Various degrees of alcohol intoxication. Degrees of alcohol intoxication in ppm: how to determine the severity

The same dose of alcoholic beverages causes different degrees of intoxication in people. This is due not only to the physical data of each individual person and his health, but also to his mental state, the quality of the food with which he bites strong drinks. Any alcohol intoxication is characterized by such an indicator as the degree of severity.

What determines the degree of intoxication?

Many people who drink are well aware of the types of intoxication, but do not understand the mechanism of the process. This is a borderline condition, which is a complex of changes in the physiological, mental and neurological reactions of a person.

Already 15 minutes after drinking alcohol, the process of death of brain cells begins.

First of all, the occipital part is affected in a person. Disruption of the brain leads to impaired coordination of movements. The person has an unsteady gait. The state of intoxication occurs in women much faster than in men. In order for a man with a body weight of 80 kg to get tipsy within an hour, he needs to drink on average:

  • 50 grams of vodka;
  • 200 grams of dry wine;
  • 500 grams of beer.

A state of intoxication occurs much faster in people who have had various head injuries. There is a strong relationship between the rate of intoxication and the presence of chronic diseases and alcohol dependence in a person. In different ways, people also excrete alcohol from the body. The average for women is 0.08-0.1 ppm per hour. The male body copes with this task more actively. In an hour, 0.1-0.15 ppm is derived from it.

Each drink containing alcohol has a different effect on the human body. Even kefir and juices contain a certain amount of ppm.

Degrees of intoxication

There are three main degrees of alcohol intoxication. All signs of intoxication of various forms are similar in many respects. Accurate assessment of a person's condition is not difficult thanks to modern technology.

The degree of alcohol intoxication affects the severity of toxic poisoning of the body.

The stronger the drinks consumed, the faster the person begins to get drunk. The degree of satiety of a person plays an important role in the speed of the process. Alcoholic drinks drunk by a person on an empty stomach penetrate the blood much faster than those consumed after a hearty meal.


Such alcohol intoxication is characterized by such signs as an increased degree cheerfulness and sociability in humans. He looks quite benevolent. A drunk person has a reduced concentration of attention, speech becomes somewhat loose and slurred, a critical assessment of one's actions decreases, and a distortion of the surrounding reality occurs.

In this state, a person begins to overestimate his abilities and commit unreasonable acts. The transition from mild to moderate intoxication occurs imperceptibly. There are no clear boundaries between these states.


New signs are added to the signs inherent in a mild degree. From the mouth of a person, the smell of alcohol begins to emanate, which is felt by the surrounding people. The unsteadiness of gait increases, signs of deafness may appear, orientation in space is lost, and behavior becomes inadequate.

In a person, such alcohol intoxication manifests itself in the form of defiant sexual behavior, loud abuse, provoking quarrels and fights. This condition causes memory lapses.


Symptoms of intoxication at this stage include signs of a deep disorder.
consciousness. A person's speech becomes absolutely slurred and incomprehensible, control over behavior is completely absent. The person has mood instability. Excited gaiety can completely unexpectedly change into anxiety and even animal fear.

How to determine the degree of intoxication?

All types of intoxication are characterized by a certain percentage of alcohol in the blood. It is detected using special devices such as a breathalyzer. You can also determine the degree of intoxication with the help of a blood test, which can be done in a medical laboratory. Any person can not only get poisoned by alcohol, but also die from a certain dose of it.

According to the percentage of alcohol in the blood, the degree of intoxication is divided into:

  • slight intoxication - 0.3-0.5%;
  • slight intoxication - 0.5-1.5%;
  • average intoxication - 1.5-2.5%;
  • severe intoxication - 2.5-3%;
  • deep intoxication - 3-5%.

A lethal dose for a person is considered to be more than 5% alcohol in the blood. Many drinkers know that this is possible, but they are trying to set their own records for the amount of alcohol they drink.

How to sober up quickly?

There are a large number of ways to get rid of intoxication in a very
short term. One of them is a nose massage. Its tip is grasped with fingers, slightly pulled back and kneaded to a tingling sensation. After the massage, you need to smell the cotton wool soaked in ammonia. Very often the earlobes are massaged instead of the ears. Among the less effective means:

  • Cold mint drink. 20 drops of mint tincture are added to a glass of chilled drinking water. Very often it is replaced with 5 drops of ammonia. After drinking the tincture, you need to take a cold shower and drink tea with honey.
  • Curdled milk or juices: apple, tomato, orange. Even 1 drunk glass of any of these liquids perfectly removes mild intoxication.
  • Cold water. In the case when it is not possible to take a shower with cold water, you can pour cold water on the back of the head and spine.
  • activated charcoal and aspirin. They take coal 10 tablets at once, and aspirin 2.
  • Fresh raspberries with honey. To relieve intoxication, you need to eat at least 200 grams of berries.

Among the recipes of traditional medicine, you can find various ways to prepare decoctions that help to quickly remove alcohol from the body.

Recipes for making sobering drinks

The most common means of drinking for a hangover are decoctions. All of them are prepared according to the same scheme. Collections of herbs are poured with boiling water and infused for a certain period of time. The compositions of herbs distinguish them from each other. Among the most effective decoctions:

  • Decoction of centaury. Prepare with 2 tablespoons of dried herb. Infuse the decoction for 2 hours, use 1/3 cup 3 times a day. For the treatment of alcoholism, you need to drink a decoction for 30 days. It instills in a person a feeling of aversion to alcoholic beverages.
  • Rosehip decoction. Vitamin C contained in the fruits of this plant copes with intoxication very effectively.

In five minutes, you can sober up after drinking a cocktail made on the basis of olive and sunflower oils. One drop of any of the oils is mixed with egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of pepper tincture and 2 drops of lemon juice. 2 teaspoons of ketchup or adjika are added to this mixture.

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Experiment on real people:

Alcohol intoxication is a special state of the nervous system caused by the action of ethanol. In a person, in an alcoholic state, there are changes in the physiological, psychological and nervous functions of the body. Thousands of people die every year from alcohol overdose. Very many in a state of intoxication get into traffic accidents and, under the influence of alcohol, damage their health, and sometimes take away someone else's, innocent life.

The craving for rash acts is especially acute during alcohol intoxication. People want to cheer themselves up, relax or drown grief, without being aware of the next steps.

Knowing your limits and stopping in time is great, but, alas, not everyone is able to do this. To drink alcohol or not is a purely personal matter for everyone. However, it is worth remembering that a drinking person harms not only himself, but also relatives and friends.

What does ppm mean?

Ppm is a unit of measurement used to determine the amount of ethanol in the blood. It translates from Latin as one thousandth. It can also be understood as one tenth of one percent.

Knowing how much alcohol is in the blood, you can calculate other indicators. You can find out the following: the volume of the drink consumed, the time after which the alcohol leaves the body, the concentration of alcohol at any time.

Within half an hour after drinking, alcohol is maximally concentrated in the blood. There are online calculators with which you can calculate how much alcohol is in the blood and what is the degree of intoxication. It is not difficult to find them, it is enough to enter the query “Calculation of blood alcohol content” in a search engine. The outer shell of such counters may differ, but in fact the meaning is the same. You specify your data - weight, gender, percentage of alcohol in the drink, the amount of alcohol consumed, the time that has passed since drinking alcohol. Check if all the data is correct, and then click "Make a calculation". The result appears on the screen - the amount of alcohol in the blood (in ppm).

It is worth noting that the result is an average value, so do not be surprised if a nearby breathalyzer showed you a value that differs by several ppm. And all because the content of alcohol in the body also depends on the time of day at which alcohol was drunk, the amount and fat content of food, whether medications were used before alcohol.

Alcohol is always contained in a person's blood, even if he did not drink alcohol. This is due to the breakdown of sugar and starch contained in foods.

In addition to the generally accepted degrees of intoxication, one can also distinguish - atypical. It is very difficult to characterize it, since it is found in people with traumatic brain injuries and in chronic drunkards.

How many ppm per hour is excreted from the body?

The human body removes alcohol through the liver and lungs. And the rate of excretion depends primarily on gender.

  • Per hour, a woman's body removes about 0.1 ppm.
  • The male body copes with alcohol a little faster 0.1 0.15 ppm.

From these statistics, we see that the process of removing alcohol from the body is very long and harmful to the human body. For example, a person drank alcohol in the evening. As a result, the concentration in the blood was 2 ppm. The body will remove completely alcohol from the blood only by the evening of the next day. These are all average values. It must be remembered that for everyone this process occurs individually and depends on many factors.

The effect of alcohol on the body

Alcohol is more harmful than all drugs, it is more dangerous than heroin and cocaine. First of all, because of its availability. If hard drugs are still foreign, then access to liquor is unlimited. This is frightening, because slurring, thoughtlessness and a hangover are not the worst consequences of abuse. Ethanol has a detrimental effect on the human brain and body.

Alcoholism is a deadly and dangerous pathological phenomenon that develops as a result of prolonged and regular use of alcoholic products. Alcohol dependence is formed, as a rule, at the mental and physical level. Based on statistics, about a hundred thousand people die from ethyl alcohol poisoning every year.

People who are under the influence of alcohol become dangerous both for others and for themselves. . This is especially true for drunk drivers.. Fatal accidents are most often committed by those people who are under the influence of alcohol.

The degree is divided into several categories, which we will discuss below.

Degrees of alcohol intoxication

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, especially in large quantities, can have a detrimental effect on a person’s mental and physical health. When people are addicted to alcohol, sexual activity decreases, progresses, and almost all internal organs are destroyed.

Intoxication is caused due to the action of alcohol, or rather, due to its toxic and psychotropic effects. To identify the stage of intoxication, it is necessary to take into account the general state of human health, the amount of alcohol consumed and its concentration, the environment and the calorie content of food while drinking alcohol. It is worth noting that mentally or physically tired people get drunk much faster.

It is customary to distinguish three stages of alcohol intoxication: light, medium, heavy. The latter degree can even lead to death.


Speaking about the characteristic features of the mild stage of intoxication, it is necessary to take into account the existing excited state, some euphoria, a change in attitude towards others, which is not quite the same as in a sober state. With a slight intoxication, problems are perceived much easier by a drunk. Therefore, often closed and uncommunicative people become sociable and can easily get acquainted with new people who meet by chance.

The behavior in this case will depend on the mood in which the person drank alcoholic beverages and in what company. . If he can control himself, it will maintain adequate behavior for a long time. In a company, most often drunk people begin to relax, losing control of themselves, so that intoxication comes faster. Light intoxication can adversely affect psychomotor functions:

A drunk person may also treat the people around him inadequately: often drunk people begin to fulfill all desires, become generous, kind, which unfamiliar friends can take advantage of. But a reveler can also be rude to someone, to show faux pas, whatever he would never do while sober.

While intoxicated, a person can also overestimate his self-esteem, giving unrealistic promises to acquaintances, committing acts that will later have to be paid for.

As for the duration of light intoxication, it can range from several minutes to several hours. When a person sobers up, as a rule, he becomes somehow inhibited, his mood drops.


The average degree of alcohol intoxication, as a rule, causes a malfunction of the central nervous system, as well as the brain. The salient features of this degree are as follows:

In addition, the middle stage is characterized by a loss of orientation to the environment, so a person can do the following:

  • Swear.
  • A drunk person may experience sexual harassment towards the opposite sex.
  • A person can openly relieve his need.
  • A drunk person can walk without any hesitation in the nude.
  • Aggression towards other people is often manifested.
  • The gait becomes shaky, uncertain.
  • Movements become sweeping, impetuous.

Besides, for an average degree of intoxication characteristically difficult perception of surrounding events, a drunk person has sharp jumps in mood, irritability can abruptly be replaced by cheerfulness, rudeness by tenderness, depression by euphoria, behavior becomes impulsive.

But intoxication can affect a person in a completely different way: the drunk becomes more gloomy, drowsy and withdrawn.

Most often, intoxication ends with sleep. And when a drunk wakes up, some previous events, especially those that happened before going to bed, are erased from the person’s memory. You can also observe a pronounced post-intoxication state. In parallel with this, the performance decreases sharply.


For a severe stage of alcoholic intoxication, the following is characteristic:

  • The central nervous system is deeply affected.
  • The person is completely unconscious.
  • Spontaneous bowel movements of the bladder and intestines are observed.
  • There is an epileptic seizure.

In addition, a person becomes very lethargic, unable to respond to external stimuli, his eyeballs begin to rush around like crazy, which reveal serious violations for all body systems. A person completely ceases to navigate in the surrounding space. It is also worth noting that this degree of intoxication can result in death or coma.

When a person comes out of this state, he is still in a severe post-intoxication state for several days, he has a decrease in the efficiency of the whole organism, and the presence of amnesia of recent events is also characteristic. At the same time, the concentration of alcohol in the body, especially in the brain, is quite high, which can manifest itself in the form of psychotropic effects. Consequences can occur in the form of serious and irreversible mental disorders, in the form of visual and auditory hallucinations, encephalopathy and others.

Degrees of intoxication in ppm

Much depends on the stage. such as being able to drive a vehicle. Sometimes there are situations when it is simply necessary to find out exactly how drunk a person is. For this, there are special indicators that determine the stage of intoxication in ppm. For this, as a rule, a special device is used, which is actively used by the police services, doctors and ordinary citizens.

  • The mild effect of alcohol is based on a blood alcohol content of 0.3 to 0.5 ppm.
  • Slight intoxication, in which the blood alcohol content is from 0.5 to 1.5 ppm.
  • Average intoxication is characterized by the content of alcohol in the blood from 1.5 to 2.5 ppm.
  • High level intoxication implies a blood alcohol content of 2.5 to 3.0 ppm.
  • Deep intoxication, as well as alcohol poisoning, after which it may follow, the alcohol content in the blood is from 3.0 to 5.0 ppm.
  • Severe fatal poisoning is characterized by a blood alcohol content of more than 5.0 ppm.

modified forms

If the subject has certain mental disorders or special personality traits, intoxication can take a variety of atypical forms. In this case, it may be in the following form:

Harm of alcohol

Regardless of the stage of intoxication and the amount of alcohol consumed, alcohol-containing drinks always have a pathological effect on the human body. Alcoholic products are officially recognized as a dangerous narcotic substance that can cause unique harm to human health, as well as become addictive. In addition, alcohol can have a negative effect on the brain, which, in turn, regulates the activity of all organs that affect the smooth functioning of all systems.

The negative impact of alcoholic products is caused by a violation of the supply of oxygen to nerve cells, as a result of which they slowly begin to die. First of all, it can affect the intellectual abilities of a person. The cerebral cortex begins to be affected, brain activity decreases, and the behavior of the subject at the same time gradually changes not for the best.

To independently determine the degree of intoxication, you only need to observe a person. As a rule, he begins to change in character and behavior. . For this, it is also necessary to evaluate the behavior and speech of a drunk person, as well as to check his ability to coordinate movements, an objective perception of the environment.

If you want to more accurately determine the content of alcohol in the blood, then you need to conduct special tests. In this case, the indicators will be directly related to the elapsed time after drinking. The more time passes from the moment of drinking alcohol, the lower the indicators will be. Not everyone can independently assess their behavior when intoxicated, so it is not recommended to abuse alcoholic beverages.

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Under the influence of alcoholic beverages, behavior changes, reaction worsens, coordination of attention, movement, psycho-emotional background.

There are 4 stages of alcohol intoxication. The more severe the poisoning with ethanol, the more pronounced the symptoms of vasomotor, physiological disorders.

How does alcohol break down in the body?

Alcohol has a pronounced effect on brain cells, causing euphoria, improving mood. Due to the effect of alcohol on the cerebral cortex, external manifestations of disorientation and other psychopathic signs of intoxication are observed. After sobering up, the affected neurons cannot function normally for some time, therefore, with a hangover, a painful reaction to bright light and loud sounds occurs.

Stages of alcohol intoxication

The severity of alcohol intoxication depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. According to the content of ethanol in the blood, there are light, medium and severe stages.

With a slight intoxication, the serum contains 0.5-1.5‰, with an average degree of alcohol intoxication, this figure increases to 2.5, and with severe intoxication it is 5‰. If a higher concentration of alcohol is detected, the state of intoxication is considered fatal.

Light degree

At the initial stage, a person feels a pleasant relaxation, inner warmth. A mild degree of intoxication is characterized by an improvement in mood, problems fade into the background, emotions are more pronounced.

For example, loud laughter, a friendly attitude towards unfamiliar people, etc. Shyness disappears, people quickly find a common language, looseness appears in speech, movements, and the desire to talk a lot.

With a mild degree of intoxication, there is an increased appetite, redness of the skin of the face, neck, increased heart rate. Self-esteem rises, and even shy people become annoying, unrestrained. Increased excitability can be replaced by lethargy, drowsiness, apathy. Thinking and reaction speed slow down.

middle stage

With an average degree of intoxication, a person becomes more aggressive, repeats the same phrases several times, and cannot concentrate on one object for a long time. Movements become inaccurate, facial expressions become inexpressive.

External signs of alcohol intoxication of moderate severity:

  1. inarticulate speech;
  2. rude, tactless behavior towards others;
  3. impaired coordination of movements;
  4. unsteady gait;
  5. tendency to aggression, creation of conflict situations;
  6. dull feeling of pain;
  7. weakening of the instinct of self-preservation.

If an average degree of intoxication has been reached, then a few hours after the cessation of drinking, symptoms of general malaise occur. Worries about strong thirst, headache, nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure.

severe stage

Alcoholic intoxication of a severe degree is characterized by slow speech, the drunkard hardly pronounces the words (“the tongue is braided”), he speaks very loudly. Hand movements become sweeping, behavior is inadequate.

External and general symptoms of moderate alcohol intoxication:

  • increased aggressiveness;
  • wobbly gait;
  • hearing loss;
  • disorientation in space;
  • increased sex drive.

With the continuation of the feast, hyperexcitability is replaced by lethargy, drowsiness. A person can fall asleep anywhere, not paying attention to others, air temperature. In some cases, moderate intoxication leads to involuntary urination, defecation, and gastric emptying.

After sobering up, the drinker may not remember previous events well. Symptoms of poisoning of the body are more pronounced than with ethyl alcohol.

Fatal degree of alcohol poisoning

When there are severe neurological disorders caused by toxic damage to the cerebral cortex. Such alcohol intoxication can lead to the development of coma, an epileptic seizure. Breathing is depressed, the work of the cardiovascular system is disturbed. Asphyxia with own vomit during sleep is possible.

The lethal degree of alcohol intoxication is characterized by a critical state of the body

The lethal dose of alcohol for adults is 4–10 g/kg. In case of extremely severe intoxication of the body with ethyl alcohol, the victim must call for emergency medical care.

Pathological intoxication

According to the observations of doctors in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation, in isolated cases, alcohol intoxication is accompanied by an acute transient change in the psyche. The pathological condition develops when taking small doses of alcohol, proceeds in the form of twilight stupefaction. A person perceives events in a distorted way, sees hallucinations, he is worried about panic fear.

Even with a mild degree of intoxication, the drinker becomes aggressive, quickly loses orientation in space. Excitation is quickly replaced by sleep, after awakening, memories may be erased or completely absent. observed in persons suffering from mental illness, with chronic overwork, idiosyncrasy, organic cerebral insufficiency.

What determines the degree of alcohol poisoning?

Factors affecting alcohol intoxication:

  1. duration of alcohol consumption;
  2. food intake;
  3. type of alcoholic beverage;
  4. general condition of the body;
  5. air temperature;
  6. the rate of alcohol consumption;
  7. physical activity.


Women get drunk faster than men. The state of intoxication depends on the type of food that is eaten during the feast. When eating meat dishes, the effect comes more slowly. Often people who drink will get drunk within a short time, while a person leading a sober lifestyle will need to drink a larger amount of alcohol.

With regular sports, the appearance of signs of intoxication is noted in a longer period than in people who neglect to visit the gym.

Video: Stages of intoxication on real people

Alcohol affects each person differently. One instantly gets drunk, the other, drinking a huge amount of alcohol, remains sane and behaves adequately. There are several stages of alcohol intoxication, which characterize the degree of poisoning of the body with ethanol derivatives.

Alcohol intoxication can be accelerated by external causes, for example, physical fatigue, moral exhaustion, stress, bad mood. There are also direct factors that affect the intensity of the effects of alcohol on the body. These include age, weight, gender of a person. There are three degrees of alcohol intoxication, each of which requires specific treatment.

Features of first degree poisoning

With a slight intoxication, a person's behavior changes. A closed and non-contact individual becomes active, cheerful, sociable. A mild degree of intoxication is characterized by a rise in mood, while the adequacy of behavior is maintained. The person relaxes, but at the same time retains control. Although already at this stage, characteristic signs of alcohol intoxication are observed:

  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • confused and chaotic speech;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased sweating;
  • minor deviations in the work of the nervous system.

Light poisoning does not exclude a hangover in the morning. The drinker will surely experience all the "joys" of alcohol intoxication, but the recovery of the body in this case will be quite fast. Intoxication will not cause any particular harm to health. If appropriate measures are taken, a person will quickly recover. After leaving this state, there is a decrease in mood. An active and cheerful person becomes passive and dull. After a long and deep sleep, the patient's condition finally stabilizes.

Features of second degree poisoning

The more a person drinks and the stronger the drink, the faster the intoxication comes. Minor intoxication is quickly replaced by severe poisoning. The average degree of intoxication is characterized by significant violations of the functionality of the central nervous system. If we talk about human behavior, then this is expressed in:

  • increased emotionality;
  • slow brain activity;
  • incoherent speech;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • loss of control over one's own behavior.

Be rude, shout, swear, laugh out of place, demand sexual contact with a member of the opposite sex.

The average degree of alcohol intoxication implies frequent mood swings. A person can be overly cheerful and immediately aggressive, tearfulness is replaced by inadequate and loud laughter. Movements are fuzzy, sweeping, impulsive. In some cases, excessive activity is replaced by despondency. The drunk falls asleep on the go, shows lethargy and isolation. He can cope with physiological needs without noticing it. In some cases, this state ends in unconsciousness. A person falls into a dream, after which he cannot recall what happened the day before.

If we talk about the severity of such a condition, then the health of the drinker is at risk. The person is disoriented and does not understand what is happening around him. He can fall asleep in the cold or get hit by a moving vehicle.

A person who is in the second degree of alcohol intoxication needs help. He needs detoxification of the body, replenishment of fluid deficiency and deep sleep. The patient should be given plain water in a large volume and artificially induce vomiting. However, this method should not be used when the person is so drunk that they cannot control the urge to vomit. In this case, there is a high probability that the person who has gone over with alcohol will choke in the vomit. Doctors will be able to get the patient out of alcohol intoxication, to whom you should contact if you suspect a second degree of poisoning.

Features of third degree poisoning

If a person continues to use alcohol further, then a severe degree of intoxication sets in, in which a deep disorder of consciousness is observed, often with irreversible consequences. A person does not perceive what is happening around. It's impossible to get his attention. He mumbles unintelligible phrases and repeats the same thing. With such intoxication, a person is not able to stand on his feet. Even with excessive excitement, the drunk cannot move and respond to external stimuli, and the performance of natural functions is difficult for him.

With such a degree of alcohol intoxication, the possibility of death is not ruled out. Comes, which often turns into death.

In severe poisoning, the following symptoms are observed:

  • complete loss of consciousness;
  • spontaneous bowel movements;
  • uncontrolled rotation of the eyeballs.

The way out of this state takes several days, and the signs of poisoning persist for a long time. A similar condition is more often observed in chronic alcoholics who lose the ability to control the dosage.

In this case, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. The patient requires emergency hospitalization. After complex detoxification, anti-alcohol treatment is prescribed. The patient is offered drugs that contribute to the formation of alcohol resistance. Many of these products can now be ordered online anonymously.

The strongest intoxication never goes unnoticed. Subsequently, irreversible mental disorders may develop, for example, auditory and visual hallucinations, low mental activity, memory lapses, encephalopathy, etc.

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