The homemade potion recipe is very easy. Methods for preparing and using love potion

What could be more beautiful than love? Probably only a feeling of reciprocity on the part of the faithful. But what to do if there are no response emotions: sink into long-term suffering or take some unconventional means? The answer, of course, must be given by a person who has not experienced the expected feeling of reciprocity.

If you still decide to resort to magic, use several recipes. love potion, which we will describe in detail in our article. We hope that this will not bring grief to anyone.

Time to prepare a love potion

A love potion is almost always prepared within days. Another thing is the preparation time. One potion is enough from one to three days, the other is several years old. Of course, the latter will be more effective and efficient, but if you don’t have time to wait that much, you can use easier recipes.

It is better to use a love potion on the 3rd, 8th, 9th days of the moon, as well as on the full moon.

It is more appropriate for women to perform the ritual on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, for men - on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

So, we’ve figured out the preparation time and use, and now let’s get down to the love potion recipes themselves.

Potion using coriander seeds

This magical drink will allow you not only to make a person who does not reciprocate fall in love with you, but also to achieve from him a feeling of endless passion. To do this, prepare the following:

Seven coriander seeds;

Spring water (you can use filtered);

Two clean identical cups;

Church candle.

How to make a love potion from coriander seeds?

So, we start preparing the love potion, the recipe for which is quite simple, by grinding coriander seeds. Place main ingredient into a mortar and grind it thoroughly. During this process, imagine hugs, kisses, and physical intimacy with your loved one. Place the resulting powder in one of the cups and fill it with clean water. Light a candle and turn off the light. Place another cup on the table and start pouring the mixture at a distance of one meter. This should be done 7 times, pouring the resulting product from one container to another. In the process, imagine how your loved one’s feelings begin to awaken and acquire more and more power and strength.

Add the love potion to your loved one’s drink or water a day after preparation.

An effective decoction of herbs, spikelets and flowers

This potion will help not only achieve reciprocity from a man, but also “patch up” fading feelings. So, for it we need the following:

3 any flowers;

3 seeds of different herbs;

3 spikelets of various cereals;

3 tbsp. l. vinegar;

How to brew a love potion using herbs, flowers and spikelets?

First, a few words about collecting necessary ingredients. We think it’s easy to guess that you’ll have to assemble everything yourself. This must be done on a clear night barefoot. There shouldn't be a soul around. When you pick each ingredient, say the following: “I collect for my loved one - forever and ever.”

After collection, go home. An important condition is that you should not utter a word until the very door. Looking around is also undesirable.

Then place the flowers in a glass of vinegar and place them on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on them. Leave the glass for three nights. You should not touch it or move it.

After this time, add the remaining ingredients and 1 tbsp to the flowers. a spoonful of honey. Grind and strain. The resulting love potion should be placed in a dark place and, when appropriate, gradually added to the food or drink of your loved one.

Chicory Potion

This plant has long been of interest to our ancestors, because few people know that it has magical and mystical qualities. With the help of chicory, you can easily bewitch a loved one who does not have reciprocal feelings for you. This magical plant will also add sexuality, restore former strength and provide self-confidence.

How to make a love potion from chicory? After flowering, collect the chicory root. Let it dry before purchasing golden color. Then fry it in a frying pan and brew it like regular coffee.

If you give such a drink to your lover or add it little by little to coffee, after a while you will see how feelings and passion appear in your chosen one.

There is also a belief that if you touch your loved one’s heart with chicory on St. Peter’s Day (July 12), he will very quickly fall in love with you.

Very strong potion of rose petals

This drink has already brought a lot of grief, because our ancestors also claimed that the drink of love, prepared from the petals of various roses, drives men crazy.

So, to prepare such an effective love potion, we need:

1 white rose petal;

Pink candle;

Menstrual blood (optionally, blood from the finger of the fortuneteller’s left hand) - 3 drops;

Ginger seed powder - 2 pinches;

Anise seed powder - 2 pinches;

Licorice - 1 pinch;

Angelica seed powder - 2 pinches;

Coriander and cumin - one pinch each.

How to make a love potion from rose petals?

A love potion at home using rose petals must be prepared with extreme faith in magic, otherwise you may harm yourself. So, burn the petals using a pink candle. Drop the ashes into alcohol and mix. After this, add all the ingredients one by one, constantly thinking about your lover. Just a few drops will be enough for your loved one to realize that you should live in his heart forever.

Potion from ashes photos

This drink will allow you to quickly and easily win the favor of your lover. How to prepare such a love potion? Its recipe is quite simple, but the consequences can be detrimental to both you and your chosen one. Remember this before you plunge headlong into magic.

So, carry a photo of your loved one near your heart for a whole month. After this, sprinkle it with your blood from your left finger (or menstrual blood) and burn it. Take your photo, mix it with ashes and burn it too. Place a pot of clean water on the stove and wait until it boils. Pick 3 leaves from 3 petals from a red rose and add to boiling water. Throw in a pinch of rosemary, photo ashes and a drop

Cool the resulting broth and strain. Drink with your loved one throughout the day.


How to prepare a love potion at home? Quite simple, and you are already convinced of this. But will it bring you Will you like it “artificially” loving man? Before making such drinks, ask yourself these questions.

They are not limited to crafting and redstone. There is also potions making, which we will talk about today.

Part 1. Items.

Without a portal to the Lower World there can be no talk of potion making because... most items come from there. When you have developed and already have access to Hell, you need to find the ifrits and get from them the rods that we will need to make a brewing stand - the most important item in potions. Plus, we also need cobblestones, but this is rubbish that is full of in the world of Minecraft. We also need a boiler. It is used to store water (can be filled using a bucket), from a full boiler you can fill three flasks. The flask is used to store and transport all potions.

Part 2. Crafting the necessary things.

Well, let's get down to business and start crafting. First, let's craft the simplest flask. Let's look at the picture:

They did something simple. Now let's move on to the main thing. Cooking stand:

Part 3. Antidote.

If you are going to test a potion that causes damage on yourself, then you will need an antidote. The antidote is regular milk.

Part 4. Reagents.

Reagents are needed to change the potion. They can:

Reverse the effect of a potion.

Extend the effect of the potion.

Part 4.1. Basic reagents.

Base-affecting reagents are needed to create primary and tertiary potions and to change the duration and intensity of the effects of tertiary potions:


Main ingredient for Potions of Weakness

Causes negative effects.

Main ingredient for Thick potion

Enhances effects

Main ingredient for Rough potion, with which you can make any potion that has an effect.

Main ingredient for An unremarkable potion

Increases the duration of effects.

When added to a Level II potion, it weakens it.

When added to any potion, makes it explode.

Reduces the duration of effects.

Part 4.2. Base-producing reagents.

Base-producing reagents are used to create both primary and secondary potions, but they do not affect the duration or intensity of the effect.

Part 4.3. Manufacturing reagents.

Manufacturing reagents are mixed with base potions to give the potion the effect the potion will give the player when they drink it. Here is a list of the main producing reagents:


Fire resistance



Night vision

Underwater breathing

Powerful Jump

Part 4.4. Connected reagents.

Connected reagents are reagents made from a pair of basic reagents. They are used to create tertiary potions with new effects.

The table below provides a list of tertiary reagents:

Instant Damage




Part 5. Potions.

Well, we learned everything you need to know for whatever brew potions. Let's start in the table below there are recipes for all primary potions.

Love potion recipe- a mythical drink that can strengthen affection and passion, restore fading feelings and attract the object of sympathy and desire. How magical is the love potion in its essence, and what recipes love potion would they be appropriate in the kitchen of a modern witch?

Love potion: what has changed

Love potions or love potions- drinks that have been widespread in practical magic since ancient times, they were made on the basis of wine or tea with the obligatory addition of blood from a fresh cut or menstrual and other “wild” blood modern man ingredients. Magic spells, conspiracies over love potion and accompanying magical rituals were designed to enhance the effect of love spells. Love potion They gave the chosen one a taste, and sometimes they had to drink the other part of the drink themselves.

In the modern light magic of the kitchen and natural feminine charms, you should not experiment with “wild” and dangerous recipes, since you can get a result that is far from expected, and sometimes one that will affect your health or the health of a loved one. Ingredients and love potion recipes, given in this article should be familiar and accessible to you, achieving the desired effect will be more likely if you are already connected by a relationship, and it needs to be either strengthened, developed, or returned to the right direction. No obsession or mindless dependence, awakening of natural desires and affections - experiment with the composition love potions, making up own recipes from ingredients with magical meanings. Offering love potion to your chosen one, mentally say your desire, avoiding the word “I want”, just voice to yourself a favorable result and, of course, do not forget to think about your loved one when preparing a love drink. Remember that thoughts are material and think about the good.

What to make a love potion from

Lemon – attracting love and heightening feelings. Lemon is one of the main ingredients in love potions.

Orange - enhances a woman’s attractiveness, making her more charming and sensual in the eyes of her chosen one.

Ginger - in love potion recipes helps a woman achieve what she wants.

Rosehip - like a rose, helps to find true, sincere love.

Vanilla attracts, evokes interest and a warm disposition.

Almonds - in love potion promises a happy union.

Cumin - caraway seeds encourage trust and openness, and caraway seed oil attracts harmony and peace in the union of spouses, which is why many magical rituals recommend lubricating the doorways of a home with caraway oil.

Ginseng root is similar to the human body and, according to ancient beliefs, is endowed with the magical power of mandrake roots, helps in visualizing desires and awakening desire.

Ingredients for love potions and dishes from Sarah Edison Allen

Sorceresses and sorceresses are not a thing of the past, but rather a subtle and sensual, gentle present. It was precisely these modern and at the same time unique women that the American Sarah Edison Allen presented to readers in her book “Garden Spells” on the verge of fiction and completely natural reality, which, according to her, was written by itself. One of the main characters, Claire Waverley, has many secrets of plants under her control, and the amazing dishes and drinks that this charming witch prepares are endowed with magical properties. Here are some of garden herbs and plants that she would need for making a love potion:

Pansies in love potion recipe will make your chosen one want to give compliments and present more unexpected and pleasant gifts.

Rose geranium is a magical way to travel back in time to old emotions and deep feelings, surrounded by bright rainbow memories from the past.

Marigolds are a love remedy for love potions and magical cuisine, these flowers evoke a feeling of affection, which can be accompanied by intense jealousy.

Rose petals in tea or jam enhance and protect sincere love feelings.

Candied petals, leaves in green salads and baked tulip bulbs can be prepared as original, exotic dishes. Tulip, however, is no longer an ingredient for love potion , and a means for establishing intimate relationships, it gives confidence in the sexual sphere. But there is also side effect

– a person may become sensitive to the expression of others’ opinions.

Violet – peace and happiness, calm deep dreams without worries.

Love potion recipe love potion Boil water (three glasses) in a small light container without removing it from the heat, add one teaspoon each of raspberry and rose hip leaves, calendula flowers, add caraway seeds on the tip of a knife. Boiling

remove from heat. The broth should steep for half an hour, after which it should be strained and two tablespoons of cognac should be added to the drink. The drink should be served warm.

In ancient times, our foremothers, in order to achieve the love of a man, often resorted to magical techniques, for example, by preparing a love potion and mixing it into the food or drink of a loved one, you can completely take over his will and consciousness. Currently remembered old recipes various and seasonings, which are increasingly used by modern representatives of the fairer sex to solve their problems in their personal lives. Just why not resort to solving these problems more the right way, for example, with the help of feminine charm? Anyway. This is the individual choice of each girl, and it is up to her to decide in what way to win the attention of her beloved.

What is a love potion , and how to prepare it correctly so that it is sure to work? More and more girls are asking this question. Let's try to answer it.

A love potion is a magically prepared drink that is made in order to subjugate a specific person to your will. If such a drink is prepared according to all the rules, then it will work no worse than any love spell, and maybe even more effective than it. The potion, entering the victim’s stomach, works as intended by the performer of the love potion.

Love potions are prepared depending on what goal the person is pursuing:

  • attract the attention and arouse the love of a man;
  • ignite attraction and passion in him;
  • bring back your loved one who is irretrievably gone.

Individually, for each life situation, there is its own recipe magic drink. All potions can also be divided into several categories:

  • drinks prepared using strong alcohol, and the addition of various specially prepared herbal infusions, coffee drinks using certain spices;
  • simple drink or food with charmed water, sugar or salt;
  • drinks for romantic meetings with the addition of substances that stimulate sexual desire.

If you add a particle of your flesh (blood, hair, nails or saliva) to such a drink or food and speak with a prayer or spell, then the effectiveness of such a potion will increase many times over.

Operating principle

How to make a love potion? Before you start preparing love drinks, you should understand that:

  • potions do not act at a distance - you must have personal contact with the person for whom you are going to prepare the potion;
  • the potion will only be effective if it is prepared by a person in a good mood;
  • Drinks should be prepared strictly following the recipe - you cannot change or exclude ingredients at your discretion. If a mistake occurs, the drink will have the opposite effect and harm the person who prepared it;
  • the potion is prepared exclusively during the period when the moon is growing;
  • days for preparing love drinks - Monday and Friday;
  • When making a drug, you need to think about the person you want to drug. Before you serve it to your loved one, concentrate completely on what you are doing;
  • The love potion is used only once.

What associations does the word “potion” evoke in you? Some will think about black magic, evil old women boiling lizard tails in cauldrons. Young people will imagine modern business witches specializing in love spells and Harry Potter stories. If you smiled - great, if you felt anxious - congratulations: you have a good imagination. But in any case, there is nothing to be afraid of! Can something that helps you gain health and longevity be scary?

Test tube health
In the old days, a potion was called any medicinal or tonic, but not a universal one - “for everyone,” but prepared specifically for a specific person.
Potions are radically different from medicines, so our lack of special medical education can in no way spoil the result or cause harm to health. Of course, potions contain plants containing chemical substances, but their number is usually so small that they provide only information about their impact. And information is an interesting thing. If we don’t believe in it, it usually has no effect on us. But if we believe... Then even a glass of water can become the most effective medicine for us!
Keep in mind: making and taking a potion is a ritual that tunes a person to the desired wave. Therefore, it should be cooked in a special container and always in good mood! We can quickly pop this pill into our mouths without thinking about what we are doing. And then we are surprised that medications do not bring long-awaited relief.
The secret to the success of magical compounds is simple: potions and tablets are used to quickly relieve suffering, and potions are aimed at removing their cause. Before you start, remember a few rules.

Rule one: the potion must be prepared using “informationally pure” water: free from the memory of any influences. To obtain such water from ordinary boiled water, it is enough to freeze it and let it thaw.

Rule two: before work, you must thoroughly wash your hands, put on ritual clothing and take out special utensils

A ritual costume can be either an ordinary robe, jeans with a T-shirt, or an alchemist’s robe. One condition: never wear it as loungewear!
For your first experiments, you can take any new utensils. But remember: from now on it should only be used for making potions.
Stock up simple banks and bottles with caps - for tinctures and ready-made mixtures, which should be stored in the dark and cool. You will also need a spoon and a knife - preferably silver, but new steel ones will do.

Rule three: get to work in a good mood, filled with confidence in your abilities! If it seems difficult at first, treat potions like a game - and everything will work out! The following naturally follows from this rule...

Rule four: if you don't feel well, don't take the job!
Otherwise, information about your condition will be transmitted to the water and turn it into poison. And never undertake to do something for others if you are not sure of the result and have not tried the composition on yourself.

The magic of potions.

A potion always consists of two parts, which are prepared separately and then mixed - let's call them bases. The first base (charmed or charged water) endows the potion with certain information, the second (processed plant materials) introduces chemical elements that enhance the required qualities: this is what distinguishes the art of potion making from traditional medicine, using only Chemical properties substances.

So, how to prepare the first base. It has been proven that water is an ideal storage and transmitter of information, so enlightened people no longer consider slander about water to be a fairy tale. Drops of charged water will instantly transmit the received information to the person for whom it was intended - even if he does not drink this water, but, for example, washes his face with it.

The second base can be juice, powder, infusion, decoction, alcohol extract, or powder obtained in the form of a dry sediment. Typically in potions long-term storage Alcohol is definitely included. It is alcohol: vodka contains water and impurities, and water, as you know, contains various information. And who knows whether it will be useful or destructive for you?

Practical magic
Now let's prepare a simple potion to boost immunity.
Take two vessels of equal volume (for example, a cup, a two-hundred-gram jar with a tight-fitting lid) for two bases, a container for combining the resulting mixtures, a silver (steel) knife, a wooden stick for stirring the potion, a funnel and a clean cloth for the filter. It's better to work standing.

First we prepare the first base.
Pour “clean” water into the cup (do not add 2 cm to the edge). Place your palms around the cup and dip the thumbs of both hands into the water. Thank the water from the bottom of your heart for its help. Imagine that words flow from your fingers into a vessel and the water warms up slightly. Then concentrate and formulate what you want to ask the water to do, what it needs to do (you can use words, you can imagine how good you feel). And after thanking again, remove your hands. Stir the water clockwise with a knife and set the cup aside.

Second potion base- a creative thing, we need chemical active substances that can act specifically on you. Therefore, choose in advance three plants that symbolize in your eyes recovery from a cold and strengthening the immune system: raspberries, currants, lemon, lingonberries or something else - the choice is yours. It is advisable that you have a supply of fresh or dried raw materials on hand. Place a teaspoon of each of the three ingredients in a jar, add enough alcohol to cover the mixture, and stir clockwise for a few minutes. Then close the jar tightly and shake until the liquid changes color.
(A couple of secrets: if you cannot tolerate alcohol, you can replace the alcohol with slightly warmed “clean” water. And if you smoke, add 3-4 drops of May wormwood tincture or a wormwood twig to the composition to somewhat neutralize the damage caused to the body by smoking.)
Pour the first base into the third vessel, while imagining yourself invulnerable to disease. There, carefully strain the second base through a funnel covered with a cloth and, after stirring the mixture, let it stand for a couple of minutes - the potion is ready.
You must take it every morning, each time thanking the water and asking it to bring you healing. While you drink, try to feel how the water contained in the potion communicates the health information contained in it to the water contained in the tissues of your body...
To conclude our lesson, I would like to once again remind you of a good mood and confidence in success: without these two components, miracles cannot happen. I wish you health!
