Espresso description. What is espresso coffee, types of coffee drinks, recipes at home. Espresso comes in different varieties.

You will find coffee with absolute certainty on the menu of every cafe, restaurant, bar, pub, canteen and, of course, coffee shops, along with plain water. At the same time, the quality of the drink can vary greatly; globally, the culture of coffee in Russia is not yet developed. This is where incidents come from. We will not talk about very difficult cases and the fact that in most establishments they will not understand you when you try to order a Chemex, or just a flat white, but let's talk about the basics - espresso. Sometimes the answer to a request for a double espresso in an average Russian restaurant can be 150 milliliters of coffee, or literally two espressos in two cups. We turned to the experts to find out what this coffee drink should actually be.

Nikolai Chistyakov

roaster and head barista at Camera Obscura

Espresso is a certain ratio of the dose (bookmark) of coffee to the weight of the drink (espresso). For example, if you take 20 grams of coffee, then the espresso output in the cup will be from 35 to 40 grams. This ratio is determined not so much by the choice of coffee as by the style of espresso in the establishment.

It's easy to see that a 30 gram espresso (that's a ratio of 1.5) will be thicker and brighter in flavor than a 40 gram espresso (a ratio of 2.0). Each coffee shop has a certain style and recognizable taste of espresso. For example, we usually brew espresso in Camera Obscura at a ratio of 1.8 - from 20 grams of coffee we get 36 grams of espresso. But, again, it all depends on the quality of the water, the style of roasting, equipment and other things.

Nastya Godunova

co-owner of Good Enough coffee shop

In the Krasnodar Territory, I somehow met such a practice: a double espresso is brewed from one coffee tab and an Americano is immediately made on it. But there, the tea bags, it seems, were dried and brewed a second time. Of course, all this is fundamentally wrong. But in our city, that is, in Moscow, there are also a lot of establishments that are not that indifferent to the drink, they absolutely do not care about the taste, volume and the cooking process. Black-brown liquid with foam, which disappears in a second, at the exit it will go.

True espresso is a 25–35 milliliter drink brewed in an espresso machine in 20–30 seconds from 18–22 grams of coffee. It is dense, syrupy, interesting and preferably very tasty. But all the characteristics that affect the taste (volume of espresso, extraction time) depend on many factors: the region where the coffee was grown, the way it was processed, the degree of roast, the time after roasting, and the brewing recipe. The barista follows the development and change of the drink every day, it is very interesting. But, unfortunately, this is not done, for example, in restaurants, where coffee on the menu is an obligatory drink, but not at all important.

Buyer Administrator Chief

If If you love espresso and want to prepare it according to all the rules, read our new article. In it, we tried to describe all the subtleties and features of making real espresso, and also analyzed possible mistakes so that you can avoid them in the future.

Before you start preparing a magical invigorating drink, make sure that you take into account all the necessary "variables" that affect the final result. Some of them are important for any type of coffee, while others are unique and important only for espresso. Let's list them just in case.


The taste of your espresso depends on what kind of water you use. Sediment, suspension, salts, other undesirable components can irrevocably spoil not only coffee, but also expensive equipment. For this reason, if you are not sure about the quality of your tap water, use bottled drinking water or pass the water through a regular household filter (charcoal, reverse osmosis, jug filter, etc.).


Espresso requires a finer grind than other brewing methods. Properly ground coffee beans should resemble fine salt. If your coffee maker does not have an automatic grind setting, you will know that you have reached the right degree when the ground coffee particles begin to stick together. Try and experiment to get the desired result in the end.

A portion

For a standard double espresso (double shot), we recommend using 18 to 21 grams of ground coffee. The more coffee you take, the richer and denser your drink will be. Adjust serving size according to your personal preference.


The formation of a “coffee tablet” or coffee bookmark is an important step in the preparation of espresso. How qualitatively and evenly the coffee particles are compacted depends on their interaction with water, which means the correct extraction of coffee. Experienced baristas compact coffee with a force of 13-15 kilograms. You can understand what kind of effort it is, and at the same time practice it, on ordinary floor scales. Do not forget to ensure that the edges of the "tablet" are strictly horizontal, without distortions.


The water temperature for making espresso should be 90-96°C. Some coffee machines allow you to control the temperature of the water, if this is the case - experiment. You will notice that a lower temperature helps the bright notes to emerge, while a higher temperature adds bitterness to the taste,
however, if the temperature is too low, the coffee will sour.

Beverage output

Espresso loves extreme measurement accuracy. If to prepare brewed coffee it is enough to know the ratio of water and ground coffee, then when preparing espresso, we operate with the concepts: “coffee dose” and “drink yield”. If the dose can vary within small limits, then the output of classic espresso per serving is 30 ml. That is, you should prepare the dishes based on such a volume.

Just half a minute to enjoy your favorite coffee? Quite good!


coffee machine

Ideal has strong, reliable parts, stable water heating temperature, convenient and understandable control.

coffee grinder

Consistently delicious espresso is the result of uniformly ground coffee beans. When choosing between a millstone and a knife, stop at the first one. It allows you to fine-tune the grind size and grinds the beans evenly, as required for espresso.

Filter (holder)


To form a quality coffee tablet, it must fit snugly against the edges of the basket. Most baskets are 58mm in diameter. In the catalog of our store you will find a large selection of tampers of different sizes.


One of the barista's most essential tools. Be sure, you will need the scales both when you are only at the beginning of the search for your own taste preferences, and later, when you gain experience and confidence for new, bold experiments. For greater accuracy, choose a scale with a minimum step.

So, we come to the main part of our instructions. We have all the necessary equipment, we have stocked up with water and excellent quality coffee beans. We can get started!



It took a long time from starting the coffee machine to the appearance of a drink from the filter. (more than 30 seconds). As a result, espresso may taste bitter. To fix it

  • Use less coffee OR
  • Use a coarser grind OR
  • Temper with less effort.

Too little time elapsed from starting the machine to the appearance of the drink from the filter (less than 25 seconds). As a result, the espresso is weak and watery. To fix it

  • Temper with great effort.

Espresso has a sour taste. You may have stopped the chemical reaction between water and coffee too soon.

  • Increase water temperature OR
  • Increase the cooking time

Espresso tastes weird. Sometimes water passes through the coffee bookmark unevenly, extraction is disturbed. To fix it

  • Examine the coffee tablet for channels, cracks and holes, THEN
  • The next time you brew, make sure you distribute the coffee evenly AND

Espresso is watery. Espresso should be full-bodied and thick. To achieve this, you should choose the optimal ratio of coffee yield and brewing time, as well as use fresh, high-quality coffee. So:

  • Reduce the amount of water OR
  • Use more coffee OR
  • Use a finer grind OR
  • Temper with great effort

The jet of drink from the holder flows unevenly. On its way from the horn to the cup, water chooses the path of least resistance. If the coffee bookmark is not compacted correctly, has cavities, then the water will not pass through the coffee evenly, the extraction will be disturbed, and, accordingly, the taste of the coffee will deteriorate. To avoid this,

  • Make sure you distribute the coffee evenly AND
  • Control your effort when tempering.

There is too little crema in the espresso.

  • Use more coffee OR
  • Use a finer grind OR
  • Check the freshness of your coffee.

There is too much crema in the espresso. Don't be surprised, it happens. Coffee beans that contain a lot of gas immediately after roasting are not ready to be used to make espresso, as they produce a lot of foam.

  • Give the coffee beans a couple of days to "rest".

We hope these simple tips will help you find your balance in making the perfect espresso!

Espresso- a kind of coffee, prepared by passing hot water (90 degrees) through ground coffee under a certain pressure (9 bar). The presence of a high-density crema with a nutty hue is a sign of a good espresso.

There is nothing better than a hot cup of coffee in the morning after a good night's sleep. According to statistics, more than 460 million people prefer to drink black ground coffee espresso for breakfast over other drinks containing caffeine. No wonder, because espresso perfectly invigorates and has a tart, rich taste.

For the first time, espresso could be heard in gastronomic Italy. It was 1901. In the hands of a well-known entrepreneur, Luigi Bezzera, there was a patent for a coffee machine. The essence of making espresso has remained the same as it was when it was created. Water passed through a layer of coffee powder - this is how the quickly popular coffee drink - espresso was made. It was supposed to be consumed after a meal, and even not allowed to cool down - drink quickly, in a few sips.

Coffee has both contraindications and useful properties. The effect of espresso on the body is determined by the characteristics of the organism into which the drink enters. As a result of recent research, it became known that the body owes its reaction to coffee to genetics. The world learned about the genetic predisposition to the body's reaction to caffeine thanks to the scientific journal Human Molecular Genetics, whose scientists were able to understand the topic and correctly present the material.

Types of espresso coffee

Espresso is a coffee known all over the world. It is no wonder that people developed the idea of ​​a drink and came up with various types of it.

  1. Classical. It takes no more than thirty seconds to prepare. For 25-35 milliliters of water, there are about 8 grams of ground coffee.
  2. Doppio. Double shot of classic espresso. It can also be found under a different name - “Double Espresso”, which is often used by various cafes and canteens.
  3. Ristretto. Very strong espresso. Fans of this coffee note a pleasant bitter taste and an invigorating effect of the drink. It is a classic espresso, the volume of which for the same 7-10 grams of coffee (as in classic) is 18 milliliters.
  4. Lungo. Weak espresso. Something similar to americano. Lungo is a standard espresso, the volume of which for the same amount of ground coffee is 50-70 milliliters.

Composition and preparation of espresso coffee

Espresso means "concentrated", "pressed", if translated from the native language of the drink. Another variant of the transfer is “fast”, “quick”. Not surprising, because making yourself a cup of morning espresso is as easy as shelling pears. composition is very small. For preparation, you only need water and ground coffee.

Espresso coffee recipe at home:

  1. Espresso in a coffee machine.

Espresso is most often prepared in a coffee machine. This requires medium roast beans. It is recommended to grind them right before cooking. Neither fine nor coarse grinding is suitable for making such a coffee drink. It is better to choose something in between these two concepts. A holder is also required, which forms small hard tablets from coffee. Cooking can be started immediately after installing the holder in the machine. The process takes 15-25 seconds.

  1. Turkish espresso coffee.

How to make espresso coffee at home in Turkish? To brew espresso, about ten grams of ground coffee beans are poured into a cezve and about thirty milliliters of hot water is poured in. The mixture is heated. When a noticeable foam appears, the Turku is removed from the fire and a pinch of table salt is added to the drink.

Later, when the foam settles, you should reheat the coffee to the same state. Having done the operation again, the espresso can be served at the table.

  1. Espresso in a coffee maker.

Espresso can be prepared using a coffee maker. Two teaspoons of coarse grains must be poured into the machine. As a result, it remains only to wait for the preparation of a fragrant drink.

Espresso dispensing

Espresso is served freshly brewed in a small cup, immediately after preparation. The cup is on a saucer next to a cube of sugar and a teaspoon.

How to drink espresso coffee with cold water? In Italy, the drink is drunk right behind the bar, because Italians do not want to spend too much time drinking coffee. In Russia, espresso is distributed to the tables.

Why is water used with espresso coffee? Many are frightened by such a gesture and think why they need an extra glass, and even with cold water. In fact, it is recommended to drink it either before espresso or after. Having drained the glass before the start of coffee drinking, a person feels the taste brighter and richer. A glass of clean cool water after a cup of coffee will leave a pleasant aftertaste.

Another reason for serving a glass of cold water to an espresso is pressure. As you know, caffeine can contribute to pressure surges, but water reduces its effect to almost a minimum, moreover, normalizing the heart rhythm.

An additional glass of water can not only quench your thirst, but also clean your tooth enamel. If you periodically take a few small sips of water, the enamel, stained from the influence of espresso, will return to its previous color again. This happens because the pigment of the drink does not have time to be absorbed into the enamel of the teeth.

Espresso coffee: technological map and calorie content of the drink

Natural classic espresso (30 ml) without added sugar contains no more than three kilocalories. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, speeding up the metabolism. People who want to keep themselves in good shape can drink espresso with pleasure and benefit - few calories and cheerfulness for the whole day.

With sugar, the calorie content increases, but not by much. Each teaspoon of granulated sugar - plus twenty calories.

The difference between espresso and other types of coffee

What is the difference between espresso coffee and americano, cappuccino and latte? Espresso is easily confused with several other caffeinated drinks. For example, Americano is the same espresso, just more water is added to it. The volume of a standard serving of Americano is 120 milliliters, while espresso weighs only 30 milliliters. Sometimes an Americano is made with one or two shots of espresso.

Espresso is confused with cappuccino and latte, but there are many differences between these drinks. Cappuccino, like latte, is prepared with the addition of milk or cream, as a result of which it has a higher calorie content than espresso.

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Today, when there are a huge number of varieties of coffee drinks, it is very difficult to choose one. In cafeterias, it is quite possible to get lost in the variety of coffee cocktails and regular types of coffee.

But for those who just want to enjoy the tart taste of freshly brewed espresso, making the choice is much easier.

Today you can find only seven main types of espresso:

  • Ordinary. It uses 6-7 grams of coffee and about 30 ml types. All this is poured into the coffee maker, and it already brews amazing coffee for you;
  • Ristretto. This type of espresso should be prepared in much the same way as regular espresso. But water needs to be used half as much. Then the drink will differ in greater strength and rich bright taste;
  • Lungo. To prepare it, you need to brew regular coffee and dilute it with hot water. The amount of water should be approximately 50 ml;
  • Doppio. As the name suggests, this is a double espresso served in one shot. Roughly speaking, the amount of all ingredients is doubled and cooked as usual;
  • Macchiato. This is the same type of espresso that has been slightly embellished with foamed milk. But there should not be much milk foam, otherwise it will already be americano or latte;
  • Romano. Brew a regular coffee drink and serve it to guests with a small slice of lemon or orange. Such a citrus note will give your drink new original notes, which will then be simply impossible to forget;
  • Conpanna. This miracle drink can be made from ordinary coffee and a fairly large amount of whipped cream. The procedure is something like this: coffee is first poured into a cup, and then it is decorated with whipped cream on top. Also, if you want, you can sprinkle with grated chocolate or lemon zest.

As you can see, the list is not very large, but each species differs from the other in some of its amazing features that make it unforgettable and original. So if you want to learn how to make amazing coffee, then you should start with the usual one, gradually moving on to more complex types of this wonderful energy drink.

What is the best coffee for espresso

To make espresso coffee, you first need to decide on the type. In principle, for the preparation of this drink at home, it is best to choose espresso coffee in roasted beans.

The tastiest coffee is obtained if several varieties were used at the same time. Most often they combine Arabica and Robusta. How much of each type you need depends on your individual preferences. So the coffee turns out fragrant and surprisingly tasty. So we advise you to try making coffee from such an amazing mixture!

Don't forget about instant espresso coffee. I think each of us has tried this product at least once in our lives. Its advantages include the speed of preparation, relative cheapness and availability in any store or supermarket.

But such an instant drink is not to everyone's taste, and they drink it rather in exceptional cases, when there is no time or opportunity to prepare a normal full-fledged coffee drink.

How to make espresso coffee at home

In our article, we offer you several options on how to make espresso coffee at home. In some cases, you need to have a coffee maker at home, and in some cases, an ordinary Turk is enough.

Homemade coffee recipes

For our first recipe, you will need coffee itself, preferably in beans, 1 teaspoon, half a glass of cold water, half a teaspoon of sugar and a little salt, literally at the tip of a teaspoon.

All this, except for water, is poured into a Turk and mixed. Then, we put the Turk on the fire and warm up our dry component of the future drink a little. After the mixture has become slightly warm, add water to the Turk and put it on fire. When the coffee starts to rise, take it off the heat and let it cool down a bit.

Then put it on fire again. The next time the liquid begins to rise, you need to quickly remove the coffee from the heat and cover the turkey with a saucer. After 3-4 minutes, the coffee will already be infused and will be ready;

And now we will learn how to cook espresso in Serbian. To do this, you need to pour cold water with sugar into the Turk. We put the Turku on the fire, and wait until the water boils. Then we add ground coffee, after which we again put the Turk on the fire. Now bring the coffee to a boil and remove from heat. Here is our amazing coffee.

As you can see, there are a lot of recipes for making this aromatic drink and you have to choose the best one yourself. So finish reading our article, take coffee powder and go to the kitchen to brew coffee.

The right espresso is called the king of coffee for a reason. The delicate aroma of a freshly prepared drink will make you feel a surge of energy, cheer you up, and just remind you that life, in fact, is a pleasant thing! What kind of drink is this, natural correct espresso?

History of espresso coffee
Speaking of terminology, espresso coffee is a high-strength coffee drink created by passing pressurized water through a layer of roasted and ground coffee that does not contain any additives or flavors. That's all the encyclopedia tells us, but what are dry facts to us when it comes to the actual favorite drink of most coffee lovers?
I wonder how the drink itself appeared and what its name means? There are a lot of rumors about this, but here is perhaps the most curious one. Italy, as we know, is home to a huge number of coffee lovers, so it is not surprising that our story begins here. At the beginning of the 20th century, an industrial boom burst into this cheerful country. The development of industry required a change in lifestyle from local residents - work at the factory from start to finish did not tolerate any liberties, as well as a break for rest. The only outlet left for the Italians is a pause for a cup of coffee. Because of this, the nearby cafeterias were very popular. But there were also disadvantages in this: the main part of the break was spent not on enjoying a fragrant drink, but on waiting in line, because brewing coffee took a lot of time. And so, in order to correct the unfair situation that upset both cafe workers and hard workers from factories, in In 1901, Luigi Bezzera created the world's first coffee machine, called the espresso machine, which meant "prepared under pressure" and deciphered the basic principle of the new preparation of the drink. Although many argue that the device got its name due to a different meaning of the word - fast - after all, it was the created coffee machine that made it possible to quickly create a delicious drink, and Italian workers to rest during hard work. However, espresso machines soon spread from Italy around the world, at the same time popularizing a new type of coffee being created - espresso, which was named after the machine that makes espresso coffee.
By the way, espresso coffee is called differently around the world. For example, the same Italians, having given the drink a sonorous name, under which it is known in Russia, with their characteristic frivolity, they preferred to call espresso coffee as solo or un cafe. The British in coffee shops order single. Americans distinguished themselves by calling espresso coffee gutshot. For the inhabitants of a distant continent, such a name is a kind of declaration of love, since it stands for god shot, that is, divinely fast. But everyone knows that one of the distinguishing features of the inhabitants of the United States is a careful and even economical attitude to time.

By the way, the popularity of espresso coffee is easily explained. It is on the basis of this drink that any coffee is created. However, it's time to remember how to prepare a real or otherwise correct espresso. A prerequisite for preparing espresso is the temperature, which during the procedure can vary only within 88-92 degrees. For one serving of the drink, we need 7-9 g of ground coffee. The time of the extraction process (as experts call the production of a drink) is approximately 25 seconds. It is worth explaining this time period, since compliance with this condition is very important for obtaining a tasty and aromatic drink. The fact is that in a time shorter than the specified period, the coffee will not have time to brew, and if you use a long time period, there will be no useful substances left in the drink. Nothing but caffeine, water and some tannins.

By the way, the volume of this drink should be 25-30 ml. This volume will contain between 60 and 90 mg of caffeine, provided, of course, that you have used high quality natural ground espresso.

One well-known coffee specialist, while in Russia, visited a local popular cafe. He ordered his favorite classic espresso. Espresso preparation took a little time, and after 5 minutes our hero had a cup of drink in front of him. And the drink itself was quite okay - the color of the espresso, as well as its aroma, left no doubt that the taster had a deliciously brewed drink in front of the taster, but only in the cup of the drink itself there was at least two or three times more than the accepted volume. Initially, this greatly surprised the European guest, but a little later he realized (after visiting several more establishments and talking with Russian friends) that this was a feature of the mentality of our people. Remember the famous tea party between the Hatter and the Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland? In the Russian interpretation, tiny china cups would definitely be replaced by half-liter mugs. Perhaps the Russian tradition is not a classic of the coffee drinking genre, but apparently we just love coffee very much.

Varieties of espresso coffee
Ristretto is a stronger and richer drink. It has less water and less caffeine, as well as a shorter brew.

Lungo - less saturated. This type of coffee has more water and more caffeine, while longer and more brewing.

Doppio is a double espresso.

Morning espresso invigorates and charges with positive. With such a start to the day, no obstacles are terrible. If you decide to make a drink yourself, then you should know what criteria to follow when making natural coffee.

The drink has a small foam or cream, as it is also called. It should be no more than a few millimeters thick. Its distinguishing property is density. Checking the espresso cream is easy - sprinkle sugar on the surface of the drink. Please note that it should not immediately sink into the foam. The color of the skin usually varies from light brown to dark brown. Too dark foam indicates that the coffee is overcooked, but too light, on the contrary, indicates that the drink is undercooked. The color of espresso is usually rich, dark, almost black.

If you want to know if your morning espresso is good, then taste it. Real natural coffee, brewed in compliance with all the rules, will delight you with its elegant and delicate aroma. The taste of the drink is a harmonious composition of light bitterness, some salinity and mild sourness. You will be surprised, but specialists in various varieties of espresso coffee distinguish up to 100 shades of flavors and aromas. Try it, how many nuances of flavor will you be able to determine?

A fresh and aromatic drink contains at least 30 organic acids (coffee, citric, acetic, malic, etc.). Each of them helps to improve digestion and secretion of gastric juice. The drink has an invigorating effect, which is why coffee experts recommend drinking espresso coffee after a meal. This will help you better digest what you ate at lunch.

Signs of bad espresso coffee
The taste and smell of burnt coffee indicate a low-quality drink. These parameters may also indicate poorly prepared espresso coffee (overcooked) or spoiled. A noticeable earthy taste, increased acidity or hints of unripe vegetables, a metallic taste - all these are signs of an old drink that has expired, or the coffee was not prepared correctly.

A properly prepared drink has a very balanced and delicate taste. Therefore, before adding any additional ingredients such as milk, sugar, syrup, honey, lemon, etc., to it, think about whether this will affect the harmony of the taste of the drink. In this case, the main actions that various additives have on coffee should be taken into account. For example, everyone's favorite milk significantly softens the main taste, spices add zest and brightness, salt will make the drink slightly salty, and syrups basically greatly distort the taste of espresso coffee. Any use of any additives is a matter of your taste and imagination.

Serving espresso coffee
The aromatic drink is usually served in small portions in cups with a handle, the volume of which is slightly larger than the poured portion. The drink is served freshly prepared - the optimal time is considered to be three minutes. Espresso coffee is served with a glass of water. This is done to cleanse the taste buds. Coffee experts claim that this makes espresso coffee sound better and its notes more clearly recognizable.

Having learned the basic subtleties of making your favorite drink, you can treat your loved ones to a real drink, first created and prepared in Italy. Enjoy your time in the company of close friends and the best coffee drinks!

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