Oat milk at fixed price. Nastina: This is not milk for you! NE MOLOKO oat milk for a healthy diet! Nemoloko – oat drink


Nemoloko – an oat drink from the manufacturer “Gardens of Pridonya” has been on sale since 2018.

Plant-based milk is quite a popular product among vegans and people who are lactose and casein intolerant. But these analogs in the form of cedar milk, hazelnuts, and rice milk come at a rather inhumane price. Within 150-250 rubles per liter. Mostly imported manufacturers are represented on our market, and therefore I was extremely surprised to see them in the FIX PRICE.

This product Nemoloko You can buy it at a price of 77 rubles per liter and 25 rubles for 250 ml.

Nemoloko is an oat drink.

based on oats, one of the healthiest and healthiest grain crops, especially revered in our country. The technology used by the Pridonya Gardens company copies processes in nature and transforms oats, rich in protein, dietary fiber, healthy fats, carbohydrates, macro- and microelements, vitamins, into a liquid food product that is ideal for feeding adults and children, including those with lactose intolerance and milk protein allergy.


water, oat flour, rapeseed oil, calcium phosphate, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), salt.


Classic oat drink - hero of the review

Classic light oat drink - with reduced fat content 1.5%

- Oatmeal chocolate drink - similar to Nesquik cocoa, oatmeal is not felt at all

Vanilla oatmeal dessert - I couldn’t find this in our FIX PRICE.

Creamy oat drink - fat content is already above 12%

Personal experience, what to cook with and how to drink:

Now is the time of Lent, many do not know how to replace dairy products. Coconut milk or cream is not found everywhere and the taste is very specific. I use Santa Maria coconut cream to make Thai soups or rice. But in our city I only met him in the Metro.

The taste of oat milk is much more neutral and softer, and goes well in combination with porridge. But because It is not recommended to heat-treat it, so you don’t have to cook porridge with it and add it to ready-made ones, so oat milk will be ideal for those who love muesli and granola.

I didn’t like milk with cocoa, coffee and tea at all. I can taste it.

What I liked most about cooking with this non-milk base was various milkshakes and smoothies. Very light, at the same time, nutritious, healthy and tasty.

The best combination is oat milk and banana.

There is nothing easier than blending chopped banana and oat milk in a blender, sprinkle it all with chia seeds and the superfood is ready. This breakfast is very uplifting, envelops the walls of the stomach, will be useful for those with gastritis, energizes and saves time.

Berries and oat milk:

My berries are frozen, hand-picked and imbued with the energy of summer and my bright and sunny memories. Now is the time for spring vitamin deficiency, the best time to take them out of the freezer and make:

Blueberry smoothie

Strawberry smoothie

It's incredibly tasty. On my own behalf, I can note that I did not like such cocktails and smoothies in combination with cow’s milk. Just whipping the berries was bland and resembled pureed jam without sugar.

But with the addition of plant milk, everything fell into place.

You can make your own oat milk:

Soak 200 grams of oatmeal in 2 liters of water for 15-20 minutes; they should increase in volume, but not turn into porridge. Now beat the liquid using a blender. Whisk until the liquid becomes cloudy. That's it, the milk is ready! All that remains is to strain it through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

I tried, to be honest, it didn’t work out very well. Different from store bought.

Oat milk for weight loss. Is it possible to? Yes, if

- if you replace dinner with it or arrange a fasting day with oat milk. It is very filling and will cope with hunger much easier.

Dairy products are very valuable and nutritious for our body. It is difficult to imagine a diet without milk and dishes made from it. Lactose intolerance, commitment to a vegetarian lifestyle, and some other reasons can deprive you of the pleasure of enjoying a drink. “Nemoloko” is an oat drink that can fully replace liquid milk, replenishing the body with the necessary microelements and vitamins of natural origin.

Depending on the fat content and type, the Nemoloko drink in 100 ml of product contains:

CompoundClassicalClassic lightChocolateVanillaCreamy
Proteins, g1 1 1 0,8 1
Fats, g3,2 1,5 3,2 10 12
Carbohydrates, g6,5 6,5 9,5 15 6
Salt, g0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
Calcium, mg120 120 120 - -
Vitamin B2, mg0,11 0,11 0,11 - -
Beta carotene- - - 0,83 -
Energy value, kJ (kcal250 (60) 180 (45) 300 (70) 650 (150) 560 (140)
Fat content, %3,2 1,5 3,2 10 12

Due to the absence of animal fats, the Nemoloko drink does not contain cholesterol.

Harm and benefit

The Nemoloko product has gained immense popularity among young mothers whose children are lactose intolerant. Parents try to enrich the child’s diet without harming his health. But is it?

Pediatricians and nutritionists have identified all the beneficial properties of this line:

  1. An active metabolism is observed due to the accelerated excretion of urine and bile.
  2. Despite the low calorie content, the product perfectly satisfies hunger and saturates the body with useful microelements.
  3. Pathologies of the heart muscle are prevented by purifying the blood.
  4. Nemoloko eliminates bloating and constipation, while protecting the walls of the stomach and intestines from pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. The product improves microflora after food poisoning.

However, despite the absence of contraindications, some important components should be taken into account:

  1. It is forbidden to use “Nemoloko” if you are allergic to cereals and gluten. Violation of this rule leads to intestinal pathologies.
  2. It is not recommended to use the product when diagnosing an acute form of intestinal diseases and kidney diseases.

Uncontrolled use can lead to negative effects. The daily norm is 2 glasses.

For children

The product is indicated for children of any age, as it has no contraindications. However, pediatricians advise not to use “Not Milk” for babies under 3 years of age who are breastfed. This limitation is explained by the fact that mother’s milk contains a number of useful microelements that are so necessary for a child in the first years of life.

Beneficial effects of the Nemoloko product:

  1. Actively affects brain activity, increasing concentration.
  2. Restores the functioning of the nervous system, improving mood and eliminating symptoms of hyperexcitation.
  3. It is easily absorbed by the child's body, saturating it for a long time.

When used correctly, the product has a positive effect.

Effect on cholesterol

If you have high cholesterol, you should avoid foods that contain animal fats. Milk, which has varying degrees of fat content depending on processing, is no exception. It will not be possible to completely remove fat from this product, but replacing it with the Nemoloko drink is quite possible.

The advantage of oatmeal is the complete absence of any animal fats, which means a cholesterol-free product. This allows people with high cholesterol to use oat milk in their daily diet. There is no need to worry and count the amount of food you drink or eat.

Flavors and types of drink

You can buy the following types of Nemoloko drink in stores:

  • Classical;
  • Classic Light;
  • Chocolate;
  • Vanilla dessert;
  • Creamy.

The classic oat drink contains 3.2% fat and is enriched with vitamin B2 and calcium. 1 liter of product contains 10 g of protein, 32 g of fat, 65 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of salt, 1.2 g of calcium, 1.1 g of vitamin B2. Energy value – 600 kcal. It can be consumed instead of regular milk, added to other drinks such as coffee or tea, added to culinary recipes when preparing pancakes, omelettes, porridges, muesli, cereals, etc. Sold in 1 liter packs.

Classic light is a low-fat version of the Nemoloko oat product, the fat content of which is 1.5%. Contains vitamin B2 and calcium. 1 liter of product contains a similar amount of nutrients, only less fat. Energy value – 450 kcal. Used for independent use, as a food additive in cooking or as an addition to other drinks. On the shelves you can find it in liter packages and 0.25 liter bags.

The oat drink with chocolate flavor has the same fat content as the classic one – 3.2%. The content of nutrients in 1 liter is the same as in the classic version, with the exception of carbohydrates. Here there are 95 g of them, due to which the product has a higher energy value - 700 kcal. Most often used for ready-made breakfasts and as a stand-alone drink. Sold in packs of 0.25 l and 1 l.

Vanilla dessert is a product similar in consistency to custard. The fat content of the drink is 10%, and 1 liter of product contains 8 g of protein, 150 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of salt and 8.3 mg of beta-carotene. It has an energy value of 1500 kcal. Used as a stand-alone dessert or as a custard, great as an addition to strudel and baked apples. Packaged in 0.25 liter bags.

The creamy drink has a high fat content of 12% and can be used for preparing other dishes and sauces. Great as an additive to coffee or instead of regular creamer. 1 liter contains 10 g of protein, 120 g of fat, 60 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of salt. Nutritional properties – 1400 kcal. Sold in 0.25 liter bags.

About the brand

Non-milk drink can be drunk if you have high cholesterol

The Nemoloko drink is produced by a company called Pridonya Gardens. The manufacturer offers a competitive product in health food stores at a very low cost, which is half that of similar drinks. The company’s peculiarity is the design of the product with all the characteristics and composition on the back and side of the package. Even small 0.25-liter packages contain all the necessary data on composition, storage and use conditions.

For drinks, “Gardens of Pridonya” uses proven raw materials and undergoes careful processing. As supplements, only natural ingredients are included in the form of salt, oatmeal, water, sugar cane, calcium carbonate, potassium phosphate, cocoa, riboflavin and rapeseed. All products of plant origin are grown on the company’s raw material base, covering the Penza, Saratov and Volgograd regions.

Where can I buy

You can buy “Nemoloko” at:

  1. Children's goods stores "Daughters and Sons" and "Carousel"
  2. Network of fixed price stores "Fix Price".
  3. Hypermarket chains "Lenta" and "Auchan".
  4. Food retail chain "Dixie".
  5. Online store "OZON".


Marina, 28 years old:
Many people do not drink regular milk, and everyone has their own reasons for this. Some people can’t stand its taste, others have been forbidden by their doctor, or are even vegetarians. In 2016, my doctor forbade me from consuming milk, allowing me to add only non-animal products to my coffee. I chose coconut and soy milk for myself. But the first one is quite fatty, and the second one tastes very unpleasant. I had to look for a replacement for them. And I found it! I found “Nemoloko” from the manufacturer “Sady Pridonya” in Fix Price for 77 rubles. I was pleased with the original, refreshing, astringent and slightly sweet taste. Now I add it to coffee, cereal and drink it as a snack.

Victoria, 23 years old: Fortunately or unfortunately, I gave up animal products on principle 5 years ago. Today I feel great, having replaced a lot of products with natural ones. My discovery is "Not Milk". The taste is very similar to the usual one, but the consistency is liquid and not so dense. I was very pleased with the composition, in which milk and oatmeal come first, and not somewhere at the end.

Kristina, 31 years old: “Nemoloko” is still very difficult to find in regular, non-chain stores. I buy it occasionally for my husband and myself to add to my coffee. I didn’t like the taste in its pure form, it was too cloying for me.

Vitaly, 42 years old: It’s good that I have Fix Price near my house, otherwise I would have to go to the end of town for “Not Milk”. At home I only drink it, I try to exclude animal products from my diet, as the doctor advised. To be honest, at first I was very confused by such a long shelf life, then I stopped thinking about it, because a liter pack goes away in 3 days. My wife cooks porridge with it, it turns out very tender and soft, and the sauces made from the creamy “Nemoloko” come out simply amazing.


From the Nemoloko product line you can prepare everything that was prepared using regular milk. However:

  1. Classic and Light drinks are ideal for drinking as a snack or adding to omelettes, porridge, muesli.
  2. Chocolate is a great alternative to cocoa.
  3. Vanilla is a special variation of custard or independent dessert.
  4. Creamy is the basis for making sauces.

Strudel with Nemoloko cream


  1. Mix 500 grams of wheat flour with ½ tsp. salt.
  2. Make a hole and add melted butter (100 grams) and a glass of warm water.
  3. Mix the dough. Lubricate it with vegetable oil and place it under film in a warm place for an hour.
  4. 1 kg of apples (you can use unpeeled ones), cut into slices.
  5. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts and roll out to a thickness of 3 mm. We begin to stretch it along the edges.
  6. Pour breadcrumbs (200 gr.), sugar (200 gr.) and cinnamon (50 gr.) onto the dough. Place apples on top.
  7. Roll up the roll. Grease with butter and sprinkle with sugar.
  8. Place the strudel in a preheated oven for 35 minutes at a temperature of 190 ºC.
  9. Serve warm and pre-drizzle with Nemoloko vanilla drink instead of cream and whipped cream.


  1. 3 tbsp. mix sugar with 0.5 tsp salt and 10 tbsp. l wheat flour.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 2 eggs.
  3. Pour in the classic drink “Nemoloko” 600 ml.
  4. Mix the mixture thoroughly.
  5. Heat the frying pan, grease it with oil and prepare the pancakes.
  6. Serve with vanilla cream or Nemoloko chocolate drink.

Omelette with spinach

Cooking method:

  1. Beat 3 eggs, add salt, pepper, pour in 50 ml. Light drink "Nemoloko".
  2. Finely chop 50 grams of spinach and 2 green onions.
  3. Add spinach to a preheated frying pan, pre-greased with oil, and simmer.
  4. Then pour in the egg mixture.
  5. Sprinkle the omelette with onions and add a little cheese.


If for certain reasons someone cannot consume cow’s milk, then today there is an excellent substitute for it - the Nemoloko oat drink. The product is very similar in appearance and composition to its animal counterpart, but does not contain cholesterol and lactose. Enriched with vitamins and calcium, it does an excellent job of filling the body with the necessary substances. Based on the drink, many sauces, main courses, desserts are prepared, and is also used as an additive to hot drinks. Sold in many eco-shops, as well as in online stores, and costs half as much as other brands.

Good afternoon, dear ECOholics!

Proper nutrition, plant-based ingredients and products are increasingly taking over the world! If before I had never even seen many fruits, vegetables and products, now there is such a variety of them that you simply can’t count them!

And I’m sure you’ve already seen this product from many eco-bloggers.

This is the same NE MOLOKO, which is really not milk.

Nemoloko is a new line of plant-based products that is a healthy, healthy and environmentally friendly alternative to milk.

Nemoloko is made from oats, one of the healthiest and healthiest grain crops, especially revered in our country. The technology used by the Pridonya Gardens company copies processes in nature and transforms oats, rich in protein, dietary fiber, healthy fats, carbohydrates, macro- and microelements, vitamins, into a liquid food product that is ideal for feeding adults and children, including those with lactose intolerance and milk protein allergy.

How many times have you looked at strange bottles of plant-based nut milk and decided not to buy them simply because the price for such a delicacy is clearly different from the prices for regular drinks? In our small town, plant-based milk starts at 200 rubles. And honestly, I don’t buy it on principle, because I know that if I like it, I won’t be able to buy it often, because the price for the province is simply unjustified, no matter how much I would like to eat goodness.

But Sady Pridonya decided to occupy this niche and released a very competitive product. Well, even if it’s not nut milk, even oat milk was the cheapest at 200 rubles! And NEMOLOKO can be bought in a regular FIXPRICE store at a price of only 77 rubles per liter and 25 rubles for 0.25 liters. When I saw it on the store shelf, I immediately tried it. It’s so interesting what oat milk is like.

There are several types of oat milk:

Classic oat drink. Fat content 3.2% Volume: 1l.

Classic light oat drink. Fat content 1.5% Volume: 1l., 0.25l.

Oatmeal chocolate drink. Instead of cocoa. Volume: 1l., 0.25l.

Oatmeal vanilla dessert. Instead of custard. Volume: 0.25 l.

Creamy oat drink. Fat content 12%. Instead of cream.Volume: 0.25 l.

The price also varies, plain milk costs 77 rubles a liter, but a small package of cream of 0.25 liters. It costs more because the fat content is as much as 12%. I can’t tell you the exact prices, since I haven’t seen them in stores, and online stores often mark up prices even more.

In our FIXPRICE store I saw only classic, light and chocolate. And I tried all these flavors, and I’ll tell you about them!

Shelf life after opening: no more than 3 days.

Be sure to shake before use!

The milk is in the bag we are used to, into which juices are often poured.

All useful information is listed on the back.

And on the side there is the composition, energy value, expiration date, etc.

What makes me happy is the volume is 1 liter. Remembering the cunning producers of cow's milk, who are increasingly selling either 900 ml or 800, you no longer think that there can be a whole liter of milk, but it’s not milk!

The package has a convenient twist-off lid.


Water, oatmeal, rapeseed oil, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, acidity regulator-potassium phosphate, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), iodized salt.

The analyzer showed that the composition is completely natural. But at first I was confused by the presence of rapeseed oil, about which they write both good and negative because of the content of erucic acid in it. After reading various articles on the Internet, I also came across information that in our time special varieties of rapeseed have already been obtained that contain little erucic acid - such oil can be eaten without fear. And I really hope that what is sold in the public domain is safe and has passed various tests. Moreover, I think that there is very little butter in milk and it will only have beneficial properties for the body. Even in different countries there is no clear opinion about this oil; some prohibit it, while others use it everywhere.

Let's move on to the appearance of the milk itself. Outwardly, not everyone will immediately suspect a substitution, because even oat milk is very similar to regular milk. Only the color is more grayish-beige, it can pass for melted butter.

Aroma The milk is not pronounced, but the aroma of oatmeal is felt.

Taste I smell the oatmeal too, but it’s so delicious! Surprisingly, the milk turned out to be sweet and tasty, although I don’t like oatmeal.

Where can this milk be used? Yes, anywhere where ordinary cow's milk is required.

I will describe my methods of use below.

I also tried Light milk, it differs from the classic milk in its reduced fat content, 1.5%. But I liked the taste less; the sweetness is not so pronounced. And for some reason I felt small grains of flour, which I didn’t really like. This was not observed with the classic version. Otherwise I didn't notice any difference.

But chocolate milk turned out to be completely different!

The packaging is even 250 ml. the same as a liter. All the same information is on the back and side.

In composition, it is almost identical to classic milk, only there is an additive in the form of cocoa and sugar and no potassium phosphate. Although it seems to me that oat milk itself is so sweet that there was no need to add it to chocolate milk.


Water, oat flour, rapeseed oil, sugar, cocoa powder, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), iodized salt.

This milk is like dessert! It tastes a lot like a chocolate milkshake! Very tasty and chocolatey. I just drink it when I want something sweet and tasty.

Its color is like cocoa, but no wonder, because it contains cocoa!

Did I like NEMOLOKO oat milk? Certainly! It is delicious and an excellent alternative to milk for those for whom it is contraindicated.

How do I use classic oat milk?

Oh, how delicious it is to drink it with cookies or aromatic pastries. And if you add cocoa to it, you get a delicious drink!

Also, milk is great for making a tasty and healthy breakfast. Someone cooks porridge based on it. And I add it to homemade granola and get a delicious start to the day!

I also sometimes add it to a cup of coffee, the taste is a little different than just coffee with cream or milk, but I don’t even add sugar to it, it’s so sweet.

When I plunged into the world of Instagram, I began to discover a new world in nutrition. I became interested in reading about vegetarians and discovered a bunch of raw food desserts that I had never heard of! But very often such desserts use plant-based milk, which is difficult to find or expensive to buy. And therefore, more often than not, I just bookmarked these recipes with the hope that I could find an alternative. And so, when I tried oat milk, I decided to try making one of the desserts with it.

THREE-LAYER CAKE RECIPE: CARAMEL-CHOCOLATE ON SAND CRUSH (recipe taken from the account @ahims_a)
1st layer - cake layer:
8 tbsp oatmeal (you can take both rolled oats and cereal, it will work out both ways)

6 dates
50-100 ml rice milk or water
Beat in a blender and place in a mold.
2nd layer - caramel:
10-12 dates
50-100 ml water or rice milk
1 tbsp coconut oil (melted)
Blend in a blender and place on top of the crust.
3rd layer - chocolate:
2 tbsp raw cocoa powder
10-12 dates
2 tbsp coconut oil
50-100 ml water
Blend in a blender and place in the pan on top of the caramel layer.
Place in the freezer for 1-2 hours. Then store in the refrigerator.

Even though I don’t have a good blender, I still managed to do it, even though some small pieces came out here and there. I used oat milk instead of the rice milk called for in the recipe. This unusual dish is easy to prepare; I took longer to wash the blender itself after each layer.

I made it, put it in the freezer and waited in anticipation, I really wanted to know what happened. While cooking, I tried the second and third layers separately and it’s such a delicious thing.

So what's the end result? The end result was an unusual and delicate dessert.

Very sweet due to the dates. I can’t even describe the taste, but it’s clearly a new and hitherto unknown taste to me. This is not a loaf of flour sprinkled with sugar, it’s as if it’s such a pure and harmless product that you can even taste it. The taste of the dessert literally envelops the taste buds, you get pleasure from a small piece, and there is no heaviness like from a regular cake from the store! Very tasty, I really liked it.

Another dessert that I tried and which is like thick cocoa. The recipe calls for almond milk, but I used oat milk and it was also very tasty!

- 2 cups almond milk (500 ml).
- 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder.
- 4 tablespoons cornstarch.
- 4 tablespoons cane or coconut sugar.
- Whipped cream (optional).
- Dried cranberries (optional)
1) Mix milk, cocoa powder, cornstarch and sweetener until smooth.
2) Pour the mixture into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Cook over medium heat until thickened, stirring constantly.
3) Serve and add your favorite toppings.

The mass turns out thick, when hot it becomes more liquid. I added less sugar than the recipe called for, because the milk is already sweet and in the end I could have added even less.

But when it hardens, it looks like jelly, it even shakes. It tastes like the chocolate pudding they sell in the yogurt aisle. Very tasty, disappears in one sitting! It’s very simple to cook, but it will delight the family!

These are the simple recipes I tried with milk. And I definitely won’t stop there! I will buy it often, because it’s delicious even just to drink!

Excellent milk NE MOLOKO!
