Making dishes for the new year. Unusual serving of the usual New Year's dishes: photo. Simple New Year's Dishes: Serving

Therefore, with such trepidation, many make up new year menu 2020, looking for recipes for the New Year 2020 with photos and racking their brains with questions What to cook for the New Year 2020?” and “how to cook New Year’s dishes”? The menu for the New Year 2020, recipes for New Year's dishes, recipes for the New Year's table, prudent housewives think over in advance. If there are children in the family, New Year's recipes for children begin to be discussed. Some are looking for simple New Year's recipes, others - original New Year's recipes, others - traditional New Year's dishes. In the West, at this time, people are most often interested only in the recipe for New Year's cookies, but our people approach this issue more thoroughly and prefer to cook New Year's hot dishes, New Year's second courses. The New Year's menu for 2020, in principle, must be composed with taste in the literal and figurative sense. If you have any unrealized culinary recipes and culinary desires, dreams, New Year holidays - it's time for them. Dishes on the New Year's table 2020 can be very diverse.

For those who have already begun to draw up the New Year's menu, select recipes, and those who are interested in the Eastern calendar, we remind you that the symbol of the new year 2020 according to the Chinese calendar is the Rat or Mouse, more precisely, this is the year of the white metal rat. Astrologers are already drawing up their horoscopes to predict what the year of the rat has in store for us. We will tell you what to cook for the year of the rat on the New Year's table. Read more about the New Year's menu in the year of the rat.

Preparing for the celebration of the New Year is a very troublesome task, so it’s better to pick up New Year’s culinary recipes for the year of the rat in advance. Recipes for New Year's dishes for the year of the rat have a simple rule: this rodent should like them. New Year's menu for the year of the rat must include various salads. Vegetable, fruit, meat - a gourmet rat loves everything tasty, it eats vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish. New Year's recipes for the year of the rat (2020) can be prepared using nuts, mushrooms, the rat also loves them very much. And, of course, s-s-s-s-r-r! New Year's recipes for children for the year of the rat, you can cook from fruits and vegetables, you can bake cakes, muffins in the form of rats and mice. Original New Year's recipes for the year of the rat for children can be prepared from boiled eggs, cut out muzzles from vegetables and fruits, and mold a cheerful rodent from mashed potatoes. It would be nice to decorate children's dishes for the year of the rat or the year of the mouse with the image of a mouse, draw the silhouette of a mouse with cream, lay it out from dried fruits, nuts.

Recipes for the New Year's table in the year of the rat (2020) do not require anything completely surprising, but, on the other hand, the rat loves to eat delicious food, and she is also very curious. New Year's meat dishes will also be appropriate, because rats are omnivores. As a side dish for the New Year's table, you can offer the guests and the rat some kind of cereal, grains that this rodent will surely like.

To quickly and correctly prepare delicious New Year's dishes, use New Year's recipes with photos for the year of the rat. We have specially selected New Year's dishes with photos for the year of the rat. Recipes for the new year 2020 with photos will tell you step by step how to make any dish you like. We hope that our New Year's recipes will help you prepare really delicious New Year's dishes, and it doesn't matter if you used complex New Year's recipes or simple New Year's recipes. The Year of the Rat will bring you happiness on January 1, when family members and guests will thank you for a wonderful New Year's table. It would also be nice for you and your guests to come up with the appropriate New Year's names for dishes, this will make the New Year's table 2020 even more original and mischievous, recipes with photos will show how you can show your creativity and make this process even more fun. And do not forget to make New Year's recipes with photos during the cooking process.

One of the important stages of preparation for everyone's favorite holiday - the New Year - is to think over the menu for the festive table.

But it is not enough just to cook delicious dishes - the table and dishes on it must be beautifully decorated.

What should be the New Year's table setting? Of course, festive and bright, and this can be achieved by carefully considering the design of the table and options for decorating dishes.

In most cases, the table is decorated in accordance with the symbols of the coming year. For decoration, images of the patron saint of the coming year are used. But there are a number of ideas that are relevant every year.

From this article, you will learn how to beautifully decorate dishes, what methods of decorating the New Year's table are considered classic, and what you need to consider in order to make the festive decoration of dishes solemn and stylish.

New Year's table decor, photo

Choosing a style for decoration

First of all, make a plan for decorating the table for the holiday. It is preferable that the decor idea is combined with the interior design of the room. If you decorate the table brighter than the furniture, attention will be focused on it, but not in all cases it is possible to mix colors in living rooms.

Combinations of shades should look harmonious, and with a large number of tones this is difficult to achieve.

When choosing a discreet light tablecloth without a pattern and with a minimum number of accessories, do-it-yourself decoration of dishes on the New Year's table will help to make the design bright.

Do-it-yourself decoration of festive table dishes, photo

There are many successful options for decorating the table for the New Year, corresponding to a certain style direction. For example, traditional style will allow to demonstrate solemnity. This option involves a combination of universal white, classic festive color - red and golden tone.

You can make the serving more diverse with the help of an emerald hue.

In the traditional New Year's table decor, candles in beautifully decorated candlesticks, wine glasses on high legs with a golden edging, beautiful cutlery polished to a shine and a tablecloth with patterns are always used. Often the serving is complemented by embroidered napkins that match the classic design.

One of the most popular patterns found in the table setting, decorated for the New Year, is a bright checkered pattern on tablecloths and napkins.

DIY New Year's table decoration, photo

Traditional décor is bright, but not to everyone's taste. There is another option - winter-style decoration using cold colors. The perfect combination is a combination of white, pale blue and blue shades. Graceful serving will add silver cutlery.

This combination makes it possible to focus on the decor of the table and the design of dishes. You can also place small presents wrapped in bright paper on the table, use Christmas decorations and other New Year's accessories in the design.

New Year's tables, photo - the most beautiful design

The latest fashion trend is eco-design. And given the fact that real pine branches can be used in the design, this style is perfect for New Year's serving.
The decoration is not limited to the emerald color, you can use another shade that is consistent with the symbolism of the coming year.

Advice. Add light tones (for example, white or elegant beige) to the New Year's color scheme: they will add grace to the design.

Festive decoration of the New Year's table, photo

Most of the modern design trends have similar features with minimalism. Given this, even the laconic design of the table for the New Year will not become less solemn.

Recommendation. Replace the numerous accessories on the table with a few practical and elegant decorative elements: decorative candles, vases without a pattern, dishes in bright colors, but at the same time simple in shape.

Having decided on the style of decoration, consider the decor of festive dishes. You can decorate New Year's dishes in various ways, depending on the characteristics of the dishes that you are going to treat guests on New Year's Eve.

New Year's menu

The tradition of serving a large number of dishes on the table on the occasion of the celebration of the New Year is an old one.
Of course, it is not necessary to spend the whole day at the stove, but there are dishes that you definitely need to cook for the New Year:

The table decoration with bright fruits, vegetables and small snacks looks beautiful. Place, for example, an imitation of a Christmas tree in the central part of the table. To fasten the parts, use toothpicks or arrange the elements on a dish, creating a Christmas tree shape.

Decoration of fruit desserts for the festive table, photo

Edible decor elements on the table should be placed in such a way that the proportionality of the design is observed. Given this moment, put large dishes in the central part, and those that are smaller closer to the edges.

Consider some interesting ideas for decorating dishes.

Decorate main dishes and appetizers

To decorate the main dishes, use sprigs of dill and parsley, beautifully chopped slices of vegetables, onion rings. Make New Year's inscriptions on dishes with mayonnaise.

If fish is chosen as the main course, garnish it with pre-boiled carrots (cut into flowers or twist them in a spiral), lemon slices.

Red cranberries or green olives are suitable for decorating meat dishes.

Decoration of New Year's dishes, photo

On the Internet, you can find many master classes that demonstrate how to decorate unusable dishes. For example, you can stuff peppers and use greens to decorate it, creating small Christmas trees from it.

To decorate imitations of Christmas trees, pieces of cucumbers, carrots or peppers are suitable.

From pita bread you can make mini-rolls with a delicious filling. Arrange the rolls on large lettuce leaves so that it looks like a Christmas tree. It is very simple to add brightness to the dish, for this you will need greens, pomegranate seeds and pepper.

As an accompaniment to other dishes, make appetizers on skewers. For decoration, use cheese, sausage, shrimp, boiled eggs, vegetables.

For a holiday, the decoration of dishes made of butter and boiled eggs is perfect. Give the butter a bright color by using boiled beets or carrots. Cut boiled eggs into cubes and decorate sandwiches or other small dishes with them. By mixing these ingredients, you will create an unusual New Year's table decor.

Decorating holiday dishes with your own hands, photo

The decoration in the form of small penguins made of carrots, boiled eggs and green olives looks just as advantageous. Details are fastened with toothpicks.

The video below is a wonderful master class on decorating festive dishes with carrot roses:

Decorating salads and sweet dishes

Now we turn to the decor of salads, which can be easily done with your own hands. The most common option for decorating salads for serving at a New Year's feast is to create patterns on them that imitate Christmas trees.

Drawings in the form of Christmas trees are formed from sprigs of dill and parsley. A similar product decoration is suitable for almost all salads, the main thing is to give them a neat shape.

We decorate dishes with our own hands, photo

To decorate the main New Year's salad - Olivier - in most cases, greens, pomegranate seeds, black olives are used.

Advice: to beautifully decorate the salad, use forms in the form of stars, Christmas trees and other figures.

Another original way to decorate salads for the New Year's feast is to form a dial on them or make a New Year's inscription from chopped cucumber, carrot, cheese.

Give homemade salad decorations an original configuration of stars, spirals, thin slices.

Be creative - serve salads not in ordinary dishes, but in baskets made from the peel of grapefruits or other citrus fruits. This design is one hundred percent consistent with the New Year theme.

If options for original decorations do not come to mind, use beautiful dishes. For example, salad "herring under a fur coat" can be served in a large glass dish, through the walls of which all layers will be visible: this technique will add brightness to the serving.

The most interesting thing is the decoration of New Year's desserts. If you buy a New Year's cake or other confectionery, you don't have to worry about decorating them. Decorate your own desserts with cream and fruit cuts.

Do-it-yourself decoration of dishes for the festive table, photo

Most often, gingerbread or carved cookies are served as a New Year's dessert. Use colored icing or melted chocolate to decorate them.

The nuances of festive serving

The decoration of the table laid on the occasion of the celebration of the New Year is not limited to decorating dishes.

The last step is serving and selecting accessories. There are several decoration options.

For decoration, you can use napkins made of paper or fabric with a New Year's pattern. This option is especially relevant if the tablecloth is missing or it is plain.

Napkins are laid out next to the plates or folded, giving them original shapes, for example, triangular. For decoration use ribbons, rain or special holders. Until the plates are full, you can put napkins on them.

In rare cases, there are no candles on the New Year's table. These decorative elements make the atmosphere in the room more comfortable, and after it gets dark, they will also serve as a source of light on the table.

On the table, you can place candles of various shapes and sizes, made in the form of New Year's characters.

New Year's candles are easy to make with your own hands: decorate them with stickers or decorate using the decoupage technique. Beads, coffee beans, ribbons are suitable for decorating candles.

Place candles made in one color in beautiful candlesticks. You can make them with your own hands from glasses or other utensils. If the candles are small, place them in a glass container filled with water.

For table decor for the New Year, compositions created from candles, Christmas balls, berries, pine branches, and fruits are used. Volumetric compositions look most advantageous in the central part of the table.

Among the materials suitable for New Year's decor, it is worth noting tangerines and coniferous branches, it is enough to spread them out in different parts of the table and complement the design with cones. Several branches can be placed in a bowl of water.

As decorative elements for the New Year's table, especially dishes, it is also recommended to use beads, ribbons, rain.

A good idea for decorating the table for the New Year is small presents in bright packages located next to the guests' plates. You can put sweets or New Year's souvenirs in boxes.

Read about how you can make a tree of happiness with your own hands with photo and video explanations.

You can see photos of decorations for the New Year's table at:

And do not forget about the design of glasses, as well as bottles, if they are not distinguished by an exquisite design in themselves. Ribbons tied around the neck will help decorate the bottles. The legs of the glasses are also decorated with ribbons. Glass can also be decorated with New Year's inscriptions, stickers, patterns or rhinestones.

To decorate the New Year's table, stock up on tinsel, beads, beautiful cuts of fabric, and rain.

There are a lot of ways to decorate the table for the New Year. It is not difficult to create an original and bright design with your own hands if you wish.

Show your imagination, and you will definitely get a successful decor - such that guests will admire not only deliciously prepared dishes, but also the original and solemn decoration of the festive table.

It is customary to make the festive table plentiful with treats, but it is important not only to diversify the menu on this night, but also to serve even the most familiar dishes beautifully. Decorations on the New Year's table from products are very diverse, we will consider only a few simple ideas that will help give the dishes a festive mood.

Your guests will surely be pleasantly surprised and will definitely appreciate your efforts, and your little family members will be able to help and take an active part in decorating the dishes.

Cheese balls "Christmas toys"

A very bright, spectacular dish that will be associated with multi-colored Christmas balls.

How to cook "Christmas balls" from cheese

The recipe for this appetizer is very simple, all you need is grated cheese and mayonnaise.

You can use any kind of cheese, at your discretion (Adyghe, Russian, cheese, parmesan, mozzarella, etc.). Mayonnaise in the recipe can be replaced with thick sour cream.

From the products we prepare a dense mass and roll it into balls. So that the paste does not stick to your hands, wet them with water.

We divide the finished balls into 3 parts. We roll one part in paprika, the second - in sesame seeds, the third - in finely chopped dill or other herbs. We lay the balls in a beautiful dish and put them in the refrigerator for an hour so that they freeze.

You can see another recipe for Christmas balls in a detailed photo recipe on our website.

How to decorate the New Year's table: a recipe for egg snowmen

This funny edible decoration on the New Year's table will also not cause much trouble in cooking.


  • boiled eggs;
  • Carrot;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • Greens for decoration;
  • Long skewers (you can use vermicelli).

How to make Egg Snowmen

  1. Take one thick and one thin carrot, cut both of them into not too thick circles.
  2. Cut off the tip from the top of each egg.
  3. Boiled eggs in 2 pieces connect vertically with each other, using a skewer or vermicelli, leaving its tip on top.
  4. Connect two carrot circles of different diameters so that you get a hat, attach it to the tip of the skewer.
  5. Cut out small triangles from carrots - these will be the noses of the snowmen, just press them into the eggs.
  6. Make eyes and buttons from black peppercorns.
  7. Decorate the dish with green sprigs.

If you still have questions about making snowmen, we suggest mastering the master class.

Eatable Christmas candles are a great holiday decoration idea that both adults and children will love.

Cooking appetizers "New Year's candles" from pepper

To prepare the treat, you will need a fresh green bell pepper for stuffing and one bright red pepper to simulate a flame.

  • Clean the peppers, wash and dry. So that they can stand upright on a dish, evenly cut off the lower tips.
  • You can stuff them with anything: grated cheese mixed with mayonnaise, feta cheese with greens, Olivier salad, in fact, everything you like.
  • Cut red pepper into narrow long triangles. Insert the pieces into the middle of the stuffed pepper, point up.
  • Put the peppers in a beautiful dish and garnish with herbs.

Exquisite salad "New Year's wreath"

A very beautiful serving of salad in the form of a Christmas wreath will decorate any holiday table.

We will not describe the recipe for the salad itself - it can be absolutely any salad that fits in layers.

  • To create a dish, you need to put the salad on a large flat plate in the form of a ring and spread it liberally on top with mayonnaise.
  • From above, on a layer of mayonnaise, sprigs of dill are stacked. You don't need to cut them, they just need to be long.
  • Lay them so that they completely cover the salad, imitating coniferous branches.
  • You can put candles in the wreath itself, making them from crab sticks or pieces of red bell pepper.

  • You can also put small tomatoes, berries, olives, pomegranate seeds and figures cut out of vegetables on top.

Biscuit "Yolochki"

New Year's table decorations from food mean not only original snacks, but also desserts. Even an ordinary biscuit, made in haste, can be beautifully served to the table.

How to make "Christmas trees" from a biscuit

  • Bake a short biscuit according to the classic recipe. You can leave it light or add cocoa.
  • Prepare a cream of whipped cream or eggnog.
  • Use food coloring to color the cream green.

If you have a pastry syringe - use it, if not, then put the cream in a regular small plastic bag and make a hole in the corner.

  • Cut the cooled biscuit into triangles.
  • Squeeze out zigzag stripes with cream, imitating Christmas trees.
  • Top the dessert with multi-colored coconut flakes or other bright decoration.

Sandwiches "Hearts" with caviar

A delicious and eye-catching appetizer that is very easy to prepare at home.

By themselves, red caviar sandwiches are quite standard, so for their preparation you traditionally need to buy: bread, butter, caviar, lemon and dill with mayonnaise for decoration. You will also need a heart shaped cookie cutter.

Cooking heart sandwiches with caviar

  1. Cut the bread into thin slices and cut out hearts from each using a cookie cutter.
  2. Spread the bread with butter, and put the caviar on top.
  3. Grease the sides of the sandwich with a thin layer of mayonnaise and sprinkle with finely chopped dill.
  4. Top, also decorate the appetizer with mayonnaise, herbs and lemon slices.

As you can see, making decorations for the New Year's table from products is not difficult at all. In addition, the products themselves, for the most part, are simple and affordable. We hope that the recipes and ideas will help you create original decorations for the celebration of a fabulous night.
