Step-by-step recipe for preparing zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter. Canned zucchini like pineapples for the winter

Zucchini for pineapples for the winter: recipes for preparations (compote, etc.) with cherry plum, lemon and more for the winter.

There is hardly a person, especially a child, who does not like pineapples. These exotic fruits have long been available to us both fresh and pickled. But there is a much cheaper way: cook zucchini so that no one can tell them apart from real pineapples! We will tell you some simple and interesting recipes.

Preparations “for pineapple”

There are many ways to prepare such zucchini for the winter. This includes jam, compotes, and preservation in marinade. First of all, we will tell you how to quickly prepare pineapples from zucchini for serving if guests are about to come to you.

These zucchini taste indistinguishable from real pineapples.

Simple recipe

You will need:

  • zucchini – 1 kg
  • pineapple juice from the store – 350 g;
  • sugar – 0.5 cups;
  • citric acid – 2/3 teaspoon;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar- on the tip of the knife.

Please note: it is better to take zucchini, depending on the expected result, young or more mature. For the second option, you will need more liquid, that is, you will need to add juice or water. But such zucchini will not boil over and will retain their shape.

  • Peel the zucchini. Remove the pulp of the core along with the seeds. To do this, cut the zucchini into rings and scoop out the pulp using a glass.

Peeled and prepared zucchini

That's the whole process. These zucchini can be cooled and served as separate dish for dessert or in salad. Or you can put it in sterilized jars, fill it with syrup and roll it up. Wrap the jars in a blanket, and when they are completely cool, lower them into the basement, and you will have wonderful preparation

for the winter.

Pineapple zucchini with flavoring

This recipe is just as simple, and will cost even less than the previous one. For 1 large squash you will need the following marinade products:

Peel the zucchini, cut into rings and remove the core. Prepare the syrup: bring water to a boil, dissolve sugar in it and citric acid so that it turns out sweet and sour taste

. After this, you can add pineapple flavoring. Place the zucchini in the boiling marinade and cook for about 3 minutes, then cool at and put it in the refrigerator. In this case, you can also roll the zucchini into jars for the winter.

Original jam

It’s impossible to imagine preparing for the winter without jam, which means we’ll try to make it from zucchini and pineapples. In fact, it is not difficult, but on the contrary, it is exciting and also delicious.

Such jam can be in pieces or in the form of puree - each method has its own characteristics. Zucchini does not have a distinct taste, so it very easily accepts the taste of additives, in our case, pineapple juice.

For such original jam you will need zucchini, pineapple juice and sugar

For 1.5 kg of zucchini you will need:

  • 1.2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 1 small jar canned pineapples(about the size of a glass).

We take into account already peeled and chopped zucchini.

You can make jam using exactly the same recipe without using pineapple slices. It is enough to take 0.5 liters of pineapple juice for the same amount of food.

Please note: pineapple juice in any recipe can easily be replaced with marinade from a can of canned pineapple. Also, you can use instant drinks like Zukko or Yupy.


For compote from “pineapple” zucchini, you don’t even need to use pineapple juice. Lemon juice and cloves add the appropriate taste.


  • zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • water – 2 l.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 2 cups;
  • cloves – 3 pcs.

Peel the zucchini and remove seeds, cut the pulp into small cubes.

Cut the zucchini pulp into cubes

Place the chopped zucchini in a suitable pan, add water and cook until boiling. Add sugar, reduce heat and continue cooking.

When the zucchini in the compote becomes transparent, you can add cloves to the syrup. After another 15 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and add the juice of one lemon to the compote.

Cooking with cherry plum

If, in addition to zucchini, you have a good harvest of cherry plum (or have the opportunity to buy it inexpensively), be sure to try this recipe.

Compote of zucchini and cherry plum with pineapple flavor

You will need:

  • 3-4 medium-sized ripe zucchini;
  • sugar;
  • yellow cherry plum.

Wash the zucchini, peel, remove the core and seeds, cut into half rings.

Prepare a 3-liter jar, sterilize and dry. Place 0.5 kg of cherry plum and slices of zucchini inside so that the jar is filled up to the shoulders. Pour boiling water over and leave for 20 minutes.

Drain the liquid from the jar into a saucepan, add sugar at the rate of 1.5 cups per 1 jar. Bring the syrup to a boil until the sugar dissolves and pour over the zucchini. Roll up the jars, wrap them in a blanket for two days so that the compote cools down, and put them in the basement.

Preparations with the addition of other fruits and berries

Citrus fruits, especially oranges, will help give zucchini a pineapple flavor. There is no need to use pineapple juice in this recipe - neither natural nor instant.


  • 3-4 medium zucchini;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 oranges;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon citric acid.

This quantity of products is designed for 5 liter jars, which should be thoroughly washed and dried.

Washed oranges need to be cut into semicircular slices. Place 4 slices on the bottom of each jar; it is advisable for them to be positioned vertically.

Cut the oranges into slices; you can also use zest

Wash and peel the zucchini, cut the pulp into cubes, and put them in jars.

Now you need to prepare the syrup. To do this in cold water completely dissolve sugar and citric acid. Pour the syrup into the jars with the zucchini and oranges.

Cooking zucchini this way requires sterilization.

Such zucchini “like pineapples” need sterilization. Filled jars are placed in a large saucepan, covered with lids, and water is added “up to the shoulders.” From the moment it starts boiling, set aside 15 minutes and cook the zucchini, then remove from heat, roll up the jars and leave to cool in a warm place.

Zucchini-pineapple with sea buckthorn

For this recipe, zucchini, sea buckthorn and sugar. The exact amount is not so easy to determine, but we can say that liter jar you will need 3-4 tablespoons of sugar.

Sea buckthorn will become great addition for zucchini with pineapple flavor

Wash and peel the zucchini, cut them into cubes. Now you need to place zucchini and sea buckthorn in layers in the prepared jars. Sprinkle each layer with 1 tablespoon of sugar. As the food is stacked, it releases juice and settles, so zucchini needs to be added.

Filled jars are sterilized for 15 minutes. The zucchini will settle again, you can add more. After this, you can roll up the jars, let them cool and put them in a cool place.

Sea buckthorn can also be used in a compote recipe with the funny name “Impostor Pineapple”.

For it you will need:

  • 2-3 cups sea buckthorn;
  • 1 medium sized zucchini;
  • 1.5-2 cups sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.

Peel the zucchini and cut into half rings 2 cm thick. Place in a 3-liter jar, sterilized in advance, pour boiling water for 5 minutes.

Drain the water from the jar, add sea buckthorn, pour boiling syrup of water and sugar almost to the top and roll up. You can add a sprig of mint, lemon balm or thyme to the syrup - these herbs will give a pleasant taste.

Video: cooking zucchini with pineapple flavor

We hope that you and your loved ones will love the recipes presented. Such simple and tasty “fake” pineapples from zucchini available to everyone are worthy of taking a place on family table. Share with us how to prepare such a delicacy if you already have such experience.


Zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter- an unusual winter preparation, which is very difficult to distinguish from canned pineapples. In addition to the fact that canned vanilla squash prepared according to this step by step recipe from the photo, very similar to this one exotic fruit in taste and appearance, these two canned fruits are incredibly similar. Believe me, this simple recipe regular zucchini actually turns out like real pineapple. So unusual homemade delicacy Not only children, but also many adults will be immensely happy, so we recommend preparing such amazing zucchini at home for absolutely everyone.

One of the main advantages of zucchini is that they are not at all picky to use. They are very convenient to work with, and thanks to this, every housewife can chop them the way she needs. As for this preparation, to create it, zucchini can be cut into cubes and circles. This is unimportant, because taste qualities This will not affect this delicacy in any way. It is also worth noting that such pineapples from zucchini are quite easy to preserve for the winter. This is due to the fact that they can be prepared for future use without sterilization, which often takes a lot of time.

Note to housewives! From such universal ingredients as zucchini and pineapple juice, you can prepare at home not only such a wonderful treat as we offer in this photo recipe, but also very tasty vitamin compote, which will also not be superfluous in the winter season.

So, let's get to cooking!


  • (1 kg)

  • (150 g)

  • (on the tip of a knife)

  • Pineapple juice
    (1/2 l)

  • (1/4 pcs.)

Cooking steps

    The first thing to do is to collect on your desktop all the ingredients that are indicated in this recipe. A component such as vanillin is optional in this preparation; it is used in the recipe as an additional flavoring. Which pineapple juice you should use is up to you. You can also buy a whole pineapple and then squeeze it own juice, but this is a very dubious option, because probably few people will be able to afford it. If you forgot to buy lemons or for some reason do not want to use them to prepare this preparation, you can use citric acid. Her in in this case This amount of ingredients will require a third of a teaspoon.

    So, as soon as you decide on the choice of ingredients, start processing the zucchini. First, wash them thoroughly, then separate them from the skin and seeds. Then chop the vegetable into any shape. It’s very convenient to cut it into cubes or rings.

    Place the prepared vegetables on the fire and bring to a boil. The delicacy should boil over high heat, after which it can be made quieter.

    Add to boiling mixture granulated sugar and vanillin, as well as lemon juice or citric acid. Mix everything and leave to simmer for low heat for half an hour. While the dessert is preparing, sterilize in the microwave required amount cans.

    Place the cooked zucchini mixture in prepared jars, then screw them tightly iron lids. Place the pieces in a convenient place to cool.

    The next day, delicious canned zucchini with pineapple juice can be either served immediately or moved to the cellar until winter. In any case, it will be very tasty and unusual!

    Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipes for preparing zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter: classic, quick with pineapple essence, in syrup, with squash, with turmeric and vanilla sugar, canned

2018-08-02 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


12 gr.

48 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter

Indeed, there are no limits to the imagination of housewives! Who would have thought that you could cook with zucchini? winter preparation, tastes identical to sweet pineapples. The recipe is as simple as pie: prepare the zucchini, cut it like pineapple rings, boil it in sweet syrup from pineapple juice and roll it up. It is with classic recipes We’ll start, but we’ll also look at various improvisations and improvements by experienced housewives.


  • two kg of peeled zucchini;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • seven hundred ml pineapple juice;
  • one level teaspoon of lemon acid;
  • a pinch of vanillin.

Step-by-step recipe for zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter

We take our zucchini, wash them thoroughly to remove soil particles, and wipe them dry with a clean towel. If the zucchini is mature, remove the skin. Now weigh them - you should have two kilograms of peeled zucchini.

Place the zucchini on cutting board and cut them into circles. Keep the thickness of each no more than half a centimeter.

Take a shot glass or a small glass, cut out identical beautiful circles in the center of each portion. So, we got some cute zucchini rings.

Take a large saucepan and pour pineapple juice into it. Pour in granulated sugar, add citric acid and vanillin.

Turn on high heat and start stirring everything.

When the pineapple juice boils, reduce the heat and transfer the zucchini rings to the pan. Boil on low heat for half an hour. This time will be enough for the zucchini to be well saturated with juice.

Place the zucchini rings in sterile jars and pour pineapple syrup. Wrap tightly and cool under a blanket or blanket. The longer the workpiece cools, the better it is stored.

Option 2: Quick recipe for zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter

We won't use pineapple juice, just take the essence. Boil the base for the syrup in water, cut the zucchini into regular cubes.


  • three kg of young zucchini;
  • seventeen ml pineapple essence;
  • two liters of water;
  • two teaspoons lemon acid;
  • kilogram of sugar.

How to quickly cook zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter

Wash the young zucchini thoroughly; you don’t have to remove the peel, it’s already very thin. Cut into medium cubes.

Pour two liters of water into a saucepan and immediately add citric acid. Bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat.

Place the zucchini in a saucepan and stir. Cover with a lid and leave overnight.

The next day, add granulated sugar, add the essence, mix and put on the stove. When everything boils, simmer on low for half an hour.

After the time has passed, fill the prepared jars with the resulting mixture. First, spread the sweet zucchini cubes evenly, pour in syrup and roll up.

Option 3: Zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter in syrup

In this recipe we will need canned pineapple along with the syrup from the jar. You will get a concentrated mixture of zucchini and pineapples. Let's prepare everything and roll it into jars.


  • one and a half kg of zucchini;
  • one kg two hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • half teaspoon lemon acid;
  • half-liter jar of pineapple preserves.

Step by step recipe

Please note that you should get one and a half kilograms of zucchini after preparing and cleaning the vegetables.

First, wash the zucchini from the soil, wipe it dry and remove the peel and seeds if the vegetables are mature. Weigh and cut into medium-sized cubes.

Pour one hundred milliliters of pineapple syrup from a jar into the pan. Add sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil.

Pour hot sweet syrup over chopped zucchini. Add citric acid, mix and leave in this form for one hour.

Pour the juice into a saucepan, heat to a boil, and pour back the zucchini. We leave them for another hour.

Cut the canned pineapples into the same pieces as the zucchini. Mix them with vegetables and put everything together on the stove, bring to a boil.

So, everything started to boil, remove from the heat. Do this twice more to allow the zucchini to absorb the syrup.

Then boil for about twenty minutes and place in a sterile glass container. Let it cool under a blanket and put it in the closet.

Option 4: Zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter with squash

Add one large squash to the zucchini and cook delicious preparation with store-bought pineapple juice.


  • one and a half kg of zucchini;
  • one or two large squash;
  • seven hundred fifty ml of pineapple juice;
  • one and a half teaspoons lemon acid;
  • a glass of granulated sugar.

How to cook

Wash the zucchini thoroughly, dry it with a kitchen towel and cut it into half rings, then each in half or into a regular medium cube, but not very thinly.

Rinse the squash too, wipe dry and cut into cubes.

Pour pineapple juice into a saucepan, add sugar and immediately add citric acid. If you have not juice, but nectar, that will also work.

Transfer the zucchini and squash to the pan and stir with a spatula. Bring to a boil and simmer the vegetables in pineapple juice for twenty minutes. If foam appears, remove it with a slotted spoon. Cook without a lid.

After the time has passed, place the pieces of zucchini and squash into jars and fill with pineapple syrup. Roll up and prepare for long-term storage traditional way. No need to sterilize.

Option 5: Zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter with turmeric and vanilla sugar

Vanilla sugar and turmeric improve the taste and make it richer. In addition, turmeric will also add a bright color to the product.


  • five hundred grams of zucchini;
  • liter of pineapple juice;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • eight grams of turmeric;
  • a pinch of vanilla sugar;
  • half a lemon.

Step by step recipe

Wash the zucchini, peel and remove the seeds. Weigh them - it should be at least half a kilogram.

Cut them into large cubes.

Pour pineapple juice into the pan. Immediately add granulated sugar and turmeric. Wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice out of one half. If you find any bones, remove them.

Stir the pineapple juice with a spatula and bring to a boil. Check if everything has dissolved in the syrup and add pieces of zucchini to the boiling mass.

Cook everything together for five to seven minutes.

Now you can put it in half-liter jars, lightly cover with lids.

Take another pan, cover the bottom with a cloth or place a stand. Place jars of zucchini in pineapple juice on top. Fill the jars with water up to the hangers and bring to a boil.

Sterilize for a quarter of an hour.

Carefully remove the jars from the pan, roll them up and prepare for long-term storage in the traditional way.

Option 6: Canned zucchini with pineapple juice for the winter

Another interesting option delicious zucchini. They turn out like pineapples - juicy, sweet and rich taste. When you treat your family, do not immediately tell them what the product is made from.


  • one and a half kg of zucchini;
  • eight hundred ml of pineapple juice;
  • a quarter kg of sugar;
  • one and a half teaspoons lemon acid.

How to cook

Take the zucchini, wash it thoroughly and wipe it dry. Remove the peel with a vegetable peeler and cut in half lengthwise.

Using a spoon, cut out the seeds to create boats.

Place the boats on a cutting board with the cut side down. Cut crosswise into half rings. You can leave it as is or cut the half rings into three parts. Either way, the zucchini is already sliced ​​like canned pineapple.

Pour pineapple juice into a saucepan, add sugar and citric acid. Stir and bring everything to a boil.

When the sugar is completely dissolved, add the zucchini and stir. Cook over very low heat for twenty minutes. Be sure to skim off the foam.

Place the pineapple zucchini in sterile jars and screw the lids on tightly. Cool under a blanket and store.

We continue the inexhaustible theme of zucchini. Today, with a slight movement of the hand, we will turn zucchini into... pineapples. Tropical fruits Nowadays they have become more expensive, and therefore this one could not have come at a better time anti-crisis recipe- zucchini is like pineapple for the winter, with pineapple juice. Some people are simply unable to distinguish them from real pineapples. Especially if you choose a thicker and whiter zucchini, removing all the seeds from it. The preparation is quite simple. Sliced ​​zucchini is boiled in a syrup of pineapple juice and sugar. Just 20 minutes. To be honest, I myself did not expect that it would turn out so tasty. Therefore, I highly recommend trying it. The zucchini turns out to be sour and not at all cloying. These “pineapples” are especially good when chilled.


  • zucchini (squash) 1.5 kg
  • purchased pineapple juice (nectar) 750 ml
  • citric acid 1.5 tsp.
  • sugar 1 cup

Cooking time: 1 hour.

How to make pineapples from zucchini for the winter

For this preparation, choose young and dense zucchini, preferably light, closer to white shade. To me among regular zucchini I came across one squash (a type of zucchini in the shape of a flower). It makes the best “pineapples” because its flesh is very dense and white.
Peel the zucchini and cut into cubes or strips, not thinly.

Pour pineapple juice or nectar into a saucepan. Add sugar and citric acid.

Add the chopped zucchini to the syrup and stir.

Boil the zucchini over medium heat for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam. Do not close the lid.

Pre-sterilize small jars. Place hot pineapple squash into jars and top with syrup. Cover the jars with lids and place in a saucepan with hot water, sterilize zucchini like pineapples 15 minutes after boiling.

Screw the lids on the jars with “pineapples” and turn them over to cool, covering them with a blanket. Store zucchini pineapples in the pantry.

Zucchini like pineapples is a dish from the “Surprise your guests” or “Try and guess” series. It's simple: if you don't know in advance what you'll be treated to, you'll never guess! Don't believe me? Try it yourself.


      • zucchini, about 1 kg.
      • 0.5 cups sugar.
      • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.
      • 350 ml pineapple juice.
      • vanilla sugar to taste or vanilla on the tip of a knife.

How to cook zucchini like pineapples for the winter:

First things first – prepare the container! Each housewife has her own favorite method and means of preparing jars for canning: some wash them with soda and then sterilize the jars with steam, others fry them in the oven. Do as you are used to. But I noticed that preserved food poured into dry, sterilized jars is preserved much better and is not so capricious in terms of storage conditions (it can survive the winter even in an ordinary apartment pantry).

Wash the zucchini well, because... We won't sand them. Cut into rings up to one and a half cm thick and remove the middle (even if the seeds in the zucchini are very young). This is how we got “pineapple” rings.

We put it in a jar to correctly calculate the required amount of syrup. We fill our zucchini with just water, and then pour this water into an empty jar. Thus, we can find out how many cans of zucchini three hundred grams of pineapple juice will last for. Adjust for sugar. But don’t forget that older, more dried out zucchini will require more syrup, so don’t be greedy.

Add sugar, vanilla sugar and citric acid to pineapple juice and bring to a boil.

Add the zucchini to the finished syrup and cook over low heat, stirring, for about twenty minutes, so that the zucchini is well cooked and saturated with aromatic pineapple juice. Remember that the syrup is quite sweet and prone to burning.

After boiling, place the zucchini with pineapple juice in sterile, dry jars and seal tightly.

Cool upside down (on the lid) under a layer of blankets or jackets. We put the cooled jars in a cool place, in the same place where we store them.
