Compote of apples and apricots. Compote of apples and apricots

There are many options for preparing compotes, but all of them can be divided into two methods: sterilized compotes and compotes prepared without sterilization. Some people like it, some find it easier to throw all the products into jars and boil them for half an hour, while others prefer pouring them multiple times. But in any case, you need to follow the general rules:

Carefully inspect berries and fruits for rot and damage, otherwise all your work may go to waste.
. Wash fruits and berries thoroughly before pouring syrup.
. Remove the pits from stone fruits (peaches, apricots, plums, nectarines, cherry plums, cherries). The fact is that the seeds contain hydrocyanic acid(strong poison!), which after a year of storage of compotes passes from the seeds to the fruits. If you cooked compote with seeds, be sure to use it within a year.
. Jars for compote are prepared as follows: first, they must be thoroughly washed in hot water with baking soda, rinsed well and put for sterilization.
. Jars are sterilized either over steam or in the oven. Some craftsmen have adapted lids from large saucepans or boiling pots for this purpose, with holes cut into them slightly larger than the necks of the jars. The vessel with boiling water is covered with such a lid, and the jars are inserted into the holes with their necks down. If you prefer to sterilize the jars in the oven, be careful not to overcook them, otherwise the jar may burst when pouring the syrup.
. Lids for rolling compote should be varnished, without scratches, with tight-fitting rubber bands.

And now about the main thing about technology. Here, for example, is one way to prepare compotes without sterilization. For a 3-liter jar: 2-3 cups of berries or fruits, 300 g of sugar. In the evening, put the berries in jars and pour boiling water over them. Cover with a lid and leave overnight. By morning, the berries absorb liquid and settle to the bottom. Then pour the water from the cans into a saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to taste. Moreover, you can even make compotes without sugar at all (if there is a crisis or you simply run out of sugar at the most crucial moment), just add sugar syrup to such a compote before use. At the same time, set the lids to sterilize. As soon as the syrup boils, pour it over the berries and roll up. Turn over, cover, let cool. In this way you can prepare compotes for the winter from any fruits and berries.

Compote of nectarines or peaches. Small nectarines can be placed whole in the compote (remember about the seeds!), large ones can be cut and the seeds removed. It is advisable to remove the skin from the peaches; they will become very tender. Removing the skin from peaches is simple: cut the skin crosswise and lower the fruit into boiling water for 1-2 minutes, and then immediately lower it into cold water. The peel comes off very easily. For a 3-liter jar: 1 kg of nectarines or peaches, 600-700 g of sugar, 2 liters of water. Place the fruits in jars, pour boiling water over them, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. Drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar and boil the syrup. Pour the fruit into jars and roll up immediately. Turn over and cool. You can add a few cherry plums or plums to this compote, and add lemon juice or a few lemon slices to the peach compote (which turns out too sweet).

New Year's compote (from tangerines). For a 3-liter jar: 1 kg of tangerines, 1 glass of sugar, 1 liter of water. This is a recipe for compote with sterilization. Peel the tangerines from skins and veins, divide into slices. Boil the syrup and blanch the tangerine slices in it for 30 seconds. Place tangerines in jars, fill with syrup and add some peels for flavor. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 30 minutes. Twist, turn over, let cool.

Sunny glade (from strawberries). Another compote with sterilization. For a 3-liter jar: 1 kg of berries, 2/3 cup. sugar, 1 liter of water. Boil the syrup and blanch the berries in it for 1 minute. Place the berries in jars, pour in syrup, cover with a lid and sterilize for 20 minutes. Roll up and set upside down to cool.

Compote of cherry plum and zucchini. For a 3-liter jar: 500 g of zucchini, 400 g of cherry plum, 200 g of sugar, 1 liter of water. Peel the zucchini, cut into 4 parts, remove the core. Cut the zucchini into cubes with a side of 1 cm. Put the cherry plum into the prepared jars, then the zucchini, pour boiling water sugar syrup. Cover the jars with lids and let cool. Then drain the syrup, boil it and fill the jars again. Roll up.

Compote Indian summer (with pears). For a 3-liter jar: 1 kg of medium-sized pears, 2 cups of sugar, 2 liters of water, ½ tsp. citric acid. Wash the pears, remove the core, place in a jar and pour boiling sugar syrup. Add to each jar citric acid and roll it up. Turn it upside down, wrap it in a blanket, and leave it to cool.

Ripeness (from cherries). This is a very rich compote, you need to drink it diluted. The compote is prepared in liter jars, the berries are filled to the top and filled with syrup. Cook the syrup: 2 cups of sugar for 1 liter of water. Sort the berries, rinse, blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes. Place in liter jars to the top and fill with syrup. Cover with lids, sterilize for 20 minutes, and roll up.

Gooseberry compote with oranges. For a 3-liter jar: 1 orange, 2 cups. gooseberries, 300 g sugar, 2 liters of water. Place peeled oranges and gooseberries cut into slices into sterilized jars. Pour in syrup and roll up.

Compote of apples and chokeberries. For a 3-liter jar: 2-3 apples, 1 cup. chokeberry, 2.5 liters of water, 3 cups. sugar, 1 tsp. citric acid. Sterilize jars. Boil the syrup. Cut the apples into slices. Place berries and apples in jars, pour syrup, and roll up. Turn over and let cool.

Chokeberry compote. For a 3-liter jar: 300-500 g of chokeberry, 250 g of sugar, 2.5 liters of water. Pour berries (2-3 fingers) into the prepared jars and add sugar. Pour boiling water over it and roll it up. Turn the jars upside down.

Very interesting compotes are obtained from berries in own juice. They also need to be diluted before use.

Delight (raspberries in their own juice). For 1 kg of raspberries 1 kg of sugar. Place the prepared raspberries (preferably not washed, otherwise all the juice will leak out) into an enamel bowl and cover with sugar. Leave it overnight. When exposed to sugar, raspberries will produce juice. Then place the raspberries in jars, cover with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up.

Maturity (cherries in their own juice). Sort out the ripe cherries, wash them, place them in jars to the top, cover with lids and sterilize for 5-10 minutes. Roll up.

Strawberry summer (strawberries in their own juice). Mix the sorted and washed strawberries with sugar at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 4 kg of berries, leave for 8-10 hours. Place in jars, pour in the released juice, and sterilize for 10 minutes. Roll up.

Assorted strawberries and cherries. For 10 half-liter jars: 2 kg of strawberries, 2 kg of cherries, 650 g of sugar. The prepared berries are placed in clean, dry jars and filled with sugar syrup (300 g of sugar per 700 g of water). The temperature of the syrup should be 50-60ºС. The filled jars are covered with lids, placed in a pan of water at 40ºC and sterilized from the moment of boiling for 10 minutes. Roll up, turn over, cool.

Assorted sea buckthorn and rosehip Vitamin. For 1 kg of sea buckthorn: 1 kg of apples, 600 g of rose hips. For filling: 1 liter of water and 450 g of sugar. Peel the apples. Cut into slices, blanch in boiling water for 3-5 minutes and immediately plunge into cold water. Large ripe fruits Cut the rose hips in half, remove seeds and hairs. Place sea buckthorn, apples and rose hips in layers in jars up to the shoulders, shaking the jar. Pour hot syrup and set to sterilize: half-liter for 15 minutes, liter for 25 minutes. Roll up.

A few more mixture options for assorted compote:

Peaches 30%, pears 30%, yellow cherries 30%, tangerines 10%.
. Peaches 30%, pears 30%, apricots 30%, yellow cherries 10%.
. Chokeberry 60%, cherry 40%.
. Cherry 70%, black currant 30%.
. Gooseberries 40%, raspberries or black currants 40%, strawberries or apples 20%.

All these compotes are prepared by pouring 40-45% syrup (400-450 g of sugar per 1 liter of water), using a sterilization method.
Preparing compotes for the winter can be very interesting and original, because fruits, berries and even vegetables offer such scope for creativity!
Happy preparations!

You can make juices, preserves, jam and compote from apricots for the winter. Apricot compote perfectly quenches thirst and is good source vitamins for the body.
Of course, if you make a compote of these fruits alone, you will get a monotonous drink. It is better to add apples to the pole, then we will get a pleasant soft taste.


  • Sugar- 1 glass
  • Apricots– 500 grams
  • Apples (White filling) - 3 pcs
  • How to cook compote from apples and apricots

    1 . The first step is to prepare the fruit. To do this, thoroughly wash the apricots to remove any dirt. We change the water several times.

    . Remove seeds. It is not necessary to divide the apricots in half; you can simply make a cut to the middle of the fruit and remove the pit.

    3 . Wash the apples and remove the core. Cut lengthwise into medium-thick slices.

    4 . The fruits are prepared and you can pour them into the jar. The jar should be thoroughly washed first. If you are not sure about the purity and freshness of the apricots (no signs of spoilage), the jars can be pre-sterilized. Or you can use the recipes described below, with fresh and infused syrup. First, pour the apricots into the jar. They should occupy most of the jar's total volume.

    5 . Then put the apple pieces into the jar.

    6 . Pour a glass of sugar on top of the apples.

    7 . Boil water. Pour boiling water over apples and apricots in a jar and cover (do not tighten) with a sealing lid.

    . Since apricots can form mold during storage, any preservation containing them must be additionally sterilized. Although it can be stored without sterilization, it has been tested for years :)
    To sterilize the drink, you need to place a jar with hot filler in deep container. We lay a napkin on the bottom of the container so that the bottom of the jar does not burst during the sterilization process. Then pour water into the container so that it covers the shoulders of the jar. Turn on the heat and let the water boil. The water should boil for 15 minutes.

    9 . Afterwards, carefully remove the jar of compote and roll it up. Turn it over and place it on the lid. Cover the compote with warm clothes. Leave the jar of drink indoors until it cools completely. The cooled drink can be lowered into the cellar. Compote with apricots and apples has a pleasant aroma and light fruity taste. The color of the compote is light yellow. This drink will become indispensable in winter!

    Delicious apricot compote is ready

    Bon appetit!

    The benefits of apple-apricot drink

    Compotes are still considered the most common preparation for the winter. And since apples are the most affordable fruit in our region, the signature drink on many tables is apple compote. Apples are also good because when preserved they go well with almost any fruit, for example: apricots.

    In addition, both of these fruits are very healthy. For example, apples contain many different microelements and vitamins. They also contain a lot of pectins, which help both cleanse the entire body of toxins and blood vessels from cholesterol plaques in particular. As for apricots, they have a beneficial effect on skin and hair. Among other things, apricots help increase hemoglobin levels. In this regard, they are even more useful beef liver. And in terms of the amount of vitamins, apricots are far from last in the fruit row.

    In general, an apple-apricot drink - great way provide your loved ones with a tasty and healthy drink on cold winter days.

    Recipe: Apple-apricot compote with fresh syrup

    All you need to prepare this compote are apples, apricots, sugar and water.

    First you need to cut the apples into 4 or 8 parts (depending on size) and peel the cores. Simply halve the apricots to remove the pits. Place the prepared fruits in jars, filling them less than a third, but not more than half.

    Boil water in a saucepan and pour it into the jars right up to the neck, covering each with a sterile lid. After 15-20 minutes, pour the water back into the pan, add sugar, bring the syrup to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes. Then pour the hot syrup over the fruit and immediately seal the jars. After this, they need to be wrapped in something warm, turned upside down, and after complete cooling, put away for permanent storage.

    As for the proportions, there should be equal amounts of apples and apricots, and it is enough to take 500 g of sugar for each kilogram of fruit.

    Recipe “Apple-apricot compote with infused syrup”

    The second method is not much different from the first. The only significant difference is that the fruits, after pouring boiling water, are infused, not for a few minutes, but for about a day.

    After this, the resulting infusion is poured into a pan and a syrup is prepared based on it. The further procedure is absolutely similar to the first option.

    In this case, you need to put the same amount of sugar - 0.5 kg per 1 kg of fruit.

    Above are the two most simple recipes preparing compote from apples and apricots. There are others, but in most cases they differ only in the proportions and methods of cutting the fruit.

    But no matter how it was prepared apricot compote so that it turns out tasty and does not overshadow any family celebration, it makes sense to adhere to some very simple rules:

    • fruits must be fresh, without damage and especially without traces of spoilage;
    • fruits must be washed thoroughly;
    • Despite what some authors write, pits from apricots and apples must be removed, since they contain hydrocyanic acid, which over time turns into canned fruits and into the compote itself;
    • jars must be washed with baking soda and then sterilized;
    • lids for rolling up jars must also be sterile, in addition, there should be no scratches on them, and the elastic bands must fit tightly;
    • The compote should be stored in a cool place.

    Everything is very simple! So, a little time, a little fruit and in winter you can enjoy delicious vitamin drink, which you can drink with the whole family or serve at the table for any holiday.

    Video recipe “Compote of apricots and apples for the winter”

    Apples are a fruit that goes well with any fruit and berries. In compotes using apples, they are the base, and the main taste and color of the compote is given by the added fruit. The same goes for apricots. Bright and rich taste, pleasant aroma and the unique color of apricots goes well with your favorite apple flavor.

    To make apple and apricot compote you will need the following.


    • water – 3 liters;
    • apples – 4 pcs.;
    • apricots – 10 pcs.;
    • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.


    Ripe apricots are quite sweet, which is why so little sugar is used. But if you have a sweet tooth, just add sugar to the compote to taste.

    Cut the apples into 4-8 pieces and remove the core. Cut the apricots in half and remove the pit. Place the cooked fruits, sugar and water in a saucepan. Place the compote on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. Cover the compote with a lid to let it brew and cool.

    The compote turns out to be light and refreshing, perfectly quenches thirst, especially in hot weather. summer days. It can be served with or without fruit. If the apples and apricots from the compote remain uneaten, you can use them for baking.

    You can add any kind of plum or mint to this compote. Plum will give it sourness, and mint will give it coolness in the summer heat.

    Compote of apricots and apples for the winter

    There are two ways to prepare apple-apricot compote - with fresh syrup and with infused syrup. In both cases, you will need ripe, undamaged fruits.

    Apricots should be firm, but not green. Too soft fruits will fall apart in hot syrup, and unripe ones will not give such a wonderful taste. Ideally, the apricots in the compote should remain whole and beautiful. Take all the same variety of apples for compote. Cut them into 4-8 pieces (depending on size), cut out the core, and remove the pit from the apricots.

    Place fruits in arbitrary proportions into a jar, filling it about a third.

    When preparing compote with fresh syrup, cook it at the rate of two glasses of sugar per three liters of water. Pour boiling syrup over fruits in jars, let it cool for 10 minutes. Drain the syrup, boil it again and pour it over the fruit again, after which the jars should be immediately rolled up and wrapped to cool slowly.

    The infused syrup is prepared as follows. Pour boiling water over the fruits in the jars and leave them for a day, then drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar in the same proportion, boil the syrup and pour it into the jars.

    Summer is a wonderful time. In addition to the long-awaited warmth, it also pleases us with many gifts of nature - delicious fruits and berries. And for real housewives at such a time, the period of preparations for the winter begins. After all, on cold winter days you just want to pamper the whole family with wonderful jams, pickles and aromatic compotes. They may be based on the most different products, and preparing such preparations is actually not at all difficult. So, today we will discuss how to prepare compote from plums and apples for the winter, plums and apricots.

    Apple-plum compote

    To prepare aromatic, tasty and healthy drink It’s worth stocking up on a couple of apples, five large plums, one hundred grams of sugar and about six hundred and fifty milliliters of water. This amount of ingredients will be enough to get one liter jar compote.

    First, start preparing everything you need for your compote. Wash the plums and apples thoroughly. In this case, use only whole fruits without any damage and give preference to rather dense fruits. Divide the plums into halves, remove the stem and pit. Cut the apples into slices, removing the core.

    Wash the jars for making compote thoroughly. For this it is convenient to use baking soda, after all detergents It is difficult to wash completely, and they can remain on the sides of containers. Boil the lids for sealing for three minutes, and steam the jars for five minutes.

    Fill jars with prepared fruit. Boil water in a suitable sized saucepan. Pour boiling water over the contents of the jars, cover with sterile lids and leave for a quarter of an hour. Next, carefully drain hot water back into the pan, pour sugar into it and send to the fire. Bring the syrup to a boil, stirring occasionally until all the sugar dissolves. Boil for a couple of minutes, then pour boiling syrup over the contents of the jars. Immediately wrap the finished compote with lids, turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket or blanket. After the drink has cooled, you can store it in a fairly dark place, for example, in a regular pantry.

    Compote for the winter from apples and plums with citric acid

    To prepare this version of the compote, readers of Popular About Health should stock up on four hundred grams of apples, six hundred grams of plums, three hundred grams of sugar, a third teaspoon of citric acid and two liters of water. This number of components will be enough for a three-liter jar.

    First, wash and sterilize the jars with lids. Rinse the plums and apples thoroughly, leave the plums whole, but prick them in several places. Cut the apples into quarters and remove the core. Place the prepared fruits in a jar.

    Place a saucepan of water on the fire, add sugar and bring to a boil. Add citric acid to the boiling syrup, stir and simmer for a couple of minutes. Fill the contents of the jar with boiling syrup, immediately seal it, turn it over and wrap it better. After cooling, store in a fairly dark and preferably cool place.

    How to prepare apricot and plum compote for the winter?

    To create this version of compote on three liter jar you need to use half a kilogram of apricots, two hundred grams of plums and three hundred grams of sugar. Of course, you will also need water - about two and a half liters, maybe less.

    Compote is best prepared from ripe, but at the same time firm fruits. It is important that they are intact - not crushed and without any damage. Rinse them thoroughly, removing all stems, leaves and debris. Prick all the prepared fruits with a toothpick or a sharpened match. Make six punctures on each fruit.

    Place a pan of water on the fire, add sugar and bring to a boil. After boiling, the syrup must be boiled for another couple of minutes. Place the fruit in sterile jars, brew with boiling syrup and cover with a lid. After a quarter of an hour, pour the hot syrup back into the pan, bring it to a boil again and brew the fruit again. Next, wrap the jars with sterile lids. Turn the finished compote upside down, wrap it well and leave until it cools completely. Then it can be put away for storage.

    Plum-apricot compote with nuts

    To prepare this interesting option For compote you need to use one and a half kilograms of plums, nuts (any, but not too small), a couple of apricots, eight hundred grams of sugar and water.

    Wash and sterilize jars with lids. Next, move on to the fruit. They also need to be washed, but also sorted, eliminating all damaged fruits, stalks and leaves. Make a neat longitudinal cut in the plums and remove the pits.

    Rinse the nuts and brew with boiling water. Leave for five minutes, then clean.
    Add one prepared nut to each fruit. Arrange the received stuffed plums to banks.

    Also peel the apricots and chop them into rings. Place them on top of the plums. Fill the contents of the jars with boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Next, carefully drain the hot water from the jars, put it on fire, pour sugar into it and boil until the latter is completely dissolved. Pour the boiling syrup over the fruits in the jars, wrap them with lids and turn them upside down. Wrap the finished compote in a warm blanket and leave until completely cool.
