Distilled alcoholic drinks. Why are my distillates healthier than store-bought alcohol? Distillate and rectified: which is preferable?

Good afternoon, dear visitors! Please forgive my long silence. For technical reasons, the site was in a semi-fainting state for a long time, but now I will try to regularly publish interesting materials about everything that in one way or another relates to the production and market of distillates in Russia and the world, expert opinions and my assessment of what is happening. As many of you know, I have been studying the centuries-old experience of distillate production for more than 10 years and producing premium alcohol at my distillery.

I will also try to promptly answer your numerous questions. In recent months alone, I have received more than five thousand letters from you. Thank you for your interest! This means that the topic is necessary and topical, because almost everyone over 18 years old sooner or later wonders where to buy or how to get real elite alcohol: high-quality whiskey, Calvados, bread wine, fruit liqueurs. In addition, don’t forget that premium alcohol is a great gift for friends, bosses, and all good people!

I would like to write a couple of lines about painful issues. Today, the Russian alcohol market is literally drowning in counterfeits. Here is the news from just the last New Year’s week: “30 thousand bottles of counterfeit vodka were seized,” “an underground workshop for the production of counterfeit vodka and cognac was discovered in the Moscow region,” and hundreds of similar ones. What can we say if over the last 6 months of last year more than 4.5 thousand Russians died due to counterfeit alcohol?

Both elite alcohol and outright cheap mumbo jumbo are counterfeited. Out of frenzied greed, bootleggers do not hesitate to pour out outright poison!!!

You don’t need to think that fake alcohol kills right away. Low-quality alcohols tend to accumulate in the body, this is a so-called “delayed problem”, and then they cripple a person at the most inopportune moment.

Be vigilant, comrades!

There is a catastrophic shortage of cognac spirits in Russia; they are purchased abroad, most often in France. Under the guise of cognac, they bring the usual rectification from there. But it sounds proud and expensive: the country of origin is France! A couple of simple manipulations, cheap flavors and dyes, and for the inexperienced consumer this lousy rectified product looks and smells quite like noble cognac.

The Poles bottle whiskey and export it to Russia... where do the Poles get their whiskey from?!!! If desired, each of you can prepare whiskey or cognac, or rather, a drink with a similar color and smell using available drugs... It’s scary to imagine what they can do in a serious laboratory.

In the near future, I plan to post on the site several articles by one of the largest Russian experts about the production of distillates in Russia, so visit my site for news.

And finally – about the title. Dear readers! I am sure that any homemade drink, even one based on sugar, is much safer than a store-bought one. And if I can’t answer for all the distillates in Russia, well, you never know what someone added to it, then I can vouch for my drinks with my head. And whoever wants to check, you are always welcome - there is a phone number on the website where I will try to answer questions.

In these half-century-old cognac barrels, the spirits stored in my wine cellar several years ago acquire a delightful aromatic quality.

What is better - distillate or rectified? This issue concerns mainly the male part of the population. In order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a particular technology, it is necessary to decide what result is important to us: do we want to achieve a drink as pure as a tear, or do we want to enjoy its delicate taste? But before that, let’s find out what distillate and rectified product are.


Distillate is a liquid obtained as a result of the distillation process - the distillation of any mixture with its further cooling and condensation of vapors.

There are 3 types of distillation:

  1. Simple.
  2. Factional.
  3. Rectification.

Distillation technology has been known to people since the 3rd century. BC BC, when this method was used by the Egyptians to make paint from spoiled grapes. For the process, special copper stills were used - alambiks, consisting of a distillation cube, a condenser, a helmet and an outlet pipe for steam.

At first they were used to make paint and perfume. In the 17th century Due to difficulties with transporting wine across the sea (the drink spoiled under the scorching sun), they began to distill this type of alcohol.

Alcohol distillation

Distillation became famous throughout Europe, and manufacturers used a variety of raw materials for alcoholic beverages: grapes, sugar cane, grain, corn, sugar, beets and even cacti.

The main ingredient is first used to make mash - a drink with a low alcohol content. The methods for making it differ:

  • simple: mix yeast dissolved in warm water (30ºC) with sugar syrup, seal tightly with a lid (or put a rubber glove on the neck of the jar to avoid explosion), put in a warm place for 5-10 days;
  • complex (no added sugar): potatoes or grains should be crushed, filled with water and heated. At this time, the starch should be converted into sugar. Next, the mixture is fermented with yeast and left to infuse.

After the drink has fermented, it is filtered and distilled:

  1. The mash is poured into the distiller.
  2. Heats up using any heat source.
  3. The liquid begins to evaporate.
  4. The resulting steam enters the so-called refrigerator, where it condenses and turns into distillate.

Simple distillation technology does not imply complete removal of impurities from the drink, even if the process is repeated several times. The distillate retains a light aroma of the product that was the basis of the mash. To give a pleasant aroma characteristic of a particular drink, it is flavored:

  • placed in oak barrels - this is how rum, cognac, brandy, and armagnac are made;
  • coriander and almonds are added to make gin.

Some manufacturers, in order to get rid of the unpleasant odor of not very high-quality distillate, clean it with chemicals, which has an extremely negative impact on the health of the consumer.


As you know, all liquids have different boiling points: water boils at t = 100ºС, while alcohol requires only 78ºС. Based on this property, the following type of distillation is distinguished - fractional. Its principle is simple: different fractions of liquid are distilled into separate containers. Fractions are selected based on alcohol concentration, steam temperature, and mash volume:

  1. The head fraction (pervach) is not used, because it has an unpleasant odor and is extremely harmful. It is cut off by temperature and % alcohol drop by drop.
  2. The middle fraction (moonshine body) is usually colorless with a neutral odor. It is selected according to temperature (90-96º C) and strength (35-45º); the liquid can be released while it is burning.
  3. The tail fraction has a sharp, unpleasant odor due to the content of fusel oils. Care should be taken to ensure that it does not get into the “body”.

Fractional distillation

To produce high-quality moonshine, it is recommended to clean it with charcoal and distill it again, but this should be done much more slowly than the first time, and the fractions should be clearly separated.

It should be noted that it is impossible to produce pure alcohol by distillation, even if this is done several times: the drink will necessarily have a specific taste and aroma. Therefore, the following type of distillation is used to produce alcohol.


Rectification is the separation of a mixture due to heat exchange between liquid and steam, which results in absolutely pure liquids.

  1. The container with moonshine is heated to a boil.
  2. The vapors formed during boiling rise up the distillation column and enter the reflux condenser (an apparatus for condensing liquid vapors), which is cooled with water.
  3. On the cold surface of the reflux condenser, steam begins to condense, forming reflux, which flows back down the column.
  4. The rising steam and phlegm interact. A heat exchange process occurs, as a result of which the most easily boiling components are collected in the upper part. Some of them turn into condensate and are collected in a container.

The purity of each ingredient after rectification is at least 90%. Using this method, gasoline and kerosene are separated from oil, and rectified alcohol with an ethanol content of up to 95% is extracted from mash.

4 Distillate and rectified: which is preferable?

So, rectified and distillate are completely different liquids. Therefore, when answering the question of which is better, you need to consider the following:

  1. After normal distillation, the drink retains the taste and aroma of the product on which it is made. During rectification, these properties are lost.
  2. The alcohol obtained as a result of distillation can “work” further: when it is placed in an oak barrel, the remaining wine components are oxidized, and the drink becomes aromatic. Rectified alcohol does not have such properties; it can only be diluted.

Whatever type you prefer, remember: alcohol abuse is harmful to your health!

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Alcohol can only bring pleasure if it is of high quality. And good quality can be achieved by using the right methods for obtaining it. Therefore, every beginning moonshine brewer needs to know everything about distillate and rectified alcohol in order to create a truly good alcoholic product.

Alcohol distillation

There is an expression “to distill moonshine” - in fact, this is distillation (it is also called “distillation”). During this process, volatile compounds (vapors) evaporate from the fermented mixture under the influence of high temperatures, which subsequently settle and form moonshine. Sometimes distillation occurs before rectification, and not just as an independent process.

The distillation apparatus itself is quite simple:

  • The first compartment is a large flask-shaped container into which raw materials are poured. At the top there is a thermometer for measuring temperature. Below the flask is a heat source for heating.
  • The second part of the device is a serpentine hollow tube connecting the first and second compartments. It comes from the first flask with a downward slope so that the vapor can cool and, turning into liquid, fall down in drops. This part is otherwise called a “capacitor”.
  • The third part is a smaller flask, located at a level lower than the first compartment of the distillation apparatus. The entrance to it is through a hollow tube. The alcohol settles in this compartment.

Distillation must be monitored: as soon as all the alcohol in the first flask has evaporated and water remains, the process must be stopped. The signal for this will be an increase in the temperature in the condenser.

There are 2 types of distillation:

  • simple (one step);
  • fractional (in several stages).

In fact, simple distillation is the first stage of fractional distillation, which results in the first yield of alcohol. With simple distillation, it is mixed with the rest of the alcohol, and with fractional distillation, the first grams are separated.

Simple distillation

The first 100 g of distillate is called the “head”. It is important to remember that they are unsuitable for consumption due to their high strength and high concentration of harmful compounds (aldehydes, ethers, etc.) and have a strong odor. Experienced moonshiners know this and pour the first 100 g into the sink or use it for domestic purposes.

However, sometimes impurities are not removed, and this type of distillation is simple. The final alcohol retains the smell and taste of the raw materials from which the mash was made. As a rule, to create a pleasant aura of a drink, it is flavored:

  • brandy, rum and cognac are infused in oak barrels;
  • Almonds and coriander are added to make gin.

Low-quality alcohol contains chemical flavorings, which distinguishes a careless manufacturer. This is a common practice for inexpensive alcoholic drinks, since chemistry is cheaper than natural ingredients or long-term aging in a barrel. It is better to avoid such drinks, as they are more harmful.

Fractional distillation

As you know, water boils at 100˚C, and alcohol at 78˚C, so steam from alcohol is formed faster than steam from water. When cooled, the vapor turns into liquid and settles. For purer distillation, distillation is repeated many times - which is the basis of fractional distillation: different containers for different liquids. Fractions are divided by mash volume, temperature and strength. There are 3 types of factions:

  • Head (pervach), which was described above. It is not used because of the unpleasant odor and harmful substances. Its selection is carried out by temperature and percentage of alcohol drop by drop.
  • Medium (moonshine body). This liquid is almost colorless and odorless, cut off by high temperature (90–95˚C) and strength (35–40˚).
  • Tail. Its main difference is the pungent odor that fusel oils give it. It should not be allowed to get into the main part of the moonshine - the body.

It is customary to purify high-quality moonshine with charcoal and re-distill it - slower than the first time. It is important to maintain a clear division into factions in order to enjoy a good result.

Remember: if you need to get pure alcohol, it is not recommended to use the distillation method. In any case, the final product will retain a slight aroma of the original raw materials.

Rectification: description and purpose

Distillate and rectified alcohol differ in the specifics of the final product: during the rectification process, pure rectified alcohol can be obtained, which is why it is used for the production of vodka.

A rectification column is somewhat more complicated than a distiller, because it is not easy to separate the alcohol, but also to clean it from impurities: fusel oils, methanol, acetone, taste and smell.

It is important to remember that rectification of alcohol is not re-distillation. The process itself has several stages:

  1. The compartment with moonshine is heated and brought to a boil.
  2. The vapor rises through the distillation column into the reflux condenser, where it settles, being cooled by water.
  3. As a result of condensation, reflux is formed, which flows back down the column.
  4. Reflux and steam interact - heat exchange occurs. Low-boiling substances concentrate at the very top and settle in a special container.

If you compare rectified and distillate, the difference is usually noted in the purity of the alcohol. When rectified, the output is pure 96% alcohol.

Important: only 40% alcohol after primary distillation, and not mash, is suitable for obtaining rectified alcohol.

Which method is better?

Distillation and rectification of alcohol-containing liquid are good in their own way. For example, if you need to get a drink with the aroma and taste of the original raw materials (for example, cognac and brandy), then you should use distillation. Due to rectification, such features of the drink will be lost.

Differences also lie in the further use of the resulting alcohol. Thus, distilled alcohol can be placed in an oak barrel, after which it will receive a pleasant aroma. Alcohol aged in barrels is especially highly prized. Rectified alcohol will not obtain the proper properties - it is only suitable for dilution.

It is worth noting that alcohol rectification is more expensive due to the cost of equipment. An initial distillation of the mash is also necessary - and this affects the time costs. In the question of whether it is better to choose a distillate or a rectified product, you need to be guided by your own experience and goals.

It is difficult to say which is more in demand: distillate or rectified, since it depends on the further purpose of the alcohol. However, no matter which method is chosen, you need to strictly monitor the implementation of each stage of alcohol production so that the product turns out to be of high quality. And you also cannot save on equipment - more expensive distillers and distillation columns will give better results. If it is difficult to independently determine what would be more appropriate: traditional distillation or rectification, and to figure out which is better, then it is recommended to seek help from a specialist.

Currently, alcoholic beverages are used quite often in our lives. But strong drinks bring pleasure only if they are of high quality. This can be achieved by using the right ways to obtain it. In this regard, it is important to know the basic methods of distilling alcohol: distillation of alcohol and its rectification.

Alcohol distillation

The word “distillation” itself is of Latin origin and means “dropping.” Typically, this method is used in many areas of life to separate liquids into components that differ in composition. Does not apply if the fractions included in the liquid differ in boiling point.

Distillation is used in the petroleum refining industry to produce gasoline, kerosene and lubricating oils. The process of desalination of sea water is also based on this method.

But we are interested in this method for the purpose of isolating ethyl alcohol from alcohol-containing liquids.

Distillation or distillation of alcohol is a phenomenon that results in the evaporation of volatile compounds from a fermented mixture. These components, settling in the form of condensate, form moonshine. To create moonshine, a special apparatus is used - a distiller, which is a distillation cube.

The distillation process itself is simple and consists of two steps:

  • Converting distilled liquid into steam.
  • Steam condenses, thereby returning the substance to liquid form through cooling.

At the same time, the boiling point of the alcohol that we need to extract is +78C, while that of water is +100C, which leads to rapid evaporation of the alcohol. During the cooling process, the alcohol condenses. The distillate can be distilled more than once to increase the alcohol concentration.

The moonshine obtained at the beginning is distinguished by both strong strength and a high level of harmful substances in it: esters and aldehydes. In this regard, it is categorically unsuitable for ingestion as alcohol; it is better to pour it out or find another use for it, for example, to light a fire with it.

Distillation process

It is also not recommended to use so-called “tails” containing fusel alcohols and methanol. They can be identified by their unpleasant odor. They appear after the strength of moonshine drops to 40%, but, unlike the first unusable drops, the “tails” can be used for re-distillation.

The completion of distillation is usually determined in the following way: the absorbent liquid is ignited. If it starts to burn, then stop distillation.

Distillation of alcohol, according to classification, is divided into the following types:

  • simple - carried out in one stage;
  • factional – carried out in several stages;
  • rectification.

Simple distillation of alcohol is the initial stage of the second type of distillation.

Simple distillation

Distillation process diagram

This method was used back in Ancient Egypt to produce paint from spoiled grapes. For this, copper cubes were used, the design of which included a distillation tank, a condenser, and an outlet pipe for evaporation. At first, these units were used in the production of paint and perfume, and after a while they began to be used to create strong alcoholic beverages.

Currently, simple distillation is a technology for distilling alcohol, which does not completely remove harmful impurities. Even repeating this process will not completely clean the drink. Its output strength is 25-30% vol.

Alcohol distillation is carried out in several stages:

  • Making mash. There are many methods for its production. The simplest of them is to dissolve the yeast in water at a temperature of 30C and add sugar syrup prepared in advance. Next, you should tightly close the container with a lid and keep it in a warm place for a week.

The final product has the aroma and taste of the products used for the mash, and therefore it is subjected to aromatization. For example, rum and cognac are infused in oak barrels, and almonds or pine essence are added to gin.

A more complicated method involves using potatoes, which, when crushed, must be filled with water and heated. The starch contained in potatoes is converted into sugars. Then add yeast and place in a warm place.

  • At the end of fermentation, the mash is filtered, which is then poured into the distillation unit.
  • The mash evaporates.
  • Through the outlet tube, the resulting steam ends up in the refrigerator, where, condensing, it turns into a distillate.

In addition, to get rid of unpleasant odors, the product is often subjected to chemical treatment, which can negatively affect human health.

Fractional distillation

This method is also called fractional, since it is carried out in several stages. It requires more attention and patience.

Fractional distillation is based on the difference in boiling point of the components that make up the liquid. The essence of the method is to separate the alcohol into fractions during distillation, followed by their distribution into different containers.

Distillation of ethanol does not involve the use of “heads” or the first fraction, due to their unpleasant odor and increased level of harmfulness. The condensate collected at this stage is dangerous not only for ingestion, but also for external use. If such a fraction gets on the skin, damage may occur, for example, the skin will peel off. "Heads" are mainly used to light wood. Upon completion of the separation of this fraction, it is necessary to replace the receiving container.

The middle fraction (moonshine body) has no color and no pungent odor. At this stage, high quality moonshine is selected. The selection of this part of the moonshine occurs during combustion at temperatures up to 95C, while the strength ranges from 35 to 45%. In the range from 78 to 83C, the purest water-alcohol masses are released, which do not contain impurities harmful to human health.

The final fraction or “tails” is characterized by a strong, pungent odor due to the content of fusel oils and heavy impurities. It is also necessary to prevent them from getting into the main part of the fraction; for this, at this stage it is necessary to replace the receiving container. “Tails” are usually unsuitable for ingestion due to their odor and deterioration of the quality of the main part of the moonshine. But they can be used for re-distillation, added to new mash, or added to moonshine for lovers of this taste.

To improve the quality of alcohol, it is recommended to carry out another purification with charcoal, dilute it with clean water, or re-distill it, carrying out this process more slowly than the first time. Repeated distillation can lead to the formation of an azeotropic mixture, the composition of which does not change during subsequent distillations.

Due to the fact that it is impossible to produce alcohol of a high level of purification by distillation, even fractional, due to the presence of aroma and taste, rectification is used.

The rectification process itself is the separation of a mixture, which is based on the process of heat exchange between vapor and liquid.

Many people mistakenly consider rectification of alcohol to be re-distillation, but these two concepts should not be confused.

This method involves the use of a distillation column, which is an apparatus that separates liquid into components. In this case, the result is pure alcohol that does not have any pungent odors, tastes, or harmful substances. Rectification without the use of this device produces alcohol with a lower strength.

When a container with moonshine is heated, the liquid begins to boil, resulting in the formation of steam. It rises through distillation columns to the top, ending up in a unit where steam condenses and is called a reflux condenser. This device is cooled with water. When vapor hits a cooled surface, it condenses, resulting in the formation of phlegm. Phlegm flows into the container. The steam that rises to the top and the reflux that flows down interact with each other, forming a heat exchange process. Rectification involves constant interaction between steam and liquid. As a result, substances with a lower boiling point are located at the top; they are transformed into condensate and flow into the container.

This distillation method is used to obtain pure ethyl alcohol. This alcohol is the basis of vodka. Rectification is also the safest, since it allows you to make strong alcoholic drinks, eliminating the presence of large amounts of impurities and poisoning by chemicals when consumed.

Which method is better?

To determine the best method for distilling alcohol, you need to decide what is more important to you: the subtle taste and aroma of alcohol or pure alcohol.

During different distillation methods, different drinks are formed at the output: distillation is used to produce moonshine, cognac, whiskey, tequila, gin; pure alcohol is a rectification product.

In addition, you need to understand that after distillation, even fractional, the final drink has the aroma and taste of the original raw material, while in the process of rectification the taste and aromatic properties are destroyed.

Thus, one cannot say that one or another method is better, since they give different results at the output.

Distillation of raw materials is one of the main processes in home brewing. Despite the fact that this procedure is not very diverse, it can be used to obtain various drinks. Moreover, they will all be radically different from each other. They will be different in strength, aroma and flavors. Even each of two varieties of the same drink will have an individual taste and aroma. Achieving such a result consists of several factors. This is the type of raw material for distillation, the distillation method itself, and even the material from which the moonshine still is made, which you can buy on our website. All these nuances are of great importance. In this article we will look at unique mash recipes, as well as the features of its distillation technology.


In the Middle Ages, this product was very popular among our ancestors. Therefore, it was made from almost any raw material. In the modern world, too, few people will refuse the pleasure of pampering themselves with beer. But many home brewers prefer this drink for completely different reasons. The degree contained in beer can be increased using a moonshine still or a distiller. In addition, the malt contained in beer can drown out the taste of classic homemade moonshine. Mostly expired drinks are used for distillation. In general, these are raw materials that cannot be consumed, but it is a pity to throw them away.

The use of beer as a raw material for distillation is complicated by the excessive release of foam. This is why some moonshiners do not want to get involved with this drink. And those who like the taste of malt in alcohol have their own secrets for distilling it. For example, in order to avoid foaming, it is necessary to degas the raw materials. To do this, keep it in an open container for a day or get rid of unnecessary gases using an aquarium pump. During the distillation itself, the distillation cube must be filled not to 75%, as usual, but only to 50%. In addition, it is necessary to carefully control the temperature. Beer is very sensitive to high temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to start distillation at 60 degrees Celsius, gradually raising the temperature bar. It would be a good idea to maintain a temperature pause during distillation until the final fraction of the product is separated.

Related Products

Alcohol can be removed from beer using the rectification process. The result is a fairly soft product with a characteristic malt aroma. For these purposes, a moonshine still made of copper is best suited. It is necessary to take into account the fact that depending on the type of beer, the final product may have a bitter aftertaste. Therefore, it is best to give preference to light varieties. Some home brewers recommend diluting “beer alcohol” with regular alcohol and water. And then keep it in oak barrels or jugs. According to reviews from such innovators, the resulting drink can compete with the best types of whiskey in its taste.


It’s not for nothing that home craftsmen compare “beer alcohol” with this noble drink. After all, the same ingredients are used to make whiskey as for beer - malt and grain. Almost any grain can be used to make whiskey. The technology for preparing this amazing drink depends on this. Any country in the world can boast of its own strong alcohol. Raw materials for which grow in this country. And unique production technologies make such drinks exclusive.

The same can be said about whiskey. It has been produced in Ireland since the twelfth century! One of the main components is barley malt, which can be combined with wheat, oats and rye. You can purchase selected malt for home-made beer at the Alkopribor company store. Irish whiskey can be divided into varieties:

  1. Single malt. It contains only barley malt.
  2. Single grain. Made only from grain crops.
  3. Clean. For its preparation, only barley grains and its malt are used.
  4. Blended. This is a mixture of previous varieties in certain proportions.

To give the drink softness and rich taste, Irish winemakers have their own little secret. Before preparing the mash, the grains are dried in special ovens. After completion of the fermentation process, triple distillation of the raw material occurs. Moreover, special distillation vessels are used for this, which in their shape resemble an onion head. After the first distillation, the whiskey has a strength of about 30%, the second distillation increases this figure to 60-70 degrees. The third distillation allows the whiskey to be as clean as possible from unwanted impurities.

Triple distillation is the hallmark of Irish whiskey. After distillation, the products are kept for some time in oak barrels. The type of drink obtained depends on the aging period. If necessary, some varieties are poured into a new barrel and kept. After all these manipulations, the whiskey undergoes tasting and blending. Irish whiskey can contain over 40 different types of whiskey. Only after this is the whiskey filtered and diluted to the desired strength.

Scotch whiskey is no less popular all over the world. It is divided into the same varieties as Irish whiskey, with the exception of pure whiskey. This variety is produced only in Ireland. Unlike their Irish counterparts, Scottish winemakers dry their grain over an open fire. The main combustion components of which are coal and peat.

Once fermentation is complete, Scotch whiskey undergoes double distillation. For this purpose, copper devices with long steam pipes are used. The first distillate has a strength of only 20%. During repeated distillation, the raw material is divided into fractions, its strength increases to 70%. It is from this that the famous Scotch whiskey is obtained.

The aging period directly depends on the type of drink. Some varieties are aged for 50 years. They belong to elite alcohol. Scotch is aged for 3 years; periods for single malt varieties range from 8 to 30 years. Interestingly, Scotch whiskey is aged in sherry or bourbon casks. This gives the drink a unique taste and aroma. Classic Scotch whiskey has a dark color, piquant aroma and a nutty flavor. Or maybe light with a slight vanilla aroma. This flavor range depends on the barrels in which the drink was aged.

Whiskey produced in America can be divided into two types: pure and blended. The most famous type of American whiskey is bourbon. It contains more than 51% corn.

Americans call mash made from various types of grain beer. To make whiskey, this beer is double distilled and then aged in charred barrels. Thus, the drink is given the aroma of vanilla and wood. The combination is somewhat unusual, but quite spicy.

Whiskey is distilled in many countries around the world. These include: Japan, Austria, Canada. And in each country, winemakers have their own secrets and tricks to give the drink a unique taste. You can distill whiskey at home. Moreover, you will not need all the technologies mentioned above from the world's leading manufacturers. To distill whiskey at home, you need mash infused with grains and a copper container for distillation. By the way, they are great for these purposes. alambics, which can be purchased in the Alkopribor online store. And you will also need oak chips, which will not only help give the drink a characteristic taste, but are also quite capable of replacing many years of aging in an oak barrel.


For distilling moonshine from low-alcohol products, there is another type of raw material, in addition to the beer mentioned above. This is an ordinary wine. By the way, this type of raw material for distillation is quite popular among professional home winemakers. The well-known and beloved cognac was first obtained as a result of double distillation of wine. Of course, in modern industrial production conditions this method is no longer relevant. To obtain cognac, mash infused with grapes is used. But for home brewing, ordinary wine can be a good alternative to fruit mash, recipes for which can be read in our Library.

From wine you can get such a wonderful drink as brandy. After all, even large producers use not only fruit pomace, but also wine to obtain it. So why not take advantage of this in home brewing? But it should be remembered that copper distillation devices are best suited for these purposes. Copper will preserve the aroma of raw materials and impart it to the final product.

You should not try sour wine for distillation. In this case, the resulting moonshine will contain a large amount of harmful impurities. But high-quality wines made from peach, cherry, and plum are ideal for these purposes. To give the drink strength and a subtle, rich aroma, double distillation is recommended. In addition, for a more intense aroma, you can age the alcohol in barrels for some time. Also, Alkopribor specialists advise using flavoring additives or flavoring concentrates for moonshine. Thanks to the right ingredients, you can get almost elite alcohol at home.

Brandy can be made using a single fractional distillation. But this approach to the matter is undesirable. As a result of this method of mash distillation, the final product contains fusel oils and aldehydes. The resulting drink, of course, will vaguely resemble brandy, but it’s better not to risk your health. It is much more effective and safer to mix several types of wine and, after fermentation, subject them to double distillation. The resulting product should then be infused with the help of special additives. In this case, you will get strong alcohol with an unusual aroma.

Squeeze is also suitable for preparing mash for strong alcoholic drinks. This is what remains after making wine. Using these winemaking wastes, grappa is made, a fairly popular alcoholic drink in Italy.


The most famous alcoholic drink in Georgia is chacha. It can be classified as a type of brandy, for the preparation of which you will need a mash infused with unripe grapes or their marc. Of the peculiarities of preparing chacha, I would like to note one nuance. After the first distillation, the initial and final fractions are not removed. The entire distillate is filtered, then diluted with water and re-distilled. It is as a result of the repeated procedure that fractional separation occurs. But the presence of a small amount of the final fraction is allowed in the final product. After repeated distillation, the chacha is ready for use; you just need to dilute it with water to the required strength. But experienced gourmets prefer to infuse chacha in tightly sealed barrels. As a result of aging, the drink develops a more tart taste and aroma.

Making chacha at home can be compared to art. Each master adds something of his own to her recipe. Thanks to this approach, quite interesting and original tastes of the drink can be found. If you like experiments and a creative approach to business, then preparing chacha will allow you to realize your wildest ideas.


In addition to fruit and berry crops, herbs are used to prepare some types of alcohol. A striking example of this is absinthe. There is no clear opinion about this drink. This is due to the fact that as a result of its use, a person may experience intoxication comparable to that of a drug. Some even experience hallucinations. In some countries, absinthe is prohibited for sale and consumption. But still, in some places it is a very popular and sought-after drink.

Perhaps this effect from its use is due to the fact that it is a rather strong drink. Agree that not every person is able to drink alcohol, the strength of which reaches 85 degrees. Or maybe the hallucinations are caused by the wormwood contained in absinthe. This plant has a unique effect on the body, but it gives the drink an extraordinary taste. Currently, many manufacturers minimize the content of wormwood in absinthe. Or they refuse it altogether, using anise as a substitute. France is considered the birthplace of this amazing drink, but currently the leading producer of absinthe is the Czech Republic.

Absinthe is obtained by distilling alcohol diluted with water, which contains aromatic additives. Or you can simply mix herbal tinctures with alcohol or use plant extracts. Preparing absinthe can be compared to a mystical ritual. And the result of such magic is an extraordinary drink with its own culture of consumption.

Here are just some of the ways to distill alcoholic beverages. In fact, there are a great many ways to distill mash and specific alcoholic beverages. If you decide to take up home brewing professionally, then don’t be afraid to experiment. Perhaps, through trial and error, you will be able to create an absolutely unique and inimitable product!
