The best spices for fish. Spices for fish: nothing extra

Fish occupies a special place in cooking.

This is due to its gastronomic diversity and huge number of recipes.

Freshwater species

Freshwater fish is widespread in Russia due to the presence of a large number of rivers and lakes.

River fish for cooking:

  • Som- the largest representative. Almost without bones and scales, it is easy to prepare.
  • Perch– found everywhere and has tasty meat.
  • Pike– one of the most popular fish due to its delicious white meat.
  • Carp- the owner of the most tender meat. It is considered a “bony” fish.
  • Trout– fish suitable for any type of cooking.
  • Sterletking fish among freshwater ones. Possesses tender meat and in skillful hands it becomes a delicacy.
  • Carp- big and fat. Suitable for cooking in any form.

No matter how popular in cooking and uniquely tasty fish is, suitable seasonings It's an important issue for her in the kitchen.

Spices for cooking river fish

River fish are no different bright taste meat. This determines the choice of spices and seasonings for use - they are all fragrant, spicy, with a pronounced aroma.


Cooking fish by frying is popular. The dish acquires a specific fried taste, and the dryish meat increases the fat content due to oil.

Spices for frying fish are invariably salt and hot peppers (black, red, white). It is recommended to add salt directly to the oil. This way the fish will “take” the required amount during the frying process.

When frying you can add:

  • garlic - a small amount will improve the taste of the dish;
  • coriander, thyme, ground nutmeg - will enhance the taste and add uniqueness;
  • turmeric – will add richness golden color and sweetish taste;
  • basil, dill, parsley, thyme, lemon balm - they are crushed and added at the end of cooking for freshness;
  • lemon juice - a few drops on the meat will eliminate the river smell.

When choosing spices suitable for fish, it is better to avoid a mixture of 2 or more types at once, since when frying in oil they enhance their properties.


Most often, fish is stewed in oil, vegetable pillow or in sauces. A small amount of spices can improve the final taste.

The following spices are suitable for stewed fish:

  • peppers and mustard - for spiciness;
  • mint, basil, lemon balm or rosemary - for fresh aroma herbs (the main thing is not to overdo it);
  • onion (any), dill - enhance the taste of meat river fish.

Bright and spicy spices— it is better not to use curry, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon when stewing fish.


Cooking fish in a large amount of liquid imposes some difficulties when choosing spices: they must “play” when hot and be able to be absorbed into the meat from the broth.

The best spices for cooking fish are:

  • Onion and bay leaf. With them the broth will become richer. They will kill the river smell of fish during cooking;
  • Peppers (any) from the broth will add a slight spiciness to the meat. It won't hurt the peppercorns.
  • Celery and parsley will enhance the flavor of the fish.
  • Saffron, nutmeg, rosemary, sage - leaving a bitter taste in the broth, will give only the best to the fish.

Cinnamon, paprika, turmeric, coriander, and cumin do not “tolerate” cooking in large amounts of water. Having filled the broth with aromas, they will be useless for the fish.


In foil or without, in the oven, microwave or on fire - baked river fish is loved by gourmets and nutritionists. The most common way to use spices is to cover the fish on all sides with herbs.

The following spices should be used for baking river fish:

  • Marjoram, anise, oregano will enhance the taste of a fish dish;
  • Onions, celery, parsley when baked will “take away” the river smell;
  • Bay leaf, lemon balm, mint will add a fresh aroma and can sweeten the taste of the finished dish.
  • Turmeric, coriander or thyme will provide spicy, rich flavors.


Smoked fish is loved for its aroma and culture of consumption even by those who do not prefer fish at all. Cooked with aromatic smoke, fish does not need additional flavor enhancement.

When smoking, add the following spices:

  • Celery - a little under the ribs or gills for a pleasant aroma;
  • Mustard, paprika, saffron or tarragon - your choice. Wipe the fish carcass on all sides before cooking.

Adding oriental spices when smoking fish can add a specific taste to the dish. They are not recommended for use.

Marine species

Sea fish have a wide variety. Spices are “calmer” for her and often serve to complement the rich taste.

Sea fish for cooking:

  • Herring– popular sea ​​fish. Used salted, smoked and pickled.
  • Mackerel– fish with fatty meat. Saves great taste in any form.
  • Flounder- the meat cooks easily. Suitable for frying, stewing or smoking.
  • Salmonidae(salmon, salmon) – have fatty, tender red meat. Popular fish for cooking. Has almost no intermuscular bones.
  • Pollock– one of the most common sea fish. Suitable for any type of cooking.
  • Cod– has tender meat and is considered one of the most healthy and nutritious. Contains a large amount of protein.
  • Sturgeon- a delicatessen breed. Used for preparing balyk, smoking, salting.

Spices for cooking sea fish

As mentioned above, marine species fish do not require bright spices in cooking. The amount of additives must be strictly controlled so as not to lose the delicate taste of the fish dish.


You can fry all types of sea fish. Due to the natural fat content of the meat, halibut, mackerel, sturgeon, and fatty herring can be fried even without oil.

A good addition to the preparation would be:

  • Ground pepper (allspice, black, red, white), added in moderation, will not so much add spiciness as enhance it natural taste fish meat.
  • Grated ginger or nutmeg will add some spice. It is difficult to overcome the “sea” aroma with them.
  • Oregano or thyme will add a slight spice.
  • – will add a touch of freshness to rich fried fish meat.

Fried sea fish does not go well with cardamom, cumin, and coriander. They interrupt the taste, making dishes too spicy.

In order for the fish to be juicy and have a special flavor, seasonings and spices are necessary. Basically, this is a standard set of herbs, both dried and fresh, and spices. Only to be used for frying, baking, stewing and making soups different combinations and seasoning mixtures. Those that are suitable for grilling can give an unpleasant aftertaste if you cook fish soup with them. But it’s all a matter of taste, and you need to choose spices based only on it.

Seasonings for red fish

Red fish is fattier and richer than white fish. This delicacy loves seasonings with a more distinct and rich taste. It is ideal to use seasonings such as black pepper, peas and ground paprika for dishes made from red fish meat. Turmeric and thyme are also suitable. Mix well and dried ground ginger and oregano. Dried onions and fennel will add a sweetish flavor and piquancy. Greens – dill and basil.

Seasonings for white fish

White fish meat goes perfectly with thyme and rosemary, a mixture of dried herbs. Marjoram goes well, dry and fresh basil and dill, mint and sage, oregano. White sea fish is served and prepared in the same way with lemon balm and coriander.

Seasonings for river fish

River fish has a completely different taste and pungent smell, so almost the same seasonings and spices are suitable for it, but you need to be careful with herbs, since it is better to serve it with parsley, especially for fish soup, but you should avoid basil. Seasonings that go well with this kind of fish include anise, black pepper, of course, salt, coriander, bay leaf, and nutmeg. Marjoram and mustard also go well with this product.

Seasonings for frying fish

To prepare this method, you need to use such seasonings and spices as cardamom and coriander, bay leaf and cumin, mixtures of peppers, nutmeg and dried basil. These spices have a rather rich aroma and taste, so they are ideal for a crispy crust and will saturate the dish with bright colors.

For preparing first courses

Seasonings should be used here unusual taste and aroma. The best options are cloves and bay leaves, fennel and lemon balm, dried herb mixtures, white pepper and red peas. The freshness of these additives will add a very light taste to your fish entrees. A similar list of spices can also be used for stewing fish.

For marinades and salting

There is plenty of space here for lovers of a variety of herbs and spices. The perfect combination fish and aromatic, light and interesting additives will make the meat simply melting and rich. The following seasonings are suitable: basil, oregano, sage and tarragon. Fennel, black and white peppers, nutmeg and bay leaves are also combined with fish. Coriander, mint and dried dill are suitable.

The meat of most fish is quite neutral, soft taste, so almost any seasoning goes with fish. Therefore, the choice of spices for fish dishes is truly unlimited. For each method of preparing fish, it is logical to use its own set of herbs and spices.

Spices - various parts of plants added to food in small doses for various purposes, mainly to improve taste , having a specific, more or less stable aroma and taste.

Spices - food additives exclusively plant origin. Various parts of plants can be used as spices: leaves, stems, inflorescences, roots, fruits and their parts - bark, skin.

So, firstly, the fish can be fried. This can be done on the grill, in a frying pan or in the oven, and quickly. In any case, the fish will retain as much of its natural taste and texture as possible, for which we, in fact, love it. It is reasonable in this case to use almost banal salt, pepper and lemon juice. Pepper can be either black or white, but coarse and freshly ground. Lemon juice, which is already sprinkled ready dish, - almost best seasoning to fish in general. In addition to the above, fried fish goes very well with olive oil.
In general, fish absorbs the aroma of herbs very well. Therefore, if you are going to cook, then by all means use herbal seasonings. And you should let it soak in their aromas well. The herbs used to cook fish can be... ANYTHING!!!

It cannot be said that a certain fish goes better with a specific plant; it is a matter of taste. But we can’t say that the mint-salmon or halibut-rosemary combination is classic. Rather, on the contrary: halibut with rosemary is a special, rather complex and original recipe.

The combination of lemon and fish is a classic. The combination of garlic and fish is a classic, and garlic goes well with fish. Traditional seasonings for fish - rosemary and thyme; they go well with fish dishes, without imposing their taste, but without making it too subtle.

Such combinations are used in many Mediterranean cuisines - in Greece, Spain, and other countries where they love fish and know how to cook it. The word “classic” is absolutely suitable for the combination of fish and provencal herbs- parsley, dill, tarragon, marjoram, thyme, which have an extraordinary aroma.

You can try different combinations of herbs yourself, not forgetting in your experiments that the herbs suitable for fish are mainly delicate ones, growing in Europe. But you have to be very, very careful with oriental spices - many of them are too heavy for fish.

For fish dishes in general, greens and parsley root, black pepper, marjoram, nutmeg, curry, dill, savory, tarragon, onion, garlic, sweet and hot red pepper (dried or fresh), allspice, rosemary, sage, caraway seeds, white mustard, thyme, parsnips, bay leaf, peppermint.

To fried suitable for fish basil, black pepper, leafy greens, garlic, savory, borage, fennel, dill, cumin, nutmeg, red sweet pepper, parsley, lemon balm, curry, bitter and sweet almonds, cardamom, coriander, watercress.

With stewed and boiled fish, use onions, garlic, nutmeg, cloves, bay leaves, grated parsley, basil, savory, fennel, allspice, rosemary, lemon balm, curry.

TO classic spices relate:

  • Asafoetida, aka stinking ferula, stinking resin, bad spirit, damn feces, asmargok, hing, ilan
  • Real star anise, also known as star anise, Chinese anise, Indian anise, Siberian anise, ship anise
  • Kalgan, also known as galgan, alpinia, galangal root, pharmaceutical root
  • Turmeric, aka long turmeric, yellow root, gurgemey, zarchava, haldi
  • Nutmeg and Nutmeg or mace, mas
  • Pepper
    • Real peppers

The tender flesh of the fish absorbs all the flavors of the seasonings you choose, but not all of them are ideal for it. To highlight light taste fish dishes, it is recommended to choose spices in moderation, avoiding spices with a strong aroma. By the way, different seasonings are used for sea and river fish, since the river product has a slightly bad smell algae or mud. That is why it is best to choose ingredients in the spice for preparing river fish that will overcome such an unpleasant aftertaste.

To make your fish dish more colorful, be sure to add a little turmeric to it, but this advice is only relevant for fish with white flesh.


  • 1 tsp.
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 0.5 tsp. peppercorn mixture
  • 0.5 tsp. marjoram
  • 1 tsp.
  • 1 tsp.
  • 0.5 tsp. turmeric


1. Before you start creating fish spices, heat the mortar in a water bath, making sure that no liquid gets into it. This way, the seasonings cooked in it will release a richer aroma! Pour salt (preferably coarse sea salt), multi-colored peppercorns, and dried garlic slices into a mortar. You can use already ground dried garlic and a ground mixture of peppers, but believe me, the aroma of the seasoning you create will not be the same!

2. Then add turmeric and marjoram to the mortar.

3. Add dried carrots and dried root parsley You can also prepare these seasonings at home by purchasing the base for them at the market or supermarket.

4. Grind all the contents in a mortar until you feel bright aroma. Then pour everything into a blender or chopper bowl and grind the spices for 5 minutes. Very carefully open the container with the crushed spice - dust from it can get into both your eyes and lungs when you inhale - let it settle!

5. Store the finished spice in a prepared container, adding it to all fish dishes.

Note to the hostess

1. The product list recommends taking mixed varieties of peppers. Experienced housewife knows how all their types differ in the degree of spiciness and nuances of aroma. The following is information for the less experienced cook. White peas are moderately bitter, their smell goes perfectly with fish. Green ones are refined and delicate; when ground, they expire very quickly, like grayish peas (cubeba), but these have a strong, noticeable bitterness. Pinks are generally devoid of a bitter-sharp aftertaste, they are piquant, and their aromatic range contains juniper and pine shades. It is unnecessary to list the characteristics of black pepper: the product is known to everyone. When composing a composition, you should rely on the described properties, be guided by the preferences of household members and personal preferences.

2. Many seasonings, after grinding, lose to one degree or another essential oils, as a result of which they smell less and less during storage. This means that you need to find the most airtight container for a complex of spices compiled according to the given recipe. We immediately set the iron jars aside, and the clay ones too. Glass with rubberized or ground stoppers, porcelain and earthenware without cracks in the glaze, with tight-fitting lids are suitable. If containers are made of clear glass, it is advisable not to expose them to light.

How much does fish seasoning cost (average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

It is known that fish perfectly absorbs any aromas, including the aromas of herbs. This is probably why it is recommended to cook it with the addition of various herbs and ants. Moreover, you definitely need to let the fish steep in the seasonings in order to fully absorb their wonderful aroma.

But choosing any specific composition of seasonings for fish is quite difficult - many chefs claim that this is almost impossible. The fact is that, firstly, there are a great variety of species themselves, and secondly, there are even more ways to prepare these inhabitants of the water depths. In addition, it is important to consider, for example, that stewed or boiled fish is capable of giving off its aroma stronger than in fried. In this regard, when choosing seasoning for fish, you need to take all these aspects into account.

Nowadays, you can often find on sale a universal seasoning for fish, which is suitable for preparing first courses and sauces, as well as fried, boiled or baked fish, as well as fish cutlets. As you know, for frying, fish is pre-rubbed with seasoning half an hour before cooking, and in soups and sauces it should be added shortly before the dish is ready.

Composition of seasoning for fish

The classic composition of fish seasoning is considered to be: ground coriander, dried vegetables(carrots, onions, leeks and garlic), turmeric, paprika, parsley, thyme, ground hot peppers And lemon acid. Ideally included quality product never contains flavor enhancers, stabilizers or artificial colors. Availability large quantity table salt is also not welcome.

If you want more spicy taste, then a seasoning for fish based on ground white and allspice, coriander, bay leaf, ginger, dried onion, mustard seeds, thyme and dill. It is especially appropriate to use such a seasoning for fish that you plan to marinate.

For fried fish Both a mixture and individual spices are excellent: black pepper, bay leaf, fennel, almonds, cumin, coriander, dill, curry and garlic. A fish seasoning composition that is considered appropriate for grilling is: white pepper, tarragon, sweet paprika, dill, saffron, rosemary, turmeric and thyme.

In addition, there is a special seasoning for fish, which is used for salting, and not for heat treatment. This additive greatly simplifies the process of preparing salted fish at home, since the herbs and spices in its composition are selected in such a way that the taste and quality finished product In no way inferior to the store version.

Calorie content of fish seasoning 166 kcal

Energy value of seasoning for fish (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).
