What is the difference between hot hair extensions and cold hair extensions? Let’s compare both methods. Difference between hot and cold smoking

We've probably tried everything smoked products. It can be meat, fish, poultry: despite distinctive features, there is something special in all smoked products, inherent only to them. Some say that this is a smell, others consider it “that” unique smoked taste, but one thing is clear - smoked products are different from all other types food processing. What is smoking and how does cold smoking differ from hot smoking?

Smoking is a method of preparing food in which the main effect occurs through smoke. Sawdust and wood chips that are thrown into the smokehouse produce smoke, which saturates the food with volatile substances released when it occurs. Products prepared by smoking can be stored much longer than those that have been fried or stewed. It is for this reason that earlier, before the advent of refrigerators, preference was given to smoking - it helped keep food fresh and prevented it from spoiling.

Currently, there are two main methods of smoking products: hot smoking and cold smoking. Each of these methods has its own positive and negative sides. Which one to choose (cold or hot smoking) is decided by each individual.

At first glance, the difference between hot and, as the name suggests, is temperature conditions. However, in addition to temperature, there is also such a parameter as cooking duration.

Hot smoking requires at least a temperature of 60 to 120 degrees and 3-5 hours of time, depending on the volume and weight of the products. For cold smoking, you need much more low temperature, which ranges from 18 to 30 degrees, while the cooking time sometimes exceeds 2.5-3 days.

You can smoke products both in “classic” smokehouses and using small electric models, using a special flavor called “” instead of natural sawdust.”

What to choose: hot or cold smoking?

It is clear that both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, just as they have their supporters and opponents. Before answering the question “which method to choose, hot or cold smoking,” you should understand what kind of result you expect. If you want something more delicate, then products are better suited, while for lovers of “vigorous” smoked meats with a pronounced taste and aroma, cold smoked products are suitable.

From the point of view of technical execution, it also has its own distinctive features. Speaking of preparation, hot smoking is definitely simpler. Hot smoking, compared to cold smoking, takes much less time; It also takes less time to prepare meat, fish or other products. After hot smoking, the products can be eaten immediately. Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the short shelf life of products, which is only 7-9 days, and the temperature should not exceed 5 degrees. But the shelf life of cold smoked products is about two to three weeks, and the temperature range is wider, from 0 to +12 degrees.

To summarize all of the above, which method is preferable? It seems that the answer to the question is still ambiguous, and everyone will choose for themselves, based on individual taste preferences.

How to store it correctly?

In any case, it is important to understand that for products, not only the method of preparing the products plays an important role, but also the method of storage. After all, a large amount of food is often smoked at once, and it is physically impossible to eat it at one time, and you also want to save it for several times.

So, for example, with hot smoking, the shelf life of products is no more than 4 days, and the reason for this is that the product becomes perishable. But if you wish, you can increase the lifespan of the food if you store it in a well-salted cloth. To do this, just make a solution by mixing 1 glass of water and 2 tbsp. salt, mix thoroughly and place a cotton cloth in it. Keep the cloth in the solution for 15 minutes, remove, squeeze out and wrap the smoked product. Store at a temperature from 0 to +5-6 degrees maximum.

As for cold smoking, things are a little different. Products prepared in a cold smoked smokehouse can be stored for up to 3-4 weeks, and even longer in the refrigerator: up to 3 months.

Also, for storing smoked products, there are a number of simple rules that are recommended to be followed:

  1. Before storing food, you need to wait for it to cool down. Do not put meat or fish in the refrigerator if they are still hot or warm.
  2. Do not store smoked products in areas where there is a high level of humidity, as humidity creates a microclimate that promotes the development and spread of numerous types of fungus and mold. The product spoiled in this way becomes covered with a whitish coating and acquires an unpleasant odor.
  3. Products that, for one reason or another, have begun to smell unpleasant are also not recommended for consumption. Unfortunately, this happens to a large extent due to improper storage conditions, so if this fact is discovered, you need to stop using them. If the product is suspicious in terms of smell, you need to cut off a small piece and smell it from the inside - most often, the reason unpleasant odor lies within, not without.

By following these simple rules, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from consuming low-quality products and threatening your health. In addition, following storage rules will help keep food fresh, aromatic and very tasty longer.

To maintain your health and enrich your diet, you should choose cold smoked products, despite the significant time investment.

Features of hot smoking

This method is most common among smoked fish lovers, as it allows not only to improve taste qualities product, but also to make it softer and juicier. The main difference between hot and cold smoking technology is temperature. When using this method, it ranges from 45-125 degrees, but sometimes it can reach up to 150 degrees. The process itself takes on average from 40 minutes to 1.5-2 hours, but often the procedure lasts up to 24 hours.
After completion, the products acquire a beautiful golden hue - this is also one of the distinctive features of this method.

Food prepared using the hot smoking method does not require drying or drying - it is immediately suitable for consumption, which cannot be said about the cold smoking method.

Features of cold smoking

When using this technology, food requires additional preparation - for example, salting. Salting fish in in this case may take from two days to two weeks. Cold smoking occurs at a temperature of 30 degrees and takes a fairly long period of time. In some cases, it can take a month or even more, but most often the process takes from three to five days.
Products during cold smoking are preserved mainly by drying. The smoke of a smoldering fire only fills them with an excellent aroma, giving special taste and piquancy. The color of fish smoked in this way will be from light beige to brown.

This smoking method is widely used in the preparation of sausages, as well as oily fish(salmon, mackerel), as it allows you to maintain the density of the product (in some cases even increase it). When cut, such a product will not crumble and fall apart, and the meat will be quite difficult to separate from the bones.

Which way is better?

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. If we talk about the technical side of the process, then the hot smoking method definitely has more advantages. It takes much less time, including the preparation of raw materials. When using it, you do not need to wait several days to taste delicious smoked fish. In addition, you can eat the food immediately after the process is completed.
One of the disadvantages is the short shelf life of such a product. It lasts only a week at temperatures no higher than five degrees.
The cold smoking method, although it takes much longer, nevertheless also has its advantages. The most important of them is the preservation of all vitamins and benefits for human body substances. When using this method, there is no strong thermal impact. It is thanks to this that food prepared in this way contains the maximum amount of various mineral and vitamin components.
Another advantage of cold smoking is that it is more long term storage It lasts about two weeks, and throughout this entire period of time, food retains everything beneficial features. Products prepared using this method should also be stored in the refrigerator (at a temperature of 0 to +5 degrees).
So which of these two methods is better? The answer to this question is clear.

Meat or fish turns out very tasty if smoked. This processing of products is carried out hot or cold. The cooking process proceeds differently in each case, which, in turn, affects the result.

About technology in general

Smoking food means treating it with smoke for a certain period of time. In this case, a double effect occurs. Firstly, food acquires a specific taste, unlike any other. Secondly, the product becomes resistant to spoilage for some time, since it is impregnated with special preservative smoke components and is partially deprived of moisture.

The fact that products last longer after exposure to smoke was noticed a long time ago. However, initially people resorted to smoking out of necessity. This process made it possible to take with them a fairly large supply of provisions when it was necessary to go on a long journey. Otherwise, one could only hope for a successful hunt or fishing on the road. Nowadays, smoking is used mostly to add pleasant variety to your table.


In each case, the food is placed in a confined space filled with smoke from smoldering fuel. But in a device for hot smoking, conditions are created under which smoke enters the product simultaneously with heat. As a result, the fish or pieces of meat are also baked.

Cold smoking involves impregnating food with smoke at a much lower temperature. This is achieved by moving them away from the source. The process is very similar to withering, which is accompanied by evaporation from pieces or carcasses large quantity moisture. But when smoked, they are additionally saturated with a spicy smoky aroma. At the same time, due to the absence of intense heat, the food does not lose its beneficial components.

It is worth noting that fundamental difference The difference between hot smoking and cold smoking lies in the duration of processing of the products. How long does it take hot way preparations? As a rule, several hours. However, it all depends on what exactly is being smoked. Sometimes the desired result can be achieved only after a day, in other cases, not even an hour has passed before the appetizing food is ready for consumption. For example, small fish smokes very quickly.

At cold processed You will have to wait quite a long time for the product to be ready for culinary preparation. One day may not be enough, especially if very large pieces meat. In general, the entire process associated with cold smoking is quite lengthy and labor-intensive, since it also includes a preparatory stage.

We are talking about the need to pre-salt meat or fish, which is done in order to prevent bacteria from developing at low smoking temperatures. Before being treated with smoke, the slices or carcasses are then soaked (to remove excess salt) and dried in a ventilated area. There is no need to do all this if you plan to implement hot processing raw materials.

By the way, the use of smoke low temperature perfect for making sausages. After all, it is cold smoking that allows you to obtain dense products that do not fall apart at the touch of a knife. At the same time, as a result of hot smoking, the food turns out softened, melting in the mouth.

What is the difference between hot and cold smoking, if you look at the question from the point of view of the shelf life of the prepared products? It should be noted here that brisket or legs smoked using the hot method will not last long, since they cook relatively quickly and are slightly saturated with smoke. But, let’s say, ham, which was in the smoke for a long time during cold smoking, will not soon deteriorate and at the same time will retain all its beneficial and taste properties.

Differences between warm and cold glazing

What is the difference between warm and cold glazing of balconies and loggias?

Glazing a balcony or loggia is not only an increase in the usable area of ​​your apartment, but also an improvement in the comfort of such a room. The resulting “extra” room can be used as a work office, a relaxation area, or a place for storing various things and canned products. If you approach the glazed balcony in a more extravagant way, then in this part of the apartment you can set up a winter garden or make a gym. Of course, if the footage “allows” it...

There are two types of balcony glazing: cold And warm glazing. What is their difference from each other?

Cold glazing

Cold glazing - This installation of frames from aluminum profiles . Lightweight and durable aluminum windows do not put a load on the balcony structure. These windows use five-millimeter double-glazed windows. For ease of use, such frames are made sliding, and to save space they do remote window sill, - in a word, best option suitable for small balconies.

Advantages of cold glazing :

The cost of cold glazing is cheaper than warm glazing;
Can be used on all types of loggias and balconies;
Good protection from noise and dust;
This design has higher fire resistance, strength and durability;
Additional heaters can be installed in a room with such glazing.

Disadvantages of cold glazing :

At cold glazing frame do not contain double-glazed windows, and therefore replacing glass is a more labor-intensive process;
At cold glazing occurs large heat losses. Use a balcony with such glazing in autumn and winter not too comfortable.

Warm glazing

Warm glazing uses frames based on PVC profiles. Previously, they were used for these purposes double glazed windows, but today there are glazing options without this design. After installing the frames, they are insulated. Particular attention is paid to location under And above warm glazing frames.

Advantages of warm glazing :

Low heat loss;
High level noise and heat insulation;
Strength and durability of the structure;
When used in frame construction double-glazed windows, can be used multi-chamber glazing.

Disadvantages of warm glazing :

The weight of the frames is higher than when using cold glazing;
Less light clearance;
High price;
Reducing the usable area of ​​the balcony.

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the process of choosing the type of balcony glazing. It is important to choose the right company that will carry out this work.

Warm glazing of loggias and balconies is a responsible matter that must be approached with the utmost care and seriousness. It is very important to correctly calculate the width of each tilt-and-turn or rotary sash, since the opening sash may rest against the wall and, if moved awkwardly, can knock out the glass in the adjacent sash. In the upcoming project, it is necessary to take into account the further implementation of finishing, while calculating the necessary indents and gaps.

Most often, the project plans open balconies and loggias, but no one can forbid you to insulate and protect your apartment with glazing. Perhaps in old houses this will cause difficulty, since the additional load may lead to some damage to the facade; in these cases, the structures will first have to be strengthened. Glazing balconies does not equate to redevelopment of an apartment, therefore it is not considered any violation of the rules.

The need to glaze balconies and loggias becomes obvious after a short stay in an apartment with these open spaces. First of all, an aggressive external environment can destroy the internal coatings of balconies and lead to corrosion of metal fittings. Also unfavorable is the penetration of street dust and noise into the room, as well as large heat losses, especially in winter period. And after glazing the balconies, even the microclimate in the apartment improves, which has a positive effect on human health and condition.

Company " Estoc» specializes in glazing balconies. In Moscow, such a need has appeared a long time ago, but even now it does not lose its popularity. People strive to improve their living conditions by creating a comfortable environment in their apartment.

warm " And " cold cold Warm

For high-quality and reliable glazing installation, we recommend contacting the company " Estoc" Here, the best specialists, using new technologies and special equipment, are able to complete your order in the shortest possible time.

We offer glazing of balconies at the best prices!

Most often, the project plans open balconies and loggias, but no one can forbid you to insulate and protect your apartment with glazing. Perhaps in old houses this will cause difficulty, since the additional load may lead to some damage to the facade; in these cases, the structures will first have to be strengthened. Glazing balconies does not equate to redevelopment of an apartment, therefore it is not considered any violation of the rules.

The need to glaze balconies and loggias becomes obvious after a short stay in an apartment with these open spaces. First of all, an aggressive external environment can destroy the internal coatings of balconies and lead to corrosion of metal fittings. Also unfavorable is the penetration of street dust and noise into the room, as well as large heat losses, especially in winter. And after glazing the balconies, even the microclimate in the apartment improves, which has a positive effect on human health and condition.

Company " Estoc» specializes in glazing balconies. In Moscow, such a need has appeared a long time ago, but even now it does not lose its popularity. People strive to improve their living conditions by creating a comfortable environment in their apartment.

Most often, the project plans open balconies and loggias, but no one can forbid you to insulate and protect your apartment with glazing. Perhaps in old houses this will cause difficulty, since the additional load may lead to some damage to the facade; in these cases, the structures will first have to be strengthened. Glazing balconies does not equate to redevelopment of an apartment, therefore it is not considered any violation of the rules.

The need to glaze balconies and loggias becomes obvious after a short stay in an apartment with these open spaces. First of all, an aggressive external environment can destroy the internal coatings of balconies and lead to corrosion of metal fittings.

The penetration of street dust and noise into the room, as well as large heat losses, especially in winter, are also unfavorable. And after glazing the balconies, even the microclimate in the apartment improves, which has a positive effect on human health and condition.

There are two methods of glazing - “ warm " And " cold " For minimal protection of the apartment from weather conditions and increased sound insulation, “ cold » a method that requires less money and time for installation. " Warm » the method provides more enhanced thermal protection, which ensures a comfortable stay on the loggia or balcony, regardless of the air temperature outside the window. And also do not forget about additional processes that accompany the work, such as sealing. If there are gaps or cracks between the frames and walls, they are filled with special foam or other sealants. Well-executed sealing prevents moisture from penetrating inside and improves the thermal insulation of the room. Order glazing of balconies from our company!

For high-quality and reliable glazing installation, we recommend contacting our company " Estoc ».

There are two main ways to smoke meat and fish: cold and hot. Let's compare them.


The main difference between the technologies follows from their name: cold smoking takes place at a low temperature - from +18 to +25℃, and hot smoking at a temperature from +45℃ to +95℃, depending on the recipe.

Consequence different temperatures smoking is that when cold the protein does not coagulate (does not denature, remains essentially “raw”). When hot, it curls up and turns out baked. Hot smoked products are also called cooking.

Salting duration

Accordingly, if we want to prepare a cold smoked product, then it must be suitable for food both before and after smoking, since it is not subjected to heat treatment. Therefore, raw materials for cold smoking are usually salted or marinated longer than for hot smoking.

Cold smoking of a product is giving the product new taste properties and increasing shelf life due to natural smoke preservation.

Example 1: Cold and hot smoking of mackerel

Mackerel for cold smoking is salted on average for 2 days, while for hot smoking it is enough to salt it for 3 hours in a salt solution (brine) with a density of 1.18 kg/m3 (i.e. 18 kg of salt per 100 liters of water).

Example 2: Cold and hot smoking pork

For hot smoking, a pork neck or shoulder needs to be salted for 2-3 days, while for cold smoking - up to 5 days (if an injector and massager are used, the meat preparation process is reduced by 3-4 times).

Cold and hot smoking time

The fact is that smoke settles on the product differently, depending on the temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster the product smokes, and the faster it loses weight. That is why in restaurants hot smoked mackerel is made at a temperature of 200℃ in just 10 minutes; the cook does not care about weight loss (the client buys the type, not the weight), but it needs to be smoked quickly.

Example 1: In Izhitsa-GK, hot smoked mackerel will be ready in 1.5 hours at a smoking temperature of up to +85℃ in the chamber (the temperature in the body of the product is up to +69℃)

Example 2: A piece of hot smoked pork will be ready in 1.5-2.5 hours (depending on the size of the piece), also at a temperature of +85℃ in the chamber (the temperature in the body of the product is up to +71℃).

Using traditional way cold smoking, which some of us use to smoke meat or fish in the country, the cooking time can be up to 48 hours (2 days).

When using modern equipment for natural smoking with the help of electronic wind, the cold smoking time is reduced to 1.5 hours.

Thus, when using modern technologies, hot and cold smoking times are approximately the same.


The shelf life of cold and hot smoked products is also different. Cold smoked products are stored longer than hot smoked products.

Example 1: Cold smoked mackerel is stored at a temperature of -8℃ for up to 2 months, while hot smoked mackerel is stored at the same temperature for up to 2 weeks.

Example 2: Pork neck cold smoked pork can be stored for up to 3 months, while hot smoked pork can be stored for up to 3 weeks 0 - +4.



If we compare the profit from the production of cold and hot smoked fish, it is comparable. Hot smoked products have a shorter shelf life, but are salted faster.

Traditionally, smoking shops that specialize in fish start with cold smoking and drying (since in one chamber of Izhitsa-SV you can dry and dry fish before and after smoking). This is due to the fact that cold smoked fish is stored longer. This is especially important until the workshop reaches a stable sales volume.

But as soon as the smoking industry has stable sales, sales volume can be increased not only with the help of new customers, but also by expanding the range, namely with the help of hot smoked products.

An important advantage of hot smoked fish is that when defrosted, 3-5% of carcasses appear with torn skin or belly. Such raw materials are no worse than the rest, but their presentation is no longer suitable for the production of cold smoked products, for which the surface must be ideal. Such carcasses are used either for slicing or for various hot-smoked products, such as smoked mackerel or pink salmon turtles, smoked nuts from mackerel, etc.

There is also a whole list of fish that are deliciously hot smoked. These are the following types of fish: sea ​​bass, sea rooster, pike perch, greenling, bream, horse mackerel, catfish.


Butchers, on the contrary, usually start with the production of boiled-smoked pork or chicken, because... These products are very popular among Russians, and the salting and smoking process is quite simple. The smoking technology can be quickly adjusted and achieved a good sales volume.

With the advent of the Izhitsa-1200 smoking installation, it became possible to start a smoking business with cold smoked meat. It is considered a delicacy and costs more than hot smoked meat. By producing even 20 kg of such products per day, production will already be profitable.

A little theory about smoked meat, it is divided into four groups:

  • Cold smoked meat - at temperatures up to +25℃. It is smoked in two stages, 1 run for 1 hour, after which it settles in an air-conditioned room with a temperature from +12 to +16℃ for 12 hours, then smoked again for 1 hour.
  • Hot smoked meat is a classic. It is smoked with a gradual rise in temperature to 85-95 degrees C until the temperature inside the piece reaches +71℃. Time 1.5 - 2 hours.
  • The meat is boiled and smoked, i.e. During the cooking process, in addition to smoking (50 minutes), the meat is boiled with steam (up to a temperature of 70 degrees inside the piece). This approach allows you to significantly reduce losses during smoking, because The steam prevents the meat from drying out as the temperature inside the piece of meat rises. Smoking takes place at a temperature of +50℃, cooking at a temperature of +85℃ in a chamber.
  • Smoked and baked meat - the product is placed in an already heated chamber with a temperature of 85-95 degrees. Then the product is smoked at this temperature until the temperature inside the piece reaches 72 degrees

Smoked sausage:

  • Boiled-smoked sausage
  • Raw smoked sausage
  • Dried sausage
  • Boiled sausage

Smoked rolls:

  • Boiled-smoked
  • boiled

These basic technologies are suitable for smoking almost all varieties and types of meat: beef, pork, lard, horse meat, boiled smoked sausages, chicken, duck, goose, rabbit, quail, etc. You can change them to suit your own taste preferences, mix wood chips from different tree species to give a unique aroma, add a sprig of juniper at the end of smoking, experiment with salting spices, etc. - there is a wide field for creativity here. You can start with the basics and improve it with your own ideas.


What to do, where to start, what direction to choose, everyone decides for themselves. It is important to learn how to make a tasty product, be it meat, fish or poultry. Delicious product There's always not enough. Store shelves everywhere are filled with consumer goods from large factories. Your product should taste better, then your business will develop and prosper.
