Chinese tea leaf microscopy. Chinese tea, types and origin. Contraindications and side effects

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, did not particularly worry about mulching. But today this agricultural technique has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's a hassle. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that “little ones” have always been considered more fashionable, it’s worth taking a closer look at the range of succulents with which you can decorate a modern interior. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of prickliness, impact on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

The Egyptians used mint as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils, which are highly volatile. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article we will look at the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began growing crocuses 500 years before our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the harbingers of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article is dedicated to the earliest varieties of crocuses, which bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup made from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as other vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup turns out tastier than freshly prepared cabbage soup.

Blueberries are a rare and promising berry crop in gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins and have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and tonic properties. The berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, microelements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberries taste like a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it’s hard not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners are sometimes confused by it! However, understanding the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself” is not so difficult. The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of the culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest groups of tomatoes to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been valued by those gardeners who do not have much energy and time to care for their beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today is one of the most colorful garden and indoor plants. It is not for nothing that they are considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are primarily looking for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, bushes made of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provençal herbs provides tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then sprinkled with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Wild garlic and fresh dill get along well in one salad, highlighting each other’s aroma. The garlicky pungency of wild garlic will permeate both the salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

A coniferous tree or shrub on a site is always great, but a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils released by plants not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned mature conifers are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require proper care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy of flowering trees have long become an integral attribute of welcoming spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese take place under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an object of trade, lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century B.C. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its propagation and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and prepare themed cottage cheese cookies in the shape of Easter eggs! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read our step-by-step recipe!

Among tuberous crops, there are not so many decorative deciduous favorites. And caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to own a caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all, it requires care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of caladiums are never justified. Attention and care can avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And the plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply easy-to-prepare dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Chicken and mushroom gravy will save you in moments when you don’t have time or don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this in advance so everything is hot), add some gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

Clematis is an amazingly beautiful plant that combines power, speed of development, lush foliage and long, abundant flowering. A plant can show all its beauty and advantages if it is properly cared for.

Clematis is a famous sun lover. Planted in partial shade, it will not remind you of the “king of vines”, as it is often called. There will be flowers, but small and sparse. We will consider these and other points further in this article.

Botanical description of clematis species

Clematis - clematis, vine. Buttercup family - Ranuncuiaceae Juss. The genus contains 230 species. Various types of clematis are found in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. The genus unites species of various life forms:

  • Tree-like climbing plants with shoots height from 1.5 to 10 m
  • Tree-like shrubs with straight shoots up to 1.5 m high
  • Herbaceous perennial plants with straight shoots with a height of 0.4 to 1.5 m

The leaves of clematis are opposite, entire, trifoliate, double trifoliate or imparipinnate.

The flowers are collected in inflorescences, less often solitary; bisexual or dioecious, variably colored; flowers without petals, consisting of 4 - 8 petal-shaped sepals.

The achenes are numerous, collected in a head, at the end with a short or long pinnately pubescent style.

Brown clematis (Clematis fusca Turcz)

Homeland - Far East, Japan, China. Grows in meadows and coastal forests. Clematis is a semi-shrub vine up to 2 meters high with pubescent young shoots, especially at the base of the leaf petioles. Leaves with 5 - 7 leaflets; leaflets are ovate to oblong-ovate, 3–7 cm long, gradually pointed, rounded or heart-shaped at the base, entire, serrated or dissected into 2–3 lobules, glabrous or pubescent below.

The flowers are solitary, urn-shaped, drooping, on thick short pedicels, with 4 - 6 sepals. The sepals are oblong-ovate, 2 - 2.5 cm long with slightly curled ends, dirty purple, brown, red or brown, brown-hairy on top or almost glabrous and only white-pubescent along the edges, glabrous on the inside.

The achenes are broadly lanceolate, flat, pubescent, with a feathery, brown-yellow-pubescent nose, up to 3 cm long.

Propagates well by seeds, layering and green cuttings. It is used in vertical gardening to decorate low structures. Valued for its original flowers, massive and long-lasting flowering.

Clematis vitalba L.

Distributed in Central and Southern Europe, Crimea, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, North America. Clematis grows in deciduous and mixed forests, thickets of bushes, on rocky slopes, rising into the mountains to a height of 1200 meters. This is a powerful woody vine up to 10 meters high. The stem is strongly ribbed, later fissured and furrowed, with detachable bark of a gray-brown color.

Young shoots are hexagonal, greenish-brown, heavily pubescent at the nodes. The leaves are imparipinnate; There are usually 3 - 5 leaflets. They are ovate, ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, with a pointed apex and a slightly heart-shaped or rounded base. The leaves are coarsely toothed or lobed along the edges, bright green, sparsely pubescent along the veins, 3–9 cm long, 2–6 cm wide.

The flowers are numerous, slightly fragrant, bisexual with four sepals. The sepals are off-white, short-pubescent, 1.5 cm long, 7 mm wide. The flowers are collected in complex flower inflorescences, which have small green leaves in the branches of the axis.

The fruit is a doubly convex, almost rounded achene 2 - 3 mm in diameter with a long pubescent style up to 4 cm long. It blooms from July to September. The seeds ripen at the end of October - November.

Shoots are cut annually to a height of 1.5 - 2 meters. In 1.5 - 2 months, young shoots grow up to 4 meters and bloom profusely in the same year. Propagates well by seeds.

In vertical gardening, it is valued for its rapid growth, dense foliage, abundant and long-lasting flowering and mass of pubescent seed pods. Suitable for use in any vertical gardening: in the south - up to 10 meters, in the north - up to a height of 4 - 6 meters.

Eastern clematis (Clematis orientalis L.)

Distributed in Mongolia, China, Asia Minor, Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. It is a woody vine up to 6 meters high. The stem is ribbed, sometimes reddish, the leaves are bluish-green, pinnate or doubly pinnate. The lower leaves are usually triply trifoliate, sometimes five-lobed or trifoliate.

The leaves are oval to oblong-oval or lanceolate, 1.5 - 5 cm long. The lobes are coarsely toothed, smooth or pubescent, usually trifoliately dissected into two short lateral lobes and a longer middle lobe. The lobules are entire or jagged, obtuse or pointed.

The flowers consist of four sepals, 3 - 5 cm in diameter, on thin pedicels 4 - 10 cm long. The flowers are located in the axils of the leaves in small paniculate inflorescences. The sepals are yellowish, reddish on the outside, short tomentose-pubescent on both sides, oblong-lanceolate, long-pointed on top, wide-open and hooked-curled backwards.

The achenes are compressed, with thickened edges, pubescent, with a pinnately pubescent style more than 5 cm long. It blooms in August - October. The seeds are collected in November. Propagates well by seeds. Used in vertical gardening.

Durand's Clematis (Clematis durandii Kitze)

Known as a semi-shrub vine with stems up to 2 meters tall. The leaves are simple, ovate or pinnate. The leaf lobes are 8 - 12 cm long, wide, heart-shaped at the base, sometimes elongated. Leaf petioles are 2–5 cm long.

The flowers are 8 - 12 cm in diameter, mostly dark purple-blue with various shades, sometimes white. There are 4 sepals, less often 5 - 6, they are thick, dense, elastic, wide-open. The stamens are mostly bluish-yellow, the pistils are heavily pubescent. Blooms from June until frost.

The fruit is a rounded flat achene up to 5 mm in diameter and with a long (up to 2.5 cm) feathery nose.

When planted in depth, it is cultivated without shelter for the winter. The stems freeze annually to ground level, and in the spring powerful young shoots grow from the buds preserved in the ground, which bloom the same year. Propagated by dividing the bush, layering, cuttings and grafting.

It is used in any design of group and single plantings on lawns and on supports up to 2 meters high. From this hybrid, varieties with blue and white flowers have been isolated. The most interesting of them is:

Variety "Anastasia Anisimova".

Bred by A. N. Volosenko. Stems up to 2 meters tall. The flowers are 10 - 12 cm in diameter, wide-open, 6 - 8 sepals, less often 4, pure blue, whitening towards the center, with a slight tint of smoky crystal. The anthers are large and bright yellow. Blooms from June until frost.

Clematis Jackmanii The Moore

It is an interspecific hybrid obtained in 1860 in England by Jacquemman from crossing woolly clematis with violet clematis, from which a large number of highly ornamental varieties were bred.

Externally, these are woody vines with stems up to 4 meters. The stems are hexagonal, ribbed, the internodes are evenly distributed, and the nodes are densely covered with long hairs. The leaves are unpaired-pinnate, consisting of 3 - 5 leaflets. The leaves are ovate to broadly ovate with a heart-shaped base, short-descent below, sitting on petioles up to 3 cm long.

The flowers are 8–15 cm in diameter, wide-open, of various colors, collected in groups of 3 on thin, long (8–12 cm) pedicels with two leaf-shaped bracts. There are 4 sepals, sometimes 5-6. They are oblong, obovate-broadly ovate with wavy edges, glabrous above, densely short-pubescent below.

The filaments are shorter than the anthers, sometimes pubescent at the base. The pistils are smooth or sometimes pubescent from the middle to the top.

The fruit is a large, rounded achene up to 8 mm in diameter, flat, with a thickened border along the edge and a long (up to 30 mm) feathery nose. Blooms from June until frost.

Clematis propagates by dividing the bush, layering, lignified and green cuttings, grafting and rarely seeds. To obtain seeds, it is necessary to carry out artificial pollination with pollen of some wild species. Seeds germinate in 10 - 19 months. When propagated by seeds, severe splitting occurs without preserving the maternal form.

As exceptionally highly decorative vines, they are widely used for vertical gardening, in open ground and in tub culture, not only in the southern regions, but also in the more northern ones to St. Petersburg. For review, varieties with large flowers of various colors are provided:

Variety - Andre Leroy

The flowers are up to 12 cm in diameter, initially dark purple, when opened - purple with a whitish-marbled stripe in the center of the sepals. Sepals 4 - 6.

Variety - Jachmanii (Jachmanii)

The variety was bred by Jacquemman. An interspecific hybrid was obtained in 1860 from crossing C. lanuginosa with C. viticella. The flowers are dark purple-blue, up to 14 cm in diameter. Sepals 4.

Variety - Gipsy Queen

The variety was developed by Kripsom. The flowers are densely dark blue, up to 12 cm in diameter. Sepals 5 - 6.

Variety - Jadviga Walenis

Bred by A. N. Volosenko. The flowers are white, up to 12 cm in diameter.

Clematis flammula L.

Distributed in Southern Europe, North America, North Africa, and Transcaucasia. Known as a woody vine up to 5 meters tall. The stem is slightly ribbed. The leaves are unpaired, doubly pinnate, with 5 - 7 leaflets, the latter often trefoil or 2 - 3 - lobed, from broadly ovate to narrowly lanceolate, 1.5 - 4 cm long, pointed, sometimes obtuse at the base, bright green, glabrous.

The flowers are white, fragrant, 2 - 3 cm in diameter, numerous, in large paniculate inflorescences. Sepals are oblong, obtuse, short-haired on the outside.

The achenes are oblong, up to 5 mm long and up to 3 mm wide, with a feathery-pubescent nose, up to 2 cm long. Blooms in July - August. The seeds ripen in October.

The shoots freeze annually, and in the spring they regenerate well from the root collar, growing up to 2.5 meters in height, blooming and fruiting profusely. Propagates well by seeds.

Valued exclusively for the pleasant aroma of flowers, abundant and long-lasting flowering. It is used for landscaping courtyards, parks, and building entrances.

Chinese clematis (Clematis chinensis Oabeck)

In the wild, clematis is distributed from Central China to Indochina. Liana with powerful shoots up to 4 - 5 meters high. The leaves are pinnate with 5 leaflets, oval, 2 - 6 cm long, entire, rounded at the base, dark green, young leaves slightly pubescent.

Flowers are 1.5 - 2 cm in diameter, white, in numerous axillary inflorescences, drooping. There are 4 sepals. It blooms in August - October.

The shoots freeze annually in winter, renew themselves from the root collar in spring, grow to 3 - 3.5 meters and bloom profusely. Propagated by seeds, dividing the bush or cuttings.

In vertical gardening, clematis is valued for its rapid growth, large dark green foliage, dense foliage and abundant long-lasting flowering.

Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt

Clematis is common in North America, California, Colombia, and Mexico. Liana up to 6 meters high. The stems are powerful. The leaves are dense, hard, yellowish-light green, unpaired-pinnate, with 5 - 7 leaflets. The leaves are pointed, to wedge-shaped at the base, coarsely toothed, often three-lobed, 3–7 cm long, 3 cm wide.

The flowers are dioecious, white, up to 2 cm in diameter, collected in terminal or axillary multi-flowered corymbs.

Achenes are 4 mm long and 2.5 mm wide, densely pubescent with a feathery-pubescent nose up to 7 cm long.

Blooms profusely from late July to mid-September. Fruits selectively in October - November. Propagates well by seeds. Very decorative look. Valued for its many openwork leaves and abundant and long-lasting flowering.

After flowering, it is decorative with an abundance of fluffy fruits. It is used in vertical gardening to a height of up to 6 meters.

Clematis paniculata Thunb

The homeland of the plant is Japan, Korea. Large liana up to 10 meters. The leaves are trifoliate or pinnate with 3 - 5 leaflets. The leaves are oval, up to 3–10 cm long, mostly pointed, heart-shaped or rounded at the base, usually entire, sometimes lobed.

Flowers are up to 3 cm in diameter, white, fragrant, in numerous terminal and axillary paniculate inflorescences. Sepals elongated.

Achenes with a long feathery-pubescent nose. Blooms in September - November.

Grows best in rich, moist soils. In winter, the shoots freeze slightly, but in the spring they are renewed from the preserved buds of the lower part of last year's shoots and grow to 3 - 3.5 meters in height and bloom profusely.

Propagates well by seeds, layering, green and woody cuttings. In vertical gardening, it is valued for its rapid growth, powerful coverage of the structure being designed, beautiful dark green leaves, and late and abundant flowering.

Purple clematis (Clematis viticella L.)

Clematis grows in Transcaucasia, Europe, Asia Minor, Iran. It often grows on rocky slopes. This is a wooden vine up to 4 meters high. The stem is creeping, thin, hexagonal, purple with the most intense color at the nodes. The leaves are usually double pinnate, with 5 - 7 leaflets, the leaflets are trifoliate on petioles, slightly leathery. The leaf lobes are ovate or rounded, from 1.5 to 5 cm long, with slight pubescence below, intensifying along the veins.

The flowers are apical or axillary, bisexual, 1 - 3 on pedicels, up to 10 cm long, wide-open, up to 5 cm in diameter, blue, violet, purple. Flower of 4 obovate sepals, up to 3 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, with wavy-toothed edges, short-haired below.

The filaments are almost bare. The achenes are round, up to 8 mm in diameter, flat, with a thickened border along the edge and a bare spiky nose, 3 - 4 mm long.

Long shoots often freeze in winter. In the spring they renew themselves from the root collar, so it is better to cut them off every autumn. In 45 - 50 days, young shoots grow to the maximum height (4 m), in mid-June their growth stops, and at the end of June flowering begins, which continues until August. The seeds ripen at the end of September - October.

All varieties of violet clematis reproduce vegetatively. When propagated by seeds, severe splitting occurs without preserving the maternal form.

Can be used in any vertical gardening up to a height of 3 - 4 meters. Valued for its rapid growth, lacy foliage, abundant flowering and fruiting.

This type of purple clematis has varieties with flowers of different colors. Look at photos of some varieties:

Variety - Kermesina

The flowers are wine-red, up to 8 cm in diameter. There are 4 sepals. It blooms very profusely from late June to early August. Sets seeds well.

Variety - Gnom

This vine is up to 2.5 meters high. The leaves are doubly unpaired-pinnate, with 3 - 5 leaflets 3 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. The flowers are red, 6 cm in diameter, with six sepals of regular shape. Flowering is very abundant.

Clematis florida "Duchess of Edinburgh" Jackman

The liana grows up to 4 meters high. The leaves of the upper part of the shoot are trifoliate, the lower ones are bi-trifoliate, ovate-lanceolate with a rounded base, gradually tapering into a sharp apex, glabrous, dark green above.

The flowers are white, double, up to 12 cm in diameter. It blooms on last year's shoots from June until frost. Sometimes leaf metamorphosis appears at the tips of the sepals. The flowers on the current year's shoots are less double and bloom later. Reproduces only by vegetative means.

Woolly clematis (Clematis lanuginosa L.)

The liana grows up to 3 meters high. Young shoots are covered with hairs. The leaves are simple or trifoliate, the leaflets are leathery, ovate, with a rounded or heart-shaped base, pointed, at first tomentose, then dark green and glabrous.

The flowers are solitary or 2-3 on a stalk, 5-10 cm long, with flat-spread sepals, up to 15 cm or more in diameter. Sepals 6 - 8. Flowers of various colors, most often white and blue tones.

The anthers are mostly colored, the same length as the stamens. Fruit with a long (up to 6 - 7 cm) hairy tuft. Flowers appear on last year's shoots in May-June, and on new shoots in July. Blooms until frost.

In winter, the shoots freeze, so it is necessary to plant them in depth by 10 - 12 cm. The buds of the shoots located in the ground are preserved, and in the spring powerful young shoots grow from them.

Many highly decorative varieties with large flowers of various colors that are close to each other have been bred from woolly clematis.

Variety - Lawsoniana

Flowers are pale blue

The flowers are pinkish-blue, up to 14 cm in diameter. Sepals 6 - 8.

Grade - Lux

Liana 3 meters high. The flowers are pure deep blue, up to 12 cm in diameter, with six regularly shaped sepals. Flowering is abundant.

Clematis planting and care in open ground

Clematis are light-loving, moisture-loving plants. They grow best in loose, rich neutral or alkaline soils, in sheltered from the wind, sunny places (in the northern regions) or in partial shade (in the southern regions).

Varietal clematis require special agricultural technology that would facilitate their full development and flowering in open ground without protection and shelter in winter.

When planting, the first nodes of the shoots should be buried by 8 - 10 cm.

The decorative effect of clematis depends on the correct pruning of their shoots. Clematis of the Jacquemman group - woolly and purple - bloom well on the current year's shoots, so in the fall the shoots should be cut to ground level.

Clematis of other groups - flowering and spreading - bloom better on last year's shoots. Their shoots should be preserved by covering them with wood leaves and soil for the winter.

All types of clematis reproduce well by seeds, varietal plants by dividing the bush, layering, cuttings and grafting on pieces of roots of wild species.

Large-flowered varietal clematis are planted in front of buildings, at the entrance to a building, under a window, as individual specimens among the lawn in parks, gardens, to decorate arches, pergolas, gazebos, flower beds and garden beds.

It is hoped that after reading this article, your acquaintance with various varieties of clematis will continue and end with planting in open ground at your summer cottage.

Offer for 2019. Delivery by mail throughout Russia. Seedlings with ZKS.

Clematis (clematis) liana, shrub or herbaceous perennial with woody stems and flexible shoots that overwinter or die off for the winter.

Most decorative large-flowered varieties , obtained as a result of hybridization.

Clematis transforms the garden, decorating it with flower cascades of the most incredible colors; they can spread along the ground or hang in garlands from a support.

Flowers clematis always turned towards the sun, so the trellis should not be made too high, otherwise only the lower part of the flowers will be visible.

You need to choose a sunny area, without drafts. Be sure to add 1 tbsp into the planting hole. a spoonful of complete mineral fertilizer, 1 cup of chalk, 1 cup of wood ash. Mix all this thoroughly with the soil, place a mound at the bottom of the hole, on which evenly distribute the clematis roots, deepening the root collar by 15 cm. Fill in the remaining soil, pressing it tightly into the root area. You should leave a hole around the stems that will be convenient for watering, and add an additional layer of mulch in the fall. Watering is rare, but plentiful - up to 2 buckets per adult bush.

Clematis trimming depends on the variety and group to which it belongs. If you don’t know or doubt whether your clematis belongs to any group, cut the stems at different heights: some 10-15cm, some 20-30cm. etc.

Large-flowered clematis They are quite winter-hardy plants, but if the winter weather in your region brings “surprises” (frost without snow, thaws), it is worth ensuring a dry wintering. This is not difficult to do: after trimming, cover the stems with a spunbot, sprinkle the edges with soil and cover with a plastic bucket, a piece of plywood (place it on the bricks) or other waterproof material.

Usually recommended at the base clematis bushes plant annuals, I don’t do that. Annuals absorb large amounts of nutrients and need more frequent watering, which is undesirable for clematis. In my opinion, it is better to plant perennial ground cover plants, such as phlox subulate.

Clematis hybrid grandiflora "Andre Leroy"

Plant height: 250-300 cm.

Flowering period: 5-10

Flower diameter: 10-12 cm.

Flower color and structure: sapphire blue, simple and double.

A powerful, fast-growing variety with very abundant and long flowering from late May until late autumn. Flowers are simple with 4-6 petals. In cool summers or in August, a small number of very large double flowers with a diameter of up to 20 cm appear. It can grow both in full sun (the flowers do not fade) and in light partial shade. Does not like damp places and excessive watering.

Price 350 rub. (1 year)

800 rub. (3-year old)

Clematis hybrid grandiflora "John Huxtable"

Plant height: 250-300 cm.

Flowering period: 7-9

Flower diameter: 8-12 cm.

Color, flower structure: white, simple.

Landing location: any, except shady places.

Pruning type: 3 (blooming on the current year's growth.

A profusely blooming variety with snow-white flowers. The petals are dense, the edges are slightly wavy, the stamens are yellow.

Price 350 rub.

"Dr. Ruppel"

Plant height: 200-300 cm.

Flowering period: 5-6, 8-9

Flower diameter: 12-15 cm.

Color, flower structure: light purple with a bright pink stripe in the middle of the petal, simple.

Landing location: sun.

A long-lasting and abundantly flowering variety with an elegant two-tone color. The flower is a simple flower of 6-8 petals, sometimes with an additional row of shortened petals in the center. The stamens are creamy, the anthers are light purple. During the season there are 2 waves of flowering, usually of equal intensity

Price 350 rub. (1 year)

550 rub. (2 years)

750 rub (3 years)



Clematis hybrid grandiflora "Innocent Glanz"

(Innocent Glance)

Plant height: 200 cm.

Flowering period: 5-7,8-9

Flower diameter: 12-15 cm.

Color, flower structure: light pink with darker edges, double.

Pruning type: 2 (blooming on last year's shoots and current year's growth)

The first wave of flowering - the flowers are double, light pink, with pointed ends and darker edges, which fade as they bloom. The second wave of flowering - simple flowers of 6-8 petals. Flowers appear at a height of 1 m from the ground, so it is important to keep last year's shoots long enough. The variety is very frost-resistant.

Price 450 rubles (seedling age 1 year)

600 rub. (2 years)


Clematis hybrid grandiflora "Isago"

Plant height: 180-200 cm.

Flowering period: 6-7,8-9

Flower diameter: 18-22 cm.

Color, flower structure: pure white, double in June-July, simple with 6-8 petals in August-September

Landing location: sunny but not very hot

Pruning type: 2 (blooming on last year's shoots and current year's growth)

Japanese clematis variety with very large flowers. Petals are pointed, slightly wavy. Flowering begins half a meter from the base of the bush. There are not very many flowers, but their size and whiteness completely compensate for the number. Stamens and anthers are yellow. In the second wave of flowering, the flowers are no less large, sometimes have two rows of petals, and flowering is more abundant than at the beginning of summer. Spectacular variety, but with vagaries

Price 400 rub. (1 year)

Clematis "Isago" repeated flowering


Clematis hybrid grandiflora "Morning Sky"

Plant height: up to 300 cm.

Flowering period: 6-9

Flower diameter: 8-10 cm.

Flower color and structure: purple with a lighter center and pink veins

Landing location: sunny

Pruning type: 3 (blooming on current year's growth)

New Polish variety of Szczepan Marcinski. Flowers of 4-6 rhombic pointed petals. The stamens are yellow, short, hedgehog-shaped, with almost black anthers. Flowering is super abundant. Gold medal at the Flowers Expo 2014 exhibition.

Price 350 rub. (1 year)

550 rub. (2 years)


Clematis hybrid grandiflora

"Multi Blue"

Plant height: 200-250 cm.

Flowering period: 6-9

Flower diameter: 12-15 cm.

Color, flower structure: blue, double all season

Landing location: sunny

Pruning type: 3 (blooming on last year's shoots and current year's growth)

A popular variety of fully double clematis. Color can vary from blue to deep blue-violet. The growth rate is average. Reliable, abundantly flowering variety/

550 rub. (2 years)


Clematis Viticella" Night Vale"(Night Veil)

Plant height: 200-300 cm.

Flowering period: 6-9

Flower diameter: 7-8 cm.

Color, flower structure: blue-violet with a light pink stripe in the middle, lighter towards the center to almost white, simple

Landing location: sunny

Pruning type: 3 (blooming on current year's growth)

Abundantly and long-flowering variety. The flowers are not large, but very expressive. The stamens are pinkish, the anthers are purple.

Price 350 rub. (1 year)



Clematis hybrid grandiflora "Patricia Ann Fretwell"

(Patricia Ann Fretwell

Plant height: 200-250 cm.

Flowering period: 5-6, 8-9

Flower diameter: 12-15 cm.

Color, flower structure: strawberry-pink, lighter at the edges of the petals, double

Landing location: sun, partial shade

Pruning type: 2 (blooming on last year's shoots and current year's growth)

Originator: Barry Fretwell 1995 England

Luxurious clematis for planting in sun or sparse shade. Flowering is extremely abundant throughout the entire season. The flowers are two-color, double at the beginning of summer, in the second half - simple or semi-double.

For 2019 no

Clematis 'Patricia Ann Fretwell' reblooming


Clematis hybrid large-flowered "Kakio / Pink Champagne"

Plant height: 200-250 cm.

Flowering period: 5-6, 7-9

Flower diameter: 12-16 cm

Color, flower structure: sparkling pink with highlighting in the center, simple, 6-8 petals

Landing location: partial shade

Pruning type: 2 (blooming on last and current year's growth)

Origin: Japan, Kazushige Ozawa, 1980

One of the early flowering varieties, and one of the few clematis varieties that are able to grow and bloom in partial shade. Does not tolerate hot places and scorching sun. An excellent variety for growing in containers, for balconies and terraces.

Price 350 rub. (1 year)


Hybrid large-flowered clematis "Rasputin"

Plant height: 200-300 cm.

Flowering period: 6-9

Flower diameter: 10-12 cm.

Color, flower structure: dark purple-violet, simple

Landing location: sun

Pruning type: 3 (blooming on current year's growth)

The flowers are rare, very dark in color, velvety, with 4-6 petals, wavy edges. The reverse side of the petals is gray-violet. The stamens are white, the anthers are purple. Blooms wonderfully throughout the season.

For 2019 no


Hybrid large-flowered clematis "Stasik"

Plant height: 120-180 cm.

Flowering period: 6-9

Flower diameter: 8-10 cm.

Color, flower structure: purple-red with a lighter stripe in the middle, simple

Landing location: any, except shady places.

Pruning type: 3 (blooming on current year's growth)

An elegant, bright, abundantly flowering variety. The color is juicy, very deep, the texture of the petals is velvety, the edges are slightly wavy. The stamens are creamy, the anthers are purple. Well suited for growing in a container.

Price 350 rub. (age 1 year)


Hybrid large-flowered clematis "Tuchka"

Plant height: 250-300 cm.

Flowering period: 6-9

Flower diameter: 10-15 cm.

Color, flower structure: blue-violet with a reddish stripe in the middle, simple

Landing location: any, except shady places.

Pruning type: 3 (blooming on current year's growth)

Originator M.F. Sharonova, 1972

A rich flower of good texture, silky, slightly crinkled, with wavy edges, of 4-6 petals. Stamens are white, anthers are purple.

Price: 350 rubles (seedling age 1 year)

550 rub. (2 years)


Clematis hybrid grandiflora

"Lady Betty Belfort"

(Lady Betty Balfour)

Plant height: 250-300 cm.

Flowering period: 6-9

Flower diameter: 12-15 cm.

Color, flower structure: bright blue, simple

Landing location: sunny

Clematis have been my long-term love. Once, in the early 90s, when I saw a climbing vine with large purple flowers in my friend’s garden, I was simply shocked by its extraordinary beauty and shape. At that time, there was very little information about these plants in our city. And to buy!.. There was no Internet and computers then. All information could only be gleaned from printed publications, and even those still had to be found. I remember how it was like a holiday, waiting for the release of each new issue of the Floriculture magazine. In addition to interesting articles and photographs, advertisements for the sale of plants were published there. I had to spend a huge amount of time on correspondence, waiting, etc. But this could not be an obstacle, because all actions were guided by an endless interest in this culture.

My first clematis was a gift from my friend. Since then it has lived in our garden and I, having now a fairly large collection, have never been disappointed in this variety. Blooms steadily and for a long time. Unfortunately, we still cannot determine the name. It is in the catalog, without a name, probably from old, possibly Baltic varieties. I told this story in order to once again convince you that if you have no experience in growing clematis, and because of a once unsuccessful attempt you decided not to plant clematis again, you are depriving yourself of great joy. Yes, clematis grows for quite a long time. With successful wintering and a favorable summer season, a young seedling will show several flowers in the first year of planting, and will appear in all its glory only in the third year. But this expectation will only increase your joy when you admire its beauty almost the entire summer season.

Let me give advice for those who are just planning to make friends with this plant. Clematis (from the large-flowered varieties) is a plant for the patient. Don’t chase new products, start with the most unpretentious, well-known varieties that don’t require much effort, and you will be rewarded with lush flowering in 1-2 years. When your clematis bush gets stronger and produces many shoots, do not forget to thin it out a little and shorten individual shoots so that the ones that grow back will produce new flowers. The winter hardiness and power of the bush also depends on proper planting - with the obligatory deepening of the root collar with further adding soil during the summer and mulching the root zone for the winter. More detailed recommendations are available in the literature and on the Internet; it is quite possible to study them and apply them in practice.

In addition, new varieties of small-flowered clematis have now appeared that bloom continuously throughout the summer on the shoots of the current year. Some of them have a very pleasant aroma. Continuous flowering and a huge number of flowers make them very desirable in the garden. This is a group of botanical completely frost-resistant clematis. We also have them in our collection, and this list will be updated.

If in other groups of plants, such as irises, delphiniums, heucheras, daylilies, juveniles, etc., ultra-modern varieties are in the lead, then clematis varieties are long-lived. Among them there are real rarities - these are varieties bred at the end of the 19th century, but still enjoying great popularity along with new varieties. This list contains unique ones for which there are no examples of replacement. How can one not express admiration for, for example, the varieties Purpurea Plena Elegance, Ville de Lyon or Comtes de Bouchot?

Unfortunately, due to the unsuccessful winters of 2010-2012. many varieties in our garden were not able to fully express themselves.

Not all varieties present in this collection are on sale, so approval is necessary. In addition, there are inconsistencies in the characteristics of some new varieties. In the process of our own experience, we try to find out the inaccuracies and ability to adapt in the conditions of central Russia.

Planting material is mainly rooted, overwintered annual cuttings in 0.5 liter glass containers. A very small number of seedlings - larger specimens, separated from the main bushes and planted in 1-3 liter containers. Prices for such plants are higher and are determined individually. There is not as much planting material as we would like. This is due to a lack of time and energy, as well as the climatic conditions of each specific summer season.

In 2019, clematis will be on sale in very small quantities, only those that will be dug up from large mother bushes.

Clematis Alyonushka ( Aljonushka). Gr. Integrifolia. A. N. Volosenko-Valenis, M. A. Beskaravainaya. GNBS (Yalta), 1963. High climbing subshrub. 1.5-2 m. Bell-shaped flowers of interesting shape, 6 cm. Sepals 4, rarely 5, satin-lilac-pink in color with spreading edges, which gives the flower an elegant shape. Blooms profusely and for a long time on the current year's growth.

Price 300 rub.

Clematis Anastasia Anisimova.

Gr. Integrifolia. Semi-shrub vine up to 1.5-2 m long, weakly clinging to support. Flowers are 10-12cm in diameter. There are 4-5 sepals of a soft blue color, which curl a little over time. It blooms profusely and spectacularly on the shoots of the current year. For winter, shoots are pruned. Unpretentious.

Clematis Andre Leroy. Gr. Jacqueman. A shrub vine up to 3 m long. There are 6 sepals, blue-blue in color, at the beginning of flowering there is a pink-purple coating in the center of the petal, the edges are slightly corrugated. The anthers are yellow. Flowering is long and abundant. Gr. Trimmings 3 (strong).

300 rub.

Clematis Andromeda

16 cm, white with a dark pink stripe, terry and on the shoots of the current year. It gains hairiness with age (in the 3rd year), very elegant.

Out of stock.

Clematis Asao (Asao). Spectacular white-pink with a border around the edge and pink veins on the petals, 8-12 petals, 2.5-3 m.

Out of stock.

Clematis Ashva). Gr. Patens . Shrub vine 1.5 m long. Two-color. The flowers are medium-sized, lilac with a purple-pink stripe in the center of the petals, the edges of the petals are beautifully corrugated (6-8 petals). Autumn pruning to a height of 30-50cm. Suitable for container planting. Small flowers of beautiful shape with very abundant flowering leave a bright impression.

Price 300 rub.

Clematis Ashwa

Clematis Flower Ball. Gr. Lanuginosis. M.A. Bescaraway. GNBS (Yalta). 1972. Shrub vine 2m long. The flowers are solitary, open, 14-18 cm in diameter. Sepals 6-8, broadly rounded, with corrugated edges of lilac-blue color; anthers brownish. Mass flowering on the shoots of the previous year. One of the most beautiful blue varieties. Not a single photo conveys the extraordinary beauty of this variety with giant flowers. Masterpiece variety.

Price 300 rub.

out of stock

Clematis Barbara( Barbara). Gr. Jacqueman. Polish variety. Awarded a gold medal at the exhibition " Plantarium 2002" in Holland. Attracting attention with sparkling flowers of unusual color: bright red with light spots and burgundy stamens. Blooms long and profusely. Height up to 3 m.

Price 300 rub.

Out of stock.

Clematis Barbara Jacquemin ( Barbara Jackman). Gr. Patens. G. Jackman . Great Britain. After 1950 Shrub liana length. 2.5-3 m. Flowers open, 12-16 cm in diameter. Sepals 6-8, lilac-pink (petunia) color with clear plum-colored stripes in the center; anthers creamy. It blooms profusely in May-June on last year's shoots and continues on new growth.

Out of stock.

Clematis Blacktine Agnol ( Blacidny Aniol). St. Franezak , Poland 1980. Length 3-4 m, diameter 7.5-10 cm. Sepals 4-6, sky blue, lighter towards the center. The anthers are yellow. Flowering July-September. Trimming group-3.

Price 300 rub.

Out of stock

Clematis Blacktyne Agnol

Clematis Wild Fire ( Wild Fire). Large-flowered variety of Polish selection, blooming on shoots of last and current year. Height 2.5-3 m. Diameter 14-16 cm, 6-8 petals. Purple with a red-purple stripe and wavy edges.

Out of stock.

Clematis Warsaw Nike (Warszavska Nike) .

Stefan Franczak, Poland, 1982. Shrub vine 2-3 m long, flowers dark red-purple, anthers light yellow, golden. Flower diameter 15 cm. Flowering from July to September. Hardy, abundantly flowering variety, pruning group 3.

In the photo, clematis Warsaw Nike and Comtes de Boucho

Price 300 rub.

Clematis Veronica Choice ( Veronicas Choice). Walter Pennell , England 1963. Shoot length 2.5-3 m. Flowers are large, simple and double on last year's shoots. Sepals are pale lavender, wavy at the edges. Flowering from May to September. Trimming group 2.

Out of stock.

Clematis Westerplate. Stefan Franczak. 1994 Gr. Jacqueman. A spectacular Polish variety with sparkling, very bright velvety red silky flowers with red-purple stamens. Flowering from late June to September, flower diameter 10-14 cm, height up to 2 m.

Price 300 rub.

Clematis Vivienne Pennel ( Vyvyan Pennell)

Out of stock.

Clematis Ville de Lyon( Ville de Lion) . Gr. Viticella. F. Morell . France.1899 One of the popular and most beautiful varieties. Shrub vine 3m long. The flowers are open, solitary, 9-12 cm in diameter. Sepals 5-6, wide, round, carmine-red, darker at the edges, fade in bright sun; anthers large, yellow. Mass flowering on the shoots of the current year. For winter, shoots are cut to soil level. (3rd trimming group). Stable and winter-hardy.

Price 300 rub.

Out of stock.

Clematis Wine (Vino).

D. Poulsen (Denmark), 1970. Shrub vine 2.5-3 m long. Bright pink-red flower with a wavy edge, diameter 15-18 cm. Anthers contrasting, creamy yellow. Flowering from June to September. 2 or 3 trimming group. A very early and profusely flowering variety.

Out of stock.

Clematis Texas Gravity Beauty (tehensis Gravetye Beauty).

2-3 m liana, lily-shaped flowers at the beginning of flowering, then opening red-purple with a diameter of 4-6 cm. Record flowering. Gr. trimming 3 (strong).

Price 300 rub.

Clematis Gravity Beauty (Gravetye Beauty).

Clematis Daniel Deronda ( Daniel Deronda).

Gr.Florida . Ch. Noble . Great Britain. 1887 Shrub liana length. 2.5-3m. The flowers are large, 16-18 cm in diameter, semi-double on last year's shoots and simple on new growth. Sepals 6-7 or many (up to 70) violet-blue in color, lighter in the center, anthers cream-colored. Blooms in May–June with semi-double flowers; In summer, flowering repeats. Autumn pruning to 1.5-2m. keep under cover. Suitable for closed ground.

Price 300 rub.

Clematis Gypsy Queen( Gipsy Queen). Gr. Jacqueman. Cripps . Great Britain 1877 Shrub vine 2.5-3 m. Flowers open, single, 11-14 cm (sometimes up to 18 cm) in diameter. Sepals 6, rarely 5, wide, dark purple in color, velvety, fade slightly; anthers large, dark purple. Pollen is colored. Blooms profusely or moderately from late May to August. Grows best in partial shade.

Price 300 rub.

Clematis John Picton. ( John Picton). Pikton , England. Patens Group. The length of the shoots is 2.5-3 m, the diameter of the flower is 14-20 cm, there are 6 sepals. The color is light lilac, darker along the edge, and a light stripe in the center of the petal. Abundant flowering throughout the summer. Attracts with its original colors. Healthy, well-wintering variety. 3 gr. trimmings.

Price 300 rub.

Out of stock

Clematis John Picton. ( John Picton).

Clematis Duchess of Edinburgh ( Dushes of Edinburgh). Gr. Florida, densely double white with greenish-yellow bracts, yellow anthers, height 2.5-3m, diameter 13-15 cm, pleasant aroma.

Out of stock.

Clematis Josephine (Josephine Evijohill). 12-15 cm. Densely double on the shoots of the current year. Pink-bluish with a pearlescent tint and a brighter stripe in the center of the petals. 2.5-3 m. 2 gr. trimmings (50 cm).

Price 400 rub.

out of stock

Clematis John Paul II (Jan Pawel II). Poland.Gr. Patens. 2.5-3 m, 15-18 cm, white with a soft pink stroke in the center. Flowering from June until frost. Gr. Trimmings 2, light.

Price 300 rub.

Clematis John Paul II (Jan Pawel II).

Clematis Isago (Isago). Gr. Florida. Japanese variety. White, 12-15 petals on young shoots and densely double on last year's shoots, abundant flowering.

Price 400 rub.

out of stock

Clematis Isago (Isago).

Clematis Kakio (Kakio). Second name - Pink champagne ( Pink Champagne). Kazushige Ozama , 1983. Japanese variety with a very interesting color. Flower diameter 12-16 cm, height 2.5-3 m. Large pink flowers with a lighter central stripe. The stamens are yellow. Flowering from July to September. 2 gr. trimmings.

Out of stock.

Clematis Captain Thule ( Captain Thulleaux) France, 1918. The author named this variety in memory of his son, who died in World War II. Gr. Patens. Height 2.5-3m, diameter 16-18 cm. White with a pink stripe.Moderately growing variety. Does not like highly lit and hot places. Especially recommended for planting near small shrubs or in containers. Gr. Trimmings 2.

Out of stock.

Clematis Cardinal Wyszynsky. A hardy Polish red variety with a color that is indescribable in photographs and an amazing abundance of flowers on the bush. Height 2-3.5 m.

Price 300 rub.

out of stock

Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa ( Kiri Te Kanawa). 2.5-3 m, 2g. trimmings. An exceptionally interesting variety with always double dark blue flowers 10-14 cm. Flowering from May to August.

Out of stock.

Clematis Comtes De Boucho ( Comtesse de Bouchaud). Gr. Jacqueman. F. Morell . France. Circa 1906 Shrub vine 2.5-3 m long. Flowers are open, cup-shaped, 13-16 cm in diameter. Sepals 6, pink with a purple tint or violet-pink color; anthers creamy. Abundant flowering from June to September.

Price 300 rub.

Out of stock

Clematis Queen of Holland. Holland. 1.5-2 m Unpretentious, well-reproducing variety. Blue-violet bells, which then open, and yellow anthers. Diameter 4-8 cm. Heavy pruning.

Price 300 rub.

Clematis Krakowiak ( Krakowiak). Poland, Marchinsky, 2011. Gr. Viticella . The variety has received awards. Height 3m. The flowers are medium-sized, bright pink with a red-pink stripe down the middle of the sepals. The edges are bent. Very abundant continuous flowering. Completely frost-resistant. 3 gr. trimming (strong).

Price 350 rub.

Clematis Krolova Jadwiga ( Krolowa Jadwiga ). Queen Jadwiga.

The newest Polish variety of Szczepan Marczyński. Height 2.5 m, gr. trimming 2 (weak). Silky large (15-16 cm) white flowers, the petals of which have slightly wavy edges. In cool weather, a greenish stripe appears in the center of the petals. The stamens are beautifully arranged, forming a crown of purple anthers on white threads. Suitable for growing in containers.

Price 300 rub.

out of stock

Clematis Lazurshtern ( Lasurstern). Gr. Patens. Goos L. Koenemann . Germany 1905 Shrub liana length. 2.5-3 m with thin dark brown shoots. The flowers are open, large, 15-20 cm in diameter. Sepals 6-8, corrugated. edges, dark blue color. The anthers are light and contrast beautifully with the dark background of the sepals. Flowering May-June with re-blooming in late summer on new growth.

Price 300 rub.

Clematis Lasting Love ( Lasting Love).

Gr. Patens. Height 2.5. Diameter color 10-13 cm. Pink, double flowers on last year's shoots. Trimming up to 1m.

Price 300 rub.

Clematis Little Mermaid. New Japanese variety. Height 2 m. Flowers of rare salmon-pink color from delicate to rich. Diameter 8-12 cm, sepals 8. Gr. trimming 2 (weak).

Out of stock.

Clematis Mazowsze( Mazowsze). 2-3.5 m, flowers are large, burgundy, velvety, 15-20 cm in diameter with coffee anthers on yellow staminate filaments. Flowering is abundant from June to September. The pruning is strong. The variety received a silver medal in 2006 at the exhibition “Green is Life” in Warsaw.

Out of stock.

Clematis Mazuri.

Clematis Maidwell Hall. Gr. Integrifolia. Double bell blue-violet color, diameter 6-8 cm, height 2-3 m. Abundant and long-lasting flowering on last year's shoots. Very decorative. The shoots are frost-resistant and do not need pruning. If it grows too much, you can prune it after flowering. Unpretentious.

Price 300 rub.

out of stock

Clematis Maidwell Hall. .

Clematis Maria Boiselot ( Marie Boisselot). 2.5-3.5m; tall, large bush, 2 gr. trimmings (from 50 cm to 1 m). Large snow-white flower with yellow anthers. Flowering is abundant from June to August.

Price 300 rub.

out of stock

Clematis Markham Pink ( Markham's Pink mascropetala). England. Two-color double bell: outer petals are deep pink, inner petals are pale pink, diameter 5-8 cm, height 2-3 m, abundant flowering from May to July. Gr. Trimmings 1. Do not trim.

Price 300 rub.

out of stock

Clematis Miss Bateman( Miss Bateman). Gr. Patens. Shrub liana length. 2.5-3 m. Flowers are snow-white, 16-18 cm in diameter, 8 sepals, large, purple anthers. Massive flowering on last year's shoots.

Price 300 rub.

Clematis Miss Nellie Thompson. Bicolor purple with a purple stripe, diameter 14-16 cm, height 2-2.5 m. Massive spring flowering on last year's shoots, then on new growth.

Out of stock.

Clematis Multi Blue( Multiblue). An unusual variety of modern selection. Gr. Patens. Shrub vine 2-2.5 m long, double flowers, 12-14 cm in diameter. The sepals are blue-violet, arranged in several tiers. The tips are lighter and slightly curved. The main flowering occurs on last year's shoots in July-August. Trimming to a height of 50 cm. Planting in a sunny place protected from the wind.

Price 350 rub.

Clematis Nelly Moser ( Nelly Moser) . Gr. Patens. Moser . France.1897 Shrub vine 2.5-3 m long. The flowers are open, star-shaped, 16-20 cm in diameter. Sepals 6-8, pointed, light bluish-pink in color with a crimson-red stripe in the center, fade strongly - almost to white; anthers large, reddish-purple; pollen is colored. Massive flowering on last year's shoots. In winter, generative shoots are shortened and covered. (2nd group of trimming).

Price 300 rub.

Clematis Niobe (Niobee). W. Knoll, Poland, 1975 Gr. Jacqueman. Shrub vine 1.5-2 m long, flower diameter 12-17 cm. Sepals are red-purple, velvety, the middle stripe is darker. The anthers are light yellow. Blooms abundantly from late June until cold weather. In 1978 in Holland (Booskop) the variety was awarded a gold medal.

Out of stock.

Clematis Patricia En Fretvel ( Patricia Ann Fretwell). Light pink with a crimson stripe, densely double on last year's shoots, diameter 12-15 cm, height 2-2.5 m.

Out of stock.

Clematis Patricia Ann Fretwell.

Clematis Pilu (Piilu). U. Kvistik, Estonia, 1984. Shrub vine 1.5-2 m long. A chic variety (with double flowers on last year's shoots in May-June) of light lilac-pink color with a bright dark pink stripe of flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Flowers appear on the shoots of the current year from July to September. 2 trimming group (30-50 cm). In 1998 received a gold medal at the international flower exhibition.

Price 300 rub.

out of stock

Clematis Pilu (Pilu).

Clematis Prince Charles ( Prince Charles). Gr. Viticella, 1.5-3 m, diameter 8-15 cm. Very abundant flowering from June to September with blue open bell flowers. Heavy pruning. Suitable for all growing areas.

Clematis purpurea Plena elegans( Purpurea Plena Elegans) . Viticella Group. E. Andre France 1899 A shrub vine 2.5-3.5 m long. The flowers are double red-purple, bloom gradually, 6-9 cm in diameter; retain a decorative appearance on the plant for up to 25 days. There are many sepals and do not fall off after flowering. There are no stamens or pistils. Lush and long flowering on the shoots of the current year from July to September. Shoots for the winter trimmed (trimming group 3). Resistant to adverse conditions.

In the summer, it was as if someone had sprinkled flowers on it: at the same time there were 300-400 or more flowers with a diameter of 10-20 cm. The average flowering time for different varieties is different: from 40 to 110 days. Clematis come in a variety of colors and shades. Cut ones retain their decorative qualities for 10-15 days.
These varieties are the most common in Ukraine.

Ball of flowers.

The liana reaches 2 m. The flowers are 14-18 cm in diameter and have 6-8 corrugated petals. Lilac-blue, brown stamens, blooms from mid-May to mid-August for 100 days.


One of the tallest clematis. The length of the shoots is 4-5 m. The flowers are 10-15 cm in diameter, pink-lilac. The stamens are yellow. It blooms very generously in the summer - for a month and a half.

Ville de Lyon.

Liana up to 3 m long, flowers 10-12 cm in diameter, red. The stamens are yellow. Blooms in summer for 70 days.

Gypsy Quiy.

Liana 2.5-3.5 m long. Flowers with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Petal 6, dark purple. Blooms in June - August 80 days.


Height 2.5-3 m. Flowers with a diameter of 14-16 cm. Rose petal

with a red stripe in the center, yellow stamens. Blooms in May - July for 80 days.

Nikolay Rubtsov.

Liana up to 2.5 m high. Flowers 10-17 cm in diameter. Petals 6, red-lilac, stamens

yellow. Blooms from May to September for 115 days.

The president.

The petals are dark blue, the stamens are red.

Eriest Markham.

Red-crimson, stamens light brown.

Andre Leroy.

Lilac-blue, yellow stamens.
Clematis can be planted in a permanent place in autumn, spring and even summer. But the best time is September-October. The distance between the seedlings is about 1.5 m. Despite the fact that the seedlings are small, I dig large holes - 60X60X60 cm. I pour 2 buckets of sand at the bottom, then a 10-centimeter layer of broken brick for drainage, 50-100 g of superphosphate or nitrophoska,

a glass of wood ash, half a shovel of chicken droppings and a bucket of humus. I fill all this with 10-15 buckets of water. When the water is absorbed into the ground, I begin to plant seedlings with 1-2 lower buds. Before this, I dip all the roots into a creamy “mash” made of clay and mullein (ratio 1: 1). The lower bud is buried 5-8 cm into the ground. Thanks to this, the roots are protected from cold in winter, and from overheating in summer.
With the onset of frost, I pour a hillock of earth 10-15 cm high over the seedling and sprinkle it with peat or leaves. In the spring the land is raked. A hole is formed around the seedling for watering. Then I install metal supports 10-15 mm thick and 2-2.5 m high. The distance between them is about a meter. I attach 5-6 rows of wire to the supports.
When propagating by layering, in the fall you should dig a radial trench 5-10 cm deep and 50-60 cm long, put one of the shoots there and cover it with earth (do not cover the top). Water frequently during the summer. In autumn or spring, dig up the rooted cuttings, separate them from the mother bush and cut them into separate seedlings, which can be 2-3 or more.
I propagate mainly from green cuttings. Before flowering begins, I cut out a shoot from the mother bush (from the middle part), cut 3-5 cuttings with one pair of leaves. I shorten the leaves by half, leave a stump 2 cm long above the bud, and 4 cm long below it. The lower and upper parts of the shoot are not suitable for cuttings, since there are no sprout buds on top, there are flower stalks there.
For better rooting of green cuttings, I use heteroauxin, aloe juice, and spring bee honey as a growth stimulant. For example, I take a tablespoon of honey and dissolve it in one bucket of water. I immerse the lower sections of the cuttings in this solution for a day. I maintain the temperature at about 20-25 ° C and spray the cuttings with water at room temperature every 2-3 hours. After that, I plant them in a flower stand filled with a mixture of sand and peat, so that the bud is aimed 1 cm into the ground, and water it.
Then I put the flower stand in a plastic bag, tie it at the top and take it outside into the shade. After 2 months, some of the cuttings take root.
I plant some cuttings in a film greenhouse measuring 1X2 m. I water it 2-3 times a week, and spray it with Rosinka every 2-3 hours. I make sure that the temperature in the greenhouse does not exceed 25-30 ° C. Of all the planted cuttings, 40-50% take root after 2 months, depending on the variety. They overwinter in the same greenhouses, however, a certain part of them die in winter, especially those with a weak root system. In the spring I plant them in open ground, and in the fall they can be transplanted to a permanent place. However, during one hot summer, almost half of my plants died, apparently from overheating of the root system, and not from lack of moisture, because I kept the soil moist all the time.
So, growing large-flowered clematis is quite difficult, especially where there is no automatic installation for creating artificial intermittent fog.
How to prune clematis? For those that bloom on the shoots of the current growth (Victoria, Ville de Lyon), in late autumn I cut off the entire above-ground part, leaving stumps 10-15 cm long with one pair of lower buds above the ground surface. Clematis that bloom on the shoots of last year's growth (Ball of Flowers, Nadezhda, President, Lavsoniana) are shortened in the fall by only one third, and all thickened and weak shoots are completely cut out.
So, if you follow certain requirements and carefully care for the plants, clematis bloom more generously and are less affected by diseases.
