much inferior in taste to the "wild" ones.

So, to prepare the dish you will need: two live carps, half a bundle (one hundred grams) of mayonnaise, a glass (two hundred and fifty grams) of sour cream, a couple of sprigs of rosemary, one lemon, a few cloves of garlic, salt and pepper. First of all, carps need to be thoroughly cleaned of scales. Particular attention should be paid to the abdomen, since in this place the scales are smaller and more difficult to clean.

After that, the gills and entrails are removed. The cleaned and gutted fish is laid out on a cutting board (it will be more convenient to carry out further steps) and rubbed with salt and pepper. It is better if the salt is coarse. After rubbing, the fish is left to “rest” for ten minutes so that it is better saturated.

After that, the carps are put in a bowl and rubbed with garlic squeezed through a press. Then, the fish is sprinkled with lemon juice. Sprigs of rosemary are placed in the cut bellies. If there is no fresh rosemary, you can use dry, but then the carp is sprinkled on top of it. Mayonnaise and sour cream are mixed in a separate bowl and the carps are well coated with the resulting sauce.

Everything, pre-cooking is over. Now the fish is set aside to marinate. Marinating time can vary from half an hour to five hours, it depends on how much time the hostess has.

After a while, the oven is heated to one hundred and eighty degrees. Carps are laid out on a baking sheet and baked. Approximate baking time is thirty-five minutes. It depends on the weight of the carp. If they are less than a kilogram, then the baking time may be less, if more, then the time increases accordingly. Dry white wine is ideal for the finished dish.

For a festive table, carp baked with sauerkraut will be a good option. Sauerkraut and fish are ideally combined, so the dish is very tender and juicy. To prepare carp according to this recipe, it is advisable to choose a larger fish so that the bones are easier to separate.

You can use both fresh and frozen fish. If frozen carp is used, then before cooking, it should be thawed. So that the slave does not lose nutrients, it is better to defrost it naturally, without using water. First, the carp is cleaned of scales, entrails, gills.

The abdomen should be cut very carefully so as not to tear, because at the end it will need to be sewn up. If the abdomen is not very dense, then it is better to cut the fish along the back. At the same time, you can immediately remove the fins and bones of the ridge so that there are fewer bones in the finished fish. Next, rub the carp with salt and pepper. You can also use your favorite seasonings.

After that, finely chop the onion and cover the carp with it. In this form, the fish is left for half an hour, so that it is thoroughly saturated with seasonings. After that, they take sauerkraut, slightly squeeze the juice from it and put the cabbage inside the carp. After the abdomen is sewn up with threads or chipped off with toothpicks.

Then a piece of foil is cut off, lightly greased with vegetable oil so that the skin does not stick during baking. After all the preparations, the stuffed fish is wrapped in oiled foil and set to bake. First, the oven should be heated to two hundred degrees, and after ten to fifteen minutes, reduce the temperature to one hundred and eighty.

Cooking time depends on the size of the carp and ranges from half an hour to fifty minutes. Readiness is determined as it bakes. If during the cooking process the crust sticks to the foil, then it is lightly sprinkled with water. In order for the carp baked in the oven to turn out with a delicious crispy crust, ten minutes before the readiness, the foil is unfolded, the fish is smeared with sour cream and sprinkled with grated cheese.

Instead of sauerkraut for the filling, you can use stewed cabbage with carrots and onions. Serve baked carp preferably with white sauce. To prepare it, a few tablespoons of flour are lightly fried in butter (butter). Then, pour the flour with broth, stir well and boil for fifteen minutes. In order for the sauce to turn out homogeneous and not burnt, it should be stirred as often as possible during the cooking process.

Unusually tasty is the baked carp stuffed with mushrooms. To prepare it, you need to prepare: one large carp, a pound of mushrooms, two onions, two carrots, one lemon, salt, sour cream, spices and vegetable oil. Carp is cleaned, gutted. The upper fins are cut with scissors, the gills are carefully removed from the head.

The head should not be cut off, as the fish will be baked whole. After that, the carp is thoroughly washed, dried and rubbed inside and out with spices and salt. Then, fish are laid aside and vegetables are cooked. Onions are peeled, washed and cut into large half rings. Carrots - peeled, washed and grated (it is better to use a coarse grater).

Mushrooms are also washed and cut (not very finely). After that, lightly fry vegetables in vegetable oil, add mushrooms and stew until half cooked. In the process of stewing, vegetables are salted and sprinkled with pepper to taste. When the vegetables are ready, they should be slightly cooled and you can start stuffing the carp.

First, the fish should be coated with sour cream from the inside, and then filled with stuffing. To prevent the filling from falling out, the abdomen is sewn up with threads or chipped off with toothpicks. Thus, the juice will not flow out and the carp will turn out more juicy. After that, several transverse cuts are made on the back, the carp is coated with sour cream, and lemon circles are put into the cuts.

Bake the fish at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees. The finished carp is carefully removed from the baking sheet, transferred to a dish and toothpicks or threads are removed. For decoration, you can use fresh herbs and vegetables.

For the festive table, carp with sweet and sour sauce is also suitable. This dish is considered traditional in Chinese cuisine. To prepare it, you will need a large carp (two or two and a half kilograms), the white part of a leek - two pieces, red onion - one head, one hundred and fifty grams of oyster mushrooms, two carrots, half a jar of green peas, two cloves of garlic, three eggs, root fresh ginger (three centimeters), ten milliliters of dry white wine, fifteen grams of starch, salt, vegetable oil.

Carp is gutted, scales are removed. Fins, head and tail are not cut off. After that, the fish is thoroughly washed and dried. Then, several not very deep cuts are made on the sides to rub the meat from the inside with salt. After that, a little bit of wine is poured into the incisions and the carp is set aside to marinate for fifteen minutes.

A baking sheet is covered with parchment, lightly oiled and put carp on it. In a separate bowl, beat raw eggs with starch. The resulting mixture is brushed over the fish. The oven is heated to one hundred and sixty degrees and the fish is baked for about an hour and a half.

Then the finished carp is taken out of the oven and the onion, ginger and garlic are taken out of it - they will no longer be needed. The onion is cut into four parts, ginger - into strips. Then the carp is stuffed with ginger, onion and garlic cloves. Leek is thoroughly washed and cut into large pieces, six centimeters long.

Carrots are cut into strips. Mushrooms are cut into large pieces. Oil is poured into the pan, heated and fried for four minutes mushrooms with carrots. Then peas, leeks are added to them and fried for another three minutes.

To make the sauce, combine soy sauce, water, and vinegar in a saucepan. Add tomato paste and some sugar. Bring to a boil. Starch is diluted with water and added to the sauce. Boil for six minutes. Half of the sauce is poured into the vegetables, and the other half is poured over the carp.

The recipes described above will undoubtedly appeal to every lover of fish dishes. They can be served as a side dish or as an independent dish. Any recipe can be used for the holiday menu.
