Wicker basket made from yeast dough. Easter wicker basket made from yeast dough

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Wicker basket made of yeast dough

I offer you for the holiday Happy Easter bake a wicker basket for sweets from the dough. A decorative basket of dough will serve as decoration festive table, you can put snack pies, homemade buns, various products from dough, as well as Easter eggs

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Fresh yeast - 25 g (7 g dry)


Milk - 1/2 cup


Sugar - 1/4 cup


Olive oil - 1/4 cup


Water - 1/2 cup


Egg - 2 pcs


Salt - 1/2 tsp


Flour - 4 cups

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Combine milk with water. Separately, in a glass bowl, mix 2 tbsp. l water with milk, add yeast and leave for a few minutes. Beat one egg, add water with milk, olive oil, salt and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly. Gradually add flour (1/2 cup). When you add all the flour, knead the dough, it should be soft and flexible. Leave to rise until the dough has doubled in size.

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Basket weaving


This type of weaving is used for decoration Easter table. We take the dough elastic, tight, not sticking to the knife.


Roll out part of the dough into a layer approximately 0.6 cm thick, then cut it into ribbons (strips) 1.5-2 cm wide.



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Heat-resistant material should be used as a weaving form. glassware or a cake pan. And before you start applying the dough, you need to wrap it in foil.


Apply the resulting strips evenly to the mold, connecting at the top. On average, there are 14-15 flagella per form. Now you need to put something heavy and round on top of the bundles to make the bottom.

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In a separate bowl, mix one egg, a tablespoon of milk and a little olive oil. Lubricate the entire dough basket with this mixture.

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Place the basket on a baking sheet covered parchment paper into the oven, preheated to 180-190 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes. The dough should take on a golden brownish appearance.

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When you remove the basket from the oven and remove it from the baking sheet, there will be a mark of dough and utensils on the paper. You should make a braid of the same size along it. This will be the edging of our basket.

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To make a handle you will need wire. We measure the required length, wrap the wire with foil, and wrap the dough on top. Or bake the braid on some kind of round pan

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We don’t wait for the dough to rise, but immediately put it in the oven. We attach the finished edging with toothpicks, and insert the handle in the same way.



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The basket is ready! Now you can decorate it with a napkin, ribbons and put Easter cakes and other Easter treats in it.

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We invite you to bake a dough basket for Easter. Such an edible basket can be a pleasant and unusual gift for grandma. Fill it with colored eggs and sweets.

You can prepare the dough yourself. But my daughter and I decided to speed up the process, especially since I don’t know how to prepare the dough myself. We bought the dough and set to work on the idea we found on the Internet the day before.

Easter basket made from dough

You will need: 500 g yeast dough, rolling pin, pizza cutter (or knife), heat-resistant basket mold, foil, parchment and egg yolk.

As a form we took a metal ball from gift tea. It is small (diameter 13 cm) and consists of two parts. Ideal for a small basket. For a larger basket, use a larger bowl accordingly. As a result, it is easier to work with such a basket after baking - it is easier to weave strips of dough, attach a rim and a handle.

Wrap the bowl in foil and place a parchment sheet on a baking sheet. This will prevent the basket from sticking and burning. If you bake without parchment, the edge of the basket may burn.

Roll out the dough as long as possible, since the required strips are long. You can entrust cutting strips to a child - the process is interesting and trains the visual eye))

Start forming symmetrical weaves on the bowl. Alternate stripes up and down as shown in the photo. If the strip runs out (there is not enough dough), then it is better to make the connection under the strip so that the joint is not visible. Important - when all the weaves are ready, press the bottom of the basket with a mug so that it is stable after baking! If you forget this important point- the basket will swing like a tumbler))

When the basket is formed, grease it with yolk so that finished form it acquired an attractive golden color. Do not put it in the oven immediately, let the basket rest a little (10-15 minutes).

Place our joint “craft” in the oven for 20-25 minutes. You will see for yourself when the basket is baked, the color will turn golden.

Remove the finished basket and cover with a towel for a while. While the basket is cooling, bake the rim and handle.

Cut exactly the same strips: you can weave a braid from three strips, or from two, as we did. The child coped with this task perfectly on his own! We use the same baking dishes to maintain the size. We bend the rim around the shape and grease it with yolk. Place the handle for the basket on top and also grease it with yolk. Bake for about 20 minutes, remove from the oven and cover with a towel.

When all the parts have cooled down, we begin to connect them using toothpicks. I break each of the three toothpicks in half and first connect the rim to the basket. This must be done very carefully so as not to break the rim! Next, we attach the handle with two parts of a toothpick, as carefully as possible so that the rim does not come off and the handle does not break! It’s better for you to make this moment, not the child)

That's it, our basket is ready! We put in it everything that we want to give to our grandmother; if desired, we can decorate it with ribbons.

Important! Don't forget to warn the recipient that the product contains toothpicks! What if grandma decides to eat the basket and she is guaranteed a “surprise” from “Little Red Riding Hood” on Easter.

Baking such a basket from purchased test It won’t take you much time and the cost is inexpensive (about 50 rubles). We spent no more than 3 hours with our daughter. The process seemed interesting. At the same time we practiced fine motor skills.

All the best and have a delicious Easter!

I already have a dough basket ready for Easter. I suggest you bake one too, so to speak, make it yourself. It's not very difficult to do, but you'll have to play around. This great alternative wicker analogues, in which you can collect everything you need to take to church.

This is the second Easter basket I've baked. Last year I made yeast-free unleavened. It was beautiful, stable, but not tasty. It was just decor.

This year I decided to make an edible basket, which can then be eaten instead of bread (my child can’t wait until this moment). The main thing is to handle it carefully and not get it dirty. To do this, it needs to be placed on a tray and transported in this form to the church.

I suggest you bake one too. I think it turned out cute and with soul.


  • 300 ml milk (store-bought or homemade)
  • 1 egg
  • 4-4.5 cups wheat flour
  • 2 tsp dry instant yeast
  • 6-8 tbsp. Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 egg for brushing

Easter basket made from dough: recipe with photos step by step

  1. First you need to prepare a rich yeast dough. Mix warm milk, egg, salt and sugar, flour and dry yeast. We get soft dough, which we leave to rest for 1.5 hours. We go about our business, but don’t forget to prepare a roll of foil and find a suitable form on which ours will be baked easter basket from dough for Easter.
  2. When everything is ready, you may wonder how to make a basket from the dough. First, wrap a mold, a fireproof plate, a saucepan or a frying pan without a handle with foil. It all depends on what shape you want the basket to be and what size (if it's too big, there may not be enough dough, so you'll need to knead two portions).
  3. Roll out the flatbread to a thickness of 0.5 cm, cut it into strips about 1.5 cm wide.
  4. Lay the strips overlapping on the mold. We get a wicker basket. In the end, a piece of dough should remain. We will need it a little later for decoration.
  5. Mix the egg with a spoon of sugar.
  6. Lubricate the wicker structure.
  7. I'm telling you how to bake a dough basket. Place it in the oven and bake at 180 degrees. When it is almost baked, but not yet browned, you can place a heavy plate on the bottom so that the basket is stable later. To make it easier to remove the plate, it is better to wrap it in foil. You can miss this moment and bake it with a rounded bottom. This has a slight effect on stability and depends more on what kind of base you choose for the basket.
  8. When the Easter basket is ready, let it cool. We measure the circumference of the edge and braid a pigtail of that length. Brush with egg wash and bake on foil until golden.
  9. Using toothpicks, place the still warm braid onto the edge of the basket.
  10. You can also bake the handle in the same pan on which the basket itself was baked, but from yeast dough it turns out either strong but rough, or thin and beautiful, but does not hold up at all (sags and breaks). So this time I will have an open option. But last year’s version came with a handle, since it was unleavened and without yeast and in a couple of hours it completely dried out into a cracker. She behaved well.

Meanwhile, I had already packed my basket and was ready to go to church.

Happy upcoming holiday, dear readers!

I associate spring with beauty, happy holiday- Easter. For this holiday you can prepare a lot of delicious and beautiful dishes, such as Easter wreaths, Easter cakes, painted eggs and even an edible basket, the recipe for which I want to offer you.


To prepare the Easter basket you will need:

warm milk - 1 glass (200 ml);
dry yeast - 1 sachet (11 g);
egg - 1 pc.;
sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
salt - 1 tsp;
butter- 50 g;
flour - 0.5 kg;
egg yolk - 1 pc.

Cooking steps

Add yeast and sugar to warm milk. Add 2-3 tablespoons of flour, cover with a towel and let stand for 10-15 minutes (to feed the yeast). When the dough is ready, add salt, egg, melted butter and flour. Knead soft elastic dough.

Place it in a warm place for 40-60 minutes, it should double in size.

Turn the heat-resistant glass bowl upside down and wrap it in foil.

and using a roller cutter cut it into strips about 1.5 cm thick.

Start weaving the basket: place 15 strands of dough vertically along the entire length of the bowl (preferably at the same distance from each other).

Place a weight on top of the bundles, thus forming the bottom of the basket.

Leave one small piece of dough to make a handle.

After the Easter basket is completely formed, grease it with yolk and bake at 180 degrees until golden color.

From the dough that we left, form a handle in the form of a pigtail, place it on the bowl in the center and bake until done.

You can put Easter eggs in such a beautiful, and most importantly, edible basket.

Surprise your loved ones and enjoy the spring holidays!

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

Elegant openwork baskets with Easter cakes and painted eggs are an indispensable attribute of Easter celebrations. Today I suggest you cook edible option Easter basket - made from yeast dough. So beautiful and unusual pastries will be a nice gift or decoration for a holiday table.

Prepare Easter basket from the dough is easy. Simply yeast dough makes it easy to experiment with the shape and size of the basket. You can bake small portioned baskets or one large one. The basket retains its shape well, is not capricious in terms of storage conditions, and in itself will become a pleasant homemade treat for your morning cup of tea. Shall we begin?!

Prepare your ingredients.

Mix water and milk and heat to a temperature of 36–37 degrees. Place a drop of milk on the back of your hand to make sure the milk is not too hot. If the milk is practically not felt on the skin, the temperature is appropriate.

Dissolve salt in warm milk regular sugar and vanilla sugar.

Sift 300–400 grams of flour. Add yeast - mix dry yeast with flour or dissolve in warm milk (according to the manufacturer's recommendations).

Add warm milk mixture to flour. Pour in vegetable oil and add 1 egg.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and knead the dough. Add as needed while kneading the dough. wheat flour until the dough stops sticking to your hands.

Knead the dough for 5 minutes. Then form it into a ball, place it in an oiled container and cover with a towel or cling film.

Leave the dough for 1 hour for it to rise.

When the volume of the dough doubles, the dough is ready. You can start preparing the basket.

Divide the dough into two parts. We will work with one, and let the second one continue to rest under a towel.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of approximately 0.5 cm. And cut into strips. Choose the width of the strips based on the size of the basket and the desired pattern. Mine is about 0.7-1 cm. The main lines of the basket are thicker, and the weaving itself is done with thinner strips of dough.

Prepare a “mold” for the basket. This can be any heatproof bowl or baking dish. I have a small aluminum cauldron. Wrap the selected form with foil and grease with vegetable oil.

Place so-called basket guides on the surface of the mold - vertical strips of dough that will become the base of the basket. Press the dough on top to level the bottom of the future basket.

Lightly knead the remaining dough strips (you will get a dough rope) and weave them into the vertical “guides”, placing them horizontally.

Weaving strips of dough, move gradually from the base of the basket to the edges. Brush the prepared dough basket with beaten egg.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15–20 minutes until golden brown. If your oven refuses to bake the basket evenly, cover the browner areas of the basket with foil or baking paper soaked in water.

To make sure the basket is ready, pierce the dough with a wooden toothpick in the fluffiest part of the basket.

Grease the still hot basket with water and cover with a towel - this way the dough will remain soft.

Cool the basket and remove the pan first and then the foil.

Roll out the other half of the dough and cut into wide strips (about 1.5–2 cm).

Weave a wide braid from strips of dough - a rim around the edges of the basket. You can use the print on the baking paper, on which the basket was baked.

Brush the dough with egg and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 12–20 minutes until golden brown. Lubricate the finished rim with water and cover with a towel.

Use the remaining dough to form the handle of the basket. To maintain proportions and shape the handle, use the same mold as when baking the basket.

Bake the handle like the rest of the basket until golden brown. Then brush with water, cover with a towel and cool.

When all the parts of the basket are ready, all that remains is to fasten them together with wooden toothpicks.

Easter dough basket is ready!
