Is it possible to ice cream a nursing mother of a newborn. Is it possible for a nursing mother to ice cream and recipes for homemade treats

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Can breastfeeding moms have ice cream?

It is known that eating ice cream can increase the level of serotonin, a hormone that gives a person a feeling of happiness and pleasure. This is a dairy product, possibly with a high calorie content, but what harm can a nursing mother do from it? However, the question of whether ice cream can be breastfeeding newborn, still remains relevant. Doctors recommend not eating purchased ice cream or popsicle, but cooking it at home with your own hands.

Can breastfeeding moms have ice cream? Harm of ice cream for a child

After pregnancy, during which a woman has to limit herself in certain foods, childbirth occurs, followed by a feeding period, and the newly-made mother again has to follow a diet so as not to harm the baby.

Childbirth is different for everyone, sometimes the consequence is postpartum depression.

It would seem that ice cream is exactly the product that will help a woman get away from harsh everyday life for at least a few minutes and feel real happiness. But its use is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. If the delicacy were produced from natural products, as it was about thirty years ago, for sure, it could enter the diet of a young mother, and then with reservations. Because the health of the child comes first.

The answer to the question of whether ice cream is possible for a nursing mother lies in its composition. Maybe, least harm- this is a calorie content, moreover, more affecting the weight of mommy. But this is not all the pitfalls of a popular delicacy.

The cause of the trouble when the components of the product enter the mother's milk can be:

  1. Allergic reaction to milk sugar;
  2. Lack of an enzyme substance that breaks down lactose.

A newborn baby is only developing all the important systems and organs. It is noticed that children's body may respond inappropriately to animal proteins that form the basis cow's milk. That's why in recent times doctors come to the conclusion that fermented milk products are more useful for babies.

When a foreign protein falls into breast milk, the baby develops an allergic reaction to casein. This is because not fully formed digestive tract not yet able to grasp it.

Lactase deficiency is an even more serious disorder related to diseases due to metabolic disorders. This is a fairly common pathology in infants under the age of 12 months. Because of this, the use of ice cream by the mother can greatly complicate the condition of the baby. The disease has its own nuances, it can be genetically incorporated or occur due to an excess of fermentation. In any case, if breastfeeding is possible, ice cream will have to be completely excluded.

Some varieties of ice cream - berries, with fruit filling, among other things, can cause tummy pain, intestinal colic, constipation and diarrhea in a child. It is unlikely that after this, mommy will want to eat ice cream during lactation.

Is it possible to ice cream while breastfeeding a newborn

In order to make cream or milk ice cream, pasteurized milk is used in production. Additionally, it includes vanillin, condensed milk, egg powder, starch. But besides this, in modern product included great amount synthetic additives - these are preservatives, dyes, flavors, stabilizers. And this explosive mixture enters the mother's body, and then into her milk.

Many substances that should be natural are often replaced with cheaper synthetic counterparts. So, instead of real cow's cream and milk, they often use vegetable oil, for example, palm. It is not surprising that such a product can provoke a whole bouquet diseases in a nursing woman, including:

  • Violation of the heart;
  • High cholesterol leading to atherosclerosis;
  • Kit excess weight leading to obesity.
  • Intoxication of the body due to the accumulation of carcinogens.

It is not difficult to guess what quality women's milk will have if the mother begins to eat a product with such a composition. It is terrible to imagine that all these harmful substances migrate into the body of a small child. Therefore, when women ask if it is possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream, doctors most often answer with a firm “no”, or they advise buying only quality products or make treats at home.

If the child does not have lactase deficiency and he is not predisposed to manifestations of allergies, mother's ice cream is still possible, but at the same time, it must be chosen and consumed correctly.

Rules for eating ice cream while breastfeeding

The main conditions to be observed:

  • It is better to eat a treat after the baby is 2-3 months old, so as not to disturb correct formation his body;
  • You need to start only with a dairy product, introducing it into food little by little and carefully monitoring the condition of the baby;
  • Ice cream can be eaten in the morning and in the evening, excluding the evening;
  • It is undesirable to choose ice cream with any additives, as well as chocolate, as this is a strong allergen, after which negative symptoms can follow even in a healthy baby;
  • When buying products, mothers should pay attention to shelf life - too long time may indicate the content of preservatives and stabilizers;
  • Also, it should not include harmful dyes, enhancers or palm oil.

Ice cream can be checked for naturalness - put it in freezer for a few days. If it practically does not harden, remaining soft, then synthetic ingredients, E-additives, are included in it.

When a woman during lactation raises the question of whether ice cream is possible while breastfeeding a newborn, she should know that after eating a low-quality dish, she will have to stop breastfeeding for about three hours, otherwise all harmful substances will be in his body. Especially dangerous for the baby are varieties such as " fruit ice" - fully artificial product, cream ice cream, ice cream in cone wafer cups containing a large number of emulsifiers.

Such substances, getting into the blood of the mother, change the composition breast milk and the changes are happening very quickly. If suddenly the skin of the child turns red or, even worse, a rash appears, the following actions should be taken:

  • Pump twice;
  • Apply baby cream against allergies;
  • Temporarily replace breast milk with a special formula for children, and if the child is more than six months old, feed him porridge or baby food in the form of puree.

In case of allergies in infants, you should immediately consult a pediatrician.

Safe homemade ice cream that you can while breastfeeding: a recipe

In order not to risk the health of the baby, you can always find a solution - great alternative store-bought ice cream can be a homemade treat made from quality ingredients with my own hands.

There are several simple recipes, which will not take much time, will be safe for the baby and will please mommy.

For Melon Flavored Ice Cream you will need:

  1. A small piece of melon pulp - about 200 g;
  2. 80 g of condensed milk;
  3. 150 ml cream with a fat content of 30-35%.

The cooking process is quite simple:

  • It is necessary to lower the melon for a few minutes in a blender, additionally rubbing it on fine grater or with a sieve.
  • Mix whipped cream, pulp and condensed milk thoroughly;
  • After keeping in the freezer for about 60 minutes, stir again and beat the mixture;
  • Move finished product into molds and freeze completely.

Other hypoallergenic fruits - bananas, pears, berries - cherries or currants may also be suitable for this recipe.

You can also use the recipe cream ice cream. Made from natural products, it will be useful for both mom and baby. The only condition is not to use too much heavy cream. You can take an ingredient with a fat content of about 30% - 350 g.

Additionally you will need:

  • 150 ml milk
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • 5 egg whites.

You will need to mix sugar, cream and milk, slightly warm until completely dissolved.

Proteins need to be beaten and mixed with other components. It is important that the whipped foam is fluffy, so it is better to use a mixer. After freezing for an hour, you need to beat the mass again. This procedure can be repeated 3-4 times. Some, during the manufacture, add diluted gelatin to the mixture, but this is already a matter of taste.

Those young mothers who have a problem with time can be advised to simply freeze the glass. natural yogurt, having previously pierced its packaging - it will turn out useful and delicious product, possessing exquisite taste and safe in every way.

The answer to the question of whether ice cream is possible for a nursing mother depends on how many months old the baby is and how much the nursing mother knows the body of her baby. It is strictly forbidden to conduct such experiments with their menu for mothers whose babies have not reached the age of 5-6 months. Starting from this age, you can carefully add to your diet foods that will be useful for both your beloved child and the mother herself.

Nutrition rules for a nursing mother: video

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During breastfeeding, it is necessary to follow a certain diet so as not to harm the health of the baby. After all, the quality of breast milk depends on the nutrition and lifestyle of a nursing mother. Many foods in the mother's diet can negative impact on the child's well-being. For example, such a seemingly harmless dessert like ice cream.

Is it possible for breastfeeding mothers to have ice cream

To understand whether it is possible to introduce ice cream into the diet of lactating women, you need to figure out what ingredients are included in its composition. Unfortunately, over the past decades, the composition of ice cream has undergone significant changes. Previously, it was based natural milk, sugar and fats of animal origin. Such products did not harm the health of the mother and baby.

In modern production, animal fats are replaced with synthetic vegetable fats, which are deposited in the body and contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, obesity, and even malignant tumors.

To prolong the shelf life, stabilizers and emulsifiers are added to ice cream, which are not safe for health. baby. This also applies to other food additives present in ice cream (colors, flavor enhancers, flavors). It is no secret that they are very harmful to the health of not only babies, but also adults.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it is better for a nursing mother to refuse to use industrial ice cream during breastfeeding so as not to endanger the health of the baby. This ban does not apply to ice cream made at home from natural products.

Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

Ice cream is a great mood booster vitality. Therefore, a nursing mother can occasionally indulge herself with her favorite do-it-yourself treat. Should not be added to milk various additives(berries, fruits, marmalade, etc.), as they can cause a newborn or.

It should be noted that the use of ice cream during breastfeeding increases the percentage, which can provoke stomach colic and loose stools in a child. Therefore, in the first 3-4 months of a baby's life, it is better to refrain from this product, and in the future to comply with the measure.

You can use an ice cream maker to make homemade ice cream. It is an apparatus that turns the initial mixture into ice cream by cooling and stirring. In the absence of such a device, the prepared mixture should be placed in the freezer for about 12 hours, stirring every 3-4 hours.

Goat milk ice cream

Much more useful than . It contains a lot useful substances and micronutrients. Besides, goat milk is a hypoallergenic product.

Moms take note!

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Ingredients: liter of milk, 3 egg yolks(preferably homemade), 150 g of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of wheat flour.


  1. Thoroughly mix the yolks with sugar and flour and dilute them in a small part of the milk.
  2. Heat the remaining milk slightly and add the cooked mass to it.
  3. Hold on small fire, stirring continuously, until completely thickened.
  4. Place the cooled mass in an ice cream maker.

low fat ice cream

Ice cream made without cream is low in calories, so it won't affect the fat content of breast milk.

Ingredients: a liter of milk, 5 yolks, 2 cups of sugar, 100 g of butter, 1 teaspoon of starch.


  1. Heat the milk over low heat, add the butter and bring it to a boil.
  2. Mix the yolks, sugar and starch in homogeneous mass. Thin the mixture to the consistency of sour cream.
  3. Slowly add it to the boiled milk with butter, stirring constantly so that the yolks do not curdle.
  4. Bring the mass to a boil again and cool in cold water, and then place in an ice cream maker.

Ice cream

Ingredients: 0.5 l. cream of high fat content (more than 35%), 100 ml. milk, 5 yolks, 150 g of sugar, a pinch of salt and vanilla, 1 teaspoon of starch.


  1. Dissolve salt and sugar in warm milk.
  2. After removing the milk from the heat, add the yolks to it and whisk thoroughly.
  3. Put the mixture on a slow fire and cook the mass until it thickens.
  4. Dilute starch in a small amount milk and add to the mass.
  5. Place the saucepan in cold water and add whipped cream to the milk.
  6. Put the cooled dessert in the ice cream maker.

Video: Making natural vanilla ice cream at home

Video: How to make ice cream at home (without an ice cream maker)

If a nursing mother really wants to eat ice cream, but there is no way to cook it on her own, occasionally you can afford to buy a dessert in a store, choosing carefully. First of all, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date, since an expired product is definitely harmful to health. Wrinkled or damaged packaging may indicate a violation of the rules for storing or transporting the product. Avoid chocolate fruit dessert, ice cream in chocolate glaze and with various fillings. It is better to opt for milk ice cream with a fat content of 3.5%. If its use does not cause a negative reaction in the child, you can try ice cream or ice cream with a fat content of 8-15%.

Ice cream - delicious dessert, which is difficult to deny yourself on a hot summer day. Unfortunately, this delicacy may not be the best. useful product for nursing mothers. Store-bought ice cream contains many food additives, preservatives and thickeners. What kind of ice cream is better to choose when breastfeeding and can this sweet product cause a reaction in the baby? Let's try to figure it out.

Ice cream during the lactation period: benefits

The healthiest ice cream is the one that contains only natural ingredients. Such a product can be found in small industries from conscientious manufacturers. If you really want to eat ice cream while breastfeeding, let your choice fall on the classic ice cream.

Benefits of ice cream for the body:

Ice cream made from yogurt or natural cow's milk is well absorbed by the body, daily requirement in calcium it is satisfied by 15%;

Frozen dessert with a minimum fat content (up to 6%) is suitable for diabetic nutrition;

Easily digestible milk protein has a high nutritional value, ice cream from whole milk contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for mothers in the lactation period;

The sweet treat is rich in calcium, and calcium is the health of your baby's bones and teeth, as well as the prevention of osteoporosis in a nursing mother.

Ice cream and HB - possible harm

It would seem that a frozen dessert made from milk and with the maximum natural composition, does no harm. However, commercially prepared ice cream cannot be considered safe for breastfeeding mothers for a variety of reasons. And that's why.

  • Emulsifier - in the composition of any purchased ice cream this substance will appear. Although it can be found in natural products (for example, in chicken eggs), artificial emulsifiers are used in the manufacture of ice cream in 90% of cases. Ice cream with HS with artificial emulsifiers can provoke an eating disorder.
  • Thickeners / Stabilizers - if after reading the composition of ice cream, you find food supplement with a value of E 400 - E 499, which means that it is used in the product from these substances. These additives form the desired consistency. Some of them, plant origin, even useful for the body - agar-agar, pectin, gelatin. Chemical stabilizers are hazardous to health, for example, E 476, when frequent use leads to enlargement of the liver.

    Colors/flavors - no commercial fruit ice cream or sorbet can do without them. Manufacturers rarely use natural dyes in their products, because artificial ones are less expensive and have a large “palette”. Synthetic dyes and flavors that are identical to natural can cause allergies in babies.

Choosing ice cream for breastfeeding

It is possible to treat yourself to ice cream during breastfeeding, but at the same time, all responsibility is on the choice quality product lies on you. There is no need to wonder if a nursing mother can eat ice cream if she plans to only slightly taste a cool treat and it does not have a neon - poisonous color. Try to make ice cream at home on your own, you need a minimum of ingredients: egg yolks, for a sweet taste - sugar, milk (cream) and starch. If that's not an option, here are some tips for choosing a good frozen dessert.

Date of manufacture and expiration date

Here are the first indicators that you should pay attention to when buying ice cream. If there are 3 days or less left before the end of the period of use, you should refrain from this product. Also, do not buy ice cream, which has a very long shelf life. Normally, it should not exceed 20 days. If ice cream can be stored for six months, be sure that there are no useful substances in such a product.

Packaging integrity

If the ice cream is put up for sale in a crumpled or damaged package, then this is definitely not your choice. Most likely, the product was damaged during transportation, or the rules for its storage were violated - and this is a direct indicator of the deterioration of its nutritional qualities.

Without fillers

In order not to cause unwanted rashes and redness in the baby after mother's milk, you should not choose fruit or chocolate ice cream, or with nut-caramel fillers. Such ice cream is not allowed for a nursing mother. Chocolate in the manufacture of ice cream has long been replaced chocolate icing and it's pure chemistry. The ideal option is cream or milk ice cream with a fat content of 3.5%. If such a dessert does not cause a negative response in a child, then you can try ice cream with 8-10% fat.

When breastfeeding, it is worth remembering that mother's milk is directly related to the mother's daily diet. Therefore, before trying a delicious frozen dessert from the store, you should carefully read the composition for the benefit of the baby's health.

Ice cream is the favorite delicacy of most of the world's population. Few people don't like him. Both during pregnancy and after childbirth, mothers are usually drawn to this sweet product. But responsible parents, before attacking sweetness, ask if it can be used during lactation? Indeed, can a nursing mother have ice cream? Let's figure it out.

Product safety

If this topic began to rise 20-30 years ago, then the question of whether ice cream is allowed during breastfeeding would not even have been raised. At that time, this delicacy was of very high quality, the ice cream contained only sugar, milk, cream, animal fats, natural jams, and the shelf life was kept to a minimum. Naturally, it was possible to eat it calmly and not worry that you would harm the baby - it did not affect the quality of milk. Moms refused only popsicles - because of the increased calorie content.

Today the product is not as safe as it might seem at first glance.

Here are just a few reasons why you should not lean on this food product.


As mentioned above, ice cream used to contain natural animal fats. Today they are being replaced by a mixture of synthetic vegetable fats which have a negative effect on the body. Atherosclerosis, obesity, and even oncology are not the most harmless problems that a person may encounter, often using products based on synthetic vegetable fats, which, among other things, also accumulate in the human body.

Especially dangerous are trans fats, which can be found in ice cream. UCS-INFO (Union of Concerned Scientists) back in 1999, during many years of research, established that trans fats are transmitted to the child with breast milk and they can worsen it. In addition, they increase the risk of diabetes and weaken the immune system. And all of these are proven facts.

In addition to synthetic vegetable fats, ice cream can contain thickeners, flavorings, and dyes. Emulsifiers and stabilizers are added to ice cream to increase its shelf life. Sometimes the number of all these "E-shek" exceeds the number of the main components of the delicacy. It seems that all of them are designed to improve the consumer qualities of the product, but in fact they are harmful to health.

Often the consequences after eating such a dessert are allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disorders, increased cholesterol levels, skin problems, and more. others


Ice cream is a high-calorie product (from 70 to 250 Kcal per 100 g), and if you consume it often, then it is likely that mommy will increase the fat content of breast milk at times. This can lead to an eating disorder in an infant, to loose or curdled stools (stool interspersed indicates undigested protein), to colic.

Ice cream quality criteria

It should be noted that you should not completely refuse ice cream either. For example, ice cream, like chocolate, is able to stimulate the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy and pleasure, which improves mood and minimizes stress. And this is exactly what a nursing mom needs now. Ice cream for a nursing mother needs to be chosen correctly and used correctly, and then there will be no problems.

It is better for nursing mothers to choose ice cream without additives

Selection rules

  • You should not eat ice cream if it has lost its shape. It most likely defrosted. Better throw it away.
  • The cheaper the treat, the worse its quality. Reduces the cost of ice cream vegetable fat.
  • Pay attention to packaging. The composition should contain cream, butter, but in no case vegetable fat. If there is vegetable fat and thickeners, then this is ice cream with a combined composition.
  • Quality ice cream melts room temperature within 15 minutes. It takes so long to melt because it contains a large amount of fat and a small amount of water. Also melts and butter: it can lie all day on the table, but at the same time retain its shape. If within 10 minutes the ice cream has flowed, then we can say that it is “fake”, unnatural.
  • If the packaging says that the composition contains palm or Coconut oil, then it is better not to take such ice cream.

Sorbet - ice cream, which does not contain milk, but it contains a lot of sugar (2 times more than in ice cream), and there may also be artificial elements that are extremely undesirable for getting into milk

Rules of use

  • Caution with chocolate desserts. Chocolate ice cream, ice cream with chocolate icing or crumbs can cause allergies in your baby. And it is not always clear whether this is a reaction to chocolate, or to supplements, or to the protein that is in the sweetness.
  • In the first month of lactation, mothers are not allowed to consume a lot of things. Ice cream included. Give up store-bought treats for a while, but if you have a strong desire, you can make ice cream yourself at home. First, you only use natural products, you will know what exactly was put there, and secondly, you will do without additives and dyes.
  • Start with small doses of ice cream while breastfeeding. Try a spoon, see how the baby reacts.
  • But what kind of ice cream is better to try, then the answer is unequivocal: without additives, without hazardous ingredients. Let it be a regular ice cream or ice cream in a waffle cup.
  • Give up sweets if the baby does not tolerate cow protein.

Responsibility in your hands

A nursing mother is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of her newborn. And since modern manufacturers today are mostly interested only in profits, and not in the quality of their goods, mothers have to give up a lot so as not to harm the baby.

Therefore, answering the question of whether ice cream is possible for a nursing mother is not so simple: we invariably encounter a whole bunch of nuances. But if you know these nuances, take them into account and put them into practice, then nothing terrible will happen. Right choice and correct usage ice cream while breastfeeding minimizes the risk of becoming a victim, on the one hand, of your ignorance, and on the other hand, of unscrupulous manufacturers.

Ice cream will cheer you up and help you get rid of postpartum depression. However, the nursing mother is faced with the question of whether this product will harm the baby? Can you eat ice cream after having a baby?

The Dangers of Eating Ice Cream

  • milk protein in high concentration can cause severe allergies in the baby;
  • Preservatives and stabilizers, thickeners and dyes are very harmful to the body of not only a newborn, but also an adult;
  • Sugar with a content in the product of more than 15-20% negatively affects the digestive and endocrine systems;
  • Fat in high doses also negatively affects the state of the baby's digestion;
  • Calorie content - do not forget about the sense of proportion! Excess calories lead to overweight and obesity.

What ice cream to choose when breastfeeding

  • Milk based ice cream

Cow's milk contains a strong allergen, so this ice cream can be dangerous for the baby's health. To avoid allergies and eating disorders, use the product in small doses.

Most milk (12-15%) contains ice cream. Sometimes milk is substituted vegetable fat. These include coconut milk and cocoa. However, this is not the best solution either. And cheap fats Palm oil) will harm even adults.

  • Fruit based ice cream

The sorbet contains no milk at all. However, it contains a large amount of sugar - up to 30%. While milk ice cream contains only 12-20%.

Please note that when industrial production sorbets use unnatural fruits and juices. The product contains many harmful dyes and artificial additives that enter the milk, and then the newborn.

If you choose between a creamy treat and a fruity one, then preference should be given dairy product. If the child is not allergic to milk protein, then feel free to eat this ice cream. The ideal option will become a traditional ice cream.

Thus, a nursing mother can eat creamy ice cream in the absence of allergic reactions for cow's milk protein.

How to eat ice cream while breastfeeding

Experts are confident that breastfeeding You can, and sometimes you even need ice cream. Sweets will help a young mother forget about stress and normalize sleep. However, certain rules must be followed:

  1. Before buying, carefully study the composition and shelf life. How less term the shelf life of a product, the better it is. There are practically no stabilizers and preservatives in such a product;
  2. Start eating ice cream in small portions and in the morning. See how your baby reacts after feeding. If there is no negative reaction, then you can safely eat a creamy ice cream;
  3. In the first month after the birth of a child, give up ice cream altogether. Then avoid fruit sorbets, chocolate and other fillers;
  4. The best solution - independent production delicious homemade ice cream with fruits and nuts.

homemade ice cream

Homemade ice cream leaves no doubt about the naturalness of the product. Therefore, it is perfect for a nursing woman. But keep in mind that only those components to which the baby is not allergic can be used in the recipe.

Each new ingredient introduce gradually, start with small doses and observe the reaction of the child. So you determine the acceptability of certain products.

We offer homemade ice cream recipe for nursing mothers. You will need:

  • milk - 375 gr;
  • cream - 375 gr;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • banana - 2-3 pieces.

Grind bananas with a blender or fork. AT banana puree add cream, milk and sugar. Stir the mixture and let it simmer over low heat. Without bringing to a boil, remove the pot and let cool.

Pour the cooled mass into molds. Put the molds in the freezer for 2-3 hours to freeze the ice cream.

If you want ice cream, indulge yourself and make dessert at home. It's delicious and harmless to you and your baby. Remember that you should not get carried away and eat a small portion no more than once a week.
