Banana peel kvass. Enzymatic kvass Bolotov: recipes for medicinal drinks. Banana kvass against cancer

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I met this amazing kvass a few years ago. Medicinal banana kvass normalizes metabolism, promotes weight loss, is used as a prophylactic against cancer, heals the entire body. And in combination with proper nutrition, therapeutic banana kvass has an immune-strengthening effect.

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Tryptophan is one of the essential amino acids in our body. Its deficiency causes depression, depression, insomnia, headaches, attention disorder, tension. This amino acid protects the body from harmful effects.

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Recipe for medicinal banana kvass:


Choose healthy bananas with an intense yellow color and wash well.

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Peel bananas and damaged areas. Finely chop banana peel. For cooking, you need 2-3 cups of finely chopped banana peel



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Boil and cool water. It is best to use pure spring water. Pour 2-3 cups of banana peel into it

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Add 1 cup sugar

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Add a tablespoon of sour cream, mix well

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Cover with cheesecloth and leave to infuse for 2 weeks at room temperature. Kvass should be stirred regularly, 1-2 times a day, otherwise the top layer may become moldy. Drink kvass half a glass half an hour before meals 4 times a day.

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Additional recommendation: pour 1 liter from the finished kvass, and drink it for now. And in a jar of kvass, add 1 liter of pure water and 1/3 cup of sugar. While you are drinking the kvass that you poured out, this one will also gain strength. You can do this until the kvass weakens. You can easily feel it. And then it will be necessary to make another sourdough.

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When determining your diet, special attention should be paid to an exotic product (which, however, has long become familiar on the shelves of domestic stores). It's about bananas. Allowing yourself to indulge in this yellow “pleasure” every day, the eater fights against the prerequisites for atherosclerosis, heart disease, and even saves himself from terrible oncological problems. In addition, the range of usefulness of this fruit can also include colds and skin diseases, problems of the gastrointestinal tract, cataracts and such trivial worms.

Banana flesh is mainly eaten. Although juice can also be squeezed out of the fruit, which is good for lotions on problem areas of the skin. And for those who are faced with hemorrhages of the duodenum or stomach, banana juice will help speed up recovery.

Invigorating drink for beauty and health

Unfortunately, banana peels tend to be mercilessly thrown into the trash can. And in vain - there are as many useful values ​​​​in the banana shell as in the edible part of the fruit. No one suggests you eat a banana peel, but you can use it with great benefits for the body. Make a delicious tonic drink - banana kvass.

Let the reader not be confused by this combination of words. Of course, in the traditional concept, kvass is the result of the fermentation of rye bread with yeast. Although in Rus' recipes for preparing an invigorating cooling drink based on berries and fruits have been known since ancient times. And if our local gifts are used, then why not try to cheer yourself up with a drink with the aroma of the tropics.

But kvass on a banana peel will be especially interesting for those who not only monitor their health, but also dream of a slim figure. The tropical fruit is rich in physiologically active elements, vitamins, minerals, which help to "ennoble" the processes of digestion, enabling the body to better cope with pectins, fiber and carbohydrates. And the presence of potassium salts in the banana peel helps to expel excess water. So they lose weight from kvass (strange as it sounds).

What else is interesting about the “drink from depression” (so, perhaps, one can also call kvass from banana skins for weight loss)? This is a very "long-playing" product: each time, drinking half a glass of drink before a meal, the "lack" in the bottle can be immediately compensated by adding the same amount of sweet water. And since the banana itself is a good antiseptic, you can not be afraid of the appearance of harmful mold on the surface.

Useful Recipe

Cooking banana kvass for weight loss is not as difficult as it might seem initially. Feed your family with delicious and healthy pulp, and wash the skin well, cut into small cubes and put in a glass container (to fill a 3-liter container, you need to eat 3 bananas). The jar is then filled with chilled water. It is imperative to boil it, even if spring water is used.

Separately, a tablespoon of sour cream should be rubbed with a glass of granulated sugar. At the same time, the dairy product for sourdough should be fresh, but not high-calorie. When the sugar is partially dissolved, the mixture is poured into a bottle with banana peels and mixed. Kvass for weight loss from a banana peel does not infuse for a long time - after 24 hours you can enjoy a drink. But with each passing day, kvass will become more vigorous. And with new taste qualities, the usefulness of the product will be added.

But so that kvass from bananas for weight loss does not deteriorate, the finished drink, of course, should be stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, strain tropical fresh into another container, and pour the remaining sediment with a new portion of sweetened water (1 liter of liquid - 1 tbsp. L of sugar), and let yourself infuse "double 2" under a gauze napkin.

Because a useful product is never superfluous. Indeed, in addition to the fact that this drink helps to cope with excess weight, debugging metabolic processes in the body, it can also be used as a component of another culinary dish. We are talking about kvass, and, therefore, it is a sin not to treat yourself to a little okroshka. Believe me, it will be no worse than the one made on the basis of a traditional (rye) drink. And the fact that the cold soup will be exotically spicy is guaranteed to you.

And finally...

Banana peel kvass for weight loss is not suitable for everyone. Although it is a healing drink, harm can be brought to those who have undergone surgical interventions, correcting their appearance (cosmetic operations, artificial implants), or undergone internal organ transplants. In this case, there is a risk of rejection.

There are several options for the recipe for banana kvass: you can cook it from the pulp of bananas or whole fruits, or you can use only their peel, which, according to some, only makes the drink more healthy. Such a drink is rich in mucopolysaccharides and tryptophan and can be a good way to strengthen immunity, speed up metabolism and improve overall well-being.

To achieve the most beneficial effect, such a wonderful kvass should be consumed no more than 150 ml at a time, about 3-4 times a day, about half an hour before meals.

Taking into account the fact that in each of the recipes we get 3 liters of the finished product, and the consumption is so small per day, the question arises: how to store this kvass. From the liquid obtained after preparation, it is worth subtracting 1 liter, which will be consumed in the near future. In the remaining 2 liters, add 1 liter of pure water and add 33 g of sugar, and by the time the first liter is consumed, the main portion in the jar will have regained the desired strength. You can do this until the taste ceases to please you - then feel free to prepare a new portion.

So, the proposed varieties of cooking: from the pulp, from the peel according to Bolotov and its variation with whey, as well as kvass with orange peels.

For this delicious banana kvass, you will need the pulp of overripe bananas, as soft and sweet as possible. For greater saturation of the drink, the amount of pulp is allowed to be increased to 1.5 kg, and for its greater sweetness, add 100 g of sugar to the banana puree.

Grind chopped bananas with a blender or mash with a fork, add sugar if desired.

Dissolve the yeast in boiled water at a temperature of 40 degrees and add the banana mass. Choose a container for infusion so that another third of the volume is free on top, then nothing will leak during the cooking process. Cover the neck of the container with gauze and send it to a darkened corner for a day.

At the end of the day, carefully strain the kvass, pour into a container for storage and send for a couple of days in the cold.

Kvass on banana peels and sour cream

Many people know about therapeutic and prophylactic kvass according to the Bolotov method, so banana peel kvass prepared according to his recipe does not hurt to mention. For such a drink, the correct selection of components is important: bananas need clean, bright yellow, without stains, water is preferably spring water, and sour cream is low-fat, homemade.

  • 3 gr. Art. chopped peel;
  • 1 gr. Art. Sahara;
  • 1 st. l. sour cream.

Put the water to boil, and during this time, wash and dry the fruits, remove the pulp and chop the peel.

In a sterile jar of 3 liters, place the peel, sugar, fill everything with water to the top and wait for the sugar to dissolve completely. In the meantime, stir the sour cream into 75 ml of water and also place in a jar.

Cover the container with 2 layers of sterile gauze or bandage and send it to a dark corner of the room for 2 weeks. Occasionally open the container and remove the layer of mold from the surface of the liquid.

Strain before use and store in the refrigerator.

The same therapeutic and prophylactic kvass on banana peels can be strengthened by adding whey, which will increase the saturation of the taste.

  • 2 liters of kvass on banana peels;
  • 1 liter of whey;
  • 100 g sugar.

It is necessary to place whey with sugar dissolved in it into the finished kvass and mix thoroughly. After insisting for 2 days, strain and store, as before, in the refrigerator.

Kvass from banana skins with orange

Also, an original solution would be to enrich the banana taste with citrus notes, which makes kvass even thicker. To do this, in the process of preparing kvass from banana skins, orange zest is added.

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 gr. Art. Sahara;
  • 0.5 orange;
  • 3 banana skins;
  • 1 st. l. homemade sour cream.

Remove the peel from bananas and oranges and, thinly sliced, put on the bottom of the prepared container. Pour the slices of skins with sugar, fill with water and mix until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Then add sour cream, cover the container with gauze and insist in the dark for 2.5 weeks, from time to time removing the mold layer from the surface of the liquid.

Strain before drinking and serve chilled.

During the fermentation of the banana peel, tryptophan is formed. This substance is an amino acid that plays an important role in the human body. Tryptophan deficiency is the main cause of depression, depression, constant tension, insomnia and frequent headaches. A special property of tryptophan is the ability to remove and reject infected cells.

The author of the recipe for banana kvass was the famous academician B.V. Bolotov. The scientist spent several years studying bananas and their effects on the human body.

Regular banana has a strengthening effect on both the immune system and the functioning of the systems as a whole. Vigor, resistance to various infectious diseases appear, fatigue and a lethargic state disappear.

Banana kvass for weight loss

Banana kvass is quite often included in diet complexes. This is due primarily to the fact that the acids that are formed in kvass directly affect the human digestive system. In addition, the drink contains a minimal amount and quickly quenches thirst.

The main contraindication to the use of banana kvass is the presence of transplanted organs in a person.

It is noteworthy that banana peel kvass has practically no contraindications. You can use it in unlimited quantities. With the regular inclusion of this drink in the diet, the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and useful elements, which contributes to better absorption of food and normalization of metabolism.

Banana kvass against cancer

Numerous studies have proven that banana kvass contains a large number of components that can fight the occurrence of cancer cells. The drink is recommended as a therapeutic composition during the early stages of oncological diseases and in preventive. In addition, kvass is an effective means of removing toxins from the body.

For the prevention of cancer, a special kvass with an effervescent consistency is prepared. During fermentation, a sufficient amount of mucopolysaccharides and vitamins is released. It is these substances that largely cleanse the body and eliminate diseased cells that cause cancer. In addition, tryptophan plays a major role in this process.

How to make banana kvass

To make banana kvass, a minimum amount of ingredients is required - peel, sour cream, sugar and water. Banana skins are crushed, mixed with sugar and poured with several liters of cold boiled water, depending on the proportions taken. For sourdough, ordinary sour cream is used. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of bananas. The peel should be fairly firm, without dark spots or black dots.

After reading the title, you understand who is the author of this recipe. So, academician Bolotov, believes that tryptophan (one of the varieties of amino acids), which in this recipe can be obtained from banana skins, works very effectively for our health and helps the body withstand the attack of cancer cells. This medicinal kvass, which is very good as a prophylactic against the occurrence of any form of oncology, will help normalize metabolic processes in your body, help to lose weight to a certain extent, plus, it also heals our entire body.

1. A simple recipe for banana kvass according to Academician Bolotov

You should not expect miracles from this recipe if you are not going to correct your diet and make it more correct. Only in this case, it will be possible to achieve all these results, and besides this, also strengthen the immune system.

Tryptophan, which is very important for our body, brings all these advantages to our body. Indeed, with its lack, our condition is greatly deteriorating. In this case, it can be characterized as depressed, close in its state to depression. Plus, insomnia with headaches is added to all this, we become less attentive, and a state of tension appears. And, this amino acid helps our body a lot, and protects it from many factors that constantly affect it.

1.1. How to cook?

So, the main ingredient is the bananas themselves. The main thing is to choose completely healthy fruits, the color of which is intensely yellow. Wash them well, after which, peel and remove all damaged areas. Finely chop the banana skins. As a result, you should get 2-3 glasses of such, already finely chopped skins.

Now you will need to prepare water (kvass is prepared in a 3-liter jar), ideally, of course, take spring water. It will need to be boiled, after which, cool, and pour banana peel into it. Next, pour a glass of sugar there, and a tablespoon of sour cream. We stir all this, take a piece of gauze, and cover our kvass.

He will need to stand for 2 weeks in a room, that is, at normal, room temperature. A couple of times a day, stir the kvass so that its top layer does not become moldy.

1.2. How to drink?

Reception here is very simple - before meals 30 minutes (do not forget this moment!) Half a glass, per day - 4 times.

Best of all, from the volume of kvass that you have prepared, pour a liter and drink only it. And, in a common jar, add the same liter, but already pure water, plus another 3rd part of a glass of sugar. Thus, kvass will gradually approach the moment when you run out of this liter. You can add water until the banana kvass begins to weaken, in comparison with its initial concentration. You can easily determine this. After that, you will have to cook it again. DO NOT FORGET in any case, consult a doctor!

How to make such banana kvass will be shown to you in this video. We look.
