Modeling figures from mastic. Do-it-yourself mastic figurines: step-by-step descriptions. Making your own mastic for modeling

In this article I will try to outline in detail some of the features of making jewelry from mastic with my own hands for beginners.


I am often asked about which mastic is best to sculpt figures from. For some time I worked with mastic bought in a store, made according to different recipes, so with sugar paste, but I always came back to my recipe because I know how to tailor it to my needs.

Here I will not describe the process of making complex figures, but will simply try to talk in detail about how to make figures from mastic with your own hands. We will be making a person with relatively realistic body proportions and simple clothing. I am confident that anyone who follows these instructions will eventually learn how to create excellent fondant figurines for baby cake, and that this knowledge will help in the future when moving on to more complex work techniques and to making figurines with outstretched arms, as well as sculpting animals from mastic.

If you have any questions about how to sculpt figures from fondant, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments. I will try to answer them as quickly as possible, but please remember that I busy man, so don't expect immediate answers from me.

Remember that all this is not the ultimate truth, but just my own experiences, and you may have a different view on how to make figures from mastic for a cake. So there are no hard and fast rules here other than maybe the placement of parts, so adapt these tips to your needs and preferences.

Required materials and tools

In my work, I try to avoid unnecessary expensive tools and often use what I already have at home. I'll stick with that idea throughout this tutorial and try to boil down the amount of what you'll need to make the figures out of sugar mastic, to a minimum.

To make a simple figurine from mastic, you will need:

  • Mastic different colors for the manufacture of the following parts: pants, boots, sweaters, leather, hair;
  • A few toothpicks. Note: Do not give fondant products containing toothpicks to young children and be sure to warn everyone else that they contain toothpicks. You can substitute solid pasta if you wish, but let everyone know anyway;
  • Salt shaker with powder or corn syrup, whichever you prefer. If you don't have a salt shaker, you can use a spoon instead;
  • Cutting board (as smooth as possible);
  • A sharp, non-corrugated knife;
  • Small or medium ball shaped mastic tool;
  • Small pastry brush;
  • Water in a small container;
  • Black food gel coloring;
  • A surface on which you will place the figures, such as a cake or, if you are making them in advance, a piece of foam;
  • Printed sketch of a person (see below).

Through trial and error, I realized that as I made figures from mastic, each subsequent piece turned out to be larger than the previous one, and as a result, I ended up with disproportionate mastic crafts. It was also difficult for me to make several figures of the same size if I did it by eye. For this reason, I began to use sketches similar to the one shown above and the figures for the mastic cake began to turn out to be the right size. Just upload this sketch to any graphic editor (I use Irfanview), set the desired height of the future figure and print the sketch. This approach can also be used when decorating a cake to figure out how to arrange the figures and what size they should be.

The height of the figurine described in this article is 6.3 cm.
Mastic is usually sticky, so to roll it out properly and avoid sticking to the board and your fingers, sprinkle your work surface and hands with powdered sugar. Don't worry about getting powdered sugar all over the figure; you can easily clean it afterwards.

To glue pieces of mastic, apply a thin layer of water to one of them using a brush and press them together. You may need to move them around a little to get them to stick, but usually just water is enough to do this. Some people like to use different kinds edible glue, store-bought or homemade, but I usually don't bother with that. Water glues perfectly in almost all cases.

If you are working in a dry area, you may need to soften your mastic to prevent cracking on the surface. To do this, just mix it into the dough a small amount of water and warm it in your hands. Try to do everything quickly so that the mastic does not have time to dry out and begin to crack. In conditions high humidity you may need to stir in additional powdered sugar into the fondant and increase the time between steps to ensure the pieces don't mix together.

We sculpt a person

Roll out the mastic of blue color a long snake. Make sure its thickness matches the leg thickness on the printed sketch. Don't worry about it being too long - you can always cut off the excess.

Using the blunt side of a knife, make a notch in the middle of the snake and bend the fondant along it.

Place the bent snake on the sketch so that the bent edge is near the hips. If necessary, trim the bottom of the pants.

Turn the pants over and place them next to the sketch. Using the blunt part of a knife, make indentations at the knees. They will help prevent wrinkles from forming when folded.

Gently rotate the knife several times to make the indentation wider. Rear end the legs should look like this:

If you are decorating the cake now, you can wet the back of the legs with water and place them on the edge of the cake. I made the figure on foam plastic, so I’ll tell you further about the features of this case.

Place a handful of powdered sugar on the surface and, with your knees gently bent, place them on the edge of the foam.

To make the figure more stable, you can moisten the gap between the pants and carefully, so as not to damage the shape, press one leg to the other.

Make two even balls of black mastic, slightly larger than in the sketch (shoes require more mastic than feet without them, unless you are making thin slippers). To get identical balls, you can use this tricky trick: make a thick sausage with flattened ends out of mastic and cut it in half.

Shape the balls into droplets of water, but without the pointed end at the top, and then press them down lightly.

Break a toothpick in half and insert each one into the legs from the bottom. Leave an overhang long enough to hold the boot.

Wet the top and sides of the shoes with water (and the back if you're decorating the cake now) and place them over the raised portions of the toothpicks.

Insert a toothpick into the top of the legs so that it goes a little deep into the foam, but make sure there is enough length at the top to fit the body over it.

Make a block of mastic that is wider on one side. Its thickness may vary depending on the size of your figure. I find that 1.3 cm thickness is suitable for most cases.

Now put it on the sketch. The upper edge of the bar should reach the shoulders, and the lower edge should reach the legs. The block should be flat near the shoulders, but you can make a depression in the opposite part if you want the sweater to extend slightly over the pants.

After adding a little water, place the body on the toothpick and press it on top so that it sticks to the legs.

Press down on the sides of the block so that its edges are in line with your hips.

Roll out a long snake of the same color as the body from the mastic, place it on the sketch along the line of the arm and cut off the excess, without taking into account the length of the hand and fingers, which we will do next. From above, cut the snake along the vertical line of the body (at an acute angle).

If you need to make hands that would be in horizontal position, then the angle needs to be made more obtuse. The sharp angle is needed so that the arms are close to the body and the figurine's palms are on the knees, because in this case there is no need to make any internal supports or wait for the mastic to harden.

Do the same with the other hand, making sure that they are the same length.

Mark the elbow bend with the blunt side of the knife.

Bend your arm along the line, and make elbows on the back side with your fingertips. Unlike the knees, the elbows should be slightly pointed. If after this the arm begins to wobble, add a little water to the elbow and press lightly to glue the edges of the indentation.

Using a ball-shaped tool, make small indentations at the base of the arms. They are needed to make the hands look like extensions of the arms, and not as if they were torn off from the body and then glued back on.

Wet the surface of the hand that will be adjacent to the body with water and press it against the torso and leg. While you do this, shape your shoulders as desired.

Don't place the bases of your hands close to each other unless you're going for folded hands. And this will most likely be difficult to do without bending them at an unnatural angle.

Then insert another toothpick into the top of the body, this will be the internal support for the head. Stick it deep enough so that it does not come out of the head on the other side.

Leave the hands to harden for a while before making the palms.

Roll out a drop-shaped ball from flesh-colored mastic and place it on the sketch. The ball should slightly cover the contours of the head in the sketch, but nothing more. In general, it is better to make the head a little smaller, since it can be enlarged later due to the hair.

It is usually difficult for beginners to make a bare neck well, so it is better to replace it with a sweater collar. To do this, make a small thick cylinder of mastic and put it on a toothpick.

Make a small indentation at the front.

Take the head made in the previous steps and place it on the toothpick at an angle. The chin should point forward, otherwise the head will look like a ball.

Using a ball-shaped tool, make small holes for the eyes.

Roll out a very small piece of mastic into a drop-shaped ball and press it with your fingers.

Then attach it to your head so that its sharp tip is level with your brow ridges.

Make a toothpick through the nostrils, moving it slightly to the side to outline the shape of the nose.

The mouth can be made in two ways: draw it or cut it out. You can cut out the mouth with the tip of a sharp knife.

When you're done, lightly press the knife down on the bottom half of your mouth to highlight the bottom lip.

Use a toothpick to form the lower part of the lip and, pressing lightly, cover the figure’s mouth.

Use the pointed end of a toothpick to shape the middle of the upper lip, making a small indentation.

The easiest way to sculpt your hands is to make them in the form of mittens. For those who want to make more realistic outlines of the hands, detailed instructions are given below.

Roll out a hand-sized piece of fondant onto the template and shape it into a teardrop shape, as you did in the previous steps for the head and nose.

Then decide which hand you are doing: right or left. Place your hand next to a piece of mastic to get an idea of ​​which way your thumb should be facing.

Make a V-shaped cut as shown in the photo below.

Draw a knife around to mark the thumb.

Cut another small piece to give the finger the desired shape.

Make cuts to form the remaining fingers.

Use your fingers to gently smooth out any sharp corners.

Use a ball tool to form light indentations in the palms of your hands.

By turning your hand and pressing it lightly with your fingers, make a round wrist.

After adding a little water to your leg and sleeve, insert your wrist there. Nails can be marked with the tip of a toothpick.

Do the above method on the other hand.

One of the most simple ways make hair - mold it in the form of a cap or a pot. Take a piece of mastic and shape it like in the picture below. It should have a flat surface at the bottom and a slightly convex top.

Pressing the mastic with a large and index finger, turn it.

When shaping your hair, always check how it will look on your head to choose right size. Once you get the size you want, press the hair down at the edges so it's thin and doesn't look like a helmet.

Wet the inside of your hair with water and gently attach it to your head.

To create curls, run a sharp knife along the edge of your hair a couple of times.

Long hair can be easily achieved by simply pressing the mastic on one side more than on the other.

If you decide to make ears for the figurine, make small cutouts in the hair, as shown below.

Tear off a small piece of mastic and give it the shape as in the photo.

Use the sharp end of a toothpick to make two holes in the piece.

Connect these pits with a groove, while pressing to the side to form the edge of the ear. Make a hole in the bottom of the ear.

Keep improving the form until you are happy with the result.

Apply a wet brush to the ear in the center on the outer side, which will be adjacent to the head, and attach it in place.

Look at the figurine from several sides to make sure the ears are not sticking out.

Use black gel dye to draw eyebrows and eyes.

The figurine is ready!

I hope that now you don’t have a question about how to make a figurine from mastic for a cake and surprise your family and friends with your masterpiece.

"Hand made" is great way to please others and to show off oneself. And cooking is no exception. For example, a masterpiece homemade cake: with lush sponge cakes and delicious cream, covered with sweet homemade mastic and decorated with the same sweet mastic figures or flowers. But we will not offer you recipes for delicious cakes, but rather we suggest focusing on the decor and mastering the basics of art, how to make cake figurines from mastic with your own hands.

How to make figures from mastic

Let's start with what you need to make decor from mastic at home. Firstly, the mastic or paste itself, which you can buy at finished form in the store or find the recipe that is most convenient for you and make it yourself.
Secondly, what to work with it with, that is, tools (and hands, of course). From special tools you may need:

  • silicone mat for working with mastic mass;
  • special snacks for small parts;
  • recesses, plungers, molds, patchwork - that is various forms to obtain ready-made figures or parts thereof;
  • brushes for painting figures, brushing off excess starch or powder from them, as well as applying a coating for shine.

Here we will immediately make a reservation that all of the above will make your work easier and are not a prerequisite, without which working with a cake cover is impossible.
Thirdly, the idea and the method of its implementation. Here you can use your imagination and your culinary and artistic skills as a basis, or you can turn to the all-knowing Internet and find there suitable mastic figures and videos on how to sculpt them. And here it will not hurt you to know some practical aspects of working with mastic mass in terms of creating figures:

    1. Lubricate the joints of the parts or the figure itself with the base with water - this guarantees their strong “adhesion”;
    1. if your idea is colored, it is not necessary to paint the mastic mass itself - you can paint a ready-made, but well-dried figurine;
  1. using artificial food colorings, choose options without salt.

You can replace them natural juice beets, spinach or carrots.
If you are just starting your journey into the world of sculpting figures from mastic, then choose easy-to-achieve goals - flowers, simple figures. And we have prepared for you a couple of ways to create such “starter” decorations for baking.

Roses made from mastic

Do beautiful roses This way is not at all difficult. For this, take the mastic of the desired color, cutting board, scalpel and rolling pin.
Now let's move on directly to the process of creating simple, but very delicate and beautiful roses:
1. form an oblong “sausage” from a small piece of mastic mass;
2. roll it out with a rolling pin, but do not be too zealous and leave sufficient thickness;
3. Lightly smooth one edge of the rolled out mass, which will be the top of our flower, with your finger and begin to roll it up from one end, pinching it from the bottom.
If such roses will be used to decorate cupcakes or pastries, the lower part of the resulting rose will need to be cut off, it will be part of the cake decoration - try to make the blanks longer.

If you have already mastered this technique or consider it too simple, try another easy way to create beautiful roses by watching the master class on mastic figurines:

Snails made from mastic

The ideal use for edible figures is cakes for children. We invite you to please them delicious cake, decorated with cute snails and presenting a simple way to make such figurines from mastic with your own hands. To do this, you will need mastic of several colors: light brown for the body, purple for the shell and black for the eyes. Of course, you can choose other color variations to suit your taste.
Now we make our delicious snails for the cake:
1. we start with the body of the snail, for which we roll a ball out of light brown mastic, from which we form an oval and stretch it, rolling it slightly so that one edge is narrower (this will be the tail), and the other wider and larger (this will be the snail’s head) ;
2. bending the body, we raise the head of the snail to the top and make holes in its upper part for the antennae, where we attach thin antennae rolled from a mastic mass of the same color, smearing the surfaces with water;
3. Now let’s move on to the shell: roll up a thin flagellum from purple mastic and roll it in a spiral, forming a snail;
4. We connect our shell with the body, also lubricating the contacting surfaces with water, and attach small eyes formed from black mastic mass to the head of the snail, also using water.

If you feel able to create a more complex version of the mastic snail, watch the following master class:

Decoration homemade baked goods using mastic, including figurines made from it, is an extremely exciting activity that brings a lot of positive emotions. So be careful – it will be very difficult to stop!

The art of modeling with mastic has recently burst into the culinary scene. Now almost all pastries and cakes are decorated with figures and various patterns made from mastic. In addition, completely unimaginable shapes can be sculpted from this mass, which together can create an entire cartoon plot or a romantic bouquet.

What is mastic, is it difficult to make figures from it?

The mastic itself is an adhesive and astringent substance, which is also edible. If you knead it correctly, it will be similar in consistency to plasticine.

There are several varieties of this mass. It is created from different products and kneads different ways. The most famous:

  • Honey: she is more soft look. Suitable for sculpting almost any figures, does not crumble or fall apart;
  • Gelatin-based mastic is distinguished by its high rate of hardening and hardening. Most suitable for preparing the smallest parts;
  • Dairy is one of the most common. Condensed milk is used as the main ingredient. Ideal for creating a base and a continuous coating for a cake, as well as medium-sized figures;
  • Marzipan is used to cover the cake. It is very soft and not suitable for sculpting figures;
  • Industrial or universal mastic is bought in stores. It is used for modeling and rolled out for the base. The taste is practically no different from homemade;
  • Floral - this type of mastic is best suited for creating jewelry that requires delicate work with small details.

Each of these types is good to one degree or another. In any case, you need to try different types to understand and adapt to this type of delicious modeling.

Recipe for sugar mastic for sculpting figures at home

Let's take it suitable container(a wide bowl will be enough), sift it there powdered sugar, then add the dry milk mixture. Stir and pour in condensed milk. Now you need to knead the mastic like dough. When mixing, add lemon juice, cognac, dyes. The result should be an elastic mass that is pleasant to work with and sculpt.

If you do not add dyes, then the mass should be matte.

Do-it-yourself children's figures from mastic for a cake step by step: instructions for beginners

The good thing about mastic is that you can use it to make a wide variety of figures and decorations for goodies. This is especially useful if you need to decorate a cake or pastries for a children's party.

Making a toddler from mastic step by step

To make such a cute little one, you will need flesh-colored mastic. To do this, when preparing the modeling mass, you need to add body dye.

Step 1. Making the body. We fashion a small oval the size of a small egg. Take a toothpick and make a hole just below the center (this will be the navel).

Step 2. Sculpt the head. We take a piece of mastic about 20-25% smaller than on the body and roll it into a ball. You need to insert a toothpick into the upper part of the body. It will serve as a fastening element for the torso and head.

Use a toothpick to make a couple of holes in the head for the eyes. We sculpt the nose from a small piece of mastic: it should be a slightly flattened round piece with a diameter of about 4-5 mm.

We draw the mouth with a toothpick, and do not forget to make deeper indentations for the dimples.

For the ears we take two small balls. We roll them up and use a stack to make a dent in the center. Glue them to the head.

Step 3. We fasten the parts: we put the head on the base (toothpick).

Step 4. Making handles. Take a couple of pieces, a quarter smaller in size than the head. Roll them into sausages. Using a toothpick, make fingers at one end.

Step 5. Attach the arms to the body. If the parts do not stick together well, brush over the joining areas with a brush dipped in water.

You can diversify your baby with a toy or other elements you like.

Little mouse as decoration

First of all, prepare mastic of different colors. You will need yellow, light green, white and pink. For the eyes and mouth you will need black edible beads (powder). If black is not available, you can replace it with dark blue.

The tools you need to prepare are toothpicks, a glass, a mold for the base (a glass or glass will do), a sharp knife or cutter.

Step 1. Make a base from light green mastic. Roll it out to a thickness of 3 mm. We use either a special form or a glass (glass).

Step 2: gift. We take the yellow base. We first make a ball, and then gradually move on to a cubic shape.

The pink mastic needs to be rolled out quite thin: 1-2 mm thick. We take a knife or cutter and cut it into thin strips that will serve as ribbons for a gift. You also need to make a small bow out of them.

From the remains of the rolled out pink mastic you need to make small peas (we use a special form). Their diameter should be approximately 1-1.5 mm. Using a stack or toothpick, they are attached to the gift.

Step 3: mouse. White mastic is used to create the mouse body.

First we make the body: we roll it into a ball, then we try to give it a longer elongated shape. Next we make the paws, they are also slightly teardrop-shaped. Using a toothpick, we mark the stripes that separate the fingers.

We stick toothpicks into each part. We use halves for the paws since they are small. We fasten the body with the legs so that one serves as the base, and the second is in the air.

For the head we roll a ball, then we transform it: we make a notch just below the middle. We make a recess for the mouth and eyes. We insert black beads there. We make a nose out of pink mastic.

We take a couple of small pieces, roll them into balls, then use a stack to make indentations - these are the future ears. They need to be flattened well and the bottom part cut off. We attach them to the head.

Now we put the head on a toothpick securing the body.

The upper legs are made in much the same way as the lower ones, only they should be a little smaller. We make the tail from a thin sausage, which should become thinner towards one edge.

Step 4: flower. We make the stem for the future flower from light green mastic. Roll it into a thin strip 3-4 cm long above the mouse. We make a flower from a piece of pink base. It can be cut special form. Using a stack, we make indentations on the petals. Then we cut out another flower, but smaller in size and make indentations in it. We make the middle from a yellow piece the size of a pea, rolled into a ball. We fasten everything together. From the green mastic we add a small leaf, which we add to the stem.

Lion Cub

You will need 4 colors of mastic: yellow, white, brown and black, as well as tools.

Step 1: sculpt the body and head. The head should be in the shape of a ball, the body should be in the shape of a drop. From white mastic we cut out teardrop-shaped inserts on the body.

On the head for the mouth, add a little white mastic using the bent tip of a sharp stick.

We make eyes and sculpt round shapes around the mouth.

Step 2. We make the paws from yellow and white mastic: we sculpt the main part from yellow, and the part with the toes from white. Don't forget to make lines to separate the fingers.

First add white round parts to the recesses for the eyes, then, a little less, black ones. Making a spout triangular shape from a brown mass.

Then we sculpt the ears in the form of flattened circles, as well as the tail (a sausage that becomes thinner towards one end). At the tip we also make a triangular brush from brown mass.

Step 3. We make the mane from the brown mass. It is made in the form of separate petals, which are then attached around the head.

If there is white and black mass left, you can mix them and make pebbles on which the lion will sit. From green you can make splashes of grass.

Let's sculpt a panda step by step


  • Mastic white and black;
  • Modeling tools;
  • A couple of toothpicks.

Step 1. Take the white mass and roll it into a ball. We make indentations for the eyes on it. We make small balls from the black mass, insert them into the recesses and expand them using a stack. Black color should be throughout the entire area of ​​the recesses.

Add a ball of white mass (nose).

We finish the nose: add a black piece, in which we make a couple of holes with a toothpick or a stack with a sharp tip.

Step 2. From small pieces of black and white mass we make eyes and ears.

The body consists of two parts: a round white one and an elongated black one. We fasten them with a toothpick.

Step 3. Make the paws from black mastic. They should be teardrop-shaped. Now you need to make pads out of white mastic for each paw.

Let's make an airplane

You need two colors of mastic: white and blue, as well as a toothpick or modeling glass with a sharp tip.

Step 1. We sculpt the white trapezoidal body of the airplane. We add a blue glass front glass to it.

Step 2. Sculpt the wings. Take a couple of balls, roll them out a little or knead them with your hands. Making triangular wings. We make the tail a little thinner and trapezoidal in shape.

Step 3. Add stripes to the wings, tail, and the main part using blue fondant.

Step 4. Make eyes from white and black mass. Draw out the mouth with a toothpick or stack.

Sometimes, even following step-by-step detailed instructions, not everything works out and not always. Every craftswoman has a couple of secrets that help in the sculpting process:

  1. Sometimes it is quite difficult to cover the entire cake with fondant carefully. There are folds here and there on the sides that spoil the whole look. In this case, you should roll out the mastic in such a way that a sufficiently large reserve is maintained. Next, we place it on the cake and under its weight it should lie as it should;
  2. It's hard to find black dye. In this case, you can get out of the situation as follows: take three dyes (blue, yellow and red) and mix them in a ratio of 2:1:1. There is also the option of adding blue to brown paint;
  3. To make the mastic coating shine, it needs to be lubricated with a solution of vodka and honey. To prepare it, you need to mix both ingredients in equal quantities. Using a soft brush, lubricate the surface with the resulting liquid.

Fantasize and, perhaps, you will create your own individual figures from mastic, not like anyone else. Good luck!

If we talk about mastic, its consistency is very similar to plasticine. It is very interesting to create figures from mastic with your own hands. It does not cause any inconvenience during work. Using mastic you can make the most intricate figures the desired shape. This mass lends itself well to coloring and practically does not stick to your hands. Original handmade ones that look simply great on birthday cakes. And they amaze both children and adults with their beauty.

Required Ingredients

Let's figure out what you need to cook high-quality mastic Houses. It's quite simple. We take:

  • 100 gram bag of marshmallows;
  • lemon juice or plain water- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • multi-colored;
  • powdered sugar (about one and a half cups).

Preparing mastic

Marshmallows are candies like marshmallows. They will become the main ingredient for preparing the “dough” from which we will make mastic figures with our own hands. They must be sorted by color. Place pink and white candies in a separate bowl. Then add lemon juice or water to each plate. Stir and heat in the microwave for no more than 15 seconds. Ideally, the candy mass should increase in volume and melt.

In order for the mastic to acquire the desired color, we combine it with dye. Dilute the dye in a container with warm water. We send the mastic there and knead it thoroughly with a spoon. To knead the “dough,” add powdered sugar to it little by little and knead until it stops sticking to your fingers. When the resulting mass looks like plasticine, it must be wrapped in cling film and put it in the refrigerator to harden for about half an hour. After this, you can begin the exciting modeling.

How to sculpt figures from mastic?

It's not difficult at all. We begin the work by pouring powdered sugar onto the work surface. Roll it out into a thin layer. If the mass does not roll out very well, it should be heated for just a few seconds in the microwave.

Now turn on your imagination and cut out various figures, flowers, letters.
Let's look at specific examples of how to make figures from mastic.


Painting the mastic orange dye. After this, roll a certain amount of mass into a ball, forming something like an elongated carrot. We bend it in half, and form a ring from the thin tip. At the other end there is a muzzle. From the next piece of mastic we make a roller, which will become the body. We attach paws to it. And we attach the ears to the muzzle. Don't forget to put a pine cone in the squirrel's paws. It can be made from brown mastic.


We paint the mastic with blue dye. We roll two small balls, from one we make a square - the future body of the frog, and from the other a triangle, which will become the head. We put them one on the other and attach four legs. We decorate the muzzle and folds on the paws using a toothpick. Roll two tiny balls from the white mass and decorate the frog's eyes. You can use dark chocolate to imitate pupils.

There are many more different options characters, but it would be better to use your imagination and make exclusive figures from mastic with your own hands.

Now just make your works and please your friends and family!

Mastic figures unique way make a cake of any theme. And the frozen heart cake is no exception. Enough to cook regular cake(single-tier or multi-tier) and simply decorate it with edible figures. In particular, today we will look at master classes on how to make Anna from mastic.

How to make a figurine of Anna from a cold heart with your own hands

When creating any image, the most difficult thing is to carefully sculpt the head and draw a beautiful face. Therefore we start with step by step photo master class on sculpting Anna's head from a cold heart.

To make the image natural, we insert into the “eye sockets” white mastic, and black in the mouth. On top of the white one, carefully paint the eyes with food paint.

Having finished drawing the eyes and eyebrows, glue a piece of white on top of the black one and form teeth from it. We paint our lips. And let's start creating hair and braiding.

The result was a very beautiful and gentle image of Anna.

Of course, you won’t be able to 100% replicate Anna from the cartoon Frozen. But, in my opinion, this is not a reason to be upset. You can simply make a beautiful figurine in her style, slightly different from the original, but no less attractive “Anna”. Or you can even make it like a cartoon, as shown in the photo instructions below.

In addition, you can make Anna in the form of a baby.

Eyes are made according to the same principle. Please note that here the eyelid is made of dark brown mastic. We drew eyes, eyebrows, blush and charming freckles.

Then the ears were molded.

And we started creating the hairstyle. The bangs were rounded using the handle of a brush (you can take a round pencil). The tails were made from several pieces of mastic. Forming each tail from 3 pieces, at the end black stripes were stuck around them, imitating a ribbon.

The finished head looks nice.

Let me especially note that in order to make a proportional figure of Anna from mastic, it is better to draw a picture in advance. This will make it much easier for you.

Based on the drawing, we sculpt the legs and arms.

Following them is the body. We attach the legs to the body using wooden skewers. And let's start creating the dress.

In the end it turned out beautiful figurine Anna from Frozen.

If you don’t have time to create a complex image, pay attention to the photo master class presented below.

The result is cute figurine, and most importantly, you can make such a figurine of Anna with your own hands quickly and easily.

You can compensate for the simplicity of the figure with the originality of the decor of the cake itself.

How to make Anna from mastic video lessons

Video lessons are more informative than photo instructions. Therefore, I bring to your attention several video lessons.

Here is the most simplified version. If you watch this video first, you will also see the assembly of a two-tier cake.

In addition, pay attention to the video lessons on modeling from plasticine and plastic.

And finally, a tutorial on sculpting a charming figurine in chibi or tibi style.

Good luck with your experiments!