Various recipes for preserving pears for the winter. Pears in syrup for the winter: preparing sugar, caramel, honey delicacies whole and in slices

How to quickly preserve pears so that they come out firm and tasty? - Easily!

I got this recipe from my grandmother. I spent my entire childhood in her village, and I simply adored her canned pears. They turned out so juicy and crispy that I could eat the whole jar at once.

Now I’m preparing for the winter and when pear season comes, I make sure to pack 10-15 jars.

Whole canned pears, recipe

Pears - how many will fit in one jar?

Sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons for 1 jar

Citric acid - on the tip of a knife

For this preparation you will need hard varieties of pears, and it is best to take unripe fruits. They should be washed thoroughly under running water.

Then carefully prepare 3-liter jars and fill them with pears.

Add sugar and citric acid to each jar, then pour boiling water over them and cover with a lid.

Now each jar should be placed in a pan of hot water so that it covers most of the jar, almost to the top, and sterilize them for 15 minutes.

All that remains is to roll them up, check that they do not allow liquid to pass through, and cover them with a blanket for a day.

According to this recipe, whole canned pears cook quickly, remain firm, have a non-sweet taste and wonderful juice.

Whole canned pears, prepared for the winter

Whole canned pears are a great dessert that can be enjoyed any time of year, but are especially great in winter.

Whole canned pears - the taste comes from childhood!

Summer is everyone’s favorite time to relax, during which it would be useful to think about preparations for the winter. Whole canned pears are not only tasty, but also healthy. We will tell you how to prepare them in different ways in the article.

1 Pear is a record holder for potassium content

This fruit, beloved by many, is rightfully considered one of the most desirable, due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value. In addition, it is rich in vitamins:

  • Vitamin C ensures the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • folic acid (B 9) takes part in blood formation;
  • Vitamin K prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Pears contain a record amount of potassium, which is necessary for cell regeneration and good functioning of the heart muscle. It tastes much sweeter than an apple, but contains less sugar. There is more fructose in this fruit than glucose, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas. Since the body does not need insulin to absorb fructose, sweet and sour fruits are recommended for people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

In addition, it contains organic acids that have a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism. Thanks to essential oils, consuming this fruit will strengthen the immune system, relieve inflammation, and increase the body’s protective properties. One pear a day will provide the body with the necessary daily norm of cobalt, which is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

2 Quick methods of canning - in syrup and without sugar

Preserving whole pears is an excellent option for preparing them for the winter, because the fruit turns out very appetizing and sweet. In winter, they can be eaten as a separate dish for dessert, and you can also create slices of fresh fruit, supplementing them with canned plums and peaches.

  • Recipe for pears in their own syrup

Three-liter jars are better suited for canning whole pears. So, you need: 1.5 kg of pears, 0.5 kg of sugar (the amount depends on the sweetness of the fruit itself), 2 liters of water and citric acid (a teaspoon). Let's start by preparing the pears, rinse them and remove the stems. Now start preparing the sweet syrup: pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, bring to a boil so that the granulated sugar dissolves. Place the pears in jars and pour in the prepared syrup, leave to brew for 10 minutes, then pour the syrup back into the pan and bring to a boil. Then pour the fruit again, repeat the action a total of three times. Before rolling up the pear jars, add citric acid.

Pears in their own juice

To preserve fruits using this recipe, choose unripe fruits, which should be washed and peeled in a thin layer. Pears should be blanched in boiling water for about 10 minutes, then cooled and placed in sterilized jars. Be sure to add citric acid per 1 liter 1 g. Cover with a lid and you can sterilize for 15-20 minutes for 1 liter jars. After processing, seal and refrigerate.

Choose pears that are ripe, but not overripe. They should be washed and the skin removed in a thin layer. Of course, if the pears are small, it is better to pickle them whole, but you can also cut them into quarters, removing the core. Those who love pears and have decided to preserve this fruit should know a little secret: to prevent them from darkening, you should keep them in a solution of citric acid for a couple of minutes (1 g per liter of water). Pears should be blanched over heat for no more than 40 minutes after boiling, then cooled under running cold water. Then the water in which the pears were blanched is used to prepare the marinade.

For a two-liter jar you will need: 300 ml of water, 250 g of granulated sugar, 17 g of acetic acid. Boil water with sugar for 10-15 minutes, then filter and add acetic acid. In a 2-liter jar put 8-10 allspice peas, cinnamon, 8 cloves, and then pears and pour hot marinade. Cover the jar with a lid and place to pasteurize in a pan of hot water for 25-30 minutes. After processing, screw the jars and leave to cool until the morning. This preparation will definitely appeal to lovers of juicy pears. It can be used as an original side dish, added to meat dishes or salads.

3 Pear compote - recipes with fruits and berries

You can also prepare all kinds of compotes from whole pears. In this form, fruits of any variety are much juicier and retain their integrity much better. If you want to prepare compote as a drink, then you should add a minimum amount of fruit (5-8 pieces). Thanks to the delicate taste of pear, the compote is quite light and aromatic.

So, to brew such a drink for the winter, you will need: a glass of sugar, 0.5 kg of pears, you can also optionally add a couple of plums or, for example, Zvezdochka apples. We prepare the fruits and put them in sterilized jars, boil the water. After the water has boiled, pour it into the jars and leave for 30 minutes, then drain it back, leaving the fruit in the jar, add sugar to the water and cook the syrup for 5-7 minutes after boiling. Now fill the pears with syrup and twist. For those who prefer sour compotes, we recommend adding a little citric acid.

Since any variety of pear is always sweet, and this fruit does not have natural acid, for those who do not like sugary drinks, we recommend adding fruits or berries - cherries, red currants or lemon. So, the necessary ingredients: pears 0.5 kg, sugar 100 g, 1.5 liters of water, vanillin, mint (optional), and fruits or berries chosen to your taste. You can make compote from whole pears if they are small, or cut them into halves. Place all the fruits in a jar, preferably a 3-liter jar, add sugar and pour boiling water over it. Everything is ready - screw on the lids and leave to cool.

Pear drink has antimicrobial properties, which is especially valuable in the autumn-winter period. This compote will help support the immune system and resist viral diseases. Therefore, spend a couple of hours preparing the preparations using our simple recipes.

Whole canned pears with sugar, fruit compote video

If you love pears and want to enjoy their taste in winter, then our recipes and video tutorials will help you diversify your preservation and prepare whole pears.

Whole canned pears. Excellent recipes

– citric acid – ½ teaspoon

– granulated sugar – 455 g

– lemon juice – 1.5 g

Whole canned pears.

– ripe, fresh rosaceae – 2 kg

– granulated sugar – ½ kg

2. Boil water, dip the pears in it, after blanching them for five minutes in boiling water. After this, douse them with low temperature water.

3. Remove the peel from the lemon and orange and place it inside each pear in the place where the core was.

4. Place fruits stuffed with citrus fruits in three-liter jars, pour in hot syrup, and set for 20 minutes. for sterilization.

5. Roll up the containers with lids and leave to cool.

Canning whole juicy pears

Home canning, of course, cannot be compared with store-bought counterparts, especially for fruits. The special taste and juiciness can be preserved if you can preserve whole pears. There are many recipes for such preparations for the winter, each of them has a twist.

Elastic and tasty fruits with a light aroma of citrus, spices or vanilla can conquer even a gourmet with their exquisite taste. The selection of recipes below will help every housewife prepare wonderful fruits for the winter that will delight the whole family with a wealth of flavors.

Canned whole fruits with citric acid: a simple recipe for the winter

This recipe doesn't take too long to make. You will be able to prepare the same fruits that you tried in childhood.

Ingredients for 1 3 liter jar:

  • 2 kilograms of dense pears;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 4 grams of citric acid;
  • 400 grams of granulated sugar.

  1. First you need to prepare the fruit for subsequent preservation.
  2. To do this, rinse the fruits thoroughly and then carefully remove the tails.
  3. Now the pears need to be placed in a three-liter jar. This way it will be possible to determine their number.
  4. Place the fruit in a large saucepan, add the required amount of sugar and cover with water.
  5. Place the filled pan on the fire.
  6. After the first bubbles appear, indicating the water is boiling, transfer the fruits inside a sterilized glass container and add citric acid.
  7. Pour boiling sugar syrup over everything.
  8. Next, you can start rolling up the cans.

When canning is complete, turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave them to cool.

Delicious spiced pears

To ensure excellent preservation, you should choose only dense, not overripe fruits. Canned pears will retain their shape and excellent taste.

  • 2 kilograms of hard pears;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of table vinegar (9%);
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 10 buds of cloves;
  • 5 grams of coriander;
  • 3 grams each of ground ginger, nutmeg and cardamom.

The process of preparing delicious spicy fruits:

  1. Dense but not overripe fruits must be washed under running water and the core removed.
  2. Then you need to boil sugar syrup made from water, granulated sugar, and table vinegar.
  3. After the sugar is completely dissolved in the liquid, transfer the prepared fruits to the syrup, add all the spices required for the recipe.
  4. The pears in the syrup should boil for 40 minutes, set the flame to minimum.
  5. Throughout the cooking time of the fruits, you should constantly stir them with a wooden spoon.
  6. You can check the readiness of the fruit after cooking with a toothpick; they should be pierced well, but at the same time retain their original shape.
  7. Now let's preserve the fruit. After sterilizing the jars, you can place the pears and fill them with spicy syrup.
  8. Seal the jars with sterile tin lids. Once completely cooled, store the preserves in a cool place.

If the pear skin is too thick, you can cut it off first.

Unusual recipe with orange

A simple and at the same time original preparation method will allow you to enjoy a light, low-calorie dessert on cold winter evenings.

  • 2 kilograms of dense seasonal pears;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 small lime or lemon;
  • 1 medium orange.

  1. Rinse the pears along with the orange, lime or lemon.
  2. Now you need to start removing the core of the fruit, as well as trimming the tails.
  3. If desired, the tails can be left uncut, so the fruit in the jar will look fresh.
  4. Bring the water in the pan to a boil, add the prepared fruits there.
  5. Boil the fruits for 5 minutes, remove them from the pan, and then fill them with cold water.
  6. Remove the zest from the lemon and orange using a vegetable peeler and stuff each blanched fruit with it.
  7. Place the pears with zest in a three-liter jar. Pour syrup prepared from two liters of water and the required amount of sugar over the fruits.
  8. The process of sterilizing jars will take about 20 minutes.
  9. Next, canning is completed by rolling the fruit in jars.

Wrap the preserved food in a towel and wait until it cools completely.

Whole fruit preservation without sterilization

A wonderful recipe that should appear in every housewife’s notebook, because it only takes a few minutes to prepare the aromatic preserve. Vanillin will emphasize the delicate aroma of the fruit and give a pleasant note to the preparation. The ingredients are given for 1 glass jar (3-liter).

  • 1400 g pears (strong, with elastic skin);
  • 380 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar;
  • 15 g citric acid.
  1. Wash the pears thoroughly; if the tails are too long, shorten them a little.
  2. Fill a sterile, clean container with fruits, leaving part of the jar free from the narrowing of the neck.
  3. Bring the sweet syrup to a boil (do not add vanilla sugar and citric acid!), pour the contents of the glass containers.
  4. Drain the aromatic liquid after 4-6 minutes, repeat the steps.
  5. Boil the syrup one last time, add the remaining ingredients and pour over the pears (which have already greatly reduced in volume). If necessary, add clean boiling water.
  6. Seal the container filled with pears with tin lids, check the tightness with your fingers (by twisting the lid in different directions), and turn it over onto a flat surface to cool.
  7. Be sure to wrap the containers warmly, removing the blanket only after two days.

Whole pickled pears

Small pickled fruits with spicy notes will be a godsend for those housewives who want to please their loved ones with something special and original.

  • 600 grams of small pears;
  • 2 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 500 milliliters of water;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of vinegar 9%;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 4 buds of cloves.

  1. Rinse small pears thoroughly, then blanch for 5 minutes and cool.
  2. Place peppercorns, ground cinnamon, and clove buds into jars.
  3. Place blanched fruits in a glass container with spices.
  4. Prepare the marinade using water, granulated sugar, cinnamon and vinegar.
  5. Cool the filling and strain, immediately pour into jars.
  6. Place the jars of fruit in a saucepan, fill with water, and then cover with tin lids.
  7. The duration of sterilization is the same for jars of different sizes and is 3 minutes.
  8. Remove the canned food from the water, immediately seal it and place it upside down on a flat surface.

You can store the preparation in the pantry or cellar, and serve pickled fruits on the table as an addition to dessert.

Whole pears in wine

It is quite possible to prepare a restaurant-style dessert from small sweet fruits. There are no particular difficulties in canning, but the result will pleasantly surprise everyone.

Ingredients for 2-liter jars:

  • 1.5 kilograms of small pears;
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • 500 milliliters of water and cider;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • a handful of clove buds.

  1. First preheat the oven to 150°C.
  2. Next, you can start preparing the cider-based syrup. To do this, you need to pour the required amount of water into the pan, add granulated sugar and bring the mixture to a boil so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Remove the pan with syrup from the stove, pour in the cider. Cover the dish with a lid and leave in a warm place.
  4. Carefully peel the pears without removing the stems.
  5. Place the fruits in slightly salted water, thanks to this they will not lose their original color.
  6. Cut the pears lengthwise and insert 2 cloves into each slice.
  7. Place the fruit in prepared sterile jars, adding a cinnamon stick.
  8. Bring the cider syrup to a boil and pour it over the fruit.
  9. Close each jar with a lid, without securing it with clamps.
  10. Place the jars in the preheated oven, keeping a distance of 5 centimeters between them, for 1 hour.
  11. After the specified time has passed, remove the jars from the oven, close with clamps, and place on a wooden board. Check the tightness of the refrigerated canned food.

In applesauce

This method of canning may seem strange, but believe me, the result is worth it. Pears in puree acquire extraordinary tenderness and are filled with new taste and aroma.

  • 1 kilogram of sweet apples;
  • 1 kilogram of hard pears;
  • sugar;
  • 3 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 2 grams of citric acid.

  1. Prepare sweet apple puree, add granulated sugar to your own taste, add cinnamon and citric acid, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Pour the hot applesauce into the jars; they should be half filled.
  3. Peel the pears and cut them into 4 pieces, removing the core.
  4. Place the prepared fruits in jars; the puree should completely cover the pears.
  5. Sterilization of jars of fruit depends on their volume. For a half-liter glass container, 30 minutes will be enough; jars of 1 liter and 2 liters should be sterilized for 40 minutes.

After the preservation has completely cooled, you can transfer it to the pantry for further storage.

The simple and original canning methods presented above will help you prepare delicious fruits for the winter. The exquisite, unforgettable taste will conquer even those who are not too fond of preservation.

Canning whole pears: recipe for the winter without sterilization, canned whole

The special taste and juiciness can be preserved if you can preserve whole pears. There are many recipes for such preparations for the winter, each of them has a twist. Firm and tasty pears with a light aroma of citrus, spices or vanilla can conquer even a gourmet with their exquisite taste.

Cooking time: Not indicated

For harvesting for the winter, you should choose juicy varieties with large fruits, as small pears can break or become very soft. If the pears are a little under-ripe, there is no need to worry; under the influence of the temperature of the syrup, they will reach just right.

Since the workpiece undergoes minimal heat treatment without additional sterilization of the finished product in jars, it is necessary to strictly adhere to safety measures and sterilize the dishes, and carefully monitor the cleanliness of the pears.

So, we prepare canned pears in slices.

— citric acid – 1 tsp;

— granulated sugar – 0.5 kg;

— vanilla sugar – 1 packet;

All ingredients are designed for a three-liter bottle; if you plan to seal a larger number of pears, these proportions must be observed.

We also thoroughly wash the pears, and, removing the stems, cut them in half. Using a knife, remove the core with seeds, trying not to damage the juicy pulp of the pear; for this you can use a fruit knife with a thin and curved blade.

Place the prepared pears in sterile and dry jars. We try to place the pears without adding 3-4 cm to the top.

Fill the pears placed in jars with boiling water up to the neck and leave in this state, first covering them with metal lids, for five minutes. During this time, the pears will release juice under the influence of heat.

Drain the water from the cans into a separate pan, add granulated sugar and bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves in the syrup.

Pour the hot syrup over the pears in the jars again and leave for 15 minutes. Then drain the syrup again and, adding vanilla sugar and citric acid, bring to a boil.

Pour the finished syrup into jars, roll up their lids using a seaming machine. Canned pears in slices do not require additional sterilization. Bottles can be stored at normal temperature, and after opening in the refrigerator under a nylon lid.

Canned pears - a sweet slice of summer!

Canned pears are a tasty and healthy product. And preparing such a dessert for the winter is quite simple, the main thing is to know the recipes and prepare several kilograms of delicious fruit in the fall.

1 Why is it good to eat pears in winter?

Pear is a healthy fruit, and it doesn’t matter in what form you consume it. Canned or dried, fresh, in the form of juice, jelly and jam - any kind is useful. The benefit of pear is that it contains organic and folic acids, tannins, vitamins, carotene and phytoncides, various enzymes, which the human body needs, especially in winter.

  • Useful for those who suffer from intestinal disorders, as it improves digestion.
  • Creates an acidic environment in the gastrointestinal tract, where the proliferation of pathogenic microbes is suppressed
  • Promotes blood regeneration, strengthens blood vessels. Even doctors recommend daily use for pregnant women and people with cardiovascular pathology.
  • One of the few fruits that can be eaten by people suffering from diabetes.
  • Useful during acute respiratory viral infections due to the content of arbutin (a natural antibiotic).
  • It has also found a place in cosmetology, since masks made from it are suitable for all skin types, give smoothness, tighten pores, and even out.

But you need to remember that frequent consumption may cause problems. That is why it is better to abstain in the presence of intestinal and stomach diseases due to the presence of stony cells in the pulp, which will irritate the mucous membranes.

2 Canned pear halves: recipe

Suitable for filling pies and for simple use. They can be served with caramel, whipped cream, or eaten with sweet pancakes. This is also a great way to preserve pears for the winter.

Sealing pears for the winter requires, first of all, proper harvesting of fruits in the autumn. So, juicy and large fruits are suitable for seaming - small ones can break and lose their appearance during the cooking process. If the fruits are a little under-ripe, don’t worry, because during the cooking process the fruits will ripen and be very tasty.

It is very important that you wash the fruit thoroughly and sterilize the utensils.

In order to prepare canned pears for the winter, we will need:

  • 2 kg of fruit;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 1 pack of vanilla sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

The ingredients are designed to prepare one three-liter jar of pears - if you want to close more jars, be sure to follow the proportions.

  • First of all, you need to prepare jars and other canning tools, wash them and sterilize them.
  • Wash the fruits thoroughly, and after removing the tail, cut them into two halves. Using a small knife, remove the core and seeds so as not to damage the pulp.
  • The prepared pears should be placed in dry and already sterilized jars so that there is 3-5 cm of free space left up to the neck of the jar.
  • Fill the stacked fruits with boiling water up to the neck and leave for 5-10 minutes. During this time, the fruit slices will release juice.
  • After this, pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil.
  • Pour the syrup over the fruits in the jars and leave for another 20 minutes. For the last time, pour the sweet syrup into the pan, add citric acid and vanilla sugar, bringing the mixture to a boil again.
  • We roll up the jars with lids, for which you should use a seaming machine.

The jars can be stored at room temperature, but after opening it is advisable to put them in the refrigerator. You can cook canned apples this way, they will be just as tasty and healthy.

3 Preserving pears for the winter: a delicious dessert

There are various recipes for rolling pears. One of the most delicious recipes is pears in syrup, which are quite easy to prepare. With them, you will always have a healthy product on your table with an amazing taste.

  • 1.5 kg of fruit;
  • 600 ml water;
  • 100 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 0.5 tsp. citric acid;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon;
  • 4 pcs sweet peas;
  • 8 g dried cloves.

  • Fruits should be thoroughly washed, blotted with a towel and cut into quarters, not forgetting to remove the seeds.
  • At the same time, boil water along with citric acid, where we throw pieces of pears - the fruit needs to be boiled for about 7-10 minutes.
  • After this, place the pears in a colander and place them tightly in liter jars.
  • Add spices and sugar to the remaining water, bring the mixture to a boil and carefully pour in the vinegar.
  • Fill the pear pieces with hot syrup, set them to sterilize (for 15 minutes) and roll up the lids.

The pears turn out very tasty and are somewhat reminiscent of marmalade! Now you know how to properly preserve pears for the winter and you can enjoy delicious desserts prepared by yourself without spending much money.

Canned pears for the winter - dessert recipes Video

Canned pears for the winter are a tasty and healthy product that adults and children will enjoy. Our video tutorials will help you prepare desserts quickly and tasty.

Culinary recipes and photo recipes

Canned pears

Canned vanilla pear is a healthy and tasty delicacy that even an inexperienced cook can prepare with just a few ingredients. For this dessert, you need to use a pear that is juicy, dense, and without significant damage. This method of preserving pears in slices allows you to preserve the structure of the pear as much as possible, as well as its rich color. Vanilla gives the dessert a zest, which goes well with pear, creating a fragrant duet.

Ingredients for preserving pears in slices:

Canned pears in slices - recipe with photo:

The pear should be thoroughly washed with water, the tails should be torn off, cut in half and the unnecessary entrails carefully removed. Then cut the pears into slices; if desired, you can trim off the skin.

The container for twisting must be washed well with soda, dried completely, doused with steam, or another sterilization method must be used. Do the same with the lids. The indicated quantity of products is designed for approximately 3 0.5 liter jars.

Load the pear slices as tightly as possible into the prepared container so that there are no strong gaps. Fill with hot water to the very edges and set aside for a couple of minutes.

Then pour the water from the cans into an aluminum container and leave the pears in the cans. Place a bowl of water on the stove, pour in a measured amount of granulated sugar.

After boiling, reduce the heat to minimum, add acid and vanillin. After a minute, set the bowl on the table.

Pour the prepared syrup back into the jars with pear pieces. Then it is necessary to pasteurize the cans with the contents without sealing. Pasteurization time is 20 minutes.

Afterwards, seal the jar hermetically and place it bottom up, and cool the glass under a thick cloth.

Pears canned in slices according to this recipe are perfectly stored in the apartment.

In winter, pear slices can be stuffed into baked goods, and the syrup can be used to soak them.

Pear slices in syrup for the winter

On cold winter evenings we will warm ourselves up with aromatic tea and homemade, independently prepared desserts. Yes, of course, the shelves of today's supermarkets are filled with absolutely everything, including canned goods, but homemade products are definitely much healthier and tastier. Everyone in my family really likes pears in syrup for the winter. This is a very simple recipe, without sterilization - even a novice cook can handle it. The site also has a selection of pear jam recipes.

Pear slices can be eaten simply with tea; in addition, they will perfectly complement various casseroles, fruit salads, ice cream, pies, and decorate various dishes. But the resulting syrup will serve as an excellent impregnation for biscuits; it can also be diluted with boiled water, resulting in a delicious homemade drink.

  • Type of dish: preparations
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Servings: 1 l
  • 30 min


  • pears – 650-670 g
  • filtered water – 460 ml
  • sugar – 120 g
  • citric acid – 2 pinches
  • spices - to taste.

How to cook:

Let's prepare acidic water for the pears; we need it so that the peeled slices do not immediately darken. If you prepare a sufficient amount of dessert, and if the pears are ripe, without an acidic environment they will darken very quickly, and the aesthetic appearance will be lost. Therefore, take a bowl, pour in cool water, season with a pinch of acid so that the water is slightly acidic.

We cut each pear lengthwise into two halves, remove the seed capsule, and also tear off the tails. If desired, remove the skin, only in a very thin layer. You can also cut the pears into two halves. Place the peeled slices into water and continue working with the remaining fruit.

When all the pears are prepared, let's move on to the jars. This is not difficult to do - wash it in a soda solution and sterilize it in any convenient way. Place the lids in boiling water and let them boil for 5 minutes.

Now fill the jars with pear slices, shake the jars a little so that the fruit fits tightly.

Immediately pour boiling water into each jar, covering all the pear slices. Place lids on the necks of the jars and leave them alone for five minutes.

After 6-7 minutes, pour the water into a saucepan, season with a portion of sugar and two pinches of citric acid, and boil for several minutes.

We quickly return the syrup to the jars with the steamed pear slices; all that remains is to seal the jars with lids.

Let it cool for a day, while placing the jars upside down and wrapping them in a warm blanket or rug. We store preserved food in the pantry or

Pears in syrup for the winter without sterilization - a simple recipe with photos

Covering delicious pear slices in syrup for the winter is not difficult - the whole process is very simple. The result is an amazing dessert.

Various recipes for preserving pears for the winter

Pears are a sweet and tasty fruit that is classified as highly perishable. The most delicious fruits are those that ripen closer to autumn, that is, those grown under natural conditions. Simple preservation recipes will help you preserve them until winter. Moreover, you can preserve not only fruit slices, but also whole fruits.

In addition, there are a lot of recipes for making all kinds of compotes, preserves, marmalade, marmalade and the like. Moreover, all this can be prepared at home without much difficulty, so we take into account the recipes given below and can easily preserve our favorite fruits for the winter. Here are some of the most popular and at the same time simple recipes for canning these fruits.

Canning whole pears in syrup for the winter

  1. Wash the fruits and remove their stems.
  2. Next, you need to determine how many pears fit in one jar. To do this, fill it to the top with fruits, which then transfer to a saucepan and fill with water. Add sugar there too.
  3. The fruits need to be sterilized, so put the pan with them on the fire.
  4. As soon as the water boils, transfer the fruits to a previously prepared, that is, sterilized jar and fill with hot syrup.
  5. Roll up the jar, place it on the lid (neck down), and send it “under the fur coat” until it cools completely.

After this, return them to the correct position and store them in a cool place.

Canning pears for the winter in slices: a step-by-step recipe

List of products for a 3 liter jar:

  • pears and water - as much as will go in;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.

  1. Wash the pears, cut into quarters and remove the stem and core.
  2. Next, place the quartered jars prepared in advance and sprinkle with lemon.
  3. Pour boiling water on top and cover with a lid for 20 minutes.
  4. Pour the water back into the pan. You need to add sugar to it to get syrup. It will be easier to drain the water if you use a special lid with holes.
  5. While the syrup is boiling, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 3 cloves to the containers.
  6. As soon as the syrup boils, pour it into jars and seal them with sterile lids. Next, turn it upside down and wrap it up.

After a day, the preservation must be moved to a permanent storage location.

Canning fruit halves with lemon: recipe for vanilla-flavored compote

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • pears (only strong fruits) - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon;
  • water - 2 l.

  1. Wash the pears thoroughly, cut them into halves and remove the core, tails and ends.
  2. Place the halves cut side down in sterilized jars. The container must be filled to the hanger.
  3. This compote is poured with syrup three times and then rolled up. To prepare the syrup, boil water with sugar, then pour it into a jar with pears. If there is not enough water, add boiling water from the kettle. After five minutes, pour the syrup back into the saucepan. This is one fill.
  4. Repeat the procedure 2 more times, thereby obtaining a three-fold fill. After draining the syrup 3 times, add lemon and vanilla sugar and boil for about 2 minutes.
  5. Pour the syrup back into the jar and seal it with a sterile lid.
  6. Turn the container upside down and wrap it up. Keep it like this for at least 2 days, then turn it over and put it in a cool place for storage.

After pouring three times, the fruit will settle a little and take up only half the jar. Compote prepared in this way turns out incredibly tasty, and the fruits acquire a slight vanilla aroma. Instead of pears, you can also use apples in this recipe.

Delicious jam

  1. Wash the pears, cut them and place them in a cooking bowl.
  2. Then prick the pear pieces with a fork, sprinkle with sugar and leave for a couple of hours until the juice appears.
  3. Water is used only if the fruits have produced little juice. After 3 hours, put the bowl of jam on the fire.
  4. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the jam for at least an hour, during which you need to stir it periodically.
  5. The jam is ready. Now pour it into jars, which, like the lids, must be sterile, and roll up.

Adding 3 lemons to the jam will give it not only a light citrus aroma and taste, but also a beautiful color.

Pear jam in jars: step-by-step recipe

  1. Wash and core the pears. If you are using a variety with thick skin, remove it. Cut the remaining pulp into pieces and place in a saucepan for cooking.
  2. Sprinkle sugar on top of the fruit and set the pan aside until the juice appears.
  3. Then put the saucepan on the fire. As soon as the mixture boils, remove the foam that has formed on top and remove the pan from the heat.
  4. Once the pear mass has cooled, put it back to boil.
  5. Add vanillin and lemon to the boiling mass. Reduce heat and cook the jam for about half an hour, stirring frequently during the process.
  6. Add cognac to the mixture and remove it from the heat. Next, the mixture needs to be turned into a puree. The easiest way to do this is with an immersion blender.
  7. Place the jam in prepared jars and close with regular nylon lids.

Containers with jam should be stored in a cool place.

Easy recipe for moonshine from pear puree at home

  1. Wash the pears, cut out the core and spoiled areas. Grind the remaining pulp to a puree by grating or passing through a meat grinder.
  2. Place the resulting puree into a fermentation bowl and add half the water.
  3. Heat the second half of the water to 30 degrees, add sugar into it and mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Next, pour the syrup into the fermentation container and add the yeast diluted according to the instructions. After combining all the ingredients, close the container tightly.
  5. Leave the mixture to ferment in a warm place for about 10 days, during which time you will need to destroy the resulting top layer twice a day.
  6. After 10 days of fermentation, drain the mash from the sediment and distill through a moonshine still.

The moonshine turns out to be quite strong (40 degrees) and has a pleasant taste.

Pears, canned without sterilization

This preservation turns out to be very fragrant and reminiscent of childhood. It is made quickly, just like it is eaten in winter.

  • greenish, hard pear fruits – 2-3 kg;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • citric acid – 5 g;
  • mint – 2-3 leaves;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet.
  1. The jars should be washed thoroughly, preferably with a soda solution.
  2. We make sure to sterilize the lids.
  3. We wash all the fruits thoroughly.
  4. We cut it into four parts, cut out the tail, the core and trim off the damaged areas.
  5. All cores should be collected and boiled. This will be syrup.
  6. Add vanillin and sugar to it during cooking.
  7. All the slices are filled with acidic water so that they do not darken, then this water will be drained.
  8. Then the pears are placed in a jar and filled with syrup.
  9. It is also advisable to put a few mint leaves in the container and add citric acid.
  10. We roll up the jars. Don’t forget to put them in the cellar after cooling.

Canned pears with apples

This preparation turns out amazing because it is made in syrup. In winter, it’s nice to drink aromatic pear and apple compote and eat delicious fruit. Children especially love fruits prepared according to this recipe.

  • unripe pear fruits – 1 kg;
  • unripe apple fruits – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1-2 cups/per person;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • water – 500 ml.

  1. You should first prepare the jars. Wash them with soda, rinse thoroughly, and let drain. Then fry in the oven for ten to fifteen minutes.
  2. We sterilize the lids.
  3. We select apples and pears. They should be strong, elastic, preferably unripe. Do not use broken, spoiled or wrinkled fruits.
  4. We rinse them thoroughly under running water and allow them to dry.
  5. Cut out the middle of pears and apples and remove the tail.
  6. We cut large fruits into four parts, medium ones into two, small ones can be placed whole.
  7. The lemon needs to be washed and cut into wide rings.
  8. Pour water into a large container and place it on the stove.
  9. Pour sugar into it and collect the white residue as it boils.
  10. We put fruit slices and a lemon ring into the jars and fill everything with syrup.
  11. Pasteurize the jars for five minutes after boiling. If you overdo it, the fruits will fall apart.
  12. Roll it up, put it on the lid and wrap it up.

After complete cooling, the entire blockage must be taken to the cellar or any cool place.

Green canned pears

According to this recipe, the fruits are rolled whole, and they should not be completely ripe, or rather green. Every family member, from children to grandparents, will want to try this delicacy.

  • green pear – 1 kg;
  • powdered sugar – 250-300 g;
  • citric acid – 5 g;
  • water – 1 l.
  1. Jars and lids are being prepared. Washed and sterilized.
  2. Pears are selected only of good quality and washed in water. Dried.
  3. Fruits are placed in jars and sprinkled with powdered sugar and citric acid.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan.
  5. After boiling, pour it into containers filled with pear fruits.
  6. Cover the top with lids and wait until the jars are sterilized for 20 minutes.
  7. After this process, the lids are rolled up.
  8. All containers are wrapped and, after they have cooled, placed in a cool place.

Using this recipe you can quickly make a large amount of preserves. Even our grandmothers used this recipe, and no one could tear themselves away from this blockage in the winter.

Knowing these canning recipes will help you realize a large harvest of this fruit. Moreover, you can use absolutely all fruits, both overripe ones - for jam or preserves, and strong, green ones - for compote and canning whole fruits.

Fruits preserved whole or in slices in winter will remind you of a bright sunny summer. They are also great for filling any sweet pastries. Try it, you will definitely like it.

Canning pears for the winter: recipe for slices in syrup, without sterilization, halves, at home, with lemon, green in jars, puree, with apples, moonshine

Canning pears for the winter is a great way to preserve delicious fruit and please yourself during the cold season.

My dears, you and I have already completed a lot of preparations for the winter. Many fruits and vegetables have already died. But there are those that, on the contrary, are only good in the fall. Therefore, today I will make pear compote for the winter.

I will give you recipes and the ratio of products per 3 liter jar. If your volume is smaller, then we divide the proportions by the volume you need.

I also want to remind you that the amount of sugar may vary depending on your preferences and the sweetness of the pears themselves. We will also look at what needs to be done to prevent the compote from becoming cloudy. And also recipes with the addition of other fruits that will make the drink sparkle in a new way.

Let's first look at the nuances that need to be taken into account before starting conservation.

  1. Firstly, compotes can be prepared in two ways: with and without sterilization. You either boil jars filled with the drink, or heat the fruit 2-3 times with boiling water. I will show both methods below.
  2. Secondly, it is better to take slightly unripe fruits so that they do not steam under the influence of boiling water and turn into puree. This will determine whether the compote becomes cloudy.
  3. If you are going to use whole small fruits, then prick their skin in several places with a toothpick or fork. Then the pear will give off more of its aroma, warm up more evenly and retain a beautiful poured appearance in the syrup.
  4. Large fruits can be cut into slices.
  5. Remember that pear flesh begins to darken quickly. Prepare a weak acid solution in advance. Add 1 g of lemon to 1 liter of water and place fruit slices in the solution. The same rule works with apples.
  6. We always use only sterile jars and lids.
  7. It is better to blanch fruits with hard skin in boiling water for 5 minutes. Or even cut off the peel altogether.

Now I want to list the herbs and spices that make the compote more aromatic:

  • a very tasty drink is made with cinnamon,
  • mint, it is added before the last pouring,
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar. Pour directly into steamed pears before rolling.

Consider the classic recipe for making pear compote. Without adding other fruits and spices. We will use the method of triple heating the fruit with boiling water. And as a preservative we will take citric acid.

For a 3 liter jar:

  • pears - 7 pcs.,
  • sugar - 400 g,
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

We remove the tails and cut out the places of the inflorescences. You can put in whole fruits, but to make them easier to remove, cut them in half.

Place pears in sterile jars.

We put 2 liters of water to boil. And let's start warming up the fruits.

Fill the filled containers with boiling water. Close the lids, cover with a towel and give them about five minutes to warm up.

Pour the water back into the pan. It is better to do this through a convenient lid, which is sold in all hardware stores.

You can make this cover yourself by making holes in the nylon cover with a hot awl.

Now add sugar to the drained broth. We put it on heat and boil for 3 minutes, pour in the pears a second time.

We wait 5 minutes and drain the syrup from the jars again. Please note that the fruits have already changed color. Now add citric acid to the syrup. Stir the syrup and put on fire.

After boiling, pour in the fruit a third time. At this stage, you can add vanilla sugar, mint or cinnamon.

We roll up the jars and check for leaks. If everything is fine, then we send them “under a fur coat” for natural sterilization.

If you did everything correctly, your drink will last a long time. It must be stored in a cool place. Better on a cold balcony or in the basement.

How to cook pear compote with lemon (without sterilization)

Lemon is often added to pears. It dilutes the sugariness of the fruit and is a natural preservative.


  • 200 g pears,
  • half a lemon
  • 1.5 cups sugar.

Sterilize jars and lids.

Wash the pears, cut them into halves, remove the stems and cores. We put them in jars.

Wash the lemon and cut it in half. Take one half, divide it in half again and place it on the halves. By the way, I recently saw that they use lime instead of lemon. I think the drink has a very unusual aroma.
Well, now we use the method of heating the fruit.

Fill the jars with boiling water and leave them for 5-10 minutes to warm up. Then drain the water. Pour sugar inside the pears.

Boil water and fill three-liter containers up to the neck. It's better when the syrup runs a little over the edge. This is important so that there is no oxygen left inside, which can cause fermentation inside the container.

We roll up the container and put it “under the fur coat”.

How to make a drink from pears and apples at home

Apples complement pears perfectly. It is this compote that I associate with childhood. Because these two types of fruits were the most common and accessible in the Urals at that time.


  • 3 apples,
  • 5 pears,
  • glass of sugar
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

By the way, the compote will last longer if you add apples.

Cut apples and pears into slices. We remember that they darken quickly, so we put them in an acid solution. I wrote about him above.

Boil water and pour in the fruits for 15-20 minutes.

Drain the syrup and pour a glass of sugar into it.

Now add half a teaspoon of lemon to the jars. When the syrup boils, fill the container. We seal it and send it to cool “under the fur coat”.

Simple recipe with orange

I love how the orange adds a citrusy, refreshing note to the drink. If you add a sprig of mint to it, you get almost .


  • 2.5 liters of water,
  • 2 orange slices
  • 2 pears,
  • 300 g sugar,
  • 0.5 tsp lemons.

We remove the stems and cores from the pears and cut them into 4 parts.

Fill the jars about 1/3 with them. I like there to be more syrup than fruit, so I use this rule. But you can add more fruits, then the taste of the drink will become more intense.

We put the water to boil. Pour boiling water over the fruits and leave for 10 minutes. Then pour the infusion back into the pan.

Add 300 g of sugar, lemon and a couple of orange slices inside the three-liter bottle. I don't peel them.
Boil water, pour in the slices and roll up the container.

Option for preparing compote with plums without using citric acid

You don't have to use lemon at all. Compote is also tasty and keeps well in the cold.


  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 400 g pears,
  • 300 g plums.

To prevent the plum from bursting under boiling water and to keep its shape, pierce it in several places with a toothpick.

Wash the pears and also pierce the skin. Then we put all the fruits in a jar.

If desired, you can remove the pits from the plums. But then pieces of pulp will float in the drink and it will not be transparent. Plum will also give the drink a beautiful reddish tint.

Boil a kettle or saucepan of water in advance. I take a vessel with a capacity of 3 liters, no more is needed. It is not that heavy and is easy to lift to fill the container.

Pour boiling water over the fruit. Leave for 10 minutes. Drain the water into a saucepan and pour sugar into it, set to boil.

It is important here that the sugar grains dissolve.

Once again, pour boiling water over the fruit and roll up our container. We remember that no air should get inside, so shake the jar top and bottom and see if bubbles form inside the drink. If they are, then the lid must be opened and the container must be sealed again (well).

Compote of sliced ​​pears and grapes

Very often, the popular pear variety “Severyanka” grows in our gardens. It is sweet and aromatic. But it is almost never stored in its plucked form. Most often, this variety has medium and large fruits, which are not convenient to remove from the jar. They get stuck or slip off the plug in the narrow neck. Therefore, we will cut them into slices.

Let's take:

  • pears - 5 pcs.
  • grapes - 350 g,
  • sugar - 200 g,
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

You need to cut all 5 fruits lengthwise into slices in advance.

The grapes need to be washed and separated from the branches. For this compote, I like to use quiche or lady fingers.

Place the fruits in clean, sterile jars.

Boil water and pour in the slices. Leave for 15 minutes. Then pour the syrup back into the pan. Pour sugar into it and place on high heat.

Place citric acid in a container.

When the syrup boils, pour in up to the top.

Seal and leave to cool under a towel.

Video recipe for cooking “Assorted”

Of course, you can make a drink from several types of fruits and berries at once. I have put together a wonderful video recipe for you. My namesake Elena tells in detail, step by step, how to prepare such a compote.

Recipe for pears and cherry plums

Not long ago there was a selection of cooking recipes. And now we will add a pear to it.

Let's take:

  • 9 pears,
  • 0.5 kg yellow cherry plum,
  • 1 cup of sugar.

Cut the pears into four parts, removing the core.

We sterilize the jar and fill it with slices and washed cherry plum.

Pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Then drain the water.

Add sugar to the infusion and boil it.

Pour syrup over fruits.

Close and leave for self-sterilization under a layer of warm clothing.

How to cook wild pear compote: a simple recipe for a 3 liter jar

I wrote about the northern woman, so I can’t ignore the wild one. I really love these sweet and fragrant little fruits. We will cook them whole.


  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg,
  • 1 tsp citric acid,
  • 0.5 kg of game.

We wash the container and sterilize it. We sort the fruits and remove illiquid goods. We cut off all the bruised areas and tails.

We put game on a third of the jar.

Pour boiling water over them. I preheated the kettle. Let it warm up for 5 minutes and pour the water into a saucepan.

Add sugar to this aromatic infusion and boil. Then fill the jars to the middle. Pour a spoonful of lemon into each container and add syrup to the very top.

Seal with lids and put away for storage.

Pear drink with chokeberry for the winter

And now I will give you two recipes where we will use sterilization. Of course, the previous method of preservation is faster, but not everyone uses it.


  • 0.6 kg pears,
  • 0.4 kg chokeberry,
  • 0.5 kg sugar.

Cut the pears into 4 slices. Place immediately into sterile jars. We wash the rowan, dry it and also put it in a jar.

Boil 2 liters of water and dissolve half a kilo of sugar in it. Pour syrup over fruits.

Cover with lids and sterilize for 45 minutes.

To do this, cover the bottom of the pan with a towel. So that the three-liter bottles do not crack when heated. We display the container. Be careful, everything is hot and you can get burned.

Pour warm water into the pan until it reaches the middle of the container. We don't use cold water, because temperature changes can cause the glass to crack.

After the time has passed, take out and seal the compote.

Compote of pears and peaches with sterilization

Well, let’s also consider preparing a drink with peaches. And we will sterilize him too.


  • 1 kg of pears,
  • 0.3 kg peaches,
  • 0.4 kg sugar.

We wash ripe, healthy peaches, place them in a colander and lower them into boiling water for 10 seconds. Then quickly cool them in cold water and remove the skin.

Place peeled peaches in sterile jars.

Wash the pears, remove the stem and perianth. Cut into 4 pieces and place on peaches.

Cook the syrup: pour 400 g of sugar into 2.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil and pour in the fruits. Cover with a lid and send for sterilization.

To do this, place a cloth in a very deep pan. Place the filled jars on it and fill them with warm water. Sterilize 3 liter jars for 30 minutes.

Then we take out the containers and seal them with lids.

I like to cook . Usually this is not a very troublesome matter. Yes, they sell out quickly here, especially on holidays or after a bathhouse. Thank you for your attention!

Many people associate pear compote with childhood memories. Grandmothers and mothers often treated us to this drink. But it has one drawback - pears do not contain acid at all, and without it the drink turns out to be too sugary. There are two ways to solve this problem; Popular About Health will tell you how. We will look at several proven recipes for pear compote for the winter, and the list of ingredients in each of them will be designed for a three-liter jar. Just follow the instructions and you will have a great drink.

Getting ready to seal the pears in 3 liter jars

When you can something for the winter, the housewife’s main concern is that the jars do not swell, otherwise all the work will go down the drain. What needs to be done to prevent this trouble from happening?

1. Carefully sort through the fruits, choosing only the best. If we are talking about pears, then give preference to green, dense varieties, and also pay attention to ensure that the fruit is not damaged.

2. Wash the fruits well.

3. The peel should be removed only in case of minor damage.

4. Wash the container well and sterilize it, do not forget to do the same with the lids.

5. Twist correctly and tightly.

If at least one of the conditions is not met, the compote will spoil. Now let's talk about how to add acid to pear compote? To do this, many people use available berries - red or black currants, gooseberries, cherries or cherry plums, plums.

In this case, the compote will not only acquire a pleasant sourness, but will turn into a beautiful color. If there are no berries, then citric acid will come to the rescue. For a 3 liter jar you need to add 1 teaspoon of this component.

Another important point to know is to be sure to cut out the cores of the pears, as the seeds contain poison. Compotes made from fruits with seeds are not intended for long-term storage. Now you know all the intricacies of preparing pear compote for future use, it’s time to get acquainted with the recipes for the drink.

How to cook delicious compote in a 3 liter jar for the winter?

A simple recipe without sterilization

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar: pears – 700 g; sugar – 300 g; citric acid – 5 g; mint – 5 leaves; water – 1.5-2 liters.

After washing the fruits, cut them in half. The cores need to be cut out, but don’t rush to throw them away. They will give a unique rich aroma to the compote. Set them aside for now in a separate bowl. Cut the fruits themselves into slices. To prevent them from darkening, place them in slightly acidified water.

How can we find out exactly how much water we need for canning per 3 liter jar? It's simple. Fill it halfway with pears and fill it with water. Then pour it into the pan and add about 10 percent more, because during the cooking process some of the liquid will evaporate. The resulting volume is per jar (on average, one and a half liters), for this amount of water you need to use 300 grams of sugar. If the pear variety is sweet, then you can add a little less granulated sugar.

So, when you have measured the required amount of water, bring it to a boil, add sugar, boil for a minute to completely dissolve it. Then place the pear cores in boiling water. Cooking time is 5 minutes, after which the seed pods need to be removed with a slotted spoon. Now put sliced ​​pears, acid, mint into the pan and cook for 10 minutes. Pour the prepared pear compote into jars and seal for the winter.

Preparing apples and pears for a 3-liter jar

Ingredients based on a 3 liter jar: 400 g pears, 400 g apples, sugar – 350 g, water – 2 liters.

For this recipe, choose sour, dense apples. Let's get started. Immediately put water to boil (about 2 liters per jar). Wash the fruits and remove the cores. Cut the fruit into slices and place the slices in boiling water. Boil them for 3 minutes.

Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the fruit and place in jars, filling them two-thirds full. Blanching will help prevent the cuts from browning. Add sugar to the water in which the apples and pears were boiled. We wait for it to boil again and immediately pour the boiling syrup over the fruit. Cover with lids and leave to steep for a quarter of an hour.

After waiting the allotted time, pour the syrup into the pan again and boil. Again, pour the fruit into the jars and wait 15 minutes, covering with lids. Now we repeat everything again - drain the syrup, boil it, fill the jars with it and seal it.

If you don't want to bother with three-step boiling, there is another method - sterilization. In this case, the sweet boiling syrup is poured into the container once, and, covering with lids, the compote is sent to sterilize in boiling water for 25 minutes. Then the containers are screwed on. After prolonged heat treatment, the product can be stored for a very long time; the likelihood that the jars will swell is almost zero.

In a similar way, you can cook compote for the winter in jars with pears and any other fruit. But choose as a complement those that can compensate for the sweetness of pears - sour plums, berries. Then the drink will be refreshing and pleasant.


The period when pears can be eaten, as they say, from the belly, is quite short, and they are stored much shorter than the same apples. Therefore, we will share with you great ideas on how to cook pear compote for the winter and enjoy the pleasant pear taste.

If properly organized allows you to consume fresh fruit until spring, then pears, as a rule, do not last that long. But preservation of compotes can correct such an unpleasant fact. For this purpose, select only ripe and dense fruits. They should not have rotten parts, broken barrels or other defects. Large fruits can be cut into halves or quarters, removing the seed capsule and stem, while small fruits can be left whole. If the fruit has a very thick skin, it is better to cut it off. You can use a potato peeler for this. It will help remove the “skin” very thinly, preserving all the aromatic pulp.

Peeled pears cannot be stored just like that - they will quickly darken. You need to put them in a bowl of water, acidified with a teaspoon of citric acid. Or you can simply sprinkle the peeled fruits with lemon juice diluted in water - 1 part juice is enough for 4 parts water. However, it is better to provide everything you need in advance and not delay processing - these fruits spoil quite quickly.

The pear itself is a very sweet fruit. Don't go overboard with sugar, just a little is needed. If you like rich compotes, then add more than half the jar of pears, then the taste will be very bright. And for compotes for every day, it is enough to fill one third with fruit.

There is always not enough time for household chores, so you will probably need the simplest recipes on how to make pear compote for the winter. For a three-liter jar you will need 1.4 kilograms of pears, 100 grams of sugar, 3 liters of water, a third of a teaspoon of citric acid.

Wash the pears thoroughly and place them in a saucepan. Cover the fruit completely with water and let it boil. Boil for fifteen minutes over slightly reduced heat, then remove the fruit from the pan and let it cool slightly. Then put them in an already clean, sterilized jar.

Add citric acid and sugar to the water used for cooking. Boil the resulting syrup until the added ingredients are completely dissolved. Pour the hot syrup over the pears you placed in the jar. Roll up the sterilized lid and place it upside down, wrap it in a blanket and wait for it to cool completely. That’s the whole recipe, thanks to which pear compote for the winter will become a constant delicacy for everyone at home.

Pear compote with vanilla is a very original recipe, the highlight of which is its sour-sweet taste and wonderful aroma. This compote can be used as a ready-made drink for the holiday table.

To prepare it for two three-liter jars you need 2 kilograms of pears, 5-6 liters of water, half a kilogram of sugar, 4 grams of citric acid, a third of a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.
