Ring with cottage cheese cream - chad

Beloved by many custard ring. Often they complain that at home the curd cream does not turn out the way it should. I met recipes with condensed milk, and with sugar, and with store-bought curd mass. Delicious, but not the same.
In fact, everything is very simple and, most importantly, very typical for catering establishments. For these rings, cottage cheese is mixed ... with butter cream. in half. In the simplest version, the cream is made from butter and powdered sugar, but cream with the addition of condensed milk has a more pleasant taste. It is with whipped butter cream that the filling turns out to be tender, not cloying and just like it should be.
And I will not fail to say a few words about sugar and powdered sugar. Remember that sugar does not dissolve in butter. And if you pour sugar into the cream, not powder, it will crunch unpleasantly on your teeth. That is why powder is either added to the cream, or syrup is boiled from sugar (with milk and / or eggs). This also applies to vanilla sugar, if you use it - you need to grind it in a mortar before adding it to the cream.
Choux pastry is made according to, traditionally the rings are deposited through a notched nozzle, then powdered sugar falls on them very beautifully. Nozzle diameter 10-15mm.

15 pieces
200g flour
100g butter
180g water
a pinch of salt 2g
300g eggs (5 large ones)

320 g cottage cheese
175g butter
90g powdered sugar
65g condensed milk
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
1 tbsp cognac or dessert wine

powdered sugar for sprinkling

Prepare the dough as directed. Transfer to a bag with a 10-15 mm diameter toothed tip, deposit the rings on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Bake at 220C for 15 minutes, then at 180C for 25 minutes. Cool down.

Prepare cream. Beat softened butter with icing sugar and crushed vanilla sugar until white. Add condensed milk in several portions, whisking thoroughly at maximum speed. At the end, add cognac.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve into the finished cream.

Cut the rings and fill them with cream. It can be from a bag, you can just use a spoon.

Sprinkle with powder.

But before you eat - cool well!
