What is the difference between fermented juice and liqueur. Fermented plum juice. fermented cherry juice

Increasingly, articles and notes about the danger of bees appear in the press. The fact that the bee is the worst enemy of man. But in fact, all these materials are written by people who know very little about bees or have inaccurate information. In this article, we will refute all the horrors that we were told about bees.

The first bee appeared about 50 million years ago and has not changed much over all this time. Man began to use bee products from time immemorial (about 20 thousand years ago, judging by the rock paintings). First as a sweet, then as a natural remedy.

People revered and loved the bee. Her image could be found not only on the coats of arms of cities, but also on the coats of arms of noble persons.

Scientists conducted research and came to the conclusion that bee products prolong human life, enhance the effect of medicinal and herbal preparations. Bees are of great importance in agriculture. It is reliably known that the cost of crops pollinated by bees exceeds the cost of bee products themselves by 15 times.

Information for reflection. One bee gives a person up to 14 types of its products. These are honey, propolis, perga, pollen, royal jelly, drone brood, wax, zabrus, honeycombs, poison, hive air, subpestilence, wax moth larvae. Many famous doctors used bee products to treat people. For example, the Soviet apitherapist, doctor of medical sciences E.A. Ludyansky could cure 2500 diseases. And until now, scientists from all countries recognize that there is no better cure for diseases of the spine and joints than bee venom. And propolis surpasses all known antibiotics thousands of times in its characteristics. Royal jelly and drone brood have a beneficial effect on vision, and tincture of wax moth larvae is an effective remedy for tuberculosis. And the beneficial properties of bee products are not limited to this.

Bee venom is produced once, in the third week. After that, the glands that produce the poison die off. If suddenly a bee stings you, then it dies. The fact is that the sting of the bee has notches and remains in the body along with the muscle sac, where the poison is contained. The internal organs of the bee are damaged. Poison serves the bee to protect the home, family and their workpieces.

The weight of the nectar carried by the bee is equal to the weight of the bee itself. And in no case is she going to attack people or animals passing by. She is too busy with her work. In order for a bee to sting, it must be provoked. What we constantly do with our manners of the king of nature. Think for yourself, if uninvited guests enter your apartment, then you will certainly make every effort to send them away. So why should a bee tolerate the same treatment?

Bees cannot stand strong odors, they do not like it when someone blocks the way to the hive or nectar. They also don't like sudden movements. Therefore, when a bee flies very close or even sits on you, do not wave your arms. The bee itself will fly away and will not harm you. But if you still crushed the bee, then beware. The smell of poison will be a signal to the rest of the bees to attack.

Summing up this article, we can say with confidence: do not be afraid of bees. After all, something that brings so much benefit to a person cannot be bad. Take care of them! Bees are God's gift to man!

Many billions of dollars will not be able to pay for their efforts, and they do not require payment for it. Several hundred thousand species are submissive to one great mission. Do you just guess what it's about? We're talking about pollinating bees. Do you want to know their role in nature and what benefits bees bring to plants by collecting nectar? Then hurry up to find out with us.

Every year, Eurofresh Farms greenhouses are able to produce about 60 million kg of tomatoes. Ripening fruits have a rather specific smell - incredibly sweet, but it does not give off the earth at all. The greenhouse stands out for its artificiality, but genuine life is able to penetrate here, as evidenced by the deaf hum of hundreds of bumblebees.

Most flowering plants use bee pollination for reproduction. The job of this intermediary is to carry pollen from the male reproductive organ to the female. For a simple example, we can use a tomato flower. For pollination, it must be shaken with such force that the resulting load exceeds 30g. Now compare this overload with the human body, even if test pilots will certainly lose consciousness at an overload of 6-7g.

When the first flowering plants appeared 130 million years ago, beetles and flies were among their first inhabitants.

Modern scientists and technologists know such as osmia, individual individuals of which pollinate only a strictly defined type of plant. Pollination by such bees is several times more efficient than the work of universal workers. However, they are able to win this race thanks to large colonies (one hive provides housing for more than 30 thousand individuals). And this means that during the search for nectar, they fly around more different plants. Compared to the vast majority of other insects, they are easier to manage, and these bees also tolerate moving more easily.

Honey bees are not whimsical in the choice of food, they process almost any kind of plant. It is impossible to find an exact method to assess the real benefit of their work. But economists' calculations suggest that on a global scale, their role can be measured by a figure close to $200 billion. The other side of the coin is that in agriculture this system is running out of steam.

It is a pity, but the well-established process of natural pollination is not suitable for growing monoculture plants on an industrial scale. Previously, farms were much smaller, and people remained indifferent to the work of pollinating insects. Now, without a whole army of bees on the farm, it is impossible to ensure high-quality pollination. The European honey bee was introduced to the American mainland more than four hundred years ago, but the specialization in the "growing" of bees began relatively recently. To date, more than a hundred of the largest farms in the United States are built almost entirely on the use of rented bees.

Pollination is part of the agro-industry

What methods have not been tried by farmers for the best pollination of plants in greenhouses. The use of rocking tables, blowers, loud sharp sounds, vibrators that are connected manually for each inflorescence - nothing gave a positive result. As it turned out, it was impossible to replace bees and bumblebees! Just point them to the flowers of plants, and the insects will cling to them, feeding on the tempting nectar. And at this time, golden dust will fly out of the anther of the stamen, reliably adhering to the fluffy body of the bumblebee.

Naturally, the industrious insect will not confine itself to the sweet nectar of just one plant. The bee will fly to another flower, causing the vibrating hairs of its body to leave pollen on the pistil. In return, the worker will be rewarded with a new portion of golden "dust". And such an operation will be repeated many, many times, so for an uninitiated person it may seem like magic.

Irreparable damage to beekeeping

Scientists associated the first attack of IBS with an excessive abundance of chemicals in the fields. According to specialist Jeff Pettis, insects exposed to pesticides lose their defenses against disease. But perhaps the reason lies in a whole set of destructive factors. The immunity of bees can suffer from the lack and monotony of food. Some evidence suggests that viruses and fungi may work together.

At the moment, the cause of colony collapse syndrome has not been identified. However, not in the best position are and, whose work is estimated at about 3 billion dollars a year. The main types of bumblebees are becoming rare, the number of others is declining at a rapid pace.

How do bees pollinate plants?

Plants and pollinating insects are in close contact with each other. Most of them are big gourmands who like nectar the most. In order to access the nectar, the bee needs to touch the anthers or stigmas that are located on the way to it. While migrating from flower to flower in search of food or shelter, each insect plays an invaluable role as a pollinator of plants.

Plants pollinated by insects are perfectly prepared to meet their intermediaries. Their flowers have a bright color that immediately catches the eye of bees and bumblebees. Usually the petals are colored, in rare cases the calyces (for heather, etc.) or calyces and corollas (for tulips, larkspur). Often small flowers are combined into an inflorescence, after which they will also be visible to pollinators (for example, inflorescences of sunflower, chamomile, popovnik, various umbrellas).

Entomophilous flowers can have a variety of colors - from purple to purple. The role of color is very important. Coloring helps insects in finding the plant they need. Flowers that are pollinated by a nocturnal butterfly are always painted white.

All of the above indicates that without pollinating bees on Earth there would not be that variety of plants that pleases the eye of any person. Therefore, the loss of these insects entails the loss of more than just honey. We will lose pears, apples and a host of other crops. Pollinators even bring us milk for breakfast, as cattle feed on alfalfa and clover, which are pollinated by these little workers. In the summer, you will have to do without watermelons, and during the celebration of Halloween, without pumpkins. The apocalyptic scenario leaves no room for all this daily and ordinary fairy tale.

However, without bees, humanity will not starve to death. But without their work, we will lose a lot of plants, limiting ourselves to wind-pollinated crops, such as wheat and rice. Then our survival would depend on the direction and strength of the wind.

Video "Pollination by bees of plants"

In this video you will see how bees pollinate plants, how they make our life more colorful. We offer to hear once again about the benefits and role of these workers right now.

All products produced by honey bees are endowed with unusual healing properties. They are very diverse, they are used in many areas of life. Bees give not only honey, but also produce perga, propolis, wax, bee venom.

An insect brings positive to everything it comes into contact with. Experiences and daily fatigue, excessive anxiety disappear from people, even if he came to the apiary just to relax.

Of particular importance are bee products and their use by humans. Irreplaceable and derivatives of it were known to our distant ancestors. They are used for the prevention of diseases and their treatment.

Honey and its importance for people

Absorbed by the body without additional labor, very quickly. It contains 15-20% water and 80% dry and easily digestible sugars: fructose and glucose, sucrose and maltose.

It is used as a prophylactic in folk medicine. Let's name the amazing properties of honey and its capabilities:

  • recommend sweetness to people with heart disease. It nourishes the heart muscle.
  • for tuberculosis, honey is used together with aloe;
  • it helps in the fight against colds and flu, strengthens the immune system;
  • with prolonged illness and depletion of the body, doctors also recommend eating it;
  • if you have a sore throat, drink milk with honey, butter and soda;
  • honey in combs should be thoroughly chewed for pharyngitis, laryngitis and other respiratory diseases;
  • with varicose veins apply honey compresses to problem areas;
  • prevents constipation and improves the functioning of the digestive tract honey water - 2-4 table. lies. on a glass;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Ecologically pure royal jelly

This beekeeping product is a white liquid with a specific aroma. Endowed with a complex structure and excellent features. It contains amino acids and proteins that are perfectly absorbed by the body. Milk is extracted from queen cells, its shelf life is 2 years at low temperature.

The remedy is used to treat about 70 different diseases. In cosmetology, milk serves as biologically active additives. It has antimicrobial, anti-radiation properties. Protects human immunity for a long time, regardless of age. Fights blood diseases, diseases of the digestive system, infections, etc.

Perga and its advantages

The most valuable bee products and their use allow a person to gain health and diversify the diet. Among them, perga is endowed with special value - a pasty mass that is placed by bees in cells. It is stored for a long time, it contains vitamins, enzymes and amino acids.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that those who are often bitten by bees are less susceptible to various diseases than others. And this, as we all know, is not without reason. After all, each of the products that bees produce, from golden fragrant honey to painful bee stings, are unique natural healers of our body. That is why there are so many centenarians among beekeepers, as well as people who spend a lot of time in the apiary.

What are the benefits of bees

How nice it is to visit an apiary early in the morning, where the morning fog, saturated with summer coolness, is saturated with balsamic aromas rushing from the hives. The bees remove excess liquid from the collected nectar, bringing the honey to the desired density. Together with these fumes, the aromas of propolis, wax and pollen enter the air of the apiary. That is why it is especially useful to spend time in the apiary, inhaling the aromas coming from the beehive. And the uniform noise of buzzing bees has a positive effect on the restoration of the emotional state, especially after busy working days, like the sound of the surf.

Medicinal properties of derivatives of bees

Much has already been said and heard about the unique reserves of honey. Since ancient times, this healing product has occupied a leading place in folk medicine. It is used in the treatment of colds, it is useful in cosmetics and cooking, and also as a component of many medicines. The incomparable taste and medicinal components of honey make it one of the leaders among agricultural products.

Wax is considered the next product after honey, produced by bees. For medicinal purposes, it is used as the basis for various ointments and dressings. It is more used for technical needs.

Throughout the warm period of the year, bees collect pollen, bringing it in the form of yellow lumps on their hind legs. It is an indispensable protein food for bee brood. Pollen stored for future use and neatly folded into honeycombs is called perga. This is a storehouse of vitamins. Eating a teaspoon of perga a day in winter, you will fully provide your body with the necessary vitamins.

Propolis is the only bee product that bees collect from tree buds. It has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, negatively affecting unfavorable microflora. It is especially widely used in wound healing, in dentistry, in the treatment of respiratory infections. May be a powerful anesthetic.

When growing queens, bees secrete a special substance with their maxillary glands, which is fed exclusively to future queen bees. This is royal jelly. Bees produce it in very small quantities. It is especially useful for people suffering from poor immunity, lack of red blood cells. The correct intake of native royal jelly, or the drug "Appilak" based on it, will improve the general condition, reduce fatigue, and increase the endurance of the body. It is prescribed for pregnant women and women in childbirth to improve lactation.

Bee venom is also useful

It is also impossible not to say about the benefits of bee venom. The more beekeepers were bitten by bees, the less they got sick. Bee stings are widely used to treat radiculitis, myositis, sprains and muscle colds. Bee venom positively affects the immune system and the general condition of the body.

One way or another, if you are not allergic to bee products, and there are two percent of such people, friendship with these beautiful insects will only benefit you. This has been proven over the centuries. So if you know a beekeeper, then order some of the products made by bees, and you will certainly be satisfied.

It is difficult to find a person who has not experienced in his life. Unpleasant burning sensations, pain, unbearable itching and swelling are manifestations of the poison that the insect introduces at the moment of the bite at the tip of the sting. An attack by a bee that ends with a bite is usually fatal for an angry individual. During the attack, the female drives the man so tightly into the skin that she is not able to extract him back. As a result, it comes off, and with it a significant part of the intestine of the insect, which leads the individual to inevitable death. In this way, females protect themselves and their nests in times of danger. However, along with the pain and disappointment, the bee sting comes with enormous health benefits. It is about how bee sting treatment is used in medicine that will be discussed in this article.

Ingredients of bee venom

Only females produce bee venom, accumulating it in special tanks. And before you figure out what the benefits of a bee sting are, you need to know what components the bee venom contains. The main components of this unique substance are:

  • melitin - the basic and most dangerous toxic component of the poison, which contributes to the destruction of red blood cells and disrupts metabolic interstitial processes, which leads to muscle contraction;
  • apamin - a protein substance acts on nerve cells, which leads to an increase in motor activity;
  • histamine - a toxin that causes an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by the occurrence of redness, pain, swelling and vasodilation;
  • hyaluronidase - an enzyme that contributes to the rapid spread of the toxic composition and the appearance of puffiness;
  • phospholipase is a component that destroys cell walls.

The basis of bee venom is also made up of elements such as magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and acids (formic, hydrochloric, orthophosphoric).

Harm or benefit of a bee sting

A bee sting can have both negative and positive effects on the human body.

About harm

The consequence of a single bee sting in a healthy person is a local reaction, which is expressed in the form of severe burning pain. Also, swelling and redness occur at the site of the bite.

It appears as hives. A lot of light blisters appear on the skin, which cause itching and burning.

More severe consequences are accompanied by the development of angioedema. Its characteristic features are swelling not only of the neck and face, but even of the tongue, larynx and trachea, which can lead to suffocation. A deadly consequence of a bee sting is anaphylactic shock. With this type of allergy, blood pressure drops rapidly, convulsions or loss of consciousness may occur.

The most serious consequences are accompanied by bee stings in, or tongue. Possible consequences are not only conjunctivitis, blepharitis or panophthalmitis, but also severe shortness of breath.

The attacks of stinging insects are especially difficult for women during pregnancy. This is largely due to the restriction of the intake of various medications.

About the benefits

The question of whether a bee sting is good for a person is puzzled by many people. For some, this may seem strange, but the poisonous composition can be not only harmful, but also beneficial. Treatment of bee stings, referred to in medicine as apitherapy, involves the use of a kind of natural toxin - apitoxin. The latter has the appearance of a thick and transparent yellowish liquid with a characteristic pungent odor. With a long stay in the air, the poison quickly thickens. The toxic mixture is very resistant to both high and low temperatures and is able to maintain its properties even for decades.

As it turned out, all of the above components that make up bee venom and adversely affect the human or animal body can also have a therapeutic effect. Their usefulness lies not only in improving metabolism and restoring the functioning of the cardiovascular system, but also in normalizing microcirculation and hormonal levels.

On a note!

Bee venom also reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process, preventing the development of harmful microorganisms, and increases the content of red blood cells. Treatment with bee stings has a beneficial effect on the peripheral and nervous systems.

How to treat bee stings

Apitherapy includes various types of treatment, including the use of preparations prepared on the basis of bee venom.

bee sting

The process itself is quite simple and not much different from the natural attacks of insects. A live bee is taken with tweezers and brought to the surface of the skin, where it bites. The treatment regimen for bee stings is compiled on an individual basis. The duration of the healing process can be up to 1.5 months, during which up to 200 stings are performed. Up to 40 insects are used in one session, and you should start with one bite, gradually increasing their number.

The procedure is carried out no more than 2 times a week. The sting is pulled out of the skin after a quarter of an hour so that the bee toxins can be absorbed into the blood as much as possible. The consequences of a bite become an allergy in the form of redness, swelling and burning. Over time, this process is addictive, as a result of which the discomfort becomes less pronounced.

On a note!

This method of treatment with bee stings has two main drawbacks: pain upon contact with the insect and lack of control over the amount of poison injected by the pollinator of flowering plants into the human body.


The procedure differs from the above in the absence of pain. Treatment is carried out by introducing a purified poison under the skin near the affected area of ​​​​the body or diseased organ. Dosage, frequency of procedures and duration of the course are selected individually. In addition, the nature and stage of the disease, as well as the weight of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathologies, should be taken into account.


This procedure involves the inhalation of toxic fumes, whereby the healing components enter the human body through the lungs. Being absorbed into the blood stream, they spread throughout the body and have a therapeutic effect on it.


They are used to treat radiculitis, as well as neurological diseases. The tablet is kept under the tongue until it is completely resorbed. It is not recommended to swallow the drug, as this can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.


One of the simplest and safest methods of apitherapy is the use of a cream or ointment based on bee venom. A gel-like consistency means is applied to the affected area of ​​​​the skin with soft massaging movements. The duration of treatment depends on the individual characteristics and the degree of the patient's disease.


An effective way to treat diseases of the joints and blood vessels is to take baths using powdered bee venom. Such healing procedures are also prescribed in the rehabilitation period.

Combining and alternating these methods of treatment, you can achieve an effective result.

However, not everyone can use apitherapy, and it is even more unsafe to treat bee stings at home. This method of treatment cannot be used by people suffering from liver diseases, since destructive changes can become a consequence of the appearance of toxic substances in the body.

Apitherapy is also contraindicated in case of heart failure, since the components that make up bee venom contribute to an increase in heart rate. It is strictly forbidden to be treated with bee stings for diabetics, since when toxic components enter the bloodstream, they contribute to the destruction of blood vessels. In this connection, there is a need to consult an experienced doctor.
