Condensed milk mastic. Milk mastic with condensed milk. Mastic with condensed milk - recipe. Recipe for simple condensed milk mastic

If you want to make a cake from mastic and are looking for a simple recipe that does not require much effort, and, most importantly, can be done the first time, then you should pay attention to this master class on making mastic. The ingredients for it can be found in any kitchen (and will not require long shopping expeditions), and the taste is simply amazing!


1. 1 – 1.5 cups of powdered milk.

2. A can of condensed milk (400 grams), can also be used for mastic and boiled condensed milk.

3. 1 tsp. lemon juice.

4. A glass of powdered sugar (375 grams).

5. Starch (if desired, if mastic made from powdered sugar and condensed milk seems too cloying to you).

Condensed milk mastic recipe

1. Mix the powder with the milk mixture (water + powdered milk) or milk. If there are lumps of powder, they need to be broken up.

2. Add condensed milk and citric acid on the tip of the knife.

3. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. You can add a little glycerin (so that the mastic does not stick to your hands), or lubricate your hands with it.

4. When the mastic stops sticking, we begin to knead it with our hands. If it continues to stick, add more powdered sugar(or starch and milk powder for those who don’t like so sweet mastic).

5. Wrap the mastic in cling film and put it in the refrigerator or sculpt the figures right away.

And this is what the finished mastic for the cake looks like (already with dyes, which can even be used as juices).

It should be remembered that before covering the cake with mastic, it must be properly prepared. To do this, you need to level it and only then tighten it. How to do it?


Let's start with alignment. If you skip it, then the mastic will cover the cake unevenly when covering it, emphasizing all the pits and tubercles, and at the junction with wet surfaces - sour cream or some other cream, the mastic will simply corrode. And the cake will turn out “bald,” which we wouldn’t want. Therefore, we approach this process extremely responsibly.

To level the cake, use either butter cream or ganache (a mixture of chocolate and cream).

Next, put the cream on top of the cake and spread it to the sides so that it covers the entire surface and extends slightly beyond the edges. And then apply the cream to the side of the cake. You need to apply it in excess, because then using a spatula (or knife) we collect the excess cream, simultaneously leveling the cake (we place the spatula or knife parallel to the sides of the cake and go around). In this case, excess cream forms on top, which also needs to be removed in the same way as the excess was removed from the edges. If you notice that some of the cream has managed to move back to the side, repeat the process.

tight fitting

Now let's move on to the covering: to do this, take the prepared mastic and roll it out with an ordinary rolling pin to a thickness of 3-4 millimeters. To prevent the mastic from sticking, sprinkle the table with powdered sugar or starch. Next, transfer the mastic onto the cake using a rolling pin.

Remained finishing touch: you need to smooth out the mastic on the top of the cake using an iron or your hands, then carefully smooth out the folds on the side surface and trim off the excess. The cake is covered!

Video on this topic:

Many people are afraid to work with mastic, thinking that it is difficult and may not come out beautifully and neatly. But not me - I have a recipe for mastic made from condensed milk, which always works. Usually I try to decorate the finished cake (no matter what kind, any one) in some original and festive way. For example, most often I use some kind of figures for decoration or make them from cream beautiful flowers, using for this special devices. About a couple of years ago I learned how to make this kind of mastic from condensed milk and now I always have figurines in stock of various flowers, leaves and other products made from it. The taste of this mastic is also quite tasty, and it is quite easy to sculpt figures and flowers from it. Today I will tell you the recipe for making this unusual delicacy, although I would like to note that it is not recommended to use it to cover the entire cake. This mastic is only suitable for sculpting some decorations.
- 150 grams of powdered sugar,
- 150 grams of high-quality milk powder,
- half a can of condensed milk.

How to cook with photos step by step

I would like to note that you may need a little more dry ingredients. You will need to add more of them if the mastic sticks too much to your hands or if it is very soft. However, keep in mind that after it sits, the mastic becomes a little harder, so do not overdo it with adding dry ingredients.
So, immediately sift the milk powder into a bowl. What is it for? It's simple! If for some reason there are lumps in it, they will remain in the sieve.

Do the same with powdered sugar, sift it over the milk powder.

Mix the dry ingredients with a tablespoon.

Then pour in the condensed milk.

Knead the mastic with your hands to a smooth consistency.

If you want to sculpt some figures from mastic, then first paint the mastic in the desired colors.
For example, I made a rose from mastic. I rolled up a flagellum. Then it was rolled out and rolled into a spiral. I painted the edges of the flower red. I squeezed out the leaves using a special die cutter.

Pay attention to another interesting recipe

Let's consider today a recipe for milk mastic, which is very easy to make at home from the most affordable ingredients.

Perhaps the sugar mastic according to this recipe is the most delicious for children to eat cartoon figures from it.

In addition, any housewife will appreciate a number of its advantages in her work, because:

  • This mastic makes very good small and complex details of the type of different characters;
  • cake figures hold any shape perfectly;
  • joining seams are easily smoothed;
  • The mastic is edible and I really like the taste.

Research archaeological work gives us information that dairy farming was carried out about 3 thousand years ago BC by the inhabitants of the Middle East. They were the first to use it as food.

Other sources speak of a different truth, claiming that milk was given to humans by cattle in Europe 6 thousand years BC. Wherein, milk product It was used not only as food, but also for medicinal purposes. healing milk remedy According to Hippocrates, 400 years ago BC it was recommended to take it as a healing drink that cures many diseases.

The dairy product is very healthy, we know that. But powdered milk is invaluable for practical purposes: storage, use and taste.

Ingredients for 1 serving of several figures

150 grams of powdered sugar

150 grams of any baby formula or milk powder

150 grams of condensed milk

food coloring (if necessary)



cling film

How to prepare milk mastic

Sift baby formula (or milk powder) through a fine dry sieve. We do the same with powdered sugar.

You can do everything at once in one bowl.

Mix the ingredients a little. Although these manipulations are not particularly important at the current stage of mastic preparation.

Pour 2/3 of the prepared amount into the mixture of dry ingredients.

Stir the mixture a little and look at the result.

It’s just that the consistency of manufacturers can be completely different: one is thicker, another is thinner.

If the milk turns out to be thick, use more than the volume indicated in the ingredients. Reduce liquid condensed milk in proportions.

We try to thoroughly knead the mastic dough with the gradual addition of condensed milk until the composition begins to crumble.

As a result, we obtain a plastic and homogeneous mass of a pleasant cream color.

While we start looking for sketches on the Internet for future cakes, wrap the mastic dough in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

Please note: This baby food mastic is great only for sculpting figures and small parts. If there is a need to “dress” the cake in mastic, then it is better to use either mastic .

During the preparation process, it was possible to color the milk mastic immediately, but we will begin to color it in parts while working with it, when we start.

The only drawback is that it is so easy to prepare and use. sugar mastic from baby formula is that it is not snow-white. Its creamy hue comes from condensed milk and baby formula. Even if you use milk powder in the ingredients, you will not achieve white mastic.

You have a joyful event approaching and you want to please your guests delicious cake with amazing figures? Then, it’s time to learn how mastic is prepared from condensed milk, which is always obtained, so as not to be disappointed in your own culinary abilities and impress the guests of the celebration.
Let many say that you can buy dessert decorations in a store, but only those who try to repeat the recipe will understand that mastic for a cake made from condensed milk is prepared quickly, and its taste characteristics Even the most fastidious critic will appreciate it. Do you want to learn how to create masterpieces with your own hands? Then quickly stock up on groceries.

Mastic from baby food


  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Confectionery powder - 340 g
  • Baby food - 350 g


To begin with, you will be presented with a recipe, the result of which will be useful mastic from condensed milk. Even small children (over 3 years old) can try it. The interesting thing is that the cooking process will not take a lot of time, and even a child can help bring it to life.
The first thing to do is mix in deep container baby food and powdered sugar.

Add condensed milk and stir until the mixture forms homogeneous mass(approximately 7-10 minutes).

Cover the mass cling film(if you don’t have one, you can use a simple plastic bag) and leave for 30-40 minutes.

After the allotted time, your mastic will harden slightly and can be used to make various figures. Don't forget to add food colorings to get multi-colored lumps (before this, separate the required piece of mass so as not to spoil the entire workpiece).

This is how easy it is to create blanks for decorating your favorite delicacy. What should those who don’t have baby formula on hand do? It can be replaced with powdered milk. Here's another one for you step by step guide.

Powdered milk mastic

Mastic made from condensed milk and milk powder becomes harder if the dry ingredients are sifted in advance. Pay attention to the quality of the main products: choose condensed milk obtained from whole milk, not chemicals. Don't buy bulk products exposed to moisture, otherwise your mastic made from condensed milk and powdered sugar will crumble.
By the way, if you want to form figures, then stock up on starch in advance. For what? By forming a kind of film, it does not allow the mastic to stick to the cook’s hands and the work surface (if you choose a recipe with starch, then you need to take 140 g of the main components, exclude lemon juice and add starch up to 100 g).


  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Powdered milk - 160 g
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Confectionery powder - 160 g


It’s easy to prepare this mastic: mix the powder with dry milk, add condensed milk, knead, sprinkle the table with starch, knead the mass and leave under the film for 30 minutes.

Remember, if you want to get shiny elements (glossy), then they will need to be treated with vodka, shortly before creating a masterpiece. These are tips that help experienced confectioners create and implement customer ideas. Here is a step-by-step guide, repeating which you will get mastic from condensed milk, powdered sugar and milk powder.

Mix dry ingredients in a deep bowl. If you don’t want to get the dishes dirty, you can immediately put cellophane or cling film on the bottom.

Add the remaining products, knead until a homogeneous mass is formed. It will not be possible to do this completely with a spoon, therefore, you need to sprinkle the work surface with powdered sugar and place the formed batch on it, which will still have to be crushed to give the mastic plasticity.

It remains to divide the form into more small pieces, color them and start covering the cakes.
How to prepare mastic for sculpting figures? To get a denser mastic, you need to change the ratio of the components.

Mastic for sculpting figures


  • Condensed milk - 50-60 g
  • Confectionery powder - 110 g
  • Powdered milk - 110 g
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.


The process of preparing such a workpiece is practically no different from the previous one:

  • Mix powder and dry milk.
  • Add remaining ingredients.
  • Mix thoroughly in a container and knead on the table (mastic with condensed milk will become plastic only with prolonged kneading).

If necessary, add dyes (divide the resulting mass into pieces of the desired size in advance).
The only thing required to create a dense workpiece is to spend more time kneading. Also, do not forget to choose the right dry ingredients - be sure to be finely ground; if this does not happen, then you will have to sift them before starting work.

Oil cream for mastic

An important stage in preparing the cake is making mastic cream with condensed milk. The mixture below will work just fine. She has pleasant taste, which beneficially complements the taste of the entire cake, and also hides all the unevenness and imperfections of the dish, creating excellent foundation for applying a decorative layer.


  • Butter - 0.25 kg
  • Boiled condensed milk - 0.38 kg
  • Shortbread- 0.2 kg


Grind butter. It should be soft, but not liquid. In order to achieve such a consistency, you need to leave it for at least a couple of hours. room temperature. Under no circumstances should you heat it in the microwave.

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Stir in condensed milk. After the ingredients are combined, you need to beat the mass with a whisk. This can also be done at low mixer speed.

Grind the cookies into sand using a blender or manually using a masher. The amount of crumbs added to the cream may vary. To determine the optimal ratio of butter mass and cookies, you need to mix in the last ingredient gradually, controlling the degree of thickness. The mixture should not be too thick, but it should not be too thin either. The required concentration is a soft, pliable mass capable of taking and holding the required shape.

Using a mixer or blender, thoroughly mix the oil mixture. You can do this manually, the main thing is that the cream has a homogeneous structure.

Apply the resulting buttercream to the pre-prepared cake. This can be done using a wide knife, a cake spatula or a culinary spatula. The same tool can be used to distribute and level the mixture.

Dip the tool you are using into boiling water for a few seconds, then shake it vigorously to get rid of the hot liquid. There is no need to wipe the surface of the product with a cloth. The heated object should be slowly and carefully passed over the surface of the cream, leveling it. Periodically you need to immerse the tool in water. The liquid must always be hot. If the process takes longer, it will be necessary to heat the water as needed.

Preparation butter cream finished. Ready cake Need to cool for two hours in the refrigerator.

Video recipe

If you appearance Since the cake is no less puzzling than the taste, we recommend recipes for making mastic, using which you can decorate a cake at home no worse than any experienced pastry chef. After all, what could it be more original product, decorated in a similar way.

To help you, we will tell you how to make mastic from condensed milk, which you can always get. The main thing is to take only natural and most natural products for its preparation. best quality, follow a few simple recommendations - and success is guaranteed.

Mastic made from condensed milk, powdered sugar and milk powder - recipe


  • condensed milk – 110 g;
  • powdered sugar – 160 g;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • powdered milk – 160 g.


To realize the most popular recipe To prepare mastic from condensed milk, mix powdered sugar and milk powder in a suitable container, and then add lemon juice and gradually condensed milk, mix the mass first with a spoon. Then we spread it on a surface dusted with powdered sugar and complete the kneading, achieving a homogeneous plastic texture of the mastic. When ready, you can divide the resulting lump into required amount parts and mix each with the dye of the desired color. We recommend that when starting preparation, you first sift the powdered sugar and milk powder, then the mastic will not contain unwanted lumps.

This mastic is perfect for covering cakes, but to make figurines you will need slightly different proportions of components, which we will discuss in the next recipe.

How to make mastic from condensed milk at home for sculpting figures?


  • condensed milk – 55 g;
  • – 110 g;
  • powdered milk – 110 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.


To make figures, the mastic must be much denser and harder. Only in this case, products made from it will not float and will retain their original appearance until the cake is served and consumed. As we mentioned in the previous recipe, the dry ingredients, namely powdered sugar and milk powder, must first be sifted and mixed in a bowl. After this, add condensed milk and lemon juice and knead thoroughly, achieving a dense, uniform mastic texture. Knead it in in this case more difficult and a little longer. At first it is quite loose and even crumbly, but with prolonged kneading it becomes plastic.

Milk mastic with condensed milk


  • condensed milk – 380 g;
  • powdered sugar – 340 g;
  • infant formula – 350 g.


Mastic with condensed milk can also be prepared using infant formula, for example “Malyutka” or “Malysh”. Mix it with powdered sugar in a bowl of a suitable size, and then add condensed milk and knead. Knead the mastic for seven to ten minutes. During this time it should become homogeneous and plastic. Now we wrap the lump of mastic with cling film and let it stand at room conditions for thirty to forty minutes. After this, if desired, fill the lump with the desired color, if necessary, dividing it into parts first.

Mastic from condensed milk at home - recipe with starch



In this case, to prepare mastic, we take all the components equally, using a kitchen scale to determine the amount. Sift the dry ingredients (milk powder and powdered sugar) and mix in a bowl with condensed milk. Knead the resulting mass with your hands, placing it on a table sprinkled with starch, and add starch while kneading until you obtain a non-sticky plastic lump texture. Before use, let the mastic rest under the film for half an hour.
