Pros and cons of alcohol. Sober living experience. Reason for getting closer

Alcohol (from lat. spiritus– spirit) is an organic compound that has a diverse and extensive class. The most famous and common are ethyl, methyl and phenylethyl alcohols. Various types of alcohols can not only be obtained in laboratory conditions, but also found in nature. They are found in plant leaves (for example, methyl), in naturally fermented organic products (ethanol), and in essential vegetable oils. Also, some vitamins belong to the alcohol class: , B8 and. Under normal physical conditions, alcohol has a transparent color, a sharp characteristic odor and taste, and is a good solvent for oily and fat-containing substances. The alcohol strength varies from 95.57 to 100 vol.

Drinks containing alcohol have been known to mankind since ancient times. There is historical evidence that more than 8 thousand years BC. people drank fermented fruit drinks and knew about their effect on the body. The first drink saturated with a large percentage of alcohol was made by Arab chemists in the 6th-7th centuries. In Europe, ethyl alcohol was first produced in Italy in the 11th-12th centuries. On the territory of the Russian Empire, the first strong alcoholic drink was Akvavit, which was brought by Genoese ambassadors in 1386. However, 100% alcohol was obtained in Russia through chemical experiments only in 1796 by chemist T.E. Lovitz.

There are two main industrial methods for producing ethyl alcohol: synthetic and natural fermentation. The most popular is the second method. Fruits and berries, grains, potatoes, rice, corn, starch, and raw cane sugar are used as raw materials. The reaction to form alcohol begins to occur only in the presence of yeast, enzymes and bacteria. The production process has several main stages:

  • selection, washing and grinding of raw materials;
  • breakdown of starchy substances by fermentation to simple sugars;
  • yeast fermentation;
  • distillation in booster columns;
  • purification of the resulting aqueous-alcoholic liquid from impurities and heavy fractions.

It is almost impossible to obtain alcohol of the proper concentration at home.

Alcohol is widely used in various industries. It is used in medicine, perfume and cosmetic production, food, alcoholic beverage and chemical industries.

Beneficial properties of alcohol

Alcohol has a large number of beneficial properties and uses. It is an antiseptic and deodorizing agent used to disinfect medical instruments, skin and hands of healthcare workers before surgery. Alcohol is also added as an antifoaming agent to artificial ventilation devices and used as a solvent in the manufacture of medications, extracts and tinctures. In the alcoholic beverage industry, alcohol is used to fortify alcoholic beverages, and in the food industry - as a preservative and solvent for natural dyes and flavors.

In everyday life, alcohol is used for rubbing at high temperatures, warming compresses and for preparing medicinal tinctures. Those. Alcohol in its pure form is an empty drink, which is refined by infusing it with medicinal herbs and fruits.

To treat the respiratory system and throat for colds, sore throat and bronchitis, it is necessary to use tincture of eucalyptus, calendula and kalanchoe. Take 100 g of all ingredients, chop thoroughly and pour into a half-liter bottle. Pour alcohol on top until completely covered and leave for three days in a dark place. Dilute the finished infusion in warm water in a ratio of 1:10 and gargle at least 3 times a day.

For hypertension, heart and vascular diseases, you can use a tincture of rose petals (300 g), grated red beets (200 g), cranberry juice (100 g), juice of one lemon, liquid honey (250 g) and alcohol (250 g). ml.). All components must be thoroughly mixed and left to infuse for 4-5 days. The finished tincture should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

To narrow dilated veins, it is necessary to make rubbing and compresses from horse chestnut tincture. To prepare it, chop 6-10 medium chestnuts and pour alcohol (500 g) into them. The tincture should be infused for 14 days in a dark place. The finished medicine should be rubbed with massaging movements 3 times a day into the legs with clearly visible veins and taken orally 30 drops also 3 times a day. The course of treatment must be carried out within a month.

A good choleretic agent is a tincture of barberry fruits. To do this, pour fresh or dried fruits (2 tablespoons) with alcohol (100 g) and leave for 14 days. Take the finished infusion, diluting 20-30 drops into 50 ml. water 3 times a day. The effectiveness of treatment begins to appear after 15 days of systematic use.

Dangerous properties of alcohol

Alcohol vapors that are used in industry (ethanol, methanol, isopropanol), with prolonged inhalation exposure, can lead to lethargic sleep, narcotic effects or death. The probability of one outcome or another depends on the time of inhalation of the vapors - from 8 to 21 hours.

Methyl alcohol, when used internally, has severe toxicological poisoning, which has a detrimental effect on the nervous (convulsions, convulsions, epileptic seizures), cardiovascular (tachycardia) systems, affects the retina and optic nerve, causing complete blindness. If more than 30 g of this alcohol is taken orally without emergency medical care, death occurs.

Ethyl alcohol is less dangerous, but also has a number of negative effects on the body. Firstly, it is quickly absorbed into the blood through the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, the concentration of which reaches its maximum 20-60 minutes after administration. Secondly, it has a dual effect on the nervous system: first causing strong excitement, and then sharp depression. At the same time, cells of the cerebral cortex die and degrade in large numbers. Thirdly, the functioning of internal organs and systems is disrupted: liver, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas and others. The sale of ethyl alcohol in pharmacies is prohibited.

There is a common misconception that alcohol consumption can be controlled. They say that if you drink not regularly and “little by little”, then there is no harm, and sometimes it is beneficial. This is not entirely true, or even not true at all. A person who drinks alcohol, in principle, cannot control this process. Rather, alcohol controls a person.

Very soon the New Year 2016 will come, which will be celebrated by all humanity. And what would New Year be without champagne wines, liqueurs, vodka, cognac and other domestic and overseas alcoholic beverages? What to do: drink or not drink? To give the correct answer to this complex question, you need to compare all the pros and cons.

To drink or not to drink: the disadvantages of drinking

Let's consider the most popular consequences that can occur in a person who drinks alcohol.

Alcohol: health problems

All those who systematically or frequently drink alcohol may encounter problems such as:

  • obesity;
  • liver cerosis;
  • poor vision;
  • subcutaneous swelling (bags under the eyes);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • improper digestion;
  • breathing problems;
  • sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • stroke;
  • atrophy of the cerebral cortex;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • inflammation of the pancreas.

It is worth noting that every health problem resulting from constant alcohol abuse, sooner or later, but it will certainly lead to death.

Alcohol: human appearance

Surely everyone has seen people who have completely drunk themselves. And most importantly, in addition to the loss of moral character, a person acquires irreversible health problems. But, if you stop the supply of “poison” to the body, then there is every chance of its recovery.

Alcohol: the financial side

If you don't drink, you can save a lot of money. It’s not at all difficult to calculate all the costs of alcohol. There are many people who do not consider themselves drinkers. They may not drink a lot of cheap alcohol, but they often buy expensive alcohol in smaller doses. This does not make the financial burden any less.

Alcohol: how the mind suffers

A person who drinks regularly naturally becomes dependent. Every day his body requires a new dose. When he receives it, the mind immediately ceases to function normally. For a drunk person, everything floats by as if in a fog, although from the outside it seems to him that everything is normal. Every intoxication causes a hangover. Its strength depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. A person, in fact, experiences severe poisoning of the body.

Alcohol leads to personality degradation

As a result of alcohol abuse, a person also suffers from periodic mental consequences. Due to constant stressful moments, the drinker begins to fall into a depressive state. Naturally, the psyche cannot withstand such great emotional stress, as a result the personality is destroyed and gradually degrades. Such people are prone to suicide.

Sex after alcohol

There has long been an opinion among people that if you take a certain dose of alcohol on your chest, sex will be much better than if the partners did not drink at all. Let us then “liberate ourselves” before each sexual intercourse. But few people thought that due to the fact that a drunk person’s brain processes slow down and he thus gets rid of stiffness and shyness.

In addition, it is worth emphasizing the fact that over time, alcohol has a negative effect on erection and libido. If you drink alcohol regularly, you can become impotent.

A drunk person will not be able to feel the full thrill of sexual pleasure, since his senses are dulled. But there are people who are so shy that without a glass of vodka they are not able to have sex at all. Such people should look for other ways to overcome the barrier of their shyness.

Lots of free time and energy

People who drink, without realizing it, become slaves to alcohol. Their life is limited to one problem: where to find time to drink. A drunkard who is constantly intoxicated needs a hangover after sobering up. He has no time for sports, family and work. If you don’t drink, you immediately have time and money for the gym, family and work.

Alcohol is the same drug

Alcohol is a state-legalized drug. Everyone knows about this, but not everyone wants to admit it, especially for drinkers. Alcohol producers have adapted to qualitatively mask the unpleasant taste of alcohol with the help of juices, various sweeteners, and so on. After all, there is a difference in taste between pure alcohol and an alcoholic cocktail. But on a chemical level, alcohol has the same effect on the body.

Large single doses of alcohol can cause severe poisoning. There are those who recommend drinking alcohol in “moderate” doses to increase tone or appetite. Let us then consume mercury or arsenic in the same small doses. We will, so to speak, temper the body.

Is it more fun to socialize after drinking alcohol?

For some reason, in the lives of many people there is such a stereotype that without alcohol, communication with friends is boring. Maybe drug addicts are bored in communication until they receive a new drug dose. You immediately become more cheerful and have topics for communication in your head.

80% of drunken parties end with a hangover or vomiting. A good price for “fun communication”, isn’t it? Why can’t you communicate soberly in a group? It's not difficult to check. It is enough to get together one or several times without drinking.

Try this experiment: go into a group with a bottle of some alcohol, let one person drink, and everyone else should not drink. Then chat a little and see how communication with a drunk person will be boring and uninteresting.

Alcohol leads to depression

All people who drink often walk around sad. Alcohol addiction makes their lives difficult. Constant impotence, illness, and even withdrawal symptoms, like drug addicts.

Alcoholics realize that they are heavily dependent on alcohol, so their suppressed protest often causes a bad mood. In addition, problems with health, family and work push you to take a new dose of alcohol. A person thinks that if he drinks, he will make his life easier, but in reality he only makes it harder. You can stop drinking alcohol once and for all, if you want it badly enough.

Conflicts in the family due to alcohol

Almost all families where there is a drinking husband or wife cannot do without scandals. Sometimes a wife does not allow her husband to drink, but he still manages to get drunk with his work colleagues, or, simply put, with his drinking buddies. Wives usually don’t spend decades on this struggle. A year, maximum two, and divorce. The opposite happens when the wife drinks. Women get used to alcohol faster, so they shouldn’t even smell alcoholic drinks.

“The truth is in the wine” - almost everyone knows this old saying. But modern scientists completely disagree with him; they claim that the most terrible enemy of humanity is alcohol.

What is alcohol

And really, do alcohol have any advantages? What is it? Alcohol in its pure form is ethyl alcohol; it can be obtained from any sugar by fermentation. Ethanol is absorbed into the blood quite quickly, in just 5-10 minutes, and it immediately has an effect on the nervous system.

Most often, people like this state, they feel confident, easy and comfortable; alcohol provokes a false sense of happiness. All problems fade into the background, and it seems that you can fully enjoy life.

But do not forget that alcohol is a narcotic substance, and its use in any case is associated with great risks. Now more and more people are turning to specialists for help in order to get rid of

Not everyone tolerates drinking the same way. One will rejoice and have fun, while the other will end up in the hospital with severe intoxication. So the benefits of alcohol are very doubtful.

Alcohol metabolism

How quickly the first effect appears, and how quickly the substance is completely eliminated from the body, depends on several factors. But to drink or not to drink, it’s better to decide in advance.

  1. The influence of general metabolism and genetics is quite strong. For example, how active the thyroid gland is or the rate at which certain enzymes are produced in the liver that are responsible for breaking down ethanol.
  2. Age plays a significant role. Oddly enough, alcohol is slowly draining out of young people. The weak activity of ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) is to blame for this; it is what makes acetaldehyde from alcohol. The paradox is that when there is too much ADH, it threatens intoxication, since in this case it is already slowly broken down with the help of ACDH (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase). Elderly people are also at risk. Everything is much simpler here, the volume of water in the body and the liver itself decreases. So teenagers and old people get drunk faster.
  3. Gender and weight are also very important. These two factors are interrelated. It is not without reason that it is believed that female alcoholism is the most dangerous.

After all, women are most often smaller than men, and even though the rate of elimination is the same, you need to remember that the lower the weight, the higher the peak effect of intoxication. After one hundred grams of vodka, a person weighing 60 kg will be much drunker than a 100-kilogram strong person. The one who is lighter will even have higher ppm. How much alcohol you can drink without harm directly depends on a person’s weight.

4. The degree of intoxication is also affected by how full the stomach is. A hungry person will get drunk much faster, and getting an ulcer in such a situation is a piece of cake. But drinking with a good snack can lead to an unexpected situation. After a rich, fatty lunch, alcohol takes longer to be absorbed, but it is still absorbed. A person does not get drunk for a long time and still drinks a lot. And when alcohol reaches the blood, you become very drunk and for a long time.

5. We must remember that intoxication is stronger in the morning than in the evening.

6. Various substances. Those that act on the GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) system enhance the effect of alcohol, but norepinephrine, on the contrary, makes it weaker.

Different dosages

Many people believe that alcohol in small doses is even beneficial, is this true? Indeed, the effect of intoxication depends very much on how much you drink. 20 ml of alcohol per person weighing about seventy kilograms has a strong psychostimulating effect. He will become cheerful, talkative and quite active. If you translate this into understandable doses, you get about 60 ml of vodka or a bottle of beer.

But if you drink more than 30 ml, then this dose affects the GABA system, and there is no need to talk about the advantages of alcohol at all. There is noticeable dullness. A person’s behavior becomes inadequate; now a lot depends on upbringing and promiscuity. As the dose increases, it becomes more and more difficult to control yourself. So the best advice for drinking alcohol is to drink as little as possible.

Alcohol effect time

Here we need to return to metabolism again. Many factors influence how long alcohol lasts. If you average all the indicators, you get a rather rough result. This is approximately 7 grams per hour. That is, if the dose is 20 mg of alcohol, then it will come out in three hours.

Alcohol begins to take effect within a few tens of minutes. Here, too, everything depends on various factors.

Seven grams per hour is a rather relative figure. If the stomach is full, then the indicator decreases. Especially if the person’s weight is above average. If the body is trained, then the alcohol will come out a little faster, due to the fact that more anabolic hormones are produced, namely they increase blood volume.

All the pros and cons

The benefits and harms of alcohol have been debated for many centuries. Fans of the “green snake” are finding more and more advantages, but research by modern scientists refute almost all of them. Ultimately, to drink or not to drink is a personal decision for each person.

Relaxing effect

Indeed, sometimes alcohol acts as an antidepressant. If consumed in moderation, it will help you relax and relieve tension. But here it’s all about volume. In order to relax and not overdo it, a couple of glasses of natural wine or a glass of high-quality strong alcohol is enough. And if you choose the right snack, you can fully enjoy the taste of both the drink and the dish.

Causes cirrhosis of the liver

Excessive libations negatively affect the entire body. But alcohol deals the strongest blow to the liver. And most often the consequences are truly terrible. Liver cirrhosis is a very serious disease in which healthy cells of this organ die on their own, and fibrous tissue appears in their place. Naturally, the liver will no longer function normally.

Reason for getting closer

If most of the people in the company are strangers to each other, then a small amount of alcohol will work as a connecting link.

And in this case we are not talking about mass drinking. In order to relax and overcome the threshold of embarrassment and awkwardness, a glass of wine or a bottle of beer is enough.

Hangover syndrome

Often, after drinking fun drinks, your condition in the morning leaves much to be desired. A hangover cannot be called a benefit of alcohol. Most often this is severe dehydration, a terrible headache, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and pain in the eyes. Usually a person spends the whole day in torment and trying to get rid of painful symptoms.

French paradox

There are constant debates between scientists here. The French prefer fatty foods and drink wine every day, but people of this nationality are least likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Either red wine in small quantities is really beneficial, or this particular nation has some kind of immunity to such diseases.

Negative effect on the digestive system

When drinking alcohol, intoxication of the body almost always occurs. Naturally, this cannot help digestion in any way. Dehydration also causes your metabolism to slow down. The only thing that can be advised in this situation is that, along with alcohol, you need to drink as much clean water as possible.

The benefits and harms of alcohol can be debated endlessly. One thing is clear: if you drink alcohol, then only high-quality alcohol and in small quantities.

Alcohol becomes a part of our lives so quickly that many do not even notice its constant presence and do not consider themselves addicted. If living a day without alcohol is not difficult, then talking about a week, month or longer is already more difficult.

It is believed that it takes 21 days to completely cleanse the body. Some who wanted to “clean up” after a short-term addiction to alcohol were surprised that it was quite difficult to take a break.

Few people realize that drinking alcohol a couple of times a week is already common drunkenness. This is not yet an addiction to alcohol, but it is already a clearly formed problem, the solution of which requires serious efforts .

The best way to talk about how not to drink alcohol at all is from the reviews of those who have already managed to give up the influence of alcohol.

Sober living experience

According to the test subjects, the first days are the hardest. All thoughts during this period revolve around alcohol. Gradually, the desire to drink recedes, and vigorous activity allows you to escape from the problem.

The matter is complicated by the fact that friends and acquaintances, out of habit, continue to invite people to drunken parties, holidays and Sabantui. It is difficult to refuse, especially when loved ones begin to joke and discredit the idea of ​​a sober lifestyle. If you manage to resist, then it will be easier. Truly good friends will not turn away if you announce to them that you are giving up alcohol. Some will begin to respect you even more, at least for the same willpower. And if friends start laughing, then why are they needed at all? It turns out that they see you not as a friend, but as a drinking buddy. Parting with them will be an additional bonus to a healthy life without alcohol.

What a person who has spent thirty sober days can count on:

  • taste sensations change - familiar dishes become tastier, food ceases to be a “snack”, but begins to be an additional source of positive emotions;
  • concentration increases - after 30 days without alcohol, brain activity improves by almost 18%, which affects not only concentration and attention, but also memory, the ability to make quick decisions, etc.;
  • sleep normalizes - some begin to have vivid dreams, while others simply sleep like the dead all night, and the next morning they feel well rested;
  • stress resistance increases - contrary to popular belief, alcohol is a strong depressant, which means that drinkers are more difficult to endure blows of fate and force majeure. After just 35 days of sobriety, solving complex life problems becomes easier, and stressful situations are not taken to heart;
  • physical performance improves - those who play sports note that complete abstinence from alcohol gives a good impetus to physical development. But even those who are far from physical education admit: climbing stairs becomes easier, walking makes you happy, and physical labor brings pleasant fatigue rather than painful weakness.

Those who dare not drink alcohol for a month eventually realize that they have neither the desire nor the need to start drinking again. Comparing drunken and sober lives, many choose the latter and become pathological teetotalers.

Is it possible to live without alcohol at all?

Those who like experimenting often set themselves a deadline of one month, but after this period ends they want to continue the positive experience. What happens to the body if you don’t drink for 41 or more days? This is already quite a long period during which the body is fully restored. A person can lose weight if he has extra pounds, or gain weight if he is exhausted. Many smokers note that after quitting alcohol, the need for nicotine decreases. And this is also a big plus for health.

After one hundred days of sober life, there comes an understanding that alcohol is not needed at all. Acquaintances stop joking and already perceive a sober friend as a person with an iron will and unshakable principles. There is a desire to improve the result, and healthy nutrition, a thoughtful daily routine, sports and active leisure activities are usually added to a sober life.

But we can talk about all this only if a person has no real dependence on the beginning of alcohol abstinence. Chronic drinkers can pick up a bottle even after 7 months without alcohol, and they can undergo coding or other treatment to help overcome cravings for alcohol. To prevent such a person from relapse, it is necessary to carry out a supportive anti-alcohol course. In this sense, drugs for the treatment of alcoholism sold on the Internet are useful. They have a natural base and are not addictive.

Experts are sure that if a person was able to live 100 days without alcohol, then the previous attitudes have already been destroyed, and there is no need to start accustoming oneself to alcohol again. In the process of searching for motivation, a person discovers new opportunities, new hobbies and interests, and alcohol often contradicts them. A teetotaler is more often successful at work, he has stronger family relationships, and others are drawn to him. Many people are not ready to lose all this for the sake of alcohol, so a short-term experiment quickly turns into a way of life. But you shouldn’t think that everything will be fine right away if at the time of giving up alcohol the person was a chronic alcoholic. In this case, you will have to face exacerbation of chronic diseases and depression, which require serious medical treatment.

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Intoxicating drinks, which contain ethanol - monohydric wine alcohol, have been familiar to mankind since ancient times. They were made from honey and fermented fruits. In ancient China, rice was also added to drinks.

Alcohol from wine was obtained in the East (VI-VII centuries). European scientists created it from fermentation products in the 11th century. The Russian royal court became acquainted with it in the 14th century: the Genoese embassy presented it as living water (“aqua vita”).

THOSE. Lovitz, a Russian scientist of the 18th century, was the first to experimentally obtain absolute ethyl alcohol by distillation using potash - potassium carbonate. The chemist suggested using charcoal for cleaning.

Thanks to the scientific achievements of the 19th and 20th centuries. The global use of alcohols became possible. Scientists of the past developed a theory of the structure of aqueous-alcohol solutions and studied their physicochemical properties. Fermentation methods were discovered: cyclic and continuous flow.

Significant inventions of chemical science of the past, which made the beneficial properties of alcohols real:

  • Barbe ratification apparatus (1881)
  • Saval's distillation plate apparatus (1813)
  • Gentse's boiler (1873)

A homologous series of alcoholic substances was discovered. A series of experiments on the synthesis of methanol and ethylene glycol were carried out. Advanced scientific research in the post-war years of the 20th century helped improve the quality of products. We raised the level of the domestic alcohol industry.

Distribution in nature

In nature, alcohols occur in free form. The substances are also components of esters. The natural fermentation process of carbohydrate-containing foods creates ethanol, as well as 1-butanol and isopropanol. Alcohols in the baking industry, brewing, and winemaking are associated with the use of the fermentation process in these industries. Most insect pheromones are alcohols.

Alcohol derivatives of carbohydrates in nature:

  • sorbitol - found in rowan and cherry berries, has a sweet taste.

Many plant aromatic substances are terpene alcohols:

  • fenhol - a component of fennel fruits, coniferous tree resins
  • borneol - a constituent element of the wood of the borneocamphor tree
  • menthol is a component of geranium and mint composition

Bile of humans and animals contains bile polyhydric alcohols:

  • mixinol
  • chimerol
  • bufol
  • cholestanpentol

Harmful effects on the body

The widespread use of alcohols in agriculture, industry, military affairs, and transport makes them accessible to ordinary citizens. This causes acute, including mass, poisonings and deaths.

The dangers of methanol

Methanol is a dangerous poison. It has a toxic effect on the heart and nervous system. Ingestion of 30 g of methanol leads to death. Ingestion of a smaller amount of the substance causes severe poisoning with irreversible consequences (blindness).

Its maximum permissible concentration in the air at work is 5 mg/m³. Liquids containing even a minimal amount of methanol are dangerous.

In mild forms of poisoning, symptoms appear:

  • chills
  • general weakness
  • nausea
  • headache

Methanol tastes and smells no different from ethanol. This causes the poison to be ingested by mistake. How to distinguish ethanol from methanol at home?

Copper wire is rolled into a spiral and heated strongly over a fire. When it interacts with ethanol, the smell of rotten apples is felt. Contact with methanol will trigger an oxidation reaction. Formaldehyde will be released - a gas with an unpleasant, pungent odor.

Ethanol toxicity

Ethanol acquires toxic and narcotic properties depending on the dose, route of entry into the body, concentration, and duration of exposure.

Ethanol can cause:

  • disruption of the central nervous system
  • cancer of the esophagus, stomach
  • gastritis
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • heart diseases

4-12 g of ethanol per 1 kg of body weight is a lethal single dose. Acetaldehyde, the main metabolite of ethanol, is a carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic substance. It changes cell membranes, the structural characteristics of red blood cells, and damages DNA. Isopropanol is similar to ethanol in toxic effects.

The production of alcohols and their circulation are regulated by the state. Ethanol is not legally recognized as a drug. But its toxic effect on the body has been proven.

The effect on the brain is especially destructive. Its volume decreases. Organic changes occur in the neurons of the cerebral cortex, their damage and death. Capillary ruptures occur.

The normal functioning of the stomach, liver, and intestines is disrupted. Excessive consumption of strong alcohol causes acute pain and diarrhea. The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is damaged, and bile stagnates.

Inhalation effects of alcohols

The widespread use of alcohols in many industries creates a threat of their inhalation effects. Toxic effects were studied in rats. The results obtained are shown in the table.

Food industry

Ethanol is the basis of alcoholic beverages. It is obtained from sugar beets, potatoes, grapes, cereals - rye, wheat, barley, and other raw materials containing sugar or starch. During the production process, modern technologies for purifying fusel oils are used.

They are divided into:

  • strong with an ethanol share of 31-70% (cognac, absinthe, rum, vodka)
  • medium strength - from 9 to 30% ethanol (liqueurs, wines, liqueurs)
  • low alcohol - 1.5-8% (cider, beer).

Ethanol is the raw material for natural vinegar. The product is obtained by oxidation with acetic acid bacteria. Aeration (forced saturation with air) is a necessary condition for the process.

Ethanol is not the only alcohol in the food industry. Glycerin - food additive E422 - provides the connection of immiscible liquids. It is used in the manufacture of confectionery, pasta, and bakery products. Glycerin is a component of liqueurs, giving drinks a viscosity and sweet taste.

The use of glycerin has a beneficial effect on products:

  • Pasta stickiness decreases
  • the consistency of sweets and creams improves
  • prevents rapid staleness of bread and sagging of chocolate
  • Products are baked without starch sticking

The use of alcohols as sweeteners is common. Mannitol, xylitol, and sorbitol are suitable for this purpose.

Perfumes and cosmetics

Water, alcohol, perfume composition (concentrate) are the main components of perfume products. They are used in different proportions. The table presents the types of perfumes and the proportions of the main components.

In the production of perfumery products, highly purified ethanol acts as a solvent for fragrant substances. When reacting with water, salts are formed which precipitate. The solution settles for several days and is filtered.

2-phenylethanol replaces natural rose oil in the perfume and cosmetics industry. The liquid has a light floral scent. Included in fantasy and flower compositions, cosmetic milks, creams, elixirs, lotions.

The main base of many care products is glycerin. It is able to attract moisture, actively moisturize the skin, and make it elastic. Dry, dehydrated skin benefits from creams, masks, and soaps with glycerin: it creates a moisture-saving film on the surface and keeps the skin soft.

There is a myth: that using alcohol in cosmetics is harmful. However, these organic compounds are stabilizers, carriers of active substances, and emulsifiers necessary for the production of products.

Alcohols (especially fatty ones) make care products creamy and soften skin and hair. Ethanol in shampoos and conditioners moisturizes, evaporates quickly after washing your hair, and makes combing and styling easier.


Ethanol is used in medical practice as an antiseptic. It destroys microbes, prevents decomposition in open wounds, and delays painful changes in the blood.

Its drying, disinfecting, tanning properties are the reason for using it to treat the hands of medical personnel before working with a patient. During artificial ventilation, ethanol is indispensable as an antifoam. If there is a shortage of medications, it becomes a component of general anesthesia.

In case of poisoning with ethylene glycol or methanol, ethanol becomes an antidote. After taking it, the concentration of toxic substances decreases. Ethanol is used in warming compresses and when rubbing for cooling. The substance restores the body during feverish heat and colds.

Alcohols in medicines and their effects on humans are studied by the science of pharmacology. Ethanol as a solvent is used in the production of extracts and tinctures of medicinal plant materials (hawthorn, pepper, ginseng, motherwort).

These liquid medicines should only be taken after medical advice. You must strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor!


The commercial availability of methanol, butanol-1, ethanol is the reason for their use as fuel. Mixed with diesel fuel, gasoline, used as fuel in its pure form. The mixtures help reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases.

Alcohol, as an alternative source of fuel, has its disadvantages:

  • substances have increased corrosive characteristics, unlike hydrocarbons
  • If moisture gets into the fuel system, there will be a sharp decrease in power due to the solubility of substances in water
  • there is a risk of vapor locks and deterioration of engine performance due to low boiling points of substances.

However, gas and oil resources are finite. Therefore, the use of alcohols in world practice has become an alternative to the use of conventional fuel. Their mass production is being established from industrial waste (pulp and paper, food, woodworking) - at the same time the problem of recycling is being solved.

Industrial processing of plant raw materials makes it possible to obtain environmentally friendly biofuel - bioethanol. The raw materials for it are corn (USA), sugar cane (Brazil).

The positive energy balance and renewable fuel resource make bioethanol production a popular area of ​​the global economy.

Solvents, surfactants

In addition to the production of cosmetics, perfumes, liquid medicines, and confectionery, alcohols are also good solvents:

Alcohol as a solvent:

  • in the manufacture of metal surfaces, electronic elements, photographic paper, photographic films
  • when cleaning natural products: resins, oils, waxes, fats
  • in the process of extraction - extracting a substance
  • when creating synthetic polymeric materials (glue, varnish), paints
  • in the production of medical and household aerosols.

Popular solvents are isopropanol, ethanol, methanol. Polyhydric and cyclic substances are also used: glycerin, cyclohexanol, ethylene glycol.

Surfactants are produced from higher fatty alcohols. Complete care of your car, dishes, apartments, and clothes is possible thanks to surfactants. They are part of cleaning products and detergents and are used in many sectors of the economy (see table).

Industry Surfactants: functions, properties
Agriculture Included in emulsions; increase the productivity of the process of transferring nutrients to plants
Construction Reduce water demand for concrete and cement mixtures; increase frost resistance and density of materials
Leather industry Prevents sticking and damage to products
Textile industry Remove static electricity
Metallurgy Reduce friction; able to withstand high temperatures
Paper industry Separate boiled pulp from ink during used paper recycling
Paint industry Enables complete penetration of paint onto surfaces, including small recesses

The use of alcohols in the food industry, medicine, the production of perfumes and cosmetics, use as fuel, solvents, and surfactants has a positive effect on the state of the country’s economy. It brings convenience to a person’s life, but requires compliance with safety precautions due to the toxicity of the substances.
