Jam made from seedless dark grapes. Black jam from Isabella. Grape jam with cinnamon and lemon

Almost every garden grows grapes, but not every housewife knows and knows how to make jam from them. Having tried it once, it stands on par with other, more popular sweet preparations for the winter. There are quite a few grape varieties that, when treated with temperature, retain a lot useful properties and besides taste they also bring benefits. The most best jam obtained from such grape varieties as: raisin, Isabella, Delight, Talisman, Husayne, Chaush, Agadai, Rizamat, Nimrang, Karaburnu. Can also be used lightly sour varieties.

To prepare any grape jam, take ripe bunches with whole berries. Severely unripe and damaged grapes are not suitable for this purpose.

The bunches are placed in a colander and washed under running water to remove dust and debris.

Green grape varieties are blanched for 2 minutes (until soft) in boiling water with the addition of 3 grams of salt. Then the bunches are dipped into cold water.

White and blue grapes no need to blanch.

The berries are separated from the bunches with scissors. Each berry is pierced with a needle to maintain integrity when heat treatment. If the jam is seedless, remove the seeds. To do this, the berries are cut in half. The separated berries are dried on a paper towel.

You need to cook the jam in an enamel or glassware. A saucepan or basin is suitable for this purpose.

Grape jam can be made from different varieties red, white, black and green grapes.

From sultanas

Many people like seedless jam, and raisin grapes are ideal for making it. This jam turns out aromatic, tasty and beautiful.

To prepare it you need to take:

  • 0.6 kilograms of sultanas;
  • 60 milliliters of water;
  • 0.6 kilograms of sugar;
  • a packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar.

The grapes need to be washed and the berries separated. All damaged berries are removed. Add sugar to boiling water and stir thoroughly. The berries are dipped into the finished syrup and cooked for 10 minutes. The mixture must be stirred during cooking, removing the foam.

The pan is removed from the heat and wrapped in a towel for 8 hours. Then the syrup is separated from the berries and cooked for 8 minutes. Berries are added. The mixture is wrapped again for 8 hours. After which the pan must be placed on low heat. The jam simmers until the berries sink to the bottom and become transparent.

For a more subtle taste, add at the end of cooking. vanilla sugar or vanillin.

Ready jam pour into clean and dry jars and close. The jars are turned over and wrapped until cool.

For black sultana jam with honey and lemon you need to take:

  • 2 kilograms of grapes;
  • kilogram of honey;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 250 milliliters of water;
  • cinnamon stick or 5 grams of this spice powder;
  • 4 buds of cloves.

The berries need to be washed under water and removed from the bunches. They are then pierced with a needle. In a saucepan, mix water with honey and lemon juice. Cloves and cinnamon are added.

The mixture is placed on low heat and heated to 70 degrees. Then it needs to be removed and cooled to 40-50 degrees. The berries are dipped into the syrup. The mixture is placed on the stove again and heated to 70 degrees. After which the pan needs to be wrapped and left to cool for 8 hours. The heating and cooling procedure is repeated 2 more times.

After the last heating, the mixture is infused for a day. Then the jam is put on fire. After boiling, it is poured into jars prepared in advance and closed.

Kishmish jam: video

To make Isabella jam you need:

  • 2 kilograms of grapes;
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 0.4 liters grape juice or water;
  • half a lemon;
  • 3 packets of vanilla.

The berries need to be washed and separated from the bunch. Sugar is poured into the boiled juice (water) and everything is mixed. The resulting syrup is removed from the heat. The berries are dropped into it and left to stand for 8 hours. Then the syrup with berries is simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. After which it needs to be cooled again and left for 8 hours.

Rinse the lemon well and place it in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then it is cut, the juice is squeezed out and filtered to remove pulp and seeds (using a sieve or gauze).

After the syrup with berries has cooled, add lemon juice and vanillin. The jam is cooked for 10 minutes. Then it is put into jars and closed for the winter.

For grape jam with seeds you need:

  • 1 kilogram of grapes;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 5 grams of citric acid.

The berries are first washed and trimmed from the branches. Then they need to be doused with boiling water for a couple of minutes. Syrup is prepared from water and sugar. Grapes are poured into it.

The mixture is cooked for 8 minutes. Then it needs to be removed from the heat. After cooling, the mixture is set on low heat and cooked for 10 minutes. At the end, citric acid is added to the jam and mixed. The finished jam can be poured into jars and sealed for the winter. The inverted jars are covered with a thick cloth or towel and left until completely cooled. Then they need to be stored in a dry and cool place.

It will require:

  • 2 kilograms of grapes;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 500 milliliters of water;
  • 2 large oranges;
  • 2 lemons.

600 grams of sugar dissolves in boiling water. The prepared grapes are transferred to the finished syrup and left to stand for 4 hours. Then the mixture is brought to a boil, another 600 grams of sugar is added. Boils for 10 minutes. Then it is removed and cooled for 10 hours.

After insisting, put it on the fire, add the remaining sugar. 3 minutes before the end of cooking, add orange and lemon juice. After boiling, the jam is poured into prepared jars and sealed.

For seedless green grape jam you need:

  • 2 kilograms of seedless grapes;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • lemon juice;
  • 3 packets of vanilla.

The berries must first be prepared by washing and separating the berries. Sugar is mixed with water and placed on low heat. The mixture must be stirred periodically until thick syrup. Then remove from heat until completely cool.

Berries are placed in it and lemon juice and vanillin are added. If desired, you can add 50 grams of liqueur.

The mixture is stirred and placed on low heat. The finished jam should not spread after cooking. To check, you need to take a drop and place it on a plate. It should keep its shape. The finished jam is poured into jars and closed.

For this jam you need to take:

  • 2 kilograms of grapes;
  • 10 grams of pectin or instant gelatin;
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Water is poured into the pan. Bring to a boil. The grapes are blanched and transferred to another container with a slotted spoon. The cooked berries are ground on a sieve. Sugar is added to the resulting juice.

The mixture simmers over low heat for 10 minutes. After cooling, the mixture is cooked for another 10 minutes, and so on twice.

Before the last heating, pectin or gelatin is added to the jam.

The boiled jam is distributed into jars and twisted. The jars are turned over and covered with a blanket until they cool.

It will require:

  • 1 kg white grapes;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 3 grams of citric acid;
  • 2 packets of vanillin.

The grapes need to be placed in a colander, washed under hot running water, and then cold water. The berries are separated very carefully.

A pan of water is placed on fire. Bring to a boil. Sugar is gradually added to the water, stirring slowly. The syrup is cooked for 15 minutes (until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained).

Then it needs to be cooled. The berries are placed in the cooled syrup. You need to cook them over low heat, gradually increasing the heat to maximum. After 10 minutes, vanillin and citric acid are added to the pan. After this, the jam is mixed and placed in jars and sealed for the winter. The jars are turned over and wrapped in a blanket until they cool completely.

It will require:

  • 1.5 sultanas or other seedless grapes;
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 2 large lemons;
  • 200-250 grams walnuts or almonds;
  • 2 bags of vanillin;
  • 3 cherry leaves.

The berries need to be removed from the bunches and washed. 100 grams of water is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. Cherry leaves and grapes are dropped into it. After a couple of minutes, the mixture is removed from the heat. In another container, mix the second half of the water and sugar. The mixture is stirred and heated until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Blanched grapes are placed in a colander, drained and placed in boiling syrup. The mixture should boil for 7 minutes. Then it needs to be cooled.

The cooled mixture is heated again, chopped nuts, lemon juice and vanillin are added. Boil for 10 minutes. The finished jam is poured into prepared jars and closed for the winter. After twisting, turn over and wrap for 8-9 hours. The jam is stored in a cool place.

Grape jam with almonds: video

There are quite a few recipes for grape jam with seeds. Quite often it is prepared in thick-walled pans or basins in several steps. It takes quite a long time to prepare. To prepare this delicacy in a shorter time, use multicookers.

Any type of grape is suitable for jam. The berries must be large, whole and not overripe.

You can take a slightly unripe one, it will give the jam the necessary sourness.

  • 1.5 kilograms of any large grapes;
  • 0.7 kilograms of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of grape juice;
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • 2 star anise;
  • 100 grams of peeled almonds.

The grapes are washed. The berries are cut from the bunches and dried. If desired, the seeds are removed. The berries are placed in a large bowl, covered with sugar and mixed gently. Almonds are soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then it is cleaned and divided into halves.

The candied berries are placed in a multicooker bowl, juice, nuts and spices are added. The multicooker is switched to stewing mode for two hours. The finished jam is distributed into jars and sealed for the winter.

Grape jam not only tasty and aromatic, but also healthy. In winter, such a delicacy allows you to maintain your tone and saturates a person with useful substances.

Grape jam is real magic that you can make a reality at own kitchen! The most tender and incredible healthy treat everyone likes it without exception. Once you try it, it will be impossible to tear yourself away. Housewives will have to master the most different recipes and every time delight your families with such an exotic treat.

How to make grape jam?

Typically, such desserts are prepared from raspberries, strawberries, currants and gooseberries, so grape delicacy can not be called traditional at all. However, this does not prevent many housewives and simply lovers of juicy berries from making such preparations truly in industrial scale. Even those who do not live in the south and are forced to buy grapes at markets tend to stock up on a jar or two of aromatic jam. We bring to your attention a simple recipe for grape jam that will not leave you indifferent.

Berries are known for their amazing benefits for human health. After heat treatment they retain their properties and vitamins. The bunches contain a significant amount of potassium, which improves kidney and heart function. They also contain calcium, as well as sodium, magnesium and phosphorus. B vitamins will help improve the condition of skin and hair, and ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system. Black grape jam

Grape jam is cooked mainly over low heat. This allows you to save the maximum amount useful components berries If you are using slightly sour varieties, adding citric acid is not necessary. The fruits are boiled whole, cut, and even crushed into puree. There are also recipes in which it is recommended to put the whole bunch - for aesthetic purposes.

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Weight ready-made dish: 1.4 kg.
    1. Cooking time:
  1. Calories:

Ingredients for making grape jam

  • Grapes – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.4 kg.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

Seedless grape jam

    1. This jam is ideal for lovers of sweet dishes. The seeds give the delicacy a bitter taste, so it is better to take the berries without them. If this is not possible, simply remove the seeds from the fruits; this is not at all difficult to do.
  1. Each grape must be cut into two parts. Place them in a saucepan and cover with sugar. Pour juice from one lemon on top. The future dessert should be cooled in the refrigerator for four hours. Then it is placed on low heat and boiled for 20 minutes. If the treat turns out liquid, cook it a little more. After cooling, the jam is poured into jars and rolled up.

How to make grape jam with seeds?

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.6 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Water – 1 glass.
    • Sugar – 400 g.
    • Grapes – 1 kg.
    • Citric acid – 5 g.
  • Vanilla – 2 g.

Cooking method

There is no need to add any flavorings to a preparation such as grape jam with seeds if you use berries of the Isabella and Lydia varieties. Their fruits have a bright natural smell.

The cooking process begins with boiling the syrup. You need to boil water and add sugar to it. Then cook the syrup for 15 minutes. When the liquid has cooled, place whole berries in it and place on the stove. Over the course of an hour, gradually increase the heat and cook the delicacy on full heat for the last 10 minutes. Add vanilla to dessert citric acid, pour into jars and preserve. Delicious jam from Isabella grapes will appeal to everyone without exception!

Green grape jam

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.5.
    1. Cooking time: 14.5 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes – 1 kg.
    • Sugar – 400 g.
    • Lemon juice – 70 g.
  • Vanilla essence – 5 g.

Cooking method

These varieties are also called white. Using light green berries, you magically get a treat golden color.

First, you need to cut the fruits in half and remove the seeds. Now you can grind them. Cover everything with sugar and put it in the refrigerator to infuse. After 12 hours, place the pan with the fruits on low heat and cook for 1.5 hours. Add lemon juice to the grape jam and leave on the stove for another 10 minutes. Finally, pour vanilla essence into the treat.

Thick grape jam “Kish-mish”

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 14.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.4 kg.
    1. Preparation time: 50 hours (including settling).
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Quiche-mish – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 400 g.

Cooking method

A dish like Kishmish grape jam will appeal to lovers of desserts with a thick consistency. You don't need any additional additives to enhance the taste and aroma.

Cover the berries with sugar and place in the refrigerator for two days. Then simmer them over low heat for 20 minutes. At this point, the preparation of dessert is considered complete.

White grape jam with walnuts

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 20.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 2 kg.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes – 1 kg.
    • Cherry leaves – 3 pcs.
    • Sugar – 500 g.
    • Walnuts – 10 pcs.
  • Water – 1 glass.

Cooking method

Peel the berries and place them in a saucepan. Cover it with sugar and leave for 7 hours until the juice appears. Place the pan on the stove and turn on low heat. If there is very little juice, add a glass of water.

Place in a saucepan cherry leaves, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then cool the treat and leave for 10 hours. After this, mix it with crushed walnuts and cook for another 10 minutes after boiling.

In addition to white and green grapes, jam made from black grapes is no less tasty.

Isabella grape jam: express method

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 16.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.6 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 10 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes – 1 kg.
    • Water – 1 glass.
  • Sugar – 500 g.

Cooking method

You will like this technique busy people who don’t want to spend a long time fiddling with berries. First you need to prepare the fruits, then make the syrup. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, add 300 g of sugar and place on the stove. Place the berries in the boiling solution and cook for 5 minutes.

The future preparation needs to be cooled, and then put back on the fire, add the remaining sugar and cook for another half hour. After this, Isabella grape jam will be ready for use or winter storage.

Grape jam for the winter

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 30.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 3 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 12 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes – 1.8 kg.
    • Sugar – 1 kg.
    • Lemon juice – 90 ml.
  • Lemon zest – 50 g.

Cooking method

The most delicious grape jam comes from wild varieties, for example, Isabella. The most labor-intensive process is squeezing the pulp out of the fruit. You won't need the skins; you can simply throw them away if you don't find any other use.

Let the pulp cook by turning on the stove at medium power. After bringing to a boil, wait 5 minutes. Add water if necessary. When the liquid has cooled, strain it through a sieve to remove the pits. Mix the semi-finished jam with sugar, juice and lemon zest. Bring everything to a boil and simmer for half an hour. White foam must be removed immediately, and it is best to stir the jam with a wooden spoon.

Jam from grape and currant leaves with apples

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 15.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.5 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 8 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Apples – 0.5 kg.
    • Grapes – 0.5 kg.
    • Sugar – 0.5 kg.

Cooking method

This unusual delicacy Even the most picky gourmets will like it. To prepare it, first of all you need to peel and seeds the apples, chop them, place them in a saucepan, mix with sugar and put on fire.

When the sweet mixture boils, cover it with a lid and leave to cook for 5-7 minutes. Then cool the delicacy, add chopped leaves and vanilla to it, and then cook again. The fruits must boil for 10 minutes, only then will they be completely ready for consumption. It is better to eat this dessert right away.

Grape jam with lemon

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 18.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.8 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 14 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Lemon – 1 pc.
    • Quiche-mish – 1 kg.
    • Sugar – 600 g.
  • Citric acid – 5 g.

Cooking method

When using very sweet or watery fruits, it is better to add products to the jam that regulate its acidity. This way the preparation will be safely stored all winter. Lemon is ideal as a preservative.

Cut it into circles, divide each of them into four more parts without removing the peel. Mix them with the quiche, add sugar and wait for the juice to release. As a rule, this process takes at least 5 hours. Then boil the mixture and cook for 10 minutes. Let it cool and cook again until it boils, and then do not remove from the stove for another 10 minutes. Let the dessert cool again and add citric acid, then cook for the last 5 minutes. Kishmish grape jam will delight you with its unique taste.

How to make jam for the winter?

A finished dish, such as black grape jam, is most often eaten by household members within a few days. But thrifty housewives They strive to save the food for the winter, when family members are in greater need of vitamins. To roll, you need to rinse and sterilize the jars with lids. Pour the cooled jam into them and seal. Place the jars with the lids down and cover with a blanket. After a day, they can be transferred to a cellar or other storage place.

In winter, grape jam is served both as an independent delicacy for tea and coffee, and as an addition to more complex dishes. For breakfast you can make toast or sweet sandwiches. Jam and preserves are ideal for filling baked goods. They make amazing fruit drinks.

Grape jam for the winter at home: video

Such grape jam - great option winter harvesting. Especially aromatic syrup obtained from the Isabella or Lydia grape varieties. They have rich and bright taste qualities. The only problem" this recipe– inability to remove seeds from grapes. But it doesn't affect the taste at all ready dessert. If you don’t like jam with seeds, you can strain the finished sweet mass.

This jam from grapes with seeds for the winter is prepared in 3-4 stages. Each time, the grape mass must be brought to a boil and left alone until it cools completely. Grape jam is stored in a dark pantry or cellar for 10-12 months, so you can prepare a large number of berries for future use to enjoy bright dessert throughout the winter.

Ingredients for making grape jam with seeds for the winter:

  • blue grapes (variety “Isabella”, “Lydia”) – 1 kg
  • water – 100 ml
  • sugar – 700 g

Grape jam with seeds for the winter - a simple recipe:

Before cooking the jam, we prepare the grapes: we tear the berries from thin branches. We try to remove damaged and wrinkled berries. Wash thoroughly.

Cooking sweet syrup: Pour sugar and the recommended amount of purified water into a saucepan.

Mix ingredients and cook sugar syrup 10-12 minutes.

Pour the grapes into a saucepan with syrup and wait for the mixture to boil.

Once the grapes are soft, remove the pan from the heat. Leave for 5-6 hours. We repeat the entire procedure 3-4 times. Until the syrup acquires the thickness we need.

Pour the finished hot grape jam with seeds into dry containers for the winter. If desired, strain the jam through a sieve (removing the seeds and skin from the sweet syrup).

Store grape jam in a cool place.

Bon appetit!

The hot season of preservation is not complete without preparations for those with a sweet tooth, among which they rightfully occupy an honorable place various jams and jams. Cherry and apple, raspberry and currant, plum and Strawberry jam... List popular desserts you can do it for a long time, however, once you try to implement the grape jam recipes, caring housewives will prepare it every year. And this is not surprising, because the characteristic musky aroma and unusual taste distinguish this delicacy from other types of jam.

In addition, grapes themselves are very beneficial for the body. Eating berries has a positive effect on kidney and heart function due to their increased potassium content. The B vitamins contained in grapes improve skin condition and add shine to hair. Invaluable benefits berries also provide immune system, helping to strengthen it by saturating it with ascorbic acid. What can we say about phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and others useful microelements contained in grapes.

The secret of grape jam lies in the method of preservation. It is cooked over low heat, which allows you to retain more nutrients.

Jam “Berries in syrup”

Those who decided to make sweets for the first time should try this easy recipe. It doesn’t take much time, and the jam turns out incredibly tasty and fragrant. Its only drawback is its slightly runny consistency, since the berries are not boiled for a long time. But you can pour this dessert on top of pancakes.

Procedure for making grape jam:

Thick grape dessert

Unlike the previous grape jam recipe, this delicacy is thicker and twice as sweet. It can be used as a filling for pies.

To make jam:

Grape jam in Greece - video

Seedless grape jam

Since the process of separating seeds is quite labor-intensive, for jam you should choose varieties with large berries. In grape jam recipes, the raisin variety, which has no seeds, is often used. But in this case, it is still recommended to cut the fruits in half so that they boil faster and better, and the dessert itself turns out thicker.

To give the jam a richer and refined taste, lemon juice and a little liqueur are added to it.

So, to make seedless grape jam for the winter:

Grape jam with seeds

Very rich and fragrant jam can be prepared using the Isabella or . At the same time, to give the delicacy slight bitterness, the seeds are not removed, and the berries are boiled whole.

Step-by-step instructions for the grape jam recipe:

When preserving jam, fruits and berries are often combined with each other, wanting to achieve an original aroma or get new taste new accent. Perhaps grapes can be considered the only exception to the rule. It is so fragrant that the smell of added fruits simply dissolves into the main aroma. Therefore, you can do without experiments, but simply prepare fragrant and delicious jam from grapes for the winter. Cold winter evenings It's so nice to get a piece of summer in a spoon of amber jam. Enjoy your favorite berries with a cup of hot tea and bon appetit!

Azerbaijani recipe for grape jam - video

Few people know that a recipe for grape jam is very common in Ukraine. This is not surprising, because for us grapes are “purchased” berries, and jam can also be made from strawberries collected from our own garden. However, you can leave for yourself a memory of the past summer with its warmth and sunshine - make jam from sweet southern berry. Making grape jam It doesn’t take much time and the grape jam itself turns out very tasty. In addition, you will have the opportunity to surprise guests who drop by for tea.

A simple recipe for grape jam

Almost any grape is suitable for jam – blue, green, yellow. Very popular Isabella jam. Our recipe used blue grapes, and the color of the jam turned out to match.

You will need:
1 kg of grapes (wash them and pick them from the branches);
1 kg sugar;
Glass of water;
1 teaspoon vanillin;
1 teaspoon citric acid.

Prepare the syrup first. To do this, heat the water in a saucepan and add all the sugar, stirring. Cook for a little while.

Then put the grapes in the pan, stir and cook for half an hour. Let cool and cook for low heat 2 more times, each time for at least an hour.

Foam will form on the surface of the jam - skim it off. Also remove grape seeds.

At the end of cooking, add vanillin and citric acid. Stir well and turn off the heat. If you want to receive grape jam with nuts, add a handful of almonds or hazelnuts.

How to know when your grape jam is ready

The jam can be allowed to cool when the berries appear transparent and no longer float to the surface.
Place a drop of jam on a plate. If it does not spread, but freezes in place, then the jam is ready.

Let the jam cool and then seal it in jars. As a result, you will receive a very tasty and unusual delicacy that your loved ones will appreciate!

Grape jam in winter will remind you of sunny summer days and will help you warm up no less than.

Anastasia Kuptsova for the website
