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A fermented milk product that is obtained from cottage cheese, mixing it with various flavorings.


Cottage cheese mass, as a rule, is made from low-fat cottage cheese, which is characterized by a viscous consistency. Salt, sugar, butter, sour cream, dried fruits, chocolate, cocoa, condensed milk, vanillin, fruits, nuts, herbs, etc. are added to it. Depending on the additives used, the curd mass can be sweet or salty.


100 grams of cottage cheese contains an average of 232 kilocalories.


In its composition, the curd mask is close to cottage cheese, and also duplicates the additives it contains.

The curd mass saturates the body with mono- and disaccharides, unsaturated fatty acids, organic acids, cholesterol, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, PP, choline, minerals - tin, strontium, cobalt, aluminum, fluorine, molybdenum, chlorine, chromium, sulfur, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium.


The curd mass is used as an independent dish, while it does not require the addition of sugar or any other fillers, as well as heat treatment. Desserts, sandwiches, pancakes, dumplings and other culinary products are prepared on its basis.

How to choose

Often, various impurities that are unhealthy are added to the curd mass, so when choosing, special attention should be paid to the taste, smell and texture of this product. It should be made only from natural cottage cheese, have a white or cream color. Also, according to the technical condition for its production, the curd mass must keep its shape, not release moisture and not spread on the plate. Too saturated color is a sign of the presence in it of a large amount of dyes, flour. In addition, it should have a uniform consistency, without curd grains, the presence of which indicates the use of artificial thickeners. You can not buy a frozen mass, because when the curd is melted, whey will be released.

Beneficial features

The mass made from natural cottage cheese contains lipotropic substances that normalize fat metabolism and prevent the formation of fatty deposits in the liver, as well as the development of hepatosis in obese people.

Lactobacilli have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.

Curd mass is a highly nutritious product that renews strength, normalizes the activity of the nervous system, and prevents overwork.

A large amount of vitamin A has an antioxidant effect on the body, preventing cell aging.

Also, this product improves immunity and improves the psycho-emotional state.

Use restrictions

Due to the high calorie content, the curd mass should be carefully consumed by people who suffer from obesity, diabetes, and liver diseases.


Curd today, in terms of its popularity, it is not inferior to other fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese itself, sour cream, kefir, yogurt or milk. It is a compound dairy product based on cottage cheese with various additives.

Curd in its appearance it resembles a paste, which retains its shape without packaging, unlike ordinary cottage cheese, which crumbles when opened. This product does not need any heat treatment, as it is already completely ready for use. It is often used as an independent dish, and is also added in the preparation of various culinary products. The advantage of cottage cheese mass over pure cottage cheese is the presence of a sweet taste, so there is no need to add sugar when making any dishes.

Curd mass: Useful properties.

The benefits of the curd mass are almost identical to the beneficial properties of fresh curd, since this product is not subjected to heat treatment, and therefore it retains the same essential substances that are present in the original raw materials.

The chemical composition of this delicious delicacy makes the benefits of the curd mass obvious for human health, because it contains, first of all, full-fledged milk protein, which is easily absorbed by the body. In addition, there is also a mass of minerals in it, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese and others.

After all, cottage cheese is the main ingredient curd mass . In addition, included in cottage cheese mass, sugar, sour cream, and butter enriched with proteins and healthy fats. Due to this, the curd mass normalizes the work of the intestines. And a large number B vitamins (B2, B3, B12 ) improves mood. Also, the curd mass contains such rare minerals as cobalt and molybdenum. And calcium and phosphorus , provide the formation of the skeletal system of the body.

Curd mass is produced with a variety of additives. Add to sweet dessert options honey, sugar, chocolate, berries and fresh fruit , pieces of dried fruits and nuts, and for fans of the diet - cereal flakes. Snacks with salty curds with fresh herbs and spicy spices are gaining popularity.

Curd mass is a rare product that harmoniously combines pleasure and benefit. In the hands of an inventive culinary specialist, it easily turns into an exquisite low-calorie dessert, each cell of which is simply filled with vitamins and minerals. Choline, biotin, retinol, C, E, vitamin B group in full force, traditional calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron, rare cobalt, selenium, molybdenum - a very short list of valuable components. Fermented milk protein is completely digestible, which is very useful for people of any age.

Curd mass: Harmful properties.

In general, doctors have not noted any harmful properties of this product, however, it is quite difficult for digestion and has a high calorie content, and therefore it should be consumed only in small quantities, and not combined with other types of protein products.

Few people do not know about the benefits of dairy products. Fresh cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir or milk can be found in almost every refrigerator. No less popular product today is curd mass. It is a dairy product made on the basis of cottage cheese with the use of various additives. It is used both as an independent dish and for the preparation of various culinary masterpieces.

The benefits of cottage cheese

Whether curd mass is useful depends on the curd from which it is made. Since heat treatment is not used in the manufacture of the curd mass, the substances contained in the original raw materials are retained in the product. The curd mass contains milk protein easily digestible by the body and a large amount of minerals. These include: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese and many others.

The benefits and harms of curd mass also depend on the quality of the product and its shelf life. The number of calories in the product depends on the fat content of the cottage cheese and on the additional components that make up the final product. A diet on curd mass will not bring the desired results, since the average calorie content of the product reaches 345 kcal per 100 g.

Curd mass harm

The main harm of the curd mass lies in it. Otherwise, it all depends on the composition, expiration dates and packaging features. When buying this product, you should pay attention that the contents do not have excess moisture and are not too dry. The consistency should be homogeneous, without grains. Curd mass should be white with a delicate creamy tint. It is not advisable to use frozen curd mass, since when thawing, whey will exfoliate from it, and the frozen product will lose some of its beneficial properties.
