How to make your own apple pastille. Homemade apple pastille, recipes for every housewife

The history of world cooking knows thousands of recipes for sweet dishes and desserts. There are original ones, invented by modern confectioners, and traditional ones, characteristic of a particular country or locality. Pastila is a dish based on apples. egg whites and sugar. Three simple ingredients help create not only a tasty, but also a very healthy dish.

Fruit marshmallow – healthy sweet, which is suitable for losing weight girls and small children. Pastila is prepared only from fruits and berries, with or without the addition of a small amount of sugar. This is the case when sweets are not only not harmful, but also healthy. After all, all the benefits of vitamins, microelements and fruit fiber remain.

Pastila can be purchased ready-made. Now this delicacy is very popular and you can buy it not only in specialized stores, but also in any supermarket. Or you can cook it yourself. This is done very simply and quickly, and the cost homemade marshmallow will be several times lower.

How to make apple marshmallow at home - photo recipe

To make marshmallows, you only need apples, berries such as cranberries and a little sugar. First you need to make the base - thick fruit and berry puree. The base must contain berries or fruits rich in pectin, not watery, such as apples or plums. But as a flavoring additive, you can use absolutely any berries to your taste.

Cooking time: 23 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Apples, berries: 1 kg
  • Sugar: to taste

Cooking instructions

    To prepare the puree, peel the apples and clean out the insides. Cut the apples into small pieces and place in a saucepan.

    If the berries have rough skin or seeds, then it is better to rub them through a sieve so that only a delicate berry puree gets into the marshmallow. To do this, first grind the berries in a blender or meat grinder.

    Then rub this mass through a sieve.

    The cake will remain in the sieve, and the homogeneous puree will fall into the pan with the apples.

    Add some sugar.

    Without adding water, cook the apples with berry puree over low heat until soft.

    Grind the contents of the pan until smooth. If you used juicy berries, then boil the puree a little until thick.

    Cover a baking sheet with parchment. The quality of the parchment is key. If you are not sure about it, grease the parchment a small amount vegetable oil.

    Place the fruit mixture on parchment and distribute evenly over the entire area. The thickness of the fruit layer should be only a few millimeters, then the marshmallow will dry quickly.

    Place the baking sheet in the oven, turn it on at 50-70 degrees for 20 minutes. Then turn off the oven and open it slightly. After a few hours, repeat the warm-up. As a result, you need to dry the mass to the point where it becomes a single layer and will not break or tear.

    You can check this by lifting the corner. The marshmallow should easily come off in a single layer. Usually the marshmallow dries in 1-2 days until it is ready.

    When the marshmallow dries, cut it into convenient size layers directly on the parchment.

    Homemade Belev pastila - a classic recipe

    Over the past one hundred and fifty years, Belevskaya marshmallow has been one of the business cards Tula region. For its preparation use only Antonov apples which give ready dessert marvelous delicate taste with light sourness and aroma.

    The proposed recipe does not contain a large number of ingredients, the cooking process is simple, but quite time consuming. Fortunately, time is needed to dry the marshmallow and bring it to the desired condition; the participation of a cook is practically not required. Sometimes she will need to go to the oven to monitor how the process is going and not miss the moment of readiness.


  • Apples (Antonovka variety) – 1.5-2 kg.
  • Egg white – 2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Antonov apples must be thoroughly washed and removed from stems and seeds. Cleaning is not necessary because applesauce you will still need to pass it through a sieve.
  2. Place the apples in a fireproof container and place in the oven, heated to a temperature of 170-180 degrees. As soon as the apples “float”, remove from the oven and pass through a sieve.
  3. IN apple mass add half the norm granulated sugar. Beat with a broom or blender.
  4. In a separate container, using a mixer, beat the whites with sugar, first only the whites, then, continuing to beat, add sugar (the second half) a spoonful. The protein should increase in volume several times; readiness is determined, as housewives say, by “hard peaks” (protein slides do not blur).
  5. Set aside 2-3 tablespoons of whipped egg white and stir the rest into the applesauce.
  6. Line a baking tray with baking paper, place a fairly thin layer on it, and place in the oven to dry. Temperature oven– 100 degrees, drying time – about 7 hours, the door should be slightly open.
  7. After this, carefully separate the marshmallow from the paper, cut it into 4 parts, coat with the remaining protein, stack the layers on top of each other and put them in the oven again, this time for 2 hours.
  8. The marshmallow turns out to be very light, aromatic, and can be stored for a long time (if, of course, you hide it from your household).

Kolomna pastila recipe

Kolomna, according to various archival sources, is the birthplace of marshmallow. For several centuries it was produced in fairly large volumes and sold in various regions. Russian Empire and abroad. Then production died out, the traditions were almost lost, and only at the end of the twentieth century Kolomna confectioners restored the recipes and technologies. You can prepare Kolomna pastila at home.


  • Apples (best sour, autumn, Antonov type) - 2 kg.
  • Sugar – 500 gr.
  • Chicken protein - from 2 eggs.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The rules are almost the same as in the previous recipe. Wash the apples and pat dry with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
  2. Remove the core from each and place on a baking sheet (previously lined with parchment or foil). Bake until softened, being careful not to burn.
  3. Scoop out the apple pulp with a spoon; you can rub it through a sieve to make more puree. It needs to be squeezed out, you can use a colander and gauze; the less juice remains in the puree, the sooner the drying process will take place.
  4. Beat the applesauce until fluffy, gradually adding sugar (or powdered sugar). Separately, beat the egg whites with half the amount of sugar and carefully combine with the apple mixture.
  5. Line a baking sheet with high sides with foil, lay out the mixture, and place in the oven to dry (for 6-7 hours at 100 degrees).
  6. The finished dish needs to be sprinkled powdered sugar, cut into portion squares, carefully place on a plate. You can invite your family to a tasting!

How to make marshmallows without sugar

Some housewives make sure that the dishes for their beloved household members are not only tasty, but also healthy. It is for such cases that the sugar-free apple marshmallow recipe is suitable. Of course, this option cannot be called classic, but this recipe is a solution for dessert lovers who track the calorie content of their dishes and want to lose weight.


  • Apples (Antonovka variety) – 1 kg.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Wash the apples, dry them with a paper or regular cotton towel, and cut them into 4 parts. Remove the stalk and seeds.
  2. To put on small fire, simmer, using an immersion blender, grind the “floating” apples into puree.
  3. The resulting puree must be passed through a sieve to remove the apple peel and remaining seeds. Using a mixer (blender), beat until fluffy.
  4. Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the aromatic apple mixture in a fairly thin layer.
  5. Heat the oven. Reduce temperature to 100 degrees. The drying process continues for at least 6 hours with the door ajar.
  6. But then such marshmallow can be stored, wrapped in parchment, for quite a long time, unless, of course, children find out about it.

I often make this simple apple dessert to replace all sorts of high-calorie cakes and pastries. This is a very good option for a sweet treat when you want to have a... fasting days and take a break from too high-calorie baked goods. And if you have your own vegetable garden and apple trees grow in it, then you will definitely have to make apple marshmallows. You can store it in the refrigerator, wrapping it tightly cling film. But, I want to tell you that it is eaten very quickly, and absolutely everyone likes it, so by wrapping the pieces of apple marshmallow in rolls and packaging it beautifully, it can be given as a sweet gift. So natural and low-calorie sweet Suitable for those on a diet and for variety during fasting.

To prepare apple marshmallow at home (in the oven), you will need a minimum of ingredients - in fact, the apples themselves, and preferably green ones, they contain more pectin. I usually make marshmallows from Semerenko apples, adding just a little sugar and water. If you take apples that taste sweeter, then you don’t even need to add sugar.

First, wash the apples and cut them into slices, removing the cores.

Now let's add apple slices into a saucepan or stewpan.

Add water.

Cover with a lid and place on low heat. The apples should soften, this will take 20-30 minutes. When they look like in the photo, remove the pan from the heat, let the apples cool a little so as not to get burned, and carefully drain the resulting juice. You can simply drink it, because it is very tasty and resembles not even juice, but jelly.

Now the apple slices need to be peeled. You can do this through a sieve, grinding the whole mass in parts or removing the peel from each slice separately with a spoon.

Pour sugar into the resulting applesauce and again put it on low heat and boil the puree for 15 minutes. Then we turn it into a homogeneous mass using an immersion blender.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment and grease with a small amount of vegetable oil. This will make it easier to remove the finished pastille from the parchment. Spread the applesauce in an even layer on the parchment paper.

Place the baking sheet in the oven and dry the marshmallow at 130 degrees for an hour and a half, opening the door a little while drying. To do this, I simply place a spoon between the door and the oven itself.

Ready apple marshmallow looks like this. While it is hot, it will be a little soft, just leave it there room temperature, it will cool and harden. To make it easier to remove from the parchment, cut the parchment together with the marshmallow with scissors.

Now, prying on one side, remove the marshmallow from the parchment paper and roll each piece into a roll.

These are the apple marshmallow rolls we made.

And if you want to give such a delicacy to your loved ones, then wrap each roll with pieces of parchment, tie it with a rope or a bright ribbon and put it in a beautiful box. Sweet gift ready!

A piece of such a sweet dessert will not harm you, even if you eat it in the evening. Bon appetit!

I suggest you prepare apple marshmallows at home for the winter - the recipes are so simple that they are loved by many housewives. So much so that many have long acquired the status of “family” ones. Sometimes it mistakenly seems that beautifully packaged store-bought sweets lying in abundance are made to a very high standard. complex recipes, inaccessible to us. This is wrong!

What we buy now under the same name is a pitiful imitation of the dessert that Dostoevsky and Chekhov loved and Lazhechnikov described in his novel “The Ice House.” And in the famous cookbook of S. A. Tolstoy, number 151 there is a recipe for “Tolstoy Pastila”.

Did you know that pastila is our invention, a national Russian dessert, and in the good old days it was called “canned food”. We owe the uniqueness of Russian apple marshmallow to the fact that in ancient times it was prepared from sour varieties apples, in particular Antonovsky, sour “wild” apples, which did not grow in Europe.

It is known that there are three centers for the production of apple marshmallows in Russia. The oldest is Kolomna, it was there, in the 14th century, according to monastic documents, that they first began to make tasty treat. And in 1735 the first pastille factory was opened.

In 1903, Emperor Nicholas II arrived in the city of Kolomna on a visit. The owner of the Kolomna pastila factory, Chuprikov, was given the great honor of meeting him at the railway station! According to the tradition that has been going on since the times Great Catherine II, during the ceremonial meeting, the emperor was served the famous Kolomna marshmallow.

Another center, the ancient city of Rzhev, became famous for the fact that marshmallows were produced there “of a more aristocratic nature,” as Prince Meshchersky wrote in the middle of the 19th century.

The third center was the ancient city of Belev, in the Tula region; apple marshmallow made it famous throughout the world at the end of the 19th century. The recipe for Belyov apple marshmallow was invented by the merchant Ambrosy Pavlovich Prokhorov. In more detail, I will introduce you to the recipe for the famous marshmallow.

Previously, there were several types of marshmallows - airy, dense and crispy. The airy one, now known as Belevskaya, was whipped with sugar and egg white, and honey was added to the dense one, which added air bubbles. A large amount of sugar and proteins are placed in the crispy one, thanks to which it tastes like meringue. This is exactly what Dostoevsky, the Great Sweet Tooth, was rumored to love.

With the beginning of the 20th century, nuts, cocoa, cinnamon and even hops began to be added to marshmallows. This is how apple marshmallow appeared under the self-explanatory name “Sobriety”. It also included mint and lemon zest. The creators of “Sobriety” seriously argued that with its help you can recover from drunkenness. Miracle marshmallow was awarded the Grand Gold Medal at the Paris World Exhibition in 1907.

Apple marshmallow from Russia was known abroad and loved throughout Europe. In London, Vienna, Paris and other European capitals there were Russian shops selling sweets from our country, including marshmallows.

Apple marshmallow at home

Don't want to consume extra calories and spoil your teeth, prepare your own homemade one. Of course, it will take a lot of time, but the effort is minimal, since the lion’s share of the trouble is drying the product.

Some clever tricks for making apple marshmallow at home will help you make the delicacy even tastier:

  • Take sour varieties of apples, they contain more pectin - a natural gelling substance. The airiness, color and taste of the dessert depend on the quality of the apples.
  • If you have apples of other varieties that are not sour enough, after preparing the puree from apples baked in the oven, boil them a little in a saucepan so that the puree becomes thick. You can find out about the preparation recipes by following the link.
  • Nowadays, different thickeners are sold, and if it is impossible to achieve a thick, non-spreading puree with your apple variety, add a little to the mixture during cooking, making the marshmallow airy and porous.
  • Bake the apples whole, and only then remove the core - Antonovka quickly darkens when cut, and the pastille should be light in color - best option. I have a selection of incomparable ones, follow the link - you won’t regret it.
  • The most delicious marshmallow the one dried in the sun. But our craftsmen have adapted ovens, special dryers, and even heating radiators. Convenient to dry on a baking sheet, large cutting board, but ideally, the marshmallow is dried in the sun on a wooden frame covered with fabric.
  • If the delicacy does not separate well from the parchment, then it is not completely dried.
  • Be careful when drying: if you overdry the marshmallows, they will come out apple chips. Do not dry it completely - viscous toffee.

Recipe for apple marshmallows without sugar

You can prepare marshmallow without an oven and the recipe is in front of you. The delicacy is perfect for anyone who is counting calories and should not consume sugar due to health problems. By the way: earlier in the villages pastila was made according to this recipe because sugar was too expensive.

Making homemade marshmallows:

  1. Cut clean apples, removing the core and any excess.
    Pour water about a centimeter high into the bottom of the pan. And add the chopped apples, filling the pan to the very top.
  2. Slowly bring to a boil over low heat and simmer, covered, until the apples are soft. Cooking time will depend on the variety and ripeness of the fruit.
  3. Drain off the excess juice (don't pour it out, it contains a lot of vitamins - drink for your health!). Chop the apples themselves. You can use a blender or strain on a sieve.
  4. Now you can proceed to the last stage - drying. The most common method is sun drying. On a baking sheet or cutting board (I have a very large dough board that covers half the table), spread parchment paper or cling film. Lubricate it a little vegetable oil so that the marshmallow can then easily separate. And add apple puree. Make the layer not very large, 1 cm, otherwise the delicacy will take a long time to dry.
  5. In the sun, the dessert will harden within 2 - 3 days; at night, of course, it needs to be brought home. When the top is thoroughly dry, turn the layer of marshmallow over and dry the other side.
  6. If you like, sprinkle the finished marshmallow with powdered sugar, cut it into slices, squares, strips - as you like. Dessert is stored in glass containers or cardboard boxes.

Interesting! French cooks, in the 19th century, used the recipe Kolomna pastila. But they improved it a little by adding whipped whites to the apple puree. This is how the now well-known marshmallow was born.

Apple pastille with sugar in the oven

To make homemade apple marshmallow with sugar, take sour apples (wild apples work well).

  • For 2 kilograms of apples you need one glass of sugar.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Place the apples on a baking sheet, pour half a glass of water into the bottom.
    Bake the fruit in the oven for 40 minutes at 170 degrees.
  2. Let cool slightly and rub into apple mixture.
  3. Place the resulting puree in a saucepan and begin boiling it. If you make marshmallow from Antonovka, then it is not necessary to boil it.
  4. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. And wait until it becomes 2/3 smaller in volume. You'll know it's time to finish when the applesauce is thick and golden brown.
  5. Drain off excess juice.
  6. At the next stage, you need to beat the puree with a mixer or in a blender. The mass will become lighter.
  7. Add sugar to the puree and continue whisking until all sugar crystals have dissolved.

Drying homemade marshmallows in the oven:

  1. Spread the puree on parchment paper, spread out on a baking sheet (don’t forget to grease it with butter so it doesn’t stick), and put it in the oven at 40 - 50 degrees.
  2. It will take a lot of time to dry - up to 6 hours, but sometimes less. You can do this: dry for 2 hours, opening the door a little, then with the door open, let it sit for a while and dry more, if necessary. At the end of drying, turn the layer of marshmallow over and dry it on the other side.
    All that remains is to cut the layer into pieces and place it in storage.

Apple marshmallow – soufflé with protein


  • Applesauce, ready-made – 500 gr.
  • Sugar – 150 – 200 gr.
  • Protein – 1 pc.

Preparation of air marshmallow:

  1. Bake the apples and puree them. If it is not too thick, boil it down.
  2. Beat the finished puree well in a mixer, then add sugar in small portions and beat thoroughly until stiff peaks form.
  3. Then add the separately beaten egg whites and beat the apple mixture again.
  4. Drying the marshmallow is carried out in the same way as in the previous recipe, I will not repeat it, everything is written in detail.

Homemade apple pastille with honey

Honey marshmallow can be made in small molds, especially if there are few apples.

  • For 2 cups of applesauce, take 1 cup of honey.

We make pastille according to this recipe:

  1. Place the apples on a baking sheet, add a little water and bake until soft (you can use halves, but place them cut side up).
  2. Make the puree and measure the amount in glasses. Mash or beat the apples, then beat the honey with a mixer (heat the candied honey a little until it spreads).
  3. Combine honey and applesauce and whisk together thoroughly.
  4. Place in molds, tin ones are perfect for muffins, layer height 2 - 3 cm.
  5. Place the molds on a baking sheet and dry at 40 - 50 degrees for several hours.
    After drying is complete, fold the layers 2 at a time, one on top of the other, brushing them with honey.

In the dessert box:

If you, friends, have an eternal question: “what to do?”, of course, with the apple harvest, prepare apple marshmallow at home. An amazing delicacy, with no less amazing story will reward you for your long efforts with a delicious taste. There's another one in the video step by step recipe. Be sure to check it out. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

If there are tons of apples ripe in your garden, you, too, are probably wondering where to put them. Apple pies baked, the jam is made, it’s a shame to throw away the rest. Culinary blogger Maria Sorokina shares simple recipes preparing apple marshmallows, which she has been using herself for several years.

Pies are a good thing, but when the task arises of adding a really large volume of apples, this is no longer the method. I realized this last summer, when I came face to face with twenty kilograms of Antonovka, carefully collected by friends in their garden and given to us from the heart. The apples were very tasty and aromatic, but, as usual, they were small and crooked - I didn’t even want to think about peeling them. In addition, they deteriorated quite quickly - drastic measures were required. Such that the rapid consumption of raw materials, and the resulting product is compact and well stored.

I never liked apple jam, so that’s why I thought about marshmallows. First, a very simple one. Thin leaf fruit marshmallows are available in many places. In our country it is usually called levashi, in old books it is called fig. Sometimes it’s just apple or with berries, and sometimes it’s just berry. The Georgian equivalent is tklapi, usually made from cherry plum or tkemali and without sugar, used more for cooking (in soups and stews) than for eating just like that. But the essence of the method is the same - make puree from the fruit, then pour it into a thin layer and dry it.

The amount of sugar is up to your taste, the main thing is to remember that it also affects the texture. The smaller, the denser and tougher the pastille. One way or another, the output will be a thin plastic sheet that can be rolled up and stored in the refrigerator indefinitely. Just tear off pieces, or cut into beautiful snails. A heart-warming dessert or snack literally straight off the cover of a magazine. healthy eating. In addition, it is very convenient to carry with you, which is what I actually did for six months.

However, somewhere in the middle of the apple stock, I got bored with making simple marshmallows. Besides, when people shout from all sides about Belyovskaya and Kolomenskaya, no, no, but you start to think. I was not able to establish a strict difference between these concepts, but the essence of both is whipped marshmallow. Lush and light, in contrast to the thin and dense sheet. Some add egg whites to it, some don't, some add a lot of sugar, some add little.

Surprisingly, applesauce whips up perfectly anyway. So, in the end, I don’t add proteins and add very little sugar - the taste is more pleasant and the product is pure. After whipping, we also pour the puree into a layer, but already quite thick, and dry it. And then we cut them into rectangles and stack them on top of each other in 4-5 layers, gluing them together raw puree. The end result is a very beautiful and noble dessert with a wonderful texture and bright apple flavor. Almost any seasonal apples are suitable, as long as they are easy to boil. If desired, you can mix them, for example, with currants or cranberries, or add honey, cinnamon, lemon juice(if not sour enough) and whatever your soul requires. It can also be stored in the refrigerator and also almost indefinitely. I was delighted and, despite my natural laziness, I did it until the apples finally ran out.

Regarding optimization of efforts and acceleration of processes. There is only one thing that is really labor-intensive in any marshmallow - turning whole apples into puree without peels and cores. Everyone has their own approach, but this is easiest for me. Without peeling or cutting anything, cut the apples into quarters and place in a pan of suitable size. The wider it is and the smaller the layer of apples, the better. Pour a little water into the bottom, cover with a lid and put on fire. Stir occasionally until the apples are pureed (usually this takes 15-20 minutes). The final mixture is very easily rubbed through a large sieve or colander, where all the excess remains.

If you plan to make whipped marshmallows, then it is important to really cool the puree. Refrigerate for at least four hours, preferably overnight, otherwise it won’t rise. Well, about drying. Here best option- oven with convection, about 70°C. One pass takes 6-8 hours, so the easiest way is to leave the marshmallow to dry overnight. And in the morning you get up and roll yourself rolls, tearing off pieces as you go and washing them down with coffee.

Thin sheet apple marshmallow (levashi/fig)

  • Apples - 1.5 kg (raw, unpeeled weight);
  • sugar - 300 g (less is possible, or no sugar at all).

Remove the lid and continue cooking, stirring for 8-10 minutes, until the puree thickens slightly. Strain through a colander or large sieve. You should get about one kilogram of puree. Add sugar, mix.

Heat the oven to 70°C fan. Cover the baking sheet with foil (covering the bottom and sides). Lightly grease the foil with vegetable oil. Pour the puree into a baking tray and smooth it out (you will get a layer of about half a centimeter).

Dry in the oven for 6-8 hours. The pastille should become hard, and the surface should be almost dry (small droplets of syrup will remain) and glossy.

Let cool, remove from foil (if the edges are stuck, just cut them off). Roll it up and cut it into 3-4 pieces (for convenience). Wrap in film and store in the refrigerator. The output is 2-3 rolls with a total weight of about 600 grams.

Lush apple marshmallow (Belyovskaya/Kolomenskaya)

  • Antonovka - 1 kg (weight in raw, unrefined form);
  • sugar - 100 g (more is possible, for example 200 g, or you can omit it at all).

Cut the apples into quarters, place in a medium saucepan with a thick bottom, add 50 milliliters of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, covered, stirring occasionally, until all the pulp has been pureed (about 15 minutes).

Remove the lid and continue cooking, stirring for 8-10 minutes, until the puree thickens slightly. Strain through a colander or large sieve. You should get about 600 grams of puree. Add sugar, stir and chill in the refrigerator for at least four hours.

Preheat oven to 70°C fan. Line a deep baking dish measuring about 25 by 15 cm with parchment, covering the bottom and sides.

Beat the puree with a mixer until the mass becomes light and airy and approximately doubles in volume (with a hand mixer this takes 10-12 minutes, with a powerful stationary one - 7-8 minutes).

Set aside 100 grams of puree for subsequent coating of marshmallows, cover and put in the refrigerator. Pour the rest of the puree into the mold and smooth it out. Dry in the oven for about eight hours. The surface should become dry, and the marshmallow should spring back when pressed, like foam rubber. If when you press you feel the bubbles inside bursting, it means it’s too early and you need to continue drying.

Remove from the oven, cover with a second sheet of parchment and invert onto a baking sheet. Remove the parchment that is now on top. If it turns out that the marshmallow underneath is still dry, return it to the oven for 30 minutes to one hour.

Cut the marshmallow layer into four rectangles and stack them on top of each other, spreading each layer with the reserved whipped puree. Coat the block with the same puree on top and sides. Return the marshmallow to the oven for one hour (the surface should be dry). Remove from oven and let cool completely. The output is aboutdin block of marshmallow weighing about 200 grams.Store in the refrigerator, wrapped in parchment, then in film.

2 years ago


The season will start very soon fresh harvest apples It's time to stock up on recipes on how to prepare delicious benefits from apples. I think no one will remain indifferent to apple marshmallow. Probably few people cook pastila now. But in vain! It is not only very tasty, but also healthy, especially for children. An excellent replacement for store-bought sweets. I highly recommend stocking up for the winter. For anyone who wants to try it, I’ll tell you in detail how to make apple marshmallow at home.


  • apples
  • sugar (optional)

Apple pastille in the oven

Pastila can be made from any apples, even fallen ones, if you grow apple trees yourself. The quantity depends on what kind of container you will use for boiling apples. I have a 5-liter saucepan, so I boil as many apples in it as it fits. Let me tell you right away that they are not suitable for this. enamel pans. The apples in them burn when heated for a long time.

Remove the seeds from the apples and cut them into small pieces or slices. If the skin of the apples is hard and dense, then you can peel the apples.

I put the apples in a saucepan and add water. For this amount of apples, start with 1 cup. I put it on the fire, cover it with a lid and bring it to a boil. Add sugar 5 tablespoons. This is to taste and optional.

Stir the apples periodically to ensure they heat evenly. If there is very little liquid or it has evaporated, then add water little by little so that the apples do not burn.

I cook until the apples turn into almost mush.

Then I puree the apple mixture with an immersion blender. At the same time, I do not remove the pan from minimal heat.

I boil the resulting puree further to get rid of excess liquid - the mass should thicken. I do this while constantly stirring the apple mixture over low heat so that it does not burn. Now be careful! When the applesauce boils, it gurgles violently and produces hot splatters. I remove the pan from the heat.

How to make apple marshmallow

I line the baking trays with baking paper. I note that it is better to take thick paper. I don’t know if simple tracing paper is suitable for this, because it is very thin and, I think, will have time to get wet while the marshmallow is being prepared. Spread the apple mixture all over the baking sheet. layer no more than 0.5 cm. From this number of apples I get 2 baking sheets.

Important details!

  1. I put the apple marshmallow to dry in the oven at a temperature of 80-90 degrees. I turn on the lower and upper heating of the oven.
  2. Dry with the oven door slightly open. To do this, you can insert a pencil between the door and the oven body. This is necessary so that wet steam can escape.
  3. I turn on the convection mode so that the heating is even. Especially if I place 2 baking sheets at the same time.
  4. Making apple marshmallows with this temperature conditions takes approximately 3-4 hours. And this is the fastest way.
  5. BUT, in order to preserve more vitamins, it is better to dry the marshmallow at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. This will take longer, approximately 5-6 hours.
  6. How to check the readiness of marshmallows? Take out the baking sheet and touch the pastille with your hand. Ready marshmallow does not stick to the hand and should not be soft. If there are such areas, then you still need to dry the marshmallow for some time.
  7. Since everyone’s oven is different, you need to control the process accordingly. This really shouldn't scare you. During the cooking process, you will definitely feel everything yourself - what quantity, in what mode and what time is needed for cooking in your oven. Do it once, the second time will be much easier.

Cool the finished sheet of apple marshmallow a little and carefully remove it from the paper. This is done quite easily.

If there is a need to dry the marshmallow sheet on the other side, then I turn it upside down, put it on a new sheet of paper and dry it in the oven again.

Homemade apple pastille in the oven is ready. Can be rolled and cut.

Keep chopped apple marshmallow can be stored in a closed, dry container. Rolls in a dry place.

Sweet option

You can grease a sheet of apple marshmallow with liquid honey, sprinkle with chopped nuts, roll and cut. This pastille is not for long-term storage.

P.S. Using the same principle - pureeing and drying - you can prepare marshmallows from different fruits and berries. No need to cook! Peel all fruits before pureeing.

Possible combinations:

  • pear, kiwi, banana
  • peaches, plums, apricots
  • raspberries, currants
  • strawberries, seedless grapes, etc.

Cook with pleasure and eat for health!

With love for you

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