Cooked beef goulash. Homemade beef gravy. How to cook goulash with gravy

Beef goulash - general principles and methods of preparation

Goulash is a Hungarian dish. And there it is more classified as thick soups than as main courses. Initially, goulash was invented by Hungarian shepherds - for lunch they usually cooked their food over an open fire in large cauldrons - there was something similar to goulash. Goulash was also popular among the Cossacks in southern Russia. Today, every housewife knows that beef goulash, which goes well with your favorite side dish, allows you to feed your family heartily.

Beef goulash - food preparation

To prepare goulash, you need to take high-quality beef tenderloin - without bones, chaff or veins, so that the goulash turns out tender and juicy.

Beef goulash - preparing dishes

Cooking goulash in a frying pan. In this case, a frying pan with a non-stick coating or cast iron with thick walls is suitable. The main thing is that the pan is high enough so that you can easily stew the meat in it.

Beef goulash - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Beef goulash

This recipe is very easy to prepare. And such goulash goes well with many side dishes (cereal porridge, potatoes, pasta), is perfectly complemented by salads and allows you to feed your family heartily.

500 grams of beef (you can also use veal),
2 cloves of garlic,
2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste,
sunflower oil, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Carrots must be peeled and cut into cubes. You also need to cut the onion and garlic into small cubes.

2. Beef needs to be washed and cut into medium-sized pieces.

3. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan and fry garlic, onions and carrots in it until golden brown.

4. Then you should add the beef to the pan and do not forget to increase the heat.

5. The meat needs to be fried for just a couple of minutes - it should turn white. And then you need to add 250 milliliters of boiling water and tomato paste to the beef, stir everything thoroughly. When the liquid boils, you need to cover the pan with a lid and set the heat to minimum.

6. At minimum heat, the beef goulash will simmer under the lid for about an hour and a half. The finished meat will be soft and juicy - then it is ready to serve.

Recipe 2: Beef goulash with potatoes

Beef goulash cooked with potatoes allows you to do without a side dish altogether. If you complement it with vegetable salads, you will get an excellent lunch or dinner.

600 grams of beef,
500 grams of potatoes,
150 grams of tomato,
200 grams of carrots,
red bell pepper,
4 teaspoons paprika,
4 cloves of garlic,
a teaspoon of salt,
40 grams of lard.

Cooking method:

1. First, you need to fry medium-sized chopped onion in a frying pan - it should acquire a golden hue.

2. Then you need to sprinkle it with paprika and stir thoroughly.

3. Beef should be cut into large pieces and added to the frying pan. Don't forget to add salt and pepper. Until the meat turns white, fry everything together over high heat. Then reduce the heat slightly, add a little water and cover the pan with a lid. Leave to simmer for about an hour.

4. Meanwhile, chop the carrots and bell peppers. And, after an hour, add tomatoes, garlic, peppers and carrots to the frying pan, add hot water, stir and leave to simmer again for 15 minutes.

5. When the meat becomes soft, you need to add potatoes cut into large pieces into the goulash.

6. When the potatoes become soft, the dish is ready. But after turning off the heat, you need to let the goulash brew a little under a closed lid.

Recipe 3: Georgian goulash

Due to the use of red wine and pickles, the meat prepared according to this recipe acquires a very unusual taste. And it goes great with rice porridge.

400-500 grams of beef pulp,
half a glass of dry red wine,
2 heads of onions,
2 pieces of pickled cucumbers,
1 clove of garlic,
2 tablespoons tomato puree,
2 tablespoons meat broth,
tablespoon of wheat flour,
ground black pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Beef must be cut into small pieces, fry it in oil in a frying pan and add finely chopped onion to the meat.

2. After this, add salt and pepper and, stirring constantly, fry the meat for 5-7 minutes over high heat. Then sprinkle with flour and fry for another 5 minutes.

3. Then you need to puree the tomatoes, cut the cucumbers into cubes, and chop the garlic. Add all this to the frying pan, pour in the broth and wine and simmer for 30-40 minutes under the lid.

4. Georgian goulash can be served with a side dish of rice. For beauty and to add a piquant taste, sprinkle the goulash with chopped dill.

Recipe 4: Hungarian goulash cooked in the microwave

Since this recipe involves the use of wine, the taste of the meat is especially refined and piquant. And in the microwave the dish is prepared in just a few minutes.


500 grams of beef,
50 milliliters dry red wine,
large onion,
Bell pepper,
2 tomatoes without skin,
bouillon cube.

Cooking method:

1. Beef, bell peppers and onions need to be finely chopped and placed all together in a high frying pan or bowl with a lid.

2. A bowl with pieces of beef should be set to simmer at 100% power for 4-5 minutes.

3. Then you need to finely chop the tomatoes, which also need to be added to the meat.

4. After this, you need to mix the dry broth with red wine and also pour this into the goulash. In a sealed container at 100% power, you need to simmer the goulash for another 6-7 minutes. Then the dish can be served to the table.

Beef goulash - useful tips from experienced chefs

Beef goulash is quite easy to prepare. To make the dish tasty, it is important not to overcook it in the pan. It is also necessary to choose the right spices - pepper, paprika, you can also use bay leaves and peppercorns. In general, the secret to preparing delicious goulash lies in the proper combination of all ingredients. When everything is in moderation, the taste of beef is simply amazing.

Beef goulash is a traditional Hungarian dish. Everyone prepares it differently, but the key is always one thing: pieces of meat (beef, veal) are cooked in gravy. Due to this, the meat becomes soft, juicy and very tasty. You can serve goulash as a separate dish or with a side dish of your choice. I offer my recipe for delicious beef goulash. Let's get started, I guess!

To prepare beef goulash we will take:

  • Meat - 0.5 kg (beef)
  • Onion - 2 heads (medium size)
  • Carrots - 2 pcs. (average)
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Butter or ghee - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Cream - 0.5 cups (10−15% fat)
  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Ground nutmeg - a pinch
  • Parsley or dill for garnish

How to cook beef goulash

  1. To prepare goulash, it is best to take the shoulder, tenderloin or neck. Wash the meat, pat dry with paper towels and cut into 3-5 cm cubes.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and send our pieces of beef to stew. You will see that when liquid is released, foam will appear, as, for example, during cooking. It can be removed. Stirring occasionally, you can cover the pan with a lid and wait for all the moisture to evaporate so that the pieces of beef are fried and beautiful on all sides. This will take 10-15 minutes over medium heat. Care must be taken to ensure that the meat does not dry out or burn.
  3. While the meat is cooking, prepare the carrots, onions and garlic. Cut the carrots into strips, the onions into cubes, and the garlic into finely chopped pieces (you can put them through a garlic press).
  4. First, add the onion to the beef in a frying pan and fry until golden brown for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Then carrots, also for 5-7 minutes, and finally garlic. Our beef goulash gradually begins to acquire a pleasant color and smell. After this, add 1 cup of boiling water, salt and pepper, cover with a lid and leave the meat to simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes.
  6. During this time we will prepare the base for the gravy. In a separate frying pan (I use a smaller one) melt a couple of tablespoons of butter or ghee. I use ghee because it affects the taste - it becomes creamier, richer, and does not release anything extra when frying. When the butter melts, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sifted premium or first grade flour. It will help the gravy be thicker and more uniform. Fry a little over medium heat - just a couple of minutes. Then pour in about a glass of boiling water and stir constantly, bringing the sauce to the consistency of thick sour cream. Let's boil. After this, add tomato paste and cream. Salt, pepper and let simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Now combine the meat and gravy. Pour in another glass of boiling water. Mix. Add a couple of bay leaves and a pinch of nutmeg. Leave to simmer covered over low heat for another 30-40 minutes. It should turn out that in total (from the moment you start cooking the meat), beef goulash takes 2-2.5 hours to prepare.

And here is the result of our labors - a wonderful beef goulash, which can be served as a ready-made dish piping hot, simply garnished with parsley sprigs or chopped dill. And you can prepare a side dish: buckwheat, mashed potatoes or, for example,

Goulash is the national dish of the Hungarians; for the Hungarian shepherds, this dish immediately replaced both the first course and the second, which is why it is also called “shepherd’s soup.” In modern cuisine, goulash is considered a second meat course and is served with various side dishes. This publication will present several of the most common recipes that may be useful to anyone.

What ingredients are needed to make goulash?

The main ingredient is beef meat, it is better to take tenderloin, thick edge, or the flesh of the shoulder blade, so that there is less connective tissue, then the pieces will cook evenly and the taste will be impeccable.

As additional raw materials, you will need onions, tomato paste or puree; ripe tomatoes are perfect in the summer. You need wheat flour as a sauce thickener and spices, seasonings and fresh herbs. Depending on the cooking technology, some recipes contain bell peppers, carrots, garlic and even potatoes.

Beef goulash - preparing dishes

If goulash is prepared in small quantities, it is better to cook it in a cast-iron pot with thick walls or a frying pan with high sides. You will need a wooden spatula for mixing, and comfortable knives for slicing meat and vegetables.

1. Classic beef goulash recipe

Classic beef goulash recipe

Previously, in the 70-80s, you could always see beef goulash on the menu in open dining rooms. It was prepared in large quantities, especially in catering establishments at industrial enterprises, and it was in great demand. The beef pieces, well stewed, were tasty and appetizing. This dish was also prepared in restaurants, but with various additives and a more piquant taste. Only beef tenderloin was used, and sour cream, paprika, etc. were added to the sauce.


  • beef - 1.2 grams;
  • animal fat or vegetable oil - 120 grams;
  • tomato puree - 200 grams;
  • onions - 250 grams or 4 medium-sized heads;
  • wheat flour - 65 grams;
  • meat or vegetable broth - according to preference;
  • sour cream - 200 grams;
  • salt, spices and dill - at your discretion.

Beef goulash preparation technology

The classic recipe for beef goulash can be prepared in two ways: the first is accelerated (when it is cooked with meat and sauce at once), and the second, when the meat is cooked separately and the sauce separately. For now, we will focus on the accelerated method; this is how housewives most often cook at home.

Cut the beef meat for goulash into cubes weighing 30-40 grams. Heat a frying pan and place the meat pieces and fry, then pour hot broth or water over them. Add the tomato according to the recipe and simmer for 60 minutes or a little more. Add salt during the stewing process. Separately, saute the wheat flour in a frying pan until golden brown; it acquires a nutty taste and the raw smell disappears. Cool it and dilute the red sauté with broth until the consistency is slightly thinner than sour cream and pour into the meat.

Then add the sauteed onions, sour cream and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. Finally, add bay leaf and pepper as desired, add sour cream and heat for five minutes. The finished dish should stand for a while under the lid, and then can be served hot.

Beef goulash can be served with various side dishes: cereals, potatoes, vegetables. Pairs perfectly with buckwheat, mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes poured over fried onions, boiled cauliflower, etc.

2. Beef goulash with potatoes

In fact, the recipe for beef goulash, prepared with potatoes, is somewhat reminiscent of homemade roast. A light salad of vegetables will ideally go with it and together we will get a fragrant dish.


  • beef - 1.2 kilograms;
  • potatoes - 8 tubers;
  • tomatoes - 2 large tomatoes;
  • carrots - 2 root vegetables;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • green peas (fresh or canned);
  • red sweet bell pepper - 1 large fruit;
  • paprika - 3.5 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • lard - 55 grams;
  • salt - as needed.

According to the recipe for beef goulash, we prepare it as follows:

1. Peel the onions, rinse and chop them into half rings, fry until sunny, sprinkle with paprika and stir effectively.

2. Cut the beef into pieces, place in a heated frying pan and fry. Add spices, pour in a little water, cover with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes.

3. While the meat is stewing, chop the carrots and bell peppers into small pieces.

4. Cut the tomatoes in half or into 4 parts.

5. Now add the above and prepared ingredients to the meat, add water and simmer again for a quarter of an hour.

6. Cut the potatoes into slices, then divide them in half and place them in the goulash and continue cooking.

7. Two minutes before the end of cooking, add green peas and turn off the stove. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and you can test the taste.

3. Hungarian beef goulash

This goulash soup recipe is presented in the Hungarian version. It is seasoned with red pepper, the pieces of meat are larger than in regular goulash, with the addition of carrots, potatoes, garlic and paprika. It has a semi-liquid texture and a sharp and rich color and a special taste and aroma.


  • beef tenderloin - 1 kilogram;
  • onions - 4 onions;
  • carrots - 1.5 root vegetables;
  • celery (stalks) and thyme greens - optional;
  • tomato paste - 3 full tablespoons;
  • red bell pepper - 1 large peppercorn;
  • dry paprika - 3 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil or lard - as needed;

According to the recipe, we prepare Hungarian beef goulash as follows:

It is good to cook this dish in a tall, thick-walled roasting pan. Heat a small amount of oil and fry the pieces of meat. Separately, bake the carrot slices in a frying pan. Also separately chop carrots, sweet red bell peppers, onions, several celery stalks into strips and fry until softened. Turn over with a wooden spatula from time to time. Roasted red peppers add great flavor to the finished dish.

Pour red paprika into the prepared vegetables, pour in hot broth, tomato paste, throw in a sprig of thyme, bay leaf, and bring to a boil.
Now pour the prepared sauce over the fried pieces of meat.

Hungarian beef goulash

Add the baked carrot slices and simmer in the oven until done. Let the dish brew and serve in a convenient tureen.

4. Georgian beef goulash

In Georgia, goulash is prepared in a special way; wine, pickles, and garlic are also added, which gives the dish a special taste.


  • beef or veal pulp - 1.5 kilograms;
  • dry red wine - one glass;
  • onions - 5 heads;
  • canned cucumbers (salted) - 4 pieces;
  • fresh tomatoes - 5 pieces;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • wheat flour - 3.5 tablespoons;
  • concentrated meat broth - 1 glass;
  • ground black pepper and salt - to taste.

Technology for preparing beef goulash in Georgian style

Wash the beef pulp, cut into equal pieces and fry in a heated frying pan in vegetable oil. Add chopped onions, salt and pepper. Fry everything well, then add flour and continue the frying process for about 5-6 minutes.

Pour boiling water over fresh tomatoes and strain through a colander to make a puree. Crush the garlic in a mortar, and chop the pickled cucumbers into tiny cubes and simmer separately. Combine the entire prepared mass with the meat, pour in wine, broth and simmer for 35-40 minutes under the lid on low heat.

Serve the finished dish in portioned plates, sprinkle with dill, which will add freshness to the finished dish and gastronomic completeness. Place the side dish next to it.

5. Czech beef goulash

In this recipe, beer, cumin, and garlic are added, which gives an interesting balance to the stew. Place finely chopped lard in a large thick-walled pan, fry lightly, then add onion, add salt and pour in a little hot water. Then cut the meat into cubes, mix with the prepared base, add cumin and two-thirds of paprika, stir everything well.

Add enough broth or water until the meat is almost submerged. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally and adding a little beer for about an hour and a half.

When the meat is soft, add a pinch of salt to taste, the remaining beer and simmer, stirring frequently. Season with the remaining spices, crushed garlic and the rest of the paprika. Simmer for 5 minutes, but be careful not to overcook the meat.

Ingredients for 5-6 servings:

  • beef pulp - one kilogram;
  • onion - 400 grams;
  • lard - 20 grams;
  • Hungarian sweet paprika - 4 dessert spoons;
  • cumin - 1 handful;
  • garlic - one head;
  • beer - 0.5 liters;
  • allspice and salt - optional.

1. Try not to overcook the meat, otherwise it will be fibrous and not tasty.

2. Choose the right spices and seasonings, they will emphasize the brightness of the taste.

3. Meat for goulash must be fried before stewing, then the taste will be much more pronounced and tastier.

If you don’t know how to prepare delicious beef goulash, then the advice of experienced chefs will help you. This dish is universal. It goes well with a potato side dish and various porridges - rice, buckwheat, wheat. Properly made goulash takes about two hours to cook. The time of heat treatment determines how soft the meat will be.

Beef and gravy is a meal that can be served three times a day. It is healthy because it does not contain much fat. You can prepare dietary goulash. It is ideal for people who are watching their figure or are forced to adhere to a special diet due to health problems.

Deliciously cooked meat will provide the body with proteins and other useful substances. The classic goulash recipe can be varied with all kinds of additives.

The goulash recipe was invented in Hungary. It was customary to prepare it from veal or beef with the addition of fat, such as bacon. Interestingly, goulash with gravy, according to all culinary rules, belongs to the category of thick soups. In Hungary, it was originally prepared by shepherds. They cooked soup with meat in pots over a fire. Today goulash is the pride of Hungarian cuisine. There are many options for preparing and serving this delicacy.

It is noteworthy that in Russian cuisine there is a dish similar to goulash. It's called "meat stew". But if the Hungarian version is prepared according to all standards from pulp, then the rules for preparing stew allow it to be made from meat on the bone. Usually this food is served with mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, and buckwheat porridge. You can use fresh vegetable salad as a side dish.

Meat and vegetables are not just a tasty, but also a healthy combination of products. All nutritionists recommend eating meat with vegetables, and not with carbohydrate side dishes.

To prepare beef goulash, it is very important to choose quality meat. Veal is best suited because it is soft, tender and does not require long cooking. To determine the freshness of a product, it is enough to evaluate its appearance and smell. High-quality meat will have a pleasant scarlet color. After pressing with your finger on the flesh, there should be no hole left. The fresh product has a pleasant smell. Only from such meat can you make good goulash and deliciously feed your family members and guests of your home.

The classic recipe involves using tomato. You can diversify the dish and add mushrooms, bell peppers, carrots, eggplants and other vegetables to it. First of all, the meat is cooked, after which tomato and broth are added to it, thanks to which the goulash turns out with gravy. To make the pieces of beef golden brown, you must first fry them in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of bacon and onions.

Salt and spices should be added in the second half of cooking. It is generally better to add some seasonings at the end so that they better impart the aroma of the goulash. It is necessary to salt the meat before adding liquid, that is, tomato and broth, then the goulash with gravy will turn out excellent.

A properly prepared dish will surely please everyone who tries it. In addition, it can be made for several days, so that it can be quickly reheated. Thus, goulash is a food that saves you time spent in the kitchen.

Quick goulash recipe

This recipe has many benefits. These include the speed of preparation and the small amount of ingredients. If you take veal, you can make a thick soup in just one hour. Beef takes about an hour and a half. Otherwise it will be tough.

So, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 2 kilograms of beef or veal;
  • 2 onions;
  • 0.5 kilograms of fresh tomatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and spices.

First you need to remove all films and fat from the meat. It should be understood that beef fat is very unhealthy due to its high cholesterol content. To make tasty meat with gravy, you need to cut it correctly. We recommend cutting the beef into thin, long pieces. Separately, peel and finely chop the onions.

Goulash must be cooked in a large frying pan with high sides or in a saucepan. You need to put the frying pan on the fire and pour in vegetable oil. When it warms up, you need to add butter. This will allow you to fry the beef very tasty.

After this, as the recipe calls for, you need to fry the onions until transparent. Then the meat is placed in a frying pan and fried until golden brown. When the meat acquires a pleasant shade, you need to add boiled chilled water to the dish so that it covers the beef, and simmer for 40 - 60 minutes. If the water evaporates, you can add liquid while boiling.

While the meat is stewing, you need to prepare a tomato from the tomatoes. If you don't have a juicer, you can use a regular grater. If you use store-bought tomato juice, it won't be as tasty. Next, as the recipe says, you need to use a press to add garlic, a pinch of salt and black pepper to the tomato. When the beef is ready, you need to add the tomato to it and simmer the mixture for about 20 minutes. If you plan to eat meat with gravy the next day, it is better to complete the cooking process in a saucepan rather than in a frying pan. This will allow you to properly store food in the refrigerator.

At the final stage, you need to add spices. Be sure to use paprika, black and red pepper, bay leaf, basil and other seasonings of your choice. Before serving, it is necessary to remove the bay leaf from the dish so that it does not make the goulash bitter.

This recipe is universal. It can be varied, for example, by adding mushrooms, bell peppers, and carrots to the goulash. You can also add potatoes to make a complete lunch.

How to cook goulash with veal and mushrooms

The following recipe is a way to deliciously cook young veal. This type of meat goes very well with mushrooms. This recipe also makes meat with gravy. You need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of veal;
  • 700 grams of mushrooms;
  • 150 grams of sour cream;
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 1 onion;
  • salt, spices.

The meat should be cut into small pieces and begin frying it in a large frying pan in vegetable oil with the addition of water. Separately, slice the mushrooms and fry them in two oils - butter and vegetable. When the excess moisture from the mushrooms has evaporated, you need to add finely chopped onions to the mushrooms. At the end, add sour cream and simmer the mushrooms for about 5 - 10 minutes. When the veal and mushrooms are ready, you should mix the two components into one dish.

Immediately after this, salt and spices are added. Rosemary, black pepper, white pepper, cumin will go well with veal and mushrooms. You don't have to add the bay leaf. The recipe does not give clear directions for adding seasonings. You can choose any spices to your liking. Simmer the veal with mushrooms for about 20 minutes.

Goulash is meat with gravy that can be served with a variety of side dishes - pasta, potatoes, porridge. If you follow simple recommendations, you can feed the guests of your home and loved ones very tasty. It is enough to observe the proportions of all ingredients and the sequence of actions. Interestingly, goulash was originally a dish of Hungarian shepherds, who cooked aromatic meat in pots over a fire.

Housewives do not cook beef as often as chicken, pork or turkey, since it is quite difficult to make it tasty. Goulash often turns out tough, dry and lacking in flavor. For a successful outcome of the intended dish, and this is beef gravy, you need to know some of the nuances of preparation.

First of all, when choosing meat, pay attention to its color; it should be deep red. Pale or brownish tint indicates a low-quality product. There should be no excess moisture or mucus when palpating. Accordingly, it should have a fresh smell.

Traditional recipe

In fact, beef goulash sauce, although a simple dish in composition, is very tasty and satisfying. As a rule, it is poured over mashed potatoes, buckwheat or rice porridge.

Rinse the chilled meat in cold water, place it on a napkin and soak up the moisture. Cut into medium pieces with a sharp knife, removing the veins as you go. Peel and chop the vegetables into rings.

Pour oil into a saucepan, heat it up and add the meat to fry. When it acquires a beautiful golden brown color, add the prepared vegetables, mix and cook for seven minutes.

After this, add flour, add half a glass of warm water, add spices and close the lid tightly. Let it simmer for forty minutes. If the meat is still a little tough, cook for another ten minutes.

Beef gravy in a slow cooker

To simplify cooking, this kitchen electrical appliance is often used. It is believed that it not only simplifies the process, but also retains the bulk of microelements in products. So if you have it on hand, go ahead!


  • beef – 450 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
  • seasonings, salt - to taste;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Production: 55 minutes.

Calorie content: 66.5 Kcal/100 g.

How will we prepare beef gravy in a slow cooker? Yes, very simple! We peel the vegetables and chop them into bars. We cut clean and dried meat into cubes of the same size. We start the unit on the “Extinguishing” function.

Pour the oil into the bowl and add the vegetables to lightly sauté for no more than five minutes. Place meat on top and mix. Cover tightly with a lid and simmer for twenty minutes. Open, add sour cream and spices, add one hundred milliliters of water and cook for another seventeen minutes.

Do not rush to remove the dish from the container; after completing the process, leave it to stand.

Read how to bake, the simplest and most delicious recipes.

Tomato sauce recipe

In most cases, tomatoes, tomato sauces or pastes are used to prepare meat gravy. These products not only give an appetizing color to the dish, but also add a sour taste.


  • beef – 400 g;
  • pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • spices, salt - to taste;
  • onion – 0.5 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • broth – 200 ml.

Production: 80 minutes.

Calorie content: 59.2 Kcal/100 g.

If the products are prepared, then we will consider step by step how to prepare tomato sauce from beef. Peel the vegetables, chop the onions and carrots into strips, and chop the garlic into small cubes. Three cucumbers on a grater. Cut fresh meat into long bars.

Pour oil into a cast iron pot, add onions and carrots to lightly fry, add meat, cook for eight to ten minutes, stirring occasionally.

When the sides of the beef pieces become golden, add cucumbers, garlic and tomato paste.

Mix everything thoroughly and pour in the pre-boiled and strained broth (any kind).

Cover with a lid with a hole, reduce the flame and leave to cook for an hour. This combination of products will make the beef juicy, soft and very tender.

Cooking tips

  1. Although it is believed that beef meat takes quite a long time to cook, the main thing in this dish is not to overcook it in the pan. As they say, everything needs moderation. Follow the technology strictly, and everything will work out for you;
  2. Not all spices are suitable for beef gravy, so use them with caution; the best options are pepper, bay leaf, paprika, herbes de Provence;
  3. The gravy can be prepared not only in a saucepan on the stove, but also in a clay pot in an electric oven, slow cooker, and even in the microwave;
  4. Experienced chefs advise pouring a glass of red homemade wine into the meat in the middle of the cooking process. This will give the dish a particularly spicy taste. The alcohol will evaporate, so don’t worry if children eat the gravy;
  5. It is recommended to initially fry the meat over high heat for three to four minutes, so it will set into a crust and will not “give away” the juice. It will all remain inside and the beef will remain soft;
  6. To make the soup thick, use both flour and starch of any kind, in the same proportions;
  7. For beef gravy, a shoulder blade, the flesh of a hind leg or a cut of the hip part are suitable, then the dish will turn out to be the most tender;
  8. To prevent lumps from forming in the gravy, it is recommended to first break down the flour in a small amount of broth. This can be done with a blender or a regular fork.