Nectarine jam for the winter - two fantastic recipes. Nectarine jam - an extraordinary delicacy with simple recipes

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

It is probably impossible to find a fruit whose jam would be eaten faster than nectarine. Despite its general similarity to peach, nectarine nevertheless has its own special and unique aroma and taste. And the jam made from it is special - bright, delicate and refined. We will share a photo recipe for making nectarine jam for the winter today. We stock up for winter with love.

- nectarine;
- sugar;
- 0.5-1 l cans;
- key for seaming;
- metal covers;
- a blanket (for wrapping ready-made jars of jam).

Recipe with photos step by step:

We wash each nectarine fruit with water.

Small pieces You shouldn’t cut nectarines to make jam, otherwise you’ll end up with porridge. Sprinkle nectarine with sugar.

For 1 kg of sugar nectarines we take 950-1050 g. Mix the sugar and leave the container with nectarines aside. As soon as you see that the sugar has dissolved a little, you can start cooking the jam on gas.

Wait for it to boil and skim off the foam.

Cook the jam after boiling for 6-8 minutes and remove from heat. Thus, the jam needs to be cooked two more times. After each time there must be a period of 3-4 hours for the jam to infuse.
The finished hot jam should be poured into sterilized jars. Therefore, take care of preparing the jars a little earlier. It is very quick and practical to sterilize jars in the microwave. The jars must be rinsed with water using baking soda. Pour water 1.5-2 cm high into the jars and place the jars “standing” in the microwave oven. Turn on the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power. After sterilization, drain the remaining water in the jars. Boil lids for jars in water for 2-3 minutes. After the last cooking, pour the jam over ready banks. Let's roll up.

After sealing the jars, put the jam under the blanket to cool completely. For further storage of jam, lower the jars into a cool place. For example - a cellar. Another option, if you have a “Khrushchev refrigerator,” you can store jam in it.

You can also use nectarines to make

Everyone good day! We continue to work on fruit sweet preserves. Jams, preserves, preserves - in winter everything is eaten with great appetite. So let's arrange more holidays for ourselves and prepare another delicious treat for the cold evenings - nectarine jam. For some reason, this type of fruit is not very actively used, although its market share increases significantly every year. So go get some nectarines!

Some nectarines and a lot of vitamins

Did you know that there are 2 types of nectarines: peach-plum and peach-apple? The latter will be a little denser in structure and may be more sour than their plum relatives. But I didn’t find any significant difference between them. I was lucky enough to buy inexpensive apple nectarines, so I cooked with them. My simple the recipe will work busy housewives, because it cooks really quickly.

We only need 2 products:

  • Nectarine - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

How to make jam - a delicious creation

That’s it, the recipe for five-minute nectarine jam is ready! Really fast?

Closing for the winter

At the end of cooking, the fruit slices will decrease in size, and the syrup will acquire a slightly viscous structure. But the juice itself will remain transparent, with a slight reddish tint, as in my photo.

Pour hot jam into prepared jars.

I had a lot of juice, so I put that in a separate jar. Now for the winter I have a great impregnation and syrup for meringues.

Seal each jar tightly with a lid.

Cooking time - 20 minutes + 8-12 hours for soaking with sugar + 12 hours for cooling

Product yield - jam 500 ml + syrup 300 ml

To winter evenings enjoy hot tea with fragrant jam, you should take care of this in the summer. During the period of abundance of nectarines, it’s time to make a simple, but very sweet and aromatic jam from them.

How to make nectarine jam “Five Minute” - recipe with photos step by step

Most often, sweet preserves are prepared with peaches, apples or plums. Their hybrid, nectarine, is undeservedly forgotten in this direction. But the jam made from it is no less tasty. When choosing from a variety of fruit varieties to seal, you should remember the differences between them. The “peach-plum” variety will be a little sweeter and softer than its “peach-apple” cousin. But the second option has a denser structure, so it is better to make nectarine jam from it for the winter, a recipe with a photo which is presented in this article.

Prepare necessary products. Measure out the sugar and rinse the fruit. For given recipes It is better to use hard fruits.

Cut nectarines in half. Remove the pit and cut the flesh into small slices of medium thickness. Please note that thin pieces will be overcooked and big pieces They won’t have time to cook and will remain raw inside.

Place the chopped fruits in a bowl. Cover them with sugar, the amount of which can be increased to suit your taste.

To prepare nectarine jam, the recipe for the winter will be in own juice. To do this, you need to let the fruit sit for at least 6, and preferably 12 hours. In order for the process to proceed evenly, the bowl with the contents must be gently shaken, then the sugar will be evenly distributed among the fruit pieces.

During hot nights, be sure to place the bowl in the refrigerator, otherwise the nectarine will ferment.

During the aging period the fruits will release sufficient quantity juice Pour everything into a wide bowl with a thick bottom.

Set the pan over medium heat and bring the contents to a boil. At the same time, stir the jam regularly to completely dissolve the sugar.

After the syrup boils, turn the heat down to low. At this stage, many housewives have a question: how to make nectarine jam in a matter of minutes, so that the fruit is cooked and you don’t have to stand at the hot stove for a long time in the heat? To do this, just boil the jam for 5 minutes at a light boil. Properly cut nectarine slices will retain all their benefits during this time and will not lose their flavor. This cooking option is called “five-minute cooking” and is suitable for many fruits and berries.

By the end of cooking, the nectarine slices will decrease slightly in size, and the clear juice will acquire a slightly stretchy structure. But to cook thick jam For those who like it, the cooking time can be increased to the desired value by evaporating the excess liquid.

Pour hot jam into prepared jars.

If there is a large volume of liquid, you need to distribute the fruit pieces evenly among the jars.

But you can put the maximum amount of fruit in one jar, and pour the rest into the second sweet syrup. It will be useful in the future for soaking cakes or preparing desserts.

Seal all jars tightly with lids.

To check the tightness of the twist, turn the container upside down. Wrap the jars with a thick towel and leave the jam in this form until it cools completely. This stage cannot be neglected, because... it is one of the main steps in making jam.

Cooled seedless nectarine jam can be hidden in the basement or other cool room. It will be a wonderful memory of summer on rainy and snowy evenings.

1. We prepare all the necessary products.

2. Cook sugar syrup. To do this, mix water and sugar in a saucepan, place on moderate heat, and bring to a boil.

3. When granulated sugar completely dissolve in water, add lemon juice. If you want, you can throw in a slice of lemon and boil the syrup for a couple more minutes, this will give the jam some sourness.

4. Wash the fruits, remove the seeds, and cut them as desired. I prefer jam with slices.

Culinary advice

When choosing nectarines, we give preference to ripe and firm fruits. Otherwise the jam will turn into jam.

5. Place the fruits in a saucepan with the syrup, stirring constantly, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce the flame and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid, and leave until completely cooled at room temperature. Place in the refrigerator for a day. Then bring it to a boil again. We do this process so that the jam is infused.

6. Place the boiling jam into sterilized jars, screw on the boiled lids and put them under a blanket to cool. Our nectarine jam with lemon is ready for the winter.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Every day in the summer we enjoy fruits and berries, because there are so many of them on the market. You can buy whatever you want. That’s why I really want a piece of summer to be always nearby in the winter. I will share with you a simple recipe, and you can pamper not only yourself, but also your children, parents and friends delicious dessert. So, for you today - nectarine jam for the winter, recipe with photos. I also advise you to find out how to prepare, which is also a very tasty sweet preparation.

- nectarines - 500 gr.;
- sugar - 400 gr.;
- water - 100 g;
- vanilla - 1 pinch.

How to cook with photos step by step

It is best to take not quite ripe fruits for jam. Otherwise, they will not be cut well and will turn into puree during cooking. Be sure to wash and dry them with paper towels.

Then cut them in half, remove the pit and cut into small slices.

We need caramel-vanilla syrup. To do this, put the container on the fire, pour out the water first, and then add all the sugar. Gradually the sugar dissolves, which means it’s time to add 1 pinch of vanilla. Thanks to this spice, the jam acquires a delicate, refined aroma. We are waiting for our ingredients to turn into a homogeneous mass.

Our syrup is boiling. There is no need to turn it off. We simply add nectarines to this container and continue stirring. We don’t leave the jam, because it can boil at any time. As soon as it starts to boil, it must be turned off immediately.

If desired, it can be poured into another container. But I don't do this because after 12 hours we will need to repeat this process. The second time, the jam should simmer for several minutes. And you can turn it off.

The jam is ready and can be eaten right now along with pancakes or pancakes. But it’s best to roll it up and leave it for the winter. The quantity of these products is enough for a 0.5 liter jar. Therefore, we take it and wash it thoroughly with soda. Rinse big amount water and send for sterilization. Preheat the oven to 40C, place the jars and gradually increase the temperature. The maximum temperature in the oven should be 150 C. If you do more, the jars will explode. The jar should spend 7 minutes there.
Pour jam evenly into a dry, sterilized container. And screw the lid on top, which has been previously sterilized. Now we place it upside down on the floor and cover it with a terry towel on top. We wait for our jam to cool completely and check the container for cracks. If tin lid swollen, this means that bacteria have entered the jar. If this does not happen, then we put the jar in the basement, and in the winter we make tea, open a jar of jam and enjoy the memories of summer.
