Pyramid made of mastic step by step. Homemade mastic for cakes and for sculpting flowers

A birthday cake is a must-have decoration for any celebration. We all want it to turn out impeccable - tasty and beautiful. You can decorate the confectionery product in an original way - with figures, compositions, inscriptions and even flower bouquets. All you need to do is figure out how to make mastic.

What is mastic and its types

Before you pay attention to the video on how to make mastic, it’s a good idea to know what it is. So, mastic is a unique astringent substance, homogeneous in composition, viscous and soft, like plasticine. The substance is quite edible and even very tasty. To prepare it use natural dyes And quality products nutrition.

When deciding how to make mastic for a cake, you can give preference to one of the following types:

  • honey: mastic made from honey is very soft, does not crumble or crumble;

This is exactly the type you will need if you are interested in how to make a flower from mastic - it is elastic and pliable, ideal for “jewelry” work.

  • gelatin (pastillage): thickens quickly thanks to the gelatin base, hardens well, retains elasticity for a long time, used for small and complex parts;
  • milk, with condensed milk: suitable for medium figures or for covering the entire cake;
  • marzipan, with almonds: Can be rolled out very thin and is ideal for covering the surface of a pie.

All these types of mastic can be made independently at home.

What is needed to make mastic. Popular recipes

On the question of how to make mastic, the video master class will be an excellent guide, but what about general issues? Don't forget that you will need special tools:

  • rolling pin;
  • a wooden board for rolling out mastic on it;
  • round knife;
  • ruler;
  • floral ribbon;
  • cling film.

Let's look at the simplest and most common options for making mastic with your own hands.

Recipe one demonstrates how to make milk mastic.

You will need:

  • 160 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 200 grams of condensed milk;
  • 150 grams of milk powder;
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice;
  • teaspoon of cognac (optional).

There is nothing easier than making mastic step by step:

  • Connects powdered milk with powdered sugar.
  • The mixture is sifted through a sieve.
  • Condensed milk is gradually poured into it, lemon juice and cognac.
  • Everything is thoroughly kneaded until it resembles plasticine in consistency.
  • The mass is packed in cling film and place in the freezer for an hour.

Advice! Even already prepared mastic can be painted. To do this, dye is poured into a small ball of mastic (into the recess), and then everything is kneaded until a uniform color is obtained.

Recipe two: how to make mastic from marshmallows (marshmallows).

For this recipe you will need:

The marshmallows are placed in a deep plate and filled with water, and then placed in the microwave for 40 seconds. When the sweetness melts, you can add powder (pre-sifted) to it.

Advice! If you want the mixture to not be too sweet and have a slight sourness, replace the water with lemon juice.

Powdered sugar is added slowly and gradually until the sweetness acquires the consistency of plasticine. As soon as the effect is achieved, the material is transferred to the freezer and kept there for about half an hour. After this you can start working.

Advice! If the mastic has been in the refrigerator for a long time, then it needs to be heated a little in the microwave and mixed with the addition of powder. This will make it plastic and the question of how to make figures from mastic will not cause difficulties.

How to make figures and cover cakes?

If you want to create original decoration, remember: you need to make flowers from mastic at least 2 weeks before the celebration. It was during this period finished goods dry and will keep their shape perfectly.

Often, not individual figures are made from mastic, but a covering for the entire cake (a hat). Then the process comes down to this:

  • roll out the mastic on powdered sugar or corn flour;
  • we form a flat cake so that it covers both the top of the cake and its edges;
  • Place the mastic only on the cooled cake layer - otherwise it will melt;
  • We carefully press the decoration onto the surface of the cake, otherwise fingerprints will remain on it.

Important! Don't forget that fancy decorations are a food product. The finished mastic can be stored for no more than 3 months, preferably in the refrigerator.

People are often interested in how to make a rose from mastic, because this classic decoration turns any cake into a confectionery masterpiece! Making a rose is very simple:

  • mastic is rolled out thinly on the table;
  • cut out circles of the required size in the quantity required for you (5-7 pieces will be enough);
  • the petals alternately roll up, connecting to each other, starting from the center;
  • the core curls more tightly, and the further away from it, the more magnificent the flower becomes;
  • It is taken into account that the petals spread out a little, and their edges are tucked. The elements of the sweet design will adhere tightly and will not fall apart if they are held together with water when forming the bud.

Mastic is practical, tasty and elegant; you will definitely love this way of decorating desserts!

Mastic is a soft and viscous substance that is very similar to plasticine. Since it is made using products familiar to many and natural dyes, mastic can be eaten.

You can make mastic at home yourself from marshmallows, chocolate, honey, condensed milk or gelatin.If you do not want to do this, you can purchase ready-made mastic in specialized confectionery stores.

Important! If you decide to decorate the cake with mastic figures, it is advisable to make them in advance, about 1-2 weeks in advance, so that they dry well.

How long does it take to make figurines?

If you didn’t have problems with creativity at school, then you can easily cope with mastic. As mentioned above, its structure resembles plasticine. But even if you are not a natural sculptor, then after several attempts you will definitely be able to make a rose or a bear from mastic. For our own first products, select at simple figures.

Decoration with flat figures

The most simple view decorations are flat figures. They can be made using a variety of stencils or cookie cutters. To make flat figures, the mastic is rolled out into a thin layer, and then the necessary decoration is cut out. This way you can cut out numbers, letters or flat flowers.

Decorating a cake in the quilling style will also be spectacular. Twist thin strips of fondant into patterns, let dry, and then secure to the cake.

You should know! Details for mastic decorations are glued together or attached to the cake with a drop of water, edible glue or whipped egg white.

Mastic bow

From flat parts you can make three-dimensional figures. For example, a bow.

  • The mastic is rolled out into a thin layer.
  • Then a rectangular strip 16 cm long and 6 cm wide is cut out.
  • Press the edges of the rectangle into folds and fold them towards the center. You can place small paper tubes into the resulting folds for more volume.
  • Then cut another small strip and “tie” the resulting bow in the middle. Don't forget to fasten all the elements together.

Mastic pig

If you are confident in your abilities, then you can safely start sculpting animal figures or fairy-tale characters from mastic. It's not difficult to sculpt animals. For example, a pig.

"Hand made" is great way to please others and to show off oneself. And cooking is no exception. For example, a masterpiece homemade cake: with lush sponge cakes and delicious cream, covered with sweet homemade mastic and decorated with the same sweet mastic figures or flowers. But we will not offer you recipes for delicious cakes, but rather we suggest focusing on the decor and mastering the basics of art, how to make cake figurines from mastic with your own hands.

How to make figures from mastic

Let's start with what you need to make decor from mastic at home. Firstly, the mastic or paste itself, which you can buy at finished form in the store or find the recipe that is most convenient for you and make it yourself.
Secondly, what to work with it with, that is, tools (and hands, of course). From special tools you may need:

  • silicone mat for working with mastic mass;
  • special snacks for small parts;
  • recesses, plungers, molds, patchwork - that is various forms to obtain ready-made figures or parts thereof;
  • brushes for painting figures, brushing off excess starch or powder from them, as well as applying a coating for shine.

Here we will immediately make a reservation that all of the above will make your work easier and are not a prerequisite, without which working with a cake cover is impossible.
Thirdly, the idea and the method of its implementation. Here you can use your imagination and your culinary and artistic skills as a basis, or you can turn to the all-knowing Internet and find there suitable mastic figures and videos on how to sculpt them. And here it will not hurt you to know some practical aspects of working with mastic mass in terms of creating figures:

    1. Lubricate the joints of the parts or the figure itself with the base with water - this guarantees their strong “adhesion”;
    1. if your idea is colored, it is not necessary to paint the mastic mass itself - you can paint a ready-made, but well-dried figurine;
  1. When using artificial food colors, choose salt-free options.

You can replace them natural juice beets, spinach or carrots.
If you are just starting your journey into the world of sculpting figures from mastic, then choose goals that are easy to accomplish - flowers, simple figures. And we have prepared for you a couple of ways to create such “starter” decorations for baking.

Roses made from mastic

Do beautiful roses This way is not at all difficult. For this, take the mastic of the desired color, cutting board, scalpel and rolling pin.
Now let's move on directly to the process of creating simple, but very delicate and beautiful roses:
1. form an oblong “sausage” from a small piece of mastic mass;
2. roll it out with a rolling pin, but do not be too zealous and leave sufficient thickness;
3. Lightly smooth one edge of the rolled out mass, which will be the top of our flower, with your finger and begin to roll it up from one end, pinching it from the bottom.
If such roses will be used to decorate cupcakes or pastries, the lower part of the resulting rose will need to be cut off, it will be part of the cake decoration - try to make the blanks longer.

If you have already mastered this technique or consider it too simple, try another easy way to create beautiful roses by watching the master class on mastic figurines:

Snails made from mastic

The ideal use for edible figures is cakes for children. We invite you to please them delicious cake, decorated with cute snails and presenting a simple way to make such figurines from mastic with your own hands. To do this, you will need mastic of several colors: light brown for the body, purple for the shell and black for the eyes. Of course, you can choose other color variations to suit your taste.
Now we make our delicious snails for the cake:
1. we start with the body of the snail, for which we roll a ball out of light brown mastic, from which we form an oval and stretch it, rolling it slightly so that one edge is narrower (this will be the tail), and the other wider and larger (this will be the snail’s head) ;
2. bending the body, we raise the head of the snail to the top and make holes in its upper part for the antennae, where we attach thin antennae rolled from a mastic mass of the same color, smearing the surfaces with water;
3. Now let’s move on to the shell: roll up a thin flagellum from purple mastic and roll it in a spiral, forming a snail;
4. We connect our shell with the body, also lubricating the contacting surfaces with water, and attach small eyes formed from black mastic mass to the head of the snail, also using water.

If you feel able to create a more complex version of the mastic snail, watch the following master class:

Decoration homemade baked goods using mastic, including figurines made from it, is an extremely exciting activity that brings a lot of positive emotions. So be careful – it will be very difficult to stop!

Mastic is a sweet plastic substance from which cooks and confectioners make various decorations for desserts. It will not be possible to create complex multi-tiered elements right away, but even a child can make simple figures to decorate sweets on the festive table. It is not only simple and exciting, but also very tasty. You can make decorations from mastic for wedding cake, heroes of your favorite children's cartoons, post simple applications. Below you will find a master class for creating small figures from mastic, which is also suitable for beginners.

Developed by culinary experts various recipes mastics that are suitable for certain cases. For example, to create a figurine with an abundance of small details, gelatin-based mastic is well suited. Honey mastic very soft, does not crumble or fall apart. The most common - milk - is used for filling confectionery, like marzipan. Industrial mastic is also available. It is sold in the store and all a novice cook needs is to start sculpting.

Learning to make figures from mastic: master class for beginners

The recipe for making sweet plasticine mass is as follows:

  • Powdered milk – 150 g.
  • Powdered sugar – 150 g.
  • Condensed milk – 200 g.
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cognac or flavoring – 1 tsp.
Preparing the mastic:
  1. Mix powdered sugar and milk powder.
  2. Pour condensed milk into the resulting mixture.
  3. Knead the dough by adding lemon juice and flavoring.

If desired, you can do colored mastic, if you add dye while kneading the dough.

Let's look at how to sculpt figures from mastic step by step. We'll give you a tutorial on how to make a toddler from the sweet mass.

  1. Prepare mastic according to the recipe described above. To make the little one more natural, you need to add flesh-colored dye when kneading the dough.
  2. Let's start with the torso. Make an oval the size of a small egg. Use a toothpick to make a hole - the navel in the lower part of the oval.
  3. Make a head by rolling it into a ball. It can be attached to the body with a toothpick inserted into the body.
  4. Let's draw a face. Use a toothpick to make eyes, draw a mouth, and instead of a nose, attach a small round ball, crushed into a cake.
  5. Make ears from two small balls, flatten them into flat cakes.
  6. Now it's the turn of the pens. Roll out the sausages, bend the parts that will be your palms and draw fingers with a toothpick.
  7. Attach your arms to your body. If they do not stick well, lightly wet the mastic with water at the gluing site.
  8. The little one is ready. If you wish, you can make his legs using the same pattern as his arms (roll two sausages and separate the fingers with a toothpick).

You can make a toy for your little one with which he will play on your cake or pie. If a child wants to have a girl, it’s easy. Weave three thin sausages from mastic, braid them and decorate with a mastic bow. Attach the braids to the baby's head.

Once you learn how to make human figurines, you can experiment with shapes, colors, and clothing.

Let's try to make a bright and tasty flower from mastic with our own hands

Sweets for adults can be decorated with mastic flowers. If you don't have a matching dye, use the color mixing chart.

Let's make a simple rose:

  1. Roll out small balls of mastic of the desired color and place them on a cutting board;
  2. Flatten the balls into cakes and shape them into rose petals, paying special attention to the top edge so that it is thin and wavy;
  3. Make a small drop - this will be the core of the flower;
  4. Start attaching the petals to the droplet from smallest to largest, carefully bending the upper edges to make it look more realistic;
  5. Having blinded required quantity flowers, they need to be allowed to dry for at least a day.

Having molded several figures from mastic and placed them on the cake, do not forget to decorate with decorative elements: tubes, curls, braids. Here are some useful tips.

  • To ensure a strong adhesion of the parts to the cake, lubricate the parts with water;
  • To make colored elements, it is not necessary to add dye to the dough. You can paint the elements of the finished figurine;
  • For the dough, use well-ground powdered sugar so that the mastic does not tear;
  • Instead of food coloring you can use fruit juices;
  • Mastic is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 weeks, in the freezer - 2 months.

Video on the topic of the article

You can watch how craftsmen make intricate figures from mastic in this video. Master classes will tell you about other modeling techniques. By following the master's steps, you can also decorate your cake with beautiful sweet creations.

Making mastic figures for a cake as a decoration is actually as simple as working with plasticine or salt dough(as taught at school during labor lessons).

At the same time, there are difficulties in working with fairy-tale characters or little men created in full (cartoon) size from mastic.

So, when transporting the dessert, there is a possibility that the mastic man will fall over and damage or break itself.

For the frame of a man made of mastic, you can use thick floral or frame.

As a rule, if we talk about desserts, and in particular about cakes, then confectionery masterpieces decorated with figurines and other various decorations immediately come to mind. Previously, only cream was in great demand and popularity. A little later, marzipans began to be used.

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to create truly exquisite cakes by using cream and marzipan. This deficiency was corrected by the appearance of confectionery mastic in cooking.

In the 16th century, mastic was better known as glaze, and it was then that it began to be used to create complex decorations. Then it was just as flexible and elastic, but when dried it crumbled and could not be stored for a long time.

When finished, the mastic can be stored tightly closed in the refrigerator for about 2 months. If you place the mastic in the freezer, then we will save the product for almost six months.

Mastic in modern form is different long term storage and affordable flexibility to recreate a wide variety of designs and shapes for dessert decoration.

powdered sugar

wire (flower or frame)



Smooth surface


cutting board


How to make a frame for a figurine of a man from mastic with your own hands

To create a frame base for a hero for a cake, you would need to imagine him in real life. The power of thought and wild imagination will not do correct proportions, so let's use the sketch of the figure from the drawing.

So, let's start making a karateka. We have a sketch. Next, take two pieces of wire and twist them together in the middle part.

In order to correctly create the natural curves of the body, we attach our wire frame to, and adjust the karateka’s stance.

When bending the wire, individual parts may turn out to be slightly longer than expected. We will not bend the metal, thereby thickening the future figurine. We just trim off the excess and that's it.

If you need to cut off the excess wire from one leg, then leave the second leg elongated. After all, we will need to somehow secure the little man to the cake - this part will go into the thickness.

It is worth noting: If you are confused by the fact that the wire is in contact with the cake, then dip the tip, which will go into the thickness of the dessert, into hot chocolate, and let it set.

Now we need to adjust the little man. So we put it on, bending the fastening part. By pressing a little from above, we adjust the tilt.

The frame of a future karateka must be stable without our help.

When the frame is adjusted, you can start wrapping the wire with mastic.

We create colored clothing for the body. And we will put the head in place using a simple wooden toothpick.

Now the practically inspired figure can take its place on birthday cake. And the frame of an elongated wire coming out of one leg will perfectly hold the athlete in the dessert.

Thanks to the frame base, with figures in any interpretation of the movement, it will perfectly reach the point of celebration without loss of aesthetic appearance.
