Classic cheesecake recipe. Curd cheesecake

Delicious dessert cheesecake(English Cheesecake - literally - curd (cheese) pie) is much older than it might seem. Cheesecake, which has spread throughout the world thanks to the boundless love of American chefs, is considered to be an American dish with some distant English roots. Indeed, a pie based on soft cream cheeses or cottage cheese came into American cuisine along with European settlers and earned popularity there, and at the same time “American citizenship.” Now American cheesecakes are prepared not only in the USA and Europe, but in the Middle East, Israel, Hawaii, Japan, Russia, China and many other countries.

The first mention of cheesecake, or rather, the progenitor of all modern species This dessert was made by the ancient Greek physician Aedjimius, who described in detail how to prepare cheese pies. This is indirectly confirmed by the mention of the work of the Greek in the works of Pliny the Elder. According to John Segreto, who wrote the book “Cheesecake Madness,” the first cheesecakes appeared on the island of Samos in the 8th-7th centuries. BC. In Greece, Olympic athletes and wedding guests were treated to this delicacy. Having reached Ancient Rome, Julius Caesar fell in love with the dessert, which automatically made its preparation mandatory in the homes of the nobility. The Roman hobby was inherited by the European colonies, primarily to England, where it received a long-term residence, especially since England had all the conditions and necessary ingredients for preparing this simple and tasty dish.

Another point of view on the origin of cheesecake belongs to Joan Nathan, who believes that this dessert comes from the Middle East. East. There, the original cheesecake was prepared like this: milk was curdled, honey, lemon zest and egg yolks, mixed and baked. It is precisely this recipe, according to Nathan, that came to Europe along with the crusaders returning from campaigns.

Interestingly, cheesecake, or rather a loaf with cheese, was known in Ancient Rus' from the 13th century. In any case, from this time on there are written references to such a dish. But if we consider that there are no surviving written ancient Russian sources older than the 12th century, and more ancient chronicles are known only from later lists, then we can assume that cheesecake was eaten in Rus' long before the Crusaders, and a variety of cheesecakes, cheesecakes, loaves with cheese and cottage cheese, surviving to this day are only additional confirmation of this. Cottage cheese casserole, familiar to everyone born in the USSR, is also a cheesecake, although a little brutal.

Rich history, traditions of different peoples and complex interweaving of the “pedigrees” of similar dishes make cheesecake a universal “reconciling” pie, which is equally appropriate in New York, Moscow, for Easter or a birthday. This tasty pie- a true internationalist and goes well with Chinese or Indian tea, as well as with Caucasian kefir or Colombian coffee. Let's give the Americans credit - the introduction of cream cheese and cream into the pie really changed the taste and appearance of the dessert. Cheesecake has become completely unique gloss, delicate, soufflé-like structure, diversified itself with additional components and became a regular in many modern glamorous cafes and restaurants.

Enough history, let's talk about the dessert itself. Cheesecakes are divided into two categories - baked and raw. The first became popular thanks to the American style of cooking, the second, more ancient version is still used in some countries. You can also divide cheesecakes into those made from cream cheese (New York) and from cottage cheese or homemade cream cheeses. Let us recall that in English language The word cheese, in addition to cheese, means cottage cheese. So there is no “wrong” cheesecake, there is only a variety of cooking styles and recipes.

The famous New York cheesecake, synonymous with modern cheesecake, and, in many ways, its standard came about due to several accidents. In 1912, James Kraft developed a new method of pasteurizing inexpensive cream cheese, and in 1929, Arnold Reuben announced that cheesecake had become new recipe. Indeed, what was served at New York's Turf restaurant was nothing like homemade cakes. The dessert acquired gloss and a uniform structure. It has become almost impossible to repeat it on home kitchen. It was this luck that made cheesecake an “iconic American dish.”

Until 1929, cheesecakes were made from cottage cheese or rather expensive varieties of cheese (ricotta, Havarti), but Philadelphia cheese is much more simplified the matter. This cheese is ideal for baking, as it is very fatty and is made not from milk, but from cream. It does not require aging, like brie or Italian varieties, and its structure is similar to mascarpone.

In addition to cheese, the cheesecake recipe contains sugar, eggs, cream, fruit and cookies for the crust base. These are the basic ingredients, to which berries, syrups, chocolate, alcohol and other components can be added, depending on the whim and skill of the cook. Decorating the top is often done in order to hide cooking defects, for example, a crack that has appeared. Supreme skill can be considered a cheesecake, ideal in shape, without cracks or defects, with an open top part, only slightly decorated with fruit or chocolate.

New York cheesecake

Ingredients (8-10 servings):
For filling:
700 g soft cream cheese (Philadelphia),
100 g cream with 33% fat content,
3 tsp. fat sour cream,
100 g sugar,
1 tsp. vanilla extract,
3 eggs.

For the base:
500 g cookies,
150 g butter,
1 tsp. ground cinnamon,
1 tsp. ground nutmeg.

Prepare a collapsible mold with a diameter of 26 cm. Crumble the cookies, mix them with melted butter, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Grease the mold and spread the resulting mixture over the bottom. Sometimes the base is distributed along the walls. Preheat the oven to 150°C, place the mold on the top shelf for 15 minutes (place a bowl of water with a diameter larger than the mold on the bottom shelf). Take out the mold and cool without disassembling it.

Mix filling ingredients except eggs. Whisk the yolks and whites separately. Gently fold the eggs into the filling, trying to keep it fluffy. Place the filling on the base. Bake at 150°C for 1 hour. Leave the cheesecake in the turned off oven for another 15 minutes, then open the oven door and leave for another 10 minutes. After this, let it cool completely, remove the frame and let it cool for 6 hours.

A few recommendations. All ingredients must be at the same temperature. Eggs can be beaten cold; in the process they will take desired temperature. To prevent the cheesecake from cracking when removing the pan, run a knife with a narrow blade along the side.

A very interesting version of chocolate-based cheesecake is offered by the famous chef Ilya Lazerson.

Chocolate New Yorker.

For the base:
150 g chocolate,
100 g butter,
3 eggs,
100 g sugar,
75 g flour

For filling:
600 g Buko cream cheese,
150 g of the fattest sour cream,
3 eggs,
6 tbsp. l. Sahara,
3 tbsp. l. flour,

Melt the chocolate in a water bath with butter until smooth. Beat 3 eggs with sugar until white foam, add chocolate mixture and flour and until smooth. Pour into the bottom of a 26cm springform pan. Mix cheese, sour cream and flour. Beat eggs with sugar until white foam and gently combine with slow movements, trying to maintain airiness. Place the filling on top of the chocolate base. Use a fork to lift the dark threads from the chocolate layer for a marbling effect. Bake at 180°C for 45 minutes. The center of the cheesecake should jiggle slightly when finished baking. Cool in the oven with the door slightly open. Run a sharp knife along the edge to prevent the top from cracking. Let the cheesecake cool naturally in a warm place for 6-10 hours.

In England, where cheesecakes came to the States, the dessert is not baked, but gelatin is added and left in the refrigerator. This greatly simplifies the process, especially when you want to enjoy a cool and tasty dessert on a hot summer evening. In France, cheesecakes are made from Neufchatel cheese with fruit and berry decorations, and in Brazil, cheesecake is topped with guava jam. In Belgium and Holland, it is customary to sprinkle cheesecakes with crushed cookies and grated chocolate. Cheesecakes are even made in Japan. Asian cheesecakes often contain tea, and some chefs even use tofu, a curd made from soy milk. More often japanese cheesecake- this is a slightly modified American recipe with the addition of bright green powdered tea Matcha.

Japanese cheesecake.

250 g Philadelphia cheese,
50 g butter,
140 g sugar,
100 ml milk,
60 g flour,
20 g starch,
6 eggs
½ lemon (juice)
¼ tsp. baking powder,
2 tsp. Matcha tea,
5 tbsp. spoons of plum jam,
2-3 tbsp. l. plum vodka,
powdered sugar (for sprinkling).

All ingredients should be at room temperature. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat the whites until foamy, add sugar and a pinch of salt, beat until thick. Mix the cheese and butter separately, stir or beat with a mixer at low speed until smooth. Without stopping, add lemon juice and yolks. Pour in milk and stir. Mix flour and tea with starch, add to the mixture and mix gently. Fold in the egg whites in a circular motion. Place everything in a mold, line the inside of it with baking paper, wrap it in 3 layers of foil, and place the “packed” mold in a deep baking tray half filled with water. Bake for 1 hour at 180°C. Remove the cheesecake, remove the foil, run a sharp knife around the edge of the pan to release from the pan, remove the rim, peel off the paper and let cool for 2 hours. Cool in the refrigerator. Sprinkle the finished cheesecake powdered sugar, serve with warm plum sauce made from jam and plum vodka (heat in a water bath).

Russian cuisine does not have its own signature cheesecake, but the classic honey and berry ingredients may well serve as a symbol of the Russian dessert. Don't be afraid to experiment, maybe your cheesecake will be perfect for you! own recipe can become unique Russian recipe, recognizable all over the world.

If you like to cook delicious desserts, then be sure to pamper your family with the most delicate cheesecake. It literally melts in your mouth and gives indescribable pleasure to all those with a sweet tooth! Don’t be afraid that the cheesecake takes quite a long time to prepare, believe me, it’s worth it!

Cheesecake: recipe history

Culinary experts claim that the first cheesecakes began to be prepared in Ancient Greece. But this dessert gained true fame in America. Cheesecake got its name from English word“cheesecake”, which translates as cheese pie. Its light, airy consistency resembles something between a cottage cheese casserole and a soufflé.

Today the most popular recipe is New York cheesecake, which is considered a classic of all cheesecakes. It was invented in 1929 and was the first cheesecake made with cream cheese. Before that, they were made from cottage cheese.

Today, cheesecakes are made with cream cheese, ricotta, or havarti. with the addition of eggs, sugar, cream and all kinds of fillings. A delicate cheese mixture is laid out on a base crust made from cookies. Typically, cheesecakes are baked in the oven at medium temperature, but there are also “cold” recipes that are set in the refrigerator. These include classic English cheesecake.

We invite you to prepare the most popular New York cheesecake, which does not contain any additives and has a delicious, delicate taste.

Cheesecake - classic recipe

What is cheesecake made from?

  • 250 g cookies (“Jubilee”)
  • 125 g butter
  • 360 g Mascarpone cheese
  • 360 g Philadelphia cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • 180 g cream or full fat sour cream
  • 220 g sugar
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 2 tsp lemon zest

How to make cheesecake

  1. Carefully crush the cookies into crumbs and add melted butter to it, stir. Take a suitable baking dish and line the bottom and sides with foil. Gently spread the mixture of cookies and butter on top. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  2. Place sour cream, eggs and sugar in a bowl, beat them thoroughly with a mixer. Then add lemon juice and zest and stir. Gradually add Mascarpone and Philadelphia cheese to this mixture, continuing to stir to form an airy mass.
  3. Place the resulting cheese mass on the crust and place in the oven. The cheesecake should be baked at an average temperature of 150-170 degrees for an hour.
  4. In order to avoid cracking of the finished cheesecake, there are some tricks. For example, you can cook it in a water bath so that it heats evenly.
  5. When the cheesecake is ready, do not rush to take it out of the oven; open the oven door slightly to allow the cake to cool. The cheesecake should cool slowly - about 1.5-2 hours. After this, put it in the refrigerator to cool completely.
  6. Cut the finished cheesecake into portions and, if desired, decorate the pie with berries, fruits or chocolate.


Who doesn't love cheesecakes? Everyone loves cheesecake! Tender and fluffy or creamy and moist, with filling and frosting or nothing at all - there is so much variety that it is impossible to list all the types of cheesecakes. Americans are proof of this - each state has a special cheesecake recipe, and the Cheesecake Heaven restaurant serves 90 types of this dessert. We invite you to get to know the most interesting views and, of course, cook them at home.

What is cheesecake

Everything is very simple. Cheesecake is a dessert based on soft cheese or cottage cheese (or a combination thereof) with the addition of eggs, sour cream or cream, flour or starch, and sometimes milk. There are many variations of cheesecake - chocolate, with fruits and berries, with jelly or caramel toppings. There is room for your imagination to run wild.

There are two cooking methods - with baking and without baking. In the first case, the cheesecake is baked and allowed to harden in the cold, and in the second, the mixture is mixed with gelatin and also placed in the cold.

Cheesecake can be made with any base - baked crust or pressed cookies. You can prepare dessert without a base if you want to emphasize the curd or cheesy taste.

Baked cheesecake is considered a classic American dessert, while “cold” cheesecake is considered a classic British one and is more reminiscent of a cheese and curd soufflé.

History of cheesecake

America is considered the birthplace of modern cream cheese-based cheesecake. But the roots of the dessert are European.

Ancient Greece. The cottage cheese was mixed with honey and flour and kneaded until creamy. Then baked, cooled and served cold. Please note that the basic principles have not changed.

Then the cheesecake came through Ancient Rome, where they began to add egg yolks to dessert - for a more dessert taste.

The cheesecake smoothly transformed into European version, popular until the 18th century. The classic Old World recipe looked like this: cut soft cheese into small pieces, cover with milk for three hours. Then mix well, add eggs, butter, sugar and bake.

After the 18th century. By this time, Europeans began to use beaten eggs - this made cheesecake tender, airy and dessert-like.

USA. It appeared in America modern version dessert - instead of soft cheese or cottage cheese, they began to add fatty cheese cream cheese. In 1872, a New York dairy farmer tried to replicate french cheese Neufchatel. Instead, he got what is now called Philadelphia cream cheese.

And in 1929 The owner of the diner, Arnold Reuben, came up with a recipe based on Philadelphia cheese, beaten eggs, sugar and cream. This is how the modern New York cheesecake was born.

Types of cheesecakes

American classic cheesecake. A combination of cream cheese, eggs and sugar. Korzh - sweet crackers or any other cookies (usually shortbread).

Cheesecake New York. Cream cheese based with added cream, eggs and extra egg yolks - adds a denser texture and rich taste. Traditionally, New York cheesecake is cooked in the oven at high temperature and then at low temperature. This is necessary due to the large proportion of cream cheese. Find out more about this wonderful delicacy in the article Originally from the USA: New York cheesecake, or in search of a lost recipe.

Pennsylvania cheesecake prepared from soft, fatty cottage cheese, into which yolks, flour and starch are mixed, and then whites are added, beaten with sugar until stiff peaks form. Similar to fluffy casserole, but you can diversify the taste: add lemon zest, vanilla extract.

Sour cream cheesecake appeared in the USA around the middle of the 20th century. It still has cream cheese, but uses sour cream instead of cream. The main advantage of this type is that it can be frozen for a long time without destroying the structure. Try his version - chocolate cheesecake recipe.

Italian (Roman) cheesecake combines honey and ricotta along with flour. Traditionally it is wrapped in bay leaves. Some recipes suggest using palm leaves.

French cheesecake very light, with the addition of gelatin. Usually this is a low pie. The light texture is possible thanks to cheeses from the southern provinces of France.

The site has a small collection of cheesecakes that need to be baked. Let me list them:

Very unusual and delicate in texture

The famous American dessert cheesecake is very popular, almost as popular as another newcomer from American cuisine Caesar salad.
Cheesecake appeared in Russia only in the 90s, so you won’t find grandma’s recipes for classic cheesecake.

What types of cheesecakes are there?

There are two main types of cheesecakes - cheesecake that is made without baking, and the kind that needs to be baked. It is customary to consider a cheesecake without baking to be English, and a cheesecake with baking to be American.
This article will talk about classic cheesecake with pastries, which is also called New York cheesecake.

Do you need a water bath to bake cheesecake?

Cheesecake is a simple dish that does not require any special skill, and is not too labor-intensive.
Myths about its complexity are probably born from the fact that the dish has not yet taken root in our kitchen.
Also, many are scared by the fact that classic cheesecake is cooked in a water bath.
However, a water bath is not necessary if you have a convection stove - that is, with forced air circulation. So, if you have a modern stove or microwave, which has a convection mode, then feel free to bake the cheesecake without a water bath.
If the stove is old, then in this case a water bath is necessary for a smooth, beautiful cheesecake.

Ingredients for baking cheesecake at home

1) Cream cheese, aka cream cheese.

In the classic New York cheesecake recipe, only cream cheese is used; in other versions, cream cheese is mixed with sour cream. With sour cream, the cheesecake turns out less dense and, importantly, cheaper.

What kind of cream cheese is needed for cheesecake?

The classic cream cheese for New York cheesecake is Philadelphia cheese. It is almost impossible to buy this cheese from us.
Therefore, feel free to take any cream cheese that is close to Philadelphia in fat content. Philadelphia 65% fat.
Most similar to Philadelphia cheese
Bonfesto. Now there are also Serbian and Belarusian cream cheeses on sale. Look at the fat content and whether it says butter or cream-curd cream.
Ricotta and Mascarpone are not good for classic New York cheesecake.
Ricotta is similar to cottage cheese, and Mascarpone is too fatty cheese, it is suitable for another famous dessert - tiramisu

2) Cookies - no problems with this product. We most often buy "Yubileinoe"

3) Butter

4) Vanilla extract or vanilla sugar what you can get.

5) Fine granulated sugar.

6) Eggs

7) Lemon juice(optional - lemon zest)

That's all the main ingredients. Sometimes Americans add a few tablespoons of flour to cheesecake.

How to make a classic cheesecake with pastries

Ingredients for a 20 cm pan

1. Cookies - 125 gr.

2. Butter -75 gr.

3. Cream cheese 500-570 gr. (depending on which packages you buy, the more cheese, the higher the cheesecake will be)

4. Eggs - 3 pieces

5. Sugar - 3 tables. spoons

6. Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon

7. Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon (optional)

How to make a classic New York cheesecake

An hour or two before baking, remove all food from the refrigerator so that it is at room temperature when cooked.

Stage 1 - making the base

1. Set the oven to preheat at 180 degrees

2. Grind the cookies into fine crumbs.

It’s most convenient to grind in a food processor, but if you don’t have a food processor, you can grate them or crush them with a rolling pin, placing the cookies in a bag.

3. Melt the butter in the microwave

4. Mix melted butter with cookie crumbs

You can combine all these points, take softened butter and grind it together with the cookies in a food processor.

This option takes a little longer because the cookies with butter grind more slowly than just cookies. But less dishes get dirty this way.

There should be a mass like this.

3. Take a springform pan.

The form can be lined with parchment. Cheesecake made from parchment is very easy to remove and easy to transfer to a holiday plate. But there is a small drawback - the edges of the cheesecake will not turn out perfectly smooth.

Spread the butter and cookie mixture over the bottom, making small edges. For density, you can compact it with a glass

4. Place in the oven for 10 minutes and then cool. The base must be baked so that the cheese mass does not leak through.

Preparing the cheese mass

At this stage, the cream cheese is mixed with the remaining ingredients. You can do this with a spatula or a whisk. Can be done with a mixer at minimum speed. If you mix intensively, or even more so beat, the mixture will become saturated with air bubbles, which during baking will tend to come out and spoil the surface of the cheesecake. Therefore, mix slowly but thoroughly, achieving homogeneity of the mass.

1) Mix eggs with sugar until smooth, add sugar, vanillin and lemon juice.

2) Mix eggs with sugar and vanilla into the cheese mixture.

3) Homogeneous mass put it in the form

4) Set the oven to 160 degrees and bake for 40 minutes. 5) After 40 minutes, look and touch carefully cheesecake by hand. If the surface is springy and the middle trembles a little - everything is fine, you can turn off the oven. But don't remove the cheesecake from the oven. Open the door slightly and leave to cool for an hour.
6) Then cover cling film and place in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours.

As you can see, the cheesecake turned out smooth, there are no cracks. The sides are wavy due to the use of parchment.

Cut the cheesecake using a knife dipped in water.

So, let's repeat the important points - do not beat the cheese mixture, but mix gently, do not remove the cheesecake from the oven immediately after cooking. Follow these simple rules and the cheesecake will be a success.
For those who have an old stove, the third rule is a water bath. To do this, before the second stage of baking, the pan is wrapped in foil in two or three layers so that water does not penetrate into the cheesecake. After this, take a mold larger than the one in which you bake. Place the cheesecake in a large pan and pour it into it. hot water one-third to one-half the height of the springform pan.

Based on the basic classic recipe, you can make a huge number of different cheesecakes, chocolate, lime, pistachio. However, the basic principles of cooking will remain the same as those listed in this article.

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I owe this cake! I promised many people and now I’m finally keeping my promise!
My friends, this fantastic recipe I brought the cheesecake with me from New York., where I literally conducted an investigation to find out What is real New York cheesecake? what it tastes like and how to cook it correctly. I visited an amazing restaurant Junior's, where I tasted the most authentic Cheesecake, touched history and, in a conversation with the staff, learned the history of the cake, the secrets of its phenomenal popularity and, of course, took the recipe with me.

Today is the real truth.

I’ll tell you everything I managed to find out:

What is Cheesecake made from?
- How it is stored.
- How it is baked.

To begin with, I want to say with confidence that the Cheesecake that I already have in my magazine is very authentic. I found this out reliably. So, please love and favor, if anything happens. In the recipe that I brought from Junior's there is one significant difference...

... Biscuit, absolutely fantastic cake against my sandy one.

Last time we had a heated argument about What is the right American cheesecake made from?.
There were versions that it was made from Mascarpone and cottage cheese, which I disputed as best I could. This is true, friends, I was clearly told that there should be no cottage cheese and no Mascarpone in a proper Cheesecake. So, let's call a spade a spade. I was clearly told: "Real Cheesecake only with Philadelphia...". By the way, about cottage cheese. I haven’t found any (natural) cottage cheese in the states. Make cakes with cottage cheese and mascarpone, but keep in mind that these are variations. In some regions of America, multi-layer cheesecakes with sour cream are popular. In Greece they use feta, in Italy - ricotta, in Germany, as I heard, just cottage cheese, in Japan - a combination of corn starch and proteins.

The same applies to any toppings in the form of chocolate or caramel and fruit. IN classic version A cake is just a cake and no extra paraphernalia.

About storage.
This question has always interested me personally. In our restaurants, cheesecakes obviously arrive frozen. “It’s acceptable!” they told me at Junior’s. Yes, yes, they too
freeze their cakes. How else can you deliver fresh cake over long distances?

About baking.
And here was my truth. Only in a baking tray with water and nothing else. If you don’t want to get terrible cracks in the middle of the cake, don’t be too lazy to put the pan in
large, filled with water.

Well, let's move on to the most important thing?

Authentic New York Cheesecake


shape 22 cm

1 Sponge cake (recipe below)
1 kg Philadelphia
375 g sugar (I have 240 g)
35 g cornstarch
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs
170 g whipping cream


40 g sifted flour
3/4 tsp. baking powder
a pinch of salt
2 large eggs, divided into yolks and whites
65 g sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 drops lemon extract
30 g butter, melted
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar



1. Preheat the oven to 170 C. Grease the bottom and edges of the baking dish with butter. Wrap the outside of the pan tightly with foil. Make sure that both the bottom and the edges of the pan are tightly covered with foil. There shouldn't be any "gaps" left.
2. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a small bowl.
3. Beat the yolks at high speed for 3 minutes. (1-2 minutes*). Without stopping beating, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and beat for about 5 minutes ( 2-3 minutes) until the mass becomes lighter and thickens. Add extracts, beat.
4. Sift the flour into the yolk mixture and carefully combine it with a spatula or hand. Mix in the oil.

5. In the bowl of a mixer, combine the egg whites and cream of tartar. Start beating at low speed, gradually increasing it to high speed (Kitchen speed 8). Gradually add the remaining sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. (approximately 3-4 minutes). Introduce about 1/3 of the whites into the dough, carefully using a spatula, without beating the mass, but with a sort of scooping motion from the bottom up. Add the rest of the proteins in the same way. It is important not to beat. If there are white grains left, it’s okay - they will disappear during baking.

6. Carefully distribute the dough in the baking dish, bake until golden color, approximately 10 minutes. You can check readiness like this: press the cake with your finger; If the dough takes its original shape (“springs back”), the biscuit is ready. Cool in the pan.

*Beating times in parentheses are indicated in a planetary mixer, such as a KitchenAid.


1. Preheat the oven to 170 C.
2. Place 250 g of cream cheese, 75 g of sugar and corn starch. Beat at low speed until elastic, about 3 minutes. (1-2 minutes), periodically scraping the mixture from the edges of the bowl.

Mix in the remaining 250 g of cream cheese according to the following scheme: add - beat, add - beat.

3. Increase mixer speed to medium, continue beating, add remaining sugar and vanilla extract.

Add eggs one at a time, beating each time. (20-30 seconds). Then pour in the cream, beat until smooth and homogeneous. (1-2 minutes). Don't overbeat!

Distribute the mixture evenly over the surface of the biscuit.

4. Place the form in bigger shape, filled hot water. Pour water into at least 2-3 cm of the Cheesecake pan. Bake for 1 hour 15 minutes. Remove the cheesecake from the water bath, transfer to a wire rack and let cool for 2 hours. Then cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

PS. Bon appetit and have a delicious evening!


I didn't add starch to mine. Here, to be honest, I didn’t notice a significant difference in taste or consistency. Perhaps the cream is thicker with starch. I reduced the amount of sugar. But this is individual, so add as much as you see fit. The amount of sugar does not affect the quality of the cake.
As for cream tar tar (stone of tartar). His goal is more stable proteins. It is not necessary to add.

*Beating times in parentheses are indicated in a planetary mixer, such as a KitchenAid. I make these notes because the whipping time will differ depending on the unit used.

Original New York Cheesecake

I"m sure my American readers know that the best cheesecake in the world can be found in New York at a place called Junior's... I have so many requests from my readers and friends for this cake since I came back home from the USA .Thank you everyone for your patient waiting for this New York Cheesecake recipe. Before I found this one I tried different recipes. I experimented with cheesecake filling and crust, added new components, read a lot of information. And once I got what I wanted . It takes a bit of hubris to describe a recipe as "perfect". Look for I already have in my blog. Believe me, it"s absolutely perfect and I was so amazed when I had a piece of cheesecake in Junior"s. .. They are very much alike, my cake and the one I had in New York. But there is a difference that amazed me greatly. I"m used to make a cheesecake crust with a cookie dough but they bake so light and fluffy sponge crust in Junior"s that I have to admit it"s really the best cheesecake in the world. Well, it might be exaggerated but I don’t know how to describe it. It's perfect!

Makes one 9-inch Cheesecake, about 2.5 inches high


1 recipe 9-inch Junior's Sponge Cake Crust (recipe follows)
Four 8-ounce packages cream cheese, at room temperature
1 2/3 cups sugar (I added just about 1 cup)
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
2 extra-large eggs
3/4 cup heavy or whipping cream


1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Generously butter the bottom and sides of a 9-inch springform pan. Wrap the outside with aluminum foil, covering the bottom and extending all the way up the sides. Make and bake the cake crust and leave it in the pan. Keep the oven on.
2. Put one package of the cream cheese, 1/3 cup of the sugar, and the cornstarch in a large bowl and beat with an electric mixer on low until creamy, about 3 minutes, scraping down the bowl several times. Blend in the remaining cream cheese, one package at a time, scraping down the bowl after each one.
3. Increase the mixer speed to medium and beat in the remaining 1 1/3 cups sugar, then the vanilla. Blend in the eggs, one at a time, beating well after adding each one. Beat in the cream just until completely blended. Be careful not to overmix! Gently spoon the batter over the crust.
4. Place the cake in a large shallow pan containing hot water that comes about 1 inch up the sides of the springform. Bake until the edges are light golden brown and the top is slightly golden tan, about 1 1/4 hours. Remove the cheesecake from the water bath, transfer to a wire rack, and let cool for two hours. Then, leave the cake in the pan, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until completely cold, preferably overnight or for at least 4 hours.

Junior's Sponge Cake Crust

For one 9-inch cake crust
1/3 cup sifted cake flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
two extra-large eggs, separated
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 drops pure lemon extract
2 tablespoons unsulted butter, melted
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar


1. Preheat the oven to 350 F and generously butter the bottom and sides of a 9-inch springform pan (preferably a nonstick one). Wrap the outside with aluminum foil, covering the bottom and extending all the way up the sides.
2. In a small bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, and salt together.
3. Beat the egg yolks in a large bowl with an electric mixer on high for 3 minutes. With the mixer running, slowly add two tablespoons of the sugar and beat until thick light yellow ribbons form, about 5 minutes more. Beat in the extracts.
4. Sift the flour mixture over the batter and stir it in by hand, just until no more white flecks appear. Now, blend in the melted butter.
5. Put the egg whites and cream of tartar into the bowl and beat with a mixer on high until frothy. Gradually add the remaining sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form (the whites will stand up and look glossy, not dry). Fold about 1/3 of the whites into the batter, then the remaining whites. Don"t worry if you still see a few white specks, as they"ll disappear during baking.
6. Gently spread out the batter over the bottom of the pan, and bake just until set and golden, about 10 minutes. Touch the cake gently in the center. If it springs back, it's done. Watch carefully and don't let the top brown. Leave the crust in the pan and place on a wire rack to cool. Leave the oven on while you prepare the batter.
