What is the tastiest greenfield green tea? Useful properties of green tea. Assortment of herbal teas

Which can be found on the shelves of our stores. "Greenfield" - tea, the assortment of which is very wide, the price is reasonable, and the taste is excellent. But few of the lovers of this delicious drink know who produces it, and how many years it has been pleasing its fans.

tea manufacturer

To the patriotic pride for our country, we can add the fact that this wonderful drink is produced by a Russian company called "Orimi Trade" from St. Petersburg. On August 10, 2003, this firm registered Grienfield Tea Ltd in London. After a short period of time, this product, produced as if by a British company, appeared on the shelves of our stores. The very name "Greenfield", tea, assortment - nothing seems to raise doubts that its producer is a foreign company.

However, no. The tea is entirely Russian, although it is legally produced by an English company. Manufacturers are ready to go to great lengths to win the hearts of buyers, and in this case it was a well-planned

Why mislead customers?

Indeed, wouldn't it be easier not to get involved with such a complicated procedure as registering a foreign company, but to produce tea under your own name? Not really. The fact is that Russian consumers do not really trust the goods that are produced in our country, unfortunately. Even the name itself, written in non-Cyrillic letters, is more attractive from all points of view. In addition, the Orimi Trade company decided to conquer the premium or above-average class segment, continuing to maintain the English style in everything: the Greenfield brand, tea, assortment, packaging, advertising, which is very restrained and concise. All in the best traditions of England. And we, Russian buyers, do not even suspect that we have become victims of a clever marketing move that so successfully promoted Greenfield tea to the Russian market.

Tea - assortment

This drink has a fairly extensive range that can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding tea connoisseur. In addition, the price range of this brand makes it affordable for everyone and will not scare anyone away, as is often the case with other elite varieties.

"Greenfield" - tea, the assortment of which will appeal to everyone and everyone, offers to the attention of buyers a collection of different teas. Among them are green and black teas familiar and close to Russians, as well as herbal or fruit teas. In addition, there are also those collections that seem quite exotic. These are white teas and teas of the Highland Oolong collection. Isn't the name very original?

As for the origin of the raw materials used to make this or that drink, everything is very individual here. Tea can be Chinese, Indian, Ceylon and even Kenyan.

Black tea

As you know, this is tea that has undergone complete fermentation for a sufficiently long period, which is why it acquires a rich color and taste, devoid of bitterness. This tea is the most popular both in Europe and in Russia.

One of the best black teas supplied to the Russian market is Greenfield tea, the assortment in bags and in bulk of this drink is very wide. For example, "Classical Breakfast" - Indian, with invigorating properties - is the perfect choice for a morning drink. A "Golden Ceilon", originally from Sri Lanka, has a delicate aroma and unsurpassed taste.

For lovers of sophistication, Greenfield has prepared a drink with the aroma of bergamot Earl Gray Fantasy, which combines excellent Ceylon tea and bergamot and citrus zest. Greenfield Fine Darjeeling tea - Indian tea, harvested from highland plantations, has a light nutmeg flavor and floral aroma. Kenyan Sunrise - Kenyan, not quite familiar to our fellow citizens, but no less tasty and fragrant. And Chinese tea Noble Pu-erh has a tart sweetish taste that pleasantly envelops from the inside. His compatriot Lapsang Souchong is a real "smoked" tea, which is smoked over burning pine branches, which is why it acquires an outstanding aroma.

Green tea

Green tea is a tea drink that has undergone minimal fermentation, which is why it has retained its rather pale color and pronounced bitter taste. Such tea is not for everyone, but it is incredibly useful and is a real storehouse of vitamins and a healer for many diseases.

The Greenfield green tea collections are not as numerous as their predecessors, the black tea drinks collections, and consist of only three items produced as Greenfield green tea. Although the assortment is not so rich, there are not so many lovers of green tea.

Among them are the Flying Dragon collections. It is collected on plantations in China, has a yellowish color and a very rich floral taste. The next collection is Jasmin Dream, again Chinese, with an incomparable jasmine scent. And completes the collection of Japanese Sencha - a rare Japanese drink, but aged in the spirit of all Japanese tea traditions.

Fruit and herbal tea

This collection is the most extensive and also the most loved by customers. It is she who is best known to those who buy Greenfield tea. The assortment in sachets (and this collection is available only in sachets) is very diverse and attractive. Among the teas of the fruit collection, the following names can be distinguished: Camomile Meadow - chamomile, Mango Delight - mango flavor, Festival Grapes - a mixture of apple, hibiscus and rosehip, Lemon Sparkl - lemon, Summer Bouquet - with raspberry, rosehip and hibiscus aroma. In addition to these, buyers are very fond of Christmas Mystery - with spices, Vanilla Wave, which also has spices and apricot aroma and Easter Cheer, which has vanilla, lemon, mint and verbena aromas.

Fruit tea "Greenfield" in pyramids (its assortment is simply amazing) will reach the heart of any person who is not indifferent to this product!

Exotic collections

The exotic is always tempting and attractive, which is why the producers of the Greenfield brand also did not bypass it. White tea is tea that has undergone weak fermentation, which is why it comes out very pale, almost white. Its aroma and taste are very subtle, so only a connoisseur of tea will be able to recognize them. Chinese white tea "Greenfield", the assortment (photo below) is small, because its taste is not for everybody.

The same goes for "Highland Oolong", which has undergone only half fermentation, which is why it has an atypical taste and aroma. These drinks are non-standard, but many people, having tried them for the first time, become fans of this tea.


Despite the manufacturer's initial deception related to the brand name, this drink is still one of the best on the Russian market both in terms of quality and pricing. Therefore, many people fell in love with this supposedly "overseas" tea "Greenfield". Assortment, gift packaging - just an amateur's dream! Everything is beyond praise. The gift box combines almost all Greenfield collections and contains as many as 120 bags of wonderful fragrances! A wonderful gift for relatives and friends who will be very grateful spending the evenings over a cup of this wonderful drink.

Among the shortcomings of Greenfield tea, only the presence of artificial flavors in some fruit brands can be distinguished. Nevertheless, it is packaged very beautifully and tastefully, which invariably improves the standard of living and gives a good mood. Drinking a cup of Greenfield tea, you involuntarily come across something fabulous and magical, and this, you see, is worth a lot!

Julia Vern 65 022 3

The Orimi Trade group of companies began its history back in 1994, when a new brand of tea, Princess Kandy, was introduced to the Russian market. In the next few years, the young ambitious company showed serious growth rates - subsidiaries were created in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, new brands of tea were introduced - "Princess Java", "Princess Nuri" and "Princess Gita".

Already in 1998, Orimi Trade was one of the top three tea companies in Russia; in 1999, Princesses occupied more than 20% of the country's tea market. In subsequent years, the company continues to develop dynamically - it builds factories, opens subsidiaries in neighboring countries, develops a network of regional offices, expands its range (now it includes Jockey coffee) and begins exporting its products abroad.

To date, Orimi Trade tea and coffee products are sold in 35 countries around the world, and in many markets, including Russia and the CIS countries, it is the leader in terms of market share and consumer preferences.

A significant event for both the company and consumers took place in 2003 - the Orimi Trade group of companies signed an agreement with the British Greenfield Tea Ltd and began promoting Greenfield tea. Today, according to numerous studies, the Greenfield trademark deservedly takes the place of the "favorite tea" of the inhabitants of Russia, and this is not surprising - the brand's assortment includes more than 30 varieties of the drink for every taste.

Black tea is traditionally popular in Russia and Europe as a warming and tonic (we recall that black tea contains almost the same amount of caffeine as coffee) drink, probably everyone at least once in their life appreciated the charm of a cup of hot tea after a frosty day or at breakfast. In this collection, the manufacturer offers both varieties well-known to connoisseurs of tea, as well as more exotic types that surprise with their taste and aroma. A real tea gourmet will try everything, and suddenly there is a new favorite variety.

golden ceylon

  • Ceylon tea from the province of Rugunu without additives and flavorings
  • , can 150 g

Tea from Ceylon (or from Sri Lanka) is probably known to every connoisseur of a fragrant drink, but not everyone knows that the cultivation of tea plants on the island began only at the end of the 19th century and now tea plantations occupy most of its area. Black tea from Sri Lanka has a strong aroma and noble taste, which is jealously followed by plantation owners who have dedicated their lives to the continuous improvement of the quality of their product.

Classic Breakfast

  • Indian tea from the province of Assam without additives and flavorings
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The variety grown in the foothills of the Himalayas has a slightly tart taste and a pronounced tonic effect, which makes it an excellent drink in the morning. Interestingly, the Himalayan climate had a very detrimental effect on the classic Chinese tea plant, so the British had to cultivate its Indian variety, Camelia assamica, in the 1930s.

Magic Yunnan

  • Chinese tea from the Yunnan province with a slight hint of prunes
  • packaged: pack of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The southwestern Chinese province of Yun'an is considered the historical homeland of that very tea tree, there are even historical documents and evidence confirming this fact. It was here that the first tea plant was cultivated more than two millennia ago, here they still preserve and honor the centuries-old traditions of growing and harvesting tea, including drying tea leaves over an open fire, which gives the drink a certain “smoky” flavor.

  • Ceylon tea from Uva plantations with bergamot
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g, tin can 150 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The history of the famous “gray-haired earl” is full of legends, one more interesting than the other, but what you can’t take away from the indispensable companion of the English five’o’clock is its slightly spicy aroma, saturated with citrus notes. This variety has gained wide popularity and recognition around the world due to its noble taste and its ability to energize for the whole day.

Fine Darjeeling

  • tea with cinnamon, apricot pieces and marigold petals from the highland plantations of northern India
  • allows for re-welding
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g

This variety of tea is famous for the fact that it can grow only in the vicinity of the town of Darjeeling on the crest of the Himalayas at an altitude of more than two thousand meters above sea level. Attempts to grow this variety elsewhere have not been successful, as the climate in the plantations is absolutely unique. There are several types of Darjeeling, which differ greatly in taste depending on the time of harvest. Fine Darjeeling tea belongs to the so-called "summer" variety, has a distinct nutmeg flavor and a bright aroma of flowers.

Delicate Keemun

  • Chinese tea from Anhui province
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Kimyn is a rather young variety compared to its counterparts, which have a centuries-old or even a thousand-year history. It has been grown in the eastern province of Anhui since 1875, previously mostly known for green teas. Kimyn has a rich, saturated taste and honey-floral aroma, the secret of which is that the tea is harvested four times a year, after which the technology prescribes to mix leaves from different collections.

Kenyan Sunrise

  • Kenyan tea from the Kericho region
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The Kericho region is the heart of Kenya's tea plantations, with such ideal conditions for the growth of the tea plant (plentiful rains, high-altitude rarefied air, high humidity and coolness) that a tea leaf is harvested here every seventeen days. Kenyan varieties are characterized by a slight astringency in taste and a bright amber color of the infusion; tea connoisseurs say that it is Kenyan tea that is best consumed with milk.

  • Chinese tea from Yunnan province
  • allows for re-welding
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Today, even those who are not very versed in tea have heard about pu-erh. A particularly large-leaved variety subjected to strong fermentation and after a passing period of aging, similar to cognac. In oriental medicine, it is believed that pu-erh is useful for the digestive and cardiovascular systems of the body, and what definitely cannot be taken away from it is its tonic properties - tea really invigorates. It has a mild sweetish taste and a somewhat specific aroma characteristic of varieties of strong fermentation.

Lapsang Souchong

  • Chinese tea from Fujian
  • allows for re-welding
  • sheet: cardboard pack 75 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

This variety is one of the varieties of red tea (which, as you know, is a subspecies of black), has a rather unusual taste and aroma, which is due to the process of its preparation. One of the steps is drying and roasting the leaves on pine wood, which gives the tea a characteristic "smoky" smell (sometimes this variety is called "smoked"). The finished drink has a bright burgundy-red color, a taste with hints of dried fruit and a slight sourness.

Collection Green Tea

Until the end of the 20th century, green tea was more popular in the countries of the East, while the Western world traditionally preferred black varieties. But with the growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle, the audience of amateurs has also grown.

green tea, as this drink has a decent amount of health benefits. Green tea varieties help to strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on various systems of the human body, and help with stress. Interestingly, green tea is made from the leaves of the same plant as black tea, just green tea is subjected to minimal fermentation.

  • Chinese tea from Hunan
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 and 200 g, can 150 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Hunan Province is located at the intersection of two ancient Chinese trade routes, in an area that has all the conditions for growing a tea plant - climate, altitude over 1000 meters, soil. Therefore, tea from these places has received worldwide recognition for its dense floral aroma and rich yellowish color of the drink. In addition, it gives energy for the whole day, quenches thirst and refreshes.

Jasmine Dream

  • Chinese tea from Yunnan province with jasmine aroma
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 and 200 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

In the province of Yun'an, the time of jasmine flowering coincides with the time of the first harvest of the tea leaf, from this coincidence this variety was born. Jasmine flowers plucked in the evening are added to tea leaves dried on an open fire (in the evening, during the flowering period, the aroma of jasmine is especially strong) and mixed thoroughly. After some time, when the tea leaves are saturated with aroma, the flowers are selected by hand, and the more expensive the tea variety, the more carefully they do it. As a result, jasmine essential oils increase the tonic properties of the drink, which is especially noticeable if you use it in the morning before a busy day.

Japanese Sencha

  • Japanese tea from Fukuoka
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

In Japanese culture, the tea ceremony occupies a special place and one of its components is sencha tea. Due to the island location of plantations, a special climate has developed here, which is extremely favorable for growing tea plants. In tea production, too, there are several special steps, such as shading with a bamboo canopy, steaming, and then flattening the leaf. Together, these factors give a rich creamy taste and the presence of sea breeze notes in the aroma.

Oolong Tea Collection

Oolong is an incompletely fermented tea leaf, classified between green tea and red tea according to the Chinese classification. This variety is quite difficult to produce, but the labor costs are justified, because oolong has absorbed the best features of both black and green varieties, not counting the whole bunch of all kinds of vitamins and other useful substances that this drink contains.

  • Chinese red tea from Fujian
  • sheet: cardboard pack 75 and 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

This tea is closer to red varieties of oolong (there are also so-called "turquoise" or green oolongs) and traditionally for varieties from Fujian province has a rich taste with hints of chocolate and honey. In addition, oolong has another characteristic feature, which the Chinese call "rhyme" - the drink has a very rich taste and a long, slightly sweet aftertaste.

White Tea Collection

White tea is one of the most exclusive varieties, because it is harvested only a couple of days a year and only young buds and the first two top leaves are harvested, which are covered with delicate white fluff, hence the variety got its name. This tea is unfermented and therefore rich in a large amount of antioxidants, for which it is so highly valued.

white bloom

  • Chinese white tea from Hunan
  • sheet: cardboard pack 50 and 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The rules for collecting white tea were established as early as the 17th century during the Ming Dynasty and have hardly changed since then. There is a whole set of rules for the behavior of a white tea picker, which takes into account the weather, time of day, even the food consumed before picking. This variety is harvested and processed by hand, dried in a natural way, which allows to preserve the maximum content of nutrients that are lost in other varieties during fermentation. The drink has a light amber hue (the so-called "pale amber") and a characteristic light honey flavor.

Herbal Tea Collection

The Greenfield herbal collection is a combination of familiar varieties with unusual exotic fruit and flower flavors, an attempt to push the boundaries of the ordinary and find new combinations that will appeal to tea lovers.

  • African herbal tea flavored with honey

Rooibos is a fluffy red-yellow shrub that grows exclusively in southern Africa. Studies have shown numerous beneficial properties of the drink, such as a general calming effect, a beneficial effect on the nervous system, an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for human life. Also, rooibos is a natural antioxidant, even more powerful than green tea. The drink has a bright golden-orange color, sweet aftertaste and perfectly quenches thirst.

Summer Bouquet

  • fruit tea based on raspberry, rosehip, hibiscus and apple
  • allows for re-welding
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The drink perfectly maintains strength due to the healing properties of rose hips and hibiscus, containing vitamin C and providing

restorative effect on the body. It has a pleasant, rich, slightly sour taste, perfectly refreshing when chilled and at the same time has a warming effect when hot. Does not contain caffeine.

Christmas Mystery

  • Ceylon black tea from Uva plantations with orange peel, cloves, cinnamon and dried apples
  • allows for re-welding
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

English tea dedicated to Christmas is a wonderful evening drink, spices give it additional tonic and warming properties, rich aroma. In addition, cloves and cinnamon contain elements that reduce fatigue, while notes of citrus fruits give the ensemble a festive taste and smell.

  • herbal tea from chamomile flowers with the addition of dried apples and cinnamon
  • packaged: in packs of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Chamomile tea is believed to have a calming effect and this is not without reason, it does not contain caffeine and is excellent for relieving fatigue and tension. Being a powerful natural antiseptic, chamomile is very useful in winter in the prevention of colds. The drink has a pleasant taste, very organically complemented by the taste of dried apples and a slight sharpness of cinnamon.

Green Melissa

  • Chinese green tea with lemon balm, mint and lemon flavor
  • packaged: pack of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The composition of first-class green tea, lemon balm and mint has a number of useful qualities - it prevents insomnia, relieves emotional fatigue, according to legend, even Avicenna believed that lemon balm helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The drink has a greenish tint, slightly tart taste, slightly spicy aroma with distinct hints of lemon. Perfectly helps to quench thirst and refreshes in the heat.

Mate Aguante

  • "Paraguayan" tea with lemon grass (lemongrass) and grapefruit flavor
  • allows for re-welding
  • packaged: pack of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

"Paraguayan" tea is made from the leaves of the evergreen holly (or mate) tree, which grows in Argentina and Paraguay. Mate is a unique drink, in addition to almost all vitamins and other substances necessary for a person, it contains a special element of mateine, which has all the benefits of caffeine, but without its side properties. Therefore, mate can be safely drunk in large quantities for a tonic effect and concentration, in addition, it strengthens the immune system and reduces stress. The drink has a fairly thick and tart taste with a slight citrus tinge and aroma.

  • fruit tea with rose hips, hibiscus and dried apples with ginger flavor
  • allows for re-welding
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Ginger is as popular today as it was in the Middle Ages, when it was added to almost every dish and drink. The healing properties of ginger are very extensive - it helps digestion, is used as a warming drink, as an analgesic, strengthens the immune system and contains a wide range of various vitamins and minerals. Ginger Red tea has a rich taste with a pronounced ginger aroma, has warming properties and perfectly quenches thirst.

Lotus Breeze

  • Chinese green tea with lotus aroma and natural mint leaves
  • allows for re-welding
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

In Eastern traditions, the lotus has a special place, it is often endowed with magical properties, and tea with its petals is an old Chinese tradition. The basis of Lotus Breeze is green tea, lemon balm and mint leaves, which is well felt by the aroma of the drink, which is intertwined with light aromatic tones of the lotus. The content of caffeine in the drink is reduced, it is good in hot weather, has an excellent refreshing effect.

Festive Grape

  • fruit tea with grape leaves based on rose hips, hibiscus and dried apples
  • allows for re-welding
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The basis of this tea is hibiscus, rose hips and pieces of dried apples, which gives it a significant amount of vitamin C. The drink has a general tonic effect, when chilled it is perfectly refreshing, the aroma of red grape leaves sets off light sourness from hibiscus and the sweetness of apples.

Camomile Meadow

  • herbal tea from chamomile flowers with rose hips, lemon balm and lychee flavor
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

A caffeine-free drink with a pronounced relaxing effect. The light and pleasant taste of chamomile petals and the smell of lemon balm unexpectedly brightly sets off the aroma of lychee - an exotic fruit that grows in the subtropics, also known as the "Chinese plum".

  • Indian black tea with mint, thyme and blackcurrant leaves
  • allows for re-welding
  • packaged: pack of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Thyme is a spice that has been known for a long time and has managed to acquire an incredible number of legends and beliefs. It is good to drink tea with it in the morning, since thyme is a rather strong natural stimulant, it helps a lot with stress and depression, and energizes for the whole day. The drink has a tart taste, in which mint adds coolness, and thyme - spices. Blackcurrant leaves give the tea a light floral aroma.

Creamy Rooibos

  • herbal African tea with vanilla flavor and orange peels
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Young sprigs of rooibos give the drink a sweetish taste, favorably set off by a slight hint of vanilla, and orange peels add bright, sunny notes to the aroma. Tea is an excellent antioxidant, does not contain caffeine and has a good refreshing effect.

Easter Cheer

  • Indian black tea with mint, verbena, vanilla and citrus peel
  • allows for re-welding
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The rich taste of Indian tea with a light vanilla aroma is complemented by citrus notes from lemon and orange peels, a cool mint shade completes the ensemble. The presence of verbena in the collection endows the drink with tonic properties - verbena has long been used in case of loss of strength, it is also believed that it stimulates mental activity.

  • Chinese green tea with pineapple chunks, blackcurrant leaves, lemongrass, ginger and dried apples
  • allows for re-welding
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

This drink has a special combination of taste and aroma - dried apples give the astringency of green tea a sweet aftertaste, ginger adds spices, and the combination of lemongrass (also known as lemongrass) with pineapple and blackcurrant leaves creates a unique aroma with bright fruity and citrus notes.

Mango Delight

  • Chinese white tea with mango pieces and dried apples
  • allows for re-welding
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Possessing all the characteristic features of white tea, this drink has acquired additional shades of taste and aroma - thanks to mango pieces, the sweetish aftertaste has intensified and enriched with apple shades. Perfectly quenches thirst, especially when chilled.

barberry garden

  • Indian black tea with hibiscus, barberry, cornflower petals and hibiscus
  • allows for re-welding
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The natural noble aroma of Indian tea is enhanced by fragrant barberry berries, the taste is delicate and, at the same time, bright, rich, barberry gives it a sweet and sour tint. Thanks to hibiscus, the drink is perfectly refreshing and has a bright tonic effect.

Lemon Spark

  • Ceylon black tea with orange and lemon peel
  • allows for re-welding
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The taste of black tea with lemon is probably familiar to everyone - this is a universal drink that is drunk to keep warm, and chilled, and during a cold. Lemon Spark has a classic lemon tea aroma with a touch of orange that adds some freshness to the familiar drink.

  • Ceylon black tea with marigold petals, apricot pieces, vanilla and cinnamon
  • allows for re-welding
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The drink has a complex multifaceted taste - tart Ceylon tea, in which cinnamon adds spices, apricot pieces give a sweetish aftertaste, vanilla notes are also woven here. Calendula petals have a calming effect, have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

In addition to the above, the Greenfield trademark periodically releases tea gift sets - a tin box usually contains up to four packs of loose tea of ​​different varieties or about thirty varieties of tea bags. There are options with four special varieties in pyramids, New Year's or Christmas sets. Everyone will find a drink to their taste in the assortment of the company, especially since Greenfield never ceases to delight lovers of sitting with a cup of fragrant drink with new tastes and aromas, both classic and completely exotic.

Every fan of the aromatic drink who does not want to spend precious time conquering the heights of the Japanese and Chinese traditions of tea drinking knows firsthand the taste of Greenfield tea. And such a choice is quite expected not only because of the popularity of this brand, but also because of the variety of products that can easily satisfy the highest demands of sophisticated tea lovers, not to mention the average buyer.

Variety of tea collection

From this article you will learn:

Greenfield tea was created by professionals in their field and real fans of the aromatic drink. It is likely that it is due to this fact that there is such an impressive taste variety - each person will be able to choose his own special tea.

“Today, TM Greenfield specializes in the production of 3 tea collections - black, green and.”

Each variety has a unique taste and bright aroma. Such a drink can not only keep you warm in a cold blizzard, but also refresh you in a hot summer - it all depends on the ingredients of the tea. It should be noted that Greenfield products consist not only of natural, but also artificial components, flavors that can enhance the taste and aroma properties of the drink several times over.

Beautiful packaging depicts magnificent landscapes and still lifes. Their main goal is to interest a potential buyer in the contents of a bright package. The aroma of tea leaves is safely stored under a strong foil package.

Green varieties

From time immemorial, green teas have been treated with special respect in Japan and China. It was perceived not as an ordinary drink with which you can quench your thirst, but as an effective means of spiritual harmonization with the surrounding reality.

Note that this drink restores the structure of the hair, increases the elasticity of the skin and improves the condition of the tooth enamel. In most cases, the duration of brewing does not exceed 5 minutes. TM "Greenfield" offers customers 9 varieties of green teas: from traditional flavors to aromas with all kinds of herbal and flower compositions:

  • green tea from the Chinese province of Fukuoka (a rare species);
  • with the addition of lemon balm;
  • with and melissa;
  • ordinary ;
  • long leaf with notes of acai and lemon zest;
  • flavored ginger green tea.

White tea

An exclusive variety of tea with an incredibly delicate taste, in which there are no extraneous notes or bitterness. Only natural ingredients are used in the production cycle. Brew in hot water (no more than 80 degrees) and infuse for 3-4 minutes.

Recently, 2 types of white tea have appeared on sale at once - with notes of freshly picked apples and honey taste.

Black tea

A traditional and well-known variety with a characteristic brown-red color. It contains a lot of caffeine, and therefore invigorates sometimes better than any coffee. You can use it regardless of the time of day.

If we consider exclusively Greenfield products, then it is represented mainly by products grown in Kenya, China, India and Ceylon. Products are represented by 8 types (depending on taste, supplier, leaf size). Increasingly, they are found in combination with vanilla, all kinds of additives, cinnamon and.

herbal teas

Greenfield brand products are represented by a variety of teas that boast a variety of flavors. In the product range you can find relaxing flavored drinks that do not contain caffeine. They normalize sleep patterns and fill the human body with energy and vitality.

The duration of brewing such teas varies from 5 to 9 minutes. Each buyer can easily choose exactly the taste that he likes best:

Note that not all manufacturers provide such a variety of products to customers. And if you're just joining the tea community, we highly recommend trying every flavor. It is especially worth taking a closer look at non-conservative tea lovers.

Beneficial features

The Greenfield trademark is one of the few on the domestic market that treats the quality of its own products with trepidation. Production facilities for the procurement of raw materials are concentrated all over the planet, which makes it possible to surprise the mass consumer with a huge range of products. And if a few years ago traditional teas dominated, in the last 2-3 years a diametrically opposite trend has been observed.

Greenfield specialists are constantly improving, adjusting products for market variability. Perhaps this is the main success of the company.

A few words about "painful"

In recent years, the company's development vector has been adjusted. Even an inexperienced layman can easily notice that with each subsequent year the company expands its product range with all kinds of artificial additives and flavors.

It is not surprising that on thematic forums with enviable regularity there are comments regarding the lack of originality in the taste of Greenfield teas. They become synthetic. It is enough to try real Chinese or Japanese tea at least once and you will no longer want to return to the "greenfield".

In pursuit of a mass buyer, TM is gradually losing its "face" of a quality manufacturer, replenishing the ranks of average companies without pretensions to high quality. However, this is a general trend for manufacturers in the realities of the globalization of the world. Now many people decide to release an affordable product without bothering about the quality component.

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Greenfield is a tea that is very popular. Many believe that it has a centuries-old history. However in fact, it appeared only in 2003. It was founded by the Russian company Orimi Trade. The name of the product "Greenfield" in translation into Russian means one of the options "Green field", and in another way - "an enterprise that was created from scratch."

It is noteworthy that the company not only gave the English name, but also bought an office in the UK capital. This is a professional marketing ploy that adds solidity to Greenfield. As a result, the brand inspires confidence among customers and is in demand. Another decisive factor is the huge range.

Varieties of black tea

Black tea is one of the most popular. In the Greenfield collections, it is distinguished by a special variety:

  1. Classic breakfast."Name" in translation means "classic breakfast". And indeed, he is able to give a charge of vivacity and good mood in the morning. The drink has a slightly tart taste and has tonic properties. They produce a product from good varieties of a plant that grows in India.
  2. Delicate Keemun. It is produced from Chinese plant varieties. The main feature is a unique combination of floral and honey aromas.
  3. Easter Cheers. The Indian variety has been combined with spring herbs. The tea itself has a rich brown color, aromas of citrus and verbena with mint and vanilla notes.
  4. Earl Gray Fantasy. At the heart of the leaves of Ceylon Alas. This is a popular drink with a soft splash of citrus.
  5. Magic Yunnan. This is a Chinese variety. The highlight is the delicate fruity notes of plums and aftertaste with a slight bitterness.
  6. Golden Ceylon. This is a classic Ceylon tea, the main advantage of which is a noble shade.
  7. Earl Gray Fanta. This variety is from Sri Lanka. The classic taste is complemented by bergamot. Fans note that he is able to charge with positive and even give a feeling of real celebration.
  8. Fine Darjeeling. The variety is very much loved by true connoisseurs of tea, who understand its value. As part of a variety that can be found exclusively in the highlands of India. Cultivation of the plant in other areas of the world has not led to positive results. The drink has a pleasant aroma of delicate jasmine and light notes of nutmeg.
  9. Noble Pu-Erh. The amazing product is one of a kind pu-erh. It has a rather unusual aroma and soft velvety taste.
  10. Kenyan Sunrise. The leaves of the plant are harvested in Kenya. Drink lovers note a rich and bright aftertaste. It is noteworthy that even with milk it does not lose its strength and flavor.
  11. spring melody. It has an unobtrusive astringency and herbal aroma. This is a mixture of classic Indian herbal tea -.
  12. Lapsang Souchong. The old variety is often referred to as "smoked". Advantages - a combination of fruity and ginger aroma, as well as a slight interspersing of resinous notes. Sometimes a delicious product is called "red tea" because of the dried fruits and prunes present in the composition. It is they who color the water in a rich burgundy-red tone.
  13. Christmas Mystery. The festive drink tastes more like mulled wine than ordinary tea. It is represented by the aroma of dried apple, cinnamon, citrus fruits with a slight smell of cloves.
  14. barberry garden. It is supplemented with cornflower and barberry petals.
  15. Vanilla Wave. He is from Sri Lanka. Presented with a combination of cinnamon, vanilla and apricot, and the final note is marigold petals.
  16. Lemon Spark. Lemon flavored tea bags are a classic. Contains citrus peel and lemongrass.

Such a huge variety of Greenfield teas ensures that finding a favorite is a breeze. You can choose assorted packs, which contain bags of different varieties. This is a good option for those who are still looking for "their" Greenfield in bags.

Types of green tea

It is from the manufacturer "Greenfield" is presented in a more modest assortment. An interesting feature is the presence of unique and unusual options:

  1. flying dragon. The brewed drink has the aroma of summer nature - a flowering meadow, making it one of the most sought after.
  2. Jasmin Dream. Lovers of delicate jasmine will love this tea. At the same time, it brings significant benefits to the body.
  3. Green Melissa. Those who like the smell of lemon balm will love this tea. It also contains mint leaves.
  4. Lotus Breeze. This is a unique combination of aromas of lotus flowers and mint. It will appeal to lovers of freshness.
  5. Tropical Marvel. A unique drink, in addition to green tea, is also represented by crushed fruit fruits. It is reminiscent of pineapple and apples with a slight astringency as well as a ginger flavor.
  6. Japanese Sencha. The Japanese variety is one of the most unusual. It is distinguished by a refined creamy taste that has something mysterious and oriental.

Each type of green drink in bags has its own unique aroma and taste. Everyone can find a favorite in such a variety.

Variety of white tea

Such a drink has a delicate, refined aroma and an almost complete absence of color. That is why many are sure that it is inferior in quality to other varieties. Nevertheless, you should definitely try this amazing drink. Perhaps he will like it more than others. The range of "Greenfield" is represented by the following types:

  1. whitebloom. This is a classic variety of rare tea, which is legendary. Features of the collection were established back in the 17th century, and they do not deviate from traditions even now. The plant is harvested on plantations in China exclusively by hand. Distinctive features are a unique light amber hue and an unobtrusive light honey aroma.
  2. Mango Delight. Apple and mango are additives that add richness and aroma.

Assortment of herbal teas

Species from the brand "Greenfield" are represented only by collections in bags. The variety is quite impressive:

  1. Summer Bouquet. Rosehip, raspberry and hibiscus are the main ingredients. A distinctive feature is a slight sourness and fresh taste. When cold, it often saves in hot weather.
  2. Rich Camomile. The taste of chamomile flowers soothes and gives a feeling of peace. Slight inclusions of cinnamon and apple improve the taste.
  3. Camomile Meadow. This type of herbal tea is also available, as well as lemon balm and lychee fruit.
  4. Honey Rooibos. Drink represents This plant is found only in southern Africa. A distinctive feature is an amazing aroma, sweetish taste.
  5. Mate Aguante. One of the exotic varieties of tea with Paraguayan holly leaves. It has a tonic property due to the content of caffeine. It also contains grapefruit.
  6. Ginger Red. The main focus is on ginger, which is exquisitely complemented by hibiscus, apple and rose hips.
  7. Creamy Rooibos. The main note belongs to rooibos. This plant is native to Africa. The stems and leaves are used to make tea. Another delicious ingredient is orange.

Greenfield specialty teas

There are two types from the manufacturer, which are rarely separated into separate groups. One of them is Festive Grape. This is a fruit product in which rosehip, apple and red grapes. The manufacturer does not offer a separate group of fruit teas, since many types use various fruits, for example, black or herbal teas.

Another interesting view is Oolong or. For lovers of Greenfield tea, it is presented with a view of Highland Oolong. The main feature is a long and pleasant aftertaste. There are hints of honey and chocolate. For the manufacture, a tea leaf is used that has not been fully fermented. This allows you to save a maximum of useful properties.

Gift collections "Greenfield"

For true tea lovers, the manufacturer decided to create special gift collections. They contain almost the entire range of black, green and herbal products. A kind of "tea card" contains 30 varieties of tea, each type of 4 bags.

Gift collection - an opportunity to please friends and loved ones with a pleasant present. You can choose a drink according to the time of day and year, according to your mood and personal preferences. The perfect gift has a spectacular packaging, so it can be immediately presented to the recipient.

Greenfield is one of the brightest representatives of the domestic tea market. Includes more than 30 products for every taste. Its distinguishing features are impeccable taste, competent and original packaging, and, of course, high quality.

About the manufacturer

Today, Orimi Trade is the leader in the Russian tea market. The Greenfield tea brand is considered to be her finest brainchild. The new brand was launched in 2003 and impressed with its rich assortment, beautiful presentation and really high quality products.

Today Greenfield tea presents several tea collections:

  • white;
  • black;
  • green;
  • oolong;
  • herbal.

Despite the fact that there are more than a thousand varieties of tea in the world, there are unchanging leaders who are revered by drink lovers all over the world. It is these varieties that have collected the above presented collections. The most expensive is Greenfield, which is included in the elite list.

In this gift box you can buy most of the range of tea bags

The manufacturer cares about the image of his products, so he often holds promotions, games, makes adjustments to the visual presentation of the product and correctly conducts an advertising policy. Greenfield is translated from English as "green field". Indeed, his popularity grew as fast as grass in a meadow.

The brand has both a rare and a red Chinese product. All teas are produced in leaf form, in bags and pyramids. To keep the taste of the drink unchanged, tea bags are additionally packaged in sealed foil envelopes.

Product range

The assortment of Greenfield tea is so wide and varied that it would take a whole year to try everything. The most popular types of tea from India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, China and Japan have found their rightful places in the brand's collections.


I collected several varieties of Chinese and Ceylon tea from different regions. They are sold in sheet and packaged form, packed in cardboard boxes. You can buy a whole set of different types of tea, as a gift to a loved one or for yourself, to try everything at once. The collection of black teas is the most demanded in the domestic market, as it is considered the best drink for morning and lunchtime.

Collection leaders:

  • Golden Ceylon, created in the Ruhuna region, has a harmonious classic taste;
  • Classic Breakfast from the Assam plantation is distinguished by astringency and high tonic power;
  • Earl Gray Fantasy - highland Ceylon tea with citrus notes;
  • Magic Yunnan - Chinese with notes of prunes in the taste from the Yunnan province;
  • Delicate Keemun - a new Chinese variety with a floral-fruity aroma;
  • Kenyan Sunrise - a young African variety Kenyan Sunrise has a tart taste and a beautiful orange-amber color of the infusion;
  • Lapsang Souchong - red Chinese with a smoky aroma and pleasant notes of dried fruit on the palate;
  • Fine Darjeeling is a highland Ceylon product with apricot pieces, calendula and cinnamon, harvested from the crest of the Himalayas.

Black tea from the described varieties can be purchased in leaf form in packs of 100 g or in bags of 25 individually wrapped tea bags in a common carton box.


The Greenfield green tea collection is represented by some of the most expressive products in terms of taste. They can be purchased in cardboard packs of 100 and 200 grams, or in bags of 25 or 100 pieces in one package.

Products Description:

  • Flying Dragon - Chinese alpine drink with a pronounced floral aroma and a beautiful yellow color of the infusion, perfectly tones, Flying Dragon translates as a flying dragon;
  • Jasmine Dream - Chinese from the Yunnan province, produced according to the classical technology of natural flavoring;
  • Japanese Sencha is a tea with creamy notes from the province of Fukuoka, produced using a complex multi-stage technology that is kept secret.


The collection is represented by Chinese tea Milk Oolong. This is a semi-fermented product that occupies an intermediate position between black and green tea. The tea presented in the collection is called Highland Oolong. It has a pleasant honey-chocolate taste and a long sweetish aftertaste. In loose form, it can be purchased in packs of 75 and 100 g, or you can prefer a package of 25 bags.


Among all teas, white occupies a leading position. It is rich in antioxidants because it is not fermented like green or black tea. It is harvested only a few days a year, and only the top young flushes and buds, covered with a delicate fluff, are selected by the pickers.

The collection features White Bloom, a Chinese product from the Hunan province. The color of the infusion resembles pale amber, and the taste is distinguished by pleasant honey notes. It can be purchased in a pack of 50 or 100, or in bags of 25 pieces.

herbal teas

This is the largest collection in the range of the brand. Includes traditional teas flavored with pieces of berries, fruits, flower petals and the most unusual flavors. Among the most popular are:

  • African rooibos with honey notes;
  • Rich Camomile - chamomile with cinnamon and apple;
  • Green Melissa, which includes lemon balm, mint and lemon;
  • Ginger Red - ginger with hibiscus, apple and rosehip.

In the Greenfield collection you can find grape, lychee, currant, vanilla, and many other flavors. The composition includes only natural fruits, berries and spices, as well as flavors identical to natural

Each tea product of the brand can be bought in the store or ordered online. This is not just a high-quality and delicious tea, it is almost a lifestyle that requires you to try out all the new flavors and evaluate the impressions from them.
