Beer and men's health: a few words about the influence. The harmful effects of beer on potency and the male body as a whole

Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink. It evokes particular sympathy among men, being both a festive drink, when any celebration or gathering with friends is incomplete without it, and a drink of an ordinary day, when you can come home from work, relax in front of the TV with a bottle of this drink.

However, few people think about the consequences of drinking beer. Being a low-alcohol drink, beer affects the entire male body.

Its mild effect, unlike strong drinks, is a trap, and a person who often drinks this alcoholic drink does not think that he has problems.

To avoid sad consequences, it is important to understand how beer affects a man’s body and what consequences arise when drinking this drink.

The effect of the drink on the heart

Most often, it is men who suffer from heart problems. Men do not have the same hormonal protection as women, and the fast pace of life and frequent stress have a negative impact on both overall health and the heart. Drinking beer makes the situation worse.

Unlike spirits, beer consumption is measured not in glasses, but in liters. That is, such drinks are drunk in large quantities, which already puts a strain on the organs, including the heart. A large amount of fluid consumed causes the heart to increase pressure, since in a short period of time at normal pressure the body will not distill the incoming fluid.

The most negative consequence of drinking this drink is the so-called bull's heart. Such a heart is characterized by expansion of the organ cavity, thickening of the walls, reduction of mitochondria and necrosis occurring in the heart muscle. This follows from the previous example, since beer contains carbon dioxide, which accelerates the absorption of alcohol into the blood, and frequent increases in pressure lead to an increase in the volume of the heart and a hypertrophied left ventricle. Such an organ loses its strength, the myocardium becomes flabby, and a man who drinks beer increases the risk of developing diseases such as ischemia or angina, which ultimately results in a heart attack.

The appearance of a bull's heart is caused by one element that is part of the drink. We are talking about cobalt; its content in beer exceeds the permissible limit by ten times. If it enters the heart along with beer, then this leads to the previously described result. In addition, cobalt negatively affects the liver and stomach.

What does the liver and stomach experience?

The next organ that, along with the heart, suffers from beer is the liver. With frequent consumption of this drink, the so-called fatty liver develops, that is, fatty degeneration of the organ. Like the heart, the liver increases in size, and the risk of contracting hepatitis increases several times. The occurrence of chronic hepatitis leads to the death of organ cells. In the future, this can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Recently, the number of young people suffering from gastritis and gastric ulcers has been increasing. These diseases are literally getting younger. But what does this have to do with? And the problem lies in the very beer that is very popular among young guys, because the effect of beer on the body is very great.

The main factor that has a negative effect on the stomach is the content of the previously mentioned cobalt and carbon dioxide in beer. In addition, beer contains fermentation products; this whole explosive mixture irritates the walls of the organ, causing the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid. This leads to increased acidity, then gastritis and ulcers, and the end result is stomach cancer.

Initially, a man develops a hypertrophic form, which is characterized by a thickened wall and an increased level of acidity. After some time, the wall becomes thinner and the acidity level decreases. All this occurs against the background of depletion of the stomach’s defenses, so the hypertrophic form of gastritis ceases to enter the atrophic stage, and this is a harbinger of cancer. This is the harmful effect of beer on the human body.

Endocrine system and hormones

Beer contains toxic substances, including salts of heavy metals. They lead to undesirable changes in the endocrine system. Especially great harm of beer on a man’s body is observed with constant consumption. The fact is that beer, especially unfiltered beer, contains phytoestrogens, which are some kind of female sex hormones. As a result, the production of the male sex hormone, testosterone, is suppressed, causing men to begin to develop feminine characteristics: breasts become enlarged, fat is deposited like in women, that is, on the hips and sides, and the pelvis expands.

In addition to all of the above, men’s shoulders become rounded and a so-called beer belly appears. In addition, hair on the face and body decreases, which clearly indicates the effect of beer on men and changes in the body. As a result, the man acquires feminine traits.

As a result of phytoestrogens entering the male body, changes occur at the gene level, and the body itself begins to produce such hormones. Testosterone is inhibited by estrogens, which causes a decrease in libido. This shows the effect of beer on the male body.

Thus, the effect of beer on the male body is great, and in most cases detrimental. In addition, the drink becomes so firmly part of a person’s everyday life that the latter, without noticing it, becomes dependent on it, that is, we are talking about the development of beer alcoholism. Beer alcoholism is a prerequisite for the formation of dependence on alcohol in general.

is a light alcoholic drink that is traditionally considered masculine. Representatives of the stronger sex are confident that the low alcohol content in foamy alcohol makes it less harmful than other strong drinks, and they rarely think about how beer affects the male body.

Meanwhile, numerous studies show that this intoxicating product, containing many artificial additives, can be more dangerous than or, with constant use causing great damage to a man’s health.

The effects of beer on the male body

The negative influence of beer affects all vital systems of the male body. First of all, the genitourinary area suffers from drinking a foamy drink. Alcohol of this type is a diuretic and causes the kidneys to work harder, increasing the load on the urinary organs by 2-3 times.

If a man drinks a foamy drink often and in large quantities, the kidneys wear out much faster, and this leads to disruption of their function, which in the most severe cases can lead to the development of kidney failure. The deterioration of the functioning of the paired organ is facilitated by aldehydes, esters, dyes, flavors and other additives in the composition of a man’s favorite drink, which, when filtering the liquid, settle in the kidneys and negatively affect their tissue.

There is no doubt about it for the genitals. Regular consumption of this type of alcohol worsens blood circulation in the pelvis and increases the risk of developing prostatitis.

Phytoestrogens, contained in large quantities in foam, disrupt the hormonal levels of the male body and provoke erection problems, reducing libido and impairing potency. Alcohol and harmful additives in the drink affect sperm quality and fertility and can increase the likelihood of developing infertility and conceiving a defective child.

With constant use, phytoestrogens also change a man’s appearance, giving his figure typically feminine features. A lover of a foamy drink accumulates fat deposits on the hips, enlarges the chest and abdomen, decreases muscle mass, and changes the timbre of the voice.

Beer also negatively affects other organs. Among them:

  1. Liver. This organ is the main filter that processes alcohol. When a foamy drink enters the body, the liver has to cope not only with alcohol, but also with other harmful components that make up such alcohol, which is why liver cells are damaged much faster and more severely.
  2. Stomach, gallbladder, pancreas. Beer disrupts digestive functions and severely irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammatory diseases.
  3. Heart. A foamy drink increases the load on the heart several times and contributes to premature wear of the organ.
  4. Vessels. Carbon dioxide contained in beer fills blood vessels and causes them to dilate, contributing to the development of varicose veins.

Another danger of the drink is that it becomes addictive several times faster than strong alcohol. Beer addiction is a type of alcohol addiction and also requires treatment.

How beer affects the brain

The negative effect of beer on the male body also extends to the main organ - the brain. The drink has a negative effect on cerebral vessels and disrupts blood circulation in this area, which is why areas of the brain that do not receive enough nutrition gradually die. This leads to deterioration of memory, mental abilities and other complications.

Answering the question of how beer affects the brain, scientists claim that long-term infatuation with this drink can lead to dementia.

Is there any benefit

Studies have been carried out, during which it was found that the effect of beer on the body of the stronger sex cannot be unambiguously called negative, since this drink also has some beneficial properties. Scientists highlight the following positive qualities of foamy alcohol:

  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • promotes activation of metabolic processes;
  • stimulates the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • replenishes the level of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system, reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis.

The benefits of beer are preserved only with moderate consumption and only when taking a high-quality product made from natural products with the addition of a minimum amount of auxiliary components.

Rules for safe use

To reduce the negative impact of beer on a man’s body, when drinking this drink you need to adhere to a number of important rules regarding the characteristics of drinking foamy alcohol.

Recommendations from experts relate primarily to the quality of the product. You should drink only proven, high-quality beer purchased in specialized stores. You should not choose the cheapest foamy drinks, because they are most often made from low-grade ingredients and can cause great harm to health. In this case, it is best to give preference to unfiltered types of product.

Beer should not be mixed with other alcoholic drinks or consumed on an empty stomach.

The widespread opinion among men about the harmlessness of beer and even its benefits has no basis. The harm of beer on a man’s body manifests itself in many ways. The specific features of the drink and the composition of beer make it much more dangerous than strong alcoholic drinks. Beer is often drunk as a thirst-quencher, without paying attention to the composition and presence of alcohol. Its effect on the body is less noticeable compared to vodka or cognac, but ultimately irreparable damage can be caused to men's health. Like any alcohol, beer has a destructive effect on internal organs - liver, kidneys, heart, digestive tract. It can affect a man’s potency and even cause hormonal changes. How does beer affect the body, and why is beer harmful for a man?

Beer and health

Beer is a traditional men's drink. What is the effect of beer on the male body, the benefits and harms of a foamy drink are frequent topics of male conversation over a mug of foamy drink. Fans point out that the beer contains only natural products - hops and malt. The drink also contains potassium, useful for hypertensive patients, silicon, which strengthens bones, B vitamins, and some minerals. Beer has good diuretic properties due to the presence of citric acid salts. Sometimes you can hear advice to drink beer if you have urolithiasis to cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract of stones and sand. What are the benefits and harms of this beloved drink?

Indeed, there are useful elements in beer, but their content is insignificant. To obtain the required daily requirement of vitamin B, you need to drink a huge amount of the drink every day, which will result in intoxication and, in a short time, beer alcoholism. Drinking beer as a diuretic will do more harm to your kidneys than good. There is no need to talk about any positive impact that beer has on men. Like regular consumption of any other alcoholic drink, drinking beer is dangerous and can only cause harmful consequences.

Beer most significantly harms the following areas of the body:

  • kidneys;
  • heart;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver.

Various dyes, flavors, and preservatives are added to beer, which contribute to the harmful effects of harmful substances contained in beer.

Effect on the kidneys

Urine loss due to exposure to beer is not natural. Vitamins and microelements necessary for normal functioning, fats, and proteins are simultaneously removed from the body. There is a violation of the acid-base balance. The kidneys work at high intensity. A harmful consequence of increased loads is modification of the walls of blood vessels, which can lead to disruptions in their normal functioning. Regular consumption leads to the body not having enough vitamins and microelements, which will result in fatigue, insomnia, and mood swings. The kidneys are the organ that receives the first blow.

Effect on the heart

Any alcoholic drinks have a negative effect on the heart. A special feature of beer is its ability to be quickly absorbed by the body.

The drink contains carbon dioxide, which allows it to quickly penetrate the internal organs. To ensure foam stability, cobalt is added to beer. The consequence of exposure to these substances is varicose veins, dilation of the left ventricle and enlargement of the entire heart. With frequent use, blood pressure increases, causing the so-called beer heart syndrome. The organ becomes flabby, blood is pumped worse, the myocardium loses the healthy properties of the muscle. The heart literally sags and is unable to function fully. Under such conditions, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, arrhythmia develop, and heart attacks are possible. The effect of a foamy drink on the heart contains the answer to the question of whether drinking beer every day is harmful.

Effect on the gastrointestinal tract

The characteristic bitter taste of beer is explained by the presence of resins in its composition: general, soft and hard. Resins are natural carcinogens. Just as tobacco tars affect the lungs of a smoker, causing cancer, beer tars affect the intestines, causing the development of cancer. Drinking beer increases your risk of developing colon cancer. WHO experts came to this conclusion.

The foamy drink has another specific effect on the intestines, which is less pronounced when consuming other alcoholic beverages. Ethyl alcohol contained in beer activates intestinal function. The presence of gas speeds up the process. The drink is consumed in large quantities. Given its diuretic properties, beer provokes a constant removal of fluid from the body. Beneficial bacteria are “washed out” from the stomach, and the internal microflora is disrupted. The foamy drink is the result of fermentation, and the same process continues in the human stomach. Acetaldehyde formed as a result of ethinol metabolism has a general toxic effect. The consequence of these processes is diarrhea, which is often observed among those who like to relax with a mug.

Exposure to carbon dioxide and fermentation products causes harmful effects on the gastric mucosa. As a protective reaction, the stomach begins to produce large amounts of hydrochloric acid, which destroys internal tissues. A person who often drinks this alcoholic drink often suffers from gastritis, a peptic ulcer. The consequence of constant consumption of beer can be cancer.

Effect on the liver

The liver is exposed to the harmful effects of the substances contained in the foamy drink to no less extent than other organs. In addition to cobalt, artificial chemical additives, and other harmful substances, the drink’s components include phytoestrogens—plant hormonal substances. This “bouquet” of elements passes through the liver, destroying and damaging its cells. With systematic use, the toxin content becomes critical, as a result of which the liver is no longer able to recover on its own. Alcoholic hepatitis, liver failure, cirrhosis of the liver - all this can happen to a man who does not think about the dangers of what he regularly introduces into his body.

Reproductive functions and hormonal levels

Constant consumption of a foamy drink negatively affects the internal organs of any person, regardless of gender. In addition to the general destructive effect, beer has a specific effect on men's health.

Phytoestrogen is an analogue of the female sex hormone. By regularly drinking a foamy drink, a man purposefully introduces a substance foreign to his body, as a result of which the hormonal balance is disrupted. Beer and potency are incompatible concepts. Phytoestrogen suppresses the production of the male hormone testosterone, resulting in a kind of replacement of male hormones with female ones.

A man will not turn into a woman if he regularly drinks a foamy drink, but as a result of the systematic introduction of female hormones, external changes will inevitably occur. The male figure will be adorned with a beer belly (a consequence of weakening muscles), the hips will become rounded, the pelvis will expand, the mammary glands will enlarge, and excess fat will appear. In some cases, the voice may change - it will become more feminine and acquire a high timbre. According to officially unconfirmed data, there have been cases of colostrum being released from the mammary glands. Realizing the impact the substances contained in the drink have on the body, hardly anyone will wonder what the benefits of beer are for a man.

Testosterone promotes the development of male qualities - will, determination, desire for leadership, activity. Everything that makes a man a man. Suppression of the male hormone and its replacement with phytoestrogen leads to the development of feminine principles, the replacement of certain qualities occurs, and properties and character traits that are not typical for men develop. As a result, a man becomes apathetic, lazy, and loses interest in an active life. Systematic consumption of beer can develop in a man such characteristics as bitchiness, hysteria, and capriciousness, which are more characteristic of women.

Against the background of such changes, the question of whether beer affects potency disappears. An excess of female hormones in a woman leads to increased sexual activity, so beer can have a stimulating effect on a woman. A man, having received a dose of female hormones, loses interest in the opposite sex. Hormonal imbalance leads to a decrease in libido, potency in men decreases or disappears. In addition to a drop in potency, the composition of sperm and its properties change. Its viscosity increases, which makes sperm less mobile and reduces the likelihood of fertilization. Regular consumption of the drink may cause male infertility.

Beer alcoholism

Despite the seeming harmlessness of the foamy drink, beer turns a person into an alcoholic 4 times faster than vodka or wine. There is no official diagnosis of “beer alcoholism,” but the uniqueness and addictive nature of alcoholism suggest a specific type of disease. Addiction to the drink develops primarily in men; women drink beer to a lesser extent, preferring other drinks.

The development of beer alcoholism is facilitated by the tolerance of public opinion and the prevalence of misconceptions about the relative harmlessness and even usefulness of the drink. Its taste, ability to quench thirst well, and relaxing effect make this drink popular among young people. However, beer alcoholism is the most difficult to treat. A person does not notice how he becomes dependent and does not realize the existence of addiction. Daily consumption in small quantities is considered natural. The dose increase occurs gradually and imperceptibly. Hormonal changes lead to the fact that a man ceases to need active communication, replacing it with his favorite drink. Other interests become secondary.

A small amount of alcohol allows you to drink a large amount of drink while remaining relatively sober, but over time the doses will invariably increase. Ultimately, up to 10-15 liters can be drunk per day, which in terms of pure alcohol corresponds to 0.5-0.7 liters of vodka. At this stage, we can say that the person has become an alcoholic in need of help. The benefits of beer for men are ephemeral. Regular use invariably leads to the destruction of internal organs, hormonal changes and alcoholism.

Beer in modern Russia has become an integral part of men's gatherings, bachelorette parties and even youth and teenage parties.

Drinking a mug (or two) doesn't knock you off your feet like vodka. Therefore, beer is considered a harmless drink, which some so-called experts recommend drinking even to nursing mothers. But we must not forget that this, although weak, is an alcoholic product.

If you drink beer in reasonable portions, then it brings benefits to the human body. Being a diuretic, beer helps reduce swelling of the limbs. It can be used to prevent cardiac diseases.

Beer has a calming effect due to the hops and B-vitamins it contains. The presence of many microelements in it helps strengthen the immune system.

Alcohol contains ethyl alcohol, toxins, heavy metal salts and other substances that destroy the human body. When consuming beer often and in large quantities from a very young age, by the age of 30, a person begins to experience its destructive effects.

Interruptions in the functioning of all internal organs and the brain begin. The appearance of both men and women is changing. Addiction develops from a foamy drink, which is called beer alcoholism.

Beer alcoholism

Beer, like any other alcohol-containing drink, includes ethanol, which causes addiction and, as a result, alcoholism. An alcoholic is a person who does not belong to himself. All his thoughts, feelings and desires are connected only with the coveted drink.

Problems begin at work, in the family, with friends. The thirst for life disappears, apathy towards everything that happens appears. The person becomes aggressive towards others.

Alcoholism no less scary than any other. It arises gradually, but recovery from it is very difficult. Over time, if you do not stop drinking liters of beer, it stops working as before.

The body needs more and more of it to get the required dose of alcohol.. As a result, a person switches to stronger drinks. Alcohol does its destructive work, and a person turns into a real alcoholic.

The effect of beer on the body

Beer is most often a carbonated drink. As a result, it is absorbed faster into the body tissues than other non-carbonated wines. His destructive effect affects human organs:

  • liver,
  • kidneys,
  • stomach,
  • cardiovascular system,
  • nervous system
  • brain.


The liver is one of the most important internal organs. She, passing through herself all foods and drinks that enter the body, removes toxic substances from them.

Alcohol is the main enemy of the liver. The constant influence of ethanol on it leads to the fact that the liver increases in volume, fatty degeneration and various types of hepatitis are observed.

All this is the initial stages of a deadly diseases – cirrhosis of the liver, from which a person dies, experiencing terrible pain, for three years.


The kidneys are responsible for removing fluid and toxic substances from the body. While drinking beer.

They are forced to work several times more and more actively than usual, filtering toxins entering the body.

Together with beer from the body All beneficial substances are washed away. As a result of constantly increased activity of the kidneys, they may lose their functionality.


Beer entering the stomach irritates his mucous membrane. With constant influence of alcohol they develop different types of stomach ulcers.

In addition, the glands that are involved in digestion stop working, which leads to gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Heart and blood vessels

A person who drinks very often pain in the heart area.

During the hangover period he:

  • difficulty breathing,
  • my head is spinning
  • sweating begins
  • interruptions in the functioning of the heart are noticeable.

This indicates that the person is experiencing heart failure. The drinker's heart becomes flabby and increases in volume.

Vessels become thinner. The heart muscle weakens, blood circulation is impaired, and blood pressure rises.

All this can cause serious cardiovascular diseases, which sooner or later will lead to:

  • stroke,
  • heart attack,
  • paralysis of limbs,
  • of death.

Nervous system and brain

Beer, after entering the body, spreads throughout it very quickly with the help of blood vessels.

All nerve endings, the central nervous system and the brain are exposed to its action.

Under the influence of alcohol contained in beer, a huge number of brain cells die.

As a result, the drinking person:

  • memory lapses occur
  • brain activity deteriorates,
  • the level of intelligence decreases.

The effect of beer on a man

In addition to the fact that frequent drinking of beer disrupts the activity of the main human organs, it affects a man destructive to his reproductive system.

Frequent consumption of a foamy drink leads to the fact that in the male body hormonal imbalance occurs, the production of its inherent male hormone slows down.

This generates:

  • decreased sperm quality,
  • decreased sperm activity,
  • erection problems,
  • impotence.

All of the above symptoms inevitably lead to a violation reproductive function and infertility.

Conceiving a child under the influence of alcohol leads to abnormal formation of the fetus, the presence of many deviations in physical, mental and mental development.

The female hormone contained in beer often leads to a man's appearance begins to resemble a woman's.

He's starting to get delayed fat in the waist and hips, breasts increase in volume according to the female type.

His figure ceases to be masculine. Frequent drinking of beer leads to a person gaining a lot of excess weight, followed by related problems:

  • diabetes,
  • hypertension,
  • heart failure.

The effect of beer on a woman

First of all, a woman who drinks alcohol excessively must remember that it is much more difficult to remove from her body than in men.

A hangover lasts for quite a long time and can lead to irreversible changes in the functioning of internal organs.

Beer alcoholism

most often develops into its most severe form. This usually applies specifically to women. Treatment for this disease continues for a long time, and is not always successful.

Female hormones, which are part of beer, disrupt a woman’s endocrine system. An excess of it leads to the fact that a woman gradually turns into a man.

Hormonal imbalance leads to changes in the menstrual cycle.

If you do not start the right treatment, but, on the contrary, spur changes with beer, then this is fraught with the threat of never becoming a mother. In women who drink Menopause and menopause begin early.

Changes in the functioning of the endocrine system disrupt the functioning of the entire body. The risk of breast cancer in a drinking woman almost doubles.

The harm of unfiltered beer

Unfiltered beer is beer that has not gone through the stage of purification and preservation. This is a natural product made from useful products: hops, malt, yeast.

If you drink unfiltered beer a little and infrequently, it helps improve the health of the body: improves the functioning of the heart and vascular system, normalizes blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, is a diuretic.

Beer contains a lot of vitamins.

In its natural form, it has a cloudy consistency, sediment, and its shelf life is just a few days.

In most cases, manufacturers try to improve the external consumer qualities of the drink and increase its shelf life. Therefore, beer goes through some stages of purification, which is why all its beneficial properties are lost.

In unfiltered beer, as in any other, contains a certain percentage of alcohol. Therefore, it (if consumed in excess) affects the human body in the same way as any alcoholic product.

In unfiltered beer The fermentation process does not stop, so it can negatively affect the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

In addition, there is a great danger of being poisoned by stale, unfiltered beer.

The harm of non-alcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer has the same beneficial properties as any other beer. But there is no less harm in it.

Foaming in non-alcoholic beer occurs due to the addition of cobalt, the use of which leads to cardiac dysfunction.

Non-alcoholic beer contains a very small percentage of alcohol, but if you drink it a lot and often, then it, just like regular beer, can provoke alcohol addiction in a person.


To the question is drinking beer harmful?, it’s difficult to answer unambiguously.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of each person’s body - the presence of chronic diseases, a genetic predisposition to alcohol, his age and gender.

The only thing we can say with certainty is that in unreasonable quantities beer turns from a medicine into a poison, which destroys his strong and courageous beginning in a man, and turns an intelligent and beautiful woman into a sexless creature.

When taking beer as a medicine, it is enough to limit yourself to 300 ml several times a week.

If a person is not confident in his resistance to such a disease as alcoholism, then he You should completely eliminate beer from your diet.

Beer is an alcoholic drink, and you need to have a good understanding of how it affects the body before you start drinking it regularly.

Different types of beer contain different amounts of alcohol. There are varieties that contain a little alcohol, but some even contain 14% alcohol, which is higher than the alcohol content of dry wine. A bottle of regular beer contains the same amount of alcohol as one glass of vodka. Drinking several bottles leads to real alcohol intoxication.

How does beer affect the body?

Beer alcoholism causes changes in the functioning of vital human organs. First of all, the heart suffers and a “beer” or “bull” heart develops. Cobalt is often added to this drink, which stabilizes the beer foam. This is a very harmful element for the heart, and it leads to thickening of its walls, the development of necrosis in the heart muscle and a decrease in mitochondria. Cobalt accumulates in the heart muscle and often exceeds the permissible limit many times over. Also, inflammatory processes begin in the esophagus and stomach from cobalt.

Many people like to drink a lot of foamy drink in the evening, without thinking that drinking excess liquid causes congestion of the blood vessels. The walls of the vessels cannot withstand the load, they begin to gradually stretch and varicose veins develop. Because of excess fluid, the heart expands and increases in size, but at the same time it becomes decrepit and does not pump blood well.

Alcohol often causes dizziness and weakness, especially when a person gets up quickly. From the effects of alcohol, the walls of blood vessels relax, the vessels stop contracting properly and blood stops flowing to the brain in sufficient quantities. Drinking alcohol can even cause short-term fainting.

Frequent consumption of beer causes overload in the liver. The large volume of alcoholic fluid passing through the liver causes the liver to become enlarged and medical examinations often result in a diagnosis of “palpable liver.”

Beer lovers often begin to gain weight according to the female type: more fat is deposited on the sides and hips, the breasts become larger, and a certain effeminacy appears in the whole appearance. This drink causes men to lose their ability to reproduce. In women, it causes many harmful changes in the body: the likelihood of infertility, the development of cancer increases, the voice becomes rougher, and a small mustache may appear.

Beer alcoholism

In many countries, scientists have proven that chronic alcoholism more often develops in people who drink beer rather than strong alcoholic drinks. People do not feel any danger; they believe that such low-alcohol alcohol will cause no harm. But alcohol is contained in both vodka and beer, and its harmful effects are the same in both cases.

From beer in humans:

  • brain cells die
  • disorders occur in the spinal cord,
  • liver cirrhosis develops,
  • pancreatitis,
  • neuralgia,
  • visual acuity and hearing deteriorate.
  • Scientists have proven that beer increases blood pressure,
  • beer alcoholism develops a severe complication called lactic acidosis,
  • people often progress to dementia and develop low self-esteem.
  • Narcologists warn that beer should be considered a legal drug, after which a person begins to use more potent drugs. Alcohol leads to an aggressive state in a person, and beer intoxication is complemented by increased cruelty.

    Beer is just as harmful to the body as moonshine. During fermentation, it retains all the toxic by-products of fermentation. Fusel oils, methanol and aldehydes in its composition many times exceed the maximum permissible concentration. This can lead to the development of bowel cancer and other diseases.

    According to the results of some studies, it has been established that people who drink small amounts of beer rarely suffer from kidney stones, do not have age-related weakening of bone tissue, and do not develop cataracts. Moderate consumption of the drink causes frequent urination and excess salts are removed from the body. It contains antioxidants, it quenches thirst well, it contains vitamins and some minerals.

    But the minor beneficial properties of beer, if consumed excessively, will quickly be offset by the harm that alcohol causes to every person. Drinking alcohol is especially dangerous for teenagers whose bodies are not fully formed. In adolescents, beer alcoholism can develop rapidly and is very difficult to treat. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women are strictly prohibited from drinking any alcohol, even weak alcohol, because alcohol is very harmful to babies.
