Sea buckthorn jelly recipe: an amber dessert with an exotic taste. Simple recipes for making sea buckthorn jelly for the winter, with and without cooking, with and without gelatin


Sea buckthorn jelly- This delicious preparation for the winter. Some fruits and berries make thick paste, and some sea ​​buckthorn juice the consistency will be average between syrup and jelly, but the taste is amazing - sweet with sourness. Jam is made with virtually no cooking; the only thing that is necessary is to dissolve the sugar in the juice.

Advice! We will make the sea buckthorn delicacy without seeds. In this case, you will get the desired jelly consistency. At the same time, there is no need to add gelatin, agar-agar, gelatin or pectin; the jam will thicken a little and is perfect for daily use.

A step-by-step recipe with photos is below, follow it during preparation. delicious food to learn how to cook the delicacy correctly. Visual instructions will allow you to do delicious jam at home for the winter. Delicious treat You can store it in your apartment, for example, in a closet, or in the basement at your discretion. Remember that the jars in which we will roll the jam must be sterilized, and the lids must be boiled, with the exception of nylon ones.

We wish you good luck in culinary experiments at home!


Cooking steps

    Wash first raw berries under running water, it is convenient to use a sieve for this.

    After this, wait until the water drains while collecting the juicer. Pass the sea buckthorn berries through a kitchen assistant so that the peel and seeds separate (they can be used to make homemade butter).

    Place the juice in a deep bowl (preferably enameled), saucepan or basin.

    Add half a kilogram of sugar there.

    Stir the mixture and place on the stove. You need to constantly stir the future jam until it dissolves. granulated sugar. As soon as the syrup starts to boil, turn off the heat..

    After this, pour the second part of the granulated sugar into the basin and mix the mass well. The sugar will dissolve in the warm juice due to constant stirring.

    Jars should be sterilized over steam in a convenient way.

    When the jelly has cooled, put it in jars and roll up. The delicious sea buckthorn jam, made according to a step-by-step recipe with photos, is ready, you can try it or put it away until the cold weather to enjoy the food later.

    Bon appetit!

Sea buckthorn - source useful substances. It contains almost the entire list of vitamins that the body needs. Today there is great amount various dishes from sea buckthorn. One of them is a recipe for sea buckthorn berry jelly for the winter. It is tasty and healthy, and very easy to prepare.

For the first time, sea buckthorn began to be used in Ancient Greece. Priests and shamans used all kinds of mortars to prepare their dishes. It is possible that in those days they began to make jam without cooking. Honey was used as a preservative.

Features of preparing sea buckthorn jelly

Jelly can be prepared from the juices of berries and fruits rich in pectin. If this substance is not enough, you can add food gelatin.

To obtain semi-liquid jelly, fruits must be selected that are slightly unripe. The jelly will have a good consistency and taste better if you cook it on fruit sugar. Can be used as independent dish and for decorating confectionery products.

Selection and preparation of the main ingredient

The fruits are collected as they ripen. Ripe berries have a glossy surface and orange color.

It is very important to pick the berries on time and not let them become overripe, because then they will simply fall apart in your hands.

The ideal time for collection is the end of autumn.

There are two methods for collecting berries:

  1. Plucking from branches is used most often. Required for collection a large number of time, since the fruits are small and are picked one at a time. The tree does not suffer, and the berries are all intact. You can use special combs for collection.
  2. The second method is suitable for freezing. Here the berries are cut along with the branches. Place in the freezer and cut off when frozen. This method is used less frequently and is harmful to the tree.

The juice is bright and can ruin clothes. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the uniform in advance.

Methods for preparing sea buckthorn jelly

Let's look at the most common recipes.

A simple recipe for the winter


  • berries – 3 cups;
  • sugar – 2 cups;
  • gelatin – 1 pack;
  • egg whites.


  • Place the torn sea buckthorn in a basin and fill with cool water. Mix the berries well. All leaves and small specks will be on the surface. Change the water several times.
  • Pour gelatin with warm water and let it swell.
  • Pour the berries into a saucepan and cook over medium heat.
  • Cool and strain using a sieve. For getting clear jelly Do not squeeze the berries out of the juice with a spoon.

  • Add two cups of sugar and stir.
  • Place the mixture on low heat and bring to a boil. Skim off the foam as it forms, this will give you a light syrup.
  • Add the swollen gelatin and mix.
  • Pre-sterilize the jars.
  • If the syrup turns out cloudy, you can add whites with water. It is important that both components are at the same temperature. If you add whites to a hot mixture, they will curdle. Proportion: 1 protein per 2 glasses of water.
  • Stir the solution again, heat over low heat and pour into jars.

With gelatin


  • sea ​​buckthorn – 2 cups;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • gelatin – 100 grams.

Cooking method:

  • To better thicken the syrup, gelatin is added. It must first be soaked in warm water. One sachet of gelatin requires a liter of water. Once the gelatin has swelled, remove excess water.
  • Pre-sort ripe berries to remove leaves and twigs. Rinse under running water using a colander.
  • Let the liquid drain.

  • Extract juice using a juicer.
  • Place on low heat and bring to a boil. Gradually add sugar, stirring constantly. Taste the syrup. The amount of sugar depends on personal preference.
  • Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Prepare sterilized containers in advance.
  • Roll up the lids and cool room temperature. Next, put in a cool place to store.

Without gelatin

The dish can be made without adding gelatin.


  • berry – 1 part;
  • sugar – 1 part.


  • Pre-prepared fruits must be placed in a stainless steel vessel and heated until the juice is released.
  • After the mixture has cooled, grind through a sieve and add sugar.
  • Place on the stove and bring to boiling temperature again, but do not boil. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 hours.

  • This time is enough for the jelly to acquire the desired consistency on its own.
  • Sterilize the jars and let them dry.
  • Stir the resulting jelly with a wooden spatula.
  • Cover with dry nylon covers. Can be stored at room temperature.

No cooking


  • berries – 600 grams;
  • sugar – 800 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the prepared and washed berries using a wooden mortar.
  2. Strain the mixture using a cloth sieve or a piece of gauze.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Stir well so that the sugar is evenly distributed.
  5. Pour into sterile jars and close with sterile lids.
  6. Store at a temperature no higher than +5.

With grapes


  • berries – 400 grams;
  • sugar – 6 tablespoons.
  • gelatin;
  • grape.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the prepared berries until juice appears.
  2. Add sugar and stir until the crystals dissolve.
  3. Strain and add gelatin.
  4. Mix well and add 2 cups of boiled water.
  5. Place grapes in sterile jars.
  6. Pour into jars and cool. Close with nylon lids.

With honey

  • berries – 2 cups;
  • honey – 6 tablespoons.


  1. Extract juice from washed and pressed berries. It's easier to do this with a juicer.
  2. Strain the juice and add honey. Mix everything well.
  3. Add gelatin and pour into prepared containers. Store in the refrigerator under nylon covers.

With agar-agar

Jelly with agar-agar is prepared in a similar way.

Prepare juice with sugar or honey. Agar-agar must first be soaked in water and brought to a boil. Cool and add to juice. Mix everything well and store in the refrigerator.

Fruits and berries


Sea buckthorn jelly for the winter albeit not the best popular preparation, but very healthy and tasty. You will only need to cope with the preparation of such a dessert once, and then prepare it every winter. If you have never made jelly for the winter before, then our step by step recipe with a photo will tell you in detail how to prepare it from sea buckthorn. The process of creating conservation will require a lot of time and patience from you, however, the result is worth it. In addition to the fact that sea buckthorn berries contain a lot of vitamins, they also contain natural acids that will support your body and immune system in winter.

The most popular medicinal drug from these berries is sea ​​buckthorn oil. It is used for stomach ulcers, as well as for healing various burns. Many dermatologists recommend using sea buckthorn to treat various skin diseases. Besides useful qualities, our preparation will also have outstanding taste characteristics. You’ve definitely never tried jelly like this before in your life: it’s light, bright, aromatic and slightly tart at the same time. Sugar, which we will also use during the cooking process, will cover both the bitterness of the berries and their acidity. Let's start preparing sea buckthorn jelly for the winter at home.



    The first thing to do is to collect sea buckthorn berries. This is not difficult to do, since sea buckthorn trees can often be found even just on the street. When picking, remember that sea buckthorn berries are very tender and burst easily, and their juice is absorbed and practically does not wash off, so take care of the appropriate clothing and gloves.

    All picked berries already at home you need to carefully sort through, in the process you need to remove damaged specimens, all debris, branches and leaves. Peeled berries must be poured into a large basin and poured cold water(1 kg of peeled berries will require approximately 500 ml of water).

    Place the bowl of sea buckthorn berries on the stove, bring the liquid to a boil and prepare the jelly base over low heat for the next 20 minutes.

    The contents of the pan or basin are first passed in portions through a very fine sieve.. We need to not only separate the juice from the pulp, we need to carefully rub the berries through a sieve as shown in the photo.

    Next, the separated juice must be filtered again, but now through gauze folded in several layers or through a clean cotton cloth. Carefully place the fabric on top of the container, pour the juice into it and leave it like that for a while..

    Already at the final stage, you can help the juice separate with your hands, wrapping the remaining pulp in a kind of bag and applying some effort.

    As a result, we form the purest sea buckthorn juice, from which we will now continue preparing jelly for the winter.

    We measure the volume of juice, pour it into enamel pan and add the appropriate amount of sugar indicated in the ingredients. Bring the liquid in the pan to a boil, stir constantly and cook for 10 minutes over low heat, then bring to a boil again and so on until the consistency is suitable for freezing. You can check this as follows: pour a little sea buckthorn mass into a bowl, cool and send to freezer, if it hardens, then the base is ready and the fire can be turned off. It is best to remove foam from the surface of the liquid during the cooking process so that the result is a beautiful and transparent jelly.

    The finished mass will change its color to a much more saturated one; you need to pour the hot liquid into pre-sterilized glass jars small volume, and then tighten with screw caps. After cooling, the jars must be placed in the refrigerator and the jelly must be completely frozen, where it must be stored until use. Useful and delicious jelly prepared from sea buckthorn according to a simple recipe for the winter.

    Bon appetit!

Sea ​​buckthorn! It is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology, which means that in terms of usefulness it occupies one of the first places among summer berries. There is already a selection on our culinary website.

Just recently I told you how to prepare a medicinal one, and today we have a living medicinal dessert - sea buckthorn jelly.

This little miracle berry is bright yellow or orange color really does great wonders for your health. It has no equal in terms of the amount of vitamin C. Just one spoon of medicinal living sea buckthorn jelly, and you will not be afraid of flu and colds. We will take sea buckthorn jelly medicine every day for lunch as a dessert, starting today.

For cooking sea ​​buckthorn jelly will be needed for the winter without cooking ripe berries sea ​​buckthorn and sugar.

Sea buckthorn must first be sorted out, sorted from overripe soft berries.

Rinse with cold water over a sieve. Dry on a towel.

To prepare sea buckthorn jelly for the winter without cooking, we will use thick sea buckthorn juice. Grind the berries using a juicer or meat grinder. If you are using a meat grinder, you will then need a sieve.

Let's take the thick part of the sea buckthorn juice and put the thinner part into syrup. Add sugar to the pureed juice and mix thoroughly with a plastic spoon.

Leave for 5-7 hours. During the process, we will stir several times until the sugar is completely dissolved. Sea buckthorn juice contains a natural gelling agent - pectin. That's why healthy living sea buckthorn jelly can be made without additives.

Ready jelly pour into small glass jars. The container must first be heated in the oven and the lids must be boiled.

Close the lids and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

Our jelly will differ in consistency from the usual store-bought version with gelatin. Sea buckthorn jelly prepared for the winter without cooking is more tender, more lively and more healthy.
