When to salt cabbage according to folk wisdom? What are the favorable days for sauerkraut?

  • In November 2016, the waxing moon from October 30 to November 14

  • Full Moon - November 14

The most favorable days for salting cabbage are from November 1 to November 13. However, at this time it is quite difficult not to guess with the pickling of cabbage, because... It is in October-November that the quality of the pickled cabbage itself is at its best and no matter what the moon is, it will be difficult to spoil the cabbage. Perhaps it is advisable to exclude only the full moon.

  • In December 2016, the waxing moon is from December 14 to December 29

  • The full moon will be on December 29th

The most favorable days when it is better to salt and ferment cabbage are in December - from December 16 to December 28. Let's prepare delicious and crunchy cabbage snacks for the New Year's table!


To prepare cabbage for the winter in the classic way Vegetables (cabbage and carrots) need to be cut into thin strips and sprinkled with salt at the rate of 10 grams of salt per kilogram of vegetables. The cabbage and carrots should be mixed thoroughly, but do not crush them with your hands - this may cause the vegetables to become too soft. Then put the future sauerkraut in suitable container as tightly as possible, and place oppression on top - a plate or wooden circle, on which a load is placed on top. The weight of the load must be at least 10% of the weight of the vegetables. That is, when pickling 10 kilograms of cabbage, you will need a weight of one kilogram.

After some time, the vegetables will give juice, which should completely cover the cabbage. If this does not happen, the oppression weight should be increased. Cabbage is pickled when room temperature. All foam from the brine must be removed.

Carbon dioxide will accumulate in the container with cabbage, which is produced by bacteria involved in the fermentation process. To remove this gas, you need to pierce the vegetables to the bottom every day with a long wooden knitting needle or skewer.

After 3 days, a maximum of a week, the cabbage will be ready. It should be placed in clean jars and stored in the refrigerator. If the top layer of vegetables has acquired an unappetizing brown tint, it is better to throw away these spoiled leaves.

In addition to carrots, you can also use other additives when salting cabbage:

  • Apples, preferably sour and fragrant. Fruit adds to cabbage delicate aroma and speed up the cooking process. Apples are usually cut into thin slices, the core must be removed;

  • Cranberry. Sour berries speed up the cooking process, give the finished product a decorative appearance, and improve its aroma;

  • Garlic. A few cloves are enough per kilogram of cabbage. Garlic can be cut into thin slices or crushed. Gives cabbage a pungency and piquant smell;

  • Horseradish. Horseradish cut into thin strips makes cabbage pieces denser and crispier, adds spiciness, and increases the shelf life of cabbage;

  • Dill. Both stems and inflorescences (“umbrellas”) of dill are suitable. Gives cabbage a pleasant aroma;

  • Caraway. Used to flavor cabbage;

  • Bell pepper. Multi-colored pieces peppers look very attractive, in addition, they enrich the cabbage with vitamins and minerals, give it a pleasant smell;

  • Hot peppers. Gives the preparation piquancy and sharpness. Use hot peppers should be done with caution;

  • Beet. Root vegetables fermented together with cabbage color the preparation a pleasant bright pink hue. In addition, beets give cabbage a delicate sweetish flavor;

  • Ginger root. Used to give cabbage exotic aroma and wit. Usually cut into thin slices;

  • Coriander, anise, allspice, bay leaf and other spices. They are used to flavor cabbage and give the preparation an original smell and taste.

  • Bon appetit!!!

No matter how simple they are sauerkraut there are recipes in the jars, but, unfortunately, not everyone turns out this dish the way it should be, and the way the hostess herself expects. And why? Because even this business has its secrets. Which? We'll tell you. They are all simple, but very important.

No matter how strange it may sound, yes, the timing of cooking is important. Some people never even think about it, but why? After all, it’s no secret that in our time only beginners and non-professionals in the dacha business do not use the lunar planting calendar to work in the garden. There is one for every year, month and day. It was compiled in ancient times, and it is still important today.

The moon affects everything on our planet and, of course, plants. So, if we need a harvest from a crop that bears fruit on the surface of the soil, then we plant everything on the waxing moon; if we expect a harvest in the soil, then on the waning moon. But there are also separate days, and not just phases, that recommend sowing certain crops, cultivating them, and doing various work related to them.

All these subtleties not only lead to a good harvest, growth, development, but also to storage. Why is it that some people keep everything wonderfully until the new season, while their neighbors, in equal conditions, don’t have a single harvest, and what they have is impossible to preserve. Yes, the lunar calendar plays an important role here.

You will find a calendar for when to ferment cabbage in October and other months in our article. Every year, use it for all matters that, in one way or another, are related to the garden, harvest and preparations. Your secret will help solve many problems. And it’s better to never do anything during a full moon. Rest or do other things.

So, when to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar:

  • September is the most favorable time - this is the waxing moon phase from the 10th to the 16th. Unfavorable days are the 9th and 26th. The full moon is September 25th;
  • October – the first ten days of the month from the 2nd to the 8th. The full moon will also be on the 24th. Not favorable days for pickling - October 25-29;
  • November – 8-13th. Full moon - November 23rd. Unfavorable days November 24-30;
  • December – 4th-5th are favorable for salting. Full moon - December 22.

As you can see, the phases of the moon for fermenting cabbage coincide with the recommendations for planting the crop and always fall on the waxing moon. During these dates, juices will be actively flowing, fermentation will proceed better, and accordingly, the cabbage will be tastier, juicier, and cooking will take a minimum of time.


Housewives begin fermenting in September and finish just before the New Year. But we advise you not only to use the dates of the lunar calendar, but also to ferment cabbage better in the first months after harvest, when the heads of cabbage are the most juicy.

Cabbage varieties for fermentation

We have already told you above what kind of cabbage can be fermented - the one that has been recently harvested. But there is one more important nuance, why many people fail to get the expected taste and crunch. It's a matter of varieties. For sourdough, always use only late varieties, which form the harvest by autumn. All varieties are early and medium ripening and should be eaten fresh throughout the summer and fall. And ferment the late varieties. Therefore, when you choose varieties for sowing as seedlings or buy seedlings, take care of this in advance.

If you buy cabbage at the market, do not forget to tell the seller that you need cabbage for pickling. Then you will always get very tasty sauerkraut. But that's not all. It is also important that the cabbage for pickling is dense, the leaves are crisp and not frozen.


It is better to take one large head of cabbage for pickling than two small ones. After all, this way you will have much less waste.

Conditions for fermenting cabbage

It sounds ambiguous. You may ask that in order to make such a simple dish, what conditions are also needed? Of course, because if your house is very hot, then all processes will happen much faster, the cabbage will ferment quickly, it will only take 2-3 days. If it's cool, the process may take 2-3 times longer. Therefore, there is no clear answer to the question of how long to ferment cabbage at room temperature, because it is different for everyone. But best option– this is 18-22 degrees. This cabbage will be ready in 5-7 days and will retain a lot of vitamin C.

If you don’t pay attention to this, it’s easy to overcook the food and that’s it – there won’t be any crunch, and the cabbage may also turn sour, since for many people the temperature at home can reach more than 30 degrees. Below 15 degrees all processes slow down, so you will need more days.

There is also one more tip. Until the fermentation process is complete, which can be seen by the absence of bubbles, it is better to put the jars in the refrigerator. This way, the cabbage will not spread and will remain crispy.

So, let’s summarize how many days to ferment cabbage:

  • at a temperature of 25-27 degrees - 2-3 days and leave in the refrigerator;
  • at temperatures up to 25 degrees – about 5 days;
  • at temperatures below 15-17 degrees – 7-10 days.

Again, you must monitor the process, do not forget to pierce the cabbage every day so that the gas comes out. The less foam and bubbles remain, the closer the process is to completion. To avoid overcooking, put the jars in the refrigerator.

From practice, let's get down to business. And below you can find an interesting and very delicious recipe, how to ferment cabbage at home in three-liter jars.

Recipe for delicious sauerkraut with carrots and apples

We will need:

  • cabbage – 10 kg;
  • carrots – 400-500 grams;
  • apples - 10 medium pieces;
  • salt – 200 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons, more according to your taste.

In 2019, as in any other year, it is worth preparing more sauerkraut. Each housewife has her own secrets for preparing it, but the vegetable should be fermented on certain days, which are indicated in the lunar calendar.

Basic rules for pickling

What rules will you have to follow when preparing cabbage? There are several of them, and All of them are required:

  • It is better to take late varieties of cabbage.
  • The heads of cabbage should be dense.
  • The stalks must be cut out.
  • Chop the vegetable into very thin strips.
  • It is fermented only on the waxing moon.
  • To make the cabbage crispy, horseradish leaves are added to it.
  • If you don't love table vinegar, you can replace it with apple or aspirin, or lemon juice.
  • As for the amount of salt required, everything is very simple - compact the chopped vegetable in a jar and apply salt over its entire area, this will be enough.
  • Do not use iodized salt, otherwise the cabbage will be tasteless.

These rules will help you properly prepare vegetables for the winter.

When to salt cabbage in 2019

Some housewives wonder why they can't do it tasty dish. It's simple - they salt the cabbage at the wrong time. And when proper salting The vegetable will not only be tasty, but will also be stored for a long time - up to 7 months.

The most unfavorable period for pickling is the full moon. If you work with cabbage at this time, it will turn out tasteless, soft, and quickly spoil. During the full moon, you should not preserve other foods, with the exception of beets. You should not ferment anything even when the Moon is in Cancer, Pisces and Virgo.

Sauerkraut according to the lunar calendar (video)

The best option is to harvest vegetables on the waning moon, preferably on the 3rd or 6th day after the new moon. It will be great if you ferment cabbage during the waxing moon in Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus or Leo. This way the product will be crispy and will be stored for a long time. Important! You should also take the vegetable to the table in the indicated signs!

There is an opinion that cabbage should be harvested only 10 days after the first frost. This mainly happens in October or November. This remark is due to the fact that during these periods the acid turns into sugar, so the cabbage turns out very tasty.

One more thing, if you ferment vegetables in tubs, do not open them often, otherwise the preparation will dry out. If we talk about days of the week, better days for performing work are: Thursday, Tuesday and Monday.

Delicious sauerkraut recipe

Before you start preparing vegetables, you need to put in order the container in which it will actually be stored. To begin with, the barrel, if you have chosen it, needs to be washed thoroughly using a brush and laundry soap, then filled with water for several days. clean water. It is necessary to take into account that it will not be possible to wash out all the crap at once; it will settle in the water, so dirty water must be changed.

After the preliminary manipulations have been completed, you can begin preparing the “decoction” - water with the addition of fragrant herbs- in order to then pour it into a barrel. It is recommended to cover the container with a canvas cloth, and to cook the cabbage, leave it for 12 hours.

So, let's look at the recipe for pickling vegetables. For everything to work out perfectly, you should:

  • Take a special cleaver for shredding cabbage and chop it.
  • Place in a clean container, for example a basin, and add a generous handful of salt (coarse salt will do) and the same amount of granulated sugar.
  • Now you can start adding supplements. Add what you like: carrots, onions, cranberries or aromatic herbs.
  • Then you need to thoroughly rub everything with your bare hands, mash it, slightly squeezing out the juice.
  • If you don't want cabbage orange color, carrots should be cut by hand.
  • The entire resulting mixture remains to be sent to the barrel and lightly compacted.

In order for the cabbage to “breathe”, i.e. To prevent air from accumulating and causing it to ferment, you need to make several holes in the workpiece along the entire length of the barrel. Readiness is verified experimentally.

Lunar calendar for sauerkraut in 2019: favorable and unfavorable days

According to lunar calendar, cabbage preparations should be made on certain days. This is the only way it will turn out crispy, with a pronounced pleasant aroma. Let's consider which periods are the most favorable and unfavorable for carrying out work.

Month of the year Favorable days Unfavorable days
January from 3.01-7.01, from 18.01-26.01, 28.01, 30.01, 31.01 from 10.01-14.01
February from 1.02-06.02, from 14.02-20.02, from 24.02-28.02 from 9.02 -13.02
March 1.03, 3.03, 05.03, 07.03, from 16.03 - 24.03, 26.03, from 28.03 - 30.03 from 9.03-13.03
April from 01.04-4.04, from 15.04.-30.04 5.04, 06.04, 10.04- 12.04
September from 09.09 - 10.09, from 21.09 - 23.09, from 28.09 - 30.09 from 5.09 - 07.09, from 18.09 - 20.09
October from 08.10 - 12.10, from 18.10 - 22.10, 22.10, 24.10, 25.10 from 3.10 - 7.10, from 16.10 - 17.10, 30.10 - 31.10
November 8.11, from 14.11 - 15.11, from 17.11 - 20.11, 22.11, 24.11, 25.11 from 3.11 - 5.11, from 12.11 - 13.11, from 27.11 - 28.11
December 12.12, 14.12, 17.12, from 19.12 - 22.12, 24.12, from 26.12 - 27.12, 29.12 from 2.12 - 3.12,4.12, from 7.12 - 8.12

We ferment cabbage only according to the lunar calendar, and it turns out surprisingly tasty! You can do this too.

How and when to ferment cabbage (video)

Various signs tell us a lot. They tell a person what to do, what to do in a particular case. By following such information, you can easily complete any task, including those related to cooking and making pickles. For example, many people want to know when to salt cabbage folk signs. After all, this will help make the food really tasty, crispy and aromatic. What kind of person doesn’t like cabbage pickled with cumin or apples? This is a universal dish that can be served as a snack and used to prepare sour cabbage soup.

When, according to popular belief, should you ferment cabbage?

According to popular statements, this preparation should be done on full moon days. They can be determined by the lunar calendar. It's great if these dates fall on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. It is believed that if you follow this folk sign, pickling cabbage will be quick and easy, and the dish itself will turn out very crispy. Whether this is actually true is difficult to say. But many people say that this saying really “works” and when they sauerkraut according to this sign, it turns out more juicy and crunchy. Although, there are also those people who argue that, on the contrary, it is impossible to do salting during the full moon. This supposedly means ruining the dish. Which one to believe is unknown. There are fans of one approach and another.

If you decide to trust that cabbage should be salted during the full moon, but it is not close, and you need to prepare now, don’t be upset. There are others better days for pickling cabbage according to the instructions. These dates include the so-called “ men's days weeks." This is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. By the way, according to folk superstitions, it is considered ideal if they fall on a new moon.

On the mentioned days, you can safely practice sauerkraut. It will turn out no worse than the one that will be prepared on the full moon. Many people, by the way, prefer to wait until it falls on “men’s day” and start making preparations on that date. According to them, cabbage turns out even better than on a full moon.

Each person must decide for himself which folk one to believe. However, many families have their own traditions, including those related to pickling cabbage. Whether to use these “tips” or not is up to you to choose.

Many of our readers are interested in when to salt and ferment cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar.

It is believed that the best days for pickling cabbage are the days of the waxing moon. Therefore, the most favorable time is considered to be from November 1 to November 13.

Clarified, ripened heads of cabbage are selected for pickling. An unripe head of cabbage has dark green leaves. They are not so juicy and taste bitter.

It is better to choose locally selected varieties. Foreign selection is aimed at breeding salad vegetables and those suitable for long-term storage cabbage varieties and hybrids.

Crispy sauerkraut recipe

For brine, take 1 kg of salt per 10 liters of water. Boil the brine and cool. Finely chop the cabbage and place it in the salt solution for 2-3 minutes. Remove from the brine, mix with carrots shredded on a coarse grater and pack tightly into jars.

Leave in a warm room for two to three days. If there is not enough brine in the jar, then boil a new brine of the same concentration and add it. We close the jars with plastic lids and lower them into the cellar.
