Georgian cuisine beets with nuts. Pkhali in Georgian style from beets. Georgian beet tops

Blue eyes personify tenderness and lightness, revealing the immaculate and bright character of their owner. This eye color is most often found among residents of northern regions, since strong light filters are not needed in such areas. The southern regions are filled with sun and light, so the local population is characterized by a darker eye color. To create the correct image, delicate eyes need the right approach.

How to do beautiful makeup at home for blue eyes

Any image is created taking into account certain factors, such as eye shade, hair and skin color. Together with the right cosmetics, eyes can become the main active component of beautiful makeup.

Depending on the intensity of the color of the iris, blue eyes are divided into several types:

  • Medium blue. Eyes the color of the sky, colored by the last rays of the setting sun, are capable of striking on the spot with their depth and expressiveness. For such eyes, light shadows are selected, which can be complemented with dark chords on the outer areas and along the lash line.

  • Gray-blue. Amazing eyes are able to adapt to a girl’s outfit and environment. When choosing cosmetics, you should choose colors that are in harmony with the chosen clothing.

  • Violet. The rich color of the eyes is well complemented by bright shadows and eyeliner. Lengthening mascara will carefully outline the eyes and give them a natural charm.

  • Light blue. Such eyes are capable of piercing those around them with their purity and clarity. When choosing shadows, you should pay attention to soft tones, without unnecessary flashy details. Neat arrows along the contour of the eyes look beautiful.

Don't forget about the shape and size of the eyes

  • For girls with blue eyes and drooping eyelids, you should choose discreet dark chords.

  • Round eyes can be emphasized with a neat arrow on the upper section. The retro version of the arrow, with a gradually widening line, looks stylish and bright. The shape of the eyebrows plays an important role in creating beautiful makeup. Graceful lines above the eyes, when created correctly, can change the shape of the eyes in the desired direction.

  • For blue-eyed beauties with small eyes, you can show your creative nature with the help of multi-colored shadows. With similar chords you can create bright, beautiful makeup and give your eyes an almond shape. The following combinations look beautiful: red and gold, lilac and light brown, blue and pink.

  • You can visually enlarge blue eyes and add expressiveness to your look using thin arrows applied over the shadows.

  • You can “raise” narrow eyes with a light stroke on the upper eyelid. The line starts from the middle of the surface and ends at the outer corner.

  • A line is often drawn on small eyes to make them appear larger. A neat arrow deviates slightly from the natural contour of the eyelashes, ending slightly above the border.

  • You can visually enlarge blue eyes using light strokes along the inner border of the lower eyelid.

  • Small eyes do not accept the use of thick black lines. Such touches can noticeably weigh down the look and add rough notes to beautiful makeup.

  • When choosing shades for small blue eyes, you should take a closer look at shadows with brown pigment. Bright colors do not always look appropriate and can create the impression of sunken eyes.

How to choose shadows depending on hair color

For daytime makeup, discreet tones are used that help create a natural look. Saturated options can turn a beautiful face into a rough picture. For a stylish and beautiful make-up, you can use the following colors: beige, porcelain, vanilla, honey and gold. Neat tones add richness and luxury to the image and can highlight the blue color of the eyes.

For blondes, the ideal colors are: silver, taupe, pink, black, chocolate, purple and beige.

The following chords are suitable for brunettes: brown, gold, black, yellow, green.

Recommendations for creating makeup at home for blue eyes

The first stage of creating an attractive image is applying basic chords. Light shades are able to fix subsequent colors and keep beautiful makeup intact. The ideal option for blue eyes is bronze shadows. This solution is suitable for both daytime events and evening outings. Dark accords are always applied on top of light shadows.

When choosing shadows, you need to consider how they will look in combination with your eye color. It is better to refrain from too rich chords and use light options.
For beautiful evening makeup, you can use more durable shadows. The wet brush method is ideal for special occasions.

You can hide a tired and haggard look with silver or white shades applied to the inner corner.
Those with fair skin should not get carried away with golden accords. You can draw a light stroke near the eyebrows, it will soften the picture and add charming notes to your beautiful makeup.

You can emphasize the depth and brightness of blue eyes using a blue pencil and mascara. A unique image can make a girl stand out from the crowd and be remembered by others.

Makeup for blue eyes (step-by-step photos and videos)

Casual option

Beautiful daytime makeup for blue eyes involves the use of soft, discreet chords. Light colors of decorative cosmetics give the appearance of lightness and airiness, coloring the face with healthy and cheerful notes. Pleasant nude shades can be used for going to work, daytime meetings with friends and walks in the park. Suitable shades: peach, coral, light blue, soft purple. Each chord needs careful shading, which creates additional weightlessness of the image. Cool green tones, clear purple chords and light caramel notes look fascinating. From the brown palette you need to carefully choose options. Some chords applied solo can spoil an attractive picture, but in a duet the colors take on a completely different look and can sparkle with bright colors.

Smokey eye makeup

The technology for applying smokey eye makeup looks appropriate both during the day and at evening events. For blue eyes, you can choose the following shades of shadows: pink, brown, golden, olive. The classic version of the smokey eye in gray and black tones adds extra heaviness to light eyes and creates the image of a dissatisfied lady. For blondes with light blue eyes, makeup using light gray and blue chords is suitable. You should avoid matching blue eyes exactly to the color palette, as such a decision can overshadow the natural female beauty.

For brunettes with gray-blue eyes, we use shades of rich blue color. This approach will carefully emphasize the brightness of the look, making it unusually deep and piercing. The beauty of violet eyes will be highlighted by light brown chords. Purple mascara will help complete the look.

Oriental makeup

Blue-eyed girls are a rarity in Eastern countries, but Arabic make-up takes on magical notes in a harmonious duet with light eyes. This kind of makeup involves the use of rich colors, bright arrows and charming combinations, suitable for evening events. The Arabic version for blue eyes will look beautiful with lilac, gold and violet chords.

For girls with dark skin, Indian makeup is suitable. Unlike the Arabic style, in the Indian style the emphasis is created not only on blue eyes, but also on the eyebrows and lips. The palette of shades includes: green, brown, silver and lilac components. For lips, bright glosses are mainly used, eyebrows are emphasized with a pencil.

Beautiful makeup for blue eyes is a skillful combination of suitable shades and lines that together merge into a harmonious composition. For daytime makeup, it is appropriate to use discreet and light chords; for evening events, you can not restrain your imagination and create unique, bright images.

The girl’s blue eyes are like delightful lakes, which with the right makeup can be made incredibly deep and expressive or turned into dull and unnoticeable puddles. Although makeup for blue eyes is not such a problem, you can make a mistake with it. To feel confident, consider the following tips.

Lucky colors

To highlight the advantages of beautiful blue eyes, the first thing you need to do is choose the right color scheme. The shade of your hair, eyes and lips should match perfectly. But first of all, makeup for blue eyes should match the pigment of the pupil. Azure is a beautiful color, but not the entire palette will look good with it.

Basic colors suitable for blue-eyed beauties:

  • delicate: milky, cream, apricot, beige, light pink;
  • brighter: violet, lilac, violet, copper, orange, turquoise, pink;
  • cold: steel, marsh, silver;
  • Dark: dark blue, gradation of brown, dark plum, charcoal.

It is considered a big mistake to use dark eyeliner with red shadows; blue and red colors do not go well together both in makeup and in clothes. In addition, a painful pink mark may remain, as if from lack of sleep. It is also rare to combine bright green and blue colors, especially for brown-haired women.

When creating everyday makeup for blue eyes, it is better to choose calm colors:

  • cream;
  • light brown and champagne shade;
  • lavender;
  • creamy.

This kind of everyday makeup is ideal for work, it does not look flashy or provocative, it is easy to maintain for the whole day and touch up if necessary. If you highlight the shape of your eyes with dark eyeliner, your look will become deeper and more expressive. When choosing a color, remember one simple rule: it should not match the shade of your eyes. For the rest, feel free to experiment.

Makeup by shade depth

The blue shade can also be different, from bright blue to pale azure with greenish impurities. And depending on its brightness, a different type of makeup should be selected for the girl. The owner of bright eyes that resemble shining sapphires can use the whole range of colors and will look great. The simplest and most everyday makeup for blue eyes is bluish shadows in the same tones, but a little lighter or slightly darker. For red-haired girls, brown-haired women and brunettes, bright makeup is also suitable, since the hair color can set it off. But for blondes, it is better to choose a gentle tone so that bright blue eyes stand out noticeably.

Medium blue tone is the most common. It can be emphasized with silver and beige shades; everyday makeup for blue eyes with dark shadows will look strange even for brown-haired women, so it is advisable to use black only for eyeliner. It is also suitable for mascara, with the exception of light hair, for which the best option is brown mascara and a pencil.

The light blue shade of the eyes creates a real angelic look; you don’t want to interrupt it with bright shadows, winged eyeliner or eyeliner. Experts advise using soft tones: soft azure, lavender. These tips suggest that naturalness will highlight such eyes better than any cosmetics. Brown-haired girls look great with brownish or golden makeup, but for brown-haired girls it is advisable to use slightly darker colors.

Makeup for green blue eyes is selected in approximately the same way as for medium blue eyes. But the situation is more complicated with gray-blue ones. This shade is called a “chameleon”: it can easily change depending on the weather, clothing and environment. A universal solution is to use dark shades and turquoise shadows. Arrows can emphasize the shape of the eyes, and delicate lips will complement the image.

Makeup by hair color

The overall look is greatly influenced by the harmony between hair color and makeup. So, for blond hair, dark eyes and red lips can look provocative, but this makeup for brunettes with blue eyes harmonizes well, for dark hair and for brown-haired women everything will be fine too.

Owners of bleached hair should clearly know all the options for shades that look good on their face. The easiest way to choose them is through trial and error, but you can leave gray, silver, white and beige tones for every day. Unlike brown-haired women, it is better for blondes not to experiment with black eyeliner; brown and gray are ideal colors for them.

Almost the entire palette is available for brown-haired and red-haired girls. For red hair, sandy shadows and a light brown pencil, terracotta lips and a little golden tint work well. This natural makeup for blue eyes looks great both at a meeting with friends and every day at work.

Makeup according to skin type

Many years ago, when man was still developing and evolving, on the equator, in hot lands, the eyes needed enhanced protection from the sun, so dark skin and dark eye shades went together. Also in the north: the color of skin, hair and eyes was light. But thousands of years have passed since then, now blue-eyed girls can have any skin tone from snow-white to very tanned. And the type of makeup for such girls will be different.

On fair skin, light makeup for blue eyes, delicate tones, cream and beige look good. But brighter ones, for example, purple or greenish, are also suitable. The colors for the pencil and eyeliner should be discreet and calm to make the makeup look natural and neat. Small arrows can correctly emphasize the curve of the eyelid. Natural lipstick colors will highlight your lips.

For dark skin, the best shade is golden. It matches your skin tone perfectly and goes with any hair color. If you shade dark shadows, you will create the effect of a charming cloud over a heavenly gaze, the gaze will be mysterious and charming. It is better to avoid very bright shades, especially in everyday life. You need to remember: the makeup on a model or actress is designed in detail for a specific angle, but in life, naturalness and naturalness look better.

Makeup options

The easiest way to do the right and fastest makeup for blue eyes is to use the classic method. Thin black eyeliner with short wings, a minimum of makeup, natural lips and fluffy eyelashes - the look will be deep and expressive for both blondes and brown-haired or red-haired girls, and everyone can repeat it. To add a little color, you can use light pink or beige eyeshadow. A riot of colors is suitable for a party or an evening out, but some courage is needed. The main thing is to remember about the appropriateness of makeup.

Smoky everyday makeup looks beautiful for blue eyes, especially for brown-haired women. Long arrows can create a predatory look, and scarlet lips will create the image of a vamp. Arabic makeup looks just as bright with contrasting eyeliners for the lower and upper eyelids. If you use bright blue underneath and a thick eyeliner on top with sharp arrows at the end, you will get a complete oriental look.

Autumn makeup looks natural for any hair type: several shadows of different shades of brown from light beige in the inner corners of the eyelid to almost black, ending with neat arrows, overlapping each other, get a smooth transition. This makeup harmonizes well with the hair of red-haired girls and brown-haired women.

Makeup step by step

There are many different photos on the Internet in which the process takes place in stages, makeup is applied layer by layer. Similar types, in which it is clear which color comes after which and how they fit together on the eyelids. Let's go through a fairly simple and common makeup for blue eyes step by step:

  1. First of all, wash your face, remove traces of old cosmetics.
  2. Apply a base of neutral shadows to the upper eyelid, lighten the skin under the eyebrows and in the corners of the eyes with light shadows or a white pencil.
  3. Blend the eyeshadow color of your choice into the crease of your eyelid.
  4. Apply the darkest shade of color to the edge of the eyelid and blend it too.
  5. Using a thin pencil, highlight the outer half of the eyelid. Applying a gray eyeliner on top followed by a slightly lighter eyeliner will create a cleaner, more open look.
  6. Apply mascara of a suitable color to your eyelashes and apply natural lipstick to your lips. Everyday makeup is ready.

The method of applying shadows is always the same: first the lightest shades, and then slightly darker shades on top. If you take these simple tips into account, you can easily choose and combine colors.

Girls with sky-colored irises are quite rare and are considered real beauties. But not everyone and not always can place the accents correctly, and then the look gets lost and fades. It is all the more important to know the secrets of proper makeup for blue eyes, which will highlight their natural beauty and uniqueness. Properly selected cosmetics will create an unforgettable image.

Depending on skin color

The main parameter is skin color. The saturation of the shades that can be used when creating makeup for blue eyes depends on this. For snow whites, pastel colors are suitable - these are those that contain a large amount of white. These include beige, delicate gold, pink and peach. Such colors will help make the eyes brighter and will not interrupt her activity.

Mulatto women have absolutely nothing to fear when wearing makeup. They can apply colors of any intensity, including bright pure shades of yellow and red. Due to the natural contrast, they will not be able to interrupt blue eyes; on the contrary, they will highlight them favorably.

By hair color

Another feature is hair color. Makeup for blue eyes for a blonde and a brunette will be significantly different. This is due to the girl’s general color type:

  • muted shades are suitable for makeup with light hair - beige, bleached yellow, desaturated brown with a cold undertone;
  • brown-haired women with blue eyes can wear bright gold, deep copper and orange;
  • Warm colors look better on redheads: brown, gold, but emerald green and ocher are also good;
  • Brunettes with blue eyes are suitable for expressive black smokey eyes with burgundy, red and wine shades.

In addition to hair color, hairstyle also matters. Tight buns and ponytails emphasize the face, which means the makeup should be bright. Voluminous curls or textured braids can shift attention to themselves, and translucent airy shadows of pastel shades are applied to the eyes.

Video: Makeup for blue-eyed blondes

Taking into account individual characteristics

When choosing colors for blue eye makeup, we focus on the individual characteristics of the face. The traditional rule is that there can only be one accent. If a girl has plump lips, she should use less bright shades on her eyes. But this opinion is wrong. Modern trends make it possible to focus attention on two zones at once. Therefore, women with sensual lips can wear bright shades and emphasize two of their advantages at once.

The structural features of the eyes also influence the choice of makeup. Large eyelids allow you to use a large number of shades. Color-makeup suits blue-eyed girls, so there is room for imagination. The most important thing in this case is not to forget about the compatibility of shades and to observe the smooth transition of their transitions into each other.

If a girl has big blue eyes that draw attention away from her face, the smokey eye technique in black tones will suit her. This will help balance the image by redistributing accents, and will also visually narrow the eyelids. In this way you can create a spectacular, but not overloaded eye makeup.

If there is sagging of the upper eyelid, smokey eye makeup will also suit her. But shades for blue eyes should be chosen warmer and lighter: brown, rich beige, copper. This will help shift attention to the motionless eyelid. And the crease that appears as a result of overhang can be perfectly hidden by false eyelashes. They can be glued either to the entire eyelid or just to the outer corner of the eye.

Age-related makeup for blue eyes also has its own characteristics. This is due to natural facial changes. In this case, it is recommended to choose warm shades, excluding black and gray. These colors will help refresh your complexion and hide several years of age. You can refresh your look with shimmery shades of gold, beige and champagne, which are perfect for blue eyes.

Choice of lipstick, blush and highlighter

Since the lips are located far enough from the eyes, girls with sky-colored irises can use absolutely any shade of lipstick. They need to be selected to match the main idea of ​​the image. For daytime makeup, glosses or nude lipsticks are suitable. For the evening, you can choose a burgundy, scarlet or wine shade. The main thing is to make sure that all shades are combined with each other in warmth, since otherwise the image will look inharmonious.

The choice of blush depends on your skin color. Cold shades of pink are more suitable for snow whites, peach for tanned girls, and light brown for mulattoes. The highlighter is also selected according to the color type and the general idea of ​​the image. But best of all, blue eye color will be emphasized by a golden glow. For a daytime event, you should make the shine more delicate, and for the evening choose a large shimmer with discernible sparkles. This will allow any girl to stand out from the crowd.

Stages of creating an image for blue eyes

For any type of appearance, creating makeup consists of several points. These include:

  1. Skin preparation. To do this, perform cleansing (with micellar water or hydrophilic oil), toning (tonic suitable for skin type), moisturizing (cream, serum or cosmetic oil), and applying a suitable base to match the tone.
  2. Face toning. Applying foundation, spot correction with concealer, using powder locally on areas with oily sheen (only for oily or combination skin).
  3. Eyebrow products. They will help to give the desired color, fill in missing hairs and fix existing ones.
  4. Shadows. For girls with blue eyes, a certain range of shades is suitable for makeup, of which a traditionally neutral dark one is applied to the crease of the eyelid, the lightest - to the inner corner, the most saturated - to the outer corner, medium in brightness - to the entire moving area of ​​​​the eye.
  5. Mascara is selected according to the girl’s hair color, as well as the desired effect (lengthening, curling, volume, natural).

The most optimal shades are considered to be gold, copper, yellow, shades of orange and red, including classic brown. They will help make your natural eye color brighter. And you can emphasize the depth with green and related tones.

Advice! Smokey eye makeup looks good on blue eyes. It helps highlight them. Not only black is suitable for it, but also all shades of brown. As a bright accent, you can apply pigment or shadows with shimmer to the center of the moving eyelid.

Makeup ideas for various occasions

Depending on the circumstances, women choose different outfits and looks. In this regard, makeup should also change: a different color scheme is suitable for each occasion.

Everyday makeup

In everyday life, it is better to use colors in a natural range. These include beige and its shades, brown (warm and cool) and dusty pink. They are great for blue eyes. They can be applied solo to the entire moving eyelid, or they can be combined with each other. The following scheme is considered traditional:

  1. The crease of the eye is darkened with a cool brown with a gray undertone.
  2. A light shade of beige is applied to the entire moving area.
  3. Shimmer white is applied to the inner corner of the eye (it also goes under the eyebrow).
  4. From the outside, the eyelid is darkened with brown of any warmth.

This eye makeup is easy to perform and will make you look fresh and rested even after a sleepless night. At the same time, it is not difficult to transform it into an evening one if there is suddenly a meeting after work. To do this, just apply a bright pigment or a shimmery/metallic shade of eyeshadow to the center of the eyelid. This will add brightness to the image and will not allow it to go unnoticed.

Video: Daily express makeup for light eyes

Holiday makeup

Smokey eyes are a good choice for holiday makeup for blue eyes. Their creation is more difficult than the standard scheme, but the effect is significantly superior to all other techniques. To create an expressive look you need:

  1. Apply a black pencil to the entire moving eyelid and shade it.
  2. Cover the eyes with dark shadows of the desired shade (black or brown).
  3. Shade the border with the fixed eyelid using lighter and warmer shades (burgundy, wine, terracotta, beige, brown).
  4. Line the mucous membranes of the eyes with a pencil.
  5. Accentuate the upper eyelid with shining shadows (gold, bronze, copper).

In this scheme, the most important thing is to shade the boundaries of the transition of one shade to another. This will create the desired hazy effect. With this makeup, the eyes will stand out favorably against the background of the overall image.

Modern trend in makeup

Trends dictate new rules. Nowadays, colored makeup is in fashion. To create it, several bright shades are used at once, which are connected to each other through transitional shades. It is very difficult to create, so only a professional can do it. But even amateurs can join the current trend.

To do this, you need to have several colored kajal pencils in stock. With their help, accents are carefully added without the risk of turning your image into too pretentious, vulgar or funny. Colored eyeliners will also help to dilute your daily makeup with bright colors. They were released by many brands - from the mass market to the luxury and professional segment. They allow you to specifically enhance the color of your eyes without attracting unnecessary attention to the woman.

Not all colors of eyeliners and pencils are suitable for blue eyes. The most successful include:

  • gold;
  • copper;
  • Bordeaux;
  • emerald.

These shades will help play up the natural color of blue eyes and create a vibrant look with minimal effort. Such a simple but effective technique will allow you to stay on trend without the constant costs of a professional makeup artist.

Most common mistakes

Our face is harmonious by nature. Therefore, with any external intervention, it can become strange, asymmetrical or look alien. To prevent this from happening, you need to avoid mistakes when creating makeup. The most typical of them include:

  1. Use of related colors. In this way, girls try to emphasize the natural color, but the effect is the opposite: similar shades of cosmetic products drown out the natural color of the iris, as they are brighter.
  2. Selection of shades without taking into account saturation and warmth. On a low-contrast appearance, bright spots of shadows often look ridiculous, so they do not emphasize natural beauty, but draw attention to themselves.
  3. Inappropriate application technique. On far-set eyes, a highlight on the inner corner will only move them away from each other, and on closely spaced eyes, the darkened outer part will bring them even closer together, so standard schemes always need to be adapted to the appearance of a particular person.
  4. Choosing shades for makeup without relying on hair color. This introduces disharmony into the overall image, which is why the appearance looks strange and alien, and the color of the eyes can be perceived completely differently.

In order to avoid making typical mistakes, you need to know yourself and your face very well. For this it is worth studying. This is very simple to do: in daylight from the window, look at yourself in a clean mirror. Preferably at least 10 minutes. This will help you accurately capture all the nuances of your appearance and understand your color type. Particular attention is paid to several details:

  • skin color (are capillaries or veins visible, are there any redness, age spots, uneven tone);
  • shade of blue eyes (blue, light, with green or yellow);
  • hair shade (what kind of glare does it give in the sun, does it fade in the summer, is the color uniform);
  • location of the eyes (deep, protruding, close or far set);
  • size of eyelids (moving and fixed);
  • eye shape;
  • guide lines (falling or drooping eyelids, wide eyes, drooping or raised corners).

These features will help not only in the correct selection of makeup for blue eyes, but also ensure that it is carried out correctly. This will not only highlight the obvious advantages of your appearance, but also hide its shortcomings. This will allow you to create the perfect look in which you can go to work, to a party with friends or a family celebration, and not go unnoticed anywhere.

Video: Makeup for blue eyes in soft colors

Blue eye color goes well with many shades of eye shadow and looks elegant with red, dark, and blond hair. How to do harmonious and beautiful makeup for blue eyes? You just need to know the little secrets of combining a wide palette of cosmetics! Let's try to understand the details.

The best option for determining the right shade for everyday or evening makeup is your color type. Let's consider the basic division into 4 types according to the seasons.


Owners of blue eyes with the “Autumn” color type are more likely to have golden-red, copper and brown hair. The skin may be freckled, but there is practically no blush on the face. The skin tone is warm: pale yellowish or golden, devoid of pink undertones. When choosing a color palette for makeup, you should consider that the ideal range is warm shades of brown and green tones. Mascara and eyeliner should also be brown, and a black shade should be chosen only for evening makeup or with dark eyebrows.


This type is characterized by transparent, very light skin with a pinkish tint, red, honey, blond and straw hair. Daytime makeup for blue eyes should be light and in warm colors. You can use shades of gold and green types in makeup: turquoise, emerald, khaki. The main thing is not to overdo it with color, but only to emphasize the natural beauty with its help.


Girls of the winter color type have the brightest appearance - marbled bluish skin, or a radically different one - dark olive. Hair color is usually blue-black or dark blond; there are almost no blondes. You should avoid muted shades in makeup. Beautiful makeup for blue eyes of the “Winter” color type is made in very bright, contrasting colors: plum, violet, gray, emerald, purple, lilac, indigo. Mascara should be black or a rich color - blue, green, purple. Highlighters should have a cool undertone: silver or pearl.


It is divided into light, contrasting and soft (natural, non-contrasting) summer. Representatives of light summer usually have light hair, those of non-contrasting summer have light blond, and those of contrasting summer have dark blond. To navigate the choice of colors for makeup, you should start from these subspecies.

  • Light and mild summer. Naturalness is your main trump card! Choose soft pink or rich berry tones. Nude makeup for every day or light smokey for the evening.
  • Contrasting summer. Can afford more color in makeup. Colored mascara or eyeliner in deep dark tones: dark blue, gray, olive.

Rules for choosing shades based on hair color

If it is difficult to decide on the color type of your appearance, then you can use tips on creating makeup for blue eyes in accordance with your hair color. We have already looked at how this system works in .

  1. Blonde hair. The ideal makeup for blondes with blue eyes is coffee, as well as peach, coral, turquoise and violet. Silver, gold and bronze will no less favorably emphasize the beauty. Choose the intensity of the shade depending on the time of day - for evening makeup, brighter colors, for daytime makeup, less saturated colors.
  2. Dark hair. Stylish makeup for brunettes with blue eyes, as well as for brown-haired women, may not be too bright. Dark curls do their job, creating the necessary accent around the face. Deep shades are not too necessary in everyday makeup. Sand, khaki tones, and complex shades of brown will look good. Bright shadows and sparkles are appropriate for parties.
  3. Red hair. Owners of copper, bright hair and blue eyes with transparent skin should use light tones of cosmetics (apricot, peach and olive). For eyelashes, choose brown eyeliner and mascara. Black color is only appropriate for playing with contrasts, when you want to look especially daring.

There are a number of tricks and little secrets for applying cosmetics. They will help add a twist to your makeup, make it non-standard and incredibly stylish!

  • rich blue shades are not suitable for fair skin;
  • shadows corresponding to the color of the eyes merge with it and make the look blurry;
  • Lavender and turquoise shades can be combined with almost any color of blue eyes - you just need to play with the intensity;
  • all warm shades of brown, as well as golden and golden-light green will highlight the beauty of your eyes;
  • Shades of gold and rich peach and orange tones combine amazingly with blue eyes, further emphasizing their blueness.

The main thing in makeup is imagination, experience and constant practice. Even if it seems that the color does not suit you at all, you should not refuse it: choose the right shade and your face will be transformed!

Everyday makeup for blue eyes

Doing your own makeup following the instructions is not that difficult. It is important to follow the standard steps, and beautiful everyday makeup for blue eyes is ready!

  1. To start, use an eyeshadow base.
  2. Choose 3 shades from the same color range: light, medium and dark. Apply a medium shade to the middle of the eyelid, a light shade to the inner corner of the eye, and a dark shade to the outer corner. Carefully blend the borders.
  3. Using a small brush, work on the eyelash contour of the lower eyelid with a dark shade and blend it too.
  4. Color the space between the eyelashes with dark shadows or eyeliner.
  5. The final chord is the application of mascara.

Another option for everyday makeup:

Smoky eyes: step by step instructions

The ideal evening makeup for light or dark hair is a “smoky eye” for blue eyes. To implement it, shadows of saturated colors and shimmers are used. This technique of applying makeup will visually enlarge the shape of the eyes, add depth to the look, and artificial eyelashes will make it more expressive and open. Now there are many options for performing such makeup, and the level of complexity varies depending on easy to complex.

In the photo you can see an approximate plan for performing a simple makeup option.

  1. Even out skin tone by camouflaging imperfections around the eyes. Apply eyeshadow base to the upper part of the eyelid.
  2. Apply a dark shade of shadow to the entire moving eyelid.
  3. Blend the resulting outline. Use a medium shade to minimize the shading, emphasizing the socket of the eye.
  4. Work the lower eyelid in the same sequence.
  5. Use a soft dark pencil to color the waterline of the eye and apply shadows to the lower eyelid in the same sequence as the upper
  6. Apply shimmer shadows to the middle of the eyelid and the inner corner of the eye.
  7. Color your eyelashes with mascara. If your eyelashes are too sparse, use several bundles of false eyelashes.

For a natural look with white skin and light hair, choose brown and gray shades: deep black and blue will look bold and flashy. But for a rock look or evening makeup, these colors are perfect.

Option for a light daytime smokey eye for blue-eyed girls:

The video shows the work of professional makeup artist Elena Krygina to create classic smoky eyes.

Celebrity owners of blue eyes

Crystal clear sky blue or rich blue eye color is the property of many famous actresses of completely different types of appearance. It’s worth taking a closer look at their images in order to incorporate successful stylist solutions into your everyday makeup.

  • Charlize Theron

A Hollywood star with blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. She has roles where a woman appears before the viewer with black or light brown hair and looks no less chic. But the golden blonde combined with the heavenly blue look is simply incomparable.

  • Zooey Deschanel

A bright brown-haired woman with charming, wide-open blue eyes, like a doll from a fairy tale about wizards. Her makeup is usually natural and leaning. Black classic eyeliner without shadows often complements the image of an interesting actress.
