How to make your own soap bubbles at home. Soap bubbles recipe for quick and easy preparation: the base is dishwashing liquid. Video on how to make a big soap bubble

Do you want to please your child with big soap bubbles? The ones that sell small and don’t last long? We wrote detailed instructions, how to make soap bubbles at home, having on hand the products that we always use in everyday life.

For cooking soap bubbles at home we will need:

1. Plain water (preferably distilled or boiled).

2. Dishwashing liquid (liquid).

3. Shampoo.

4. Sugar.

5. Laundry soap.

6. Glycerin (we buy it at any pharmacy, without a prescription).

7. Ammonia.

8. Straw (cocktail straw or regular straw).

Glycerol- exactly the product that makes the walls of a soap bubble stronger, and the bubble itself, accordingly, longer-lived.

Note. We use distilled water.

Sugar. A spoonful of sugar to prevent the bubbles from bursting for a long time.

Instructions -

Soap bubbles recipe.First way.

Proportion: 1/6 glycerin, 1/6 liquid dishwashing detergent, 2/3 water. Mix and blow our soap bubbles.

Soap bubbles recipe.Secondway.

Take any convenient large container (glass or bowl) and pour 300 ml. water and add 100 ml. shampoo (we use any shampoo you want). Add 2 tablespoons of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and enjoy making big soap bubbles with your own hands. There will not be very many bubbles, but large ones will fall for a long time and will not burst quickly.

Soap bubbles recipe.Thirdway.

Mix 300 ml. water, 50 ml. glycerin and 100 ml. liquid dishwashing detergent. Stir our ingredients well and admire the soap bubbles that you have prepared yourself. There will be a lot of bubbles, they quickly reach the floor and burst.

Soap bubbles recipe.Fourth way.

Take any baby shampoo or regular shampoo 200 ml. mix with 400 ml. distilled water. We leave it for a day for our solution to settle. Then add 3 tablespoons of glycerin.

Soap bubbles recipe.Fifth way.

Ber e m shampoo 100 ml. add 200 ml. warm water and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Cheap and cheerful mile bubbles at home are ready.

Soap bubbles recipe.Sixth method.

Mix 200 ml. shampoo, 200ml. shower gel, 200 ml. liquid dishwashing detergent, 100 ml. water. We get a lot big bubbles.

Soap bubbles recipe.Seventh method.

Mix intimate hygiene gel and distilled water (or plain water). You get good bubbles too.

Soap bubbles recipe.Eighth method.

Pour 300 ml into a bowl. water, add 100 ml. glycerin, 10 drops of ammonia. In a separate container, grate 50 g of laundry soap and boil over a fire so that it dissolves faster. Add it to the main solution. Mix all ingredients. The solution should sit for 2-3 days, then filter it and place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours before use. Soap bubbles prepared using this method take a lot of time, and the effect of blowing is the same as using the first method, only the bubbles take longer to burst.

Video -Shoh soap bubbles

One of the most favorite activities for any age is soap bubbles. Their recipe has long been known and is widely used by parents in order to turn a child’s everyday life into a holiday. Today on the shelves of children's stores you can find great amount all kinds of jars for inflating rainbow bubbles, but their composition is very questionable and unsafe for humans. Therefore, parents have to get sophisticated and look for instructions on how to make homemade ones so as not to harm the health of their child.

There are quite a few options using the most different ingredients to prepare the required solution. In this case, you should always strictly follow all instructions and proportions in order to make beautiful and durable soap bubbles. The recipe must be from reliable sources. Otherwise, there is a risk that nothing will work out and the children will be upset.

Main ingredients for soap solution

So, you will need the following components.

  1. Dishwashing liquid. There is no exact brand that can be singled out as the ideal option for creating a solution for soap bubbles. It's worth trying what you use every day.
  2. Soap. Economical is best suited.
  3. Water. This component should be considered carefully. The water that comes out of the tap is not always good for soap bubbles. It contains too many different salts. You should first boil it and let it sit for several hours.
  4. Glycerin solution. This is the component that is responsible for the strength, color and size of the bubble. Glycerin is sold in city pharmacies. One bottle is enough for several times. As a rule, add a teaspoon of glycerin to one liter of soap bubble solution. But there are also exceptions.

Popular recipes

Let's look at the most common options.

Recipe No. 1

The most popular and does not require special ingredients. All you need is a piece and water. These components can be found in any home. The soap should be ground on a coarse grater or cut into small pieces and dissolved in warm water. To speed up the process, the resulting mixture can be placed on low heat and stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Recipe No. 2

This is one of the most simple options how to make soap bubbles at home with children. To do this you will need: 100 g of dishwashing liquid, 300 ml of water and 50 ml of glycerin. You need to mix all the ingredients. Done, you can start entertaining the kids.

You cannot use tap water because it contains too much salt, this will negatively affect the film.

Glycerin is needed to make the bubbles strong.

Recipe No. 3

For this solution making option you will need several days.

You will need: 300 ml of hot boiled water, 150 ml of glycerin, 10 drops of ammonia, 25 g washing powder. All this must be mixed thoroughly and left alone for 2-3 days. After the time has passed, the solution must be filtered and placed in the refrigerator for 10 hours. The bubbles are very large and strong. They are no worse than those that professionals use during the holidays.

If you take the matter seriously, you can use the created liquid to create a real soap bubble show. This performance will brighten up any holiday, even if it’s an adult party; it definitely won’t be boring.

Recipe No. 4

This is an option for creating liquid to blow large bubbles.

For this you will need:

  • 1.6 liters of water;
  • 0.5 liters of dishwashing liquid;
  • 0.2 l of glycerin solution;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 100 g gelatin.

Gelatin is diluted in water and left to swell. Afterwards, it is necessary to strain and remove unnecessary liquid. Sugar is added to the gelatin, and the mixture is sent to the fire, heated until dissolved, but it should not be allowed to boil. All this is poured into water, then glycerin is added. The solution is mixed so that no foam occurs.

Quality checking

In order to evaluate whether the resulting soap solution To blow bubbles, you need to follow some simple steps. Dip the straw into the liquid. After removal, a film should form at the end of the tube. Now we need to blow.

If at the same time small bubbles fly out, which easily scatter into thousands of small droplets, then it is worth adding a little soap solution (soap, dishwashing liquid, powder, depending on the recipe) and a certain amount of glycerin.

So, by experimenting, you can achieve

Blowing tools

The solution is clear. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and maintain proportions. Now it’s worth paying attention to the fact that liquid alone is not enough to get an unforgettable experience while blowing soap bubbles.

Appropriate props for soap bubbles are also required. However, it does not have to be purchased in a store. It is enough to show your imagination and follow simple instructions.

Making giant soap bubbles

There are several options here too. Let's look at them.

Tool #1

You will need: two cocktail straws, a long cord (about 1 meter).

Manufacturing method: the lace is threaded into tubes. Its ends are tied. You need to leave about 40-50 cm between the tubes. A kind of loop on the sticks should come out.

To get a giant soap bubble, you need to lower this loop with tubes into the prepared solution. At this moment, the sticks should be as close to each other as possible. After this, the tool is removed. You need to start moving the tubes in different directions so that a film forms in the loop. After this, you should guide the structure through the air, creating a huge soap bubble that will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. The main thing is to be able to let him fly free in time.

Tool No. 2

You will need: electrical cable, cotton cloth.

Manufacturing method: a circle with a diameter of 20-30 cm is made from the cable. Its ends are fixed with an elastic band or fishing line. The fabric is cut into strips. Then you need to wrap the cable around these sections. As a result, the solution will be absorbed into them, and it will last for a long time.

The soapy liquid is poured into a basin of the appropriate size, and the resulting hoop is placed in it. The fabric is soaked in the solution. Next is a matter of technique: you need to move this tool through the air and enjoy what you get. And whatever you want can come out: several large bubbles and one giant one, and even a whole tunnel with which you can wrap yourself and put a child in it.

Tool No. 3

You will need: a cocktail tube, a wire.

Manufacturing method: the wire is attached to a tube, creating a ring. After this, it can be given the desired shape, for example, hearts or stars. In any case, there will be unusual soap bubbles. You can use any recipe for the solution.

Tool No. 4

This is the most budget-friendly and uncomplicated prop. Thanks to it, you get not huge, but quite large soap bubbles. The cost of such an invention is zero.

You will need two hands.

Blowing method: palms are placed in a soap solution. The thumbs and index fingers form a ring through which the bubbles will fly out.

What other tools can be used to blow bubbles?

The easiest way to blow is to use a regular juice straw. There can be many of them. You can take 7 or 10 tubes and secure them with tape. The result is a wonderful device for blowing a large number of bubbles at the same time.

It’s good if you happen to have a plastic carpet beater at home. It can be used in its original form, or you can remove all connections and leave only the outer rim.

A regular funnel is suitable for blowing large bubbles. If during the process it is necessary to draw more air into the lungs, then you need to close the hole with your finger so that what happens does not disappear completely.

You can use a plastic bottle after cutting off the bottom.

Of course, a special machine for soap bubbles is also suitable, which will blow them out without human help or ingenious devices. But such mechanical “blowers” ​​are expensive. At the same time, children are always interested in not only catching rainbow balls, but also taking an active part in their creation.

What's interesting to come up with?

Having figured out how to make homemade soap bubbles, we can consider various options entertainment.

Drawing with rainbow balls

How to make homemade soap bubbles is clear. After making them, you can do not only blowing, but also combine this process with the development of imagination and creative abilities in children. You can draw amazing things with soap bubbles and then add details to them and turn them into real masterpieces.

To do this, you will need not an ordinary soap solution, but a colored one, which is also very easy to make. To do this, add a few drops to the already prepared liquid for bubbles. After this, you can proceed directly to drawing. This is where a juice straw comes to the rescue again. You need to blow through it so that bubbles form on the surface of the soapy liquid. When the foam goes over the edge, carefully place it on a sheet of paper. You need to do this action with the number of colors that you want to see in the future picture.

You can make a foam cap and apply paper to the bubbles.

In both cases, the drawing process ends with the sheet having to dry. Then you can finish drawing what you got into a specific image, or you can leave an abstract picture. It is easy to use for greeting cards and holiday packaging for gifts.

A bubble machine will also work here. If you add such a colored solution to it, bring a sheet of paper and hold it for a while, you will also get interesting patterns. The only thing worth considering is that such creativity is best done outdoors. Otherwise, you can damage the furniture or floors. In any case, it will be very interesting for children to watch how colorful bubbles leave beautiful imprints on paper.

Unusual options

Not long ago, non-popping soap bubbles appeared on sale. They are completely safe for people and animals. They contain either gelatin or medical glue. Such bubbles do not burst in your hands; you can build pyramids from them.

If the base of the solution is then bubbles stick to your hands, but do not stick together, after them a film remains on the surface, like from PVA glue, but it is very easily removed. There are no traces left anywhere after the game, although the bubble show will be excellent, because hundreds of small transparent balls fly out at once and end up everywhere.

The gelatin base also makes interesting soap bubbles. Photos with them will turn out amazing, because you can “build” various pyramids. In the case of glycerin solutions, such structures will not work. At the same time, to prevent the soap bubble from bursting, you need to wait a few seconds.

But if you suddenly want to please your child with unpopping bubbles in the very near future, then ordinary woolen mittens or gloves will do. The effect of them will greatly surprise children. When touched with fur, the bubble does not burst, but begins to bounce off the hand, like a rubber ball from a wall. Not only children, but also adults will be captivated by playing with jumping soap bubbles.

Unpopping soap bubbles in winter

This phenomenon can be observed in winter with severe frost. When you blow soap bubbles at temperatures below zero, tiny crystals form on their surface and grow rapidly.

But in the cold you can get different soap bubbles, photos of which will surprise your friends and acquaintances. It all depends on the composition of the liquid used. For example, to get a matte finish, you need to use shampoo as a base. But the bubbles from “Fairy” will not “survive” in the snow, because they will have a more fragile structure. The blowing process itself is also important. The straw is lowered to the bottom of the glass so that the solution covers its outer side. After which the tube is slowly removed, a little foam is captured. When blowing, the straw must be twisted with smooth movements to prevent the accumulation of excess liquid, which can damage the fragile structure.

During the blowing process, foam should accumulate inside the bubble, which will prevent premature bursting. The “foam” side of the ball is placed on the snowy surface. At temperatures below 15 degrees, 10 seconds after the start of blowing, a frozen crystal ball of unprecedented beauty is obtained.

Soap bubbles are one of the most favorite pastimes for children and adults. known to mankind since ancient times. At high level The attractiveness of this fun does not require large expenses, and is also available at any time of the year. Today, there are many ways to make bubbles at home, because they have long become not just entertainment, but an entire art.

What are soap bubbles?

A soap bubble is a thin film of soap filled with air. Its surface is initially transparent, but over time it becomes iridescent. Its shape can be different and depends on the tools that are used for blowing.

The basis of the solution is soap and water. To acquire certain qualities, auxiliary substances are added. For example, dye will help give bubbles a certain color; for greater durability, you can add sugar syrup. By experimenting with the ingredients for preparing the solution, you can make bubbles of any quality and color, changing the shape from spherical to oval, and the lifespan from short-lived to long-lasting. Let's look at the most popular ways to prepare liquid for soap bubbles.

Solution recipes

Classic way

  • 100 ml liquid soap;
  • 20 ml of purified water.

Mix the ingredients, then let it brew for 2 hours.

With glycerin

  • 500 ml water;
  • 50 g liquid soap;
  • 2 tbsp. l. glycerin.

First, shake the soap with water, then add glycerin (you can buy it at any pharmacy). Let the liquid sit for 2 hours.

From shampoo or shower gel

  • 1 tbsp. shampoo;
  • 2 tbsp. clean water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. glycerin.

Mix all the ingredients one by one and let it brew for 1-2 hours.

From bubble bath

  • 1 tbsp. clean water;
  • 30 ml bath foam.

Mix the ingredients, leave the mixture in a cool place for a short time.

From dishwashing detergent

  • 100 ml purified water;
  • 30 ml dishwashing liquid;
  • 30 ml glycerin.

For this method, choose a premium detergent that will provide high-quality composition. If the bubbles are not strong enough, add a little more glycerin than stated in the recipe.

Colored bubbles

To make colored soap balls, use paint. The best option It will become gouache - it wipes off easily.

  • ½ liter of distilled (or simply purified) water;
  • 150 ml dishwashing detergent;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • Gouache.

First you need to mix the paint with water, then add sugar and a base of dishwashing detergent. You need to add gouache gradually to understand how concentrated the mixture will be.

  • ½ liter of clean water;
  • 150 ml liquid soap;
  • 20 g powdered sugar;
  • 20 g gelatin;
  • Food coloring.

Add to the resulting liquid powdered sugar mixed with gelatin. Leave for at least 7-8 hours.

  • 1/3 liter of water;
  • 50 ml laundry soap;
  • 30 ml glycerin;
  • Gouache;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Terry sock;
  • Household tape.

Mix the ingredients, add gouache. Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle, put a terry sock on it, and secure with tape. Pour the solution into a wide and flat container, and, dipping the edge of the bottle, blow out the bubble.

From laundry soap

One of the safest ways to make soap solution:

  • ½ tbsp. purified water;
  • 10 g laundry soap;
  • 30 g of pure glycerin.

Soap should first be grated or cut into small pieces so that it can completely dissolve. Strain the solution through cheesecloth and mix with pure glycerin. If the balls burst quickly, add a little more glycerin than 30 g.

With sugar syrup

  • ¼ liter of clean water;
  • 20 g liquid soap;
  • 30 g sugar.

Mix the ingredients and let them brew for at least 4 hours.

  • 1/2 tbsp. distilled water;
  • 10 g liquid soap;
  • 15 g sugar;
  • 15 g gelatin granules.

Mix gelatin with sugar, add water and soap. Leave the mixture for at least 5 hours.

With ammonia

We will need:

  • ½ tbsp. purified hot water;
  • 50 g glycerin;
  • 15 ml of liquid soap (or any other soap base);
  • 3 drops of ammonia.

Mix the ingredients until completely dissolved. Leave for at least 72 hours, then strain and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Ammonia is necessary for the transparency of the solution.

From washing powder

  • ½ liter of water;
  • 20 drops of ammonia;
  • 30 g washing powder.

After stirring, leave the mixture for 48 hours. The result of this expectation will be large, strong bubbles.

From baby shampoo

  • 1/3 l of clean water;
  • 1 tbsp. baby shampoo;
  • 40 g sugar.

This option is ideal for young children, as it is safe and does not require long infusion. Also, baby shampoo does not contain additional ingredients, which can affect the quality of bubbles.

Without glycerin

Replace glycerin with sugar and gelatin.

  • 200 ml water;
  • 100 ml soap;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 50 g gelatin.

If the bubbles are not strong enough and burst quickly, add more sugar.

Figured soap bubbles

For this we need a powerful solution:

  • ½ liter of water;
  • ½ l glycerin;
  • 200 ml laundry soap;
  • 100 g sugar.

Mix the ingredients and let it brew for 10-15 hours. Use frames to blow shapes.

Large bubbles

The recipe is similar to the previous one, with one amendment - the number of ingredients is greater, and it is better to replace laundry soap with dishwashing detergent - it will give a stronger and higher foam:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 1 l detergent for dishes;
  • 200 ml glycerin;
  • 200 g sugar.

Use a wide container to prepare the solution. Afterwards, leave in a cool place for a day.

Bubbles that don't burst

Such bubbles are no different from ordinary ones, except that they do not burst upon contact with the surface. It is difficult to make a solution that is not inferior in quality to store-bought, but for a spectacular show it is worth trying:


  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 200 ml glycerin;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 100 g gelatin;
  • 50 ml soap.

First, dissolve the sugar over the fire, gradually adding gelatin to it. Then add the remaining ingredients, mix and leave for 14 hours.

Non-bursting bubbles can also be made using a gel sold in specialized stores.

How to check a solution for quality?

To check the quality, just blow a bubble and touch it with a wet finger. If it bursts, the solution is not strong enough, add more glycerin, sugar or soap. A ball with a diameter of 30 mm must remain intact for at least 30 seconds.

Blowing tools

Among the tools for blowing soap bubbles, the straw is considered a classic. You can replace the straw with a cocktail straw or the body of a ballpoint pen. To adjust the size of the balls, it is enough to make longitudinal cuts on the sides of the tube. If you want to blow a large number of bubbles, spending a minimum of time on this - fasten several cocktail tubes with tape.

Use paper as a blowing tool, namely thick cardboard. It is enough to twist a funnel out of it. This method is short-lived, but convenient for a short game in the absence of other options.

Suitable for blowing large shapes plastic bottles with a cut bottom, a funnel, a figured carpet beater, or your own hands.

You can also make blow molding frames from available materials. They can be in the form simple figures, or may have the outlines of your favorite fairy-tale characters. For such frames it is better to use wire.

How to make giant soap bubbles

  1. A hoop wrapped in fabric. The solution should be prepared in a large container, preferably a children's pool. Dip the hoop into the solution and, when the fabric absorbs the liquid, pull. Instead of a hoop, a cable or wire will do. The wire can be pulled through cocktail straws, creating not just a circle shape, but a variety of complex shapes– starting from an asterisk and ending with fancy figures.
  2. Tennis racquet. You should first remove the net, wrap the base of the racket with cotton cloth and, dipping it in the solution, pull it up.
  3. "Bubble rope." You will need two sticks and a rope. They need to be connected in such a way that the rope forms a triangle. Holding the sticks with both hands, dip the rope into the solution prepared in a wide container. When the rope absorbs soapy liquid, pull up. Hang a small weight on one side (a regular nut will do).
  4. Hands. Dip your palms into the soapy solution and form a ring with large and index fingers, blow!

Fun with bubbles

Let's consider various options for entertainment related to soap bubbles.

  1. Drawing abstract paintings. You need to prepare a solution for soap bubbles, add a few drops of watercolor. Using one or more tubes, blow out bubbles on the surface of the solution, then carefully transfer them to paper or cardboard. This painting will serve as an excellent gift or interior decoration.
  2. Blowing foam. Pour a soap solution into a glass, lower a tube into it (you can use several). Start blowing, thus creating fluffy foam creeping out over the edges of the mug.
  3. "Domes". Wet the glass or mirror with water and cool the solution. Using a straw, you can blow a bubble directly on the glass, and then observe the soap “domes”.
  4. "Catching balls." Wet your hands with water and dip your palms into the solution. Catch soap balls and they won't burst! The same thing will happen if you put woolen mittens or gloves on your hands.
  5. Blowing soap balls in the cold. Bubbles freeze at -7 degrees Celsius. To prevent the soap shell from collapsing, make a solution from shampoo (it will also give the bubbles a dull appearance). It is better not to use dishwashing detergent - when the shell freezes, it becomes brittle and the bubble loses its structure. You should blow out balloons at sub-zero temperatures quickly and carefully.


To organize a bubble show yourself, experiment with various ingredients. As tools, use a children's inflatable pool and a hoop wrapped in cotton cloth. Dip the hoop into the solution and place a small chair in the center of it. Invite the guest to stand on it, and slowly raise the hoop so that the person standing on the chair finds himself in a huge soapy “cocoon”. If you want to surprise your guests, add a little medical glue to the liquid and blow bubbles using several straws fastened together - they will stick to your hands and not burst. If you add paint, your show will become not only fun, but also colorful. Do not exclude musical accompaniment and the help of an assistant.

To prepare a high-quality soap mixture, consider the following recommendations:

  1. The quality of water affects the quality of the solution, which means do not use tap water - it is too hard. Choose bottled or boiled water. Perfect option– distilled water, or at least fresh rainwater.
  2. When choosing a foundation, pay attention to the composition. Avoid products containing perfume additives and dyes.
  3. Monitor the amount of glycerin, sugar and gelatin in the solution. If you overdo it with these components, you will make the solution too strong and dense. Adding too little is too weak, and the bubbles are short-lived. But this mixture is ideal for small children, so base it on your goals.
  4. It is better to infuse the solution in the refrigerator - this will get rid of unnecessary foam and bubbles on the surface of the liquid.
  5. Blow out the shapes evenly. If you feel that your breath is not enough to blow one large bubble, stop by covering the tip of the tube with your finger.

Safety regulations

When preparing the solution, you should adhere to some safety rules:

  1. To be neat. Avoid contact of ingredients with eyes, nose, and mouth.
  2. After preparing the solution, thoroughly wash your hands and the area where the preparation was carried out.
  3. Closely monitor the child while playing, to ensure that the solution does not get into the eyes, mouth, or nose.
  4. If splashes of the bubble get into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly under running water.
  5. Make sure that the child does not taste the soapy liquid.
  6. After playing, wash your hands and wipe smooth floor coverings.

Soap bubbles are incredibly fun entertainment. It is suitable for any age and weather conditions. You will find all the ingredients for making them at home, and the tools are easy to make with your own hands. The abundance of games and experiments will not let anyone get bored!


Happy child 12.08.2017

Dear readers, do your children like to blow bubbles? I am sure that there are almost no children who would be indifferent to this fun activity. Modern industry offers a large selection of liquids for soap bubbles, but why not try making them yourself? Moreover, necessary ingredients There's probably one in every home. And how much fun the children will have!

Today in this section we will talk about how to make soap bubbles with your own hands at home. Choose the recipes that suit you best and make your children happy. The presenter of the column is Anna Kutyavina, and I give the floor to her.

Hello, dear readers of Irina’s blog! In the warm season, you can’t drag children home from the street. They should all play and run around. Of course, this is great for the immune system; over the summer, children usually grow well and gain strength and energy. Personally, I remember with great warmth funny Games on fresh air, barefoot summer, delicious apples and berries straight from the branches. And also soap bubbles. I remember that my mother added soapy water to the bottle many times, and the bubbles could be blown endlessly. It is impossible to express in words how much delight there was.

Now, of course, you can easily choose containers with liquid for soap bubbles in stores different sizes and shapes. But why not use your imagination, creativity and make your own soap bubbles? After all, it’s simple, and any housewife will have everything she needs for this at home. In addition, soap bubbles made independently at home can be painted with unusual colors and even smells.

Let's find it together optimal recipes for making bubbles, and then we’ll play with the children. Although the idea is not new, it is capable of occupying the minds and, more importantly, the skillful hands of children different ages. Even adults are not averse to going back decades and completely surrendering to the exciting fun. Who said that endorphins are only for children?

Popular soap bubble recipes

Components for making soap bubbles are sold in any supermarkets and stores. Moreover, most of them can be found in your home. How to make a solution for soap bubbles? We have selected the most famous and beloved recipes for you. Choose! Prepare a solution for soap bubbles.

Classic recipe for soap bubbles

This recipe is very simple and is used most often.


  • baby soap (grate) – 10 g;
  • glycerin – 3 ml;
  • water – up to 50 ml.

The formation and persistence of soap bubbles largely depend on the hardness of the water and the quality of the soap. Unless otherwise written, it is advisable to take baby soap. It is optimal to use water for injection, sold in pharmacies in bottles of 50, 100 and 200 ml. But in the absence of such water, you can use ordinary boiled water.

Shampoo based

The composition is ideal for use with children over one and a half years old.


  • baby shampoo – 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 24 g;
  • water – 200 ml.

How to make a solution for soap bubbles? Pour shampoo into water heated to body temperature; Leave the mixture for a day. Add sugar - white (refined) or yellow (unrefined beetroot). Stir without heating until the grains are completely dissolved.

It is more convenient to blow soap bubbles made at home using this recipe through a cocktail straw. The edge of the tube is cut crosswise. The resulting petals are slightly straightened and immersed in liquid for soap bubbles.

With corn syrup

Suitable for school age children. It is not recommended for small children - due to the sweetish taste, children may swallow the solution.


  • dishwashing liquid – 500 ml;
  • corn syrup – 200 ml;
  • water – 1500 ml.

Mix the ingredients well and let sit for two hours.

Based on laundry soap

One of the cheapest ways to make soap bubbles at home.


  • laundry soap – 250 ml;
  • sugar syrup – 10 ml;
  • water – 2500 ml.

To boil water. Grate laundry soap on a fine grater, pour into hot water and, stirring, completely dissolve. Water can be heated, but not boiled with soap. Add syrup.

Quick recipe


  • dishwashing liquid – 130 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 16 g;
  • water – 500 ml.

Pour the liquid into water, add sugar, stir until the grains are completely dissolved. You can blow soap bubbles immediately after preparing the solution.

Simple recipe


  • liquid soap – 100 ml;
  • glycerin – 10 drops;
  • water – 20 ml.

Pour water into the soap. Place the resulting solution in the refrigerator for about an hour. When the foam goes away, add glycerin and stir thoroughly. The soap bubble solution is ready!

Based on bubble bath

The solution for soap bubbles can be made fragrant. As they say, sleight of hand and no cheating - you just need to mix three parts bubble bath with one part water.

Based on washing powder

The mixture comes from Soviet childhood.


  • washing powder – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 750 ml;
  • glycerin – 300 ml.

Heat the water until bubbles begin to appear. Stirring constantly, add the powder and until the grains are completely dissolved. Convict before room temperature, add glycerin.

Sustainable soap bubbles

You will need sugar syrup. To prepare it, bring one part of water to a boil and, stirring slowly, add 5 parts of sugar. When the sugar dissolves, the syrup is ready.

The recipe for soap bubbles at home looks like this:

  • ground through fine grater baby soap – 2 parts;
  • sugar syrup – 1 part;
  • glycerin – 4 parts;
  • water – 8 parts.

The solution allows you to blow good stable bubbles and even make figures from them on a smooth surface.

Big soap bubbles

The proposed solution for soap bubbles allows you not only to have fun, but also to organize real shows in a narrow circle. After all, the bubbles themselves turn out to be truly gigantic.


  • dishwashing detergent – ​​100 ml;
  • glycerin – 50 ml;
  • water – 300 ml.

Based on dishwashing detergent


  • dishwashing detergent – ​​200 ml;
  • glycerin – 100 ml;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • gelatin – 50 g.

Mix the ingredients in a bowl. And try to blow a bubble... with a gymnastic hoop! The mixture is ideal for “bubbles” with a diameter of a meter.

Universal recipe

We offer an almost universal mixture for soap bubbles.


  • washing powder – 50 g;
  • glycerin – 150 ml;
  • ammonia alcohol – 10 drops;
  • hot water – 300 ml.

The bubbles are stable. You can blow it either through a straw or with a frame.

Extra strong soap bubbles

Soap bubbles prepared according to this recipe are highly durable. The children will be happy!


  • washing powder – 50 g;
  • glycerin – 300 ml;
  • ammonia alcohol – 20 drops;
  • water – 600 ml.

Bring water to a boil, remove from heat and, stirring, add powder. Achieve complete dissolution of the grains. Cool, add glycerin and ammonia. Leave in the refrigerator for 3 days, then strain through 4 layers of gauze. Leave in the refrigerator for another 12 hours and blow out the bubbles.

High strength soap bubbles

In this way you can quickly obtain high-strength soap bubbles.


  • liquid dishwashing detergent – ​​200 ml;
  • glycerin – 100 ml;
  • water – 600 ml.

Mix the ingredients until you get a homogeneous liquid - and you're done!

Multi-colored soap bubbles

Previously, juices of berries, carrots or beets, and a decoction of corn silk were used to color soap bubbles. They were added to solutions of soap bubbles as plain water. Now the choice is richer. Instead of taking a long time to prepare a decoction adjusted for water hardness and the characteristics of the plants, you can use food coloring. The paints are dissolved in water; it is advisable to filter the resulting solution.

Further actions depend on the desired result - you can replace a small amount of solution and give the solution a light tint. Or apply food paint instead of water and create a real riot of flowers.

Under no circumstances should you use food colorings based on or containing aniline - this is harmful substance, contact with which results in severe disorders for children.

We also invite you to watch a video from which you will learn 15 life hacks and recipes for soap bubbles.

Features of preparing a solution for soap bubbles

Glycerin, widely used in making soap bubbles, is sold in pharmacies. It gives foam and bubbles strength, but leaves stains similar to grease on clothes. Stains from soap bubbles with glycerin are almost impossible to remove from natural and semi-synthetic fabrics (with the exception of silk). But they can be easily removed from wood, ceramics, tiles and metal (except nickel-plated surfaces). Stains remain on them and on the glass, which can be easily removed with a weak solution of ammonia.

Sugar syrup or sand give similar elasticity to soap bubbles. Unlike glycerin, they do not leave stubborn stains. Traces of soap bubbles with added sugar disappear from clothes after washing, even in cold water.

Distilled water is sold in auto stores. In pharmacies it is called “water for injection” and is packaged in ampoules and bottles of various capacities. The difference is due to the quality of cleaning and sterilization.

Humid air helps blow out soap bubbles, but dust gets in the way. Putting the wind to work is sometimes difficult even for experienced magicians. Fragrances and other soap additives reduce the main cause of soap bubbles - surface tension. The fewer additives, the better the bubbles.

Therefore absolutely exact recipes There is no bubble liquid. It is better to reduce the number of components by 10 times and make a small amount for testing. Most likely, you will need to experiment with the composition. This is especially required when creating colored liquid for soap bubbles with your own hands.

Be careful with glycerin or sugar: the more you have, the harder it is to blow out the bubbles. A denser liquid is suitable for schoolchildren, while a thin liquid is suitable for children.

How to blow soap bubbles

For liquid mixtures, it is more convenient to use straws with a cross-shaped cut at the end. It is more convenient to blow from dense solutions using a plastic frame or ring. You can make an analogue with your own hands from wire, preferably copper. The average diameter of the ring is approximately equal to the thickness of an adult's thumb.

Large bubbles are blown out with plastic funnels. Less commonly, a landscape sheet is rolled up for this purpose. To create large bubbles, you can make your own wire frames, bottles without bottoms, and tubes of different diameters.

Plastic ballpoint pen refills are convenient for liquid mixtures. But it’s difficult for kids to blow a soap bubble out of them. Part of the body of a fountain pen is one of the favorite “tools” for creating soap bubbles. In terms of popularity, we can only compare it with the ring included with store-bought mixtures.

You can even try your own palms: immerse them in the solution with your fingers closed. And then it’s a matter of fantasy.

By the way, an interesting task for dads. Take a creative look around your workshop. Perhaps you will find some completely unexpected bubble blowing tools there? Why not try it?

So we looked at many recipes for making soap bubbles at home, as well as all the attributes necessary for games. The choice is yours. Now you can safely try, experiment, draw conclusions and find your favorite recipes. And, of course, enjoy fun fun with your beloved children, at the same time strengthening your relationship with them.

I sincerely wish you to find your favorite bubble recipe, remember your childhood and have fun playing with your sons and daughters. And may this summer be bright, colorful, joyful!

Anna Kutyavina,
psychologist, storyteller,
owner of the site Fairy Tale World

I thank Anya for all the recipes and tips for making soap bubbles. It seems to me that just for fun, even at least once, you can conduct such a fascinating experiment and make soap bubbles with your own hands. And really, what if you like it? And perhaps this will even become a favorite pastime and a fertile field for creativity and further experiments.

Useful tips

Despite the fact that soap bubbles were popular many years ago, in our age high technology they still delight children and adults.

Previously, we wrote about how to make ordinary soap bubbles at home, and now we’ll talk about how easy it is to make large soap bubbles.

How to make a nice big soap bubble

This method is actually quite simple. You just need two things: soap bubble liquid And bubble blower.

You can also make a device for inflating balloons with your own hands. For this you need two sticks And rope. Use string to tie a triangle-shaped loop between the sticks. Done? If so, then you should have the right machine for producing large soap bubbles.

Calm weather Ideal for blowing giant soap bubbles. Just lower your special device into the soap solution, and then lift it and begin to move back slowly, thereby creating a flow of air that will inflate the bubble.

How to make a solution for strong and huge soap bubbles?

The simplest option for making a solution for large soap bubbles is as follows:

200 gr. any dishwashing detergent

* NOT Suitable for dishwashers.

*glycerin can be purchased at the pharmacy

Stir the solution.

Video on how to make a big soap bubble

Soap bubbles will be strong thanks to glycerin, which makes the shell of the soap bubble stronger.

Another way to properly make liquid for large soap bubbles

600 ml. Hot water

300 ml. glycerin

20 drops of ammonia

50 gr. any POWDERED detergent.

Mix everything and leave for 2-3 days

Filter the solution and refrigerate for 12 hours.

This mixture will allow you to create soap bubbles of large sizes and different shapes.

Use the wire to bend it into any shape. Then attach it to the stick with electrical tape and dip it in a soapy solution. This way you can make soap bubbles different forms. You can make several of these “nets without a mesh” and release several large bubbles of different shapes at once.
