Mastic bow: master class for decorating confectionery products

How to make a bow from mastic? What's good about it? We will consider these and other questions in the article. A lush and beautiful bow can turn into DIY decoration cake. An ideal option for the base is a round cake. You can also make a rectangular cake, add ribbons along the edges, and you will have a product that looks like a gift box. Very interesting results can be achieved by combining colors: a lush, bright multi-colored bow or a single-color, laconic bow - a matter of your taste and imagination.


We would like to present to you the master class “Mastic Bow”. First you need to make a pattern for the bow petal. Usually a large bow is made, the same size as the baked goods. If the cake is, for example, 22 cm in diameter, then the bow must be made with a diameter of 19 cm. In this case, the pattern must be made in dimensions 3.5 X 19.5 cm. The shape of your bow depends on the parameters of the pattern, so you can vary it as you like .


We continue to create a bow from mastic. To create it you will need thick, quick-drying mastic. You can use milk mastic, the recipe for which we will provide you with below. Before use, add a little more powder to it than indicated in the recipe. Roll out a thin layer of mastic and cut out the petals according to the pattern.

The number of petals can be changed, thereby modifying the shape of the bow. Our pattern requires at least 12 petals. Before drying, powder them thoroughly from the underside.


A fondant bow is an amazing decoration for a cake. So, dry the cut out petals thoroughly. Use available means for this: rolls of foil and cling film. They are perfectly round and have identical sizes, which is very convenient. To avoid a strong bend, add more foil of smaller parameters. Glue the ends of the bow together.


A mastic bow can be made in various options. You can make six even pink petals and six yellow ones. In this case, roll the pink ones with a figured rolling pin. Additionally, you can make red thin petals. It is convenient to make them with a special roller. For those who have it, it’s great, since such thin petals give an excellent effect, the bow becomes brighter and more magnificent.

So, you already have 12 wide elements ready for the base, combining which you get a circle. It is very convenient to make the red thin petals shorter and simply put them in the spaces between the wide ones.


Few people know how to make a bow from mastic. For our bow we needed:

    six pink curly wide petals;

    six yellow wide petals;

  • ten red narrow ones.


So how to make a bow from mastic? Let's start assembling the decoration. To begin with, do not fasten the petals together with anything, try them on one another, take a closer look at them.

Our bow has three layers: six wide petals at the base, four wide elements in the second tier and two on top. For splendor, you need to insert thin red petals into the space between the petals, as we discussed above.

If you have already assembled the bow and you are completely satisfied with its appearance, carefully disassemble and assemble it again, but this time fastening the petals together. It is convenient to do this with melted chocolate or regular mastic cream that you used when leveling.

You only need to fasten it in the center, placing a slide of cream there. Then no one will notice the connection point. The cream will harden in the refrigerator and will hold your bow well.

In making bows you will need experience and numerous trials. We recommend not limiting yourself to 12 elements, but doing them in large quantities so that there is a reserve. After all, if there are not enough of them, then there will also not be enough time to create new parts of the bow and dry them.

Milk mastic

How to make mastic? It is known that milk mastic is universal and easy to use. Make figures from it, cover the cake beautifully with it. Due to the oily and sticky structure of the mastic, even without special confectionery glue, you can glue together the details of the figures. Only this needs to be done immediately, without waiting for it to dry. After the figures dry, they will become strong and hard. But they can be eaten.

This mastic has only one drawback - it is not white, since baby formula and condensed milk have a yellowish tint. It is impossible to obtain soft blue or pure white from milk.

So, how to make mastic? To make this product you need to buy one package of “Malyutka” milk formula (350 g), one can of condensed milk, 350 g powdered sugar.

It should be noted that any formula milk may be suitable. You can also use dry cream or milk instead. The quality of condensed milk is especially important. It should contain only sugar and milk. Use very fine powder. You can buy it in stores, but you can grind sugar in a coffee grinder at home. The main thing is that there are no grains in the powder, otherwise the mastic will have an uneven structure, crack and the figures will turn out sloppy.

How to cook?

First, mix the milk mixture and powdered sugar in a saucepan, and then add condensed milk and knead the mastic. After a couple of minutes, during the kneading process, you will feel that the product has become loose, sticky and heterogeneous. After another five minutes, the mastic will become homogeneous and well mixed. Wash your hands, dry, sprinkle with powder and form a ball out of it.

To make it easier to work with mastic, wrap it in cellophane and leave it on the table to strengthen the structure for half an hour. After this, separate the desired piece from it, add dye and roll it out to make it tight. You can also work with it immediately and after kneading, as it is soft and rolls out perfectly with powder and does not stick.

The thickness of the covering mastic should be approximately 3-4 mm. A cake with a diameter of 24 cm and a height of 8-10 cm takes about 400 g of mastic.

Agree, your guests will remember the cake with a mastic bow for a long time! Leftover product should be stored in the refrigerator. If you take the semi-finished product out of the refrigerator, it will be hard, but it will quickly become usable if you warm it up in the microwave, stirring it. That is, put the mastic in the microwave oven for five seconds, take it out and knead it. If it is not soft enough, put it back in the oven for five seconds and knead again. Repeat these steps until the product becomes plastic.

Always work with mastic with powdered hands. Roll it out on a table previously sprinkled with powder. Otherwise it will stick.

Edible mastic is a sweet plastic mass for decorating desserts, replacing traditional oil roses and cream borders squeezed out of pastry syringe. Unlike outdated culinary decorative materials, it allows you to create almost any, even the most complex and miniature designs, and after hardening it retains the shape it was given for a long time. In addition, mastic is easily painted in any colors and shades, firmly glues fragments of the plot and is suitable both for covering the cake and for sculpting individual decoration elements.

Recipes for making mastic
To all other advantages, sweet mastic It’s also quite easy to prepare even at home. Of course, an experienced baker works with this material more skillfully than an ordinary housewife. But with desire and a little skill, you can completely cope with this task even on own kitchen. If in your cookbook There is no proven recipe for mastic yet, choose one of the following, suitable for beginners in confectionery creativity:
  1. Milk mastic. This is the simplest and, according to many who compared, the most tasty option. To prepare it, take equal parts of milk powder, powdered sugar and condensed milk. Mix the dry ingredients first, and then gradually add condensed milk and knead thoroughly until it becomes stiff. homogeneous mass. To prevent it from sticking to your hands, wear thin gloves. If it turns out too liquid, you can add a little potato starch.
  2. Gelatin mastic. It is more difficult to make, but gives more possibilities in sculpting. You will need 500 g of powdered sugar, a third of a glass drinking water, 10 g (one sachet) of gelatin and literally a few grains of citric acid. Completely dissolve gelatin in water and stir in it citric acid. Mix with powdered sugar until a completely homogeneous consistency without grains. For coloring, knead the mastic with food coloring.
  3. Marshmallow mastic. It is popular among confectioners because it rolls out easily and obediently takes any shape. You can make it from 1.5 cups of powdered sugar, 200 g chewing marshmallows(“marshmallow”), a few drops of lemon juice and food colorings optional. If you are going to prepare multi-colored mastic, take white plain candies and liquid dyes. Put the candies in the deep glassware, moisten with lemon juice and place in the microwave (or oven). When, after 1-2 minutes, the contents of the bowl have approximately tripled in volume, take it out and put paint in the melted marshmallows, stir. Then gradually add powdered sugar, constantly stirring the mixture. You need to roll out this mastic on a table or board sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  4. Chocolate mastic, dark or white. Take 300 g of chocolate and 50 g of liquid honey. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or other convenient method and mix with honey until smooth. The mass turns out to be dense, so immediately before sculpting portioned pieces Heat the mastic, squeeze out the oil and heat it again to make it plastic.
You can make your life easier by buying ready-made mastic in the store. But many people don’t like it, especially in comparison with homemade ones. Moreover, it is not so difficult to prepare mastic yourself, and you can endlessly improve the recipe, giving the mastic different colors and flavors using cocoa, vanilla and other flavoring additives, natural and synthetic.

Making a bow from mastic
Ready confectionery mastic By appearance and properties are very similar to plasticine. Therefore, if you like to design figures from this material, then working with mastic will not cause any difficulties. However, it has its own characteristics that must be taken into account to obtain the desired result. Let's look at them using the example of creating a bow-shaped decoration:

  1. For a large classic bow, as if “tied” on the cake, roll out the desired color of fondant into a not too thin layer and cut out two identical wide ribbons from it. The size of these parts depends on the size of the cake and your idea. If you are not sure about them, you can first practice by making a “draft” out of paper.

  2. Lightly moisten the edges of the strips with water and make loops by gluing them together. You should have two “ears” of the future bow. You can use rolled paper as cylinders around which the “ears” will evenly bend.

  3. In the gluing areas, gently squeeze the mastic, simulating the narrowing of the bow due to tying the ribbon, and moisten the joints with water.

  4. Leave the workpiece to harden. The hardening time of the mastic depends on its initial consistency, the size of the parts, and air humidity, so just check and wait.

  5. When the bow blank becomes hard enough, cut a narrower ribbon from the remaining rolled out mastic and slightly compress it along the length, simulating a crumpled knot.

  6. Wrap the center of the bow with the blank, first carefully moistening all the joints with water.

  7. Two more strips of fondant will become the free ends of the bow. Attach them after placing the bow on the cake. For added realism, bend these ribbons. Using a pencil, draw folds and drapery on them.

  8. To turn a basic bow model into a festive one, make more voluminous loops and glue them around the center in a circle and on top. Use multi-colored mastic to make the decoration bright and elegant.

  9. Decorate the bow with confectionery beads, dragees or sprinkles.
A mastic bow is one of the main elements used in cake decoration, which can be easily and special forms you can do it yourself. Practice, experiment, and over time your sweet decor will not be inferior to the work of professional confectioners.

A decorative element such as a bow is quite easy to make, and it will help in decorating a cake for completely different occasions. The bow would be appropriate on both a birthday cake and a birthday cake.

How to make a bow from mastic - master class

To make this bow, you will need everything that you find at home and, of course, . Roll it out into a thin layer and cut out four identical strips. We will need a roller for the bow loops. To do this, we will wrap a piece of cotton wool in a paper towel or napkin; you will need 2 of these rollers.

Place the roller on the center of the strip, lubricate the edges with water and bend it in half, gluing the ends. We form a fold in the middle, also bending the edges.

Glue the folded ends to the central fold. We cut off the unnecessary tail of the loop so that the cut is even. Performing all the same manipulations with the second strip, we get another loop.

Glue the loops together. We bend the third strip lengthwise to form a recess, and the edges are bent towards it. We squeeze the ends towards the center, wet the junction of the two loops and lay the strip on top, closing the joint.

We bring the edges of the central tape back and glue them together. Cut the fourth strip in half diagonally. We squeeze the straight edges and glue them to the bottom of the bow.

Allow it to dry for a few hours before attaching the fondant bow to the cake.

Large DIY mastic bow

Roll out the mastic into a thin layer of about 0.3 mm, and cut out a circle with a diameter of 9 mm. We collect the remaining mastic, knead it and roll it out again, cut strips 3.5 cm wide and 17 cm long. We collect the remains again to use for the next parts. In total you will need 12 identical strips. Lubricate the edges of the strip with water.

Make a triple fold at each end and then join the edges. From the remains of the mastic we make two ribbons for the free ends of the bow. You can make more than two, but 7-12 cm long.

Now we lay out our parts on a tray sprinkled with starch. We place the first six loops in a layer under the walls of the tray, put a skein inside the loop cling film so that the parts keep their shape well. We place the remaining loops on their sides so that they do not have a flat side, like the previous ones. We lay the end strips, lifting the edges and making a fold in the middle, fixing them with film. You can immediately pinch the straight edge into a triple fold, this will make it easier to attach later. Leave to dry for at least 12 hours.

Apply melted liquid to the center of the circle White chocolate or icing, quite a lot to glue the first six loops, the ones with the flat side.

Do you know how to make a bow from mastic? If you do not have such information, we will present it in the materials of this article. From it you will learn about what better than mastic use to form bows and how exactly to make such decorations for birthday cakes.

Mastic bow step by step

Surely you know that there are several ways to prepare mastic. But in order to make a beautiful bow from it, it is better to use marshmallows as the main raw material. From it you will make an elastic base that lends itself well to modeling.

So, to prepare mastic we need:

  • white marshmallow marshmallows - 4 packs;
  • powdered sugar - about 245 g;
  • lemon juice - large spoon;
  • food coloring of the required color - at your discretion.

Cooking process

Before I tell you how to make a mastic bow for a cake, you should tell us exactly how this confectionery material is prepared. To do this, take several packages white marshmallows marshmallows, and then put it in a deep bowl and place it on water bath. Slowly heating the water in a large container, wait until the main raw material has completely melted. Then remove the bowl of marshmallows from the stove and add a little powdered sugar to it.

By intensively mixing the components, a homogeneous and elastic mass is obtained. If it begins to crumble and crumble, then additionally add freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Color selection

Before you make a bow from mastic, you need to decide on the choice of color. It depends on what kind of cake you want to see in the end result. The color of the bow should be either the same as the dessert (one tone darker or lighter) or contrasting.

Thus, having decided on the color homemade treats and future decoration, the finished mastic is divided into required amount parts, add dyes to them and mix thoroughly again.

Making a classic bow from mastic (master class)

A classic bow for a mastic cake is quite easy and simple to make. To do this, we need a white marshmallow mass and lightly sprinkle them with powdered sugar, roll out both bases thinly on a board. Then a rectangle with sides of 4 and 16 centimeters is cut out of white mastic. As for the pink layer, it is necessary for cooking peas. To do this, take a pen cap with a diameter of 1 centimeter and cut out the mastic with it. Then the resulting circles are beautifully distributed over a white rectangle and pressed with a rolling pin.

As a result of these actions, you should get a light canvas with pink polka dots.

Forming a bow

To form a classic mastic bow, we need two tubes of the same diameter (3-4 centimeters). Lightly sprinkle them with powdered sugar and immediately begin making the sweet decoration. To do this, fold both ends of the polka dot fabric so that they both end up exactly in the middle. Then this part is beautifully assembled (gathered) and a kind of seam is made. The previously prepared tubes are immediately inserted into the resulting holes.

To make a mastic bow more beautiful, its central part is decorated with a ribbon formed from pink marshmallow mass.

After the white polka dot bow is cooked, it is immediately sent to the refrigerator. This is necessary so that it hardens and retains its given shape. In the future, the decoration can be safely placed on the cake using additional elements, confectionery powder and other products.

Mastic for cake at home: recipe

We talked about how to do it above. However, it should be noted that another base can be used to make a cake bow. For this we will need:

  • cold water - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • gelatin - 25 g;
  • invert syrup - 170 g;
  • salt - ¼ dessert spoon;
  • powdered sugar - optional;
  • starch - 300 g.

Cooking method

To prepare mastic, pour 1/2 cup gelatin. cold water, and after swelling, add salt, sugar, and the remaining water. The ingredients are mixed, put on fire and brought to a boil. The products are cooked for 8 minutes. Then beat them with a mixer until the mass increases 3 times. After this, powdered sugar is added to the base. Using a spatula, place it on a table thickly sprinkled with starch and knead thoroughly.

In conclusion elastic mastic Divide into several parts, and then add and mix thoroughly.

Cutting out products

After the mastic for the cake at home (the recipe was presented above) is ready, it is immediately used to form a bow. To do this, the sweet base is rolled out into a thin layer, and then 6-8 cm strips with wedge-shaped ends are cut out. The number of such products must be at least 4. By the way, the more of them there are, the more magnificent the bow will be.

The cut blanks are folded in half, not forgetting to insert a pencil or pen into the middle. In this form they are placed in refrigerator. After hardening, you should get a lot of three-dimensional figures.

In order for the self-made decoration to look harmonious on the cake, long ribbons and a cloth are cut out separately, which will later cover the entire dessert.

Forming a bow

Having prepared all the necessary details, we immediately begin decorating the cake. How to make a bow from mastic? A master class on making such an element will be presented right now.

To begin with, the prepared cake is covered with a previously rolled out layer, cutting off all unnecessary edges. After this, long ribbons are placed on the dessert. Place them on top of the cake, preferably crosswise. Then pre-formed volumetric blanks are beautifully placed on the tapes. They are laid out in such a way that you get a very lush and beautiful bow. If desired, you can make several such bows on one dessert.

After the cake is decorated with mastic products, it is immediately sent to the refrigerator. After a few hours, the dessert in the form of a wrapped gift can be safely presented to the holiday table.

Mastic is a sweet mass that resembles plasticine in consistency. Thanks to it, you can decorate various confectionery products, from pastries to cakes. Made from mastic beautiful figures animals, people, interior items, decorations (bow, inscription), musical instruments(accordion, violin and others).

One of the most favorite and beautiful decorative elements for a cake is a bow. They can decorate any holiday confectionery product and give it personality. Thus, a cake with a bow from a sweet mass will become great dessert For birthday.

Preparation of mastic

Before you understand how to make a bow from cake mastic, you need to prepare the source material. It is best to use marshmallows as a base. Thanks to it, you can easily sculpt not only a bow, but also any other figure. To prepare mastic you will need the following products: 4 packages of white marshmallow marshmallow, lemon juice, powdered sugar, multi-colored food coloring.

The cooking process is simple and includes the following steps:

Before you make a fondant bow on the cake, you need to paint it. ready mass in the desired color. As a rule, mastic is made from a color contrasting with the cake. This will highlight the finished bow more clearly and increase the visual volume of the confectionery product.

Making a bow

Despite the complexity of the shape, the bow is quite simple to make. Creating it will not require much time and effort, and the result will please not only the birthday boy, but also all the guests. In most cases, several types of bows are made on cakes:

  • classic;
  • volumetric;
  • avant-garde.

Classic version

This option for making a bow from mastic is the most popular. The whole process of forming a bow is very exciting and perfect for beginners. You can also involve your children in this work. This activity will captivate them, and they will be proud of the result. For decoration birthday cake You will need the following products and tools:

Having prepared everything you need, you can safely begin work, which will require attentiveness and accuracy from you.

Step-by-step master class on making a bow from mastic:

Volumetric product

The voluminous bow is very similar to the classic one. The only difference is the use more strips of mastic. With their help, the product is given volume and the required form. In addition to all the items and products used previously, this recipe uses a glass or small round mold.

To get a bow from mastic, you need to do the following step by step:

Avant-garde bow

This decorative element is made in the form of a lush and voluminous bow. It is distinguished from others by a combination of different working techniques, as well as an asymmetrical shape. Often, cakes with various flowers (snowdrops, peonies, daisies, roses and others) are decorated with an avant-garde bow. In order to make such a decoration you will need the following materials and products:

  • multi-colored mastic;
  • food foil or film;
  • two rolling pins (regular and figured);
  • figured roller;
  • scissors.

For an avant-garde bow, it is better to use a mass with a high content of powdered sugar. This will make it more sticky and help it hold its shape well.

In order to understand how to make a bow from mastic, let's do the following step by step:

Anyone can design and make an original bow from mastic. To do this, just dream a little and show your creativity. Don't be afraid to experiment and try to create more complex designs. Even if something doesn’t work out for you and you ruin the bow, you can simply eat it and then start working again. The reward for your work will be the joyful smile of the birthday boy and all his guests.

Attention, TODAY only!
