Grape jam for the winter is a delicious idea for tea drinking. Recipes for amazing winter preparations from grapes

Few people know that a recipe for grape jam is very common in Ukraine. This is not surprising, because for us grapes are “purchased” berries, and jam can also be made from strawberries collected from our own garden. However, you can leave for yourself a memory of the past summer with its warmth and sunshine - make jam from sweet southern berry. Making grape jam It doesn’t take much time and the grape jam itself turns out very tasty. In addition, you will have the opportunity to surprise guests who drop by for tea.

A simple recipe for grape jam

Almost any grape is suitable for jam – blue, green, yellow. Very popular Isabella jam. Our recipe used blue grapes, and the color of the jam turned out to match.

You will need:
1 kg of grapes (wash them and pick them from the branches);
1 kg sugar;
Glass of water;
1 teaspoon vanillin;
1 teaspoon citric acid.

Prepare the syrup first. To do this, heat the water in a saucepan and add all the sugar, stirring. Cook for a little while.

Then put the grapes in the pan, stir and cook for half an hour. Let cool and cook for low heat 2 more times, each time for at least an hour.

Foam will form on the surface of the jam - skim it off. Also remove grape seeds.

At the end of cooking, add vanillin and citric acid. Stir well and turn off the heat. If you want to receive grape jam with nuts, add a handful of almonds or hazelnuts.

How to know when your grape jam is ready

The jam can be allowed to cool when the berries appear transparent and no longer float to the surface.
Place a drop of jam on a plate. If it does not spread, but freezes in place, then the jam is ready.

Let the jam cool and then seal it in jars. As a result, you will get very tasty and unusual delicacy, which your loved ones will appreciate!

Grape jam in winter it will remind you of sunny summer days and help you warm up no less than.

Anastasia Kuptsova for the website

Such grape jam - great option winter harvesting. Especially aromatic syrup obtained from the Isabella or Lydia grape varieties. They have rich and bright taste qualities. The only problem" this recipe– inability to remove seeds from grapes. But this does not affect the taste of the finished dessert at all. If you don’t like jam with seeds, you can strain the finished sweet mass.

This jam from grapes with seeds for the winter is prepared in 3-4 stages. Each time, the grape mass must be brought to a boil and left alone until it cools completely. Grape jam is stored in a dark pantry or cellar for 10-12 months, so you can prepare a large number of berries for future use to enjoy bright dessert throughout the winter.

Ingredients for making grape jam with seeds for the winter:

  • blue grapes (variety “Isabella”, “Lydia”) – 1 kg
  • water – 100 ml
  • sugar – 700 g

Grape jam with seeds for the winter - a simple recipe:

Before cooking the jam, we prepare the grapes: we tear the berries from thin branches. We try to remove damaged and wrinkled berries. Wash thoroughly.

Cooking sweet syrup: Pour sugar and the recommended amount of purified water into a saucepan.

Mix ingredients and cook sugar syrup 10-12 minutes.

Pour the grapes into a saucepan with syrup and wait for the mixture to boil.

Once the grapes are soft, remove the pan from the heat. Leave for 5-6 hours. We repeat the entire procedure 3-4 times. Until the syrup acquires the thickness we need.

Pour the finished hot grape jam with seeds into dry containers for the winter. If desired, strain the jam through a sieve (removing the seeds and skin from the sweet syrup).

Store grape jam in a cool place.

Bon appetit!

The usefulness of grapes was appreciated in ancient times, when they began to cook from them delicious raisins and a variety of wines. Fragrant berries Not only tasty, but also immensely rich in vitamins and microelements. They have a beneficial effect on nervous system and improve brain function, relieve stress and relax the digestive system.

Green grape jam

The simplest recipe for grape jam with seeds for the winter is made from green varieties of berries. It does not require much time to cook and turns out very tasty.



  1. Syrup is prepared from water and half sugar. It needs to be allowed to cool almost to room temperature.
  2. Then the berries, previously washed in a colander, are dipped into the liquid and left for 12 hours.
  3. The grapes, saturated with syrup, are thrown into a blender and crushed. Then the remaining sugar is added to the jam and beaten again.
  4. The pan is placed on the stove, the resulting mixture is poured into it and cooked for 5 minutes.
  5. The jam is poured into containers immediately after preparation and closed with lids. Leave until completely cooled room temperature lids down.

Grape jam with Chinese pear

Another simple recipe for grape jam with seeds for the winter without prolonged digestion can be prepared with interesting ingredient. If Chinese pear I couldn’t find it, it’s easy to replace it with a regular one.


  • grape berries – 300 gr;
  • Chinese pear – 2 kg;
  • medium lemon – 1 piece;
  • drinking water – 300 ml.


  1. From sugar and drinking water The syrup is prepared over low heat. At the end of cooking, grapes are dropped into it, and after 3-5 minutes, pears.
  2. The products are simmered over low heat for an hour. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice to the treat. By reacting with the ingredients of the jam, it will prevent it from fermenting and the lid from swelling.
  3. Ready jam It is necessary to cool at room temperature and pour into jars. They will stay warm for a day with the lids facing down. They can then be sent to the pantry.

Grape berries in sweet syrup

To get incredibly sweet and fragrant jam from green grapes with seeds for the winter, you can try this simple recipe. It won’t take much time, but will give you a fragrant bouquet during the cold season.


  • green berries without branches – 2 kg;
  • drinking water – 300 g;
  • granulated sugar – 400 gr.


  1. Boil syrup from granulated sugar and water until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Berries are dipped into boiling liquid and boiled for 7-10 minutes over low heat.
  3. The finished jam is placed in pre-heated jars while hot and closed.
  4. The rolls need to be cooled for two days at room temperature with the lids down, covered with a warm cloth.

Red grape jam

Grape jam with seeds for the winter can be prepared from dark varieties, and a simple recipe will not take much time. The end result will be very thick and aromatic delicacy, which can be used to decorate pies and ice cream.


  • dark grape berries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • drinking water – 2 glasses.


  1. The berries are carefully sorted to avoid any spoiled or wrinkled ones, which could ruin the taste of the delicacy.
  2. The grapes are sprinkled with sugar and left at rest for 10-12 hours, during which they will release the maximum amount of juice.
  3. The mass is placed on the stove, water is added to it. Cook the jam over low heat for 10 minutes. Then it is left at rest for 5-7 hours until completely cooled. During this time, stand out even more a small amount of juice
  4. The cooking procedure is repeated again. This time quite a lot of foam is formed. It must be removed and thrown away immediately. The jam is left alone for another 3 hours.
  5. At the last stage, the mass is boiled over low heat with constant stirring with a spatula until it finally thickens. You can check the thickness by dropping a drop of liquid from a teaspoon onto a saucer. If it does not spread, then the treat is ready.
  6. The finished jam is immediately placed in jars and sealed. Then the seaming is placed with the lids down on thick fabric and wrapped. After two days, its container can be moved to another storage location.

Isabella jam

Jam from Isabella grapes

A simple recipe will not take much time, and the resulting delicacy will be unusually aromatic. Variety Isabella long time was used exclusively for making wine, but in modern housewives We learned how to make incredibly tasty and thick jam from it.


  • Isabella berries - 1.5 kg;
  • drinking water – 300 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 1.2 kg.


  1. Half the sugar is poured into enamel pan and is filled with water. Place on the stove over low heat. The syrup is boiled to a medium consistency. In total, the liquid should boil for about 10 minutes.
  2. Then the jam base needs to cool for half an hour.
  3. Pour the remaining sugar into the pan with the liquid. The switch is set to medium heat, and when the water boils, you need to turn it to low. When all the crystals have dissolved, add Isabella berries. Boil the boiling grapes for half an hour.
  4. The finished product must be cooled at room temperature and, when warm, placed in jars and sealed.

Exists great amount types of jam. It is prepared not only from fruits and berries, but sometimes even from vegetables. Along with traditional preparations There are less common ones. These include a simple recipe for grape jam with seeds for the winter.

Grape jam with seeds for the winter - the simplest recipe

What we cook from:

  • Dark grapes – kilogram;
  • 250 milliliters of water;
  • A kilogram of sugar.

How to do:

  1. We free the berries from the branches, remove crumpled, rotten, dried berries. Wash it and put it in a bowl for cooking.
  2. Cook the syrup. Pour the berries hot and leave for half an hour.
  3. Then we put the container with the fruits on the stove and cook at a low simmer until the syrup thickens. Stir the contents occasionally during cooking.
  4. To determine readiness, place a drop of syrup on a cold saucer. If it retains its shape and does not spread, then the jam is ready.

Pour it into clean, dry jars. Cover and air cool without turning over.

Advice! When making jam, you do not need to stir it often to maintain the integrity of the berries.

Delicious jam from blue grapes with seeds

This preparation is especially aromatic from the Isabella or Lydia grape varieties. They have a rich and bright taste. How to make grape jam at home - read the recipes below.

Take according to the recipe:

  • Blue grapes – 1 kg;
  • Water - half a glass;
  • Sugar – 700 grams.

Step by step recipe:

  1. First you need to prepare the berries. First, we tear off the branches, remove the damaged grapes, and wash them well.
  2. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar by boiling it over low heat for about ten minutes, stirring and skimming off the foam.
  3. Place the berries in a bowl with syrup and let it boil. Boil until the fruits are soft, set aside until cool.
  4. Bring to a boil again, cook at a gentle simmer for seven minutes, cool. We will do this procedure twice more. The syrup should be thick.
  5. Place the finished grape jam into dry jars. Leave for air cooling.

Then we take it to the basement for storage.

Azerbaijani grape jam

You already know how to make jam from grapes. But now I will share a recipe that has some features.

We will prepare the following products for cooking:

  • 2 kilograms of light grapes;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • Half a packet of vanillin;
  • coffee spoon wine vinegar.

How we will cook:

  1. We remove the ripened berries from the branches and wash them under running water. For cooking, select undamaged fruits. The question arises: how to make grape jam without bursting the berries? To do this, pour boiling water over them for one minute. The liquid should just cover the fruit. Then we drain the water. It will be useful to us.
  2. Make syrup from the drained water and sugar. Boil until all the crystals dissolve. Pour the prepared syrup over the berries.
  3. Let it sit until it cools completely. Then, over low heat, simmer at low heat for fifteen minutes.
  4. We do this three more times. At the end of the last cooking, add wine vinegar and vanillin. Mix well and place in sterilized jars. Roll up and cool.

Such jam with pleasant taste We store both the aroma and the whole berries in a cool room.

Reference! Instead of wine vinegar, you can use citric acid.

Fragrant grape delicacy

We will prepare this dessert from green grapes with seeds.

You need to prepare:

  • 1 kilogram of grapes;
  • 0.5 kilos of sugar;
  • Lemon;
  • 1 pack of agar-agar.

Simple recipe:

  1. Sprinkle the washed berries with sugar and leave for 12 hours to form juice. If after this time the berries have released little liquid, you can add 100 milliliters of water.
  2. Squeeze lemon juice into the bowl with the grape mixture. Place on the stove and cook for one minute.
  3. Add thickener and mix well. Boil for another five minutes.
  4. Roll into sterile jars.

The recipe for winter jam from grapes with seeds is simple, but it turns out thick, with a wonderful taste and pleasant aroma.

Five-minute jam

Now I will tell you how to make grape jam quickly and without much effort.

You will need the following:

  • 1.5 kilograms of grapes;
  • One and a half glasses of sugar;
  • 250 milliliters of water;
  • Coffee spoon of citric acid.

How to cook:

  1. We separate the berries from the branches, remove the rotten and overripe ones.
  2. Wash well in several waters. Let the berries dry.
  3. Place a pan of water on the stove, wait until it boils, add sugar. Cook the syrup at a low simmer.
  4. Then add the berries, boil for five minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam.
  5. Add lemon and cook for another five minutes over medium heat.
  6. Pour into sterilized jars. After cooling, put it away for storage.

Spicy jam “Kamomil”

Have to take:

  • Big lemon;
  • Half a glass of water;
  • Sugar – 4 cups;
  • Cloves – 3 buds;
  • A piece of cinnamon;
  • A kilogram of peeled grapes.

How to cook:

  1. Pour boiling water over the washed lemon and let sit for two minutes. Then squeeze the juice out of it and strain through a sieve.
  2. Mix the resulting juice with sugar and water. Cook the syrup over low heat, placing a gauze bag with spices in it.
  3. Wash the grapes, prick the berries in several places, and fill them with syrup. We stand for 8 hours.
  4. Heat the mixture almost to a boil, but do not boil. We repeat this procedure three more times, maintaining the same interval.
  5. After the last soak, let the jam boil and set aside for a day. Then cook at a very low boil until thickened, about half an hour.
  6. We take out the bag of spices from the jam and place it hot in jars and roll it up.

The finished treat in jars looks very beautiful. The grapes are transparent, even the seeds are visible.

Grape jam with apples

Let's prepare:

  • Grapes – 1 kilogram;
  • Apples - half a kilogram;
  • Sugar – 800 grams.
  1. We prepare the washed fruits for cooking: cut the peeled apples into cubes, cut the grapes in half. We leave the bones.
  2. Place grapes and apples in layers in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for two hours to release the juice.
  3. Heat over low heat, stirring and removing foam. From the moment it boils, cook for five minutes, then cool to room temperature.
  4. Boil the jam for 3 minutes. Pour into jars and roll up.

After cooling, we take it to the cellar.

Black grape jam “Shokoladnitsa”

Let's prepare jam from black grapes.


  • A kilogram of dark fruits;
  • A kilogram of sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of grape juice.

Add half the sugar to the peeled berries and leave for eleven hours. Make syrup from the rest of the sugar and juice. Cool until warm and pour into the fruit mixture.

Boil the grape mass over low heat until the grapes settle to the bottom of the dish. As soon as this happens, pour the finished jam into jars and close hermetically.

How to make grape jam without bursting the berries


  • Grapes - 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar - 900 grams;
  • Water - glass;
  • Lemon juice - 5 tablespoons;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

What we do:

  1. We remove the berries from the brushes and rinse them under running water.
  2. Pour water into a convenient container and bring it to a boil. Place the berries in a colander in boiling water for two minutes, and then immediately place them in cold water. Let the water drain.
  3. We prepare syrup from water and sugar, pour grapes into it. We stand for twelve hours.
  4. Then bring the mixture to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 6 hours.
  5. We repeat this procedure twice more. At the last stage, add lemon juice and vanillin.
  6. Pour hot into dry jars, seal, and let cool.

Grape jam with whole berries keeps well even at room temperature.

Original recipe with almonds

  • A kilogram of white grapes;
  • Half a kilo of sugar;
  • Juice of half a lemon;
  • 70 grams of almonds;
  • 200 milliliters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the berries with sugar and water at a low boil for half an hour. Add lemon juice and almonds, simmer for another five minutes.
  2. If the syrup is not ready, strain it and cook until ready. Return the berries and nuts to the syrup and boil. The jam should be caramel color.
  3. Place while hot into prepared jars.

On a note! If possible, do not disturb the jam while cooking, or do it rarely and carefully so as not to crush the grapes.

Have you met different recipes preparing grape jam. For greater clarity, I advise you to watch the video.

Now you know not just one simple recipe for winter jam from grapes with seeds, but several. Therefore, it will not be difficult to choose one of them that will become your favorite.

More often grape berries used for making wine or as a dessert. Sometimes housewives make compote from these berries or preserve juice. But few people know that, among other things, grapes can be used to make delicious jam. Many types of grapes are suitable as an ingredient, which are able, after all the influences, to retain valuable qualities.

Below we will offer the most popular ways to prepare a delicious winter delicacy.

Specifics of preparing grape jam

First of all, we can highlight:

  1. The fruits ripen in late summer and early autumn, some only by the middle or even the end of the autumn season.
  2. Grapes must be selected whole, without damage. Overripe fruits are not suitable for making jam.
  3. The collected berries must be cooked on the same day, as they will not be able to sit for a long time.
  4. The fewer seeds there are in grapes, the better.
  5. Since the grape fruits are very juicy, blanching is required.

Preparation of the main ingredient

In order for the result to please you, you must use only selected fruits, without damage. Unripe and spoiled berries are not suitable.

Pre-washing is carried out under water pressure to remove contaminants. Light grapes will require blanching for a couple of minutes. Dark varieties are not blanched.

The grapes are separated from the grapes. The peel must be pierced so that it does not burst during cooking. If necessary, the bones are removed.

The cooking container must be covered with enamel or made of glass.

Recipes for grape jam for the winter

At home you can make jam from all types of grapes. If you select suitable recipe, then you can enjoy this delicious delicacy all winter.

In a slow cooker

A multi-cooker makes cooking easy.

To get delicious jam you need to follow these steps:

  • the grapes are kneaded and the seeds are pulled out;
  • granulated sugar is added and mixed with berries;
  • We wait a couple of hours, set the “Stew” setting. Place the finished jam into jars.

Each housewife decides for herself how many ingredients to take. It all depends on taste and habits.

Quick option “Five minutes”

We will need:

  • granulated sugar – 200 grams;
  • water – 0.15 liters;
  • berries – 1000 grams;

Dissolve granulated sugar in water and heat without letting it boil. Add the grapes without heating them too much. Stir and cook for five minutes without boiling. Then turn up the temperature and heat for another five minutes. Remove from the stove and place the contents in containers.


  • seedless fruits – 800 grams;
  • sugar – 800 grams;
  • water - three quarters of a glass.

Remove the seeds from the cut berries. Transfer them to a cooking container. Add half the amount of granulated sugar and leave for 10-12 hours. Mix the second half of the sugar with water. You need to boil the syrup. Pour it into the candied mass. The mixture is cooked over medium heat until the grapes settle. After cooling, pack and preserve.

With seeds


  • berries – 1000 grams;
  • water - half a liter;
  • citric acid – 1 teaspoon.

Let's prepare sugar syrup. We pour grapes into it. Cook the resulting mass for ten minutes. Upon completion, citric acid is poured in. We interfere. We preserve the mass laid out in containers.

Thick raisin grape jam

To make jam according to the recipe, you will need:

  • sultanas – 600 grams;
  • water - a third of a glass;
  • granulated sugar – 600 grams;
  • vanilla.

Mix granulated sugar with hot water. Then the grapes are added. Cook for ten minutes, stirring. After this, leave the resulting mass overnight. The next day the liquid is drained. Boil it for eight minutes. Then the fruits return back. Remove from the stove and let stand for another eight hours.

Then you need to simmer the contents over low heat until the grapes settle. Add vanilla. Preserve in glass jars.

From green grapes

We prepare from the following products:

  • berries without seeds - two kilograms;
  • water – 200 grams;
  • granulated sugar – one kilogram;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • vanilla.

Mix water, grapes and sugar in a cooking container. Place on the stove and cook until it thickens. Let cool, add lemon juice and vanilla. Bring to readiness over low heat. Let's preserve.

White grapes with walnuts

Very tasty jam with interesting flavor notes. It's easy and quick to do. For this we need:

  • fruits – 1000 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 1000 grams;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • citric acid – 1 teaspoon;
  • vanilla;
  • peeled walnuts – 300 grams.

Preparing the grapes for cooking. Mix granulated sugar and water in a cooking container. We put it on the stove. Cook the boiled liquid for five minutes over low heat. Place the grapes in the cooled syrup. Let it sit for a couple of hours. Then put it on the stove again and cook, bringing to a boil.

Add the nuts and cook for another hour. It is important to stir and remove foam. The product is ready if the grapes have settled. Add citric acid and vanilla and stir. Ready dessert put into jars and preserved.

It is better to store in the basement at low temperatures.

From Isabella

For cooking according to step by step recipe required:

  • berries of the Isabella variety - one and a half kilograms;
  • water – 0.3 liters;
  • granulated sugar – 600 g.

Particularly aromatic and tasty treat for the winter you can prepare it from this variety of berries. Before cooking, wash the grapes thoroughly and separate them from the grapes. Next, heat the water and add granulated sugar into it, stirring regularly, until it dissolves. Then add the grapes and cook for about five minutes over low heat.

After the contents have cooled, put it on the stove again and cook for thirty minutes, add the remaining granulated sugar. After finishing cooking, we pack the finished jam into containers and preserve it.

From grape and currant leaves with apples

The combination of apples, currants and grape leaves in one dessert will create an interesting flavor bouquet. To do this you will need to keep the currants and grape leaves in heated water for two hours. Then apple slices with trimmed skin are placed. The resulting mass is cooked until thick. Then it is cooled and preserved.

With cherry

Cherries and grapes go very well together. The jam is prepared just like regular grape jam. In this case, cherries can be with or without pits. The finished jam is poured into jars and rolled up.

With pumpkin

To add pumpkin pulp to the jam, cut it into small slices, add sugar. Let it brew for twenty minutes, put it in the oven for thirty minutes at a temperature of one hundred degrees. Place the resulting mixture in a cooking container where the grapes are already being prepared. Boil until thick and preserve.

With gooseberries

Gooseberries and grapes are taken in a ratio of one to two. The prepared berries are mixed and crushed. Add sugar and cook for about forty minutes.

With apple

Apple and grape notes combined give great taste. The sweetness is not too strong, and almost no sugar is added.

With cinnamon and lemon

Cinnamon powder is often added to various recipes jam. Grape is no exception. It is placed immediately before cooking. Lemon juice poured a quarter of an hour before the end of the process so as not to spoil the taste.
